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LI61— O-I096 


United  States 

Monthly  Catalog 

ISSUED     BY     THE 

Superintendent  of  Documents 

NO.  594 

JULY    1944 



WASHINGTON    :    I944 







Abbreviations,  Explanation iv 

Alphabetical     List     of     Grovernment 

Authors V 

General  Information 727 

Notes  of  General  Interest 730 

Corrections    for    Previous    Monthly 

Catalogs 730 

New  Classification  Numbers 731 

Congressional   Set 733 

Monthly  Catalog 735 


Amendment,  amendments amdt.,  amdts. 

Appendix app. 

Article,  articles art. 

Chapter,  chapters ..chap. 

Congress Cong. 

Department Dept. 

Document doc. 

Facsimile,  facsimiles facsim. 

Folio - f» 

House H. 

House  bill H.  R. 

House  concurrent  resolution H.  Con.  Res. 

House  document H.  doc. 

House  executive  document H.  ex.  doc. 

House  joint  resolution H.  J.  Res. 

House  report H.  rp. 

House  resolution  (simple) H.  Res. 

Illustration,  illustrations il. 

Inch,  Inches _.. in. 

Latitude lat. 

Longitude long. 

Mile,  miles m. 

Month.. mo. 

Nautical  mile naut.  m. 

No  date n.  d. 

No  place n.  p. 

Number,  numbers no.,  nos. 

Octavo 8» 

Page,  pages p. 

Part,  parts. pt.,pt8. 

Plate,  plates pi. 

Portrait,  portraits por. 

Quarto .4* 

Report rp. 

Saint St. 

Section,  sections sec. 

Senate,  Senate  bill 8. 

Senate  concurrent  resolution 8.  Con.  Res. 

Senate  document _8.  doc. 

Senate  executive  document S.  ex.  doc. 

Senate  Joint  resolution... S.  J.  Res. 

Senate  reports 8.  rp. 

Senate  resolution  (simple) S.  Res. 

Session,  sessions sess. 

Sixteenmo 16« 

Statutes  at  large. ...Stat.L. 

Supplement,  supplements.. supp.,  supps. 

Table,  tables tab 

Tax  Court. T.  C 

Thirty-twomo 32« 

Treasury Trea*. 

Twelvemo.. 12* 

Twenty-fourmo 24» 

Versus ..M.,  • 

Volume,  volumes v 

Yard,  yards yd.,  yds. 

Year yr. 


Words  and  figures  enclosed  in  brackets  [  ]  are  given  for  Information,  but  do 
not  appear  on  the  title  pages  of  the  publications  cataloged.  When  place  and 
printer  are  not  given,  it  is  to  be  understood  that  the  publication  Is  printed  at 
the  United  States  Government  Printing  Office,  Washington,  D.  C;  if  processed, 
publisher  is  issuing  office.  When  size  is  not  given,  octavo  is  to  be  understood. 
Size  of  maps  is  approximate,  measurement  being  made  from  outer  edge  of  border, 
excluding  margin.  The  dates,  Including  day,  month,  and  year,  given  with  Senate 
and  House  documents  and  reports  are  the  dates  on  which  they  were  ordered  to  be 
printed.  Usually  the  printing  promptly  follows  the  ordering,  but  various  causes 
sometimes  make  delays. 

The  word  "processed"  as  used  in  this  catalog  indicates  publications  which  are 
reproduced  by  duplicating  processes  other  than  ordinary  printing,  e.  g.,  mimeo- 
graph, multigraph,  planograph,  rotaprlnt,  multilith.  Processed  publications  are 
not  obtainable  from  the  Superintendent  of  Documents  and  requests  for  them,  if 
they  are  available,  should  be  addressed  to  the  issuing  office. 

Under  provisions  of  the  Printing  Act  of  January  12,  1895.  all  Government  publi- 
cations are  entered  in  the  Monthly  Catalog.  However,  press  releases  and  admin- 
istrative, regional,  and  confidential  publications  are  omitted. 

The  L.  C.  card  number  appended  to  some  of  the  entries  is  for  those  libraries 
ordering  printed  cards  from  the  library  of  Congress.  The  number  at  the  ex- 
treme right  of  an  entry  indicates  the  classification  of  the  publication  in  the 
Office  of  the  Superintendent  of  Documents. 


Alphabetical  List  of  Government  Authors 


Accounts  Coiuniittee,  House 762 

Acquisitions  Department 832 

Adjutant  General's  Department 881 

Administrative  Office  of  United  States  Courts 735 

Aeronautics  Bureau •- 837 

Agricultural  Adjustment  Agency 743 

Agricultural  and  Industrial  Chemistry  Bureau 737 

Agricultural  Economics  Bureau 736 

Agricultural  Research  Administration 737 

Agriculture  and  Forestry  Committee,  Senate 782 

Agriculture  Committee,  House .  762 

Agriculture  Department ^--_- 735 

Alien  Property  Custodian  Office 847 

American  Battle  Monuments  Commission 746 

American  Historical  Association 855 

American  Small  Business,   Special   Committee  to   Study  Problems  of, 

Senate " 782 

Animal  Industry  Bureau 738 

Appropriations  Committee,  House 763 

Appropriations  Committee,  Senate 782 

Army  Air  Forces 873 

Army-Navy-Civil  Committee  on  Aircraft  Design  Criteria 747 

Army  Service  Forces 876 

Banking  and  Currency  Committee,  House 764 

Banking  and  Currency  Committee,  Senate '.  783 

Board  of  Trustees  of  Federal  Old- Age  and  Survivors  Insurance  Trust 

Fund ■ 747 

Bonneville  Power  Administration.. 804 

Budget  Bureau 846 

Census  Bureau 748 

Children's  Bureau 828 

Civil  Aeronautics  Administration 751 

Civil  Aeronautics  Authority 751 

('ivil  Aeronautics  Board 751 

Civil  Service  Commission 747 

Civil  Service  Committee,  House 764 

Civil  Service  Committee,  Senate ._^ 784 

( "ivilian  Defense  Office 847 

(Uaims  Committee,  House '.  764 

Claims  Committee,  Senate 784 

Coast  and  ( ieodetic  Survey 75 1 

Coast  Guard 837 

Commerce  Committee,  Senate 788 

C^ommerce  Department - 748 

Commodity  Credit  Corporation    743 


VI  Government  Publications 


Conference  Committees 758 

Congress —  755 

Coordinator  of  Inter- American  Affairs  Office 848 

Copyright  OfTice 832 

Court  of  Claims >. 795 

Court  of  Customs  and  Patent  Appeals 797 

Dairy  Industry  Bureau 738 

Distribution  Office 744 

District  of  Columbia . 797 

District  of  Columbia  Committee,  House 769 

District  of  Columbia  Committee,  Senate , 789 

Documents  Office 804 

Economic  Stabilization  Offi6e 848 

Education  and  Labor  Committee,  Senate — 789 

Education  Office 799 

Emergency  Management  Office 847 

Employees'  Compensat  ion  Commission 797 

Employment  Security  Bureau 802 

Engineer  Depart meirt 884 

Entomology  and  Plant  Quarantine  Bureau 738 

Executive  Agencies,  Special  Committee  to  Investigate,  House 769 

Executive  Papers,  Joint  Committee  on  Disposition  of 761 

Expenditures  in  P^xecutive  Departments  Committee,  House 769 

Experiment  Stations  Office 739 

Extension  Service 745 

Farm  Credit  Administration 741 

Farm  Security  Administration 745 

Federal  Communications  Commission 798 

Federal  Deposit  Insurance  Corporation 798 

Federal  Home  Loan  Bank  Administration 834 

Federal  Housing  Administration 834 

Federal  Power  Commission 798 

Federal  Register  Division 833 

Federal  Reserve  System  Board  of  Governors 799 

Federal  Security  Agency 799 

Federal  Standard  Stock  Catalog  Division 863 

Federal  Trade  Commission 803 

P"'ederal  Works  Agency 803 

Finance  Committee,  Senate 789 

Fiscal  Service 862 

Fish  and  Wildlife  Service 805 

Food  and  Drug  Administration 800 

Foreign  Affairs  Committee,  House 770 

Foreign  Agricultural  Relations  Office 741 

Foreign  and  Domestic  Commerce  Bureau 751 

P'oreign  Economic  Administration 848 

Foreign  Relations  Committee,  Senate 789 

Forest  Service 74 1 

General  Accounting  Office 803 

Geological  Survey 805 

Government  Printing  Office 804 

House  of  Representatives 761 

July  1944  vii 


Human  Nutrition  and  Home  Economics  Bureau 740 

Hydrographic  Office 838 

Immigration  Committee,  Senate 790 

Indian  Affairs  Committee,  House 770 

Indian  Affairs  Committee,  Senate 790 

Information  Office 742 

Inland  Waterways  Corporation 752 

Insular  Affairs  Committee,  House 770 

Interdepartmental  War  Savings  Bond  Committee 862 

Interior  Department 804 

Internal  Revenue  Bureau 863 

Interoceanic  Canals  Committee,  Senate —  790 

Interstate  and  Foreign  Commerce  Committee,  House 771 

Interstate  Commerce  Commission 811 

Interstate  Commerce  Committee,  Senate 790 

Invalid  Pensions  Committee,  House 772 

Irrigation  and  Reclamation  Committee,  House 772 

Irrigation  and  Reclamation  Committee,  Senate 790 

Judge  Advocate  General -_   837 

Judge  Advocate  General's  Department 882 

Judiciary  Committee,  House 772 

Judiciary  Committee,  Senate 790 

Justice  Department 819 

Labor  Department . 828 

Labor  Standards  Division 828 

Labor  Statistics  Bureau 829 

Library  Committee,  House _- 773 

Library  of  Congress 832 

Library  of  Department  of  Agriculture 743 

Marine  Corps 837 

Maritime  Commission 832 

Medical  Department 882 

Medicine  and  Surgery  Bureau 837 

Merchant  Marine  and  Fisheries  Committee,  House 773 

Military  Affairs  Committee,  House 774 

Military  Affairs  Committee,  Senate : 791 

Mines  and  Mining  Committee,  House 775 

Mines  Bureau 809 

Morale  Services  Division . 882 

National  Advisory  Committee  for  Aeronautics 833 

National  Archives 833 

National  Bureau  of  Standards 752 

National  Defense  Program,  Special  Committee  Investigating,  Senate 793 

National  Housuig  Agency 834 

National  Labor  Relations  Board 834 

National  Park  Service 811 

National  Railroad  Adjustment  Board .  836 

Naval  Affairs  Conunittee,  House 775 

Naval  Affairs  Committee,  Senate 793 

Naval  Operations  Office 838 

Naval  Personnel  Bureau 839 

Navy  Department 836 

Ordnance  Bureau 839 

VI 11 

G()Vi;i{NMKNT    1*1  lU.ICATIONS 

Ordnanco  I)(>|)iirt m(>iit 

Pan  American  Sanitary  Bureau 

Pan  American  Union 

Patent  Office 

Patents  Committee,  House 

Personnel  Office 

Plant  Indu.strj^  Soils,  and  Agricultural  Engineering  Bureau 

Post  Office  and  Post  Roads  Committee,  House 

Post  Office  Department 

Post  Offices  and  Post  Roads  Committee,  Senate 

Post- War  P^conomic  Policj'  and  Planning,  Special  Committee  on,  Senate. 

Po-it-War  Military  Polio>',  Select  Committee  on,  House 

President  of  United  States 

Price  Administration  Office 

Printing  Committee,  House 

Privileges  and  Elections  Committee,  Senate 

Procurement  Division -. 

Production  Office 

Public  Assistance  Bureau 

Public  Buildings  Administration — 

Public  Buildings  and  Grounds  Committee,  House - 

Public  Buildings  and  Grounds  Committee,  Senate 

Public  Health  Service 

Public  Lands  and  Surveys  Committee,  Senate- 

Public  Lands  Committee,  House 

Public  Roads  Administration 

Railroad  Retirement  Board 

Railway  Mail  Service 

Reclamation  Bureau 

Reconstruction  Finance  Corporation 

Reduction  of  Nonessential  Federal  Expenditures  Joint  Committee 

Research  and  Statistics  Division 

Roads  Committee,  House 

Rules  Committee,  House 

Rules  Committee.  Senate 

Rural  Electrification  Administration 

Securities  and  Exchange  Commission 

Selective  Service  Systen^ 

Senate ^ 

Ships  Bureau 

Smithsonian  Institution 

Social  Security  Board 

Soil  Conservation  Service 

Solicitor,  Labor  Department ^ 

Solid  Fuels  Administration  for  War 

State  Department 

Supplies  and  Accounts  Bureau 

Supreme  Court 

Surplus  War  Property  Administration 

Tariff  Commission 

Tax  Court . 

Tennessee  Valley  Authority 

Topography  Division _ 


July  1944  ix 


Transportation  Investigation  and  Research  Board 861 

Treasurer  of  United  States 862 

Treasury  Departmen t 862 

Veterans  Administration 866 

Wage  and  Hour  and  Public  Contracts  Divisions 831 

War  Department ._ 866 

War  Finance  Division 865 

War  Food  Administration 743 

War  Information  OfTice , ._  851 

War  Manpower  Commission 852 

War  Mobilization  Office 953 

War  Production  Board _.  853 

Ways  and  Means  Committee,  House 781 

Weather  Bureau 754 

Women's  Bureau 831 

General  Information 

The  Superintendent  of  Documents,  Government  Printing  OflBce,  Wasiiington, 
D.  C,  is  authorized  by  law  to  sell  copies  of  Government  publications  and  to  allow 
a  discount  of  25  percent  to  book  dealers  and  quantity  purchasers  on  condition 
that  the  purchasers  will  adhere  to  the  public  sales  price  set  by  the  Superintendent 
of  Documents  and  that  publications  shall  not  be  overprinted  with  any  advertising 

Publications  cannot  be  supplied  free  to  individuals  nor  forwarded  in  advance 
of  payment. 

The  sales  stock,  which  amounts  to  more  than  8  million,  includes  approximately 
65,000  different  titles.  Many  rare  books  are  included,  but  under  the  law  all  must 
be  sold  regardless  of  their  age  or  scarcity.  Many  of  the  books  have  been  In  stock 
some  time,  and  are  apt  to  be  shopworn.  In  filling  orders  the  best  copy  available 
is  sent. 


A  general  price  list  of  public  documents  is  not  available,  but  numerous  lists 
have  been  prepared  on  special  subjects  and  any  of  these  will  be  furnished  free, 
on  application,  if  the  person  interested  will  state  the  subject  or  subjects  concern- 
ing which  information  is  desired.  It  will  also  be  noted  that  current  publications 
which  are  for  sale  are  listed  in  this  catalog. 


In  addition  to  the  price  lists,  the  Documents  OflBce  issues  a  semimonthly  List  of 
selected  United  States  Government  publications  for  sale  by  the  Superintendent 
of  Documents.    Each  list  is  arranged  alphabetically  by  subjects,  with  annotations 

and  prices,  and  may  be  obtained  free  upon  application  to  the  Superinqtendeat  of 


More  than  12,000  different  bills  are  usually  introduced  during  a  session  of 
Congress,  and  there  are  additional  prints  on  many  during  the  progress  of  the  legis- 
lation. With  the  exception  of  a  very  few — such  as  revenue  bills — the  demand  is  an 
unknown  quantity  and  on  most  of  them  we  receive  no  orders,  which  makes  It 
impossible  to  print  a  sales  supply.  It  may  be  that  a  copy  could  be  obtained  from 
your  Congressman. 

A  diflflcult  problem  is  also  presented  in  providing  a  supply  of  congressional 
documents  and  reports  because  there  are  usually  more  than  6,000  of  this  class 
of  publications  Issued  during  a  Congress  and  only  a  few  of  them  are  called  for. 
We  will  attempt  to  print  for  sale  a  few  of  the  more  important  ones,  but  if  not 
priced  the  only  possible  source  would  be  from  your  Congressman. 


Pnblicationa  entered  in  this  catalog  that  are  for  sale  by  the  Superintendent 
of  Docnmenta  are  indicated  by  a  star  (*)  preceding  the  price.  A  dagger  (t) 
Indicates  that  application  should  be  made  to  the  department,  bureau,  or  division 



Issuing  the  document.  A  double  dagger  (t)  indicates  that  the  document  is 
printed  for  ofacial  use  and  is  not  obtainable.  Whenever  additional  information 
concerning  the  method  of  procuring  a  document  seems  necessary,  it  will  be  found 
under  the  name  of  the  bureau  by  which  it  was  published. 

In  ordering  a  publication  from  the  Superintendent  of  Documents,  give  (if 
known)  the  name  of  the  publishing  department,  bureau  or  division,  and  the  title, 
together  with  the  classification  number  which  is  added  to  the  entry  at  the  extreme 
right;  order  the  congressional  documents  and  reports  by  the  title,  together  with 
the  document  or  report  number  and  the  (Congress  and  session,  e.  g.,  H.  doc.  422, 

Do  not  use  the  L.  C.  card  number  in  ordering  a  publication. 


Remittances  for  the  documents  marked  with  a  star  {*)  should  be  made  to  the 
Superintendent  of  Documents,  U.  S.  Government  Printing  Otlicc,  "Washington  25, 
D.  C,  by  coupon,  postal  money  order,  express  order,  or  check.  Currency  may 
be  sent  at  sender's  risk.  Foreign  remittances  should  be  made  either  by  inter- 
national money  order  or  draft  on  an  American  bank. 

Foreign  money,  defaced  or  smooth  coins,  will  not  be  accepted.  Do  not  send 
postage  sta7nps. 

For  the  convenience  of  the  general  public,  coupons  in  the  denomination  of  5c 
that  are  good  until  used  in  exchange  for  Government  publications  sold  by  the 
Superintendent  of  Documents  may  be  purchased  from  his  office.  Address  order 
to  Superintendent  of  Documents,  Government  Printing  Office,  Washington  25,  D.  C. 

No  charge  is  made  for  postage  on  documents  forwarded  to  points  in  United 
States  and  possessions,  or  to  Canada,  Cuba,  Mexico,  Newfoundland  (including 
Labrador),  and  certain  Central  and  South  American  countries.  To  other  coun- 
tries the  regular  rate  of  postage  is  charged,  and  remittances  must  cover  such  post- 
age.    In  computing  foreign  posta^'o,  add  one-third  of  the  price  of  the  publication. 


The  number  given  at  the  extreme  right  of  each  entry  (except  for  congres- 
sional documents  and  reports)  is  the  classification  number  by  which  the  pub- 
lication is  arranged  in  the  Library  and  in  the  sales  stock  of  the  Office  of  the 
Superintendent  of  Documents.  It  can  be  used  as  a  classification  number  by 
such  libraries  as  are  using,  for  the  departmental  publications,  the  arrangement 
of  public  documents  advocated  in  the  Check  list  of  United  States  public  docu- 
ments, 17SD-1009.  In  using  this  number  as  a  classification  number  in  a  library. 
It  should  be  noted  that  the  shilling  mark  (/)  is  used  to  separate  what  would 
ordinarily  be  a  superior  or  inferior  number  (the  numbers  immediately  following 
the  line)  from  the  main  classification  number,  it  iiot  being  practicable  to  print 
these  numbers  as  superiors  or  inferiors  in  the  Monthly  catalog. 


Numbers  to  be  u.sed  in  ordering  the  printed  catalog  cards  of  the  Library  of 
Congress  are  appended  to  entries  for  many  publications.  These  are  given  at 
the  left  with  "L.  C.  card"  prefixed.  Do  not  confuse  with  the  Documents  Office 
classification  number  given  at  the  right.  Orders  for  these  cards,  remittances 
In  payment  for  them,  and  requests  for  information  about  them  should  be  ad- 
dressed to  the  Card  Division,  Library  of  Congress,  not  to  the  Superintendent 
of  Documents.  Checks  or  money  orders  should  be  made  payable  to  the  Librarian 
of  Congress. 

July  1944  729 


The  Monthly  catalog  is  sold  on  subscription,  price  $2.00  a  year,  including  index ; 
foreign  subscription  $2.60  a  year.  Back  numbers  cannot  be  supplied.  Notify 
the  Superintendent  of  Documents  of  any  change  of  address. 


An  Index  to  the  Monthly  catalog  will  be  issued  at  the  end  of  the  calendar 
year.  This  will  contain  index  entries  for  all  the  numbers  issued  from  January 
to  December,  and  can  be  bound  with  the  numbers  as  an  index  to  the  TOlume. 
Persons  desiring  to  bind  the  catalog  at  the  end  of  the  year  should  be  careful 
to  retain  the  numbers  received  monthly,  as  duplicate  copies  cannot  be  supplied. 

Notes  of  General  Interest 

Economic  Stabilization  Office 

The  OflSce  of  Economic  Stabilization  was  established  in  the  Office  for  Emergency 
Management  of  the  Executive  Office  of  the  President  by  Executive  order  9250  of 
Oct.  3,  1942.  An  Economic  Stabilization  Board  was  established  in  the  Office 
of  Economic  Stabilization  by  the  same  order. 

Surplus  War  Property  Administration 

Under  the  provisions  of  Executive  order  9425  of  Feb.  19,  1944,  the  Surplus  War 
Property  Administration  was  established  in  the  Office  of  War  Mobilization,  within 
the  Office  for  Emergency  Management  of  the  Executive  Office  of  the  President. 

Corrections  for  Previous  Monthly  Catalogs 

February  1944.  On  page  211,  under  subhead  "Ordnance  provision  system", 
"A-32",  1st  line,  change  "'submarine"  to  read  "submachine". 

May  1944.  On  page  494,  under  subhead  "'Torres,  Ernst",  2d  line,  change  "Joseph 
Moss"  to  read  "Joseph  Moos". 

June  1944.  On  page  G76,  under  svibhead  "Polk  County,  loica",  4th  line,  change 
"Bettina  Conat"  to  read  "Bettina  Conant",  and  Oth  line,  following  "Processed" 
add  "Author's  name  incori-ectly  given  <in  p.  ii  as  Bettina  Conat";  on  page  699, 
under  subhead  "Opinions",  3d  entry  from  top  of  page,  2d  line,  change  "Calvin 
Tompkins  Company"  to  read  "Calvin  Tomkins  Company". 


New  Classification   Numbers 

Foreign  Agricultural  Relations  Office. 

A67.8":('T Foreign  crops  and  markets  (separates). 

Agricultural   Conservation   and   Adjustment  Ad- 

Agricultural  Adjustment  Agency. 
A  76.^03  :-405 :  (Reserved) 

A  76.406  :CT Regulations,  rules,  and  instructions.     [Proc] 

Note. — Includes   liandbooks   and   manuals.     See, 
for  earlier  issues,  A55.G  :  (CT)  &  A55.69  :  (CT). 

A76.441  :-450 :  (Reserved) East  central  region  pul)lications. 

A  76.4")!  :-460 :   (Reserved) North  central  region  publications. 

A  76.461:  (Reserved) Northeast  region  publications. 

A  76.462 :  CT Northeast  region,  General  publications.     [Proc] 

Note. — See,  for  earlier  issues,  A55.44  ■ :  (CT). 

A  76.463  :-465 :  (Reserved) Northeast  region  publications. 

A  76.466  :CT Northeast   region.    Regulations,    rules,   and   in- 
structions.    [Proc] 

NoTK. — Includes   handbooks   and   manuals.     See, 
for  earlier  issues,  A55.44  "  :   (CT). 
A  76.467  :-470 :  (Reserved)      --       Northeast  region  publications. 

A  76.471:  (Reserved) Southern  region  publications. 

A 76.472 :CT Southern  region.  General  publications.     [Proc] 

Note. — See,  for  earlier  issues,  A-3.T.45  = :  (CT). 

A 76.473 :-475 :  (Reserved) Southern  region  publications. 

A  76.476  :CT Southern    region,    Regulations,    rules,    and    in- 
structions.    [Proc] 

Note. — Includes  handbooks   and    manuals.     See, 
for  earlier  handbooks,  A55.45  "^ :  (CT). 
A 76.477:^80:  (Reserved) _-__       Southern  region  publications. 

A 76.481:  (Reserved) Western  region  publications. 

A 76.482 :CT Western  region.  General  puljlications.     [Proc] 

Note. — See,  for  earlier  issues,  A55.46  "- :  (CT). 

A  76.483:^85:  (Reserved) Western  region  publications. 

A  76.486  :CT Western    region.    Regulations,    rules,    and    in- 
structions.    [Proc] 

Note. — Includes   handbooks   and    manuals.     See, 
for  earlier  issues.  A55.46 '^ :  (CT). 
Agricultural  Research  Administration. 
Entomology  and  Plant  Quarantine  Bureau. 

A  77.319 :  CT Posters. 

Plant  Industry,   Soils,  and  Agricultural  Engi- 
neering Bureau. 

A  77.516  :  nos Forest  pathology  sx)ecial  releases,     f  I'roc  1 

Food  Production  Administration 
Agricultural  Adjustment  Agency. 

A 79.441  :-4r)0 :  (Reserved) East  central  region  publications. 

A70.4r)l:  (Reserved) North  central  region  publications. 

A79.4.j2:CT North    central     region,    General     publications. 

Note. —  See,  for  earlier  issues,  A55.43' :  (CT). 

A  79.453  :-457 :  (Reserved) North  central  region  imblications. 

A  79.458:  CT N(u-th  central  region.  Production  practices,  1943 

farm  program.     [Procl 

A 79.459 :-460 :  (Reserved) North  central  region  publications. 

A 79.461  :-470 :  (Reserved) Nortlieast  region  publications. 

A79.471:^80:  (Reserved) Southern  region  publications. 

A  79.481  :-490 :  (Reserved) Western  region  publications. 


732  Government  Piirlications 

War  Food  Administration. 
Di.slrihiitioii  O/Jicc. 

A  80.127  :  date- Industrial  nutrition  servico  (monthly).     [Proc] 

Food  Production  Adtninistraiion. 
A  80.2100  :CT Regulations,    rules,    and    instructions.      (Agri- 
cultural Ad.iustnient  Agency.)      (Proc.l 

Note. — Includes   liiindbooks   and    manuals.     See, 
for  carliiT  issues.  A  79.40f> :  (CT). 
A  80.2141  :-2ir)0 :  (Reserved)--       East  central  region  jniblications.     (Agricultural 

Adjustment  Agency.) 
A  80.2151 :  (Re.served) North   central    region   publications.      (Agricul- 
tural Adjustment  Agency.) 

A  80.2152  :CT North    central     region,    General    publications. 

(Agricultural  Adjustment  Agency.)       [Free] 
Note. — Sco,  for  earlior  issues,  A  79.452  :  (CT). 
A 80.2153 :-2157:  (Reserved)--       North   central    region   publications.      (Agricul- 
tural Adjustment  Agency.) 

A  80.2158  :CT North   central   region.   Production-conservation 

program,  committeeman's  handbooks.     (Agri- 
cultural Adjustment  Agency. )      [Proc] 

A  80.2101 :( Reserved ) Northeast    region    publications.      (Agricultural 

Adjustment  Agency.) 
A  S0.216J  :  CT Northeast  region,  General  publications.     (Agri- 
cultural Adjustment  Agency.)      [Proc] 
A  80.2163  :-21()5 :  (Reserved)--       Northeast    region   publications.      (Agricultural 

Adjustment  Agency.) 
A80.216G:CT Northeast    region.    Regulations,    rules   and    in- 
structions.     (Agricultural    Adjustment 
Agency.)      [Proc] 

NoiE. — Includes   liandbooks   and   manuals.     See, 
for  earlier  issues,  A  76.  466:  (CT). 
A  80.2167  :-2170:  (Reserved)—       Northeast    region   publications.      (Agricultural 

Adjustment  Agency. ) 

A  80.2171:  (Reserved) Soutliern    region    publications.      (Agricultural 

Adjustment  Agency.) 
A  80.2172  :CT Southern  region.  General  publications.     (Agri- 
cultural Adjustment  Agency.)      [Proc] 
Note. — See,  for  earlier  issues,  A  76.472  :  (CT). 
A  80.2173  :-21 80:  (Reserved)--       Southern    region    publications.      (Agricultural 

Adjustment  Agency. ) 

A 80.2181 :  (Reserved) Western    region    publications.      (Agricultural 

Adjustment  Agency.) 
A  80.2182  :CT Western  region,  General  publications.      (Agri- 
cultural Adjustment  Agency.)      [Proc] 
Note. — See,  for  earlier  issues,  A  76.482  :  (CT). 
A  80.2183  :-21S5:  (Reserved)--       Western     region     publications.      (Agricultural 

Adjustment  Agency.) 
A  80.2186  :CT Western  region.  Regulations,  rules,  and  instruc- 
tions.     (Agricultural    Adjustment    Agency.) 

Note. — Ineludes   handbooks  and    manuals.     See, 
for  earlier  issues.  A  76. -186  :  (CT). 
Census  P>ureau. 

C  3.158 :  series  nos Facts  for  industry.     [Proc] 

C  3.159:  date Foreign   commerce   and   navigation   of   United 


Note. — See,  for  earlier  issues,  C  18.19  :  (date). 
I'ublie  Health  Service. 

FS  2.45 :  v.nos.&nos Industrial    hygiene    news    letters     (monthly). 

Government  Printing  Oflice. 

GP  1.22:  date Dated  periodical  schedules. 

Mines  Bureau. 
I  28.64:  date Preliminary  estimates  of  production  of  bitumi- 
nous coal  and  lignite  (monthly).     [Proc] 
NoiK. — See,  for  earlier  issues,  151.9:  (date). 
Navy  Department. 

N  1.31 ' :  CT Safety  postei-s. 

Naval  Personnel  Bureau. 
N  17.36:  nos Navy  V-12  bulletins.     [Proce.'^'sed  and  printed.] 

July  11)41  733 

Federal  Home  Loan  Bank  Administration. 

NHA  3.5 :  CT Laws. 

Note. — Seo,  for  earlier  issues,  FL3.5  :  (CT). 
Pan  American  Sanitary  Bureau. 

PAS1.8:nos Biostatistics,    epidemiology,    monthly    reports. 

Emergency  Management  Office. 
War  Production,  Board. 

Pr  32.482.'i :  nos Smaller  War  Plants  Corporation  program  and 

progress  reports  (bimonthly). 

Note. — Earlier   reports   i.ssued   us    Senate   docu- 
Pr  32.4826 :  nos Material    substitutes    and    supply    lists    (quar- 
Pr  32.4827:  date Production  and  availability  of  construction  ma- 
terials (monthly).     [Restricted.     For  official 
use  only.] 
War  Manpower  Commission. 

Pr  32.5217:  date Adequacy  of  labor  supply  in   important  labor 

market  areas  (monthly).     fProc.l 

Pr 32.5218 :  date Placement  activities  (monthly).     fProc] 

Pr  32.5219  :CT National   Roster  of  Scientific  and   Specialized 

Personnel,  monographs.     [Proc] 
War  Mobilization  Office. 

Pr  32.5907  :CT Addresses.     [Proc] 

Pr  32.5908 :  nos Surplus  War  Property  Administration  regula- 

Note. — Surp'us    War    Property    Administration 
established  within  War  Mobilization  Office  by  Ex- 
ecutive order  942.')  of  Feb.  19,  1944. 
Economic  Stahilization  Office. 

Pr  32.6001 :  date Annual  reports. 

Pr  32.6002  :  CTT General  publications. 

Pr  32.(3003  :-6006  :  (Reserved). 

Pr  32.6007  :  CT Posters. 

Army  Air  Forces. 

W  108.15:  date Numerical  list  covering  Army  Air  Forces  and 

Army-Navy     aeronautical     standard     parts 
(monthly).     [Proc] 
Army  Service  Forces. 
Morale  Services  Division. 

W  109.207  ^ :  v.nos.&nos Newsmap    for    armed    forces,    special    edition 

( weekly ) . 
Note. — Replaces  W  109.207  :  (v. nos. &nos.)    supp. 
Y  4. Ex  3  ' :  CT Executive  Agencies,  Special  Committee  to  Investi- 
gate, House. 

Y4.P84':CT Post-War  Military  Policy,  Select  Committee  on, 


Congressional  Set 

Note. — The  bound  volumes  of  congressional  documents  and  reports  are  not 
listed  in  the  Monthly  catalogs,  since  the  publications  contained  therein  have  been 
previously  entered  separately. 

The  following  bound  volumes  were  sent  to  Depository  Libraries  during  the 
month  of  June  1944 : 

Senate  Journal Journal  of  Senate,  1st  session  of  78th  Congress. 

•  Item  311 

Senate  Documents Nos.   103-105,   138,   Examinations  of   rivers   and 

harbors,   vol.   10,   78th   Congress,   1st   session. 

•  Item  329 

Senate  Reports Nos.  118S-1320,  1322-1414,  Miscellaneous  vol.  3, 

77th  Congress,  2d  session.     •    Item  414 

5081 59 — 44— No.  .->94 2 

Monthly   Catalog 

NO.  594  •  JULY   1944 

Federal  probation,  quarterly  journal  of  correctional  philosophy  and  practice,  v.  8, 
no.  2,  Apr-June  1944;  [edited  by  United  States  Probation  System].  [Federal 
Prison  Industries,  Inc.,  Leavenworth,  Kaus.,  1944.]  cover  title,  56  p.  il.  4° 
[Prepared  in  cooperation  with  Prisons  Bureau,  Justice  Department.  Text  and 
another  illustration  on  p.  2-4  of  cover.]     t  Ju  10.8:  8/2 


Note. — Those  publications  of  the  Department  of  Agriculture  which  are  for  sale  will  be 
supplied  by  tlie  Superintendent  of  Documents,  Government  Printing  OfHcc,  Washington  25, 
D.  C.  The  Department  issues  a  monthly  list  of  publications  which  will  be  mailed  to  all 
applicants,  who  can  then  select  the  available  ones  desired. 

Addresses.  Challenge  to  youth,  address  by  Claude  R.  Wickard,  Secretary  of  Agri- 
culture, at  commencement  exercises  of  Lebanon  Valley  College,  Annville,  Pa., 
May  22,  1944.       [1944.]     5  p.  4°     [Processed.]     t  A  1.40 :  W  63/106 

Meaning  of  I  am  an  American,  address  by  Secretary  of  Agriculture  Claude 

R.  Wickard  at  I  Am  An  American  Day  rally,  Gary,  Ind.,  May  21,  1944.    '  [1944.] 
6  leaves,  4°     [Processed.]     t  A  1.40 :  W  63/105 

Agriculture  decisions,  under  regulatory  laws  administered   in  Department  of 
Agriculture  (including  court  decisions),  v.  3,  no.  4;  Apr.  1944.     1944.     vi-f247- 
333  p.     [Monthly.     Reported,   indexed,  and   edited  by  I.   J.  Lowe.     Includes 
Agriculture  decisions  602-630.]     *  Paper,  15c;  single  copy,  $1.50  a  yr. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  42-262  A  1.58/a  :  3/4 

Crops  and  markets.     Crops  and  markets,  Apr.  1944;  v.  21,  no.  2     [1944.]     p.  69- 
112,  il.  4°     [Quarterly.]     *  Paper,  10c.;  single  copy,  30c.  a  yr. ;  foreign  sub- 
scription, 45c.     •  Item  8 
L.  C.  card  Agr.  24-113  A  1.52  :  21/2 

■ Index  to  Crops  and  markets,  v.  20,  1943.     [1944.]     5  p.  4°     *  Paper,  5c. 

•  Item  8  A  1.52  :  20/ind. 

Fcn-age  plants.  Chemical  composition  of  certain  forage  crops  as  alfected  by  fer- 
tilizers and  soil  types  [with  list  of  literature  cited]  ;  by  S.  C.  Vandecaveye  and 
G.  O.  Baker.  1944.  [2] +191-220  p.  il.  [From  Journal  of  agricultural  re- 
search. Mar.  1,  1944,  v.  68,  no.  5.]     *  Paper,  5c.  A  1.23/a  :  C  883/8 

Journal  of  agricultural  research.  Journal  of  agriculturjil  research,  v.  68,  no.  11 
and  12;  June  1  and  15,  1^4.  [1944.]  cover  titles,  p.  395-457,  il.  [Semi- 
monthly. Articles  appearing  in  the  Journal  are  listed  in  the  Monthly  catalog  as 
issued.]     *  Paper,  15c;  single  copy,  $3.25  a  yr. ;   foreign  subscription,  $4.75. 

•  Item  12 

L.  C.  card  Agr  13-1837  A  1.23 :  68/11, 12 

Note. — This  periodical  is  issued  by  the  Agriculture  Department  in  cooperation  with  the 
Association  of  Land-Grant  Colleges  and  Universities.  As  the  edition  is  limited  it  is 
not  sent  free  to  individuals,  but  only  to  libraries  of  exi)erinient  stations,  colleges,  tech- 
nical schools,  and  universities,  and  to  laboratories,  divisions,  oflices,  and  departments 
on  whose  staffs  are  several  technically  trained  men  in  biological,  chemical,  or  physical 
sciences.  It  is  also  sent  to  such  institutions  as  moke  suitable  exchanges  of  their  publica- 
tions for  those  of  the  Agriculture  Department. 

Same,  v.  67,  July  1-Dec.  1,  1943  [title  page,  contents,  errata  and  authors' 

emendations,  and  index].     1944.     v-|-513-520  p.     *  Paper,  5c.     •  Item  12 

A  1.23 :  67/t.  p.  &  ind. 

•     Sent  to  Depository  Libraries 



I'lihlicdlions.  ITjiIkhI  States  1  )opartin('iit  of  Ajjiiciilturo,  inonthly  list  of  publica- 
tioius.     SiH'  oiitry,  liclow,  under  center  head  Information  Office. 

Santa.  Ynvz  River.  Surv<'y  report  on  Santa  Ynez  River  watershed,  Calif.  1944. 
v+31  p.  2  nuipsv     (H.  doc.  518,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)     *  I'aper,  10c. 

fiot/s.  Studies  of  microbial  activity,  chlorate  reduction,  and  chlorate  toxicity  in 
soils  treated  with  sodium  chlorate  Iwith  list  of  literature  cited]  ;  by  Rus.sell  T. 
Nelson.  1J)44.  [2J +2L!l-2.'{7  p.  [From  Journal  of  agricultural  research,  Mar. 
1,  1944,  V.  68,  no.  5.]     •  Paper,  oc.  A  l._>3/a  :  So  34/100 

USD  A,  June  12  and  2(>,  1W4 ;  [v.  3,  no.  12  and  13.]      1 1944.]     Each  4  p.  4"     [Fort- 
nightly.]    -t 
L.  C.  card  Agr  42-258  A  1.57  :  3/12, 13 

Y(i::o()  River.  Survey  of  Yazoo  River  watershed  in  Mississippi,  letter  transmitting 
reiK)rt  of  survey  of  Yazoo  River  watershed  in  Mississippi,  describing  investiga- 
tion of  program  of  waterflow  retardation  and  soil  erosion  prevention  in  aid  of 
flood  control.  1944.  v-[-58  p.  il.  (H.  doc.  5(>4,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.) 
*  Paper,  10c. 


Agricultural  situation,  brief  summary  of  economic  conditions,  June  1944 ;  v.  28, 

no.   0.     [1944.]     24  p.    il.     [Monthly.]     *  Paper,  5c.   single  copy,   50c.   a  yr. ; 
foreign  subscription,  70c.     •  Item  54 

L.  C.  card  Agr  26-1797  A  36.15 :  28/6 

Agricultural  statistics.  Statistical  summary,  SS-17 ;  Mar.  31,  1944.  [1944.] 
[2]  p.  4°     [Monthly.     Processed.]     t  A 36.151: 17 

■     Same,  SS-18 ;  Apr.  29,  1944.     [1944.]     [2]  p.  4"     [Monthly.    Processed.]     t 

A  36.151: 18 

Citrus,  revised  estimates  of  production  and  utilization,  1934-35  to  1942-43.  May 
1944.     10  p.  4°     (Crop  Reixirting  Board.)      [Processed.]     t 

A  36.2 :  C  49/8/934/43 

Cotton.  Adequacy  of  district  indications  in  estimating  change  in  cotton  acreage; 
[prepared  by  Ella  Sue  Minor].  Feb.  1944.  6  p.  4"  (C.R.P.16.)  [Proc- 
essed.]    t  A  36.92: 16 

Cottonsituation,CS-90;  May  1944.  [1944.]  11  p.  il.  4"  [Monthly.  Proc- 
essed.]    t  A  36.40/2:  90 

Cottonseed  production,  United  States,  1928-42  (revised).  May  5,  1944.  [2]  p.  4° 
[  Processed.  ]     t  A  36.2  :  C  83/8 

Crop  production,  June  1,  1944.  [1944.]  l-14b+15-24  p.  il.  large  8'  (Crop  Re- 
porting Board.)      [Monthly.     Processed.]     f  A  36.29: 944/6 

Dairif  situation.  Dairy  situation,  DS-153;  Mav  1944.  [1944.]  15  p.  il.  4° 
[Monthly.     Processed.]     f  A  36.65: 153 

Same,  DS-154  ;  June  1944.     [1944.]     14  p.  il.  4°     [Monthly.     Processed.]    t 

A  36.65 :  154 

Demand  and  price  situation.  May  1944.  [1944.]  IS  p.  il.  4°  [Monthlv.  Proc- 
essed.]    t  A  36.28:  944/5 

Expansian  (ivhcat  stocks).  Relative  accuracy  of  mean,  ratio,  and  regression 
methods  of  expansion  [for  estimating  wheat  stocks  in  interior  mills  and 
elevators;  prepared  by  John  R.  Goodman].  Jan.  1944.  8  p.  il.  4"  (CRP-15.) 
[Processed.]     t  A  36.92: 15 

Farm  income.  Farm  income  situation,  FIS-51 ;  Apr.  1944.  [1944.]  23  p.  il.  4° 
[Monthly.     Processed.]     t  A  36.122 :  51 

Same,  FIS-52 ;  May  1944.     11944.]     11  p.  il.  4°     [Monthlv.     Processed.]     t 

A  36.122 :  52 

Farm  labor:  Farm  employment  up  more  than  usual.  June  14,  1944.  7  p.  il.  4° 
[  Processed.  ]     t  A  36.140 :  944/6 

•     Sent  to  Depository  Libraries 

July  IdU  737 

Fats  and  oils  situation,  F0S-8T ;  May  1944.  11944.  |  22'  i).  il.  4"  IMonthly. 
Processed.  ]     f  A  3(5.97  :  87 

Feed  situation,  FDS-58;  May  1944.  1 1944. 1  IG  p.  il.  4"  [Monthly.  Proc- 
essed.]    t  A  36.117:  58 

Food.     National  food  situation,  NFS-16;  May  1944.  |1944.|    9  p.  il.  4"     [Monthly. 

Processed.]     t  A  36.147:  16 

Fruit  and  nut  crop  prospects.  June  10,  1944.  11  p.  large  8"  (Crop  Reporting 
Board.)      [Processed.]     t  A  36.32 :  944/3 

La)id   tmlicy  rcvieto,   summer   1944;   v.    7,   no.    2.     [1944.  |     49   p.     |  (Quarterly.  1 
♦Paper,  10c.  single  copy,  'Mi:  a  yr. ;  foieign  suhsiription.  40c.      •  Item  59 
L.  C.  card  A.sir  38-364  A  36.1 03  :  7/2 

Livextock  and  wool  situation,  LWS-2r) ;  May  1944.  [1944.]  2.".  p.  il.  4"  [IMonthly. 
Processed.]     t  A3().141:2r) 

Negro  faniier.s  in  wartime  food  production.  [Oct.  1943.  slightly  revised  May  1944.  | 
[1944.]      ii  +  14p.  il.      (Farmer  and  the  war  6.)      *  Paper,  5c.  A30.145:(5/2 

Peaches.  Peaches,  pears,  cherries,  apricots,  California  pliuns,  utilization  of  pro- 
duction, 1942  and  1943.  June  1944.  7  p.  4"  (Crop  Reporting  Board.)  [Proc- 
essetl. ]     t  A  36.2 :  P  313/4/942-43 

Peaches,  utilization  of  production,  United  States  total  and  selected  States. 

May  1944.     6  p.  4"      (Crop  Reporting  Board.)      [Processed.)      t 

A  36.2  :  P  313/3 

Poultrif  and  egg  situation,  PES-S9;  May  1944.  [VMA.\  12  p.  il.  4"  [Monthly. 
Processed.]     f  A  36.96  :  89 

Priee.'^.  Use  of  frequency  distriitution  as  basis  for  editing  returns;  [prepared 
bv  A.  C.  Brittain].     May  1944.     6  p.  4"     (C.  R.  1'.  17.)      [Processed.]     t 

A  36.92 :  17 

Publications.  Check  list  of  printed  and  processed  (nonperiodical)  publications 
issued  during  May  1944.     [1944.]     3  p.  4"     [Monthly.     I'rocessed.]     f 

A  36.70/2 :  944/.J 

SorffJiiim.  Farm  production,  farm  dispo.sition,  and  value  of  sorghums  for  grain, 
1929^41,  by  States;  [prepared  by  C.  E.  Burkhead,  H.  R.  Walker  and  others  of 
staff  of  Crop  Reporting  Board].  Washington,  D.  C,  May  1944.  [1]  +8  p.  il.  4" 
( [Crop  Reporting  Board.] )      [Processed.]     f  A  36.2  :  So  6/929-41 

Soybeans  harvested  for  beans,  acreage,  yield,  and  production,  1940-43,  by  counties 
for  15  principal  States.  Washington,  D.  C,  May  1944.  57  p.  4"  [Proc- 
essed. ]     t  A  36.2 :  So  9/940-43 

Tares.  Farmers'  interest  in  new  tax  law;  by  Gerhard  J.  Isaac.  June  1944. 
3  p.  4"     [  Processed.  ]     j  A  36.2  :  T 19/4 

Vegetables.     Commercial   truck   crop  estimate   reports.     [Processed.]     t 

A  36.101 : 
Note. — Tlip  Agricultural  Economics  Buroau  issues  a  series  of  reports  relafinjc  to  truclc 
crops  which,  although  numbered  in  one  series  (TC  followed  by  tlie  year  and  a  number 
with  a  (iiffer<'nt  group  of  hundreds  assigned  for  each  montli),  consists  of  several  distinct 
groups  as  follows  :  Commeicial  truck  crops  for  fresh  market,  commonly  called  Truck  crop 
reports ;  Truck  crop.s  for  commercial  processing,  commonly  called  Canning  crop  reports ; 
Truck  crop  news  ;  Annual  summaries  in  December  each  year.  Revised  statistical  sum- 
maries are  issued  at  appropriate  intervals  covering  a  varying  period  of  years.  I'rinted 
summaries  of  these  reports  wi-re  published  in  Crops  and  markets  prior  to  June  19:>7,  but 
these  have  been  discontinued.  A  yearly  summary  only  is  published  in  the  .January 
quarterly  issue  each  year. 



Freezing  of  foods.     Information  sheet,  selected  bibliography  on  freezing  preset 
ration  of  fruits  and  vegetables,  1920-43.     June  1944.     22  p.  4"     (AIC-46;  West- 
ern Regional  Research  Laboratory.)      [Processed.     Replaces  Information  sheet 
ACE  87  and  supplements  for  years  1940-42.]     f  A  77.104/2:  46 

•     Sent  to  Depository  Libraries 


Naval  stores.  1943-44  annual  naval  stores  report  on  production,  distribution, 
consumption  and  stocks  of  turpentine  and  rosin  of  United  States,  by  crop  years, 
Apr.  1,  1943-ilar.  31,  1944;  compiled  by  L.  A.  Goldblatt.  May  24.  1944. 
[1]+11   p.  4"     (AIC-48.)      [Processed.]     f  A  77.lCt4/2 :  48 

Noresral.  Information  on  noreseal,  a  new  cork  substitute  [with  list  of  literature 
cited]  ;  by  S.  I.  Aronovsky,  W.  F.  Talburt,  and  E.  C.  Latlirop.  May  1944. 
[l]+16+[4]  p.  5  pi.  4°  (AIC-44;  Northern  Regional  Research  Labor.itory.) 
[  Processed.  ]     t  A  77.104/2 :  44 

Onions.  Information  sheet  on  drying-rate  nomographs :  5,  Onion  slices.  Apr. 
1944.  2  p.  8  p.  of  pi.  4°  (AIC-31-5;  Western  Regional  Research  Laboratory.) 
[Processed.]     t  A  77.104/2 :  31-V 

Penicillin.  Background  of  penicillin  production;  by  Robert  D.  Coghill.  [1944.] 
14  p.  4°  (AIC-49.)  [Processed.  Presented  by  Robert  D.  Coghill  at  annual 
meeting  of  American  Chemical  Society,  Cleveland,  Ohio,  Apr.  5,  1944.  Pub- 
lished in  Chemical  and  engineering  news  22,  1944,  under  title,  Penicillin,  sci- 
ence's Cinderella.]     t  A  77.104/2 :  49 


Bang's  disease.  Statement  of  indemnity  claims  and  averages  in  cooperative 
Bang's  disease  work,  Apr.  1944.     [1944.]     1  p.  4°     [Monthly.     Processed.]     t 

A  77.211 :  944/4 

Summary  of  brucellosis   (Bang's  disease)   control  program  conducted  by 

Bureau  of  Animal  Industry  in  cooperation  with  the  various  States,  July  1, 
1934-Apr.  30,  1944.     [1944.]     1  p.  4°     [Monthly.     Processed.]     t 

A  77.213 :  944/4 

Sumary  of  brucellosis    (Bang's  disease)    work  in  cooperation  with  the 

various  States,  Apr.  1944.     [1944.]     1  p.  oblong  S°     [Monthly.     Processed.]     t 

A  77.212 :  944/4 

Meat.  Freezing  meat  and  poultry  products  for  home  use.  1944.  [2]  p.  il  large 
4°,  folded  into  narrow  8°  size.     (Agriculture  Dept.     AWI-75.)     t     •  Item  11 

A  1.59 :  75 

Posters.  Pork,  a  savory  nourishing  food,  rich  in  protein,  fat,  and  vitamin  B, 
cook  pork  and  its  products  thoroughly  as  a  health  safeguard ;  [poster].  [1944.] 
11X13.5  in.     [Cardboard.]     t  A  77.220  :P82 

Service  announcements.     Service  and  regulatory  announcements,  Apr.  1944  ;  [no.] 
444.     May  1944.     p.  21-27.     [Monthly.]     *  Paper,  5c,  single  copy,  25c  a  yr. ; 
foreign  subscription,  60c.     •  Item  70 
L.  C.  Card  Agr  7-lGo8  A  77.208:  444 

Tuberculosis  in  animals.  Summary  of  tuberculosis  eradication  in  cooperation 
with  the  various  States,  Apr.  1944.  [1944.]  1  p.  oblong  8°  [Monthly.  Proc- 
essed.]    t  A  77.216:  944/4 

Virus-Srrum  Control  Division.  Activities  of  licensed  establishments  supervised 
by  Virus-Serum  Control  Division,  May  29,  1944.  [1944.]  2  p.  4°  (Notice  209, 
V.  S.  C.)     [Monthly.     Processed.]     t  A  77.217: 209 


Dairy  herd  improvement.  Dairy-Herd-Improvement  Association  letter,  v.  20,  no. 
5;  May  1944.     [1944.]     22  p.  4°     [Monthly.     Processed.]     t        A  77.608: 20/5 

Same,  v.  20,  no.  6 ;  June  1944.     [1944.]     22  p.  4°     [Monthly.    Processed.]    t 

A  77.608: 20/6 


Apanteles  diatraeae,  braconid  parasite  of .  southwestern  corn  borer  [with  list 
of  literature  cited]  ;  by  E.  G.  Davis.  May  1943  [1944].  19  p.  il.  (Agriculture 
Dept.  Technical  bulletin  871.)  [The  issue  date  was  printed  incorrectly  as 
May  1943,  but  the  edition  has  been  corrected  by  the  cancellation  of  the  date  1943 
and  the  substitution  of  1944.]  *  Paper,  10c.  •  Item  16 
L.  C.  card  Agr  44-110  A  1.36 :  871 

•     Sent  to  Depository  Libraries 

July  1944  739 

Dichloro-aiijlienyl-trichloroetlKine.  Inforinatiou  on  DDT  and  suggestions  for 
experimental  work  for  agriculturiil  purposes.  [May  1,  1944.]  6  p.  4° 
[Processed. ]     t  A  77.302  :  D  54 

European  rorix  horrr.  Laboiatory  tests  of  toxicity  of  some  organic  compounds 
to  European  corn  borer,  Jan.-Mar.  1944;  by  D.  D.  Questel,  C.  V.  Bowen,  and 
S.  I.  Gertler.     May  1944.     4  p.  4"     (E-620.)      [Processefl.]     t     A  77.312 :  E-620 

Insecticide  Invest  if/at  iovs  Dirisioti.  of  publications  and  patents  of  Division 
of  Insecticide  Investigations,  Jan.  1-May  31,  1944.  [1944.]  5  p.  4° 
[Processed.  ]     t  A  77.318 :  944/1 

Insects.  Emergency  survey  of  insects  affecting  cabbage,  cauliflower,  and  related 
crops.  Apr.  1944.  2  p.  11.  4°  [Processed.  Prepared  in  cooperation  with  indi- 
viduals. State  and  Federal  agencies.]     t  A  77.302 :  In  7/4 

■     Insects  in  relation  to  national  defense:    Reference    index.      Jan.  1944. 

[3J+90  p.  4°     (Circular  23.)      [Processed.]     t  A  77.316: 23 

The    more    important    insect    conditions,     May     1944.     [1944.]  2    p.    4° 

[Monthly.     Processed.]     t  A  77.310/2 :  944/1 

Japanese  beetles.  Milky  disease  spore  dust  for  control  of  Japanese  beetle  grubs 
in  lawns  and  other  turf  areas.     May  1944.     2  p.  4°     [Processed.]     t 

A  77.302 :  J  27/3 

Methyl  bromide  as  insect  fumigant,  review  of  literature  through  1940  [with 
bibliography] ;  by  R.  L.  Busbey.    May  1944.    38  p.  4"     (E-618)     [Processed.]     t 

A  77.312 :  E-618 

Mexican  fruitflies.    Laboratory  studies  on  toxicity  of  tartar  emetic  to  Mexican 
fruitfly  [with  list  of  literature  cited] ;  by  C.  C.  Plummer.     June  1944.     14  p.  il. 
(Agriculture  Dept.     Circular  697.)     *Paper,  5c.     •  Item  7. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  44-111  A  1.4/2  :  697 

Pests.  Review  of  United  States  patents  relating  to  pest  control,  by  R.  C.  Roark, 
v.  17,  no.  4;  Apr.  1944.     [1944.]     7  p.  4°     [Monthly.     Processed.]     t 

A  77.311 :  17/4 

Posters.  Guard  against  enemy  stowaways,  during  summer,  while  your  plane 
is  on  ground,  the  Japanese  beetle  might  enter  through  unprotected  openings 
or  be  carried  in  on  materials  or  clothing;  [poster].     [1944.]     8X5  in.     t 

A  77.319 :  J  27 

Publications.  List  of  publications  on  2,2-Bis  (parachlorophenyl)  -1,  1,1-tri- 
chloroethane  (called  DDT)  from  1874  to  Apr.  30,  1944;  by  R.  C.  Roark.  June 
1944.     12  p.  4"     [Processed.]     f  A  77.302 :  P  96 

Quarantine.  [Code  of  Federal  regulations]  title  7,  Agriculture,  chap.  3,  Bureau 
of  Entomology  and  Plant  Quarantine,  pt.  301,  Domestic  quarantine  notices, 
Japanese  beetle  quarantine  [Notice  of]  quarantine  48,  revision  of  quarantine 
and  regulations,  effective  Mar.  30,  1944.     [1944.]     8  p.     t     •  T^tem  83 

A  77.317 :  48/2 

Summary   of   Federal   domestic   plant   quarantines    [affecting   interstate 

shipments  in  effect  Mar.  15,  1944;  prepared  in]  Division  of  Domestic  Plant 
Quarantines.  [1944.]  cover  title,  66  p.  4°  [Processed.  Supersedes  synopsis 
dated  Jan.  1,  1940,  and  revisions  thereof.]     t  A  77.317  :  sum./944 

Wireworms.     Life  history  of  wireworm  Melanotus  longulus   (Lee.)   in  southern 
California  [with  list  of  literature  cited]  ;  by  M.  W.  Stone  and  A.  F.  Rowland. 
Jan.   1944.     30  p.   il.     (Agriculture  Dept.     Technical  bulletin  858).     *  Paper, 
10c.     •  Item  16 
L.  C.  card  Agr  44-8  A  1.36 :  858 


Experiment  station  record.  Experiment  station  record,  v.  91,  no.  1;  July  1944. 
[1944.]  cover  title,  p.  1-112.  [Monthly.  Text  and  illustration  on  p.  2-4  of 
cover.]  ♦Paper,  15c.  single  copy,  $1.00  per  vol.  (2  vols,  a  yr.)  ;  foreign  sub- 
scription, $1.75  per  vol.     •  Item  89 

L.  C.  card  Agr  9-832  A  77.408 :  91/1 

Note. — Mainly  made  up  of  abstracts  of  current  publications  on  agricultural  science 
and  home  etonomifs,  espt^cially  those  of  the  United  States  Department  of  Agriculture 
and  the  State  agricultural  experiment  stations. 

•     Sent  to  Depository  Libraries 

740  Government  Publications 

Experiment  station  record — Continued. 

Same,  v.  89;  index  number.  [1944.]  cover  title,  xiv+'<'81-885  p.  [Con- 
tains title  page,  contents,  and  index  for  v.  .S9,  July-Dec.  1943. J      •  Item  89 

A  77.408 :89/ind. 


('an)iin!/  and  itrcscrviiig.  Home  canning  of  fruit.s  and  vegetables.  [May  1944.] 
16  p.  11.  oblong  12"  (Agricultuiv  Dept.  AWI-93.)  [Includes  list  of  other 
publications  on  food  preservation  available  from  Agriculture  Department. 
Sui>er.sedes  AWI-41,  Wartime  canning  of  fruits  and  vegetables,  and  AWI-61, 
Canning  tomatoes.]     t     •  Item  11  A  1.59: 93 


Amphidiploids  Aegilops  cylindrica  X  Triticum  durum  and  A.  ventricosa  X  T. 
durum  and  tbelr  hybrids  with  T.  aestivum  [with  list  of  literature  cited]  ;  by 
E.  11.  Sears.  194-1.  [2] +135-144  p.  il.  [From  Journal  of  agricultural  re- 
search, Feb.  1,  1944,  v.  68,  no.  3]     *  Paper,  5c.  A  1.23/a  :  W  56/177 

liulmui  fir.  Decay  in  balsam  fir  in  New  England  and  New  York  [with  list  of 
literature  cited]  ;  by  Perley  Spauldlng  and  J.  R.  Hansbrough.  May  1944.  30 
p.  il.  (Agriculture  Dept.  Technical  bulletin  872.)  *  Paper,  10c.  •  Item  16 
L.  C.  card  Agr  44-112  A  1.36:  872 

Billinys  Comity.  N.  Dak.  Soil  survey,  Billings  County,  N.  Dak.  [with  list  of 
literature  cited]  ;  by  M.  J.  Edwards,  J.  K.  Ableiter.  June  1940  [1944].  cover 
title.  111  p.  il.  8  p.  of  pi.  map  in  iwcket.  ([Soil  survey  report]  series  1984, 
no.  1:5.)  [Prepared  in  cooperation  with  North  Dakota  Agricultural  Experiment 
Station.  The  date  of  i.ssue  is  incorrectly  given  on  cover  as  June  1940,  instead 
of  June  1944.  Text  and  another  illustration  on  p.  2  and  4  of  cover.]  *  Paper, 
$1.25.  •  Item  143 
L.  C.  card  Agr  44-113  A  77.514 :  934/25 

Blueberry  growing;  [by  George  M.  Darrow,  R.  B.  Wilcox,  and  Charles  S.  Beck- 
with.]  [May  1944.]  ii+38  p.  il.  (Agriculture  Dept.  Farmers'  bulletin 
1951.)  [Prepared  in  cooperatiim  with  New  Jersey  State  Agricultural  Experi- 
ment Station.  Supersedes  Leaflet  201,  Blueberries.]  *  Paijer,  10c.  •  Item  10 
L.  C.  card  Agr  44-114  A  1.9 :  1951 

Boats.  Moisture  content  of  wood  boats ;  [by  Ray  R.  Hirt].  Beltsville,  Md.,  Mar. 
1944.     [l]+13p.  4"     (Forest  pathology  special  release  18.)     [Processed]     J 

A  77.516 :  18 

Brown  spot  needle  blight  of  pine  seedlings   [with  list  of  literature  cited]  ;  by 
Paul  V.  Siggers.     May  1944.     36  p.  il.  2  p.  of  pi.     (Agriculture  Dept.     Technical 
bulletin  870. )     *  Paper,  10c.     •  Item  16 
L.  C.  card  Agr  44-115  A1.36 :  870 

Chestnuts.  Planting  and  care  of  blight-resistant  chestnuts  for  forest  trees;  [by 
Jesse  D.  Diller].  Beltsville,  Md.,  Feb.  1944.  6  p.  4"  (Forest  pathology  special 
release  15.)  [Processed.  Previous  issues  not  entered  in  the  Monthly  cata- 
log.]    i  A  77.516: 15 

Dry  land  rotation  and  tillage  experiments  at  Akron    (Colorado)    Field  Station 
[with  list  of  literature  cited]  ;  by  J.  F.  Brandon  and  O.  R.  Mathews.     May  1944. 
[l]+53  p.  il.     (Agriculture  Dept.     Circular  70O.)     *  Paper,  10c.     •  Item  7 
L.  C.  card  Agr  44-116  A  1.4/2 :  700 

lloff-housing  requirements  [with  list  of  selected  references  on  hog  houses]  ;  by 
T.  A.  H.  Miller,  Wallace  Ashby,  and  J.  H.  Zeller.     May  1M4.     16  p.  il.     (Agri- 
culture Dept.     Circular  701.)      [Prepared  in  cooperation  with  Animal  Industry 
Bureau.]     *  Paper,  5c.     •  Item  7 
L.  C.  card  Agr  44-117  A  1.4/2 :  701 

Lettuce  varieties  and  culture;   [by  Ross  C.  Thompson].     [May  1944.]     [2] +38 
p.  il.     (Agriculture  Dept.  Farmers'  bulletin  1953.)      [Supersedes  Farmers'  bul- 
letin 1609,  Lettuce  growing.]     *  Paper,  10c.     •  Item  10 
L.  C.  ca  rd  Agr  44-1 18  A  1 .9 :  1953 

•     Sent  to  Depository  Libraries 

July  1944  741 

Pears.  Effect  of  water  deficits  in  the  tree  upon  maturity,  composition,  and 
storage  quality  of  Bosc  pears  [witli  list  of  literature  citedl  ;  by  A.  Lloyd  Kyall 
and  W.  W.  Aldrich.  1944.  [2] +121-133  p.  il.  1  From  Journal  of  agricultural 
research,  Feb.  1,  1944,  v.  68,  no.  3.]     *  Paper,  5c.  A  1.23/a  :  P  316/16 

Phuit  disease  reporter,  v.  28,  no.  11-14;  May  1-22,  1944;  issued  by  Plant  Disease 
Survey,  Division  of  Mycology  and  Disease  Survey.  [1944.]  p.  36.1-494,  il.  4" 
[Processed.]     t  A  77.511 ;  28/11-14 

Platit  disease  surveys  in  northeastern  United  States  in  1943.  June  1,  1944. 
I).  123-229,  4"     (Plant  disease  reporter  supp.  147.)      [Processed.]     t 

A  77.512:  147 

Sweet  potatoes.     Curing  and  storage  methods  in  relation  to  quality  of  Porto  Rico 
sweetpotatoes    [with    list   of   literature   cited]  ;    by   J.    M.    Lutz.     June   1944. 
12  p.  il.     (Agriculture  Dept.     Circular  699.)      *  Paper,  5c.     •  Item  7 
L.  C.  card  Agr.  44-119  A  1.4/2  :  699 

Sweetpotato  diseases;  [by  L.  L.  Harter].     [Oct.  1919,  revised  Feb.  1944.] 

[1944.]     ii+26  p.  il.     (Agriculture  Dept.     Farmers'  bulletin  1059.)     *  Paper, 
10c.     •  Item  10 

L.  C.  card  Agr  44-120  A  1.9  :  1059/3 

VavderJmrgli  Comity,  Itul.  Soil  survey,  Vanderburgh  County,  Iiid.  [with  list 
of  literature  cited]  ;  by  A.  J.  Vessel,  J.  C  Wade,  and  Sutton  Myers.  June 
1944.  cover  title,  148  p.  il  6  p.  of  pi.  map  in  ijocket.  ([Soil  survey  report] 
series  1939,  no.  2.)  [Prepared  in  cooperation  with  Purdue  University  Agricul- 
tural Experiment  Station.  Text  and  another  illustration  on  p.  2  and  4  of 
cover.]  *  Paper,  7oc.  •  Item  US 
L.  C.  card  Agr  44-121  A  77.514  ;  939/2 


News  for  farmer  eooperatives.     News  for  farmer  cooperatives,  J\me  1944;  [v.  11, 
no.   3].     [1944.]     24   p.    il.   large  8"     [Monthly.]     *  Paper,   lOc.    single   copy; 
$1.00  a  yr. ;  foreign  subscription,  $1.40.     •  Item  106 
L.  (\  card  36-20027  A  72.10 :  11/3 

Same.  July  1944;    [v.  11,  no.  4j.     [1944.]     24  p.  il.  large  8"     [Monthly.] 

•  Item  106  A  72.10 :  11/4 


Af/riculfure  in  the  Americas,  June  1944;  [v.  4,  no.  6].  [1944.]  cover  title, 
p.  103-118,  il.  4°     [Monthly.     Text  and  another  illustration  on  p.  2-4  of  cover.] 

*  Paper,  10c.  single  copv,  75c.  a  yr. ;  foreign  subscription,  $1.20.     •  Item  116 

L.  C.  card  Agr  41-6  A  67.15 :  4/6 

Foreign  agriculture,  review  of  foreign  farm  policy,  production,  and  trade,  v.  8, 
no.  6;  June  1944.     [1944.]     [2] +123-144  p.  4"     [Monthly.]     *  Paper,  10c.  single 
ff^py,  $1.00  a  yr. ;  foreign  subscinption,  ,$1.60.     •  Item  lis 
L.  C.  card  43^0327  A  67.7 :  8/6 

Foreign  crops  and  markets,  summai'y.  May  1944.  [1944.]  p.  187-24S,  4" 
[Monthl.y.     Processed.]     t  "  A  67.8: 944/5 

Me,Tico.  Fruit  industry  of  Mexico  [with  list  of  literature  cited]  ;  by  Fred  A. 
Motz  and  Lester  D.  Mallory.  April  1944.  cover  title,  184  p.  il  4°  (Foreign 
agriculture  report  9.)      [Text  on  p.  2  of  cover.]     *  Paper,  4.5c.     •    Item  119 

A  67.16 :  9 

Wool.  Recent  developments  in  world  wool  supply  situation;  [prepared  b.y  Esther 
H.  Johnson].  [1944.)  p.  09-78,  4"  [Processed.  From  Foreign  crops  and 
markets,  Feb.  1944.]     t  A  67.8/a  :  W  88 


Ash.  American  woods:  Ash  [with  list  of  references]  ;  by  H.  S.  Betts.  Apr.  1944. 
11  p.  1  pi.  7  maps,  4°     [Processed.]     t  A  13.31 :  As  3/944 

•     Sent  to  Depository  Libraries 

742  Government  Publications 

Fibcrboard.  Weatherproof  solid  fibroboard,  evaluation  of  quality  of  conunercial 
boards  and  development  of  improved  weatherproof  board;  |by  F.  A.  Sinimonds, 
J.  N.  McGovern,  and  C.  O.  Seborg].  Feb.  1944.  [l]+9  p.  4"  (Forest  Products 
Laboratory.)      [Processed.]     t  A  13.27/2  :F  44 

Oluc.  Experiments  with  preservatives  for  soybean  glue  and  soybean-glued  ply- 
wood; [by  F.  H.  Kaufort  and  J.  Oscar  Blew].  Mar.  1944.  [i]-(-i5-f  [5]  p.  4° 
(Forest  Products  Laboratory.)      [Processed.]     t  A  13.27/2 :  G  o2/14 

Gmzitig.     Moderate  grazing  pays  on  California  annual-type  ranges;  [by  August 
-L.     Ilorniay].     [June    1944.]     8    p.     il.     (Agriculture    Dept.    Leaflet    239.) 
*  Paper,  5c.     •  Item  13 
L.  C.  card  Agr  44-122  A  1.35  :  239 

Jack  pine.  Influence  of  controllable  environmental  conditions  on  regeneration 
of  jack  pine  and  black  spruce  [with  list  of  literature  cited] ;  by  Russell  K. 
LeBarron.  1944.  [2] -f  97-119  p.  il.  [From  Journal  of  agricultural  research, 
Feb.  1,  1944,  v.  68,  no.  3.]     *  Paper,  5c.  A  1.23/a  :  P  652/22 

Posters.  My  V  for  victory  !  gum  for  war;  [poster].  1944.  18.4X14.3  in.  (Tim- 
ber Production  War  Project.)     [Illustrator,  Harry  EossoU.]    t     A  13.20/3 :  V  66 

Pulp.  List  of  publications  on  pulp  and  paper ;  Apr.  1944.  [1944.]  [1]+31  p.  4° 
( Forest  Products  Laboratory. )  [Processed.]  t  Forest  Products  Laboratory, 
Madison,  Wis.  A  13.27/7 :  P  96/2/944 

SaiomiUs.  Small  sawmill  improvement,  practical  pointers  to  field  agencies : 
Truck-mounted  hoist;  [by  C.  J.  Telford].  May  1944.  [2]  p.  il.  4"  (Forest 
Products  Laboratory.)     [Processed.]     t  A  13.27/2 :  Sa 9/11 

Timber.  Guides  for  cutting  timber  in  the  Northeast;  [prepared  by  Allegheny 
Forest  Experiment  Station].  Apr.  1944.  12  p.  il.  (Agriculture  Dept. 
AWI-90.)     t     •Item  11  A  1.59: 90 

White  fir.  American  woods :  White  fir  [with  list  of  references]  ;  by  H.  S.  Betts. 
Apr.  1944.     11  p.  1  pi.  6  maps,  4°     [Processed.]     t  A  13.31 :  F  51/944 

Wood.  List  of  publications  on  chemistry  of  wood  and  derived  products ;  Mar. 
1944.  [1944.]  [l]-f3S  p.  4°  (Forest  Products  Laboratory.)  [Processed] 
t  Forest  Products  Laboratory,  Madison,  Wis.  A  13.27/7 :  W  85/3/944 

Partial  list  of  Government  publications  of  interest  to  architects,  builders, 

engineers,  and  retail  lumbennen;  Apr.  1944.  [1944.].  [l]-fl9  p.  4°  (Forest 
Products  Laboratory.)  [Processed.]  t  Forest  Products  Laboratory,  Madi- 
son, Wis.  A  13.27/7 :  Ar  2/944 

Wood  preservation.  Methods  of  applying  wood  preservatives  [with  list  of  ref- 
erences]. Revised  Apr.  1944.  [1944.]  [l]-f21  p.  4"  (Forest  Products 
Laboratory.)      [Processed.]     $  A  13.27/2 :  W  85/55/944 

Treating  wood  in  pentachlorphenol  solution  by  cold-soaking  method ;  [by 

J.  Oscar  Blew].  Mar.  1944.  [l]+9  p.  il.  4°  (Forest  Products  Laboratory.) 
[Processed.  Includes  on  p.  8,  list  of  Forest  Products  Laboratory  publications 
on  nonpressure  treatments.]     J  A  13.27/2 :  W  85/75 


Clip  sheet,  no.  1353-56;  June  4-25,  1944.  [1944.]  Each  4  leaves,  4°  [Weekly. 
Processed.]     t     (limited  distribution).  A  21.15: 1353-13r.(; 

Note. — The  Clip  sheet  is  not  available  either  for  free  distribution  or  for  sale  to  the 
public.  It  is  distributed  only  to  professional  writers,  newspapers,  and  publishers  Inter- 
ested in  agricultural  information.      (No  subscription  list.  > 

Farm  safety  [with  list  of  reference  sources].  June  1,  1944.  3  +  [l]  p.  4°  (Food 
information  no.  89. )      [Processed.  ]  J  A  21.18 :  89 

Farmers'  bulletins  nos.  192()-50  [title  page]  with  contents;  prepared  in  Indexing 
Section.     1944.     [l]-f  10  p.     (Publications  Division.)     *  Paper,  5c.     •  Item  10 

A  1.9 :  1926-1950/t.p.&  cont. 

Food  for  cattle.  Use  of  grain  sorghums  and  Sudan  grass  for  feed.  May  22,  1944. 
1  p.  4"     (Food  information  no.  88-f.)     [Processed.]     t  A21.18:  88-f 

•     Sent  to  Depository  Libraries 

July  1944  743 

Poultry  culling.  May  22,  1944.  5  [4]  p.  il.  4"  (Food  information  no.  SS-g.) 
[Processed.     The  last  page  is  numbered  incorrectly  5  instead  of  4.]     % 

A  21.18 :  88-g 

Puilications.     United  States  Department  of  Agriculture,  monthly  list  of  publi- 
cations. May  1944.     [1944.]     4  p.     t     •Item  132 
L.  C.  card  Agr  9-1414  A  21.6/5 :  944/5 

Technical  bulletins  826-850,  [title  page]  with  contents;  prepared  in  Indexing 
Section,     1944.     xii  p.     (Publications  Division.)     *  Paper,  5c.     •  Item  16 

A  1.36 :  826-850/t.p.&  cont. 


Agriculture.    Bibliography  of  agriculture,  v.  4,  no.  6 ;  June  1944.    [1944.]     [313]  p. 
4°     [Monthly.     Includes  title  page  and  author  and  subject  indexes  to  v.  4, 
nos.   1-6,   Jan.- June  1944.]     *  Paper,  35c.   single  copy,  $3.75  a   yr. ;   foreign 
subscription,  $4.75.     •  Item  134 
L.  C.  card  Agr.  42-386  A  17.18 :  4/6 


llandhook  for  your  information;  [prepared  in- Division  of  Training].  [Oct.  1943, 
slightly  revised  Apr.]  1944.  vi.+42  p.  il.  (Agriculture  Dept.  Miscellaneous 
publication  532.)  [Includes  list  of  Some  publications  about  Department  of 
Agriculture.  Text  and  other  illustrations  on  p.  1-4  of  cover.  Title  on  cover 
is :  To  members  of  Department  of  Agriculture,  handbook  for  your  information. 
Page  42  is  left  blank  to  be  used  for  notes.]     %     •  Item  14  A  1.38 :  532/2 


Co-op  quiz  contests.  How  to  put  on  REA  co-op  quiz  contest.  [1944.]  7  p.  4° 
[Processed.]     t  A  68.2:  0  78/3 

Rural  electrification,  its  place  in  education.  St.  Louis,  Mo.,  [1944].  [1]+12  p.  4° 
[Processed.  ]     t  A  68.2 :  R  88/3 

Rural  electrification  neivs.     Rural  electrification  news,  May  1944;  [v.  9,  no.  9]. 
[1944.]     22+ [2]  p.  il.  4°     [Monthly.]     *  Paper,  10c.  single  copy,  75c.  a  yr. ; 
foreign  subscription,  $1.15.     •  Item  147 
L.  C.  card  37-26406.  A  68.9 :  9/9 

Same,  June  1944;   [v.  9,  no.  10].     [1944.]     22+ [2]   p.  il.  4"     [Monthly.] 

•  Item  147  A  68.9 :  9/10 


Addresses.  Our  future  food  supply,  address  by  Marvin  Jones,  war  food  adminis- 
trator, over  National  Broadcasting  Company,  May  26,  1944.  [r.)44.]  3  p.  4" 
[Processed.]     t  A  80.7  :F  73/6 

Tomorrow's  food  supply,  address  by  Marvin  Jones,  war  food  adminis- 
trator, at  farming  for  victory  meeting,  Orangeburg,  S.  C,  May  16,  1944,  broad- 
cast on  National  Farm  and  Home  Hour.     [1944.]    3  p.  4°     [Processed.]     t 

A  80.7 :  F  73/5 

Posters.  Lick  the  platter  clean,  don't  waste  food;  [poster].  1944.  19.7X14.2  in. 
[Illustrator,  Vernon  Grant]     t  A  80.8  :F  73/2 


Posters.  Aumente  la  produccion,  conservando  su  suelo;  [poster].  1944. 
28X20  in.  No  copies  for  distribution  in  the  United  States,  all  copies  sent  to 
Puerto  Rico.  A  80.607  :P  94 

War     plants     need     corn!     move     yours     to     market;      [poster].     1944. 

27.9X20  in.     t  A  80.607  :  C  81 


Cotton.  1944  cotton  loan  instructions.  June  1944.  8  p.  (1^4  C  C.  C.  cotton 
form  1.)     t     •  Item  75  A  80.406:  C  82/944 

•     Sent  to  Depository  Libraries 

744  Government  Publications 

lllSlKIIil    riON     ((I'KICK 

Addrcxsvs.  VM\  outlook  lor  cMiiniiij;,  l).v  L»'o  M.iisluill,  director  of  distribution, 
WFA,  before  National  Canners  Association,  Washington,  D.  C,  Mav  25,  1944. 
[1944.]     6+[l]    p.   4"     [Processed.]     t  A8D.120:C16 

War  food  buying,  by  Lee  Marshall,  director  of  distribution,  WFA,  remarks 

before  5th  Service  Command,  Food  Service  Show,  QMC,  Cincinnati,  Oliio,  May 
4,1944.     [1944.]     4  p.  4"     [Processed.]     t         '  A  80.120 :  F  T-'i/S 

Cahbage  as  soldiers  eat  it!   [recipes].     [1944.]     [2]  p.  4°     [Processed.]     t 

A  80.102 :  C  11 

Cold  storage  report  as  of  June  1,  1944.  [1944]  12  p.  il.  4°  [Montl)ly.  Proc- 
essed.]     t  A  80.107  :  944/G 

C(/nsumers'  guide,  June  1944;   [v.  10,  no.  7].     [1944.]     16  p.  11.  4"     [Monthly. 
Includes  CG  news  letter.     Issue  number  incorrectly  given  as  6  on  p.  2.]    *  Paper, 
fic.  single  copv,  HUc.  a  vr.  ;  foreign  subscription,  70c.      •  Item  48 
L.  C.  card  36-12412  A  80.108 :  10/7 

Voniuiner  notes  no.  IG  and  17 ;  May  10  and  June  5,  1944.  [1944.]  4  p.  and  2  p.  4" 
[Processed.]     t  *  A  80.126 :  10, 17 

Cotton.  Results  of  fiber  and  spinning  tests  of  some  cottons  grown  in  the  mid- 
South  area,  crop  of  1943 ;  [prepared  in  Research  and  Testing  Division,  Cotton 
and  Fiber  Branch].     May  1944.     9  p.  4°     [Proces.sed.]     t 

A  80.102 :  C  82/3/943 

Weekly  cotton  market  review,  v.  25,  no.  44-47;  June  3-24,  1944.     [1944.] 

Each  2  p.  4°     [Processed.]     t  A  80.109 :  25/44-^7 

Food.  Cut  food  waste,  make  food  fight  for  freedom.  [May  1944.]  [8]  p.  11.  nar- 
row 8°     (NFC-12.)      I      •  Item  61  A  80.123:  12 

Food  trade  letter  28-31;  Mav  6-27,  1944.     [1944.]     Each   [2]  p.  f  or  4" 

[Weekly.     Processed.]     t  A  80.125: 28-31 

Hay.  Making  high-grade  hay.  [May  1944.]  [6]  p.  il.  narrow  8°  ( [Agricul- 
ture Dept.]     AWI-97.)     t     •  Item  11  A  1.59 :  97 

Honcii.  Semi-monthly  honey  report,  v.  28,  no.  11  and  12 ;  June  1  and  15,  1944. 
[1944.]     8  p.  and  7  p.  narrow  f°     [Processed.]     t  A  80.110 :  28/11-12 

Livestock,  meats  and  wool,  market  reviews  and  statistics,  June  3-24  [1944]  ; 
V.  12,  no.  23-26.     June  7-2S,  1944.    p.  377-445,  4°     [Weekly.     Processed.]     t 

A  80.111 :  12/23-26 

Marketing  activities,  May  1944;  [v.  7,  no.  5].  [1944.]  21  p.  il.  4"  [Monthly. 
Processed.]     t  A  80.114:  7/5 

Milk.  Order,  as  amended  regulating  handling  of  milk  in  Quad  Cities  marketing 
area,  effective  Apr.  1,  1944.  [1944.]  18  p.  (Order  44,  as  amended.)  [Title 
7.  chap.  9,  Code  of  Federal  regulations,  (Marketing  orders)  pt.  944.]  t 
•  Item  159  A  80.116 :  44 

Nutrition.  Industrial  nutrition  service,  Feb.  1944.  [1944.]  2-]- [2]  p.  4° 
[Monthly.     Processed.]     t  A  80.127 :  944/2 

Same,  Mar.  1944.     [1944.]     4  p.  1  pi.  4"     [Monthly.     Processed.]     t 

A  80.127  :  944/3 

Same,  Apr.  1944.     [1044.  |     4*  p.  1  pi.  4"     [^Monthly.     Processed.]     t 

A  80.127  :  944/4 

■ Same,  May  1944.     [1944.]     4  p.  4"     [Monthly.     Processed.]     t 

A  80.127 :  944/5 

Same,  June  1944.     [1944.]     4  p.  1  pi.  4"     [Montiily.     Prooessed.]     t 

A  80.127 :  944/6 

P.  and  S.  docket.  P.  and  S.  docket,  monthly  reiwrt  of  action  taken  on  cases 
arising  under  packers  and  stockyards  act,  v.  6,  no.  5;  May  1944.  [1944.] 
4  p.  4"     [Processed.]     t  A  80.115:  0/5 

Same,  V.  6,  no.  6 ;  June  1944.     [1944.]     2  p.  4"     [Processed.]     t 

A  80.115 : 6/6 

•     Sent  tu  Depository  Libraries 

July  1044  745 

PmnutK.  Weekly  pennnt  report,  v.  2(!.  no.  L'3--L'(5 ;  Juno  7-28,  1044.  L1'->44.1 
various  paging,  narrow  f°     [Processed.]     t  A  80.112 :  20/23-2(5 

St ra wherries.  Tentative  United  States  standards  for  grades  of  frozen  straw- 
berries (efloctive  Jul.v  1,  11)44).  [1944.1  T+[l]  p.  4"  [Processed.  Super- 
sedes standards  that  have  been  in  effect  since  Sept.  1,  1042.1     t 

A  80.121:  St  8/044 

Sugarcave.  Determination  of  f;iir  and  reasonable  prices  for  1043-44  ciop  of 
Puerto  Rican  sugarcane.  Mar.  27,  1044.  3  p.  (S.  D.  101;  Sugar  Branch.) 
t     •  Item  30  A  80.117  :  101 

Determination  of  fair  and  reasonable  wage  rates  for  persons  employed  in 

harvesting  of  .sugarcane  in  Florida  during  period  Sept.  1,  1043-June  30,  1044. 
Apr.  10,  1044.     1  p.     (S.  D.  102;  Sugar  Branch.)     t  A  80.117 :  102 

Tobacco  market  review,  1043^4  season,  class  3  (b),  dark  air-cured  types  35,  3f>, 
and  37.     Apr.  1044.     [21+23  p.  il.  4"     [Processed.]     t      A  80.102  :  T  r.r)/043-44 


Extension  Siervire  rerieir.     Extension  Service  review,  v.   ir>,  no.  H ;   May   1044. 
[1044.]     p.  (i.T-SO,   il.   4"     [Monthly.]     *  Paper,   lOc.   .single  copy,   $1.00'a   yr. ; 
foreign  subscription,  $1.40     •  Item  05 
L.  C.  card  Agr  30-350  A  80.307  :  15/5 

■ Same,    v.    15,    no.    0;    June    1044.     [1044.]     p.    S1-0(>,    il.    4"     [Monthlv.l 

•  Item  05  A  80.307  :  IH/C, 

hisrrts.  Victory  garden  insect  guide.  May  1044.  K!  p.  il.  oblong  32"  (Agri- 
culture Dept.  AWI-05.)  [Prep-ired  in  cooperation  with  Entomology  and 
Plant  Quarantine  Bureau.]     t     •  Item  11  A  1.50:  05 

Jefferson.  Thomas.  Participation  of  4-H  club  members  in  honoring  memory 
of  Thomas  Jefferson,  agriculturist.     [1944.]     [l]+6  p.  4"     [Proces.sed.]     f 

A  80.302  :  J  35 

Posfer-'i.  We  farmers  need  your  helii  more  than  ever  this  year,  will  you  spend 
.some  of  vour  spare  time  on  a  farm  this  summer?  [poster].  1944.  11X21  in. 
[Cardboard.]     t     War  Information   Office  A  80.308 :F  22 


Note. — Slidefilms  rovoring  many  pliasp.s  of  agriculturp  and  liomo  economics  have  bepn 
prepannl  by  the  Extension  Service  in  cooperation  with  snliiect-niatter  bureans  of  the 
Agriculture  Department.      Eacli  .slidefihn  is  accompanied  l)y  explanatory  lecture  notes. 

A  list  of  available  subjects  and  information  on  how  to  purchase  slidefilms  may  be 
obtained  from,  the  Division  of  Extension  Information,  Extension  Service,  Department  of 
Agriculture,  Washington  25,  D.  C. 

Victory  Farm  Vohoiteers.  VFV  on  the  farm  front.  May  1944.  12  p.  il.  4" 
(Agriculture  Dept.  Miscellaneous  publication  542.)  *  Paper,  10c.  •  Item  14 
L.  C.  card  Agi"  44-123  A  1.38 :  542 

Your  job  as  work  leader  [Victory  Farm  Volunteers,  extension  farm-labor 

program].     May  1944.     [8]   p.     il.  narrow  8"     (Agriculture  Dept.     AWI  96.) 
t     •  Item   11  A  1.50:  96 

Womcn'.<^  Land  Army.  Pitch  in  and  help!  Women's  Land  Army  calls  800.000 
women  to  the  farm  in  1944.  May  1944.  [4]  p.  il.  narrow  8"  (Agriculture 
Dept.     AWI-101.)     t     •  Item  11  A  1.59: 101 

Women's  Land   Armv  of  V.    S.    Crop  Corps,   1944.     May   1944.     8  p.   il. 

(Agriculture  Dept.     AWi-102.)     t     •  Item  11  A  1.59:  102 


Note. — By  authority  of  Adm.inistraloi-'s  memorandum  1!7.  supp.  4,  of  the  War  Food 
Administration,  dated  Jan.  '21,  1!H4.  (lie  Farm  Si'ctirity  .\ilministration  was  authorized 
to  function  as  an   independent  agency  williin   the  War   Food   .Vdministration. 

For  a  publication  ordered  prior  lo  the  change  in  status  nf  the  Farm  Security  Adminis- 
tration, see,  below,  Production  Offl<'<'. 

•     Sent  to  Depository  Libraries 

746  Govern  jfENT  Publications 

PEODUCnoN  ofucb 

Nora. — By  authority  of  Administrator's  meniorandum  27,  supp.  4,  of  the  War  Food 
Administration,  dated  Jan.  21,  1944,  the  name  of  the  Food  Production  Administration  was 
changed  to  Office  of  Production. 

By  the  same  autliority  the  Farm  Security  Administration  was  authorized  to  function 
as  an  independent  agency  within  the  War  Food  Administration. 

The  publication  of  the  Farm  Security  Administ ration  entered  below  wa.s  ordered  prior 
to  the  chansc  in  status  of  the  Administration. 

Addresses.  Cottonseed,  feed,  livestock,  and  other  production  problems,  address 
by  J.  B.  Hutson,  director,  OflBce  of  Production,  War  Food  Administration,  and 
president  of  Commodity  Credit  Corporation,  48th  annual  convention  of  Na- 
tional Cottonseed  Products  Association,  Inc.,  New  Orleans,  La.,  May  17,  1944. 
[1944.]     5  leaves,  4°     [Processed.]     t  A  80.207  :C  82 

Far^m  Security  Administration.     Annual  report  of  Farm  Security  Administration, 
[fiscal  year]  1942-3.     [1943.]     [l]+24  p.  il.  4"     [Processed.]     f 
L.  C.  card  Agr  39-7  A  80.701 :  943 

Note. — This  publication  carries  the  classification  of  the  Farm  Security  Administration 
after  it  was  authorized  to  function  as  an  independent  agency  within  the  War  Food 
Administration  because  of  the  frequent  changes  in  organization. 


Cork  oak.  Planting  cork  oak  on  farms  in  the  Southeast ;  [prepared  by  Hill- 
culture  Section,  Soil  Conservation  Service  Research].  Apr.  20,  1944.  2  p.  il.  4" 
[Processed.]     t  A  80.502 :  Oa  4 

Jefferson.  Thomas.     Thomas  Jefferson,  soil  conservationist  [with  list  of  selected 
references;  by  Hugh  H.  Bennett].     [Apr.  1944.]     16  p.  il.  2  p.  of  pi.     (Agri- 
culture Dept.     Miscellaneous  publication  548.)     *  Paper,  10c.     •  Item  14 
L.  C.  card  Agr  44-124  A  1.38 :  548 

Milkweed.  Your  country's  armed  services  need  milkweed  floss,  how  you  can 
help ;  [prepared  by  Soil  Conservation  Service  for  War  Hemp  Industries,  Inc.. 
agents  for  Commodity  Credit  Corporation].  Apr.  1944.  [8]  p.  il.  narrow  8° 
(Agriculture  Dept.  AWI-94.)  [Approved  by  War  Production  Board  and 
Education  Office.]     t     •  Item  11  A  1.59: 94 

Soil  conservation.  Can  you  also  profit  from  soil  conservation?  Apr.  1944.  [2] 
p.  il.  narrow  8°     (Agriculture  Dept.    AWI-98.)     f     •  Item  11  A  1.59: 98 

Soil  conservation,  official  organ  of  Soil  Conservation  Service,  June  1944; 

[v.    9,    no.    12].     [1944.]      [2] +267-288   p.    il.    4°     [Monthly.]     *  Paper,    10c. 

single  copy,  $1.00  a  vr. ;  foreign  subscription,  $1.50.     •  Item  152 

L.  C.  card  Agr  35^03  A  80.507 :  9/12 

Soil  conservation  districts,  state  of  organization  by  States,  approximate  acreage, 
number  of  operating  units  and  farms  in  organized  districts  [as  of  May  15, 
1944].     June  1,  1944.     5  p.  4°     [Processed.]     t  A  80.508 :  944/5 

Soybeans.  Soil  conservation  aids  soybean  production.  Apr.  1944.  8  p.  il. 
(Agriculture  Dept.     AWI-92.)     t     •  Item  11  A  1.59 :  92 


European  War,  1914-lS.    2d  Division,  summary  of  operations  in  World  War  [with 
list  of  sources].     1944.     x+124  p.  il.  6  maps  in  pocket.     *  Fabrikoid,  $1.50. 
•  Item  162 
L.  C.  card  44-41042  Y  3. Am  3 :  W  89/2d  Div. 

— :-    5th  Division,  summary  of  operations  in  World  War  [with  list  of  sources]. 
1944.     x+76  p.  il.  4  maps  in  pocket.     *  Fabrikoid,  $1.25.     •  Item  162 
L.  C.  card  44-41039  Y  3.Am  3 :  W  89/5th  Div. 

27th  Division,  summary  of  operations  in  World  War  [with  list  of  sources]. 

1944.     x+48  p.  il.  3  maps  in  pocket.     *  Fabrikoid,  $1.00.     •  Item  162 

L.  C.  card  44-40966  Y  3.Am  3 :  W  89/27th  Div. 

•    Sent  to  Depository  Libraries 

July  1944  747 

European  War,  191'i-18 — Continued. 

77th  Division,  summary  of  oiJerations  iu  World  War  [with  list  of  sources!. 

1&44.     x+136  p.  il.  4  maps  in  pocket.     *  Fahrikoid,     •  Item  162 

L.  C.  card  44-40965  Y  3.Am.  3  :  W  89/77tii  Dlv. 

80th  Division,  sununary  of  oi^'rations  in  World  War  [with  list  of  sources]. 

1944.     x+77  p.  il.  4  maps  in  pocket.     *  Fahrikoid,  $1.25.      •  It<'in  162 

L.  C.  card  44-41040  Y  3.Am  3  :  W  89/SOth  Div. 

92d  Division,  summary  of  operations  in  World  War  [with  list  of  sources]. 

1944.     x+45  p.  il.  2  maps  in  pocket.     *  Fahrikoid,  75c.     •  Item  162 

L.  C.  card  44^1041  Y  3.Am  3 :  W  89/92d  Div. 


Wood.     ANC  bulletin,  wood  aircraft  inspection  and  fabrication   [with  lists  of 
references;  by  Forest  Products  Laboratory,  Forest  Service].     Dec.  20,  1943, 
[published]  1944.     iv+364  p.  il.  4°     (ANC-19.)      [Issued  under  supervision  of 
Aeronautical  Board.     Text  on  p.  2  of  cover.]     *  Paper,  $1.00. 
L.  C.  card  44-41104  Y  3.  Ar  5/3  :  7/19 


Report.    3d  annual  report  of  Board  of  Trustees  of  Federal  Old-Age  and  Survivors 
Insurance  Trust  Fund.     1943.     ii+17  p.     (Senate  committee  print,  78th  Con- 
gress, 1st  session.)      [Printed  for  use  of  Committee  on  Finance.]     t 
L.  C.  card  42-37995  Y  4.F  49 :  F  31/942 

4th  annual  report  of  Board  of  Trustees  of  Federal  Old-Age  and  Survivors 

Insurance  Trust  Fund.     1944.     iii-f29  p.  il.     (H.  doc.  620,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.) 

*  Paper,  lOc. 


Note.- — The   Commission   furnishes   individual   copies   of   most   of    its    publication   gra- 
tuitously to  those  who  apply  for  them. 

Civil  service  act,  rules  and  regulations,  annotated,  amended  to  Oct.  31,  1943.     1943 
[published  1944].     xxiii-j-525-|-cxxv  p.     [Issued  in  loose-leaf  form.]     *  Paper, 
$1.00,  pamphlet  edition  (without  supplements),  *  paper,  $4.00,  loose-leaf  edition, 
including  52  supplements.     •  Item  171 
L.  C.  card  31-26497  CS  1.7/1 :  943 

Class  specification.^.  Class  specifications  and  statements  of  allocation  standards 
[for  positions  sub.1ect  to  classification  act  of  1923,  as  amended]  ;  INIar.  1944. 
[1944.]  [32]  p.  [Monthly.  Issued  in  loose-leaf  form.  First  part  of  title  has 
been  added  with  rubber  stamp.]  *  Paper,  15c.  single  copy,  $1.50  a  yr.  •  Item 
169  CS  1.39:  944/3 

Same;  Apr.  1941.     [1944.]     37  p.     [Monthly.     Issued  in  loose-leaf  form.] 

*  Item  169  CS  1.39 :  944/4 
Federal  jobs  outside  continental  U.  S.     [1944.]     24  p.     (Form  3954;  Apr.  1944.) 

t     •  Item  169 

L.  C.  card  44-4110(>  CS  1.2  :  J  57 

Stenographers.  Better  utilization  of  stenographers  and  typists,  handbook  for 
supervisors;  [prepared  by  Interagency  Stenographic  Conference].  [May  1944.] 
iii+12  p.     *  Paper,  5c.     •  Item  171  CS  1.7/2:  St  4 

Typists.  Practice  manual  for  typists  in  Goveriniient  atrencies;  [selected  and 
prepared  by  Committee  on  Training  Materials  of  Interagency  Stenographic 
Conference].  1W4.  iii-|-44  p.  4"  (Federal  Work  Improvement  Program, 
Examining  and   Personnel   Utilization  Division.)      [Text  on   p.   2  of  cover.] 

*  Paper,  15c.     •  Item  171 

L.  C.  card  44-ill65  CS  1.7/2  :  T  98 

•     Sent  to  Depository  Libraries 

748  Government  Publications 


Negroes.     2d   animal   report   of   insurance   companies  owned    and    operated   bv 
Negroes  [1W2].     [1944.]      [11+16  p.  4"     |  Processed.  J     t 
L.  C.  card  44-41103  C  1.2  :  In  7/942 


Census,  19^/0  (16th).     See,  below,  entries  under  center  bead  Census,  IBJfi  (16th). 

Commerce.  Monthly  summary  of  foreign  commerce  of  United  States,  Oct.  1941, 
corrected  to  Jan.  31,  1942 ;  cunipiled  by  Foreign  Trade  Division.  [Reprint 
1944.]     46  p.  4°     [Processed.]     t  0  3.147:941/10 

Same,  Nov.  1941,  corrected  to  Jan.  31,  1942;  compiled  by  Foreign  Trade 

Division.     [Reprint  1944.]     46  p.  4°    [Processed.]     t  €3.147:941/11 

Same,  Dec.  1941,  corrected  to  Feb.  26,  1944 :  compiled  by  P"'oreign  Trade 

Division.     [Reprint  1944.]     64  p.  4°     [Processed.]     t  03.147:941/12 

Cotton.  Activity  in  cotton  spinning  industry  for  May  1944.  June  19,  1944. 
1  p.  4°     [Monthly.     Processed.     Preliminary  report.]     t  0  3.53:944/5 

April   report  of  cotton   consumed,   on   hand,   and   active   cotton   spindles. 

May  15,  1944.     oblong  32"     [Preliminary  rep«jrt.     Issued  in  postal  card  form.] 
t  0  3.21 :  943-44/9 

May   report   of  cotton   consumed,   on  hand,  and   active   cotton   spindles. 

June  14,  1944.     oblong  32"     [Preliminary  report.     Issued  in  postal  card  form.] 
t  0  3.21 :  943-44/10 

Cottonseed.  Cottonseed  received,  crushed,  and  on  hand,  and  cottonseed  products 
manufactured,  shipped  out,  and  on  hand,  for  9  months  ending  Apr.  30,  1944, 
and  1943.  May  12,  1944.  oblong  32°  [Preliminary  report.  Issued  in  postal 
card  form.]     t  0  3.149:943-44/9 

Same,   for   10  months   ending   May  31,    1944,    and   1943.     June   13,   1944. 

oblong  32"     [Preliminary  report.     Issued  in  iwstal  card  form.]     t 

0  3.149 :  943^4/10 

Employment.     State  and  local  government  quarterly  employment  survey,  4th  quar- 
ter, 1943;  V.  4,  no.  19,  Final  general  summary  of  public  emplovnient  in  Oct.  1943. 
May  1JM3  [1944.]     14  p.  il.  4"     [Processed.]     t 
L.  O.  card  40-26613  0  3.140 :  4/19 

Same:  v.  4,  no.  20,  Women  in  State  and  local  government  emplovnient 

in  1943.     Mayl&44.,  4°     [Processed.]     t  C3.140':.4/20 

Farm  mortgages.  Farm-mortgage  indebtedness  in  United  States:  release  1, 
Number  of  mortgaged  farms.  [June  25,  1943.]  12  p.  il.  4°  [Processed. 
Cooperative  survey  conducted  by  Census  Bureau  and  Agricultural  Economics 
Bureau.]     t  0  3.2 :  F  22/4/no.l 

Same:  release  2,  Amount  of  farm-mortgage  debt.     [Mar.  25,  1944.]     15  p. 

il.  4"     [Processed.     Cooperative  survey  conducted  by  Census  Bureau  and  Agri- 
cultural Economics  Bureau.]     t  0  3.2 :  F  22/4/no.2 

•     Sent  to  Depository  Libraries 

July  1944 


Financial  statistics.     Couuty  fiuances,  11)42,  suiuiuury  uf  statistical  couipeudium : 
State  summary  of  couuty  goverumeut  tiuauces  in  1942 ;  by  Wylio  Kilpatiick. 
Apr.  1944.     15  p.  4°     [I'rocessed.     Prepared  under  supervision  of  E.  11.  Gray, 
chief,  GJovernment  Division.]     t 
L.  C.  card  42-38813  C  3.2  :  F  49/942/preUm. 

State  finances,  194o :  v.  2,  Topical  reports,  no.  2,  final,  State  tax  collections 

in  1943.     May  1944.     42  p.  il.  4"     [Processed.]     t 

L.  C.  card  16-20796  C  3.141 :  943/v.2,no.2 

Foreign  trade.  Foreign  commerce  and  navigation  of  United  Slates,  calendar 
year  1941 :  Table  1,  Imports  for  consumption,  by  articles  and  countries,  with 
rates  of  duty,  tariff  ijarugraph,  and  calculated  amounts  of  duty  collected,  1941 
(group  totals,  selected  sub-group  totals,  commodities)  ;  compiled  by  Foreign 
Trade  Division.  [1944.]  [1]4-219  p.  4°  [Processed.  For  preliminary  dis- 
tribution.] t 
L.  C.  card  14-21466  C  3.159 :  941/tab.l 

Same:  Table  4,  Exports  of  domestic  merchandise  by  articles  and  countries, 

1941  (group  totals,  selected  sub-group  totals,  commodities)  ;  compiled  by 
Foreign  Trade  Division.  [1944.]  [1]+21S  p.  4°  [Processed,  lleproduced 
manuscript  for  preliminary  distribution.]     t  C  3.159 :  941/tab.4 

Industrial  and  business  statistirs.     [Monthly  and  quarterly  industrial  and  busi- 
ness statistics.]     4°  or  oblong  8°     [Processed.]     f 

C 3. (various  arbitrary  numbers)  : 

Note. — The  Census  Bureau  collects  and  publishes  monthly  and  quarterly  current  statis- 
tics in  processed  form  for  numerous  industries  and  commodities.  Summaries  of  most 
of  these  statistics  are  published  later  in  Survey  of  current  business  issued  each  mouth 
by  the  Foreign  and  Dometic  Commerce  Bureau.  The  titles  of  these  reports  as  issued  for 
l'J44,  with  the  Documents  Office  classificatiou  number  for  each,  are  listed  Lelow  : 

Monthly  industrial  and  business  reports 

Asphalt  and  tar  roofing  and  siding  prod- 
ucts, Shipments  of  (C  .'J.IOO  :) 

Boots,  shoes,  and  slippers,  other  than  rub- 
ber (0  3.43:) 

Commercial  steel  castings   (C3.74:) 

Confectionery  and  competitive  chocolate 
pi'odiicts,  manufacturers'  sales  (C  3.135  :) 

Cotton  consumed,  on  hand,  and  active  cot- 
ton spindles   (C3.21:) 

Cotton,  leather,  and  allied  garments  (ci- 
vilian and  Uoverument)   (C  3.(i4  :) 

Cottonseed  products  manufactured  and  on 
hand  at  oil  mills  by  States  (C  .■^.125  :) 

Domestic  pumps,  water  systems,  and  wind- 
mills (C3.77:) 

Fats  and  oils,  animal  and  vegetable 
(C  3.123:) 

Galvanized  range  boilers  and  tanks  for  hot 
water  heaters  (C3.86:) 

Leather  gloves  and  mittens  (C  3.42  :) 

Malleable  iron  castings  (C  3.80  :) 

Mechanical  stokers  (C  3.91  :) 

Men's  youths',  and  boys'  clothing  (civilian 
and  Government)    (C  3.92  :) 

Oil  burners   (C3.93:) 

Paint,  varnish,  lacquer,  and  fillers  (C  3.94  :) 

Plastic  paints,  coldwater  paints,   and  cal- 
cimines (C3.96:) 
I'orcelain    enameled    products,    metal   base 

only   (C3.98:) 
Public  merchandise  warehousing  (C  3.102  :) 
Pyroxylin    coated    woven    cotton    fabrics 

(C  3.104  :) 
Raw  wool  consumption  (C  3.52  :) 
Ked  cedar  sliingles  (('3.119:) 
Retail  sales,  independent  stores  [summary 

and  one  report  for  each  of  34  States  and 

6  citiesl   (C  3.138  :) 
Sales  finance  companies  (0  3.151  :) 
Steel  barrels  and  drums  (0  3.106  :) 
Steel  boilers  (C  3.107  :) 
Superphosphates  (C  3.111  :) 
Underwear,    knit    clotli    and    knit    fabiic 

gloves  (C  3.113:) 
Wheat  ground  and  wheat-milling  products 

(0  3.117  :) 
White    base    antifriction    bearing    metals 

(0.  3.71  :) 
Wholesalers'  sales,  inventories,  and  credits 

(C.  3.133  :) 
Wool  machinery  activity  (C  3.51  :) 

Quarterly  industrial  and  business  reports 

Blowers,  fans,  unit  heaters,  and  accessory 
equipment   (0  3.143  :) 

Fats  and  oil.s.  Factory  consumption  of  pri- 
mary animal  and  vegetable,  by  classes 
of  products  (C  3.154  :) 

Lacquers,  Sales  of  (C  3.88  :) 

Industry.    Facts  for  industry.    4°  and  oblong  8°     [Processed.]     t 

Warm-air  furnaces  and  winter  air-condi- 
tioning units  (C  3.144  :) 

Wheat  and  wlieat-flour  stocks  held  by  mills 
(C  3.115:) 

Wool  and  related  fibers.  Commercial  stocks 
of  (C  3.52/3:) 

C  3.158 : 

Note. — The  Facts  for  industry  series  was  established  as  the  medium  to  carry  out  the 
policy  adopted  by  the  War  Producti m  Board  of  releasing  significant  statistical  data  to 
industry  whenever  the  release  would  not  interfere  with  llu-  war  effort.  Generally,  the 
series  provides  information  on  such  basic  factors  as  pi'oduction,  shipments,  inventories 
and  unfilled  orders,  for  products  for  which  the  Board  has  required  reperis  in  order  to 
maintain  wartime  controls.  Facts  for  industry  series  is  issued  jointly  by  the  War 
Production  Board  and  the  Bureau  of  the  Census,  aiul  may  be  of  two  kinds  :  one-time 
and  periodic. 

598159 — 44— No.  594- 

Sent  to  Depository  Libraries 

750  Government  Publications 

Labor  force.  Monthly  report  on  labor  force:  Estimates  of  employment  status  of 
civilian  population  in  United  States  during  week  of  Apr.  2-8,  1944.  May  15, 
]!)44.     4  p.  4"      (Siiecial  surveys;  MRLF-no.  23.)      |Proccssed.]      t 

C  3.155 :  23 

Same  duritig  week  of  May  7-13,  1JM4.     Juno   13,  IS)  11.     4  p.  4"      (Siwcial 

surveys ;  MRLF  no.  24. )      [Processed.]     t  0  3.155:24 

Latin  America.  United  Stales  exports  of  domestic  merchandise  to  Latin  American 
repuldics  (including  lend-lease  exports),  calendar  year  1942:  pt.  1,  Conuuodity 
by  country  of  destination.  [1944.]  3  sec.  [51+32+62+82  p.  4"  [Processed. 
Prepared  under  supervision  of  J.  Edward  Ely,  chief,  Foreign  Trade  Division.  |    t 

C  3.157 :  942/pt.l/sec.l-3 

Same:  pt.    2,    Country    of    destination    by    commodity.      [1944.]      4    sec. 

|7]+5<)+124+G5+117  p.  4"  [Processed.  Prepared  under  supervision  of 
J.  Edward  Ely,  chief.  Foreign  Trade  Division.]     %         C  3.157:  942/pt.2/sec.l-4 

United  States  exports  of  foreign  merchandise  to  Latin  American  republics 

(including  lend-lease  exports),  calendar  year  1942  :  pt.  1,  Commodity  by  country 
of  destination.  [1944.]  [l]+10p.  4"  [Processed.  Prepared  under  supervi- 
sion of  J.  Edward  Ely,  chief.  Foreign  Trade  Division.]     J       C  3.157/2  :  942/pt.l 

Same:  pt.  2,  Country  of  destination  by  commodity.     [1&14.]     [1]+21  p.  4° 

[Processed.  Prepared  under  supervision  of  J.  Edward  Ely,  chief,  Foreign  Trade 
Division.]     J  C  3.157/2  :  &42/pt. 2 

TTnited  States  g,(>nora]  imports  from  Latin  American  republics,  excluding 

strategic  and  critical  materials  and  military  equipment,  calendar  year  19-12: 
pt.  1,  (\tmniodity  by  country  of  origin.  [1944.]  [l]+43+[l]  p.  4"  [Processed. 
Prepared  under  supervision  of  J.  Edward  Elv.  chief,  Foreign  Trade  Division.]    | 

C  3.157/3 : 942/pt.l 

Same:  pt.  2,  Country  of  origin  by  commodity.     [1944.]     [1] +52+ [2]  p.  4" 

[Processed.  Prepared  under  supervision  of  J.  Edward  Ely,  chief.  Foreign  Trade 
Division.]     t  C  3.157/3  :  942/pt.2 

Mortality  index.  Week  mortality  index,  deaths  in  major  cities,  June  3-24,  1944 ; 
V.  15,  no.  22-25.     June  S-29,  1944.     Each  4  p.  il.  4°     [Processed.]     t 

C  3.41 :  15/22-2,^ 

Vital  Htatistie.^.  Monthly  vital  statistics  bulletin,  June  10,  1944;  v.  7,  no.  4. 
[1944.]     4  p.  il.  4"     [Processed.]     t  C  3.127: 7/4 

Vital  statistics,  special  reports,  May  29  and  June  14.  1944;  v.  19,  no.  14 

and  15.  [1944.]  p.  1.53-288,  4"  [Processed.  Number  15  is  dated  May  29, 
1944.]     t 

L.  C.  ca  rd  36-26592  C  3.67 :  19A-t,  15 

Note. — Volume    19    consists    of    tnbulatioii.s,    studies,    ami    anal.vlu'al    articles 
on  selected  subjects. 

Census,  19.',0  (IGth) 

Agriculture:  Value  of  farm  products  by  color  and  tenure  of  farm  operator,  sta- 
tistics, by  color  and  tenure  of  farm  operator,  on  value  of  farm  products  sold, 
traded,  or  used  bv  farm  households.  sp(vial  study;  by  Irvin  Holmes.  1944. 
iv+291  p.  il.  4"  (16th  census  of  United  States,  1940.)  [Prepared  under  super- 
vision of  Zellmer  R.  Pettet,  chief.  Agriculture  Division.  Sample  data  from 
16th  census  were  used  as  basis  for  obtaining  these  statistics.  The  ligures  are, 
therefore,  subject  to  sampling  errors.]  *  Cloth,  65c.  •  Item  215 
L.  C.  card  44-41009  C  3.940-5 :  Ag  8/5 

n&Kfting.    Puerto  Rico:  Housing,  general  characteristics.    1943.    vii  +  121  p.  il.  4" 
(16th  census  of  United  States,  1940.)      [Spanish  and  English.     Prepared  under 
supervision  of  Leon  E.  Truesdell,  chief  statistician  for  population.]     *  Paiier, 
40c.     •  Item  210 
L.  C.  card  44-41 102  C  3.940-32 :  P  96 

•     Sent  to  Depository  Libraries 

July  1944  751 

Populatinn.     Pdimlation :  Families,  size  of  family  and  age  of  head,  regions  and 
cities  of  l.UOO,000  or  more.     1944.     iT+12T  p.  il.  4°     (16th  census  of  United 
States,  1940.)     [Prepared  under  supervision  of  Leon  E.  Truesdell,  chief,  Popu- 
lation Division.]     *  Paper,  30c.     •  Item  213 
L.  C.  card  44-41005  ^  C  3.940-2 :  P  81/25 

Same:  State  of  birth  of  native  population.    I&i4.  viii+78  p.  il.  4"     (16th 

census   of  United    States,    1940.)      [Prepared    under   supervision    of  Leon    E. 

Truesdell,  chief.  Population  Division.]     *  Paper,  25c.     •  Item  213 

L.  C.  card  44-41043  C  3.940-2 :  P  81/26 


Cinl  aeronautics  journal,  issued  monthly  by  Information  &  Statistics  Service. 
V.  5,  no.  6:  June  15,  1944.     [1944.]     p.  65-76.  il.  4°     *  Paper,  5c.,  single  copy, 
oOc.  a  vr. ;  foreign  subscription.  7'>e.     •  Item  Jl'.t 
L.  C.  card  40-26182  C  31.118  :  5/6 


-The  opinions  in  economic  proceedings  of  the  Civil  Aeronautics  Bo.Trd  are  printed 
r  beginning  with  v.  2.  and  are  "advance  sheets"  of  the  material  which  will  make 

Note. — 1 
up  bound  volumes  of  the  Civil  Aeronautics  Board  Reports. 

The  separate  opinions  are  obtainable  from  the  Superintendent  of  Documents,  Government 
Printinir  Office,  Washington  :25.  D.  C.  at  a  suhscription  price  of  $1.00  per  volume;  single 
copies  vary  in  price. 

Civil  air  rcffulations  amendments.     [Processed.]     t  C  31.209: 

Note. — Amendments  to  Civil  air  regulations,  beginning  with  Oct.  15,  1941.  are  issued 
in  a  new  form,  and  are  numbered  so  that  no  amendment  will  affect  more  than  one  part 
of  the  Regulations.  These  amendments  or  digests  of  them  will  be  published  in  the  monthly 
Civil  aeronautics  journal.  Separate  entries  of  these  amendments  are  not  listed  in  the 
Monthly  catalog. 


Alaska.    Greographic  names  in  coastal   areas   of  Alaska.     [1944.]     cover  title, 
133  p.  il.  -i"     [Processed.]     t 
L.  C.  card  44-41107  C  4.2 :  Al  1/5 

Coast  pilots.  Supplement  to  United  States  coast  pilot.  Gulf  Coast,  Key  "West  to 
Rio  Grande,  2d  (1936)  edition  ;  Apr.  15. 1944.  [1944.]  39+ [1]  leaves.  (  Serial 
590-5.)     t     •  Item  241  C  4.6/4 :  936/supp.-5 

Tide  tables.  Atlantic  Ocean,  [calendar]  year  1945.     1944.     344  p.     (Serial  660.) 
[Includes  list  of  publications  by  Coast  and  Geodetic  Survey  relating  to  tides 
and  currents.     Important  notice  on  use  of  daylight  saving  or  war  time  on  p.  2 
of  cover.]     t  Paper,  25c.     •  Item  236 
L.  C.  card  7-3.5329  C  4.15/3 :  »45 


Business.     Survey  of  current  business.  June  1944;  [v.  24.  no.  6].     [1944.]     cover 
title.  24+S36  p.  il.  4°     [Monthly.     Text  and  another  illustration  on  p.  2-4  of 
cover.]     *  Paper,   15c.   single  copy.   §1.75   a   yr. ;    foreign   subscription,    $2.50. 
•  Item  257 
L.  C.  card  21-26819  C  18.35 :  24/6 

Same,  weekly  supplement.  June  1-29,  V.H4.     [1!>44.]     Each   [2]   p.  il.  4" 

[Processed.]     t  C  18.36 :  ^44/22-26 

Confectionery.  Preliminary  report  nn  confectionery  sales  and  distribution,  liM3 ; 
bv  George  F.  Dudik.     Wiishington,  1944.     iv+2S  p.  il.  4°     [Processed.]     t 

C  1S.2 :  C  76/3/&43/prelim. 

Delivery  pooling  for  retail  stores  ;  by  Donald  W.  Padeu.     May  1944.     [72]  p.  il.  4° 
(Economic  series  37.)      [Processed.]     t 
L.  C.  card  44r41079  C  18.206 :  37 

•     Sent  to  Depository  Libraries 


Domestic  commerce,  v.  32,  no.  6;  June  1044.     [1944.]     32  p.  il.  4"     f Monthly.] 

•  Piiper,  10c.  singlo  copy,  $1.00  a  yr. ;  foreign  subscription,  $1.40.     •  Item  251 

C  18.32 :  32/6 

Foreign  commerce  tccckly,  v.  15,  no.  10-13;  June  3-24,  11>44.  [1944.]  various 
p.aging,  il.  4°     *  I'aper,  10c.  single  copy,  $4.50  a  yr. ;  foreign  subscription,  $7.90. 

•  Item  251 

L.  C.  card  40-29231  C  18.5/1 :  15/10-13 

JTome  repairs.     Check   list  for  home  repair   and   modernization.     Washington, 
June  1044.     ii+14  p.     (Economic  series  36.)      [Processed.]     t 
L.  C.  card  44-41ias  C  18.206 :  36 

Household  fwnifure,  statistical  handbook  [with  Some  additional  sources  of  in- 
formation on  household  furniture]  ;  by  Edward  R.  Killam.     June  1044.     28  p. 
il.  4°     (Industrial  series  8.)      [Processed.]     t 
L.  C.  card  44-41101  C  18.225:  8 

Industry  survey,  manufacturers'  inventories,  shipments,  incoming  business,  un- 
filled orders,  Apr.  1944.     [1044.]     8  p.  il.  4°     [Monthly.     Processed.]     t 

C  18.224 :  944/4 

Wood  pulp.  Pulp  and  paper  industry  report.  Apr.  1944 :  Pulp  and  paper  series, 
pt.  1;  prepared  by  Pulp  and  Paper  Unit  in  cooperation  with  Forest  Products 
Bureau,  War  Production  Board.  Washington,  1944.  42  p.  il.  4"  [Monthly. 
Processed.]     t  018.229:944/4 

Note. — Othor  parts  in  the  Pulp  and  papfr  series  ai'o  Facts  fnr  industry  series  issued 
jointly  by  th(>  War  Production  Hoard  and  tlie  Bureau  of  the  Census.  A  "note  regarding 
the  latter  series  appears  in  this  Monthly  catalog  under  Census  Bureau,  Industry. 

Same,  with  title.  Industry  report,  pulp  and  paper.  May  1944:  Pulp  and 

paper  series,  pt.  1 ;  prepared  by  Pulp  and  Paper  Unit  in  cooperation  with  War 
Production  Board,  Forest  Products  Bureau.  [1944.]  44  p.  il.  4°  [Monthly. 
Processed.]     t  018.229:944/5 

Same,  June  1944 :  Pulp  and  paper  series,  pt.  1 ;  prepared  by  Pulp  and  Paper 

Unit  in  cooperation  with  War  Production  Board,  Forest  Products  Bureau. 
[1944.]     43  p.  il.  4"     [Monthly.     Processed.]     t  018.229:944/6 

Pulp  and  paper  trade  statistics  of  other  American  republics,  1938-41 ;  pre- 
pared by  B.  M.Frost  and  E.  Sukmanowsky.  Washington,  1944.  [2]  +88  p.  il.  4° 
(Economic  series  35.)      [Processed.]     t 

L.  0.  card  44-41078  0  18.206 :  35 


Report.    Annual  report  of  Inland  Waterways  Oorporation  to  Secretary  of  Com- 
merce, calendar  vear  1943 ;  issued  bv  Chester  C.  Thompson,  chairman  of  board- 
president.     St.  Louis  Mo.  [1944].     [l]-f3l  p.     % 
L.  0.  card  27-25963  C  29.1 :  943 


Humidity.  Control  of  humidity  by  saturated  salt  solutions  [with  list  of  ref- 
erences].    May  19,  1944.     4  p.  4°     (Letter  circular  LC  752.)      [Processed.]     t 

0  13.16 :  752 

Hydrocarbons.  Analytical  determination  of  aromatic  hydrocarbons  by  adsorp- 
tion;  by  Beveridge  J.  Mair  and  Alphonse  F.  Forziati.  [1944.]  p.  151-164,  il. 
(Research  paper  RP1582.)  [From  Journal  of  research  of  National  Bureau  of 
Standards,  Apr.  1944,  V.  32.]     *  Paper,  10c.  0  13.22/a  :  1582 

Separation   and   recovery   of  aromatic  hydrocarbons   from   paraffins   and 

napthenes  by  adsorption  [with  list  of  references]  ;  by  Beveridge  J.  Mair  and 
Alphonse  F.  Forziati.  [1944.]  p.  165-183,  11.  (Research  piiper  RP15.S3.) 
[From  Journal  of  research  of  National  Bureau  of  Standards.  Apr.  1944. 
V.  32.]     *  Paper,  10c.  0  13.22/a  :  15.S3 

•     Sent  to  Depository  Libraries 

July  1944  753 

Iron.  Thermal  expansion  of  high-silicon  cast  iron  [with  list  of  references]  ;  by 
Peter  Hidnert  and  George  Dickson.  [1944.]  p.  145-149,  il.  (Research  pai)er 
RPloSl.)  [From  Journal  of  research  of  National  P>urean  of  Standards,  Apr. 
1944,  V.  32.]     *  Paptn-,  5c.  C  13.22/a  :  1581 

Mrlal.s.  Standard  samples  issued  or  in  preparation  by  National  Bureau  of  Stand- 
ards. May  1,  1944.  ii-fltJ  p.  (('ircular  C;>!tS,  supplement.)  [Supersedes 
supplement  issued  Oct.  28,  1942.]      t     •  Item  273  C13.4 :  398/supp.944 

Paint  remover.  Paint  and  varnish  removers  (also  known  as  stripping  compounds, 
enamel  strippers,  brush  cleaners,  etc.)  [with  list  of  references].  May  9,  1944. 
6  p.  4°     (Letter  circular  LC  749.)      [Processed.]     t  013.16:749 

Plumhing  fixtures.  Muebles  o  artefactos  sanltarios  de  loza  vitrea,  de  use  general, 
norma  adoptada  por  la  industria.  Tercera  ediciou.  1944.  11+32  p.  il. 
(Norma  comercial  CS20-42. )  [En  vigor  para  la  niueva  produccion,  desde  el 
10  de  Julio  de  1942.  For  the  English  edition  of  this  publication  see  the  Monthly 
catalog  for   Sept.   1&42,   p.   1017.]     *  Paper,   10c.  C  13.20 :  20/3/Spanish 

Sodium  'Chloride.  Effect  of  sodium  chloride  on  pH  of  /j-phenolsulfonate  buffers 
from  0°  to  60°  C.  [with  list  of  references]  ;  by  Roger  G.  Bates  and  S.  F.  Acree. 
[1944.]  p.  131-143,  il.  (Research  paper  RP  1580.)  [From  Journal  of  research 
of  National  Bureau  of  Standards,  Apr.  1944,  v.  32.]     *  Paper,  HJc. 

C  13.22/a :  1580 

Technical  news  bulletin.     Technical  news  bulletin  of  National  Bureau  of  Stand- 
ards, May  1944;  no.  325.     [1944.]     p.  33-40.     [Monthly.]     *  Paper,  5c.  single 
copy,  50c.  a  yr. ;  foreign  subscription,  70c.     •  Item  281 
L.  C.  card  25-26527  C  13.13 :  325 

Same,  June  1944;  no.  326.     [1944.]     p.   41-47.     [Monthly.]      •Item  281 

C  13.13 :  326 

Mood  finishiiKj.  Refinishing  wood  furniture  [with  list  of  reference  books  on  wood 
finishing].     Apr.  IS,  1944.     4  p.  4"     (Letter  circular  LC  748.)      [Processed.]     t 

C  13.16 :  748 


Note. — The  Patent  Office  publishes  Specifications  and  drawings  of  patents  in  single  copies. 
These  are  not  enumerated  in  this  catalog,  but  may  be  obtained  for  10c.  each  at  the  Patent 
Office  when  identified  by  patent  number.  The  Office  also  issues  coupon  orders  in  packafies 
of  20  at  $2.00  per  package,  or  in  books  containing  100  coupons  at  $10.00  Per  book.  These 
coupons  are  good  until  used  but  are  to  be  used  only  for  orders  sent  to  the  Patent  Office. 
For  schedule  of  office  fees,  address  Chief  Clerk,  Patent  Office,  Washington,  D.  C. 

Classification  huUetin  87,  Sept.  29-Nov.  1,  1943,  containing  classification  orders 
nos.  3761-70,  pertaining  to  classification  of  subjects  of  invention  revised  by 
Classification  Division.  [1944.]  31  leaves,  large  8°  *  Paper,  10c.  •  Item  286 
L.  C.  card  8-16238  C  21.3 :  87 

[Decisions  in  patent  and  trade-mark  cases,  etc.]  June  6-27,  1944.  [1944.] 
various  paging,  large  8°  [Issue  of  June  27,  1944  includes  Bulletin  of  decisions 
of  I'atent  OflSce  on  trade-marks  rendered  during  May  1944.  From  Official 
gazette,  v.  563,  no.  1-4.]  *  Paper,  5c.  single  copy,  $1.00  a  yr. ;  foreign  sub- 
scription, $2.00. 
L.  C.  card  23-7315  C  21.5/a  2 :  563/1-4 

Uolslag,  Claude  J.  In  Court  of  Customs  and  Patent  Appeals,  patent  appeal  no. 
4992,  in  re  Claude  J.  Holslag,  mask  for  arc  welding;  brief  for  commissioner  of 
patents.     [1944.]     cover  title,  7  p.  4°     J  C  21.10 :  H  741/3 

Kraft  Cheese  Co.  Brief  for  appellee,  in  United  States  Court  of  Appeals  for 
District  of  Columbia,  appeal  no.  8717,  Kraft  Cheese  Company  v.  Conway  P. 
Coe,  commissioner  of  patents,  appeal  from  judgment  of  District  Court  of 
United  States  for  District  of  Columbia.     [1944.]     cover  title,  i  -f  9  p.  4°     t 

C  21.10 :  K855/3 

Laml),  Clyde  K.  In  Court  of  Customs  and  Patent  Appeals,  patent  appeal  no. 
4945,  in  re  Clyde  K.  Lamb,  safety  scaffolds ;  brief  for  commissioner  of  patents. 
[1944.]     cover  title,  0  p.  4°     X  C  21.10  :L  165 

•     Sent  to  Depository  Libraries 


Official  gazette.     Official  gazette  of  Patent  Ollice,  containing  patents,  trade-marks, 
and  designs,  issued  June  G-27,  1044;  v.  503.  no.  1-4.     [1944.]     cover  titles. 
731  -f    Icxxvil  p.  il.  large  8"     [Weekly.]     •Paper,  35c  single  copy,  $16.00  a 
yr. ;  foreign  .sul)><cripti(in,  $25.00.     •  Item  200 
L.  C.   card  4-1.S250  C  21.5 :  563/1-4 

Note. — Contains  the  patents,  triido-marks  and  designs  issued  each  week,  with  indexes; 
also  decisions  of  the  commissioner  of  patents  and  of  the  United  States  court  in  patent 
cases.  In  the  last  weeklj'  issue  of  each  niontli  there  is  Included  in  the  Official  gazette 
a  section  entitletl  Bulletin  of  decisions  of  Ptitent  Office  on  trade-marks. 

The  annual  inde.v  of  patents  will  hereafter  be  published  in  2  parts,  one  on  Patents,  price 
?2.0(»,  and  (he  otiier  on  Trade-marks,  price  75c.  Tliese  indexes  are  not  included  in  the 
regular  subscription  i)rice  for  the  Official  gazette  given  above,  but  will  bo  sent  to  those 
yearl.v  subscribers  who  remit  $18.75;  foreign  subscription  for  the  same,  $28.75. 

Same,  weekly  index,  with  title.     List  of  trade-mavk  applicants  published 

for   opposition    [etc.    June   6-27,    1944].     [1944.]     various    paging,    large    8° 
[From  OflScial  gazette,  v.  563,  no.  1-4. j     *  PaiKjr,  5c.  single  copv,  .$2.00  a  yr. 

C  21.*5/a4 :  563/1-4 

Same   [title  page,  contents,  etc.,  to]   v.  562;  INIay  1944.  1944.     2  leaves, 

large  8°     *  Paper,  5c.   single  copy,   included  in  price  of  Official  gazette  for 
subscribers.     •  Item  290  C  21.5 :  562/t.p.&Cont. 

Parker,  Arthur  L.  In  Court  of  Customs  and  Patent  Appeals,  patent  appeal  no. 
4987,  in  re  Arthur  L.  Parker,  improvement  in  tube  and  protective  sleeve 
assembly;  brit-f  for  commissioner  of  patents.     [1944.]     cover  title,  6  p.  4°     t 

C  21.10 :  P223/4 

Patents.  Cla.ssifieation  of  patents  issued  June  6-27,  1944.  [1944.]  Each  2  p. 
large  8°  [Weekly.  From  Official  gazette,  v.  563,  no.  1-4.]  f  Paper,  5c.  single 
copy,  $2.50  a  yr.  C  21.5/al :  563/1-4 

Retail  Clerks  International  Protective  Association.  In  Court  of  Customs  and 
Patent  Appeals,  patent  apijeal  no.  4991,  in  re  Retail  Clerks  International  Pro- 
tective Association,  trade-mark;  brief  for  commissioner  of  patents.  [1944.] 
cover  title,  7  p.  4"     t  C  21.10 :  R  313/2 

Smith,  Robert  A.  In  Court  of  Customs  and  Patent  Appeals,  patent  appeal  no. 
4997,  in  re  Robert  Armstrong  Smith,  devices  for  receiving,  retaining  and  re- 
leasing articles ;  brief  for  commissioner  of  patents.  [1944.]  cover  title. 
9  p.  4"     t  C  21.10  :Sm  64/2 

Spengler,  Walter  J.  In  Court  of  Customs  and  Patent  Appeals,  patent  api^eal  no. 
4957,  in  re  Walter  J.  Spengler,  Tullio  Tognola  and  Jakob  R.  Frei,  radio  shield- 
ing means ;  brief  for  commissioner  of  patents.     [1944.]     cover  title,  12  p.  4°    + 

C  21.10  :Sp  34 

Thome,  Neale  d  Co.,  Inc.  Supplemental  brief  for  appellee  Conway  P.  Coe,  com- 
missioner of  patents,  United  States  Court  of  Appeals,  District  of  Columbia, 
appeal  no.  8600,  Thorne.  Neale  &  Co.,  Incorporated,  v.  Conway  P.  Coe,  commis- 
sioner of  patents,  and  William  Roy  Carney,  appeal  from  judgment  of  District 
Court  of  United  States  for  District  of  Columbia.  [1944.]  cover  title,  i-flO  p. 
4°     $  C  21.10  :  T393/3 

Trade-marks  [etc.,  fiom]  Official  gazette,  June  6-27,  1944.  [1944.]  various  paging, 
il.  large  8°  [Weekly.  From  Official  gazette,  v.  5(53.  no.  1-4.]  *Paper,  10c. 
single  copy,  $5.00  a  yr. ;  foreign  subscription,  $7.00.  C  21.5/a  3 :  563/1-4 


Loans.  Bank  participation  plan,  war  production,  contract  termination,  recon- 
version and  other  business  loans,  n.p.  [May  15,  1944].  cover  title.  10  p. 
[Text  on  p.  2  of  cover.]     t  C  33.2  :B  22/2 


Climatological  data.  Climatological  data.  West  Indies  and  Caribbean  section, 
in  cooperation  with  governments  of  islands  of  West  Indies  and  of  adjacent 
coasts  of  Central  and  South  America,  v.  23,  no.  9;  Sept.  1943.  [WBO,  Atlanta, 
Ga.,  May  27,  1944.]  p.  65-72,  4°  [Monthly.]  *  Paper,  5c.  single  copy,  25c.  a  yr. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  14-566  C  30.20:  23/9 

•     Sent  to  Depository  Libraries 

July  1944  755 

ClimaioloQical  data — Continued. 

Same.    v.   23.   no.    10;   Oct.   1943.     [WBO,    Atlanta,    Ga.,   June   16,   1944.] 

p.  73-80,  4°     [Monthly.]  C  30.20:  23/10 

Corn.  Weekly  corn  and  wheat  weather  biiUetin,  no.  9-12,  series  1944;  June  6-27, 
1944.  rciiicago  P  O,  June  6-27,  1944.]  Each  [2]  p.  i"  *  Paper,  30c.  per  season 
(April-September) .  C  30.7 :  944/9-12 

Cotton.  Weekly  cotton  weather  bulletin,  no.  9-11,  series  1944 ;  June  6-20,  1944. 
[Weather  Bureau  Office,  New  Orleans,  La.,  1944.]  Each  [2]  p.  il.  oblong  8", 
folded  into  8°  size.     *  Paper,  30c.  per  season  (April-October) .     C  30.9 :  944/9-11 

77fl(7-thunderstorm  ratio ;  by  A.  L.  Shands.  [1944.]  p.  71-74,  il.  large  4°  [From 
Monthly  weather  review.  Mar.  1914,  v.  72.]     t  C  30.14/a  :  H  125/2 

Meteorology.  Monthly  meteorological  summary,  Washington,  D.  C.,  May  1944. 
[WB,  June  8,  1944.]      [2]  p.  f     t  C  30.10 :  944/.5 

Monthly  weather  review.  Mar.  1944;  v.  72.  no.  3.  [June  12,  1944.]  cover  title, 
p.  63-88,  il.  11  p.  of  maps,  large  4"  (W.B.  no.  1413. )  [Certain  special  articles 
are  reprinted  from  the  Monthly  weather  review  and  listed  in  the  Monthly 
catalog  as  they  are  issued.]  *  Paper,  20  c.  single  copy,  .$2.00  a  yr. ;  foreign  sub- 
scription, $2.75.     •  Item  303 

L.  C.  card  Agr.  9-990  C  30.14 :  72/3 

Note.— The  monthly  weather  review  publishes  monthly  meteorological  and  climatologi- 
cal  data  for  the  United  States  and  adjacent  regions,  and  brief  contributions,  principally 
to  synoptic  meteorology  and  applied  meteorology. 

leather.     Weekly  weather  and  crop  bulletin,  June  6-27,  1944;  no.  2.'>-2<l,  series 
1944.     n.  p.  [1944].     Each  4  p.  il.  4°     *  Paper,  50c.  a  yr. 
L.  C.  card  Agr  24-260  C  30.1 1 :  944/23-20 


Congressional  record.     Congressional  record,  proceedings  and  debates  of  78th  Con- 
gress, 2d  session,  v.  90.  no.  99-110 ;  June  1-Julv  7,  1944.     [1944.]     5235-6749+ 
A28S.5-A3774-f[19]  p.  4° 
L.  C.  card  12-36438  X/a.78/2  :  90/99-119 

Note. — The  Congressional  record  containing  the  proceedings  and  debates  of  Congress 
is  issued  daily  when  Congress  is  in  session,  and  indexes  thereto  are  published  fortnightly. 

The  Record  is  sold  by  the  Superintendent  of  Documents  on  the  following  terms  : 
Single  copy,  3  cents,  if  not  more  th.nn  24  pages,  and  1  cent  more  for  each  additional  8 
pages  ;  per  month.  .SI. HO,  foreign  subscription.  .?2.7.'i.  Subscriptions  are  payable  in  ad- 
vance. Prices  for  the  bound  volumes  of  the  Record.  78th  Congress.  1st  session,  and  prior 
Congresses,  will  be  furnished  on  application.  Send  remittances  to  the  Superintendent 
of  Documents,  Government  Printing  Office,  Washington  25,  D.  C. 

Same,  index,  v.  90,  nos.  91-101 ;  May  20-June  3,  1944.     [1944.]     no.  10 ;  55  p. 

4"  [Includes  History  of  bills  and  resolutions.]     Included  in  price  of  daily  Con- 
gressional record  for  which  see  above.  X/a.78/2  :  90/91-101/ind. 

Same,  index,  v.  90,  nos.  102-113 ;  .June  .5-17,  1944.     [1944.]     no.  11 ;  64  p.  4° 

[Includes  History  of  bills  and  resolutions.]  X/a.78/2  :  90/102-113/ind. 


Note. — The  Federal  laws  are  first  published  separately  and  in  this  form  are  known  as 
"slip  laws."  Later,  these  laws  are  compiled,  edited,  indexed,  and  published  in  the 
volumes  of  the  Statutes  at  large. 

The  "slip  law"  bears  the  chapter  number  and  the  session  of  Congress  during  which  the 
law  was  enacted,  but  this  information  does  not  appear  in  the  entries  listed  below. 

Private  law  279-307,  78th  Congress. 

Note. — The  Division  of  Research  and  Publication,  State  Department,  receives  a  small 
supply  of  the  private  laws  which  it  distributes  free  upon  application. 

Barrere,  Paul.  H.  R.  1!>84,  act  for  relief  of  Paul  Barrere.  Approved  May  29,  1944. 
1  p.      (Private  law  280.) 

Bishoprille  MiUhip  Co.  S.  1247.  act  for  relief  of  Bishopville  Milling  Company.  Ap- 
proved .Tune  13,  1944.     1  p.      (Private  law  297.) 

Caatle,  Hamp  G.  H.  R.  3136.  act  for  relief  of  Hamp  Gossett  Castle.  Lois  .Tuanita  Gimble, 
Margaret  Carrie  Tarbrough,  and  Roy  Martin  Lvons.  Approved  June  5,  1944.  1  p. 
Private  law  290.) 

•    Sent  to  Depository  Libraries 

756  Government  Publications 

Private  law  279-307,  78th  Congress — Continued. 

Coe,  Ruth.     n.  R.  3114,  act  for  relief  of  Ruth  Coe.     Approved  June  1,  1944.     1   p. 

d'rivato  law  284.) 
Collins.  Mrs.   Rebecca.     S.  891,   act  for  relief  of  Rebecca  Collins  and  W.   W.  Collins. 

Approved  June  l.S,  1944.     1  p.      (Private  law  294.) 
Ocstclund,  Ivcr  M.     S.   754,  act  for  relief  of  Iver  M.  Gesteland.     Approved  June  13, 

1944.     1  p.      (Private  law  293.) 
Gillam,  Edward.     S.    254,   act   for   relief  of  Edward   Gillam.     Approved   May  26,   1944. 

1  p.      (Private  law  279.) 
Hamilton,    Mrs.    Margaret.     H.    R.    2757,    act    for    relief   of    Margaret    Hamilton,    Mrs. 

Catherine   Ilijtgins.    Mrs.   Rebecca   Sallop,   and   Mrs.   Dora  Projansky.     Approved   June 

2.   1944.     1    p.      (Private  law  289.) 
//r(/7i.s,  Robert   C.     S.     1355,  act  for  relief  of  Robert  C.   Harris.     Approved  June  13, 

1944.     1  p.      (Private  law  299.) 
Hirsch,  John.        II.    R.    16J8,   act   for   relief  of  Jolin    Hirsch.     Approved  June   2,    1944. 

1  p.      (I'rivate  law  285.) 
Knight,  Mrs.  Rebecca  A.     S.   1281,   act  for  relief  of  Rebecca  A.  Knight  and  Martha  A. 

Christian.     Approved  June  15,  1944.     1  p.      (Private  law  302.) 
Leioix,  Mrs.  Anne  R.     S.   1305,  act  for  relief  of  Anne  Rebecca  Lewis  and  Mary  Lewis. 

Approved  June  13,  1944.     1  p.      (Private  law  298.) 
Maag,  Mrs.  Mildred.     II.  R.  2711,  act  for  relief  of  Mrs.  Mildred  Maag.     Approved  June 

20.  1944.     1  p.      (I'rivate  law  30(5.) 
Miller,  J.  M.     S.   1553,  act  for  relief  of  J.  M.  Miller.  James  W.   Williams,  and  Gilbert 

Thoriot.     Approved  June  13,  1944.     1  p.      (Private  law  300.) 
Murphy,  Ilelcne  M.     S.  1102,  act  for  relief  of  Helene  Murphy.     Approved  June  9,  1944. 

1  p.      (Private  law  292.) 
Muskingum   Watershed   Conservancy  District.     S.   1849,   act  for   relief  of   Muskingum 

Watershed  Conservancy  District.  Approved  June  15,  1944.  1  p.  (Private  law  303.) 
Paluck,   Pete.     U.   R.    2689,   act   for  relief   of   Pete  Paluck.     Approved  May  31,   1944. 

1  p.      (Private  law  281.) 
Pearl  Harbor.     S.  1682,  act  to  provide  for  payment  of  compensation  to  certain  claimants 

for    taking   by    United    States    of   private    fishery    rights    in    Pearl    Harbor,    island    of 

Oahu.  T.  n.     Approved  June  17,  1944.     1  p.      (Private  law  305.) 
Reese  Flight  Instruction,  Inc.     H.   R.   2507,   act  for  relief  of  Reese  Flight  Instruction, 

Incorporated.     Approved  June  2,  1944.     1  p.      (Private  law  288.) 
Salas,   Fcrmin.     S.    1093,    act   for   relief   of    Fermin    Salas.     Approved   June   13,    1944. 

1  p.      (Private  law  295.) 
Salmons.  Bernadine.     H.  R.  2438.  act  for  relief  of  Bernadine  Salmons.     Approved  June 

6,  1944.     1  p.      (Private  law  291.) 
Scheidel,  Mrs.   Mae.     H.   R.   2008,   act   for   relief  of  Mrs.   Mae   Scheidel,   Fred   Scheidel, 

Charles  Totten,  and  Jean  Scheidel.     Approved  June  2,  1944.     1  p.      (Private  law  287.) 
Search,  William  E.     H.  R.  1635,  act  for  relief  of  William  E.  Search,  and  to  legal  guard- 
ian of  Marion  Search,  Pauline  Search,  and  Virginia  Search.     Approved  June  2,  1944. 

1  p.      (Private  law  286.) 
Sedler,  Anthony  F.     S.  1416,  act  for  relief  of  Mrs.  Judith  H.  Sedler,  administratrix  of 

estate  of  Anthony  F.  Sedler.     Approved  June  17,  1944.     1  p.      (Private  law  304.) 
Shicls,  Hugh  A.     S.   1837.   act  for  relief  of  Hugh  A.   Shiels.     Approved  June  13,  1944. 

1  p.     (Private  law  301.) 
Thompson,  Clarence  E.     H.   R.  2408,  act  for  relief  of  Clarence  E.  Thompson  and  Mrs. 

Virginia  Thompson.     Approved  June  1,   1944.     1  p.      (Private  law  283.) 
Tonpe,   Taylor  W.     S.   1112,   act  for  relief  of  Taylor  W.   Tonge.     Approved  June  13, 

1944.     1  p.      (Private  law  296.) 
Wenz,  Christian  W.     H.  R.  2332,  act  for  relief  of  Christian  Wenz.     Approved  June  1, 

1944.     1  p.      (Private  law  282.) 
Whitlock,   Claude   R.     S.    1848,    act   of   relief   of   Claude    R.    Whitlock,    and    for   other 

purposes.     Approved  June  22,   1944.     1  p.      (Private  law  307.) 

Public  law  SOO-S.IO,  78th  Congress. 

Note. — Public  laws  in  slip  form  in  the  first  prints  may  be  obtained  from  the  Super- 
intendent of  Documents,  Washington  25,  D.  C..  at  a  subscription  price  of  $3.00  a  session, 
foreign  subscription,  $4.25 ;  single  copies  are  usually  5c. 

Alaska.  H.  R.  329,  act  to  authorize  Secretary  of  Interior  to  incur  obligations  for  benefit 
of  natives  of  Alaska  in  advance  of  enactment  of  legislation  making  appropriations 
therefor.     Approved  .lune  1,  1944.     1  p.      (Public  law  323.) 

Appeals.  II.  R.  3054,  act  to  amend  expediting  act  [so  as  to  provide  that  when  Supreme 
Court  fails  to  secure  quorum  in  cases  under  antitrust  act  or  interstate  commerce  act. 
referred  to  it  from  District  Courts,  such  cases  shall  be  .sent  to  Circuit  Courts  of 
Appeals  for  final  decision].     Approved  June  9.   1944     1  p.      (Public  law  332.) 

Artificial  Zimft.?.  H.  R.  3176,  act  to  regulate  furnishing  of  artificial  limbs  or  other 
appliances  to  retired  officers  and  enlisted  men  of  Army,  Navy,  Marine  Corps,  or  Coast 
Guard  and  to  certain  civilian  employees  of  military  and  naval  forces  of  regular 
establi.shment.      [Approved  May  23,  1944.]      2  p.      (Public  law  308.) 

Books.  S.  1944,  act  to  amend  act  to  provide  books  for  adult  blind  [so  as  to  increase 
annual  appropriation].  Approved  June  13,  1944.  1  p.  (Public  law  338.)  [Part 
of  this  appropriation  is  to  be  expended  for  sound-reproduction  records  known  as  talk- 
ing books  and  for  maintenance  and  replacement  of  Govenmient-owned  talking  book 

Calcasieu  River.  11.  R.  4054,  act  to  extend  times  for  commencing  and  completing  con- 
struction of  bridge  across  (jalcasieu  River  at  or  near  Lake  Charles,  La.  [by  Louisiana!. 
Approved  June  1,  1944.     l  p.     (Public  law  326.)  ► 

•     Sent  to  Depository  Libraries 

July  1944  757 

i'ublic  law  306-350,  78tb  Congress — CouLiuued. 

Chippewa  Indians.  U.  R.  20S5,  act  to  pro\iile  lor  disposition  of  tribal  funds  of  Minnesota 
Chippewa  Tribe  of  Indians.     Approved  Juno  7,  1044.     1  p.      (Public  law  330.) 

Voal  lands.  H.  1335,  act  to  amend  4lli  and  5th  provisos  of  M'C.  2  of  act  to  pioniote  min- 
ing of  coal,  phosphate,  oil,  oil  shale,  gas,  and  sodium  on  public  domain  [so  as  to 
renmve  limitation  as  to  number  of  coal  leases  which  njay  be  held  by  any  common 
Carrier  railroad  and  to  limit  total  area  that  may  be  leasedj.  Approved  June  13,  1944. 
1  p.      (Public  law  336.) 

Crow  Indiums.  11.  R.  2105,  act  extending  time  for  repayment  and  authorizing  increase 
of  revolving  fund  for  benefit  of  Crow  Indians.  Approved  June  1,  1944.  1  p.  (Public 
law  324.) 

Customs  ISvrvice.  S.  1758,  act  to  amend  sec.  451  of  tariff  act  of  1930,  and  for  other 
purposes  I. to  provide  for  payment  of  eusloms  employees  for  iuspectionai  services  on 
Sundays  and  holidays].      [Approved  June  3,  lii44.J      2  p.      (Public  law  328.) 

District  of  Columbia.  11.  J.  lies.  242,  joint  resulutiou  to  amend  act  to  protect  lives 
and  health  and  morals  of  women  and  minor  workers  in  Uistiict  of  Columbia  and  to 
establish  Minimum  Wage  Board,  and  define  its  powers  and  duties,  and  to  provide  for 
fixing  of  minimum  wages  for  such  workers,  as  amended  [so  as  to  pi'ovide  for  publication 
of  notice  of  adoption  of  rules  and  regulations  of  Minimum  Wage  and  Imlustrial 
Safety  Board  instead  of  publication  of  such  rules  and  regulalionsj.  Approved  June 
14,  1944.      1  p.      (Public  law  341.1 

H.  R.   3236,  act   to  provide  aid  to   dependent  children   in   District   of   Columbia. 

[Approved  June  14,  1944J     3  p.      (Public  law  340.) 

S.   1029,  act  to  provide  for  regulation   of  certain   insurance  rates  in   District  of 

Columbia.      [Approved  June  1,  19i4.]      3  p.      (Public  law  327.) 

S.  1941,  act  ro  amend  District  of  Columbia  alley  dwelling  act,  as  amended  [so  that 

on  and  after  July  1,  1945,  it  shall  be  unlawful  to  use  or  occupy  any  alley  building 
or  stiucture  as  dwelling  in  District  of  Columbia].  Approved  June  8,  1944.  1  p. 
(Public  law  331.) 

Floods.  H.  R.  4793,  act  to  provide  for  emergency  flood-control  work  made  necessary  by 
recent  floods.     Approved  May  29,  1944.     1  p.      (Public  law  318.) 

Forests  and  forestry.  H.  R.  3848,  act  to  amend  sec.  9  of  act  of  May  22,  1928,  authorizing 
and  directing  national  survey  of  forest  resonrces  [so  as  to  make  possible  completion  of 
Nation-wide  survey  of  forest  resources  of  United  States  both  public  and  private,  and 
to  keep  results  up  to  date]       Approved  May  31,  1944.       1  p.      (I'ublic  law  321.) 

S    1618,  act  to  amend  acts  of  Aug.  20,  1935    (49  Stat.   866),   May  11,   1938    (52 

-Stat.  347),  June  15,  1938   (52  Stat.  699),  and  June  25.  1938   (52  Stat.  1205),  which 

authorizes  appropriation  of  receipts  from  certain  national  forests  for  purchase  of 
lands  within  boundaries  of  such  forests,  to  provide  that  any  such  receipts  not  appro- 
priated or  appropriated  but  not  expended  or  obligated  shall  be  disposed  of  in  same 
manner  as  other  national-forest  receipts.  [Approved  May  26,  1944.]  3  p.  (Public 
law  310.) 

Hawaii.  11.  R.  3403,  act  to  withdraw  and  restore  to  their  previous  status  under  control 
of  Hawaii  certain  Hawaiian  home  lands  required  for  use  for  airplane  landing  flields, 
and  to  amend  sec.  202.  203,  and  207  of  title  2  of  Hawaiian  Homes  Commission  act,  1920. 
[Approved  May  31,  1944.]      6  p.      (Public  law  320.) 

Hungry  Horse  Dam.  H  R.  3570,  act  to  provide  for  partial  construction  of  Hungry 
Horse  Dam  on   South  Fork  of  Flathead  River  in   Montana.     Approved  June  5,   1944 

1  p.      (Public  law  329.) 

Income   tax.     M.   R.   4646,   act   to   provide   for   simplification   of   individual   income    tax. 

[Approved  May  29.  1944.]      29  p.      (Public  law  315.) 
Klamath    Drainage    District.     H.    R.    3476,    act    to    approve    contract    negotiated    with 

Klamath  Drainage  District  and  to  authorize  its  execution.      [Approved  June  17,  1944.] 

2  p.      (Public  law  342.) 

Loans.  H.  J.  Res.  2^0,  joint  resolution  to  provide  assistance  to  farmers  whose  property 
was  destroyed  or  damaged,  in  whole  or  in  part,  by  floods  and  windstorms  in  1944, 
in  order  to  enable  them  to  continue  farming  operations  to  produce  food  for  war 
effort.     Approved  May  20.  1914.      1  p.      (Public  law  307.) 

Menominee  Indians.  H.  J.  Res.  160,  joint  resolution  to  provide  for  disposition  of  pro- 
ceeds to  accrue  as  result  of  interlocutory  judgment  of  Court  of  Claims  in  suit  brought 
against  United  States  by  Menominee  tribe  of  Indians.  [Approved  May  29.  1944.]  2  p. 
(Public  law  316.) 

Mississippi  River.  H.  R.  3028.  act  to  Extend  time  for  construction  of  bridge  across 
Mississippi  River  at  or  near  Sauk  Rapids,  Minn,  [by  Minnesota  Department  of  High- 
ways and  countries  of  Benton  and  Stearns,  Minn.].  Approved  June  1,  1944.  1  p. 
(Public  law  325.) 

S.  1660,  act  granting  consent  of  Congress  to  Minnesota  Department  of  High-ways 

and  county  of  Crow  Wing.  Minn.,  to  construct  free  highway  bridge  across  Mississippi 
River  at  Mill  Street,  Brainerd,  Minn.  Approved  June  13,  1944.  1  p.  (Public 
law  337.) 

Navajo  Reservation.  H.  R.  2143,  act  to  authorize  Secretary  of  Interior  to  exchange 
lands  within  Navajo  Indian  Reservation.  Ariz,  [for  lands  held  bv  Woman's  Board  of 
Home  Missions  of  Presbyterian  Cliurch].  Approved  May  29,  1944.  1  p.  (Public 
law  317.) 

Naval  petroleum  i-eserves.  H.  J.  Res.  286,  joint  resolution  providing  for  operation 
of  naval  petroleum  and  oil-shale  reserves.  Approved  June  17,  1944.  1  p.  (Public 
law  344.)      [H.  J.  Res.  286  relates  to  Elk  Hills  naval  petroleum  reserve  only.] 

H.  R.   4771,  art  to  amend  part  of  act   making  appropriations  for  naval  service, 

fiscal  year  1921,  as  amended,  relating  to  conservation,  care,  custody,  protection,  and 
operation  of  naval  petroleum  and  oil-shale  reserves.  [Approved  June  17,  1944.]  4  p 
(Public  law  343.)      [II.  li.  4771  rolates  to  naval  petrol,  iim  reserves  only.] 

Navi/  Department.  II.  R.  4559.  act  making  appropriations  for  Navy  Department  and 
naval  service,  fiscal  year  1945,  and  additional  appropriations  therefor,  fiscal  year 
1944.      [Approved  June  22,  1944.]      25  p.      (Public  law  347.) 

•     Sent  to  Depository  Libraries 

758  Government  Pubetcations 

rublic  law  306-350,  78Ui  Congress— Continued. 

Nurse  Corps,  Army,  S.  1808,  act  to  authorize  tciiiporarv  appoiutiiii-nt  as  officers  in 
Army  of  Unitecl  Slates  of  members  of  Army  Nurse  Corps,  female  persons  having 
necessary  (lualilications  for  appointment  in  such  corps,  female  dietetic  and  physical- 
therapy  persotmel  of  Medical  Department  of  Army,  exclusive  of  students  and  appren- 
tices, and  female  persons  having  necessary  qualifications  for  appointment  in  such 
department  as  female  dietetic  or  physical-therapy  personnel  lApproved  June  22, 
1!)44.]      ;i  p.   (rul)lic  law  350.) 

Ordnance  S.  1771,  act  authorizing  appropriations  for  Navy  for  additional  ordnance 
manufacturing  and  production  facilities.  Approved  May  26,  1944.  1  p.  (Public  law 
311  ) 

Panama  Canal.  S.  G8.H.  act  to  provide  for  recognition  of  services  of  civilian  officials 
and  employees,  citizens  of  United  States,  engaged  in  and  about  construction  of 
Panama  Canal.  [Approved  May  29,  li)44.]  3  p.  (Public  law  319.)  [S.  683  provides 
annuities  for  all  citizens  of  United  States  employed  by  Isthmian  Canal  Commission 
or  Panama  Railroad  Company  for  3  years  or  more  during  construction  period  who  do 
not  receive  benefits  under  any  other  act.] 

Pearl  Harbor.  S.  J.  Res.  133,  joint  resolution  to  extend  statute  of  limitation  in  certain 
cases  [so  as  to  extend  time  limit  for  immunity  from  possible  court  martial  or  prose- 
cution of  any  person  or  persons,  military  or  civil,  connectrd  with  Pearl  Harbor  catas- 
trophe of  Dec.  7,  1941,  for  6  months  from  June  7,  1944].  Approved  June  13,  1944  1  p. 
(Public  law  339.) 

Pi  n.\wns.  H.  R.  3356,  act  to  increase  service-connected  disability  rates  of  compensation 
or  pension  payable  to  veterans  of  World  War  I  and  World  War  II  and  veterans  entitled 
to  wartime  rates  based  on  service  on  or  after  Sept.  16.  1940,  for  service-connected 
disabilities,  and  to  increase  rates  for  widows  and  children  under  Public  law  484,  73d 
Congress,  as  amended,  and  to  include  widows  and  children  of  World  War  II  veterans 
for  benefits  under  latter  act.     Approved  May  27,  1944.     1  p.     (Public  law  312.) 

H.  R.  3377,  art  to  increase  rate  of  pension  for  World  War  veterans  from  $40  to 

.$50  per  month,  to  $60  per  month  in  certain  specified  cases.  Approved  May'  27,  1944. 
1  p.      (Public  law  313.) 

S.  771,  act  to  provide  for  payment  of  pensions  and  componsation  to  certain  persons 

who  are  receiving  [military  or  naval]  retired  pay.  Approved  May  27,  1944.  1  p. 
(Public  law  314.) 

Postal  scrrire.  H.  R.  1565.  act  relating  to  appointment  of  postmasters.  Approved  May 
20,  1944.      1   p.      (Public  law  306.) 

H.  R.  2928,  act  to  amend  act  to  fix  hours  of  duty  of  postal  employees,  and  for 

other  purposes,  as  amended  [so  as  to  authorize  payment  for  overtime  of  certain 
employees  not  covered  by  said  act].  [Approved  June  12,  1944.]  2  p.  (Public 
law  334.) 

Public  assistance.     H.  J.   Res.   298,  joint   resolution  making   appropriations   for  grants 

to  States  under  social  security  act  [for  old  age  assistance,  aid  to  dependent  children. 

and  aid  to  the  blind,  and  for  iinemployment  compensation  administration].     Approved 

June  22,  1944.     1  p.      (Public  law   348.) 
Public  debts.     H.  R.  4464.  act  to  increase  debt  limit  of  United  States.     Approved  June  9, 

1944.     1  p       (Public  law  333.) 
8eeing-eye   dogs.     H.    R.    4519.    act    to    authorize   administrator    of   veterans'    affairs   to 

furnish  seeing  eye  dogs  for  blind  veterans.     Approved  May  24,   1944.     1  p.      (Public 

law  309.) 
Ships.     H.  R.  4710,  act  authorizing  acquisition  and  conversion  or  construction  of  certain 

landing  craft  and  district  craft   for  Navy.     Approved  May  31,    1944.     1   p.      (Public 

law  322.) 
Soldiers.     S.  1767.  act  to  provide  Federal  Government  aid  for  readjustment  in  civilian 

life  of  returning  World  War  II  veterans.      [Approved  June  22,  1944.]      20  p.      (Public 

law  346.)       [S.  1767  creates  a  Veterans'  Placement  Service  Board.] 
Sugar.     H.  R.  4833,  act  to  extend  for  2  additional  years  provisions  of  sugar  act  of  1937, 

as  amended,  and  taxes  with  respect  to  sugar.     Approved  June  20,  1944.     1  p.     (Public 

law  345.) 
Tunnels.     S.  1479,  act  providing  for  suspension  of  certain  requirements  relating  to  work 

on   [mine]   tunnel  sites.     Approved  June  22,  1944.     1   p.      (Public  law  349.) 
Upper  MMsissippi  River  Wild  Life  and  Fish  Refuge.     S.  1081,  act  to  add  lands  to  Upper 

Mississippi  River  Wild  Life  and  Fish  Refuge.     Approved  June  13,  1944.     1  p.     (Public 

law  335.) 


Agriculture  Department.  Control  and  eradication  of  certain  animal  and  plant 
pests  and  diseases,  conference  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  4278  [to  provide  for 
control  and  eradication  of  certain  animal  and  plant  pests  and  diseases,  to 
facilitate  cooi)eration  with  States  in  fire  control,  to  provide  for  more  eflScient 
protection  and  management  of  national  forests,  to  facilitate  carrying  out  of 
agricultural  conservation  and  related  agricultural  programs,  to  faciltiate  opera- 
tion of  Farm  Credit  Administration  and  Rural  Electrification  Administration, 
to  aid  in  orderly  marketing  of  agricultural  commodities,  and  for  other  pur- 
poses] ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Flannagan.  May  26,  1944.  5  p.  (H.  rp.  1522,  78th 
Cong.  2d  sess.)     t 

Department  of  Agriculture  appropriation  bill,  [fiscal  year]  1945,  con- 
ference report  to  accompany  H.  K.  4443 ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Tarver.  June  6, 
1944.     10  p.     (H.  rp.  1605,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)     t 

•    Sent  to  Depository  Libraries 

July  1944  759 

Ayriculture  Department — Continued. 

Department  of  Agriculture  appropriation  bill,  [fiscal  year]  1945,  conference 

report  to  accompany  H.  R.  4443;  submitted  by  Mr.  Tarver.  June  22,  1944. 
3  p.     (H.  rp.  1714,  7Sth  Cong.  2d  sess.)     t 

Air  pilots.  Extending  civilian  [pilot]  training  act,  conference  report  to  accom- 
pany S.  1432;  .submitted  by  Mr.  Bulwinkle.  June  23,  1944.  2  p.  (H.  rp.  1740, 
78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)     t 

Appropriations.  Legislative  branch  and  judiciary  appropriation  bill,  [fiscal  year] 
194"),  conference  report  to  accompany  H.  li.  4414 ;  submitted  by  Mr.  O'Neal. 
June  9,  1944.     2  p.     (H.  rp.  1616,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)     j 

Second  deficiency  appropriation  bill,  1944,  conference  report  to  accompany 

H.  R.  5040  [making  appropriations  to  supply  deficiencies  in  appropriations  for 
fiscal  year  1944  and  prior  fiscal  years,  to  provide  supplemental  appropriations 
for  fiscal  years  1944  and  1945,  and  for  other  purposes]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Can- 
non of  Missouri.     June  23,  1944.     5  p.     (H.  rp.  1745,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)     t 

Cothron,  Mrs.  Mavis  N.  Mavis  Norrine  Cothron  and  legal  guardian  of  Norma 
Lee  Cothron,  Florence  Janet  Cothron,  and  Nina  Faye  Cothron,  conference 
report  to  accompany  H.  R.  33!!0  [for  relief  of  Mavis  Norrine  Cothron  and  legal 
guardian  of  Norma  Lee  Cothron,  Florence  Janet  Cothron,  and  Nina  Faye 
Cothron]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  McGehee.  June  20,  1944.  1  p.  ( H.  rp.  169<5,  78th 
Cong.  2d  sess.)     t 

Coiireil,  Louis.  Louis  Courcil,  confeivnce  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  248  [for 
relief  of  Louis  Courcil]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  McGehee.  June  20,  1944.  1  p. 
(H.  rp.  1690,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)     f 

Customs  Service.  Amendment  of  sec.  451  of  tariff  act  of  1930,  conference  report 
to  accompany  S.  1758  [to  amend  sec.  451  of  tariff  act  of  1930,  and  for  other 
purposes,  to  provide  for  payment  of  customs  employees  for  inspectional  services 
on  Sundays  and  holidays]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Doughton.  May  24,  1944.  4  p. 
(H.  rp.  1510,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)      [Correct-ed  print.]     t 

Denif/ati,  James  T.  Rev.  James  T.  Denigan,  conference  report  to  accompany 
H.  R.  3538  [for  relief  of  James  T.  Denigan]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  McGehee.  June 
20,  1944.     1  p.     (H.  rp.  1697,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)     f 

District  of  Columbia  appropriation  bill,  fiscal  year  1945,  conference  reix)rt  to 
accompany  H.  R.  4801 ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Coffee.  June  22,  1944.  6  p.  (H.  rp. 
1719,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)     t 

Foreign  Economic  Administration  appropriation  bill,  1945,  conference  report  to 
accompany  H.  R.  4937  [making  appropriations  for  defense  aid  (lend-lease), 
for  participation  by  United  States  in  work  of  United  Nations  Relief  and  Re- 
habilitation Administration,  and  for  Foreign  Economic  Administration,  fiscal 
year  1945]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Cannon  of  Missouri.  June  22, 1944.  3  p.  (H.  rp. 
1721,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)     t 

Government  contracts.  Settlement  of  terminated  war  contracts,  conference  re- 
port to  accompany  S.  1718;  submitted  by  Mr.  Sumners  of  Texas.  June  21, 
1944.  28  p.  (H.  rp.  1708,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)  [S.  1718  establishes  the  Oflice 
of  Contract  Settlement  and  creates  a  Contract  Settlement  Advisory  Board.]  t 
L.  C.  card  44-41083 

Oo^vernment  offtcrx.  Independent  otfices  appropriation  bill,  1945.  conference  re- 
port to  accompany  H.  R.  4070  [making  appropriations  for  Executive  Office  and 
sundry  independent  executive  bureaus,  Ixtards,  commissions,  and  offices,  fiscal 
year  1945]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Woodrum  of  Virginia.  May  29,  1944.  6  p. 
(H.  rp.  1544,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)     f 

Independent  offices  appropriation  bill,  1945,  conference  report  to  accompany 

H.  R.  4070  [making  appropriations  for  Executive  Office  and  sundry  indeiKMident 
executive  bureaus,  boards,  connnissions,  and  offices,  fiscal  year  1945]  ;  submitted 
by  Mr.  Woodrum  of  Virginia.  June  14,  1944.  4  p.  (H.  rp.  1642,  78th  Coug. 
2d  sess.)     t 

•    Sent  to  Depository  Libraries 

760  Governmp:nt  Publications 

Qoverntvcnt  offices — Contimied. 

National  war  agencies  appropriation  bill,   [fiscal  year]    1945,  conference 

report  to  accompany  11.  R.  4S79;  submitted  by  Mr.  Cannon  of  Missouri.  June 
22,  1044.     4  p.     (II.  rp.  1722,  T8th  Cong.  2d  ses.s.)     t 

L.  C.  card  44-410S6 

Hampton,  Mrs.  Mildred  B.  Mildred  V,.  Hampton,  conference  report  to  accompany 
H.  R.  1412  Ifor  relief  of  Mildred  B.  Hampton]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  McGehee. 
June  20,  1044.     1  p.     (H.  rp.  1094,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)     t 

Held,  Edioard  E.  Edward  E.  Held  and  Mary  Jane  Held,  conference  report  to 
accompany  H.  R.  2025  [for  relief  of  Edward  E.  Held  and  Mary  Jane  Held]  ; 
submitted  by  Mr.  McGeliee.  June  20,  1944.  1  p.  (H.  rp.  169o,"7<8th  Cong.  2d 
sess. )     t 

Interior  Department.  Department  of  Interior  appropriation  bill,  [fiscal  year] 
1945,  conference  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  4679;  submitted  bv  Mr.  Johnson  of 
Oklahoma.     June  17,  li)44.     19  p.       (H.  rp.  1G78,  78th  Cong.  2cl  sess.)     t 

Lahor  Department.  Labor-Federal  Security  appropriation  bill,  1945,  conference 
report  to  aconipany  H.  R.  4899  [making  appropriations  for  Department  of 
Labor.  Federal  Security  Agency,  and  related  independent  agencies,  fiscal  year 
1945] ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Hare.  June  21,  1944.  6  p.  (H.  rp.  1710,  78th  Cong. 
2d  sess.)     t 

Lewis,  Delores.  Delores  Lewis,  conference  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  1313  [for 
relief  of  Delores  Lewis]:  submitted  bv -Mr.  McGehee.  June  20,  1944.  1  p. 
(H.  rp.  1692,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)     f 

McKay,  Charles  M.  Rev.  C.  M.  McKay,  conference  report  to  accompany  IT.  R.  544 
[for  relief  of  C.  M.  McKay]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  McGehee.  June  20,  1944.  1  p. 
(H.  rp.  1691.  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)     t 

Navp  Drpartment.    Naval  appropriation  bill,  1945,  conference  report  to  accom- 
pany H.  R.  4559  [making  appropriations  for  Navy  Department  and  naval  serv- 
ice, fiscal  year  1945]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Sheppard.    May  26. 1944.    3  p.     (H.  rp. 
1521,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)     t 
L.  C.  card  44-^1034 

Naval  appropriation  bill.  1945.  conference  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  4559 

[making  appropriations  for  Navy  Department  and  naval  service,  fiscal  year 
1945.  and  additional  appropriations  therefor,  fiscal  vear  1944]  ;  submitted  bv 
Mr.  Sheppard.     June  13,  1944.     2  p.     (H.  rp.  1637,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)     t 

L.  C.  card  44-41114  "   . 

Panama  Canal.  Terms  of  office  of  district  attorney  and  marshal  in  Canal  Zone, 
conference  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  3646  [to  amend  sec.  42  of  title  7  of 
Canal  Zone  code]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Bland.  June  23.  1944.  2  p.  (H.  rp. 
1746,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess. )     f 

Pearl  Harbor.  Extending  statute  of  limitation  in  certain  cases,  conference  re- 
port to  accompany  S.  J.  Res.  133  [to  extend  time  limit  for  immunity  from 
possible  court  martial  or  prosecution  of  any  person  or  persons,  military  or 
civil,  connected  wilh  Pearl  Harbor  catastrophe  of  Dec.  7.  1941,  for  one  year 
from  June  7.  1944]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Sumners  of  Texas.  June  7.  1944.  3  p. 
(H.  rp.  1612.  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)  [Committee  recommends  amendment  of 
S.  J.  Res.  133  so  as  to  provide  for  a  6  months'  extension  from  June  7.  1944. 
and  amendment  of  title  to  read:  .Joint  resolution  to  extend  statute  of  limita- 
tion in  certain  cases.]     f 

Prices.     Extending  price   control   and    stabilization   acts,   conference   report   to 
accompanv  S.  1764:  submitted  bv  Mr.  Spence.     June  20,  1944.     26  p.     (H.  rp. 
1698.  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)     t 
L.  C.  card  44-41089 

Puhlic  dr1)ts.  Incroa.sing  debt  limit  of  United  States,  conferei"  e  i-eport  to  ac- 
company H.  R.  4464 ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Doughton.  June  5,  1944.  2  p.  (H.  rp. 
1598,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)      [Corrected  print.]     t 

•    Sent  to  Depository  Libraries 

July  1944 


Soldiers.  Providing  Federal  Goveruiuent  aid  for  readjustment  in  civilian  life 
of  returning  World  War  II  veterans,  conference  report  to  accompany  S.  1767  ; 
submitted  by  Mr.  Rankin.  June  12,  1044.  26  p.  (H.  rp.  1624,  78th  Cong.  2d 
sess.)  [S.  1767,  as  hero  reported,  creates  a  Veterans'  Placement  Service 
Board.]  t 
L.  C.  card  44-41063 

Stale  Department.  Departments  of  State,  Justice,  and  Commerce  appropria- 
tion bill,  [fiscal  year]  1945,  conference  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  4204;  sub- 
mitted by  Mr.  Kerr.  June  20,  1944.  L2]  p.  (II.  rp.  1687,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.) 

Departments  of  State,  Justice,  and  Commerce  appropriation  bill,    [fiscal 

year]    1945,   conference  report  to  accompany  11.  R.  4204 ;   submitted  by  Mr. 
Uabaut.     June  5,  1944.     3  p.     (H.  rp.  1599,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)      t 

Departments  of  State,  Justice,  and  Commerce  appropriation  bill,   [fiscal 

year]    1945,  conference  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  4204 ;  submitted  by   Mr. 
Rabaut.     June  12,  1944.     2  p.     (H.  rp.  1623,  78th  Cong.  2'd  sess.)     t 

Stewart,  Eddie  T.  Eddie  T.  Stewart,  conference  report  to  accompany  H.  R. 
1411  [for  relief  of  Eddie  T.  Stevpart]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  McGehee.  June  20, 
1944.     Ip.     (H.  rp.  1693,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)     f 

War  Department.     Military  establishment  appropriation  bill,  [fiscal  year]  1945, 
conference  reiwrt  to  accompany  H.  R.  4967 ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Snyder.     June 
22,1944.     2  p.      (H.  rp.  1720,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)     t 
L.  C.  card  4-1-410&1 

War   Department   civil   functions   appropriation  bill,    [fiscal   year]    1945, 

conference  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  4183 ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Snyder.     June 
6,1944.     2  p.     (H.  rp.  1604,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)     f 

War  Department  civil   functions   appropriation   bill,    [fiscal   year]    1945, 

conference  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  4183 ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Snyder.     June 
19.  1944.     2  p.     (H.  rp.  1680,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess. )     t 


Government    offices.     Disposing   of   certain    papers,    report;    submitted    by    Mr. 
Elliott.     June  7,  1944.     1  p.     (11.  rp.  1607,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)     t 

Disposing  of  certain  papers,  report ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Elliott.     June  7, 

1944.     2  p.     (H.  rp.  1608,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)      t 

Disposing  of  certain  papers,  report;  submitted  by  Mr.  Elliott.     June  7, 

1944.     2  p.     (H.  rp.  1609,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)     t 

Disposing  of  certain  papers,  report ;  submitted  by  Mr.   Elliott,   June  7, 

1944.    2  p.     (H.  rp.  1610,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)      t 

Disposing  of  certain  papers,  report;  submitted  by  Mr.  Elliott.     June  7, 

1944.     2  p.     (H.  rp.  1611,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)      t 

• Disposing  of  certain  papers,  report;  submitted  by  Mr.  Elliott.     June  21, 

1944.     2  p.     (H.  rp.  1704,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)     t 

Disposing  of  certain  papers,  report;  submitted  by  Mr.  Elliott.     June  21, 

1944.     2  p.     (H.  rp.  1705,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)     t 

Disposing  of  certain  papers,  report ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Elliott.     June  21, 

1944.     1  p.     (H.  rp.  1706,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)      t 

Disposing  of  certain  papers,  report;  submitted  by  Mr.  Elliott.     June  21, 

1944.     1  p.     ( H.  rp.  1707,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess. )     t 


American  Legion.     Proceedings  of  25th  national  convention  of  American  Legion, 
Omaha,   Nebr.,    Sept.    21-23,    1943.     1944.     xii+[3]-f-400  p.    il.    2    p.    of   por. 
(H.  doc.  364,  78th  Cong.  1st  sess.)     *  Paper,  55c. 
L.  C.  card  25-26630 

•     Sent  to  Depository  Libraries 

762  Government  Publications 

Approfyriatiotii^.  Supplomental  estimates  of  appropriations  for  legislative  estab- 
lishment, House  of  Representatives,  fiscal  vear  1^4  and  fiscal  year  1945.  June 
1. 1{>44.     2  p.     (H.  doc.  G30,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)     t 

Calendars  of  House  t)f  Representatives  and  history  of  legislation,  78th  Congress, 
2d  session,  June  1-23,  1944  ;  no.  93-112.  1944.  various  paging,  large  8"  [Daily 
when  House  of  Representatives  is  in  .session.]     J      Y  1.2  :  1/78-2-93  to  78-2-112 

Income  ia.r.     Individual  income  tax  act  of  1944,  questions  and  answers  relating 
to  Public   law  31."».    to  provide  for   simplification   of   individual   income   tax, 
approved  May  29,  1944;  [prepared  by  Daniel  A.  Reed].     1944.     ii+14  p.     (H. 
doc.  655,  78thCong.  2d  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  44-41093 

Roads.     Laws  relating  to  Federal  aid  in  ccmstruction  of  roads  [Aug.  24,  1912- 
Apr.  4,  1944]  ;  compiled  by  Elmer  A.  Lewis,  superintendent  of  Document  Room, 
House  of  Representatives.     1944.     133  p.     *  Paper,  15c.     •  Item  308 
L.  C.  card  44-41109  Y  1.2  :  R  53/944 


Campaign  Expenditures,  Special  Committee  to  Investigate,  House.  Providing  for 
expenses  of  committee  authorized  by  House  resolution  551  [to  investigate  cam- 
paign expenditures  of  various  candidates  for  House  of  Representatives],  report 
to  accompany  H.  Res.  607;  submitted  by  Mr.  Cochran.  June  22,  1944.  1  p. 
(H.  rp.  1711,  7Stli  Cong.  2d  sess.)      t 

Education  Committee,  House.  Expenses  of  conducting  study  and  investigation 
[of  effect  of  certain  war  activities  on  colleges  and  imiversities],  authorized  by 
House  resolution  592,  incurred  by  Committee  on  Education,  report  to  accompanv 
H.  Res.  608;  submitted  by  Mr.  Cochran.  June  22,  1944.  1  p.  (H.  rp.  1712, 
7Sth  Cong.  2d  sess.)     t 

Labor  Committee,  Emise.  Expenses  of  conducting  study  and  investigation  [rela- 
tive to  aid  given  to  the  physically  handicapped],  authorized  by  House  resolu- 
tion 230,  incurred  by  Committee  on  Labor,  report  to  accompaiiv  H.  Res.  609: 
submitted  by  Mr.  Cochran.  June  22,  1944.  1  p.  ( H.  rp.  1713,*  7Sth  Cong.  2d 
sess.)     t 


Crop  insurance,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  4911  [to  amend  Federal  crop  insurance 
act]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Fulmer.    June  2,  1944.     7  p.     (H.  rp.  1592,  78th  Cong. 
2d  sess.)     t 
L.  C.  card  44-41022 

Farmers'  Home  Corporation.  Farmers'  Home  Corporation  act  of  1944,  hearings, 
78th  Congress,  2d  session,  on  H.  R.  4384.  to  simplify  and  improve  credit  services 
to  farmers  and  promote  farm  ownership  by  abolishing  certain  agricultural 
lending  agencies  and  functions,  by  transferring  assets  to  Farmers'  Home  Cor- 
poration, by  enlarging  ix>wers  of  Farmers'  Home  Corporation,  by  authorizing 
Government  insurance  loans  to  farmers,  by  creating  preferences  for  loans  and 
insured  mortgages  to  enable  veterans  to  acquire  farms,  by  providing  additional 
specific  authority  and  directions  with  respect  to  liquidation  of  resettlement 
projects  and  rural  rehabilitation  projects  for  resettlement  purposes,  and  for 
other  purposes,  Mar.  29-May  15,  1944.  1944.  iii-|-316  p.  *  Paper,  35c. 
•  Item   338.  Y  4.  Ag  8/1 :  F  22/24 

■ Farmers'  Home  Corporation  act  of  1944,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  4876 

[to  simplify  and  improve  credit  services  to  farmers  and  promote  farm  owner- 
ship by  abolishing  certain  agricultural  lending  agencies  and  functions,  by 
transferring  assets  to  Farmers'  Home  Corporation,  by  enlarging  powers  of 
Farmers'  Home  Corporation,  by  authorizing  Government  insurance  of  loans 
to  farmers,  by  creating  preferences  for  loans  and  insured  mortgages  to  enable 
veterans  to  acquire  farms,  by  providing  additional  specific  authority  and  di- 
rections with  to  liquidation  of  resettlement  projects  and  rural  rehabili- 
tation projects  for  resettlement  purposes,  and  for  other  purposes] ;  submitted 
by  Mr.  Cooley.  June  23,  1944.  59  p.  (H.  rp.  1747,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)  [In- 
cludes minority  views.]  t 
L.  C.  card  44-41094. 

•     Sent  to  Depository  Libraries 

July  1944  763 

Sugar.     Extension  of  sugar  act,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  4833  [to  extend  for 

2  additional  years  provisions  of  sugar  act  of  1937,  as  amended,  and  taxes  with 
respect  to  sugar]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Flannagaii.  May  26,  1944.  2  p.  (H.  rp. 
1519,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)     t 


Appropriation!^.  Second  deficiency  appropriation  act,  1944,  report  to  accompany 
H.  R.  5040  [making  appropriations  to  supply  deficiencies  in  appropriations 
for  fiscal  year  1944  and  prior  fiscal  years,  to  provide  supplemental  appropria- 
tions for  fiscal  years  1944  and  1945,  and  for  other  purp<ises]  ;  submitted  by  Mr. 
Cannon  of  Missouri.    June  IG,  1944.    28  p.     (H.  rp.  16G0,  7Sth  Cong.  2d  sess.)     t 

Second  deficiency  appropriation  bill,    [fiscal  year]   1944,   hearings  before 

subcommittee,  78th  Congress,  2d  session.     1944.     ii  +  445  p.  il.     *  Paper,  55c. 

•  Item  339  Y  4.  Ap  6/1 :  D  36/944-2 

District  of  Columhia  appropriation  bill,  [fiscal  year]  1945,  hearings  before  sub- 
committee,   78th    Congress,   2d    session.      1944.     ii  +  1198  p.     *  Paper,  $1.50. 

•  Item   339  Y  4.Ap  6/1 :  D  63/945 

Foreign  Economic  Administration..  Foreign  Economic  Administration  appropria- 
tion bill,  [fiscal  year]  1945.  hearings  before  subcommittee,  78th  Congress,  2d 
session :  Defense-aid,  lend-lease,  United  Nations  Relief  and  Rehabilitation  Ad- 
ministration. Foreign  Economic  Administration,  salaries  and  expenses,  Export- 
Import  Bank  of  Washington.  1944.  ii  -f  475  p.  11.  *  Paper,  60c.  •  Item  339 
L.  C.  card  44-5972  Y  4.Ap  6/1 :  F  76/2/945 

— —  Foreign  Economic  Administration  appropi-iation  bill,  [fiscal  year]  1945, 
including  defense  aid  (lend-lease)  and  participation  by  United  States  in  United 
Nations  Relief  and  Rehabilitation  Administration,  report  to  accompany  H.  R. 
4937;  submitted  by  Mr.  Cannon  of  Missouri.  June  2,  1944.  28  p.  (H.  rp.  1591, 
78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)  t 
L.  C.  card  44-41021 

Government  ofliccs.  National  war  agencies  appropriation  hill,  [fiscal  year]  1945, 
hearings    before    subcommittee,    78th    Congress,    2d    session.      1944.     3  pts. 

•  Item  339. 

L.  C.   card  44-41100  Y  4.  Ap  6/1 :  N  21/2/945 

pt..  1.  Office  of  Censorship,  Committee  for  Congested  Production  Areas,  Offiec  of  Co- 
ordinator of  Inter-American  Affairs,  Office  of  Defense  Transportation,  Petro- 
leum Administrator  for  War,  Office  of  Scientific  Researcli  and  Development, 
Selective  Service  System.  Smaller  War  Plants  Corporation,  War  Labor  Board, 
War  Production  Board,  War  Sliippins  Administration,  ii  -f  1080  p.  il.  *  Paper, 

pt.  2.  Office  of  Central  Administrative  Services,  Office  of  Civilian  Defense,  Committee 
on  Fair  Employment  Practice,  Office  of  Strategic  Services,  Office  of  War  In- 
formaion.  Office  of  War  Mobilization,  War  Relocation  Authority,  ii  +  732  p. 
♦  Paper,  .$1.00. 

pt.  3.  Office  of  Civilian  Defense,     ii  +  9  p.     ♦  Paper,  5c. 

National   war   agencies   appropriation   bill    [fiscal   year]    1945,    report    to 

accompany  H.  R.  4879 ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Cannon  of  Missouri.  May  25,  1944. 
43  p.     (H.  rp.  1511,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)     t 

L.  C.  card  44-41036. 
Labor  Department.     Department  of  Labor,  Federal  Security  Agency,  and  related 
independent  offices  appropriation  bill,  fiscal  year  1945,  report  to  accompany 
H.  R.  4899 ;  .submitted  by  Mr.  Hare.    May  27,  1944.    47  p.     (H.  rp.  1520,  78th 
Cong.  2d  sess.)     t 

Department  of  Labor,  Federal  Security  Agency  appropriation  bill,  [fiscal 

year]   1945,  hearings  before  subcommittee,  78th  Congress.  2d  session.     1944. 

3  pts.     •  Item  339.  •  Y  4.Ap  6/1 :  L 11/945 
pt.  1.  Department  of  Labor,  Employees'  Compensation  Commission,   National  Lsibor  Re- 
lations Board,  National  Mediation  Board,  Railroad  Retirement  Board.     ii-(-817 
D.      *  Paper,  $1.2.5. 

pt.  2.  Federal  Security  Agency,     ii  +  583  p.     'Paper.  75c. 

pt.  3..  War  Manpower  Commission,     ii   +   243  p.     •Paper,  30c. 

War  Department.     Military  establishment  appropriation  bill,  [fiscal  year]  1945, 
hearings  before  subcommittee,  78th  Congress,  2d  session.     1944.     ii  +  649  p. 
il.  1  pi.    *  Paper,  $1.00.    •  Item  839. 
L.  C.  card  44-6052  Y  4.Ap  6/1 :  W  19/3/945 

•     Sent  to  Depository  Libraries 

764  Government  Publications 

War  Department — Continued. 

Military  estahlishment  appropriation  bill,  [fiscal  yearl  10-15,  report  to  ac- 
company II.  R.  4007;  submitted  by  Mr.  Snyder.  June  7,  1044.  23  p.  (H.  rn 
1606,  78th  Conp.  2d  scss.)     f 

L.  C.  card  44-41028 


Mortgage  insurance.  Amending  sec.  COS  (a)  of  national  housing  act,  as  amended 
[relative  to  war  housing  in.suranee],  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  4840;  sub- 
mitted by  Mr.  Spence.     June  22,  1944.     3  p.     (H.  rp.  1723,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)  f 

Prices.    Extending  emergency  price  control  act  of  1042,  reiwrt  to  accompany 
H.  R.  4041  [to  extend  period  of  operation  of  emergency  price  control  act  of 
1042  and  stabilization  act  of  Oct.  2,  1942]  ;  submitted  bv  Mr.  Spence.     June  3, 
1944.     26  p.     (H.  rp.  1503,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)     *  Paper,  lOc. 
L.  C.  card  44-41025 

Extension  of  emergency  price  control  act,  hearings,  78th  Congress.  2d  ses- 
sion, on  H.  R.  4376,  to  extend  period  of  operation  of  emergency  price  control 
act  of  1042  and  of  act  of  Oct.  2.  1042,  to  amend  emergency  price  control  act 
of  1942.  to  aid  in  preventing  inflation,  and  for  other  purposes,  Apr.  12-Mav 
[101.  ]9t4.  1044.  2  V.  [xviii]-f2477  p.  il.  2  pi.  map.  *  Paper,  v.  1,  $1.75; 
*  V.  2.  .$1.75.     •  Item  340 

L.  C.  card  44r41009  Y  4.B  22/1 :  P  93/3/v.l,2 


Women's  Air  (Service  Pilots.  Investigation  of  civilian  employment,  concerning 
inquiries  made  of  certain  proposals  for  expansion  and  change  in  civil  service 
status  of  WASPS,  pursuant  to  H.  Res.  16:  [submitted  by  Mr.  Ramspeckl. 
1944.  ii-fl4  p.  (H.  rp.  1600,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)  [Includes  minority  re- 
port.] t 
L.  C.  card  44-41027 


Adams.  A.  R.  Dr.  A.  R.  Adams,  report  to  accompany  S.  1465  [for  relief  of  A.  R. 
Adams]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Ramey.  June  16,  1944.  2  p.  (H.  rp.  1663,  78th 
Cong.  2d  sess.)     t 

Armstrong,  Mrs.  Florence.  Mrs.  Florence  Armstrong,  report  to  accompany  H.  R. 
4331  [for  relief  of  Mrs.  Florence  Armstrong]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Green.  June 
23,  1944.     5  p.     (H.  rp.  1738,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)     f 

Beaton,  John  J.  John  J.  Beaton,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  2845  [for  relief 
of  John  J.  Beaton]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Chenoweth.  May  29,  1944.  4  p.  (H.  rp. 
1535,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)     t 

Beckhnm,  Louis.  Louis  Beckham,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  4111  [for  relief 
of  Louis  Beckham]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Chenoweth.  June  16,  1944.  6  p.  (H. 
rp.  1657,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)     t 

BeUo,  Marino.  Marino  Bello,  report  to  accompany  S.  1483  [for  relief  of  Marino 
Bello]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Ramey.  June  16,  1944.  6  p.  (H.  rp.  1664,  78th 
Cong.  2d  sess.)     t 

Berberian,  Archie  J.  Archie  Berberian,  Kurken  Berberian,  and  Mrs.  Osgetel 
Berberian,  report  to  accompany  11.  R.  3465  [for  relief  of  Archie  Berberian, 
Kurken  Berberian,  and  Mrs.  Osgetel  Berberian]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Stigler. 
June  16,  1944.     6  p.     (H.  rp.  1660,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)     f 

Bishopville  Milling  Co.,  report  to  accompany  S.  1247  [for  relief  of  Bishopville 
Milling  Company]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Sauthoff.  May  20,  1044.  4  p.  (H.  rp. 
1531,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)     t 

Bonney,  Daniel  R.  .John  H.  Bonney,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  4036  [for  relief 
of  John  H.  Bonney,  legal  guardian  of  Daniel  R.  Bonney]  :  submitted  by  Mr. 
Sauthoff.     June  23,  1944.     3  p.     (H.  rp.  1736,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)     t 

•     Sent  to 'Depository  Libraries 

July  1944  765 

Borrego,  John.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  John  Borrego,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Joe  Silva,  legal  guard- 
ian of  Frank  Borrego.  legal  guardian  of  Rueben  Silva,  and  legal  guardian 
of  lUidolph  Silva,  report  to  accompany  S.  1005  [for  relief  of  Mr.  and  Mrs. 
John  Borrego,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Joe  Silva,  legal  guardian  of  Frank  Borrego,  legal 
guardian  of  Rueben  Silva,  and  legal  guardian  of  Rudolph  Silva]  ;  submitted 
by  Mr.  Green.     June  23,  1&44.     6  p.     (H.  rp.  1727,  7Sth  Cong.  2d  sess.)     t 

Brannen,  Paul  E.  P.  E.  Brannen,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  4101  [for  relief 
of  P.  E.  Brannen] ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Stigler.  May  31,  1944.  6  p.  (H.  rp, 
1565,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)     f 

Chino.,  United  States  Court  for.  Certain  former  employees  of  United  States 
Court  for  China,  report  to  accom'pany  H.  R.  4080  [for  relief  of  certain  former 
employees  of  United  States  Court  for  China]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Ramey.  June 
l(i,  1944.     4  p.     (H.  rp.  1670,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)     t 

City  National  Bunk  BuUdlnfi  Co.,  report  to  accompany  S.  1453  [for  relief  of  City 
National  Bank  Building  Company]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Carson  [of  Ohio].  June 
22,  1944.     5  p.     ( H.  rp.  1720,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess. )     t 

Cooper,  John  T.  John  T.  Cooper,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  2237  [for  relief  of 
John  T.  Cooper]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Patton.  May  29,  1944.  3  p.  (H.  rp.  1533, 
78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)     t 

Cormier,  Mrs.  Victoria.  Victoria  Cormier,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  4024  [for 
relief  of  Victoria  Cormier]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Abernethy.  May  31,  1944.  4  p. 
(H.  rp.  1563,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)     t 

Coulter,  Diemer  A.  Diemer  Adison  Coulter  and  Frances  Andrew  Coulter,  report 
to  accompany  H.  R.  2150  [for  relief  of  Diemer  Adison  Coulter  and  Frances 
Andrews  Coulter]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Abernethy.  May  31,  1944.  8  p.  (H.  rp. 
15.52,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess. )     t 

Diemer  Adison  Coulter  and  Frances  Andrew  Coulter,  report  to  accompany 

H.  R.  2150  [for  relief  of  Diemer  Adison  Coulter  and  Frances  Andrews  Coulter]  ; 
submitted  by  Mr.  Abernethy.  June  19,  1944.  8  p.  (H.  rp.  1684,  78th  Cong. 
2d  sess. )     t 

CusJiman,  John.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  John  Cushman,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  4197 
[for  relief  of  Mr.  and  Mrs.  John  Cushman]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Chenoweth. 
May  31,  1944.     6  p.     (H.  rp.  1560,  7Sth  Cong.  2d  sess.)     t 

Datesmnn,  J.  Ralph.  J.  Ralph  Datesman,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  3813  [for 
relief  of  J.  Ralph  Datesman]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Miller  of  Missouri.  May  29, 
1944.     4  p.     (H.  rp.  1538,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)     t 

Daif,  Leo  E.  Leo  Edward  Day  and  Phillip  Tamborello,  report  to  accompany 
H.  R.  4050  [for  relief  of  Leo  Edward  Dav  and  Phillip  Tamborello]  ;  submitted 
by  Mr.  Chenoweth.     May  31,  1944.     3  p.     (H.  rp.  1564,  78th  Cong,  2d  sess.)     t 

DeGroot,  Violet.  Legal  guardian  of  Violet  DeGroot,  report  to  accompany  H.  R. 
3727  [for  relief  of  legal  guardian  of  Violet  DeGroot]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Ramey. 
June  16,  1944.     6  p.     (H.  rp.  1652,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)      t 

Eatman,  Michael,  jr.  Michael  Eatman,  jr.,  and  Mrs.  Michael  Eatraan,  jr.,  report 
to  accompany  H.  R.  2019  [for  relief  of  Michael  Eatman,  jr.,  and  Mrs.  Michael 
Eatman.  jr.]  ;  submitted  hv  Mr.  Abernethy.  Mav  31,  1944.  6  p.  (H.  rp.  1556, 
78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)     t 

Ennis.  George  P.  Gladys  A.  Ennis,  as  executrix  of  estate  of  George  Pearse  Ennis 
and  O.scar  H.  Julius,  and  Excelsior  Automotive  Service,  Inc.,  report  to  accom- 
pany H.  R.  195  [for  relief  of  Gladys  A.  Ennis,  as  executrix  of  estate  of  George 
Pearse  Ennis  and  Oscar  H.  Julius,  and  Excelsior  Automotive  Service,  Incor- 
porated] ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Sauthoff.  June  23,  1944.  9  p.  (H.  rp.  1728, 
78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)     t 

Feller.  L.  M.,  Co.  L.  M.  Feller  Co.  and  Wendell  C.  Graus,  report  to  accnmiiaiiv 
H.  R.  4528  [for  relief  of  L.  M.  Feller  Company  and  Wendell  C.  Graus]  ;  sub- 
mitted by  Mr.  Pittenger.  May  29,  1944.  9  p.  (H.  rp.  1539,  78th  C'.ng. 
2d  sess.)     t 

•     Sent  to  Depository  Libraries 

598169 — 44— No.  694 4 

766  Govern arENT  Publications 

Fortier,  Louis  J.  Brig.  Gen.  Louis  J.  Fortler,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  4144 
[for  relief  of  Louis  J.  Fortier]  ;  submitted  bv  Mr.  Patten.  June  22,  1944.  7  p. 
(H.  rp.  1737,  7Sth  Cong.  2d  sess.)     t 

Oause,  Francia  L.  F.  L.  Gause,  Rosalind  Gause,  and  Helen  Gause,  report  to 
accompany  H.  R.  3U9C  [for  relief  of  F.  L.  Gause  and  legal  guardian  of  Rosalind 
and  Helen  Gause]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Patton.  June  16,  1944.  21  p.  (H.  rp. 
1654,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)     t 

Gcsteland,  Ivrr  M.  Iver  M.  Gesteland,  report  to  accompany  S.  754  [for  relief 
of  Iver  M.  Gesteland]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  SauthofC.  Mav  31,^1944.  5  p.  (H.  rp. 
1545,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)     t 

Ooehel,  Frederick  O.  Frederick  G.  Goebel,  report  to  accompany  S.  1461  [for 
relief  of  Frederick  G.  Goebel]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Ramey.  June  16,  1944.  3  p. 
(H.  rp.  1662,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)     t 

Halverson,  Uclen.  Helen  Halverson,  report  to  accompany  S.  1731  [for  relief 
of  Helen  Halverson] ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Green.  June  16,  1944.  3  p.  (H.  rp. 
1665,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess. )     t 

Hawke.  Mrs.  Elsie.  Elsie  Hawke,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  3584  [for  relief 
of  Elsie  Hawke]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Stigler.  June  23,  1944.  o  p.  (H.  rp.  1734, 
78th  Cong.  2d  sess. )     t 

Henderson,  Frank.  Frank  Henderson  and  Frances  Nell  Henderson,  report  to 
accompany  H.  R.  1940  [for  relief  of  Frank  Henderson  and  Frances  Nell  Hender- 
son, his  wife]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Abernethy.  May  31,'  1944.  7  p.  (H.  rp. 
1551,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)     t 

Holland,  Mrs.  May.  Mrs.  May  Holland,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  2345  [for  relief 
of  Mrs.  May  Holland]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Green.  June  16,  1944.  7  p.  (H.  rp. 
1667,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)     f 

Home  Insurance  Co.  of  Neiv  York,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  3431  [for  relief  of 
Home  Insurance  Company  of  New  York]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Scrivner.  May  31, 
1944.     4  p.     (H.  rp.  1558,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)     f 

Hunt,  Cicero  B.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Cicero  B.  Hunt,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  3152 
[for  relief  of  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Cicero  B.  Hunt]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Carson  of  Ohio. 
May  31,  1944.     7  p.     (H.  rp.  1557,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)     t 

Ingram,  J.  WiUiam.  J.  William  Ingram,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  3481  [for 
relief  of  J.  William  Ingram]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Miller  of  Missouri.  May  31, 
1944.     5  p.     (H.  rp.  1560,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)     t 

Knight,  Mrs.  Rebecca  A.  Rebecca  A.  Knight  and  Martha  A.  Christian,  report  to 
accompany  S.  1281  [for  relief  of  Rebecca  A.  Knight  and  Martha  A.  Christian]  ; 
submitted  by  Mr.  Sauthoff.  May  31,  1944.  3  p.  (H.  rp.  1547,  78th  Cong.  2d 
sess. )     t 

Lankton,  J.  Fletcher,  d  Ziegele,  John  N.  J.  Fletcher  Lankton  and  John  N.  Ziegele, 
report  to  accompany  H.  R.  4707  [for  relief  of  J.  Fletcher  Lankton  and  John  N. 
Ziegele,  firm] ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Pittenger.  May  31,  1944.  3  p.  (H.  rp.  1569, 
78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)     t 

Lebanon  Woolen  Mills,  Inc.,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  3511  [for  relief  of  Lebanon 
Woolen  Mills,  Incorporated]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Jennings.  May  31,  1944.  8  p. 
(H.  rp.  1561,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)     t 

Lewis,  Mrs.  Anne  R.  Anne  Rebecca  Lewis  and  Mary  Lewis,  report  to  accompany 
S.  1305  [for  relief  of  Anne  Rebecca  Lewis  and  Mary  Lewis]  ;  submitted  by 
Mr.  Sauthoff.    May  31,  1944.    8  p.     (H,  rp.  1548,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)     t 

Long,  Mrs.  Elizabeth  P.  Elizabeth  Powers  Long,  report  to  accompany  H.  R. 
2151  [for  relief  of  Elizabeth  Powers  Jjoug]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Abernethy. 
May  31,  1944.     3  p.      (H.  rp.  1553,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)     t 

McDonald,  John  D.  John  Duncan  McDonald,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  4712 
[for  relief  of  John  Duncan  McDonald]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  McGehee.  May  31, 
1944.    3  p.     (H.  rp.  1580,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)     t 

•   ,Sent  to  Depository  Libraries 

July  1944  767 

MucNeil,  John  L.  John  L.  MacNeil,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  4631  [for  relief 
of  John  L.  MacNeil]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  McCJehee.  June  16,  1944.  4  p.  (H.  rp. 
1671,  78th  Cong.  2(1  sess.)     f 

McNtiliij,  Mrs.  Donua  M.  Donna  May  McNulty,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  3463 
[for  relief  of  Donna  May  McNulty]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Patton.  June  16,  1944. 
3  p.     (II.  rp.  1668,  78th  Cong.  20  sess.)     f 

Mariiic  Barracks,  Quant ico.  Reimbiirsing  certain  Coast  and  Geodetic  Survey 
and  Marine  Corps  personnel  for  personal  property  lost  or  damaged  as  result  of 
fire  at  Marine  Barracks,  Quantico,  Va.  [Dec.  16,  1943],  report  to  accompany 
S.  1714;  submitted  by  Mr.  Mc(iehee.  May  31,  1944.  2  p.  (H.  rp.  1570,  78th 
Cong.  2d  sess.)     f 

Miles,  Clarence  H.  Clarence  H.  Miles,  Mrs.  MoUie  Miles,  and  Hardy  Miles,  report 
to  accompany  H.  R.  2688  [for  relief  of  Clarence  H.  Miles,  Mrs.  Mollie  Miles,  and 
Hardy  Miles]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Patton.  June  14,  1944.  4  p.  (H.  rp.  1649,  78th 
Cong.  2d  sess.)     f 

Miller,  J.  M.  J.  M.  Miller,  James  W.  Williams,  and  Gilbert  Theriot.  report  to 
accompany  S.  1553  [for  relief  of  J.  M.  Miller,  James  W.  Williams,  and  Gilbert 
Theriot]  ;  submitted  bv  Mr.  McGeliee.  May  31,  1944.  5  p.  (11.  rp.  1549, 
78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)     t 

Murphy,  Ilelcne  M.  Helene  Murphy,  report  to  accompany  S.  1102  [for  relief  of 
Helene  Murphy]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  McGehee.  May  31.  1944.  2  p.  (H.  rp. 
1577,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)     t 

^aval  Advance  Base  Depot,  Port  Hueneme.  Providing  for  reimbursement  of 
certain  Navy  personnel  and  former  Navy  personnel  for  personal  property  lost 
or  damaged  [as  result  of  fire]  at  Naval  Advance  Base  Depot,  Port  Hueneme, 
Calif.,  report  to  accompany  S.  1881 ;  submitted  by  Mr.  McGehee.  June  17,  1944. 
2p.     (H.  rp.  1672,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)     t 

Naval  Air  Station,  Norfolk.  Providing  for  reimbursement  of  certain  Navy  and 
civilian  personnel  for  personal  property  lost  as  result  of  fire  in  hangar  V-3  at 
Naval  Air  Station,  Norfolk,  Va.  [Nov.  12,  1942],  report  to  accompany  S.  1741; 
submitted  by  Mr.  McGehee.  May  31,  1944.  2  p.  (H.  rp.  1571,  78th  Cong.  2d 
sess. )     t 

Nelson,  Robert  W.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Robert  W.  Nelson  and  W.  E.  Nelson,  report  to 
accompany  H.  R.  3548  [for  relief  of  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Robert  W.  Nelson  and  W.  E. 
Nelson]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Stigler.  May  29,  1944.  9  p.  (H.  rp.  1536,  78th 
Cong.  2d  sess.)     t 

O'Connell,  Dennis  C.  Dennis  C.  O'Connell,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  4439  [for 
relief  of  Dennis  C.  O'Connell]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Ramey.     May  31,  1944.     5  p. 

(H.  rp.  1658,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)      t 

O'Connell,  John  M.  John  M.  O'Connell,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  2530  [for  relief 
of  John  M.  O'Connell]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Ramey.  May  29,  1944.  3  p.  (H.  rp. 
1534,  7Sth  Cong.  2d  sess.)     t 

Olive,  Mrs.  Mabelle  IJ.  Mabelle  E.  Olive,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  4380  [for 
relief  of  Mabelle  E.  Olive]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Sauthoff.  June  16,  1944.  7  p. 
(H.  rp.  1659,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)     t 

Olsen,  Sigfried,  Shippinff  Co.  Sigfried  Olsen,  doing  business  as  Sigfrled  Olsen 
Shipping  Co.,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  2825  [for  relief  of  Sigfried  Olson,  doing 
business  as  Sigfried  Olsen  Shipping  Conipanv]  ;  submitted  bv  Mr.  Pittinger 
[Pittenger].     May  31,  1944.     15  p.     (H.  rp.  1579,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)     t 

Given,  William  L.  Relief  of  legal  guardian  of  William  L.  Owen,  report  to  accom- 
pany H.  R.  4226;  submitted  bv  Mr.  Miller  of  Missouri.  May  31,  1944.  8  p. 
(H.  rp.  1567,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)     t 

Pearl  Harbor.  Providing  for  payment  of  compensation  to  certain  claimants  for 
taking  by  United  States  of  private  fishery  rights  in  Pearl  Harbor,  island  of  Oahu. 

McGehee.     May  31,  1944. 

taking  by  United  States  of  private  fishery  rights  in  Pearl 
T.  H.,  report  to  accompany  S.  1682 ;  submitted  bv  Mr.  J 
3  p.     (H.  rp.  1578,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)     f 

Sent  to  Depository  Libraries 

708  Government  Publications 

Peterson,  Mm  Paul  W.  Mrs.  Pearl  \V.  Putersou,  report  to  accompany  II.  R.  3484 
[fur  relief  of  Mrs.  l*earl  W.  Peterson]  ;  subiuitted  by  Mr.  Keogb.  June  28, 
1944.     G  p.     ( II.  rp.  1730,  78tb  Cong.  2a  sess.)     t 

I'oitoion,  Mrs.  Hose.  Mrs.  Rose  Poisson,  I'eport  to  accompany  II.  It.  3285  \tw 
relief  of  Mrs.  Rose  PoissonJ  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Chenoweth.  June  16,  1944. 
7  p.     (11.  rp.  IGol,  78tli  Cong.  2d  sess.)     t 

Reily,  Mrs.  Emily  F.  Mrs.  Emily  Reily,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  3549  [for 
relief  of  Mrs.  Emily  ReilyJ  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Chenoweth.  May  31,  1944.  4  p. 
(H.  rp.  15G2,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)      t 

Romberg,  Mrs.  J.  C.  Mrs.  J.  C.  Romberg,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  262  [for 
relief  of  Mrs.  J.  C.  Romberg]  ;  submitted  by  Mr  Miller  of  Missouri  May  31, 
1944     8  p.     (H.  rp.  1550,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)     t 

Ross,  Alfred  F.  Alfred  F.  Ross,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  4049  [for  relief  of 
Alfred  F.  Ross]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  SauthofE.  June  16,  1944.  6  p.  (H.  rp.  1656, 
78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)     f 

Rutherford,  Mrs.  Ida  M.  Ida  M.  Rutherford,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  2827 
[for  relief  of  Ida  M.  Rutherford]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Ramey.  June  16,  1944. 
5  p.     (H.  rp.  1650,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)      t 

Suhis,  Fermin.  Fermin  Salas,  report  to  accompany  S.  1093  [for  relief  of  Fermin 
Salas]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Chenoweth.  May  31,  1944.  4  p.  (H.  rp.  1546,  78th 
Cong.  2d  sess.)     t 

San  Francisco,  Calif.  City  and  county  of  San  Francisco,  report  to  accompany 
H.  R.  3590  [for  relief  of  city  and  county  of  San  Francisco] ;  submitted  by 
Mr.  Jenuing.s.     May  29,  1944.     6  p.      (H.  rp.  1537,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)     j 

Senders,  M.,  &  Co.  M.  Senders  &  Co.,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  3814  [for  relief 
of  M.  Senders  and  Company]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Scrivner.  June  23,  1944.  4  p. 
(H.  rp.  1732,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)     t 

Sherman,  Mrs.  Phoebe.  Mrs.  Phoebe  Sherman,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  2354 
[for  relief  of  estate  of  Mrs.  Phoebe  Sherman,  and  for  Mrs.  Harriett  W.  Vander- 
hoef  and  Allan  Vanderhoef]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Jennings.  June  15,  1944.  9  p. 
(H.  rp.  1643,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)     t 

Shipp,  Charles  N.  Estate  of  Charles  Noah  Sliipp,  report  to  accompany  H.  R. 
3791  [for  relief  of  estate  of  Charles  Noah  Shipp]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Ramey. 
June  16,  1944.     6  p.      (H.  rp.  1653,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)     t 

Square  D  Co.,  report  to  accompany  S.  1763  [for  relief  of  Square  D  Company]  ; 
submitted  by  Mr.  McGehee.  June  16,  1944.  3  p.  (H.  rp.  1666,  7Sth  Cong. 
2d  sess.)     t 

Stapley,  O.  S.,  Co.  O.  S.  Stapley  Co.,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  3852  [for  relief 
of  O.  S.  Stapley  Company]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Murphy.  June  23,  1944.  4  p. 
(H.rp.  1733,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)     t 

S  ted  man,  Mrs.  Jeannette  B.  Mrs.  Jeannette  B.  Stedman,  report  to  accompany 
H.  R.  3782  [for  relief  of  Mrs.  Jeannette  B.  Stedman]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Dick- 
stein.     June  23,  1944.     8  p.     (H.  rp.  1731,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)     f 

Straka,  Charles  A.  Estate  of  Charles  A.  Straka,  report  to  accompany  S.  1326 
[for  relief  of  estate  of  Charles  A.  Straka]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Miller  of  Missouri. 
May  29,  1944.     4  p.     (H.  rp.  1532,  7Sth  Cong.  2d  sess.)     j 

Tonge,  Taylor  W.  Taylor  W.  Tonge,  report  to  accompany  S.  1112  [for  relief  of 
Taylor  W.  Tonge]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Miller  of  Missouri.  May  29,  1944.  4  p. 
(H.  rp.  1530,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)     t 

Walker,  Henry  C.  Henry  Clay  Walker,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  4305  [for 
relief  of  Henry  Clay  Walker]  ;  submitted  by  ]Mr.  Sauthofif.  June  16,  1944.  6  p. 
(H.  rp.  1658,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)     t 

Washington  Asphalt  Co.,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  2903  [for  relief  of  Washing- 
ton Asphalt  Company]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Scrivner.     May  31,  1944.     3  p.     (H. 

rp.  1555,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess. )     t 

•     Sent  to  Depository  Libraries 

July  1944  769 

Wott,  Anne  C.  Miss  Anne  Watt,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  3467  [for  relief  of 
Anne  Watt]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Goodwin.  May  31,  1944.  3  p.  (H.  rp.  IHoO, 
781b  Cong.  2d  sess.)     t 

Williams,  W.  R.  Dr.  W.  R.  Williams,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  3074  [for  relief 
of  W.  R.  Williams] ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Green.  June  23,  1944.  6  p.  (H.  rp. 
1729,  7Sth  Cong.  2d  sess.)     t 

Wilson,  James  T.  James  Wilson,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  2473  [for  relief  of 
James  Wilson]  submitted  by  Mr.  Ramoy.  May  31,  1944.  10  p.  (H.  rp.  1554, 
78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)     t 

Winscli,  Mrs.  Riiby  C.  Mrs.  Ruby  Winsch,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  4014  [for 
relief  of  IMrs.  Ruby  Winsch]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Pittenger.  June  16,  1944.  6  p. 
( H.  rp.  1655,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess. )     t 

Zukas,  Mrs.  Anna.  Mrs.  Anna  Zukas,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  3880  [for 
relief  of  Mrs.  Anna  Zukas]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Scrivner.  June  23,  1944.  7  p. 
(H.  rp.  1735,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)     t 


rhy.sicians.  Amending  healing  arts  practice  act  of  District  of  Columbia,  report 
to  accompany  H.  R.  3150  [to  amend  act  to  regulate  practice  of  healing  art  to 
protect  public  health  in  District  of  Columbia,  so  as  to  permit  licensing  of  certain 
qualified  physicians  who  are  now  ineligible  for  reciprocal  licenses]  ;  submitted 
by  Mr.  Randolph.     June  12,  1944.     3  p.     (H.  rp.  1628,  78th  Cong.,  2d  sess.)     t 

President  of  United  States.  Authorizing  granting  of  permits  to  Committee  on 
Inaugural  Ceremonies  on  occasion  of  inauguration  of  the  President-elect  [in 
Jan.  1945],  report  to  accompany  H.  J.  Res.  289;  submitted  by  Mr.  Randolph. 
June  12,  1944.     1  p.     (H.  rp.  1631,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)     t 

Providing  for  maintenance  of  public  order  and  protection   of  life  and 

property  in  connection  with  Presidential  inaugural  ceremonies  in  1945,  report 
to  accompany  H.  J.  Res.  290 ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Randolph.  June  12,  1944.  1  p. 
(II.  rp.  1632,' 7Sth  Cong.  2d  sess.)     t 

Pnhlic  Welfare  Board.  Redefining  powers  and  duties  of  Board  of  Public  Welfare 
of  District  of  Columbia,  to  establish  Department  of  Public  Welfare,  report  to 
accompany  H.  R.  2465 ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Randolph.  June  12,  1944.  2  p.  (H. 
rp.  1627,  7Sth  Cong.  2d  sess.)     f 

Restaurants,  lunch  rooms,  etc.  Application  of  District  of  Columbia  health  regu- 
lations to  Government  eating  places,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  4S67 ;  sub- 
mitted by  Mr.  Randolph.  June  12,  1944.  2  p.  (H.  rp.  1629,  78th  Cong.  2d 
sess. )     t 

Scholarships.  Amending  act  of  June  19,  1934  (Public  law  435,  73d  Cong.),  report 
to  accompany  H.  R.  4916  [to  amend  act  of  June  19.  1934  (Public  law  435,  73d 
Congress),  so  as  to  extend  educational  provisions  of  said  act  to  children  of 
veterans  who  have  died  since  World  War  I  of  war  service-connected  disabilities 
and  to  orphans  of  World  War  II]  :  submitted  by  Mr.  Randolph.  June  12,  1944. 
2  p.     (H.  rp.  1630,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)     f 


Govern  went  offices.    To  investigate  executive  agencies,  hearings,  78th  Congress, 
1st   session,   pursuant   to   H.   Res.    102,   Apr.    7-June  22,   1943.     1944.     pt.    1, 
iv-|-l-1328-i-iv  p.     [Part  1  relates  to  Office  of  Price  Administration.]     *  Paper, 
$1.75.     •  Item  380 
L.  C.  card  44-41047  Y  4.Ex  3/4 :  Ex  3/pt.l 


Courts  of  United  States.  E^fablisliing  official  checking  accounts  with  Treasurer 
of  United  States  for  clerks  of  United  States  courts  and  United  States  marshals, 
report  to  accompany  II.  R.  2969 :  submitted  by  Mr.  Manasco.  June  15,  1944. 
5  p.     (H.  rp.  1648,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)     t 

•     Sent  to  Depository  Libraries 

770  Government  Publications 


Alaskun  International  JJiffhway  CommisHion,  report  to  accompany  II.  R.  4(52")  Lto 
extend  existence  of  Alaskan  International  Highway  Commission  for  an  addi- 
tional 4  yearsl  :  submitted  by  Mr.  Hloom.  June  6,  1944.  1  p.  (H.  rp.  1003, 
7Sth  Cong.  2d  sess.)     t 

Atrocities.  Protesting  extermination  by  the  Nazis  of  minorities  in  Hungary  and 
other  Nazi-controlled  territories,  report  to  accompany  H.  Res.  (ilO;  submitte<l 
by  Mr.  Bloom.     June  23,  1944.     2  p.     (H.  rp.  1742,  7Sth  Cong.  2<1  sess.)     t 

Great  Britain.  Relating  to  invitation  to  Congress  to  send  delegation  to  visit 
British  Parliament,  report  to  accompany  S.  Con.  Res.  43;  submitted  by  Mr. 
Bloom.     June  23,  1^4.     1  p.     (H.  rp.  1741,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)     t 

Opium.  Limiting  production  of  opium  to  amount  required  for  medicinal  and 
scientific  purposes,  reixtrt  to  accompany  H.  J.  Res.  241  [requesting  tlie  President 
to  urge  upon  Governments  of  those  countries  where  cultivation  of  poppy  plant 
exists,  necessity  of  immediately  limiting  production  of  opium  to  amount  re- 
quired for  strictly  medicinal  and  scientific  purposes]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Bloom. 
May  25,  1944.    4  p.     (H.  rp.  1515,  7Sth  Cong.  2d  sess.)     t 

Reconstruction  fund  in  joint  account  with  foreign  Governments  for  rehabilitation, 
stabilization   of   currencies,   and  reconstruction,   hearings,   78th   Congress,  2d 
session,  on  H.  J.  Res.  226,  Apr.  25-May  17,  1944.     1944.     iii+188  p.     *  Paper, 
25c.     •  Item  352 
L.  C.  card  44^1050  Y  4.F  76/1 :  R  24/4 


Albuquerque  School.  Authorizing  Secretary  of  Interior  to  sell  certain  lands 
[heretofore  acquired  for  Albuquerque  Indian  School,  N.  Mex.],  report  to  accom- 
pany H.  R.  126 ;  submitted  by  Mr.  O'Connor.  June  23,  1944.  2  p.  (H.  rp.  1751, 
78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)     t 

Barnctt,  Jackson.  Sale  of  certain  property  of  estate  of  Jackson  Barnett,  report 
to  accompany  S.  1710  [to  authorize  sale  and  conveyance  of  certain  property 
of  estate  of  Jackson  Barnett]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  O'Connor.  June  23, 1944.  2  p. 
(H.  rp.  1749,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)     t 

Grand  Coulee  Dam.  Acquisition  of  Indian  lands  for  Grand  Coulee  Dam  and 
Reservoir,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  3869  [to  amend  sec.  1,  act  of  June  29, 
1940  (54  Stat.  703),  for  acquisition  of  Indian  lands  within  Spokane  and  Colville 
Reservations  for  Grand  Coulee  Dam  and  Reservoir]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  O'Con- 
nor.    June  23,  1944.     2  p.     (H.  rp.  1752,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)     t 

Marriage  and  divorce  among  Klamath  and  INIodoc  tribes  and  Yahooskin  band  of 
Snake  Indians,  report  to  accompany  S.  267:  submitted  by  Mr.  Stockman. 
June  23,  1944.     2  p.     (H.  rp.  1748,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)     t 

Osage  Indians.  Providing  for  payment  of  attorney's  fees  from  Osage  tribal 
funds,  report  to  accompany  S.  1847 ;  submitted  by  Mr.  O'Connor.  June  23,  1944. 
2  p.     (H.  rp.  1750,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)     t 

Tulalip  Indiana.  Authorizing  sale  of  certain  lands  of  Tulalip  tribe  of  Indians, 
Washington,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  4782 ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Jackson.  June 
23.  1944.     2  p.     (H.  rp.  1753,  78th  C<>ng.  2d  sess.)     t 


Puerto  Rico.  Conditions  in  Puerto  Rico,  report  pursuant  to  H.  Res.  159  [authoriz- 
ing Committee  on  Insular  Affairs  to  investigate  political,  economic,  and  social 
conditions  in  Puerto  Rico]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Bell.  June  17,  1944.  6  p. 
(H.  rp.  1676,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)      [Relates  to  limitation  of  rum  production.]     t 

Virgin  Islands.     Assisting  in  internal  development  of  Virgin  Islands  by  under- 
taking of  useful  projects  therein,  report  to  accompanv  H.  R.  5029;  submitted 
by  Mr.  Bell.     June  17,  1944.     9  p.     (H.  rp.  1673,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)     t 
L.  C.  card  44-41092 

•     Sent  to  Depository  Libraries 

July  1944  771 


Air  pilots.  Extending  civilian  pilot  training,  act,  report  to  accompany  S.  1432 ; 
submitted  by  Mr.  Buhvinkle.  June  10,  1\H4.  8  p.  (H.  rp.  1G22,  78th  Cong. 
2d  sess.)     t 

Airports.  Requesting  survey  of  need  for  system  of  airports  and  landing  fields 
[by  Administrator  of  Civil  Aeronautics],  report  to  accompany  H.  Res.  598; 
submitted  by  Mr.  Lea.  June  16,  1944.  2  p.  (H.  rp.  1661,  78th  Cong.  2d 
sess. )     t 

Voniniodities.  Brand  names  and  newsprint,  hearings  before  subcommittee,  78th 
Congress,  2d  session,  pursuant  to  H.  lies.  98,  to  investigate  Federal  grade 
labeling  of  articles  or  commodities,  and  discarding  of  private  brand  names,  cur- 
tailing production  or  consumption  of  new.spriut  or  papers,  and  any  requirements 
intending  to  bring  about  simplification  and  standardization  of  production,  mar- 
keting, and  distribution  of  articles  or  commodities,  as  well  as  concentration 
of  industry  or  production.  Jan.  25-28,  1944;  New'sprint.  1944.  pt.  4,  iii+1315- 
1434  p.  *  Paper,  15c.  •  Item  356 
L.  C.  card  43-13799  Y  4.1n  8/4  :  B  73/pt.4 

Explosives.  Amending  transportation  of  explosives  act  [with  respect  to  trans- 
portation of  explosives  in  passenger  trains],  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  4958; 
submitted  by  Mr.  Lea.  June  15,  1944.  3  p.  (H.  rp.  1647,  78th  Cong.  2d 
sess. )     t 

Mississippi  River.  Extending  times  for  commencing  and  completing  construction 
of  bridge  across  Mississiiipi  River  at  or  near  Memphis,  Tenn.  [by  Memphis  and 
Arkansas  Bridge  Commission],  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  4803;  submitted  by 
Mr.  Priest.     June  21,  1944.     4  p.     (H.  rp.  1699,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)      t 

■     Free  highway  bridge  across  Mississippi  River  at  Mill  Street,  Brainerd, 

Minn.,  report  to  accompany  S.  1660  [granting  consent  of  Congress  to  Minnesota 
Department  of  Highways  and  county  of  Crow  Wing,  Minn.,  to  construct  free 
highway  bridge  across  Mississippi  River  at  Mill  Street,  Brainerd,  Minn.]  ; 
submitted  by  Mr.  O'Hara.  May  31,  1944.  2  p.  (H.  rp.  1572,  78th  Cong, 
2d  sess.)     t 

Missouri  River.  Amending  sec.  5  of  act  approved  Apr.  23,  1928,  relating  to  con- 
struction and  maintenance  of  bridge  across  Missouri  River  at  or  near  Nebraska 
City,  Nebr.  [so  as  to  provide  for  (jperation  of  bridge  free  of  tolls  by  Nebraska 
City,  Nebr.],  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  4041;  submitted  by  Mr.  Winter.  May 
31,  1944.     2  p.     (H.  rp.  1573,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)     t 

Monongahela  River.  Authorizing  construction  and  operation  of  free  highway 
bridge  across  Monongahela  lUver  in  county  of  Allegheny,  Pa.  [at  Dravosburg, 
Pa.,  by  said  county],  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  4206;  submitted  by  Mr.  Myers. 
May  31,  1944.     2  p.     (H.  rp.  1574,  78th  Cong- 2d  sess.)      t 

Authorizing  construction   and  operation   of  free  highway  bridge  across 

Monongahela  River  in  county  of  AUfgbeny,  Pa.  [from  borough  of  Rankin  to 
borough  of  Whitaker,  Pa.,  by  said  county],  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  4207; 
submitted  by  Mr.  Myers.  May  31,  1944.  2  p.  (H.  rp.  1575,  78th  Cong. 
2d  sess.)     t 

Tuxation.  Providing  for  study  of  myltiple  taxation  of  air  commerce  [by  Civil 
Aeronautics  ISoard],  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  49.'?5 ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Bul- 
winkle.     June  12,  1944.     2  p.     (H.  rp.  1633,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)     t 

Tuhereulosis.     Control  of  tuberculosis,  hearings  bef(n-e  subcommittee,  78th  Con- 
gress, 2d  session,  on  H.  R.  4615,  to  establish,  for  investigation  and  control  of  tu- 
berculosis, a  division  in  Public  Health  Service,  June  13  and  14,  1944.     1944. 
iv-l-49  p.     *  Paper,  10c.     •  Item  356 
L.  C.  card  44-41067  Y4.Tn8/4:  T  79/3 

Functions  of  Public  Health  Service  with  respect  to  prevention  and  control 

of  tuberculosis,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  4615  [to  establish,  for  i;ivestigatiou 
and  control  of  tuberculosis,  a  division  in  Public  Health  Service]  ;  submitted 
by  Mr.  Priest.     June  15,  1944.     4  p.     (H.  rp.  1644,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)     t 

•     Sent  to  Depository  Libraries 

772  Government  Publications 


rcnsioiis.  Increasing  service-connected  disability  rates  of  pension  for  certain 
regular  establishment  veterans  and  veterans  of  wars  prior  to  World  War  I, 
report  to  accompany  H.  H.  41)1)1);  submitted  by  Mr.  Lesinski.  June  17,  l&i4. 
3  p.     (H.  rp.  1077,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)     t 

Pensions  for  certain  physically  or  mentally  helpless  children  [of  veterans], 

hearings,  78th  Congress,  2d  session,  on  S.  G62,  Mar.  16,  1944.  11)44.  iii+6  p. 
*  Taper,  5c.     •  Item  357  Y  4.1u  8/5 :  C  43 


Anderson  Ranch  reservoir.  Authorizing  Secretary  of  Interior  to  purchase  im- 
provements on  Anderson  Ranch  reservoir  site,  Boise  reclamation  project,  Idaho, 
report  to  accompany  11.  R.  3r)27  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Murdock.  June  1, 1944.  2  p. 
(H.  rp.  1587,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)     f 


Alaska.  Amending  Hatch  act  concerning  municipalities  in  Alaska,  report  to  ac- 
company H.  R.  330  [to  amend  suljsec.  9  (a)  of  act  to  prevent  pernicious  political 
activities,  as  amended,  so  as  to  i>ermit  employees  of  United  States  Government, 
including  Alaska  Railroad  employees,  who  reside  in  municipalities  along  line  of 
Alaska  Railroad  to  participate  in  local  political  matters  involving  municipal 
governments  only]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Feighan.  June  6,  1944.  4  p.  (H.  rp. 
1602,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)     t 

Bankruptcy.  Amending  sec.  77  of  bankruptcy  act  (railroad  reorganizations), 
report  to  accompany  H.  R.  4960 ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Hobbs.  June  8,  1944.  12  p. 
(H.  rp.  1615,  7Sth  Cong.  2d  sess.)    t 

Garden,  Oeorge  A.  Claims  of  George  A.  Carden  and  Anderson  T.  Herd,  report  to 
accompany  H.  R.  4513  [to  provide  for  appeal  to  Supreme  Court  of  United  States 
from  decision  of  Court  of  Claims  in  suit  instituted  by  George  A.  Carden  and 
Anderson  T.  Herd]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Weaver.  June  22,  1944.  30  p.  (H.  rp. 
1725,  7Sth  Cong.  2d  sess.)     t 

Eminent  domain.  Expediting  payment  for  property  acquired  during  war  period, 
eliminating  commissioners,  appraisers,  etc.,  in  condemnation  proceedings,  sup- 
plemental report  to  accompany  S.919 ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Hobbs.  May  24,  1944. 
3  p.  (H.  rp.  919,  pt.  2,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)  [This  publication  reads  78th  Con- 
gress, 2d  session,  although  House  report  919  is  a  report  of  the  1st  session  of 
the  78th  Congress.]     t 

Evidence.  Safeguarding  admission  of  evidence  in  certain  cases,  report  to  accom- 
pany H.  R.  3G90 ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Weaver.  May  24, 1944.  10  p.  (H.  rp.  1509, 
78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)  [Includes  minority  report  signed  by  Mr.  Kefauver  and 
Mr.  Celler  and  minority  views  of  Mr.  Cravens.]     t 

Government  contracts.  Contract  termination,  executive  session,  hearings  before 
subcommittee  no.  3,  78th  Congress,  2d  session,  on  H.  R.  4789  and  S.  1718,  [bills] 
to  provide  for  settlement  of  claims  arising  from  terminated  war  contracts.  May 
17,  1944.  1944.  iv+546  p.  (Serial  16.)  [Includes  hearings  before  House 
Special  Committee  on  Post-War  Economic  Policy  and  Planning,  and  excerpts 
from  other  congressional  hearings.  H.  R.  4789  and  S.  1718  establish  the  Office  of 
Contract  Settlement  and  create  a  Contract  Settlement  Advisory  Board.] 
*  Paper,  70c.     •  Item  359  Y  4. J  89/1 :  C  768/S 

Settlement  of  claims  arising  from  terminated  war  contracts,  report  to 

accompany  S.  1718;  submitted  by  Mr.  Walter.     June  1,  1944.     39  p.     (H.  rp. 
1590,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)      [Includes  additional  views  by  Emanuel  Celler. 
S.  1718  establishes  the  Office  of  Contract  Settlement  and  creates  a  Contract 
Settlement  Advisory  Board.]     t 
L.  C.  card  44-41018 

Judges.  Providing  additional  circuit  judge  for  3d  judicial  circuit  and  permitting 
filling  of  1st  vacancy  in  office  of  district  judge  for  eastern  district  of  Pennsyl- 
vania, report  to  accompany  H.  R.  3750;  submitted  by  Mr.  Walter.  May  26, 
1944.     6  p.     (H.  rp.  1518,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)     t 

•     Sent  to  Depository  Libraries 

July  1944  773 

Mothers  of  Wo^'ld  War  No.  2  (incorporation),  hearings  before  subcommittee  no.  1, 
78th  Congress,  2cl  session,  on  H.  R.  3435,  to  incorporate  Mothers  of  World  War 
No.  2,  to  set  forth  and  establish  purposes  and  aims  of  organization,  fixing  its 
corporate  powers  and  establishing  rights  of  membership,  and  for  other  purposes, 
May  25,  1944.     1944.     iii+14  p.     (Serial  17.)     *  Paper,  10c.     •  Item  359 

Y  4.  J  89/1 :  M  85/5 

Pearl  Ilarhor.  Extending  time  limit  for  immunity,  report  to  accompany  H.  J. 
Res.  283  [to  extend  time  limit  for  immunity  from  possible  court  martial  or 
prosecution  of  any  person  or  persons,  military  or  civil,  connected  with  Pearl 
Harbor  catastrophe  of  Dec.  7,  1941,  for  one  year  from  Jinie  7,  1944]  ;  submitted 
by  Mr.  Weaver.  ]\Iny  25,  1944.  5  p.  (H.  rp.  151G,  7Sth  Cong.  2d  sess.) 
[Includes  minority  views.]        f 


Books.  Amending  act  to  provide  books  for  adult  blind  [so  as  to  increase  annual 
appropriation],  report  to  accompanv  H.  R.  4729;  submitted  by  Mr.  0"ioole. 
May  29,  1944.  2  p.  (H.  rp.  1542,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)  [Part  of  this  appro- 
priation is  to  be  expended  for  sound-reproduction  records  known  as  talking 
books  and  for  maintenance  and  replacement  of  Government-owned  talking  book 
machines.]     1" 


Coast  Guard  Reserve.     Amending  Coast  Guard  Reserve  and  Auxiliaiy  act,  report 
to  accompany  H.  R.  3704;  submitted  by  Mr.  Bland.     June  20,  1944.     9  p.     (H 
rp  1686,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)     f 
L.  C.  card  44^1088 

Fish  and  fisheries.  Manpower  shortage  in  fishery  industry,  executive  hearings 
before  subcommittee  on  fisheries,  78th  Congress,  2d  session,  on  H.  Res.  52, 
authorizing  investigation  of  national  defense  program  as  it  relates  to  Committee 
on  Merchant  IMarine  and  Fisheries,   Mar.  21-May  1,  1944.     1944.     iii+96  p. 

•  Paper  15c.     •  Item  362 

L.  C.  card  44-6270  Y  4.M  53 :  M  31/2 

Survey  of  marine  and  fresh-water  fishery  resources  of  United  States  by 

Fish  and  Wildlife  Service,  hearings,  78th  Congress,  2d  session,  on  S.  J.  Res.  112, 
authorizing  and  directing  Fish  and  Wildlife  Service  of  Department  of  Interior 
to  conduct  survey  of  marine  and  fresh-water  fishery  resources  of  United  States, 
its  Territories,  and  possessions,  Apr.  14,  1944.     1944.     iii+29  p.     *  Paper,  10c. 

•  Item  362 

L.  C.  card  44r-41098  Y  4.M  53  :  F  53/25 

Ships.  Amending  sec.  511  (c)  of  merchant  marine  act,  1930,  as  amended  [rela- 
tive to  deposit  of  vessel  proceeds  received  from  United  States  in  certain  cases 
in  con.struction  reserve  fund],  x-eport  to  accompany  H.  R.  4968;  submitted  by 
Mr.  Bland.     June  19,  1944.     8  p.     (H.  rp.  1683,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)     t 

■ Investigation  of  plate  fractures  on  welded  ships,  interim  report  pursuant 

to  H.  Res.  52;  .submitted  by  Mr.  Jackson.     June  20,  1944.     20  p.     (H.  rp.  1685, 
78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)     f 
L  C.  card  44-41090 

Post-war  disposition  of  merchant  vessels,  hearings,  78th  Congress,  2d  ses- 
sion, on  H.  R.  44S6,  to  provide  for  sale  of  certain  Government-owned  merchant 
vessels.    May    25    and    26,    1944.     1944.     pt.    1,    iii  +  l-S6    p.     *  Paper,    10c. 

•  Item  362 

L.  C.  card  44-41097  Y  4.M  53 :  V  63/21/pt.l 

iii-f  1-100  p.     *  Paper,  20c.     •  Item  362 

L.  C.  card  44-6048  Y  4.M  53 :  Sh  6/27/pt.l 

•     Sent  to  Depository  Libraries 

774  Govern srENT  Publications 


Conscientious  ohjcctors.  Authorizing  appropriation  of  amounts  received  from 
services  of  conscientious  objectors  for  expenditure  by  Selective  Service  System, 
report  to  accoinpany  H.  R.  3199;  submitted  by  Mr.  Sparkman.  May  31,  1944. 
3  p.     (H.  rp.  ir.Sl,  7Sth  Cong.  2d  sess.)     t 

Piroitz,  Alexandrr.  Authorizing  admission  of  Alexander  Firouz.  citizen  of  Iran, 
to  Military  Academy,  report  to  accompany  H.  J.  Res.  22S  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  May. 
June  21,  1M4.     1  p.     (H.  rp.  1703,  7Sth  Cong.  2d  sess.)     t 

Military  Academy^  West  Point.  Clarifying  law  relative  to  allowance  for  mileage 
of  graduates  ()f  Military  Academy,  report  to  accompany  S.  1069  [to  clarify  law 
relative  to  allowances  for  mileage  of  graduates  of  Military  Academy  and  trans- 
portation of  their  dependents  on  assignment  to  their  1st  duty  station  and  to 
mileage  allowance  of  persons  entering  Militarv  Academy  as  cadets]  :  submitted 
by  Mr.  May.     May  25,  1944.     4  p.     (H.  rp.  1518,  7Sth  Cong.  2d  sess.)     t 

Nurse  Corps.  Army.  Army  Nurse  Corps,  hearings,  78th  Congress,  2d  session, 
on  H.  R.  3718,  to  grant  military  rank  to  certain  members  of  Army  Nurse  Corps. 
H.  R.  3761,  to  provide  for  full  military  rank  for  membeis  of  Army  Nurse  Corps, 
dietitians,  and  physical-therapy  aides,  and  H.  R.  444r>,  to  authorize  temiwrary 
appointment  as  officers  in  Army  of  United  States  of  members  of  Army  Nurse 
Corps,  female  persons  having  necessary  qualifications  for  appointment  in  .such 
corps,  female  dietetic  and  physical -therapy  personnel  of  Medical  Department 
of  Army  (exclusive  of  students  and  apprentices),  and  female  persons  having 
necessary  qualifications  for  appointment  in  such  department  as  female  dietetic 
or  physical-therapy  personnel,  Apr.  27,  1944.  1944.  iii+30  p.  *  Paper,  10c. 
•  Item  363 
L.  C.  card  44-41064  T  4M  59/1 :  N  93/3 

Temporary  appointment  as  officers  in  Army  of  United  States  of  members 

of  Army  Nurse  Corps  and  certain  other  female  persons,  report  to  accompany 
H.  R.  4445  [to  authorize  temiJorary  appointment  as  officers  in  Army  of  United 
States  of  members  of  Army  Nurse  Corps,  female  persons  having  necessary 
qualifications  for  appointment  in  such  corps,  female  dietetic  and  physical- 
therapy  persoimel  of  Medical  Department  of  Army,  exclusive  of  students  and 
apprentices,  and  female  persons  having  necessary  qualifications  for  appoint- 
ment in  such  department  as  female  dietetic  or  phvsical-therapv  personnel]  ; 
submitted  by  Mr.  May.    May  25.  1944.    6  p.     (H.  rp.  1512,  7Sth  Cong.  2d  sess.)     t 

Pay,  Army.  Providing  additional  pay  for  expert  and  combat  infantrymen,  report 
to  accompany  H.  R.  4970  [to  provide  additional  pay  for  enlisted  men  of  Army 
assigned  to  infantry  who  are  awarded  expert  infantryman  badge  or  combat 
infantryman  badge]  ;  submitted  bv  Mr.  Mav.  June  21.  1944.  3  p.  (H.  rp. 
1700.  78th  Cong.  2d  sess. )     t 

Providing  additional  pay  for  personnel  required  to  participate  in  regular 

and  frequent  glider  flights,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  4466  [to  amend  sec.  18 
of  pay  readjustment  act  of  1942  to  provide  additional  pay  for  personnel  of 
Army  or  Navy  who  are  required  to  participate  in  regular  and  frequent  glider 
flights]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  May.  June  21.  1944.  4  p.  (H.  rp.  1702,  7Sth 
Cong.  2(1  sess.)     t 

Pearl  Ilarhor.  Investigations  of  national  war  effort,  interim  report  pursuant  to 
H.  Res.  30:  [submitted  by  Mr.  May].  1944.  ii  +  Sl  p.  (H.  rp.  1638.  78tb 
Cong.  2d  sess.)  [Relates  primarily  to  contract  for  Pearl  Harbor  installations 
granted  by  Theodore  Wyman,  jr..  to  company  dominated  by  Hans  Wilhelm 
(John  William)  Rohl.]  *  Paper,  10c. 
L.  C.  card  44-41059 

Requisitions  (military).  Requisition  of  property  denied  exportation,  report  to 
accompany  S.  1749  [to  amend  sec.  3  of  act  to  authorize  the  President  to 
requisition  certain  articles  and  materials  for  use  of  T'nited  States,  approved 
Oct.  10,  1940,  as  amended,  to  continue  it  in  effect] ;  submitted  by  Mr.  May. 
June  7,  1944.  3  p.  (H.  rp.  1614,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)  t 
L.  0.  card  44-41012 

Requisition  of  property  for  national  defense.  rei)ort  to  accompany  S.  1748 

[to  amend  act  to  authorize  President  of  I'nited  States  to  requisition  property 

•    Sent  to  Depository  Libraries 

July  1944  775 

Requisitiotis  ( mUitarn )  — Continued. 

required  for  defense  of  United  States,  approved  Oct.  16,  1941,  as  amended, 
to  continue  it  in  effect]  ;  submitted  bv  Mr.  Mav.     Jtnie  7,  1944.     4  p.     (II.  rp. 
1613,  TSth  Cong.  2d  .«ess.)      t 
L.  C.  card  44-41013 

Retired  list,  Army.  Relating  to  retirement  of  enlisted  men  of  Regular  Army  and 
Philippine  Scouts,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  3187  [to  amend  sec.  5,  Public  law 
140,  77th  Congress]  ;  submitted  bv  Mr.  Sparknian.  June  21,  1944.  3  p.  (H. 
rp.  1709,  7Sth  Cong.  2d  sess.)     t 

Taxation.  Amending  sec.^  514  of  soldiers'  and  sailors'  relief  act,  report  to  ac- 
company H.  K.  4733  rto'  amend  sec.  514  of  soldiers'  and  sailors'  relief  act,  so 
as  to  relieve  persons  in  service  from  liability  of  double  iiersonal  property 
taxe.'^]  ;  .submitted  by  :Mr.  Sparkman.  May  2."),  1944.  4  p.  (H.  rp.  1514,  7Sth 
Cong.  2d  sess.)     f 

Vir(ji)i  Islanda.  Extending  provisions  of  selective  training  and  service  act  to 
Virgin  Islands,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  4810;  submitted  by  Mr.  May.  June 
21,1944.     3  p.     (H.  rp.  1701,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)     t 


'J'iDinel.'i.  Providing  for  suspension  of  certain  requirements  relating  to  work 
on  [mine]  tunnel  sites,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  3579;  submitted  by  Mr. 
Murdoek.     June  1,  1944.     2  p.     (H.  rp.  1584,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)     t 

Providing  for   suspension  of  certain   I'equirements   relating  to  work  on 

[mine]  tunnel  sites,  report  to  accompany  S.  1479;  submitted  by  Mr.  Murdoek. 
June  1,  1944.     2  p.     (H.  rp.  1585,  78th  Cong.  2d     t 


Adiniraltii.  Providing  for  staying  judicial  proceedings  against  United  States  in 
time  of  war.  report  to  accompany  S.  1173  [to  provide  for  staying  judicial  pro- 
ceedings against  United  States  in  time  of  war,  on  claims  for  damages  caused 
by  vessels  of  Navy,  or  for  towage  or  salvage  services  to  such  vessels,  when 
Secretary  of  Navy  certifies  that  prosecution  of  such  proceedings  would  en- 
danger security  of  naval  operations  or  interfere  therewith,  and  to  authorize 
settlement  and  pavment  of  such  claims]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Vinson  of  Georgia. 
June  19.  1944.  6  p.  (H.  rp.  1681,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)  t 
L.  C.  card  44-41091 

Brewster  Aeronautical  Corporation.  Repoi't  of  subconnnittee  of  Committee  on 
Naval  Affairs  investigating  Brewster  Aeronautical  Corjporaticm.  [1944.]  p. 
1979-82.     (No.  229.)     *  Paper,  5c.     •  Item  365  Y  4.N  22/la :  943-44/229 

Courts  martial  and  courts  of  inquiry.  To  amend  art.  8  of  chap.  21  of  title  34 
(Navy)  of  United  States  Code  by  adding  3  subsections  to  1st  subdivision 
thereof  [so  as  to  specify  2  additional  offenses  punishable  at  discretion  of  a 
coui't  martial],  II.  R.  4490,  [introduced  by]  ^Nlr.  Hoffman;  [letter  from  Secre- 
tary of  Navy  to  chairaian  of  Committee  on  Naval  Affairs  concerning  bill]. 
[1944.]     p.  2135-36.     (No.  235.)      *  Paper,  5c.     •  Item  365 

Y  4.N  22/la  :  943-44/235 

FranJdin,  Benjamin.  For  relief  of  Benjamin  Franklin  [alias  William  Hart], 
H.  R.  4.521,  [introduced  by]  Mr.  Bradley  of  Pennsylvania;  [letter  from  Secre- 
tary of  Navy  to  chairman  of  Committee  on  Naval  Affairs  concerning  bill]. 
[1944.]     p.  212»-30.     (No.  232.)     *  Paper,  5c.     •  Item  365 

Y  4.N  22/la  :  943-44/232 

Marine  Band.  Authorizing  attendance  of  Marine  Band  at  national  encampment 
of  Grand  Army  of  the  Republic  to  be  held  at  Des  Moines.  Iowa,  Sept.  10-14, 
1944,  report  to  accH)mpany  H.  R.  4825;  submitted  by  Mr.  Blackney.  May  29, 
1944.     Ip.      (H.  rp.  1543,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)      t 

Hearing  [78th  Congress,  2d  session],  on  H.  R.  4825,  to  authorize  attend- 
ance of  Marine  Band  at  national  encampment  of  Grand  Army  of  the  Republic 
to  be  held  at  Des  Moines,  Iowa,  Sept.  10-14,  1944.  [1944.]  p.  1983.  (No. 
230.)     *  Paper,  5c.     •  Item  365  '^  Y  4. N  22/la  :  943-44/230 

•    Sent  to  Depository  Libraries 

77()  Government  Publications 

Marine  Band — Continued. 

To  authorize  attendance  of  Marine  Band  at  national  encampment  of  Grand 

Army  of  the  Republic  to  be  held  at  Des  Moines,  Iowa,  Sept.  10-14,  1W4,  H.  R. 
482;"),  [introduced  by]  Mr.  Cunningham;  [letter  from  Secretary  of  Navy  l.> 
ciiairman  of  Commill«'e  on  Naval  Affairs  concerning  bill].  [1944.]  p.  2131. 
(No.  23:i)      ♦Paper,  5c.     •  Item  3t>5.  Y  4.N  22/la :  943-44/233 

Moore  Field.  Authorizing  and  directing  sale  of  Moore  Airfield  [Okla.],  report 
to  accompany  H.  R.  4901 ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Vinson  of  Georgia.  June  12,  1944. 
13  p.     (H.  rp.  1G34,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)     [Includes  minority  views.]     t 

Hearing   [78th  Congress,  2d  session],  on  H.  R.  4901,  to  authorize  and 

direct  sale  of  Moore  Airfield  [Okla.].  [1&44.]  p.  2139-55.  (No.  237.)  *  Paper. 
5c.     •  Item  305  Y  4.N  22/la  :  943^4/237 

Naval  petroleum  reserves.  Hearing  [78th  Congress,  2d  session],  on  H.  R.  4771, 
to  amend  part  of  act  making  appropriations  for  naval  service,  fiscal  year  1921, 
as  amended,  x'elating  to  conservation,  care,  custody,  protection,  and  operation 
of  naval  petroleum  and  oil-shale  reserves.  [1944.]  p.  1985-2127.  (No.  231.) 
*  Paper,  20c.     •  Item  365  Y  4.N22/la :  943-44/231 

Naval  petroleum  and  oil-shale  reserve,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  4771 

[to  amend  part  of  act  making  appropriations  for  naval  service,  fiscal  year 
1921,  as  amended,  relating  to  conservation,  care,  custody,  protection,  and  op- 
eration of  naval  petroleum  and  oil-shale  reserves]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  "Vinson 
of  Georgia.  May  29,  1944.  39  p.  (H.  rp.  1529,  7Sth  Cong.  2d  sess.)  [H.  R. 
4771,  as  amended  by  the  committee,  relates  to  naval  petroleum  reserves  only.]  t 
L.  C.  card  44-41017 

Naval  Reserve.  To  amend  Public  law  810,  77th  Congress  [so  as  to  remove 
present  prohibition  against  issuance  of  appointments  in  Naval  and  Marine 
Corps  Reserves  to  persons  who  have  organic  physical  defects],  H.  R.  4418, 
[introduced  by]  Mr.  Walter;  [letter  from  acting  Secretary  of  Navy  to  chair- 
man of  Committee  on  Naval  Affairs  concerning  bill].  [1944.]  p.  1959-60. 
(No.  227.)     *  Paper,  5c.     •  Item  365  Y  4.N  22/la  :  943-44/227 

Naval  supplies.  Amending  that  part  of  act  of  June  24,  1910  (36  Stat.  619), 
relating  to  disposition  of  profits  from  sales  of  ships'  stores  [so  as  to  permit  of 
expenditure  of  profits  for  welfare  of  officers  as  well  as  of  enlisted  personnel], 
report  to  accompany  S.  784 ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Cole  of  New  York.  June  23, 1944. 
3  p.    (H.  rp.  1743,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)     f 

Officers,  Marine  Corps.  To  amend  sec.  1442,  Revised  statutes,  relating  to  fur- 
lough of  oflBcers  by  Secretary  of  Navy  [so  as  to  include  officers  on  active  list 
of  Marine  Corps  and  oflScers  of  Coast  Guard  while  Coast  Guard  is  operating 
as  part  of  Navy],  H.  R.  4951,  [introduced  by]  Mr.  Vinson  of  Georgia;  [letter 
from  Secretary  of  Navy  to  Speaker  of  House  of  Representatives  concerning 
bill].     [1944.]     p.  2133.     (No.  234.)     *  Paper,  5c.     •  Item  365. 

Y  4.N  22/la :  943-44/234 

Officers,  Navy.  Establishing  grade  of  fleet  admiral  of  Navy,  report  to  accompany 
S.  2019 ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Vinson  of  Georgia.  June  23, 1944.  2  p.  (H.  rp.  1744, 
78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)     t 

Pay,  Navy.  Amending  act  of  Mar.  7,  1944  [1942]  (missing  persons  act),  to  more 
.specifically  provide  for  pay,  allotments,  and  administration  [pertaining  to  war 
casualties],  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  4405;  submitted  by  Mr.  Bates  of  Massa- 
chusetts.   June  17,  1944.    20  p.     (H.  rp.  1G74,  7Sth  Cong.  2d  sess.)     t 

Providing  for  transportation  to  their  homes  of  persons  discharged  from 

naval  service  because  of  under  age  at  time  of  enlistment,  report  to  accompany 
S.  18W ;  submitted  by  Mrs.  Smith.  June  19,  1944.  2  p.  (H.  rp.  1682,  78th 
Cong.  2d  sess.)     t 

Plantations.  Hearing  [78th  Congress,  2d  session],  on  S.  1G34,  to  provide  for 
management  and  operation  of  naval  plantations  outside  continental  United 
States.     [1944.]     p.  1961-78.     (No.  228.)     *  Paper,  5c.     •  Item  365 

Y  4.N  22/la  :  943-44/228 

•     Sent  to  Depository  Libraries 

July  1944  777 

Plantations — Continued. 

Providing  for  management  and  operation  of  naval  plantations  outside  con- 
tinental United  States,  report  to  accompany  S.  1634 ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Hubert. 
June  1, 1944.     H  p.     { IT.  rp.  1580,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)     t 

L.  C.  card  44-41020 

Ships.     Removing  restrictions  on  transfers  of  small  craft  to  other  American  re- 
publics in  furtherance^  of  war  effort,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  4991;  sub- 
mitted by  Mr.  Hebert.     June  17,  1944.     4  p.     (H.  rp.  1675,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.) 
[Corrected  print.]     t 
L.  C.  card  44-41087 

To  remove  restrictions  on   transfers  of  small  craft  to  other  American 

republics  in  furtherance  of  war  effort,  H.  R.  4991,  [Introduced  by]  Mr.  Hubert ; 
[letter  from  Secretary  of  Navy  to  Speaker  of  House  of  Representatives  con- 
cerning bill].     [1944.]     p.  2137-38.     (No.  236.)     *  Paper,  5c.     •  Item  3&5 

Y  4.N  22/la  :  943-44/236 

Women's  Reserve,  Navy.  Amending  Naval  Reserve  act  of  1938,  as  amended,  and 
Coast  Guard  Auxiliary  [and]  Reserve  act  of  1941,  as  amended,  so  as  to  permit 
foreign  service  to  members  of  Women's  Reserves  upon  certain  conditions, 
report  to  accompany  H.  R.  5067 ;  submitted  by  Mrs.  Smith  of  Maine.  June  22, 
1944.    4  p.    (H.rp.  1724,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)     f 


Interior  Department.  Providing  equitable  compensation  for  useful  suggestions 
or  inventions  by  personnel  of  Department  of  Interior,  report  to  accompany 
S.  1232;  submitted  by  Mr.  Boykin.  June  9,  1944.  3  p.  (H.  rp.  1617,  7Sth 
Cong.  2d  sess.)     t 


FravMng  privilege.  Free  mailing  privileges  to  members  of  military  and  naval 
forces  of  United  States,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  4949  [to  amend  second  war 
powers  act,  1942]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Burch  of  Virginia.  June  13,  1944.  2  p. 
(H.  rp.  1636,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)     t 

Postage.  Fixing  fees  for  domestic  insured  and  collect-on-delivery  mail,  and 
special-delivery  service,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  4780 ;  submitted  by  Mr. 
Burch  [of  Virginia].     June  14,  1944.     7  p.     (H.  rp.  1639,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)     t 

Rates  on  special  services  of  postal  service,  hearings,  78th  Congress,  2d  ses- 
sion, on  H.  R.  4780,  to  fix  fees  for  domestic  insured  and  collect-on-delivery  mail, 
special-delivery  service,  and  for  other  purposes,  May  4^16,  1944.  1944.  iii+ 
72  p.     *  Paper.  15c.     •  Item  308 

L.  C.  card  44-0059  Y  4.P  84/1 :  R  18/3 


Military  policy.     Post-war  military  policy,  1st  report  pursuant  to  H.  Res.  405 ; 
[submitted  by  Mr.  Woodrum].     1944.     ii-f4  p.     (H.  rp.  1645,  78th  Cong.  2d 
sess.)      [This  report  relates  to  the  establishment  of  a  single  department  of 
armed  services.]     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  44-41058 

Proposal  to  establish  single  department  of  armed  forces,  hearings,  78th 

Congress,  2d  session,  pursuant  to  H.  Res.  465.     1944.     pt.  1,  iii+1-322  p.  il. 
*  Paper,  35c.     •  Item  380 

L.  C.  card  44-6211  Y  4.P  84/8  :  Ar  5/pt.l 


Cheat  River  and  t  ribntari<'s,  W.  Va.,  report  to  accompany  H.  Res.  500  [author- 
izing that  report  from  chief  of  engineers.  Army,  dated  Oct.  15,  1941,  submitting 
surveys  and  studies  of  Clieat  River  and  tributaries.  W.  Va.,  and  subsequent 
correspcmdence  in  relation  thereto,  be  printed,  wi1li  illustrations,  as  House 
document]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Jarmnn.  June  5,  1944.  1  p.  (H.  rp.  1596,  78th 
Cong.  2d  sess.)      [Corrected  print.]     t 

•     Sent  to  Depository  Libraries 

778  Govern »iENT  Publications 

Oovcrninoit  })uhlic(itio)i.<>.  Disposal  of  certain  obsolete  Government  publications 
[now  stored  in  folding  rooms  of  Congress],  report  to  accompany  H.  Con.  Res. 
87;  submitted  by  Mr.  Jarman.  May  2i),  11)44.  2  p.  (H.  rp.  1525,  78th  Cong. 
2dsess. )      [Corrected  print.     1st  print  has  1  p.]     t 

IJonHC  of  Rcprrsctitativcs.  Printing  Rules  and  manual  of  tlie  House  for  70th 
Congress,  report  to  accompany  H.  Res.  6()3  [authorizing  printing  of  revised 
edition  of  Rules  and  manual  of  House  of  Representatives  for  7!)tli  Congress]  ; 
submitted  by  Mr.  Jarman.  June  23,  1944.  1  p.  (H.  rp.  17:i9,  78th  Cong.  2d 
sess. )     t 

Hungry  Horse  Dam,  Mont.,  report  to  accompany  H.  Res.  Hf;!  [authorizing  that 
report  from  chief  of  engineers,  Army,  dated  Aug.  27,  11)41.  submitting  surveys 
and  studies  of  Hungry  Horse  Dam,  Mont.,  and  subsequent  correspondence  in 
relation  thereto,  be  printed,  with  illustrations,  as  House  document]  ;  submitted 
by  Mr.  Jarman.    June  5,  1944.     1  p.     (H.  rp.  1594,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)     t 

Income  ta^.  Analysis  of  individual  income  tax  act  of  1944,  report  to  accom- 
pany H.  Con.  Res.  90  [authorizing  printing  of  manuscript,  prepared  by  Daniel 
A.  Reed,  containing  analysis  of  questions  and  answers  on  individual  income 
tax  act  of  1944,  as  House  document,  and  providing  for  printing  of  additional 
copies  thereof  for  use  of  House  document  room]  :  submitted  by  Mr.  Jarman. 
June  10,  1944.     1  p.     (H.  rp.  1619,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)     f 

Industrial  Organizations  Congress.  Report  on  Congress  of  Industrial  Organiza- 
tions Political  Action  Committee,  report  to  accompany  H.  Con.  Res.  88  [autlior- 
izing  printing  of  additional  copies  of  report  (No.  1311)  of  Special  Committee 
on  Un-American  Activities  of  House  of  Representatives,  dealing  with  leadership 
of  Congress  of  Industrial  Organizations  Political  Action  Committee]  ;  sub- 
mitted by  Mr.  Jarman.  May  29,  1944.  1  p.  (H.  rp.  1527,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.) 
[Corrected  print.  1st  print  has  2  p.  Page  2  of  1st  print  consists  of  extraneous 
matter  inadvertently  printed  as  part  of  this  report.]     t 

Roads.  Hearings  on  amending  Federal-aid  road  act,  report  to  accompany  H.  Res. 
579  [authorizing  printing  of  additional  copies  of  hearings  held  before  Com- 
mittee on  Roads  of  House  of  Representatives,  current  session,  on  H.  R.  2426, 
to  supplement  Federal-aid  road  act,  approved  July  11,  1916,  as  amended  and 
supplemented,  so  as  to  provide  for  post-war  construction]  ;  submitted  by  Mr. 
Jarman.     June  10,  1944.     1  p.       (H.  rp.  1618,  7Sth  Cong.  2d  sess.)     t 

Yonghioghcny  River.  Pa.  and  Md.,  report  to  accompany  H.  Res.  562  [authorizing 
that  report  from  chief  of  engineers.  Army,  dated  Jan.  31,  1942,  submitting 
surveys  and  studies  of  Youghiogheny  River,  Pa.  and  Md.,  and  subsequent  cor- 
respondence in  relation  thereto,  be  printed,  with  illustrations,  as  House  docu- 
ment] ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Jarman.  June  5,  1944.  1  p.  (H.  rp.  1595,  78th 
Cong.  2d  sess.)     t 


Housing.  To  amend  act  to  expedite  provision  of  housing,  hearings,  78th  Congress, 
2d  session,  on  H.  R.  4728,  to  amend  act  to  expedite  provision  of  housing  in 
connection  with  national  defense,  INIav  19,  1944.  1944.  ii-fS  p.  (No.  3.) 
*  Paper,  5c.     •  Item  370  Y  4.P  96/6 :  78-2/3 

President  of  United  States.  Providing  for  quartering,  in  certain  public  buildings 
in  District  of  Columbia,  of  troops  participating  in  inaugiiral  ceremonies,  report 
to  accomT)any  H.  J.  Res.  291;  submitted  by  Mr.  Lanham.  June  13,  1944.  1  p. 
(H.  rp.  1635,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)     t 


Coal  lands.  Amending  4th  and  5th  provisos  of  sec.  2  of  act  to  promote  mining 
of  coal,  phosphate,  oil,  oil  shale,  gas,  and  sodium  on  public  domain  [so  as  to 
remove  limitation  as  to  number  of  coal  leases  which  may  be  held  by  any  common 
carrier  railroad  and  to  limit  total  area  that  may  be  leased],  report  to  accom- 
pany S.  1.335:  submitted  by  Mr.  Barrett.  May  29,  1944.  2  p.  (H.  rp.  1540, 
78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)     t 

•    Sent  to  Depository  Libraries 

July  1944  779 

De  Blanc,  Mrs.  Cesaire.  For  relief  of  heirs  and  assigns  of  widow  Cesaire  De 
Blanc,  report  to  accompany  S.  1593;  submitted  by  Mr.  Peterson  of  Florida. 
June  14,  1044.     2  p.      (H.  rp.  1641,  TSlli  Cong.  2d  sess.)      t 

Holliday,  Stephen.  Amending  act  for  contirmation  of  title  to  saline  lands  in 
Jackson  County,  111.,  to  D.  H.  Brush  and  others  [so  as  to  correct  description 
of  lands  contirmed  to  Stephen  Holliday],  report  to  accompany  S.  1451;  sub- 
mitted by  Mr.  Peterson  of  Florida.  June  14,  1944.  2  p.  (H.  rp.  1640,  78th 
Cong.  2d  sess.)     t 

Jh/iitcstcad.  Allowing  credit  in  connection  with  certain  homestead  entries  for 
niilitarv  or  naval  service  rendered  during  World  War  II,  report  to  accompany 
H.  R.  5025;  submitted  by  Mr.  Murdock.  June  15,  1944.  2  p.  (H.  rp.  1646, 
78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)     t,  Monroe.  Confirming  claim  of  Robert  Johnson  and  other  heirs  of  Monroe 
Johnson  to  lands  in  Mississippi,  county  of  Adams,  report  to  accompany  H.  R. 
401)5:  submitted  by  Mr.  Peterson  of  Florida.  May  31,  1944.  2  p.  (H.  rp. 
1576,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)     t 

Moorcs  Crock  National  Pai'k.  Authorizing  Secretary  of  Interior  to  accept  prop- 
erty for  Moores  Creek  National  Military  I'ark,  report  to  accompany  H.  K.  3384; 
submitted  bv  Mr.  Peterson  of  Florida.  May  26,  1944.  2  p.  (H.  rp.  1520, 
78th  Cong.  2d  sess. )     t 

Olympic  National  Park.  Authorizing  acquisition,  rehabilitation,  and  operation  of 
facilities  for  public  in  Olvmpic  National  Park,  Wash.,  report  to  accompany 
H.  R.  1654 ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Peterson  of  Florida.  May  29,  1944.  2  p.  (H.  rp. 
1541,  78th  Cong,.  2d  sess.)  [The  property  is  now  owned  by  Olympic  Recreation 
Co.  and  Olympic  Chalet  Co.]     t 

Oregon.    Relating  to  administrative  jurisdiction  of  public  lands  in  Oregon,  hear- 
ings, 78th  Congress,  1st  and  2d  sessions,  on  H.  R.  108S  and  S.  275,  Aug.  11, 
1943-Feb.  29,  1944.     1944.     iii+410  p.     *  Paper,  45c.     •  Item  371 
L.  C.  card  44-41049  Y  4.P  96/2  :  Or  3/13 


l\oa(U.    Federal  aid  for  post-war  highway  construction,  hearings,  78th  Congress, 
2d  session,  on  H.  It.  2426,  to  supplement  Federal-aid  road  act,  approved  July  11, 
1916,   as   amended  and  supplemented,   Feb.  29   [-May  2],  1944.     1944.     2  v. 
xi-f  1088  p.  il.     *  Paper,  v.  1,  60e. ;  *  v.  2,  $1.00.     •  Item  374 
L.  C.  card  44-5751  Y  4.R  53/2  :  P  84/v.l,  2 

Post-war  Federal-aid  highway  act  of  1944,   report  to  accompany  H.   R. 

4915  [to  amend  and  supplement  Federal-aid  road  act,  approved  July  11,  1916, 
as  amended  and  supplemented,  to  authorize  appropriations  for  post-war  con- 
struction of  highways  and  bridges,  to  eliminate  hazards  at  railroad  grade 
crossings,  to  provide  for  inmiediate  preparation  of  plans  and  acquisition  of 
rights-of-way,  and  for  other  purposes]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Robinson  of  Utah, 
.June  5,  1944.  13  p.  (II.  rp.  1597,  7Sth  Cong.  2d  sess.)  [Includes  individual 
views  of  .lamt'S  W.  Mott.]  f 
L.  C.  card  44-41024 


('anii)<ii(/ii  /"/n/rf.s'.  Providing  for  special  committee  to  investigate  campaign  ex- 
penditures [of  various  candidates  for  House  of  Representatives],  report  to  ac- 
company H.  Res.  551;  submitted  by  Mr.  Bates  of  Kentucky.  May  26,  1944. 
2  p.     (H.  rp.  1523,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)     f 

Colleges  and  universities.  Study  of  effect  of  certain  w;ir  activities  on  colleges 
and  universities,  report  to  accompany  H.  Res.  592  [nuthorizing  study  by  Com- 
mittee on  Education  of  effect  of  certain  war  activities  on  colleges  and  univer- 
sities] ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Sabatli.  June  20,  1944.  1  p.  (H.  rp.  1688,  78th 
Cong.  2d  sess.)     t 

Crop  insurance.  Consideration  of  II.  R.  4911,  reix)rt  to  accompany  II.  Res.  605 
[for  consideration  of  II.  R.  4911,  to  amend  Federal  crop  insurance  act]  ;  sub- 
mitted by  Mr.  Sabatli.  June  20,  1944.  1  p.  (H.  rp.  lt)S9,  78tli  Cong.  2d 
sess.)     t 

•     Sent  to  Depository  Libraries 

780  Government  Publications 

Dinciblcd.  Authorizing  Committee  on  Labor  to  conduct  and  investigate  extent 
and  character  of  aid  now  given  by  Federal,  State,  and  local  governments  and 
private  agencies  to  ihe  physically  handicapiied,  report  to  accompany  II.  Res. 
L'30;  submitted  by  Mr.  Sabath.  May  20,  1944.  1  p.  (H.  rp.  1524,  78th  Cong. 
2d  sess.)     t 

Farm  Credit  Administration.  Extending  powers  of  select  committee  created  to 
investigate  Farm  Security  Administration  to  include  power  to  investigate 
activities  of  Farm  Credit  Administration,  report  to  accompany  II.  Res.  52.5; 
submitted  by  Mr.  Slaughter.  June  22,  1944.  1  p.  (H.  rp.  1718,  78th  Cong. 
2d  sess.)  I A  select  committee  of  tlie  Committee  on  Agriculture  is  to  make 
the  investigation.]     t 

Filipino  Rehabilitation  CommiSfiion.  Consideration  of  Senate  joint  resolution  94, 
report  to  accompany  H.  Res.  591  [for  consideration  of  S.  J.  Res.  94,  establish- 
ing Filipino  Rehabilitation  Commission,  defining  its  powers  and  duties,  and 
for  other  purposes]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Sabath.  June  12,  1944.  1  p.  (H.  rp. 
1626,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)     t 

Government  contracts.  Consideration  of  S.  1718,  report  to  accompany  H.  Res. 
589  Ifor  consideration  of  S.  1718,  to  provide  for  settlement  of  claims  arising 
from  terminated  war  contracts]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Colmer.  June  10,  1944. 
1  p.  (H.  rp.  1620,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)  [S.  1718  establishes  the  Office  of 
Contract  Settlement  and  creates  a  Contract  Settlement  Advisory  Board.]     t 

Jackson  Hole  National  Monument.  Consideration  of  H.  R.  2241,  report  to  accom- 
pany H.  Res.  567  [for  consideration  of  H.  R.  2241,  to  abolish  Jackson  Hole  Na- 
tional Monimient]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Bates  of  Kentucky.  May  29,  1944.  1  p. 
(H.  rp.  1528,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)     t 

Lawyers.  Consideration  qf  H.  R.  4349,  report  to  accompany  H.  Res.  611  [for 
consideration  of  H.  R.  4349,  to  exempt  certain  officers  and  employees  of  Na- 
tional War  Labor  Board  from  certain  provisions  of  criminal  code  prohibiting 
employees  of  the  Government  from  acting  as  agents  or  attorneys  for  prose- 
cuting claims  against  United  States]  ;  subuiitled  by  Mr.  Smith  of  Virginia. 
June  22,  1944.     1  p.     (H.  rp.  1715,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)     t 

Consideration  of  H.  R.  4446,  report  to  accompany  H.  Res.  613  [for  con- 
sideration of  H.  R.  4446,  to  exempt  certain  officers  and  employees  within 
Office  of  Scientific  Research  and  Development  from  certain  provisions  of 
criminal  code  prohibiting  employees  of  the  Government  from  acting  as  agents 
or  attorneys  for  prosecuting  claims  against  United  States]  ;  submitted  by  Mr. 
Smith  of  Virginia.     June  22,  1944.     1  p.     (H.  rp.  1717,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)     t 

Consideration  of  H.  R.  4408,  report  to  accompany  H.  Res.  612  [for  con- 
sideration of  H.  R.  4468,  to  exempt  certain  officers  and  employees  of  War 
Department  from  certain  provisions  of  criminal  code  and  Revised  statutes 
prohibiting  employees  of  the  Government  from  acting  as  agents  or  attorneys 
for  prosecuting  claims  against  United  States]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Smith  of 
Virginia.     June  22,  1944.     1  p.     (H.  rp.  1716,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)     t 

Moore  Field.  Consideration  of  H.  R.  4901,  report  to  accompany  H.  Res.  593 
[for  consideration  of  H.  R.  4901,  to  authorize  and  direct  sale  of  Moore  Air 
Field,  Okla.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Sabath.  June  19,  1944.  1  p.  (H.  rp.  1679, 
78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)     t 

Naval  petroleum  reserves.  Consideration  of  H.  R.  4771,  report  to  accompany 
H.  Res.  573  [for  consideration  of  H.  R.  4771,  to  amend  part  of  act  making 
appropriations  for  naval  service,  fiscal  year  1921,  as  amended,  relating  to  con- 
servation, care,  custody,  protection,  and  operation  of  naval  petroleum  and  oil- 
shale  reserves]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Clark.  ^June  1,  1944.  1  p.  (H.  rp.  1583, 
78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)     t 

Pearl  Harbor.  Consideration  of  House  joint  resolution  283,  report  to  accompany 
H.  Res.  574  [for  consideration  of  H.  J.  Res.  283,  to  extend  time  limit  for 
immunity  from  possible  court  martial  or  prosecution  of  any  person  or  persons, 
military  or  civil,  connected  with  Pearl  Harbor  catastrophe  of  Dec.  7,  1941,  for 
one  year  from  June  7,  1944]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Clark.  June  1,  1944.  1  p. 
(H.  rp.  1589,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)     t 

•    Sent  to  Depository  Libraries 

July  1944  781 

Philippine  Islands.  Consideration  of  Senate  joint  resolution  93,  report  to  accom- 
pany H.  Res.  590  [for  consideration  of  S.  J.  Res.  93,  declaring  policy  of  Congress 
with  respect  to  independence  of  Philippine  Islands]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Sabath. 
June  12,  1944.     1  p.     (H.  rp.  1625,  7Stli  Cong.  2d  sess.)     f 

Prices.  Consideration  of  H.  R.  4941,  report  to  accompany  H.  Res.  582  [for  consid- 
eration of  H.  R.  4941,  to  e.Ktend  period  of  operation  of  emergency  price  control 
act  of  1942  and  stabilization  act  of  Oct.  2,  1942]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Sabath. 
June  5,  1944.     1  p.     (H.  rp.  1601,  7Sth  Cong.  2d  sess.)     f 

Sabotage.  Consideration  of  II.  R.  3442.  report  to  accompany  II.  Res.  5G6  [for 
consideration  of  H.  R.  3442,  to  amend  sec.  1-3  of  act  to  punish  willful  injury  or 
destruction  of  war  material,  or  of  war  premises  or  utilities  used  in  connection 
with  war  material,  as  amended]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Clark.  May  26,  1944. 
1  p.     ( H.  rp.  1517,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess. )     t 

Sufjar.  Consideration  of  H.  R.  4833,  report  to  accompany  H.  Res.  572  [for  con- 
sideration of  11.  R.  4833,  to  extend  for  2  additional  years  provisions  of  sugar 
act  of  1937,  as  amended,  and  taxes  with  respect  to  sugar]  ;  submitted  by  Mr. 
Sabath.     June  1,  1944.     1  p.     (H.  rp.  1582,  7Sth  Cong.  2d  sess.)     t 


Coconut  oil.  Extending  for  additional  2  years  suspension  in  part  of  processing 
tax  on  coconut  oil,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  4S37  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Eber- 
harter.     June  10,  1944.     4  p.     (H.  rp.  1621,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)     t 

Customs  Service.  Overtime  payment  of  customs  collectors  on  international 
bridges,  etc.,  hearings,  78th  Congress,  2d  session,  on  S.  1758,  to  amend  sec.  451 
of  tariff  act  of  1930,  May  12,  1944.     1944.     ii-|-67  p.     *  Paper,  15c.     •  Item  378 

Y  4.W  36 :  C  96/26 

Isonipecaine.     Amending  Federal  narcotic  laws  to  apply  to  recently  discovered 
synthetic  drug  (isonipecaine),  report  to  accompanv  H.  R.  48S1 ;  submitted  by 
Mr.  Doughton.     June  1,  1944.     10  p.     (H.  rp.  1588,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)     f 
L.  C.  card  44-41023 

Public  debts.     Debt  limit  of  United  States,  hearings,  78th  Congress,  2d  session, 
on  H.  R.  4464,  to  increase  debt  limit  of  United  States,  May  8,  1944.     Revised 
[print].     1944.     iii-|-27  p.     *  Paper,  lOe.     •  Item  378 
L.  C.  card  44-5805  Y  4.W  30 :  D  35/2/rev. 

reduction  of  nonessential  federal  expenditures  joint 


Automobiles.     Reduction  of  nonessential  Federal  expenditures,  additional  report 
pursuant  to  sec.  601  of  revenue  act  of  1941;  [submitted  by  Mr.  Byrdj.     1944. 
iii-i-7   p.     (S.   doc.   IDS,   78th   Cong.   2d   sess.)      [Relates   to    ownership   and 
operation  of  nonmilitary  Government  automobiles.]     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  44^1019 


.Appropriations.  Supi)lemental  estimate.  Senate,  fiscal  year  1944  [for  reporting 
debates  and  proceedings  of  Senate].  June  19,  legislative  day  May  9,  1944.  2  p. 
(S.  doc.  207,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)     f 

Supplemental  estimate.  Senate,  fiscal  year  1945  [for  Office  of  Sergeant  at 

Arms  and  Doorkeeper  for  payment  of  pages].     June  19,  legislative  day  May  9, 
1944.     2  p.     (S.  doc.  217,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)     t 

Calendar  of  business,  78th  Congress,  2d  .session,  June  1-23,  1944;  no.  75-89. 
1944.  various  paging,  large  8"  [Daily  when  Senate  is  in  session.  The  legis- 
lative day  of  May  9  extended  through  the  calendar  day  June  23.]     % 

Y  1.3 :  78-2/75-89 

Laws.     Digest  of  legislation  enacted  by  78th  Congress,  1st  session,  with  prelim- 
inary statement  relative  thereto;  [submitted  by  Mr.  Barkley].  1944.     [2] +12  p. 
(S.  doc.  195,  7Sth  Cong.  2d  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  44-41032 

•    Sent  to  Depository  Libraries 

598159— 44— No.  594 5 

782  Government  Publications 

Navy.  Decline  and  renaissance  of  Navy,  1922-44,  prepared  by  David  I.  Walsh, 
brief  history  of  naval  legislation  from  1922  to  1944  pointing  out  policy  of  the 
Government  during  these  years  and  steps  taken  in  recent  years  to  rebuild  our 
Navy  to  its  present  strength ;  presented  by  Mr.  Walsh  of  Massachusetts.  1944. 
ii+13  p.  ( S.  doc.  202,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)  ♦  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  44-41095 


Alcohol.     Utilization  of  farm  crops,  hearings  before  subcommittee,  78th  Congress, 
2d  session,  on  S.  Kes.  80  (extending  S.  Res.  224,  77th  Congress),  for  investiga- 
tion relative  to  production  of  industrial  alcohol,  synthetic  alcohol,  and  synthetic 
rubber  frouj  farm  crops.     1944.     pts.  8  and  9.     •  Item  382 
L.  C.  card  42-172:53  Y  4.:Ag  8/2  :  F  22/13 

pt.  8.   Industrial  alcohol  and  synthetic  rubber,  Mar.  2-30,  1944.     iv  + 2135-2477  p.  1 

pi.     *  Paper,  40c. 
pt.  9.  Fiber,  Apr.  0-May  19,  1944.     iii  + 2479-2752  p.     il.     •  Paper,  30c. 

Homes.  Prepayment  of  purchase  price  of  certain  housing  sold  by  Farm  Security 
Administration,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  702  [to  permit  prepayment  of  pur- 
chase price  of  certain  housing  sold  to  individuals  by  Resettlement  Administra- 
tion or  Farm  Security  Administration]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Shipstead.  June  20, 
legislative  day  May  9,  1944.  4  p.  (S.  rp.  997,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)  [Report 
reads  incorrectly  Committee  on  Agriculture  instead  of  Committee  on  Agriculture 
and  Forestry.]     t 

Textiles.  Investigate  synthetic  products  as  substitute  for  cotton  and  wool,  report 
to  accompany  S.  Res.  291  [to  investigate  whether  rayon  and  other  synthetic 
products  can  be  used  as  substitute  for  cotton  and  wool]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Bank- 
head.  June  5,  legislative  day  May  9,  1944.  1  p.  (S.  rp.  949,  7Sth  Cong.  2d 
sess. )     t 


Business.  Problems  of  American  small  business,  hearings  before  subcommittee  on 
complaints,  78th  Congress,  2d  session,  pursuant  to  S.  Res.  66  (extending  S.  Res. 
298,  76th  Congress),  to  appoint  special  committee  to  study  and  survey  problems 
of  American  small  business  enterprises,  Apr.  26[-May  9],  1944:  SmaU  business 
in  changing  war  program,  2-5.  1944.  pts.  32-35,  [xiii] +4237-4390  p.  il. 
*  Paper,  each  pt.  10c. 
L.  C.  card  42-12978  Y  4.Am  3/5 :  B  96/4/pt.32-35 


Appropriations.  Second  deficiency  appropriation  bill,  1944,  report  to  accompany 
H.  R,  5040  [making  appropriations  to  supply  deficiencies  in  appropriations  for 
fiscal  year  1944  and  prior  fiscal  years,  to  provide  supplemental  appropriations  for 
fiscal  years  1944  and  1945,  and  for  other  purposes]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  McKellar. 
June  21,  legislative  day  May  9, 1944.     5  p.     (S.  rp.  1028,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)     t 

District  of  Cohimhia.     District  of  Columbia  appropriation  bill,  [fiscal  year]  1945, 
hearings  before  subconunittee,  78th  Congress,  2d  session,  on  H.  R.  4861.     1^44. 
ii-f  165  p.     *  PaiK'r,  20  c.     •  Item  383 
L.  C.  card  44-41046  Y  4.Ap  6/2 :  D63/945 

District  of  Columbia  appropriation  bill,  [fiscal  year]  1945,  report  to  accom- 
pany H.  R.  4861 ;  submitted  by  Mr.  O'Mahoney.  June  19,  legislative  day  May  9, 
1944.     7  p.     (S.  rp.  988,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)     t 

Foreign  Economic  Administration.  Foreign  Economic  Administration  appropria- 
tion bill,  [fiscal  year]  1945.  hearings  before  subcommittee,  78th  Congress,  2d 
session  on  H.  R.  4937:  Defense  aid,  lend-lease,  United  Nations  Relief  and 
Rehabilitation  Administration,  Foreign  Economic  Administration,  salaries  and 
expenses,  Export-Import  Bank  of  Washington.  1944.  ii-|-76  p.  il.  *  Paper, 
20c.  •  Item  383 
L.  C.  card  44-41056  Y  4.Ap  6/2 :  F  76/SM5 

•    Sent  to  Depository  Libraries 

July  1944  783 

Foreign  Economic  Administration — Continued. 

Foreign  Economic  Administration  appropriation  bill,  [fiscal  year]  1945,  in- 
cluding defense  aid  (lend-lease)  and  participation  by  United  States  in  Iinited 
Nations  Relief  and  Rehabilitation  Administration,  report  to  accompany  H.  R. 
4937 ;  submitted  by  Mr.  McKellar.  June  12,  legislative  day  May  9,  19J4.  2  p. 
(S.  rp.  961,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)     t 

L.  C.  card  44-41113 

Government  offices.    National  war  agencies  appropriation  bill,  Cfiscal  year]  1945, 
hearings  before  subcommittee,  78th  Congress,  2d  session,  on  H.  R.  4879.     1944. 
ii-f-218  p.     *  Paper,  25c.     •  Item  383 
L.  C.  card  44-41057  Y  4.Ap  6/2  :  N  21/945 

National  war  agencies  appropriation  bill,  [fiscal  year]  1945,  report  to  ac- 
company H.  R.  4879 ;  submitted  by  Mr.  McKellar.  June  12,  legislative  day  May 
9,  1944.     3  p.     (S.  rp.  960,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)     t 

L.  C.  card  44-41062 

Interior  Department  appropriation  bill,  [fiscal  year]  1945,  hearings  before  sub- 
committee, 78th  Congress,  2d  session,  on  H.  R.  4679.     1944.     ii-|-688  p.  1  pi. 
*  Paper,  $1.00.     •  Item  383 
L.  C.  card  44-5508  Y  4.Ap  6/2  :  In  8/945 

Labor  Department.  Labor-Federal  Security  appropriation  bill,  1945,  hearings  be- 
fore subcommittee,  78th  Congress,  2d  session,  on  H.  R.  4899,  making  appropria- 
tions for  Department  of  Labor,  Federal  Security  Agency,  and  related  inde- 
pendent agencies,  fiscal  year  1945.  1944.  ii-1-145  p.  *  Paper.  30c.  •  Item  383 
L.  C.  card  44-41055  Y  4.Ap  6/2 :  L  11/945 

Labor-Federal  Security  appropriation  bill,  1945,  report  to  accompany  H.  R. 

4899  [making  appropriations  for  Department  of  Labor,  Federal  Security  Agency, 
and  related  independent  agencies,  fiscal  year  1945]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  McKellar 
for  Mr.  McCarran.  June  13,' legislative  day  May  9,  1944.  6  p.  (S.  rp.  965, 
78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)     t 

War  Department.    Military  establishment  appropriation  bill,  [fiscal  year]  1945, 
hearings  before  subcommittee,  78th  Congress,  2d  session,  on  H.  R.  4967.     1944. 
ii-l-93  p.  il.     *  Paper,  15c.     •  Item  383 
L.  C.  card  44-41045  Y  4.Ap  6/2  :  W 19/945 

Military  establishment  appropriation  bill,    [fiscal  year]   1945,   report   to 

accompany  H.  R.  4967;  submitted  by  Mr.  Thomas  of  Oklahoma.  June  19, 
legislative  day  May  9,  1944.     lip.     (S.  rp.  987,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)     t 

L.  C.  card  44-41117 


Interest.  Federal  land  bank  and  Land  Bank  Commissioner  loans,  report  to  ac- 
company H.  R.  4102  [to  extend  for  one  additional  year  reduced  rate  of  interest 
on  Land  Bank  Commissioner  loans]  ;  submitted  bv  Mr.  Bankhead.  May  31, 
legislative  day  May  9,  1944.     7  p.     (S.  rp.  927,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)     t 

Mortgage  insurance.  Amending  national  housing  act  [relative  to  war  housing 
insurance],  report  to  accompany  S.  1947;  submitted  bv  Mr.  Radcliffe.  June  20, 
legislative  day  May  9,  1944.     2  p.     (S.  rp.  996,  78th  Cong.  2(1  sess).     j 

Prices.  Extending  price  control  act  and  stabilization  act,  report  to  accompany 
S.  1764,  to  amend  emergency  price  control  act  of  1942  (Public  law  421,  77th 
Congress),  as  amended  by  act  of  Oct.  1942  (Public  law  729,  77th  Congress)  ; 
[submitted  by  Mr.  Wagner].  1944.  iii-|-145  p.  il.  (S.  rp.  922,  78th  Cong.  2d 
sess.)  [Includes  minority  views.  Committee  recommends  amendment  of 
S.  1764  by  substitute  and  amendment  of  title  of  bill  to  i-oad :  Bill  to  amend 
emergency  price  control  act  of  1942,  as  amended,  and  stabilization  act  of  Oct.  2, 
1942,  as  amended.]  *  Paper,  20c. 
L.  C.  card  44-41035 

Extension  of  emergency  price  control  act  of  1942,  hearings,  78th  Congress, 

2d  session,  on  S.  1764,  to  amend  emergency  price  control  act  of  1942  ( Public  law 

•    Sent  to  Depository  Libraries 

784  Government  Publications 

Prices — Continued. 

421,  77th  Coiif^ress),  as  amended  by  act  of  Oct.  2,  1942  (Public  law  729,  77th 
Congress),  Mar.  15-Apr.  28,  1944.     1944.     xi+lG02  p.  1  pi.  il.     *  Paper,  $2.00. 

•  Item  384 

L.  C.  card  44-5775  Y  4.B  22/3 :  P9  3/2 

Smaller  War  Plants  Corporation.  Increasing  authorized  capital  stock  of  Smaller 
War  Plants  Corporation,  report  to  accompany  S.  2004  [to  amend  act  to  mobilize 
productive  facilities  of  small  business  in  interests  of  successful  prosecution 
of  war];  submitted  by  Mr.  Wagner.  June  20,  legislative  day  May  9,  1944. 
6  p.  ( S.  rp.  999,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess. )  t 
L.  C.  card  44-41116 


Civil  service  pensions.  Amending  sec.  1  of  civil  service  retirement  act,  as 
amended,  report  to  accompany  S.  1371  [to  amend  sec.  1  of  civil  service  retirement 
act,  as  amended,  so  as  to  enable  Government  employees  with  30  years'  service, 
in  agencies  where  reductions  in  personnel  are  required,  to  retire  with  full  an- 
nuity any  time  prior  to  expiration  of  3  years  after  end  of  war]  ;  .submitted  by 
Mr.  Aiken.  June  15,  legislative  day  May  9,  1944.  2  p.  (S.  rp.  975,  78th  Cong. 
2d  sess.)     t 

Soldiers.  Extension  of  preference  to  veterans  who  desire  to  comi)ete  for  posi- 
tions in  Federal  civil  service,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  4115  [to  give  honor- 
ably discharged  veterans,  their  widows,  and  wives  of  disabled  veterans,  who 
themselves  are  not  qualified,  preference  in  employment  where  Federal  funds 
are  disbursed]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Byrd.  May  25,  legislative  day  May  9,  1944. 
4  p.     (S.  rp.  907,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)     t 

Preference  in  employment  of  honorably  discharged  veterans  where  Federal 

funds  are  disbursed,  hearings,  78th  Congress,  2d  session,  on  S.  17G2  and  H.  R. 
4115,  bills  to  give  honorably  discharged  veterans,  their  widows,  and  wives  of 
disabled  veterans,  who  themselves  are  not  qualified,  preference  in  employment 
where  Federal  funds  are  disbursed,  May  19  and  23,  1944.     1944.     iii+76  p.  1  pi. 

*  Paper,  15c.     •  Item  385 

L.  C.  card  44-41052  Y  4.C  49/2 :  V  64 


Allen,  Charles  T.  Charles  T.  Allen,  report  to  accompany  S.  1226  [for  relief  of 
Charles  T.  Allen]  ;  submitted  bv  Mr.  Tunnell.  June  21,  legislative  day  May  9, 
1944.     4  p.     (S.  rp.  1008,  78th  Cong.  2tl  sess.)     t 

Anderson,  Mrs.  Kay  B.  Mrs.  R.  D.  Robinson,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  1045 
[for  relief  of  INIrs.  R.  D.  Robinson,  now  Mrs.  John  K.  Anderson  (Kay  Bayne 
Anderson)]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Ellender.  June  15,  legislative  day  May  9,  1944. 
9  p.     ( S.  i*p-  972,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess. )     t 

Bantin,  Howard  C.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Howard  C.  Bantin,  report  to  accompany  H.  R. 
3724  [for  relief  of  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Howard  C.  Bantin]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Robert- 
son. June  15,  legislative  day  May  9,  19-14.  5  p.  (S.  rp.  967,  78th  Cong.  2d 
sess. )     t 

Baptiste,  Frank.  Frank  Baptiste,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  2788  [for  relief 
of  Frank  Baptiste]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Ellender.  June  5,  legislative  day  May  9, 
1944.     9  p.     (S.  rp.  938,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)     t 

Boland,  Broadus  D.  Broadus  D.  Boland  and  W.  E.  Boland,  report  to  accompany 
H.  R.  1755  [for  relief  of  Broadus  D.  Boland  and  W.  E.  Boland]  ;  submitted  by 
Mr.  Stewart.  June  5,  legislative  day  May  9,  1944.  5  p.  (S.  rp.  945,  78th 
Cong.  2d  sess.)     t 

Broton,  Arch  A.  Arch  A.  Brown,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  4361  [for  relief  of 
Arch  A.  Brown]  ;  submitted  bv  Mr.  Robertson.  June  15,  legislative  day  May  9, 
1944.    4  p.     (S.  rp.  968,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)     t 

CharaeJc,  Mrs.  Anna.  Anna  Charack,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  2469  [for  relief 
of  Anna  Charack]  :  submitted  by  Mr.  Capper.  May  31.  legislative  day  May  9, 
1944.     10  p.     (S.  rp.  928,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)     t 

•    Sent  to  Depository  Libraries 

July  1944  785 

City  National  Bank  Building  Co.,  report  to  accompany  S.  1453  [for  relief  of  City 
National  Bank  Unildiug  CompaiiyJ  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Stewart.  May  1!3,  legis- 
lative day  May  9,  1944.     4  p.     (S.  rp.  902,  78tb  Cong.  2d  sess.)     t 

Clapp,  Ruth  L.  Ruth  L.  Clapp,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  3137  [for  relief  of 
Ruth  L.  Clapp]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  O'Danlel.  May  31,  legislative  day  May  9, 
1944.     4  p.     ( S.  rp.  930,  TSth  Cong.  2d  sess. )     t 

Cox,  Wilei/  J.  Conferring  jurisdiction  upon  Court  of  Claims  to  consider  and 
render  judgment  on  claim  of  W.  J.  Cox  against  United  States, -report  to  accom- 
pany H.  R.  2097 ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Tunnell.  May  25,  legislative  day  May  9, 
1944.     14  p.     (S.  rp.  915,  7Sth  Cong.  2d  sess.)      t 

Cushman,  John.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  John  Cushman,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  4197 
[for  relief  of  Mr.  and  Mrs.  John  Cushman]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  EUender.  June 
21,  legislative  day  May  9,  1944.     6  p.     (S.  rp.  1023,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)     t 

Dimlcr,  Fred  A.  Fred  A.  Dimler  and  Gwendolyn  E.  Dimler,  report  to  accompany 
S.  1995  [for  relief  of  Fred  A.  Dimler  and  Gwendolyn  E.  Dimler]  ;  submitted  by 
Mr.  Wherry.  June  21,  legislative  day  May  9,  1944.  3  p.  (S.  rp.  1007,  78th 
Cong.  2d  sess.)     t 

Dreivry,  J.  C.  J.  C.  Drewry,  report  to  accompany  S.  1365  [for  relief  of  J.  C. 
Drewry]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Tunnell.  May  25,  legislative  day  May  9,  1944. 
4  p.     (S.  rp.  912,  78th  Cong,  2d  sess.)     t 

Duffy  Bros.,  Ine.  Conferring  jurisdiction  upon  Court  of  Claims  to  determine  and 
render  judgment  for  any  losses  suffered  by  Duffy  Bros.,  Inc.,  report  to  accom- 
pany H.  R.  2576;  submitted  by  Mr.  Ellender.  June  5,  legislative  day  May  9, 
1944.     14  p.     (S.  rp.  937,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)     t 

Dyer,  WiUia7ti  D.  William  Dyer,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  3280  [for  relief  of 
William  Dyer]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Ellender.  June  21,  legislative  day  May  9, 
1944.     10  p.     (S.  rp.  1018,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)     t 

Ekvall,  Mae  A.  Mae  Ekvall,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  3649  [for  relief  of  Mae 
Ekvall]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Wherry.     June  15,  legislative  day  May  9,  1944.    5  p. 

(S.  rp.  966,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)     t 

Ennis,  Byron  W.  Byron  Ennis,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  3654  [for  relief  of 
Byron  Ennis]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  O'Danlel.  May  31,  legislative  day  May  9, 
1944.     5  p.     (S.  rp.  932,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)     t 

Feller,  L.  M.,  Co.  L.  M.  Feller  Co.  and  Wendell  C.  Graus,  report  to  accompany 
H.  R.  4528  [for  relief  of  L.  M.  Feller  Company  and  Wendell  C.  Graus]  ;  sub- 
mitted by  Mr.  Robertson.  June  21,  legislative  day  May  9,  1944.  9  p.  (S.  rp. 
1015,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)     t 

Garner,  G.  E.  G.  H.  Garner,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  1963  [for  relief  of  G.  H. 
Garner]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Tunnell.  June  21,  legislative  day  May  9,  1944. 
7  p.     (S.  rp.  1009,  7Sth  Cong.  2d  sess.)     t 

Giles,  E.  Bird.  E.  Bird  Giles  and  Sherman  Beck,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  3859 
[for  relief  of  E.  Bird  Giles  and  Sherman  Beck]  ;  submitted-  by  Mr.  Ellender. 
June  15,  legislative  day  May  9,  1944.     6  p.     (S.  rp.  973,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess. )     t 

Godivin,  3/rs.  Molly.  Mrs.  John  Andrew  Godwin,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  3586 
[for  relief  of  Mrs.  John  Andrew  Godwin  (Molly  Godwin)]  ;  submitted  by  Mr. 
Ellender.  June  21,  legislative  day  May  9,  1944.  5  p.  (S.  rp.  1021,  78th  Cong. 
2d  sess.)     t 

Gourley.  Clark.  Mrs.  Clark  Gourley,  administratrix  of  estate  of  Clark  Gourley, 
report  to  accompany  S.  1709  [for  relief  of  Mrs.  Clark  Gourley,  administratrix 
of  estate  of  Clark  Gourley]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Tunnell.  May  25,  legislative  day 
May  9,  1944.     6  p.     ( S.  rp.  914,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess. )     t 

Gradwcll,  John  II.  John  H.  Gradwell,  report  to  accompany  S.  1503  [for  relief  of 
John  H.  Gradwell]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Ellender.  June  15,  legislative  day  May  9, 
1944.     5  p.     (S.  rp.  969,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)     t 

Gregory,  Leslie  C.  L.  C.  Gregory,  report  to  accompany  S.  1776  [for  relief  of  L.  C. 
Gregory]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Ellender.  June  15,  legislative  day  May  9,  1&44. 
4  p.     (S.  rp.  970,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)     t 

•     Sent  to  Depository  Libraries 

78G  Government  Publications 

Guidoni,  Mrs.  Josephine.  Josephine  Guidoni,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  3636  [for 
relief  of  Josephine  Guidoni]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Ellonder.  June  21,  legislative 
day  May  9,  1944.     6  p.     (S.  rp.  1022,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)     t 

Hale,  Clarence  P.,  jr.  Clarence  P.  Hale,  jr.,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  2405  [for 
relief  of  Clarence  P.  Hale,  jr.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Wherry.  June  5,  legislative 
day  May  9,  1944.    4  p.     (S.  rp.  947,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)     f 

Harris,  Marvin  H.  M.  H.  Harris,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  3737  [for  relief  of 
M.  H.  Harris}.;  submitted  by  Mr.  Eastland.  May  25,  legislative  day  May  9, 1944. 
4  p.     (S.  rp.  911,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)     t 

Hawkins,  Nelson.  Estate  of  Nelson  Hawkins,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  3281 
[for  relief  of  estate  of  Nelson  Hawkins] ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Ellender.  June  21, 
legislative  day  May  9,  1944.     9  p.     ( S.  rp.  1019,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess. )     t 

Ingram,  J.  William.  J.  William  Ingram,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  3481  [for 
I'elief  of  J.  William  Ingram]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Robertson.  June  21,  legislative 
day  May  9, 1944.     5  p.     (S.  rp.  1014,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)     t 

Jonsson,  Sigurdur.  Sigurdur  Jonsson  and  Thorolina  Thordardottir,  report  to 
accompany  S.  1935  [for  relief  of  Sigurdur  Jonsson  and  Thorolina  Thordardot- 
tir] ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Tunnell.  June  7,  legislative  day  May  9,  1944.  4  p.  (S. 
rp.  954,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)     f 

Kirhy,  Charles  W.  Charles  W.  Kirby,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  2605  [for  relief 
of  Charles  W.  Kirby]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Stewart.  June  5,  legislative  day  May 
9,1944.     3  p.     (S.  rp.  946,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)     t 

Knight,  Oliver  N.  Oliver  N.  Knight,  report  to  accompany  S.  1827  [for  relief  of 
Oliver  N.  Knight]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Ellender.  June  15,  legislative  day  May  9, 
1944.     5  p.     (S.  rp.  971,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)     f 

Lankton,  J.  Fletcher,  d  Ziegele,  John  N.  J.  Fletcher  Lankton  and  John  N.  Ziegele, 
report  to  accompany  S.  1904  [for  relief  of  J.  Fletcher  Lankton  and  John  N. 
Ziegele,  firm]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Tunnell.  May  25,  legislative  day  May  9,  1944. 
2  p.     ( S.  rp.  913,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)     t 

Long,  Mrs.  Elizabeth  P.  Elizabeth  Powers  Long,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  2151 
[for  relief  of  Elizabeth  Powers  Long]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Robertson.  June  21, 
legislative  day  May  9,  1944.     3  p.     ( S.  rp.  1012,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess. )     t 

McLaughlin,  Mrs.  Iva.  Mrs.  Samuel  M.  McLaughlin,  report  to  accompany  H.  R. 
2333  [for  relief  of  Mrs.  Samuel  M.  McLaughlin  (Iva  McLaughlin)]  ;  submitted 
by  Mr.  Robertson.  June  21,  legislative  day  May  9, 1944.  5  p.  ( S.  rp.  1013,  78th 
Cong.  2d  sess.)     t 

Munson,  Donald  J.  Donald  J.  Munson,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  2288  [for  relief 
of  Donald  J.  Munson]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Wherry.  June  15,  legislative  day  May 
9,1944.     lip.     (S.  rp.  977,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)     t 

O'Connell,  John  M.  John  M.  O'Connell,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  2530  [for  relief 
of  John  M.  O'Connell]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Ellender.  June  21,  legislative  day 
May  9,  1944.     3  p.     ( S.  rp.  1017,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess. )     f 

P^rez  AviU'S,  Carlos.  Estate  of  Carlos  Perez  Aviles,  report  to  accompany  H.  R. 
3539  [for  relief  of  estate  of  Carlos  P6rez  Aviles]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Ellender. 
June  21,  legislative  day  May  9,  1944.     6  p.     (S.  rp.  1020,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess. )     t 

Polak,  Edward.  Legal  guardian  of  Edward  Polak,  report  to  accompany  H.  R. 
3301  [for  relief  of  legal  guardian  of  Edward  Polak]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Capper. 
June  15,  legislative  day  May  9,  1944.    6  p.     (S.  rp.  981,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)     t 

Postal  Telegraph-CaUe  Co.,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  3324  [for  relief  of  Postal 
Telegraph-Cable  Company]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  O'Daniel.  May  31,  legislative 
day  May  9,  1944.     4  p.     (S.  rp.  931,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)     t 

Power,  J.  G.  J.  G.  Power  and  L.  D.  Power,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  4458  [for 
relief  of  J.  G.  Power  and  L.  D.  Power]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Ellender.  June  15, 
legislative  day  May  9,  1944.    6  p.     (S.  rp.  974,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)     t 

Ross  Engineering  Co..  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  2965  [for  relief  of  Ross  Engi- 
neering Company]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Tunnell.  June  21,  legislative  day  May 
9,  1944.    9  p.     (S.  rp.  1010,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)     t 

•     Sent  to  Depository  Libraries 

July  1944  787 

Runneiaum,  Mrs.  Anna.  Mrs.  Anna  Runnebaum,  report  to  accompany  S.  1983 
[for  relief  of  Mrs.  Anna  Runnebaum]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Ellender.  June  16, 
legislative  day  May  9,  1944.    8  p.     (S.  rp.  982,  78tb  Cong.    2d  sess.)     t 

Sandlass,  William.  Estate  of  William  Sandlass,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  4074 
rfor  relief  of  estate  of  William  Sandlass] ;  submitted  by  Mr.  O'Daniel.  May 
31,  legislative  day  May  9,  1944.    4  p.     (S.  rp.  933,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)     t 

Scherei;  Mrs.  Katherine.  Katherine  Scherer,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  3929 
[for  relief  of  Katherine  Scherer]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Tunnell.  June  21,  legis- 
lative day  May  9,  1944.     5  p.     (S.  rp.  1011,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)     t 

Schultz,  Harry.  Harry  Schultz,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  3977  [for  relief  of 
Harry  Schultz]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Ellender.  June  5,  legislative  day  May  9, 
1944.  3  p.  (S.  rp.  942,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)  [Corrected  print.  1st  print 
reads  incorrectly  Senate  document  942  instead  of  Senate  report  942.]     t 

Selmnn,  Mrs.  Lessie  C.  Lessie  C.  Selman,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  1668  [for 
relief  of  Lessie  C.  Selman] ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Stewart.  June  5,  legislative  day 
May  9.  1944.  5  p.  (S.  rp.  943,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)  [Corrected  print.  1st 
print  reads  incorrectly  Senate  document  943  instead  of  Senate  report  943.]     t 

Shea.  Thomas  F.  Estate  of  Thomas  Shea,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  3695  [for 
relief  of  estate  of  Thomas  Shea]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Ellender.  June  15,  legis- 
lative day  May  9,  1944.    5  p.     (S.  rp.  980,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)     t 

Shipp,  Charles  N.  Estate  of  Charles  Noah  Shipp,  report  to  accompany  S.  1464 
[for  relief  of  estate  of  Charles  Noah  Shipp]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Ellender.  June 
5,  legislative  day  May  9, 1944.    3  p.     ( S.  rp.  936,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess. )     t 

Simpson,  Mrs.  Alta  L.  Mrs.  Hagar  Simpson  and  Mrs.  Nat  Price,  jr.,  report  to 
accompany  H.  R.  2006  [for  relief  of  Mrs.  Hagar  Simpson  (Alta  Lee  Simpson) 
and  Mrs.  Nat  Price,  jr.  (Mary  Mae  Price)]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Ellender.  June 
21,  legislative  day  May  9,  1944.     14  p.     (S.  rp.  1016,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)     t 

Singleton.  Gaylord  W.  Mrs.  Winnie  Singleton,  as  administratrix  of  estate  of 
Gaylord  W.  Singleton,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  2916  [for  relief  of  Mrs. 
Winnie  Singleton,  as  administratrix  of  estate  of  Gaylord  W.  Singleton]  ;  sub- 
mitted by  Mr.  Robertson.  June  15,  legislative  day  May  9,  1944.  4  p.  (S.  rp. 
978,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)     t 

8m,ith,  H.  E.  Dr.  H.  H.  Smith,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  3098  [for  relief  of 
H.  H.  Smith]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Ellender.  June  5,  legislative  day  May  9,  1944. 
3  p.     (S.  rp.  939,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)     f 

Stewart,  Luella  F.  Luella  F.  Stewart,  report  to  accompany  S.  1717  [for  relief 
of  Luella  F.  Stewart]  ;  submitted  bv  Mr.  Wherry.  June  21,  legislative  day 
May  9, 1944.    1  p.     (S.  rp.  1006,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)     t 

Taylor,  Edwin  H..  jr.  Edwin  H.  Taylor,  jr.,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  1682 
[for  relief  of  Edwin  H.  Taylor,  jr.]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Stewart.  June  5, 
legislative  day  May  9,  1944.    12  p.     ( S.  rp.  944,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess. )     t 

Timmerman,  Mrs.  Lillian  W.  Mrs.  Lillian  W.  Timmerman,  mother  of  Aim 
Timmerman,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  2769  [for  relief  of  Mrs.  Lillian  W. 
Timmerman,  mother  of  Ann  Timmerman]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Eastland.  May  25, 
legislative  day  May  9,  1944.    4  p.     (S.  rp.  910,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)     t 

Weakley,  John  E.  Conferring  jurisdiction  upon  district  court  for  western  dis- 
trict of  Virginia  to  hear,  determine,  and  render  judgment  upon  claims  of 
John  Weakley  and  Rella  Moyer,  report  to  accompany  S.  887;  submitted  by 
Mr.  Kilgore.  May  25,  legislative  day  May  9,  1944.  5  p.  (S.  rp.  908,  78th 
Cong.  2d  sess.)     t 

Wesix  Electric  Heater  Co.,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  3739  [for  relief  of  Wesix 
Electric  Heater  Company]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Ellender.  June  5,  legislative 
day  May  9, 1944.     12  p.     (S.  rp.  941,  7Sth  Cong.  2d  sess.)     t 

Whaley,  P.  Andley.  P.  Audley  Whaley,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  2511  [for 
relief  of  P.  Audley  AVhaley]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Ellender.  June  15,  legisla- 
tive day  May  9,  1944.    3  p.     (S.  rp.  979,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)     t 

•    Sent  to  Depository  Libraries 


White,  Paul  H.  Paul  H.  White,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  3125  [for  relief  of 
Paul  II.  White]  ;  suhinitted  hy  Mr.  O'Daniel.  May  31,  legislative  day  May  9 
1944.     5  p.     (S.  rp.  929,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)     t 

Widh}/,  ^yiIUam  E.  William  E.  Widby,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  3674  [for 
relief  of  William  E.  Widby]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Kllender.  June  5,  legislative 
day  May  9,  1944.     4  p.     (S.  rp.  940,  7Sth  Cong.  2d  sess.)      t 

Zephyi-  Aircraft  Corporation.  Conferring  jurisdiction  upon  Court  of  Claims  to 
consider  and  render  judgment  on  claim  of  Zephyr  Aircraft  Corporation  [for- 
merly known  as  Lenert  Aircraft  Corporation]  against  United  States,  report  to 
accompany  II.  R.  .S.TOO;  submitted  by  Mr.  Kilgore.  May  25,  legislative  day 
May  9, 1944.     12  p.     ( S.  rp.  909,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)     t 


Edisto  River,  8.  C,  letter  from  Secretary  of  War  transmitting  to  chairman  of 
Committee  on  Commerce,  Senate,  review  [by  chief  of  engineers,  Army]  of 
reports  on  Edisto  River,  S.  C. ;  presented  by  Mr.  Maybank.  1944.  v-f45  p. 
map.     ( S.  doc.  182,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess. )     *  Paper,  10c. 

Missouri  River.  Amending  act  relating  to  construction  and  maintenance  of 
bridge  across  Missouri  River  at  or  near  Nebraska  City,  Nebr.  [so  as  to  provide 
for  operation  of  bridge  free  of  tolls  by  Nebraska  City,  Nebr.],  report  to  ac- 
company H.  R.  4041 ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Maloney  for  Mr.  Walsh  of  New  Jersey. 
June  21,  legislative  day  May  9, 1944.    2  p.     (S.  rp.  1025,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess).     t 

Rivers.  Authorizing  construction  of  certain  public  works  on  rivers  and  har- 
bors for  flood  control,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  4485;  submitted  by  Mr.  Over- 
ton. June  22,  legislative  day  May  9,  1944.  31  p.  (S.  rp.  1030,  78th  Cong.  2d 
sess. )     t 

Rivers  and  harbors  omnibus  bill,  hearings  before  subcommittee,  78th  Con- 
gress, 2d  session,  on  H.  R.  3961,  authorizing  construction,  repair,  and  preserva- 
tion of  certain  public  works  on  rivers  and  harbors,  and  for  other  purposes, 
pts.  1-6.     1944.     •  Item  387 
L.  C.  card  44-5752  Y  4.C  73/2 :  R  52/17 

pt.  1.  Miscollaneous  projects  and  amendments,  Apr.  25  and  May  3,  1944.  iii-j-l-S? 
p.  il.     *Paper,  ]5c. 

pt.  2.  Beaver  and  Mahoning  Rivers  project,  May  1  and  2,  1944.  iv -1-89-292  p.  il. 
*I'aper,  25c. 

pt.  3.  Alabama-Coosa  project,  Tennossee-Tombi'jbpe  project.  St.  Marys  River,  Mich.,  power 
plant,  Apr.  26-May  15,  1944.     iii-f- 293-528  p.     'Paper,  30'c. 

pt.  4.  Reclamation  amendments  and  power  features,  May  4,  1944.  iii  + 529-572  p. 
*Paper,  10c. 

pt.  5.  California  Central  Valley  project.  May  S-18,  1944.     iii-f  573-788  p.     *Paper,  2r^c. 

pt.  6.  Missouri  River  project.  Snake  River  and  Columbia  River,  Umatilla  Dam,  Depart- 
ment of  Interior  amendments,  O'Mahoney  and  Bone  amendment.  May  10-18, 
1944.     iv-t- 789-1296  p.     ♦Paper,  65c. 

:    Rivers  and  harbors  omnibus  bill,  report  [and  minority  views]  to  accom- 
pany H.  R.  3961  [authorizing  construction,  repair,  and  preservation  of  certain 
public  works  on  rivers  and  harbors,  and  for  other  purposes].     [2  pts.]      (S.  rp. 
903,  2  pts..  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.) 
L.  C.  card  44-41011 

[pt.  1.]  Report;   submitted   by    Mr.   Overton.     May  25,   legislative  day.   May      9,   1944. 

139  p.  il.     t 
pt.  2.     Minority  views  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Robertson.     June  1,  legislative  day,  May  9, 
1944.     13  p.     t 

Tampa  Harbor,  Fla.,  letter  from  Secretary  of  War  transmitting  to  chairman  of 
Committee  on  Commerce,  Senate,  review  [by  chief  of  engineers.  Army]  of 
report  on  Tampa  Harbor,  Fla.;  presented  bv  Mi".  Andrews.  1944.  iii-f 35  p. 
map.     ( S.  doc.  183,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)     *  Paper,  10c. 

Taxation.  Providing  for  study  of  multiple  taxation  of  air  commerce  [by  Civil 
Aeronautics  Board],  report  to  accompany  II.  R.  4935;  submitted  by  Mr. 
Wallgren.  June  21,  legislative  day  May  9,  1944.  2  p.  (S.  rp.  1026,  78th 
Cong.  2d  sess.)     t 

•     Sent  to  Depository  Libraries 

July  1944  789 


Children.  Aid  to  dependent  children  in  District  of  Columbia,  report  to  accom- 
pany II.  R.  3236 ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Bilbo.  June  5,  legislative  day  May  9,  1944. 
3  p.  (S.  rp.  952,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)  [Corrected  print.  1st  print  reads  in- 
correctly Senate  document  952  instead  of  Senate  report  952.]     f 

Minimum  Wayc  and  Industrial  Safety  Board.  Amending  act  to  protect  lives, 
health,  and  morals  of  women  and  minor  vporkers  in  District  of  Columbia,  report 
to  accompany  H.  J.  Res.  242  [to  amend  act  to  protect  lives  and  health  and 
morals  of  women  and  minor  workers  in  District  of  Columbia  and  to  establish 
Minimum  Wage  Board,  and  define  its  powers  and  duties,  and  to  provide  for 
fixing  of  minimum  wages  for  such  workers,  as  amended,  so  as  to  provide  for 
publication  of  notice  of  adoption  of  rules  and  regulations  of  Minimum  Wage 
and  Industrial  Safety  Board  instead  of  publication  of  such  rules  and  regula- 
tions] ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Bilbo.  June  5,  legislative  day  May  9,  1944.  2  p. 
(S.  rp.  950,  7Sth  Cong.  2d  sess.)     t 


Hou-'iiny.  Amending  act  to  expedite  provision  of  housing  in  connection  with 
national  defense,  as  amended,  report  to  accompany  S.  1978;  submitted  by  Mr. 
Ellender.  June  19,  legislative  day  May  9,  1944.  2  p.  ( S.  rp.  989,  78th  Cong. 
2d  sess.)     t 

Labor  and  laboring  classes.  Violations  of  free  speech  and  rights  of  labor,  report 
pursuant  to  S.  Res.  266,  74th  Congress,  extended  by  S.  Res.  98  and  S.  Res. 
224,  78th  Congress,  to  investigate  violations  of  right  of  free  speech  and  assem- 
bly and  interference  with  right  of  labor  to  organize  and  bargain  collectively : 
Employers'  associations  and  collective  bargaining  in  California,  pt.  9,  Origin 
and  promotion  of  recent  legislation  in  California  limiting  labor's  civil  rights; 
[submitted  by  Mr.  La  Follette].  1944.  iii  -f  1641-1707  p.  (S.  rp.  398,  pt.  5, 
78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)  [This  publication  reads  78th  Congress;  2d  session,  al- 
though Senate  report  398  is  a  report  of  the  1st  session  of  the  78th  Congress.] 
*  Paper,  15c. 
L.  C.  card  42-25400. 

Piihlic  Health  Service.  Consolidation  and  revision  of  laws  relating  to  Public 
Health  Service,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  4624 ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Thomas 
of  Utah.  June  21,  legislative  day  May  9,  1944.  8  p.  (S.  rp.  1027,  78th  Cong. 
2d  sess.)     t 


Coconut  oil.  Extending  for  additional  2  years  suspension  in  part  of  processing 
tax  on  coconut  oil  and  correcting  typographical  error  in  individual  income  tax 
act  of  1944,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  4837 ;  submitted  by  Mr.  George.  June 
21,  legislative  day  May  9,  1944.     4  p.     (S.  rp.  1003,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)     t 

Isonipecaine.     Amending  Federal  narcotic  laws  to  apply  to  recently  discovered 
synthetic  drug  (isonipecaine),  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  4881;  submitted  by 
Mr.  George.    June  21,  legislative  day  May  9,  1944.     10  p.     (S.  rp.  1004,  78th 
Cong.  2d  sess.)     t 
L.  C.  card  44-41115 

Public  debts.  Increase  debt  limit  of  United  States,  report  to  accompany  H.  R. 
4404 ;  submitted  by  Mr.  George.  May  29,  legislative  day  May  9,  1944.  3  p. 
(S.  rp.  919,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)     t 

Sugar.  Extension  of  sugar  act,  report  to  accompany  S.1933  [to  extend  for  2 
additional  years  provisions  of  sugar  act  of  1937,  as  amended,  and  taxes  with 
respect  to  sugar]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Johnson  of  Colorado.  May  29,  legisla- 
tive day  May  9,  1944.    Ip.     (S.  rp- 918,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess).     t 


Opium.  Requesting  the  President  to  limit  production  of  opium  to  amounts  re- 
quired for  medical  purposes,  report  to  accompany  H.  J.  Res.  241  [requesting 
the  President  to  urge  upon  Governments  of  those  countries  where  cultivation 

•    Sent  to  Depository  Libraries 

790  Government  Publications 

opium — Contimiod. 

of  iMtppy  plant  exists,  necessity  of  immediately  limiting  production  of  opium 
to  amount  required  for  strictly  medicinal  and  scientific  purposes]  ;  submitted 
by  Mr.  Connally.  June  &  legislative  day  May  !),  1944.  2  p.  (S.  rp.  957,  78th 
Cong.  2d  sess.)     t 


NatioiKilisiit  and  nationality.  Providing  for  loss  of  United  States  nationality 
under  certain  circumstances,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  4103;  submitted  by 
Mr.  Russell.  June  22,  legislative  day  May  9,  1944.  2  p.  (S.  rp.  1029,  78th 
Cong.  2d  sess.)     t 


Indians.  Repealing  so-called  Wheeler-Howard  act,  report  to  accompany  S.  1218 
[to  repeal  act  of  June  18,  1934  (48  Stat.  L.  984),  Indian  reorganization  act, 
and  act  of  June  15,  19.>r>,  supplementary  thereto  (49  Stat.  L.  378)]  ;  submitted 
by  Mr.  Bushfleld.  June  22,  legislative  day  May  9,  1944.  29  p.  (S.  rp.  1031, 
78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)     f 

Survey  of  conditions  of  Indians  in  United  States,  hearings  before  sub- 
committee, 78th  Congress,  1st  session,  pursuant  to  S.  Res.  79  (70th  Congress) 
and  subsequent  continuing  resolutions  until  end  of  regular  session  of  78th 
Congress,  directing  Committee  on  Indian  Affairs,  Senate,  to  make  general 
survey  of  condition  of  Indians  of  I'nited  States,  Aug.  2  and  3,  1943 ;  Osage 
Indian  matters.  1944.  pt.  41,  iii-f  22761-23069+iii  p.  il.  2  pi.  [These  hear- 
ings were  held  at  Pawhuska,  Okla.]  *  Paper,  35c. 
L.  C.  card  39-16839  Y  4.1n  2/2 :  In  2/3/pt.41 


Panama  Canal.  Amending  sec.  42  of  title  7  of  Canal  Zone  code  [so  as  to  increase 
terms  of  office  of  district  attorney  and  marshal],  report  to  accompany  H.  R. 
3646;  submitted  by  Mr.  Clark  of  Missouri.  June  7,  legislative  day  May  9, 
1944.     5  p.     (S.  rp.  955,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)     t 


Interstate  commerce.    Amendments  to  interstate  commerce  act,  report  to  ac- 
company S.  1473;  submitted  by  Mr.  Wheeler.     May  2o,  legislative  day  May  9, 
1944.     5  p.     (S.  rp.  905,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)      t 
L.  C.  card  44-41C04 

Railroad  Retirement  Board.  Extending  time  for  acquisition  of  certain  data 
required  by  Railroad  Retirement  Board,  report  to  accompany  H.  J.  Res.  227 ; 
submitted  by  Mr.  Wheeler.  May  25,  legislative  day  May  9,  1944.  2  p.  (S.  rp. 
906,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)     t 


Colorado-Big  Thompson  project.  Providing  that  transmountain  tunnel  con- 
structed in  connection  with  Colorado-Big  Thompson  project  shall  be  known 
as  Alva  B.  Adams  tunnel,  report  to  accompany  S.  1571 ;  submitted  by  Mr. 
Bankhead.  June  9,  legislative  day  May  9,  1944.  1  p.  (S.  rp.  958,  78th  Cong. 
2d  sess.)     t 


Courts  martial  and  courts  of  inquiry.     Implementing  jurisdiction  of  service  courts 
of  friendly  foreign  forces  [within  United  States],  report  to  accompany  H.  R. 
3241;  submitted  by  Mr.  McFarland  for  himself  and  Mr.  Murdock.     June  8, 
legislative  day  ]\Iay  9,  1944.     7  p.     (S.  rp.  956,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)      t 
L.  C.  card  44-41014 

District  Courts.  Court  sessions  in  South  Carolina,  report  to  accompany  S.  1877 
[to  transfer  Georgetown  County,  S.  C,  from!  Florence  division  to  Charleston 
division  of  eastern  judicial  district  of  South  Carolina]  ;  submitted  by  Mr. 
Wiley.  May  29,  legislative  day  May  9,  1944.  2  p.  (S.  rp.  921,  7Sth  Cong.  2d 
sess.)     t 

•     Sent  to  Depository  Libraries 

July  1944  791 

Garnishment  of  Federal  employees,  hearings  before  subcommittee,   78th  Con- 
gress, 2d  session,  on  H.  R.  2985,   to  provide  for  garnishment,  execution,  or 
trustee  process  of  wages  and  salaries  of  civil  officers  and  employees  of  United 
States,  Mav  11  and  12,  1944.     1944.     iii+SO  p.     *  Paper,  20c.     •  Item  398 
L.  C.  card  44-41053  Y  4.  J  89/2  :  Em  7/7 

National  War  Labor  Board.  Exempting  certain  officers  and  employees  of  Na- 
tional War  Labor  Board  from  certain  provisions  of  criminal  code  [prohibiting 
employees  of  the  Government  from  acting  as  agents  or  attorneys  for  prose- 
cuting claims  against  United  States],  report  to  accompany  S.  1780;  submitted 
by  Mr.  Hatch.  June  22,  legislative  day  May  9,  1944.  3  p.  (S.  rp.  1032,  7Sth 
Cong.  2d  sess.)     t 

Pearl  Harbor.  Extending  time  limit  for  imnmnity  (Pearl  flarbor),  report  to 
accompany  S.  J.  Res.  133  [to  extend  time  limit  for  immunity  from  possible 
court  martial  or  prosecution  of  any  person  or  persons,  military  or  civil,  con- 
nected with  Pearl  Harbor  catastrophe  of  Dec.  7,  1941,  for  one  year  from  June 
7,  1944]  ;  submitted  bv  Mr.  Hatch.  June  1,  legislative  day  May  9,  1944.  2  p. 
(S.  rp.  935,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)     f 

Prises  {international  Jaw).  Amending  act  regarding  disposition  of  war  prizes, 
report  to  accompany  H.  R.  4348 ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Murdock.  May  29,  legislative 
day  May  9, 1944.     2  p.     (S.  rp.  920,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess. )     t 

Securities  and  Exchange  Commission.  Investigating  certain  activities  of  Securi- 
ties and  Exchange  Commission  and  Post  Office  Department  [with  regard  to 
administration  of  municipal  bankruptcy  act  in  Florida],  report  to  accompany 
S.  Res.  314 ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Andrews.  June  22,  legislative  day  May  9,  1944. 
1  p.     (S.  rp.  1033,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)     t 


Certificates.  Unlawful  jpossession  or  reproduction  of  certificates  issued  under 
selective  training  and  service  act  of  1940,  report  to  accompany  S.  1936  [to  amend 
selective  training  and  service  act  of  1940  by  making  it  criminal  offense  to  possess 
unlawfully  or  to  reproduce  various  certificates  issued  pursuant  thereto]  ;  sub- 
mitted by  Mr.  Chandler.  June  5,  legislative  day  May  9,  1944.  2  p.  (S.  rp.  951, 
78th  Cong.  2d  sess. )  [Corrected  print.  1st  print  reads  incorrectly  Senate  docu- 
ment 951  instead  of  Senate  report  951.]     t 

Chaplains.  Chief  of  chaplains  to  temporary  rank  of  major  general,  report  to 
accompany  H.  R.  3604  [authorizing  appointment  of  chief  of  chaplains  to  tempo- 
rary rank  of  major  general,  and  for  other  purposes]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Wilson 
for  Mr.  Guruey.  May  31,  legislative  day  May  9,  1944.  2  p.  ( S.  rp.  926,  78th 
Cong.  2d  sess.)     f 

Government  contracts.  INIobillzation  and  demobilization  problems,  hearings  be- 
fore subcommittee,  78th  Congress,  2d  session,  on  S.  1730,  to  create  Office  of 
Demobilization,  establish  general  policies  for  operation  of  that  Office,  provide  for 
settlement  of  claims  arising  from  terminated  war  contracts,  provide  for  dis- 
posal of  surplus  Government  property,  and  for  other  puriwses,  S.  1823,  to  estab- 
lish Office  of  War  Mobilization  and  Adjustment,  Apr.  27 [-June  12],  1944.  1944. 
pts.  2-7,  [xxii]  +41-300  p.  il.  *  Paper,  pt.  2,  15c. ;  *  pts.  3-7,  each  10c.  •  Item 
L.  C.  card  44-5506  Y  4.M  59/2 :  M  71/pts.2-7 

Los  Angeles  County  land,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  905  [to  release  all  right,  title, 
and  interest  of  United  States  in  certain  land  constituting  portion  of  tract  of  land 
comprising  Ross  Field,  Arcadia,  Calif.,  conditionally  granted  to  county  of  Los 
Angeles.  Calif.,  under  act  of  Mar.  24,  1933,  as  amended]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Kil- 
gore.  June  1,  legislative  day  May  9,  1944.  3  p.  (S.  rp.  934,  78th  Cong. 
2d  sess.)     t 

Manpotver  for  war  production,  hearings,  78th  Congress,  2d  session  on  S.  1864,  to 
amend  sec.  5  (k)  of  selective  training  and  service  act,  1940,  as  amended,  and 
S.  1870,  to  amend  selective  training  and  service  act  of  1940,  as  amended,  with 
respect  to  order  of  induction  by  age  groups  of  certain  men  who  have  children, 
and  for  other  purposes.  May  18, 1944.  pt.  2,  iii+31-67  p.  *  Paper,  10c.  •Item 
L.  C.  card  44-30505  Y  4.M  59/2 :  M  31/6/pt.2 

•    Sent  to  Depository  Libraries 

792  Government  Publications 

Pay,  Army.  Pay  of  export  and  combat  infantrymen,  hearing,  78th  Congress,  2d 
session,  on  S.  1973,  to  provide  additional  pay  for  enlisted  men  of  Army  assigned 
to  infantry  who  are  awarded  expert  infantryman  badge  or  combat  infantryman 
badge,  and  S.  1787,  to  provide  additional  pay  for  members  of  armed  forces 
engaged  in  combat  duty,  June  9,  1944.  19-14.  iii-f28  p.  il.  ♦Paper,  10c. 
•  Item  401 
L.  C.  card  44-41054  Y  4.M  59/2 :  P  29/12 

Pay  of  expert  and  combat  infantrymen,  report  to  accompany  S.  1973  [to 

provide  additional  pay  for  enlisted  men  of  Army  assigned  to  infantry  who  are 
awarded  expert  infantryman  badge  or  combat  infantryman  badge]  ;  submitted 
by  Mr.  Hill.  June  13,  legislative  day  May  9,  1944.  3  p.  ( S.  rp.  964,  78th  Cong. 
2d  sess.)     t 

L.  C.  card  44-41060 

Pay  of  personnel  participating  in  glider  flights,  report  to  accompany  S.  1988 

[to  amend  see.  18  of  pay  readjustment  act  of  1942  to  provide  additional  pay  for 
personnel  of  Army  or  Navy  who  are  required  to  participate  in  regular  and 
frequent  glider  flights]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Kilgore.  June  12,  legislative  day  May 
9,  1944.     2  p.     (S.  rp.  962.  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)     t 

Pay  readjustment  act  amendments,  hearings  before  subcommittee,  78th 

Congress.  2d  session,  on  S.  1690.  to  further  amend  pay  readjustment  act  of  1942, 
H.  R.  1506.  to  further  amend  pay  adjustment  act  of  1042,  May  23  and  26,  1944. 
1944.     iii-(-34  p.     *  Paper.  10c.     •  Item  401 

L.  C.  card  44-41096  T  4.M  59/2 :  P  29/11 

Pay  readjustment  act  amendments,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  1506  [to 

amend  further  pay  readjustment  act  of  1942]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Johnson  of 
Colorado.  May  20,  legislative  day  May  9,  1944.  11  p.  (S.  rp.  917,  78th  Cong. 
2d  sess.)     t 

L.  C.  card  44-41033 

Retired  list.  Army.  Double-time  credits  in  determining  retired  pay,  report  to 
accompany  H.  R.  1675  [to  amend  sec.  9  of  pay  readjustment  act  of  1942  (Public 
law  607)  by  providing  for  computation  of  double-time  credits  awarded  between 
1898  and  1912  in  determining  pay]  ;  .submitted  bv  Mr.  Wilson.  May  31,  legisla- 
tive day,  May  9, 1944.     3  p.     (S.  rp.  925,  78th  Cong.,  2d  sess.)     t 

Promotion  of  oflBcers  on  retired  list  of  Army  after  specified  years  of  service 

on  active  duty,  report  to  accompany  S.  1100:  submitted  by  Mr.  O'Mahoney. 
May  31,  legislative  day  May  9,  1944.    3  p.     (S.  rp.  923,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)     t 

Scientific  and  technical  mobilization,  hearing?;  before  subcommittee,  78th  Con- 
gress, 1st  [2d]  session,  pursuant  to  S.  Res.  107,  authorizing  study  of  possibili- 
ties of  better  mobilizing  national  resources  of  United  States  and  on  S.  702.  to 
mobilize  scientific  and  technical  resources  of  the  Nation,  to  establish  OflBce 
of  Scientific  and  Technical  Mobilization,  and  for  other  purposes.  1944.  pts. 
12-14.  •  Item  401 
L.  C,  card  43-7134  Y  4.M  59/2 :  Sci  2 

pt.  12.  Monopoly  practices:  Railroads,  Feb.  10,   1944.  vi 4-1347-1558  d.  ♦Paper.  25c. 

pt.  13.  Use  of  radio  for  railroad   communication   and  signaling,   Feb.    11  and  12,   1944. 

iii  -f   15.59-1653  p.     •  Taner.  15c. 

pt.  14.  Railway    Express   Agency,    May    19,    1944.     iii  -|-    1655-1728    p.  ♦  Paper,    15c. 

Taxation.  Soldiers'  and  sailors'  civil  relief  act  amendment,  report  to  accom- 
pany H.  R.  4733  [to  amend  sec.  514  of  soldiers'  and  sailors'  relief  art.  so  as  to 
relieve  pers^ons  in  service  fi'om  liability  of  double  personal  property  taxes]  ; 
submitted  by  Mr.  Bridges.  June  12.  legislative  day  Mav  9,  1944.  5  p.  (S.  rp. 
959.  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)  t 
L.  C.  card  44-41061 

Truntees  of  Kermit  Roosevelt  Fund.  Establishment  of  Kermit  Roosevelt  fund, 
report  to  accompany  S.  J.  Res.  1.34  [to  provide  for  establishment,  management, 
and  perpetuation  of  Kermit  Roosevelt  fund]  ;  submitted  bv  Mr.  Gurnev.  June 
12.  legislative  day  May  9,  1944.  2  p.  (S.  rp.  963,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)  [S.  J. 
Res.  1,34  establishes  in  the  War  Department  a  board  to  be  known  as  the 
Trustees  of  Kermit  Roosevelt  Fund.]     f 

•     Sent  to  Depository  Libraries 

July  1944  793 

Turpel,  David  B.  David  B.  Turpel,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  1046  [for  relief 
of  David  B.  Turpel]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Downey.  May  31,  legislative  day 
May  9,  1944.    3  p.    ( S.  rp.  924,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess. )     t 

Virgin  Islands.  Extending  provisions  of  selective  training  and  service  act  of 
1940,  as  amended,  to  Virgin  Islands,  report  to  accompany  S.  1825;  submitted 
by  Mr.  Revercomb.  May  29,  legislative  day  May  9,  1944.  3  p.  (S.  rp.  916, 
78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)     t 


National  defense.  Investigation  of  national  defense  program,  additional  report 
pursuant  to  S.  Res.  71,  77th  Congress,  and  S.  Res.  6,  78th  Congress ;  [submitted 
by  Mr.  Kilgore].  1944.  iii  +  42  p.  (S.  rp.  10,  pt.  18,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.) 
[Part  IS  relates  to  merchant  shipping.  It  reads  78th  Congress,  2d  session, 
although  Senate  report  10  is  a  report  of  the  1st  session  of  the  78th  Congress.] 
*  Paper,  10c. 
L.  C.  card  43-51708. 


Carroll  College.  Reimbursing  certain  aviation  cadets  and  former  aviation  cadets 
for  property  lost  or  damaged  as  result  of  fire  at  Carroll  College,  Helena, 
Mont.,  Jan.  8,  1944,  report  to  accompany  S.1964 ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Walsh  of 
Massachusetts.  June  19,  legislative  day  May  9,  1944.  2  p.  (S.  rp.  993,  78th 
Cong.  2d  sess.)     t 

Kee,  Charles  L.  Charles  L.  Kee,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  3976  [for  relief  of 
Charles  L.  Kee]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Byrd.  June  20,  legislative  day  May  9,  1944. 
3  p.     ( S.  rp.  998,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess. )     t 

Land,  Emory  S.  Providing  for  advancement  of  Emory  S.  Land  to  rank  of  vice 
admiral,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  634 ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Walsh  of  Massa- 
chusetts. May  25,  legislative  day  May  9,  1944.  3  p.  (S.  rp.  904,  78th  Cong. 
2  sess. )     t 

Marine  Band.  Authorizing  attendance  of  Marine  Band  at  national  encampment 
of  Grand  Army  of  the  Republic  to  be  held  at  Des  Moines,  Iowa,  Sept.  10-14, 
1944,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  4825 ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Walsh  of  Massachu- 
setts. June  15,  legislative  day  May  9,  1944.  1  p.  (S.  rp.  976,  78th  Cong.  2d 
sess.)     t 

Naval  petroleum  reserves.  Amending  act  approved  June  4,  1920,  as  amended, 
relating  to  conservation,  care,  cutody,  protection,  and  operation  of  naval  pe- 
troleum and  oil-shale  reserves,  report  to  accompany  S.1773;  submitted  by  Mr. 
Walsh  of  Massachusetts.  June  5,  legislative  day  May  9,  1944.  26  p.  (S.  rp. 
948,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)  [S.1773,  as  amended  by  the  committee,  relates  to 
naval  petroleum  reserves  only.]  t 
L.  C.  card  44-41026 

Providing  for  operation  of  naval  petroleum  and  oil-shale  reserves,  report 

to  accompany  H.  J.  Res.  286 ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Walsh  of  Massachusetts.  June 
6,  legislative  day  May  9,  1944.  2  p.  (S.  rp.  953,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)  [H.  J. 
Res.  286  relates  to  Elli  Hills  naval  petroleum  reserve  only.]     f 

Officers,  Marine  Corps.  Amending  sec.  1442,  Revised  statutes,  relating  to  furlough 
of  officers  by  Secretary  of  Navy  [so  as  to  include  officers  on  active  list  of  Marine 
Corps  and  officers  of  Coast  Guard  while  Coast  Guard  is  operating  as  part 
of  Navy],  report  to  accompany  S.  1974;  submitted  by  Mr.  Walsh  of  Massa- 
chusetts. June  19,  legislative  day  May  9, 1944.  1  p.  ( S.  rp.  994,  78th  Cong.  2d 
sess. )     t 

Officers,  Navy.  Establishing  grade  of  admiral  of  the  fleet  of  Navy,  report  to 
accompany  S.  2019 ;  submitted  by  Mr.  Gerry.  June  21,  legislative  day  May  9, 
1944.     2  p.     (S.  rp.  1024,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)     t 

Pay.  Navy.  Amending  act  of  Mar.  7,  1944  (missing  persons  act),  to  more  spe- 
cifically provide  for  pay,  allotments,  and  administration  pertaining  to  war 
casualties,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  4405;  submitted  by  Mr.  Walsh  of  Massa- 
chusetts. June  21,  legislative  day  May  9,  1944.  5  p.  (S.  rp.  1005,  78th 
Cong.  2d  sess.)     t 

•    Sent  to  Depository  Libraries 

794  Government  Publications 


Franking  privilege.  Relating  to  use  of  penalty  mail  privilege,  report  to  accom- 
pany H.  R.  4033;  submitted  by  Mr.  McKellar.  June  16,  legislative  day  May 
9,1944.     4  p.      (S.  rp.  984,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)     t 

Post  Office  Department.  Amending  sec.  214  of  act  of  Feb.  28,  1925,  report  to 
accompany  H.  R.  3870  [to  amend  sec.  214  of  act  of  Feb.  28,  1925,  so  as  to 
facilitate  administration  of  cost-ascertainment  studies  and  simplify  accounting 
in  Post  Office  Department]  ;  submitted  by  Mr.  McKellar.  June  16,  legislative 
day  May  9, 1944.     2  p.     ( S.  rp.  983,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess. )     t 

Post  offices.  Removing  restrictions  on  establishing  post-offlce  branches  and  sta- 
tions, report  to  accompany  H.  R.  4517;  submitted  bv  Mr.  McKellar.  June  16, 
legislative  day  May  9,  1944.     2  p.     (S.  rp.  985,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)     t 

Postal  notes.  Relating  to  Issuance  of  postal  notes,  report  to  accompany  H.  R. 
4687 ;  submitted  by  Mr.  McKellar.  June  16,  legislative  day  May  9,  1944.  4  p. 
(S.  rp.  986,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)     t 

Postal  service.  Extending  to  custodial  service  employees  of  Post  Office  Depart- 
ment certain  benefits  applicable  to  postal  employees,  report  to  accompany 
H.  R.  4215;  submitted  by  Mr.  McKellar.  June  21,  legislative  day  May  9,  1944. 
2  p.     (S.  rp.  1000,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)     t 

Roads.     To  amend  defense  highway  act  of  1941,  hearing,  78th  Congress,  2d  ses- 
sion, on  S.  1610,  to  amend  defense  highway  act  of  1941,  as  amended  [so  as  to 
provide  funds  for  access  roads  and  to  repair  roads  damaged  during  Army 
maneuvers].  Mar.  10,  1944.     1944.     iii-f85  p.     *  Paper,  15c.     •  Item  406 
L.  C.  card  44-5969  Y  4.P  84/2 :  H  53/11 


Post-ioar  economic  policy  and  planning,  report  pursuant  to  S.  Res.  102;   [sub- 
mitted by  Mr.  George].     1944.     (S.  rp.  539,  pts.  4  and  5,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.) 
[These  publications  read  78th  Congress,  2d  session,  although  Senate  report 
539  is  a  report  of  the  1st  session  of  the  78th  Congress.] 
L.  C.  card  43-50713 

pt.  4.  Problem  of  post-war  employment  and  role  of  Congress  in   solving  it.     ii  +  11   p 

♦  Paper,  5c. 
pt.  5.  Changes  in  unemployment  compensation  system,     ii  +  8  p.     *  Paper,  5c. 

Roads.     Role  of  Federal  Government  in  highway  development,  analysis  of  needs 
and  proposals  for  post-war  action;   [prepared  by  G.  Donald  Kennedy].     1944. 
vili-f-87  p.     (Senate  committee  print,  78th  Congress,  2d  session.)     \ 
L.  C.  card  44-41141  Y  4.P  84/7 :  H  53 


Elections.  To  amend  pernicious  political  activities  act  of  1939,  hearing  before  sub- 
committee, 78th  Congress,  2d  session,  on  S.  502,  to  amend  act  to  prevent  per- 
nicious political  activities,  as  amended,  with  respect  to  circulation  of  matter  con- 
cerning candidates  for  election  to  Federal  offices,  S.  593,  to  amend  act  to  prevent 
pernicious  political  activities,  as  amended,  with  respect  to  limitations  on 
political  contributions  and  expenditures,  and  S.  594,  to  protect  integrity  of 
democratic  process  by  requiring  disclosure  of  persons  writing,  publishing,  and 
circulating  scurrilous  literature  in  connection  with  political  campaigns,  to 
deny  use  of  mails  to  such  literature,  and  to  prohibit  its  importation  into  United 
States  in  default  of  such  disclosure,  June  2,  1944.  1944.  ii-l-24  p.  [S.  594 
establishes  in  the  Department  of  Interior  the  Office  of  Minority  Relations.] 
*  Paper,  10c.  •  Item  408 
L.  C.  card  44-41070  Y  4.P  93/6 :  P  75 


Ericsson,  Lcif.  Authorizing  erection  of  statue  of  Leif  Erickson  in  District  of 
Columbia,  report  to  accompany  S.  J.  Res.  8  [authorizing  erection  of  statue  of 
Leif  Ericsson  by  A.  Stirling  Calder  in  District  of  Columbia] ;  submitted  by 
Mr.  Maloney.  June  19,  legislative  day  May  9,  1944.  2  p.  (S.  rp.  995,  78th 
Cong.  2d  sess.)     t 

•    Sent  to  Depository  Libraries 

July  1944  795 

Portland,  Oreg.  Authorizing  use  of  space  in  old  post  oflBce  building  in  Portland, 
Oreg.,  by  Oregon  as  museum,  report  to  accompanv  H.  R.  4623:  submitted  by 
Mr.  Maloney.  June  19,  legislative  day  May  9,  1944.  4  p.  (S.  rp.  992,  78th 
Cong.  2d  sess.)     t 

Sitka,  Alaska.  Authorizing  Legislature  of  Alaska  to  grant  and  convey  lands  to 
Sitka,  Alaska,  for  street  purposes,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  340;  submitted 
by  Mr.  Maloney.  June  19,  legislative  day  May  9,  1944.  4  p.  (S.  rp.  990,  78th 
Cong.  2d  sess.)     f 

Vincouics,  Ind.  Authorizing  conveyance  of  Harrison  Park  in  Vincennes  to  Vin- 
cennes  University,  report  to  accompany  H.  i{.  3306 ;  submitted  bv  Mr.  Maloney. 
June  19,  legislative  day  May  9,  1944.     3  p.     (S.  rp.  991,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)     f 


Harpers  Ferry  National  Monument.  Providing  for  establishment  of  Harpers 
Ferry  National  Monument,  report  to  accompany  H.  R.  3524 ;  submitted  by  Mr. 
Hatch.  June  21,  legislative  day  May  9,  1944.  3  p.  (S.  rp.  1001,  78th  Cong.  2d 
sess. )     t 

Johnson.  Monroe.  Confirming  claim  of  heirs  of  Monroe  Johnson  to  lands  in  Mis- 
sissippi, report  to  accompany  H.  R.  409"! ;  submitted  bv  Mr.  Hatch.  June  21, 
legislative  day  May  9,  1944.     2  p.     (S.  rp.  1002,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)     t 


Congress,  Joint  Committee  on  Organization  of.  Establishing  Joint  Committee 
on  Organization  of  Congress,  report  to  accompany  S.  Con.  Res.  23 ;  submitted 
by  Mr.  Byrd.  June  23,  legislative  day  May  9,  1944.  2  p.  (S.  rp.  1034,  78th 
Cong.  2d  sess. )     t 


Note. — The  "opinions"  listed  below  (with  classification  number  Ju  3.9/a  :)  and  marked 
with  a  t  (for  oflifial  use)  are  issued  in  a  very  limited  edition  ;  however,  a  few  copies  are 
available  at  the  Court  of  Claims  at  prices  which  are  determined  by  the  size  and  are  as 
follows :  1-5  pages,  25c. ;  6-10  pages,  35c. ;  11-20  pages,  45c. ;  21  pages  and  over,  50c. 

Alhrecht,  E.  J.,  Co.  E.  J.  Albrecht  Company  v.  United  States;  report  of  com- 
missioner.    [1944.]     no.  45578,  p.  37-52.     %  Ju3.8:A115 

American  Tobacco  Company  v.  United  States;  report  of  commissioner.  [1944.] 
no.  43600,  p.  15-63.     t  J"  3.8 :  Am  35/62 

B-W  Construction.  Co.  Joseph  H.  Beuttas,  John  W.  Beuttas,  and  Paul  H.  Beuttas, 
trading  as  B-W  Construction  Co.,  not  inc.,  v.  United  States;  special  findings 
of  fact  [conclusion- of  law,  and  opinion],  decided  June  5,  1944.  [1944.]  no. 
44978,  28  p.     t  -Tu  3.9/a  :  B  1/4 

Berg  Shipbuilding  Company,  a  corporation,  and  Geo.  Nelson,  surety  for  Berg 
Shipbuilding  Company,  v.  United  States;  report  of  commissioner.  [1944.] 
no.  4.1256,  p.  41-45.     t  Ju  3.8 :  B  452/3 

Brand  Investment  Go.  Brand  Investment  Company  (formerly  known  as  A.  W. 
Kutsche  &  Company)  v.  United  States;  special  findings  of  fact  [conclusion 
of  law,  and  opinion],  decided  June  5,  19M.     [1944.]     no.  44432,  11  p.     % 

Ju  3.9/a  :  B  733/2 

Brand  Investment  Company  (formerly  known  as  A.  W.  Kutsche  &  Com- 
pany) V.  United  States;  special  findings  of  fact  [conclusion  of  law,  and  opin- 
ion], decided  June  5,  1944.     [1944.]     no.  44617,  23  p.     t  Ju  3.9/a  :  B  733 

Burgess  Battery  Company  v.  United  States  ;  special  findings  of  fact  [conclusion  of 
law,  and  opinion],  ecided  June  5,  1944.     [1944.]     no.  44695,  27  p.  il.     t 

Ju  3.9/a  :  B  912 

Caravel  Industries  Corporation  v.  United  States;  special  findings  of  fact  [con- 
clusion of  law,  and  opinion],  decided  June  5,  1944.  [1944.]  no.  4.5334,  17 
p.     t  Ju  3.9/a  :  C  176/2 

•     Sent  to  Depository  Libraries 

796  Gover>;ment  Publications 

Cases.     June  calendar,  1944.     1944.     5  p.     [Part  of  the  pages  are  blank]     $ 
L.  C.  card  29-lGl.'70  Ju  3.5 :  944/6 

Coath  d  Ooss,  Inc.  Coath  &  Goss,  Inc.,  v.  United  States;  special  findings  of  fact 
[conclusion  of  law,  and  opinion],  decided  June  5,  1944.  [1944.]  no.  44042, 
10  p.     t  Ju  3.9/a  :  C  G32/2 

Coath  &  Goss,  Inc.,  v.  United  States;  special  findings  of  fact  [conclusion 

of  law,  and  opinion],  decided  June  5, 1944,     [1944.]     no.  44043,  14  p.     t 

Ju  3.9/a  :  C  632 

Coca-Cola  Company  v.  United  States ;  special  findings  of  fact  [conclusion  of  law, 
and  opinion],  decided  June  5,   1944.     [1944.]     no.  45226,  14  p.     J 

Ju  3.9/a  :  C  64/2 

Empire  Vault  Light  Co.  George  Goldberg  and  Meyer  Goldberg,  copartners,  do- 
ing business  under  the  trade  name  and  style  of  Empire  Vault  Light  Co.  v. 
United  States;  report  of  commissioner.     [1944.]     no.  45516,  p.  27-30.     % 

Ju  3.8 :  Em  73 

Fidelitj/  Trust  Co.  Cong.  no.  17767-776,  17778-786  [17787,  17789-797,  17799-800, 
17802-814,  17810-841,  17843-844],  Fidelity  Trust  Company  [et  al.  v.  United 
States;  si)ecial  findings  of  fact,  conclusion  of  law,  and  opinion],  decided  June 
5,1944.     [1944.]     28  p.     J  Ju  3.9/a  :  F  448/5 

Frazier-Davis  Constrxiction  Company  v.  United  States;  special  findings  of  fact 
[conclusion  of  law,  and  opinion],  decided  June  5,  1944.  [1944.]  no.  44341, 
4  p.     $  Ju  3.9/a  :  F  869/3 

Qitt.  Edwin  D.  Gibb  v.  United  States;  special  findings  of  fact  [conclusion  of 
law,  and  opinion],  decided  June  5,  1944.     [1944.]     no.    45564,  4  p.     J 

9/a :  G  351 

Gorman.  John  H.  Gorman  v.  United  States;  special  findings  of  fact  [conclu- 
sion of  law,  and  opinion],  decided  June  5,  1944.     [1944.]     no.  45822,  11  p.     t 

Ju  3.9/a  :  G  68/2 

Harsch,  John,  Bronze  &  Foundry  Co.  John  Harsch  Bronze  &  Foundry  Co.,  a 
corporation,  v.  United  States;  report  of  commissioner.  [1944.]  no.  44241, 
p.  7-13.     t  Ju  3.8  :  H  25 

Hele.  H.  E.  Hele  v.  United  States;  report  of  commissioner.  [1944.]  no.  45473, 
p.  21-25.     t  Ju  3.8 :  H  366 

Howard.  Albert  M.  Howard  v.  United  States ;  special  findings  of  fact  [conclusion 
of  law,  and  opinion],  decided  June  5,  1944.     [1944.]     no.  45708,  8  p.     t 

Ju  3.9/a  :  H  831 

Kentucky  Metal  Products  Company  v.  United  States;  report  of  commissioner. 
[1944.]     no.  44410,  p.  13-16.     t  Ju  3.8  :K  419/2 

Kiewit,  Peter,  Sons'  Co.  Peter  Kiewit  Sons'  Company  v.  United  States ;  special 
findings  of  fact  [conclusion  of  law,  and  opinion],  decided  June  5,  1944.  [1944.] 
no.  45323,  15  p.     t  Ju  3.9/a :  K  549 

Marietta  Chair  Company  v.  United  States;  report  of  commissioner.  [1944.] 
no.  44192,  p.  7-11.     t  Ju  3.8 :  M  338/2 

Melcher.  Charles  Frank  Melcher  and  Rudolph  Brinskelle  v.  United  States; 
special  findings  of  fact  [conclusion  of  law,  and  opinion],  decided  June  5,  1944. 
[1944.]     no.  45707,  6  p.     %  Ju  3.9/a  :  M  481/2 

Merrill,  W.  A.,  Sons  d  Co.,  Inc.  W.  A.  Merrill  Sons  and  Company,  Inc.,  v.  United 
States;  special  findings  of  fact  [conclusion  of  law,  and  opinion],  decided  June  5, 
1944.     [1944.]     no.  44114,  11  p.     t  Ju  3.9/a  :M  552 

Modern  Industrial  Hank  v.  United  States;  special  findings  of  fact  [conclusion 
of  law,  and  opinion],  decided  June  5,  1944.     [1944.]     no.  45602,  15  p.     t 

Ju  3.9/a  :  M  72 

Neivport  Industries,  Inc.,  v.  United  States;  report  of  commissioner.  [1944.] 
no.  45527,  p.  7-11.     J  ju  3.8 :  N  42zp/ll 

•     Sent  to  Depository  Libraries 

JuLT  1944  797 

Pierce  Oil  Corporation,  and  Henry  C.  Reilly  and  Robert  T.  Barton,  jr.,  as  its 
receivers,  v.  United  States;  special  findings  of  fact  [conclusion  of  law,  and 
opinionLdecided  Junes,  1944.     [1944.]     no.  45442,  27  p.     t       Ju  3.9/a  :  P  611/5 

Plant.  Henrietta  Plant  v.  United  States;  report  of  commissioner.  [1944.] 
no.  45598,  p.  9-18.     t  Ju  3.8 :  P  698 

Roanoke  Iron  Works,  Inc.  r.  United  States;  report  of  commissioner.  [1944.] 
no.  4417S,  p.  7-9.     t  Ju  3.8 :  R  531 

Scott.  Robert  Lee  Scott  v.  United  States,  on  defendant's  motion  to  dismiss;  [per 
curiam  order],  decided  June  5,  1944.     [1944.]     no.  46007,  2  p.     $ 

Ju  3.9/a :  Sco  85 

Selbij  Shoe  Company  v.  United  States;  report  of  commissioner.  [1944.]  no. 
45706,  p.  5-11.     t  Ju  3.8 :  Se  48/3 

Sionr  tribe  of  Indians,  consisting  of  Sioux  tribe  of  Rosebud  Indian  Reservation 
in  South  Dakota  [et  al.]  v.  United  States;  report  of  commissioner.  [1944.] 
no.  C-531-(18),  p.  11-21.     t  Ju 3.8:  Si 73/3 

Smith.  E.  R.  P.  Smith  v.  United  States;  special  findings  of  fact  [conclusion 
of  law,  and  opinion],  decided  June  5,  1944.     [1944.]     no.  44759,  6  p.     + 

Ju  3.9/a :  Sm  55/2 

Stein.  Minette  G.  Stein  v.  United  States;  report  of  commissioner.  [1944.] 
no.  45596,  p.  19-23.     t  Ju  3.8 :  St  34/2 

Stott.  Harry  B.  Stott  v.  United  States;  report  of  commissioner.  [1944.] 
no.  45650,  p.  5-8.     t  Ju  3.8 :  St  76 

Tree.  Ronald  L.  Tree  and  Nancy  Perkins  Field  Tree,  his  wife,  v.  United  States ; 
special  findings  of  fact  [conclusion  of  law,  and  opinion],  decided  June  5,  1944. 
[1944.]     no.  45025,  20  p.     t  Ju  3.9/a  :  T  714/2 

Yaeger.  Frank  J.  Yaeger  v.  United  States ;  report  of  commissioner.  [1944.] 
no.  44331,  p.  17-20.    t  Ju  3.8 :  Y 1 


Hides.    Customs  appeal  no.  4475,  United  States  v.  E.  H.  Bailey  &  Co.,  transcript 
of  record  on  appeal  from  Customs  Court.     [1944.]     cover  title,  i+23  p.     t 



Juvenile  Court.     Report  of  Juvenile  Court  of  District  of  Columbia,  fiscal  year 
-     1943;   [compiled  by  Virginia  Clary].     1944.     x+38  p.  il.     (H.  doc.  635,  78th 

Cong.  2d  sess. )     *  Paper,  10c. 

L.  C.  card  8-35306 


Saicty  luUetin,  v.  8,  no.  10 ;  Apr.  1944.     [1944.]     cover  title,  28  p.  il.  4°     [Monthly. 
Text  on  p.  2  of  cover.]     t     •  Item  435 

L.  C.  card  36-26723  EC  1.9 :  8/10 

Note. — This  bulletin  issued  in  the  interest  of  accident  prevention  in  employments 
within  the  purview  of  the  workmen's  compensation  laws  iidministered  by  the  Employees' 
Compensation  Commission,  directs  attention  to  the  number  of  injuries  reported  to  the 
Commission  under  the  Federal  employees'  compensation  act,  the  longshoremen's  and 
harbor  workers'  compensation  act,  and  the  District  of  Columbia  compensation  act,  the 
causes  of  such  injuries  and  the  possibilities  of  preventing  them  by  the  use  of  appropriate 
safety  measures. 

•    Sent  to  Depository  Libraries 

598159—44 — No.  594 6 

798  Government  Publications 


New  York  Telephone  Co.  Civil  action  no.  24-211,  in  district  court  for  southern 
district  of  New  York,  New  York  Telephone  Company  v.  United  States  and  Fed- 
eral Conmuuiications  Commission;  brief  for  United  States  and  Federal  Com- 
munications Commission.     [1944.]     cover  title,  ii-f  63  p.     t        CC1.9:N42yo 

Rules  and  regaJntioyis.  Rules  and  regulations,  amdt.  202,  effective  Apr.  12,  1944. 
[1944.]  p.  22a-c.  [Processed.  Issued  in  loose-leaf  form.  To  be  substituted 
for  p.  22a-c,  pt.  3,  Rules  governing  standard  and  high  frequency  broadcast 
stations.]     t  CC  1.7/2:  202 

Same,   amdt.   205,  effective   Nov.    12,   1943.     [1944.]     p.   11.     [Processed. 

Issued  in  loose-leaf  form.     To  be  substituted  for  p.  11-12,  pt.  15,  Rules  and  regu- 
lations governing  all  radio  stations  in  the  war  emergency  radio  service.]     t 

CC  1.7/2 :  205 

Same,  amdt.  206.     [1944.]     p.  8a,  9-10.     [Processed.     Issued  in  loose-leaf 

form.     To  be  substituted  for  p.  8a,  9-10,  pt.  3,  Rules  governing  standard  and 
high  frequency  broadcast  stations.]     t  CC  1.7/2  :  206 

• Same,  amdt.  207     [1944.]     p.  ix,  3-lOa.     [Processed.     Issued  in  loose-leaf 

form.     To  be  substituted  for  p.  3-lOa,  pt.  12,  Rules  governing  amateur  radio, 
stations  and  operators.]     t  CC  1.7/2 :  207 

■ Same,  amdt.  208.      [1944.]      p.  5-8.       [Processed.      Issued  in  loose-leaf 

form.     To  be  substituted  for  p.  5-8,  pt.  13,  Rules  governing  commercial  radio 
operators.]     t  CC  1.7/2:  208 

Same,   amdt.  209.      [1944.]     p.   9-12.      [Processed.     Issued   in   loose-leaf 

form.     To  be  substituted  for  p.  9-12,  pt.  10,  Rules  governing  emergency  radio 
services.]     t  CC  1.7/2:  209 

Same,  amdt.  211,  effective  Jan.  18,  1944.     [1944.]     p.  21-22.     [Processed. 

Issued  in  loose-leaf  form.    To  be  substituted  for  p.  21-22,  pt.  42,  Preservation  of 
records.]     t  CC  1.7/2:  211 

Simmons,  AUcn  T.  No.  8663,  United  States  Court  of  Appeals,  District  of  Columbia, 
Allen  T.  Simmons  v.  Federal  Communications  Commission,  WGAR  Broadcast- 
ing Company,  intervenor ;  brief  for  appellee.     [1944.]     cover  title,  i+28  p.     t 

CC  1.9  :  Si :  47 

Telegraph.     Employment   and   labor   turnover   in   telegraph  and   telephone   in- 
dustries, July-Dec.  1943.    Feb.  1944.    16  p.    4"     [Processed.]     t 
L.  C.  card  44-41137  CC  1.2 :  T  235/4/943 

Operating  data  from  monthly  reports  of  telegraph  and  cable  carriers.  Mar. 

1W4.     [1944.]     [2]  p.  il.  oblong  large  8°     [Processed.     Subject  to  revision.]     t 

CC  1.13 :  944/3 

Telephone.  Operating  data  from  monthly  reports  of  large  telephone  carriers. 
Mar.  1944.  [1944.]  [2]  p.  il.  oblong  large  8"  [Processed.  Subject  to  revision.] 
t  CC  1.14 :  944/3 


Banks  and  banking.    Assets  and  liabilities  of  operating  insured  banks,  Dec.  31, 
1943;  report  20.    n.  p.  [Apr.  19,  1944].    34+ [1]  p.  il.  oblong  8°     t 
L.  C.  card  34-28239  Y  3.F  31/8 :  9/20 

Federal  credit  unions,  quarterly  report  of  organization,  quarter  ending  Mar.  31, 
1944.     [1944.]     [4] +2  p.  4"     [Processed.]     t  Y  3. F  31/8 :  13/944-1 


Code  of  Federal  regulations,  title  18,  Conservation  of  power,  cumulative  supple- 
ment covering  5  years  ending  May  31,  1943.  1944.  ili-t-4521-64  p.  [From 
Cumulative  supplement  of  Code  of  Federal  regulations  of  United  States,  book 
4,  published  by  Federal  Register  Division,  National  Archives.]     $ 

FP  1.7  :P  87/943 

•     Sent  to  Depository  Libraries 

July  1944  799 

Electric  utilities.  Revenues  and  income  of  privately  owned  class  A  and  class  B 
electric  utilities  in  United  States,  Apr.  1944 ;  no.  44-4C.  June  10,  1944.  [4]  p. 
11  4°     [Monthly.     Processed.]     t  Paper,  5c.  FPl.ll/o:44-4C 

Electricity.  Consumption  of  fuel  for  production  of  electric  energy,  Apr.  and  Mar. 
1944;  no.  44-4B.  May  22,  1944.  [2]  p.  il.  4°  [Monthly.  Processed.]  t 
Paper,  5c.  FP  1.11/3 :  44-4B 

Production  of  electric  energy  in  United  States,  Apr.  and  Mar.  1944;  no. 

44-4A.     May  22,  1944.    4  p.  il.  4°     [Monthly.    Processed.]     t     Paper,  5c. 

FP  1.11/2 :  44-4A 

'National  electric  rate  book. 

Note. — The  National  electric  rate  book  and  individual  rate  books  for  the  48  States, 
covering  the  rates  charged  by  publicly  and  privately  owned  utilities  in  communities  of 
1,000  or  more  population,  are  issued  in  loose-leaf  binders.  Supplements  showing  rate 
changes  and  new  rate  schedules  are  issued  to  replace  superseded  data. 

Prices  are  as  follows :  National  electric  rate  book.  .$10.00,  including  binders  and 
Supplement  service,  for  12  months  from  date  of  order ;  Supplement  service  thereafter, 
$7.50  per  year.  .       «       .,„  ^.^ 

State  rate  books,  $1.00  each,  including  binder  and  Supplement  service  for  12  months 
from  date  of  order  :  Supplement  service  thereafter,  $1.00  per  year. 

National  electric  rate  book:   [State  separate];  Montana.     Apr.  25,  1944. 

5  p.  4°     [  Supersedes  issue  of  May  15,  1942.  ]  FP  1.18 :  M  76/944 

Same ;  Pennsylvania.     May  20,  1&44.     50  p.  4"     [Supersedes  issue  of  Aug. 

15,  1942.  ]  FP  1.18 :  P  38/944 

— -  Same;  Rhode  Island.  Apr.  15,  1944.  5  p.  4°  [Supersedes  issue  of  Nov.  1, 
1942.]  FP  1.18 :  R  34/944 


Federal  reserve  iuUetin,  May  1944;  [v.  30,  no.  5].  n.  p.  [1944].  [2]+415-524 
p.  il.  4°  [Monthly.]  t  Paper,  20c.  single  copy,  $2.00  a  yr. ;  foreign  subscription, 

L.  C.  card  15-26318  FR  1.3  :  30/5 

Note. — The  bulletin  contains  reviews  of  current  economic  developments,  special 
articles  on  monetary  and  banking  topics,  analyses  of  credit  conditions,  regulations  and 
rulings  of  the  Board  of  Governors,  and  statistics  of  banking,  business  activity,  prices, 
Treasury  operations,  and  international  finance.  It  is  sent  to  member  banks  and,  upon 
request,  to  libraries  of  educational  institutions  without  charge.  Others  desiring  copies 
may  obtain  them  from  the  Board  of  Governors  of  the  Federal  Reserve  System,  Washing- 
ton, D.  C,  at  the  prices  stated  above. 

Inter-district  collection  .•system.  Federal  reserve  par  list  (banks  upon  which 
checks  will  be  received  by  Federal  reserve  banks  for  collection  and  credit)  ;  Apr. 
1944  supplement.     [1944.]      [2]  p.  4°     [Processed.]     t  FR  1.9 :  944/supp.3 

Same ;  May  1944  supplement.     [1944.]     [2]  p.  4°     [Processed.]     t 

FR  1.9 :  944/SUPP.4 

Same ;  June  1944  supplement.     [1944.]     [2]  p.  4"     [Processed.]     t 

FR  1.9 :  944/SUPP.5 

licgulations.  Amendment  12  [and  13]  to  Regulation  W  [effective  July  10  and 
June  2,  1944,  respectively].  [1944.]  1  p.  [Regulation  W,  amdt.  12  and 
13.])     [Processed.]     t  FR  1.6 :  944/W/amdt.l2,13 

Research  and  policy;  by  E.  A.  Goldenweiser.  n.  p.  [1944.]  [l]+6  p.  4°  [Re- 
printed, by  permission,  from  Journal  of  American  Statistical  Association,  Mar. 
1944.     From  Federal  reserve  bulletin,  Apr.  1944.]     t  FR  1.3/la  :  R  311/3 



Education  for  victory,  official  biweekly  of  Office  of  Education,  v.  2,  no.  23  and  24 ; 
June  3  and  20,  1944.     [1944.]     24  p.  and  32  p.  4°     *  Paper,  5c.  single  copy,  $1.00 
a  yr. ;  foreign  subscription,  $1.50.     •  Item  499 
L.C.cardE42-155  FS  5.20 :  2/23.24 

•     Sent  to  Depository  Libraries 

800  Government  Publications 

Latin  America.  Our  neighbor  republics,  school  exhibit,  1944-45  [descriptive 
leaflet].     [1944.]     [3]  p.     [Processed.]     t  FS  5.2 :  N  31/944-45 

Teachers  are  needed  [with  list  of  selected  references;  by  Walter  J.  Greenleaf]. 
[1944.]     ii+26  p.  il.     (Vocational  Division  leaflet  14.)     *  Paper,  10c.     •Item 
L.  C.  card  E44-36  FS  5.129 :  14 

Textbooks.     State  provisions  for  free  textbooks  and  instructional  materials;  by 
Maris  M.  Proflitt.     1944.     [4]+42+[l]  p.  il.     (Bulletin  1944,  no.  1.)     'Paper, 
10c.     •  Item  492 
L.  C.  card  E44-37  FS  5.3 :  944/1 

Vocational  educatimi.  Supplementary  trainees  and  war  production,  report  of 
follow-up  survey  of  persons  receiving  instruction  in  supplementary  vocational 
training  courses  for  war  production  workers;  [prepared  by  F.  G.  Cornell]. 
1944.  iv-f54  p.  il.  (Vocational  Division  bulletin  226;  Defense  training  series 
3.)  [Text  on  p.  2  of  cover.]  *  Paper,  15c.  •  Item  504 
L.  C.  card  E44-38  FS  5.123 :  226 


Drugs.     Notices  of  judgment  under  Federal  food,  drug,  and  cosmetic  act :  Drugs 
and  devices,  851-900.     May  1944.     p.  77-107.     t     •  Item  512 
L.  C.  card  Agr  40-274  FS  7.12  :  851-900 


Dengue.     Entomological  phases  of  recent  dengue  epidemic  in  Honolulu  [with  list 
of  references];   by  Robert  L.   Usinger.     [1944.]     [2] +8  p.     (Reprint  2548.) 
[From  Public  health  reports,  Mar.  31, 1944,  v.  59,  no.  13.]     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  44-41154  FS  2.7/a  :  2548 

Gono7Thea.  Evaluation  of  blood-dye  diluent  for  transportation  of  material  from 
gonococcic  infections  [with  list  of  references;  by]  S.  Edward  Sulkin,  Joseph  C. 
Willett.  1944.  [1]+G  p.  ([Venereal  Diseases  Division];  Reprint  223.) 
[From  Venereal  disease  information.  May  1944,  v.  25.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

FS  2.9/a :  223 

Health  of  the  Nation,  report  of  surgeon  general.  Public  Health  Service,  before 
subcommittee  of  Committee  on  Appropriations,  House  of  Representatives,  78th 
Congress  2d  session.  Mar.  28,  1944.  1944.  12  p.  [From  pt.  2  of  hearings  on 
Labor  Department-Federal  Security  Agency  appropriation  bill,  fiscal  year 
1945.]     t  FS  2.2 :  H  34/2/944 

Hernia.  Below  the  belt  [there  are  some  57  varieties  of  hernia].  [1944.] 
[8]  p.  il.  small  4°  ([Workers'  health  series  13.])  *  Paper,  5c.  single  copy 
($1.00  per  100).     •  Item  532  FS  2.33 :  13 

Hygiene.  Industrial  hygiene  news  letter,  current  news  of  otticial  industrial  hy- 
giene activities,  v,  4,  no.  1,  Jan.  1944 ;  issued  monthly  by  Industrial  Hygiene 
Division.  [1944.]  10  p.  4°  [Processed.  Previous  issues  not  entered  in  the 
Monthly  catalog.]     $  FS  2.45  :  4/1 

Same,  v.  4,  no.  2,  Feb.  1944;  issued  monthly  by  Industrial  Hygiene  Di- 
vision.    [1944.]     10  p.  4°     [Processed.]     %  FS  2.45: 4/2 

Same,  v.  4,  no.  3,  Mar.  1944  ;  issued  monthly  by  Industrial  Hygiene  Division. 

[1944.]     11  p.  4"     [Processed.]     %  FS  2.45 : 4/3 

Same,  v.  4,  no.  4,  Apr.  1944 ;  issued  monthly  by  Industrial  Hygiene  Division. 

[1944.]     8  p.  4°     [Processed.]     t  FS  2.45: 4/4 

Leprosy.    Evaluation  of  positive  Kolmer  and  Kahn  tests  in  leprosy  [with  list  of 

references ;  by]  G.  II.  Paget,  Sister  Hilary  Ross.    1944.    [1]  +5  p.    ( [Venereal 

Diseases  Division]  ;  Reprint  222.)     [From  Venereal  disease  information.  May 

1944,  v.  25.]     *  Paper,  5c.  FS  2.9/a  :  222 

•     Sent  to  Depository  Libraries 

July  1944  801 

Malaria.     Malaria,  lessons  on  its  caiise  and  prevention  for  use  in  schools,  by 
H.  R.  Carter;  revised  by  L.  L.  Williams,  jr.,  June  28,  1943.     [1944.]     23  p.  il. 
(Supplement  18  to  Public  health  reports.)     *  Paper,  10c.     •  Item  528 
L.  C.  card  44-11147  FS2.8:18 

Problems  created  by  returning  malaria  carriers ;  by  Stanley  B.  Freeborn. 

[1944.]     8  p.     (Reprint  2545.)      [From  Public  health  reports.  Mar.  17,  1944, 
V.  59,  no.  11.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

L.  C.  card  44-41153  FS  2.7/a  :  2545 

Marihuana.     Effect  of  synthetic  marihuana-like  compound  on  musical  talent  as 
measured  by  Seashore  test   [with  list  of  references]  ;  by  C.  Knight  Aldrich. 
[1944.]     4  p.     (Reprint  2.549.)     [From  Public  health  reports,  Mar.  31,  1944, 
V.  59,  no.  13,]     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  44-41152  FS  2.7/a  :  2549 

Mental  hospitals.    Laws  pertaining  to  admission  of  patients  to  mental  hospitals 
throughout  United  States;  by  Grover  A.  Kempf.     [Reprint  1944.]      [2] +29  p. 
(Supplement  157  to  Public  health  reports.)     *  Paper,  5c.     •  Item  528 
L.  C.  card  44-41151  FS  2.8 :  157/1-2 

\ational  Negro  health  nexvs,  v.  12,  no.  1;  Jan.-Mar.  1944.  [1944.]  cover  title, 
20  p.  il.  4"  ([Public  Health  Methods  Division.])  [Quarterly.  Issued  in  the 
interest  of  National  Negro  Health  Movement.     Text  on  p.  2-4  of  cover.]     t 

*  Item  522  FS  2.19 :  12/1 

Penicillin.  Action  of  Penicillium  extracts  in  experimental  tuberculosis  [with  list 
of  references]  ;  by  M.  I.  Smith  and  E.  W.  Emmart.  [1944.]  8  p.  (Reprint 
2547.)  [From  Public  health  reports,  Mar.  31,  1944,  v.  59,  no.  13.]  *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  44-41150  FS  2.7/a  :  2547 

Puhlic  health  reports,  v.  59,  no.  22-26;  June  2-30,  1944.  [1944.]  [x]-f-701- 
856-[-[9]  p.  il.  Ipl.  [Weekly.  Articles  of  special  interest  are  issued  as  reprints 
or  as  supplements  and  are  listed  in   the  Monthly  catalog  when  published.] 

*  Paper,  5c.  single  copy,  $2.50  a  yr. ;  foreign  subscription,  $4.25.     •  Item  527 
li.  C.  card  6-25167  FS  2.7  :  59/22-26 

Note. — The  Public  health  reports  is  published  primarily  for  distribution,  in  accordance 
with  the  law,  to  health  officers,  members  of  boards  or  departments  of  health,  and  other 
persons  directly  or  indirectly  encased  in  public  health  work.  Others  desiring  tlie  Eeports 
may  obtain  them  from  the  Superintendent  of  Documents,  Government  Printinj;  Office, 
Washington  25.  D.  C,  at  the  prices  stated  above.  Articles  of  special  interest  are  Issued  as 
reprints  or  as  supplements,  in  whicli  forms  they  are  made  available  for  more  economical 
and  general  distribution. 

Riekettsia^     Complement  fixation  in  rickettsial  diseases,  technique  of  test  [with 
list  of  references]  ;  by  Ida  A.  Bengtson.     [1944.]     [2]  +  4  p.     (Reprint  2546.) 
[From  Public  health  reports,  Mar.  24,  1944,  v.  59,  no.  12.]     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  G.  card  44-41149  FS  2.7/a  :  2546 

Shellfish.  [Revised  list  of  shellfish  dated  Sept.  1,  1943],  supp.  16-18;  May  1- 
June  1,  1944.     [1944.]  various  paging,  4°     [Semimonthly.     Processed.]     t- 

FS  2.16 :  943/supp.l6-18 

Syphilis.  One-day  treatment  of  syphilis  with  fever  and  mapharsen  [with  list  of 
references ;  by]  Nathaniel  Jones,  Charles  M.  Carpenter,  Ruth  A.  Boak,  Stafford 
L.  Warren.  Henry  Hanson.  1944.  [1]  +  5  p.  ( [Venereal  Diseases  Division]  ; 
Reprint    220.)      [From    Venereal    disease    information,    Apr.    1944,    v.    25.] 

*  Paper,  5c.  FS2.9/a:220 

Study  of  amount   of  active  syphilis  found  in   group  of  newly  inducted 

soldiers;  [by]  Joe  W.  Still  and  Eugene  Greenwald.  [1944.]  4  p.  il.  ( [Venereal 
Diseases  Division]  ;  Reprint  221.)  [From  Venereal  disease  information,  Apr. 
1944,  V.  25.]     t  FS2.9/a:221 

Vd  tear  letter  16  and  17,  Apr.  30  and  June  0, 1944 ;  issued  in  cooperation  with  State 
health  departments  by  Division  of  Venereal  Diseases.  [1944.]  2  p.  and  [2] 
p.    4"     [Processed.]     t  FS  2.44 :  16,17 

Venereal  disease  information.  Venereal  disease  information,  v.  25,  no.  5,  May 
1944 ;  issued  by  Public  Health  Service  for  use  in  its  cooperative  work  with 
State  and  local  health  departments  and  physician  in  private  practice.  [1944.] 
[2]  -f  133-162  p.  il.     [Monthly.     Articles  of  special  interest  are  issued  as  re- 

•    Sent  to  Depository  Libraries 

802  Government  Publications 

Venereal  disease  information — Continued, 
prints  or  supplements  and  are  listed  in  the  Montlily  catalog  when  published.] 
*  Paper,  5c.  sinirle  copy,  50c.  a  yr. ;  foreign  subscription,  90c.     •  Item  5^0. 
L.  C.  card  23-2G719.  FS  2.0:  25/5 

Same,  v.  25,  no.  6,  June  1&44 ;  issued  by  Public  Health  Service  for  use  in 

its  cooperative  work  with  State  and  local  health  departments  and  physician 
in  private  practice.  [1944.]  [2]  +  1(J3-196  p.  il.  [Monthly.  Articles  of  spe- 
cial  are  issued  as  reprints  or  supplements  and  are  listed  in  the 
Monthly  catalog  when  publi.shed.]      •  Item  530  FS  2.9:  25/6 


Farmers.  Social  security  for  farm  people;  by  A.  J.  Altmeyer.  [1944.]  2  p.  4° 
[From  Social  security  bulletin,  Apr.  1944,  v.  7,  no.  4.]     f  FS  3.3/a :  F  229 

Medicalr-care  insurance:  Fact  sheet  (questions  and  answers)  on  the  why's  of 
medical-care  insurance  program.    May  1944.     11  p.  4°     [Processed.]     t 

FS  3.2 :  M  46 

Need  for  medical-care  insurance  [with  reference  list ;  prepared  in  Division 

of  Health  and  Disability  Studies].  Washington,  D.  C,  Apr.  1944.  [5]  +  39 
p.  4°     (Bureau  memorandum  57.)     [Processed.]     t 

L.  C.  card  SS  44-6  57 

Social  security  hulletin,  May  1944 ;  v.  7,  no.  5.     [1944.]     cover  title,  56  p.  il.  4° 
[Monthly.     Text  and  another  illustration  on  p.  2—4  of  cover.]     *  Paper,  20c. 
single  copy.  $2.00  a  yr. ;  foreign  subscription,  $3.75.     •  Item  539 
L.  C.  card  40-29327  FS  3.3 :  7/5 

Statistics.  Tabular  guide  to  social  security  statistics,  references  to  periodic 
data  for  1936-43  in  Social  Security  Board  publications.  Washington,  D.  C,  Apr. 
1944.     [8]  p.  4°     [Processed.]     t  FS3.2:Sol3/S 

Writinff  for  Social  Security  Board  [with  list  of  Useful  books  for  letter  and  report 
writers].     Apr.  1944.    iv  -f  48  p.     t     •  Item  537 
L.  C.  card  SS  44-7  FS  3.6 :  W  93 

empix)yme:nt  secueity  bureau 

Unemploq/ment  compensation  interpretation  service:  Benefit  series,  v.  7,  no.  5; 
May  1944.  1944.  cover  title,  ii-f  113  p.  [Monthly.  Text  on  p.  2-4  of  cover. 
Issued  with  perforations.]  *  Paper,  30c.  single  copy,  $3.50  a  yr. ;  foreign  sub- 
scription, $5.00.     •  Item  542  FS  3.108  :  7/5 

Note. — The  Benefit  series  reports  decisions,  opinions,  and  interpretations  rendered 
by  courts,  State  attorneys  general,  unemployment  compensation  commissions,  boards  of 
review  and  by  the  appeal  tribunals,  referees  and  examiners  of  the  various  State  agencies 
that  interpret  provisions  of  State  uuemployment  compensation  laws  afiEecting  benefit 
rights  and  coverage  liabilities. 

The  monthly  issues  contain  decisions  and  opinions  which  establish  new  principles  and 
policies  in  each  State,  a  code,  a  digest,  an  index,  and  a  conversion  table  for  State  num- 
bers and  court  cases  by  name.  The  annual  cumulative  issues  contain  a  code,  an 
index,  a  conversion  table,  a  table  of  affirnianres  and  reversals,  a  table  of  court  cases,  and 
a  digest  of  all  decisions  and  opinions  published  during  tlie  previous  12  months. 


.Vssistance  payments.    Assistance  payments  under  social  security  act,  Nov.  1942; 
[prep.ired  by]  Thomas  G.  Hutton  and  Elizabeth  T.  Ailing.     Mar.  1944.     [4]-f 
41  p.  il.  4°     (Public  Assistance  report  6.)     *  Paper,  15c. 
L.  C.  card  SS44-8  FS  3.13  :  6 

Same,  end  of  1943.     Washington,  D.  C,  May  1944.     cover  title,  15  p.  4° 

([Public  assistance  report  6,  supplement.])  [Processed.  Text  on  p.  2  of 
cover.]     %  FS  3.13 :  6/supp. 

Pffiblic  assistance  [preprinted  from  Social-security  bulletin,  v.  7,  no.  5;  May  1944.1 
[1944.]     4  p.  il.  4"     t  FS  3.3/a  2  :  944/3 

•     Sent  to  Depository  Libraries 

JuLT  1944  803 


Note. — The  Federal  Trade  Commission  discontinued  the  publication  of  advance  sheets  of 
its  decisions  in  printed  form  with  the  conclusion  of  volume  23.  The  Commission  will, 
however,  on  ri  quest,  in  case  of  a  specific  interest,  supply  processed  copy  of  the  full  text 
of  any  complaints,  findings  and  orders,  stipulations,  or  decisions  in  court  cases  to  which 
the  Commission  is  a  parly,  whicli  are  pul)lishe(l  late!  in  printed  form  in  the  bound  volumes 
and  sold  by  the  Superintendent  of  Documents,  Government  Printing  Office,  Washington 
25,  D.  C. 

Lckas  d  Driras,  Inc.  No.  18889,  in  circuit  court  of  appeals  for  2d  circuit,  Lekas 
&  Drivas,  Inc.,  v.  Federal  Trade  Coiumission,  on  petition  to  review  order  of 
Federal  Trade  Commission;  brief  for  rei~pondcnt.  [1944.]  cover  title,  iii+20 
p.     t  FT  1.5 :  L  538 

Parke,  Austin  d  Lipi^comb,  Inc.  No.  1S159,  in  circuit  court  of  appeals  for  2d 
circuit,  Parke,  Austin  &  Lipscomb,  Inc.,  [et  al.]  v.  Federal  Trade  Commission, 
on  petition  to  review  order  of  Federal  Trade  Commission ;  respondent's  peti- 
tion for  rehearing.     [1944.]     cover  title,  8  p.     $  FT  1.5 :  P  222/2 

Segal  Lock  &  Hardncarc  Co..  Inc.  No.  18348,  in  circuit  court  of  appeals  for  2d 
circuit,  Segal  Lock  &  Hardware  Company,  Inc.,  et  al.,  v.  Federal  Trade  Com- 
mission, on  petition  to  review  order  of  Federal  Trade  Commission  ;  brief  for 
respondent.     [1944.]     cover  title,  ii+24  p.     J  FT  1.5  :Se  37/2 

Thomson,  Jndnon  L.,  Manufacturing  Go.  No.  3986,  in  circuit  court  of  appeals  for 
1st  circuit,  Judson  L.  Thomson  Manufacturing  Company  v.  Federal  Trade 
Commission,  on  petition  to  review  and  set  aside  order  of  Federal  Trade  Com- 
mis.sion ;  cross  petition  by  Federal  Trade  Commission.  [1944.]  cover  title, 
2  p.  large  8°     $  FT  1.5 :  T  384 

Work.     Monthly  summary  of  work  for  May  1944.     [1944.]     8  p.     [Processed.]     t 

FT  1.15 :  944/5 



Negroes.  Help  win  the  war !  take  a  Government  job  in  Washington,  make  your 
home  in  residence  halls  built  and  operated  by  Public  Buildings  Administration, 
Federal  Works  Agency  for  Federal  Public  Housing  Authority.  [1944.]  [6] 
p.  il.  narrow  12°     [Processed.     Relates  to  housing  for  Negro  women.]     f 

FW  6.2 :  J  57 


Higlivays,  current  literatui'e,  v.  23,  no.  14-20,  Apr.  5-May  17,  1944;  compiled  by 
library  statf  of  Public  Roads  Administration.  [1944.]  various  paging,  4° 
[Weekly.     Processed.]     |  FW  2.8 :  23/14-20 

Public  roads,  journal  of  highway  research,  v.  23,  no.  12;  Apr.-June  1944.  [1944.] 
cover   title,   p.  301-318,   il.  4"     [Quarterly.     Text   on   p.    2   and  3   of  ct)ver.] 

*  Paper,  10c.  single  copy,  35c.  a  yr. ;  foreign  subscription,  50c.     •  Item  567 

L.  C.  card  Agr  18-322  FW  2.7 :  23/12 

Roads.  Claims  for  damage  to  roads  and  highways  of  States,  estimate  of  appro- 
priation to  pay  claims.  .Time  19,  legislative  day  May  9,  1944.  4  p.  (S.  doc. 
212,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess. )     t 


Decisions.  Decisions  of  comptroller  general,  v.  23 ;  Mar.  1944,  with  index-digest, 
Jan.-Mar.  1944;  Lindsay  C.  Warren,  comptroller  general,  Frank  L.  Yates, 
assistant    comptroller    general.     1944.     [l]+645-743+xxxvii    p.     [Monthly.] 

*  Paper,  15c.  single  copy,  )$1.50  a  yr. ;  foreign  subscription,  $2.00. 

L.  C.  card  22-24145  GA  1.5/a  :  23/9 

•     Sent  to  Depository  Libraries 

804  Government  Publications 

Decisions — Continued. 

Same,  v.  23,  Apr.  1944;  Lindsay  C.  Warren,  comptroller  general,  Frank  L. 

Yates,  assistant  comptroller  general.     1944.     [1] +743-823  p.     [Monthly.] 

GA  1.5/a :  23/10 



Agricultural  chemistry  and  soils  and  fertilizers;  Apr.  1944.     1944.     [2] +30  p. 
(Price  list  46,  89th  edition.)     t     •  Item  592 
L.  C.  card  25-27431  GP  3.9 :  46/39 

American  history  and  biography;  Mar.  1944.     1944.     [2] +41  p.     (Price  list  50, 
29th  edition.)     t     •  Item  592 
L.  C.  ca  rd  26-26331  GP  3.9 :  50/29 

Census  publications,  statistics  of  population,  agriculture,   manufactures,   retail 
and  wholes^ale  distribution,  occupations  and  religious  bodies;  Apr.  1944.     1944. 
[2] +49  p.     (Price  list  70,  23d  edition.)     t     •Item  592 
L.  C.  ca  rd  25-26529  GP  3.9 :  70/23 

Commerce  and  manufactures;  Mar.  1944.     1944.     [2] +81  p.     (Price  list  62,  24th 
edition.)     t     •  Item  592 
L.  C.  card  26-26374  GP  3.9 :  62/24 

Government  pultlicafions.  List  of  selected  United  States  Government  publica- 
tions, June  1  and  15,  1944.  [1944.]  4  p.  and  8  p.  (1944-11  and  1944-12.) 
[Semimonthly.]     t     •  Item  593 

L.  C.  card  28-26554  GP  3.17 :  944/11,12 

Note. — This  List  is  an  advertising  list  of  United  States  Government  publications  for 
sale  by  tbe  Superintendent  of  Documents.  Its  purpose  is  to  keep  interested  persona 
informed  as  to  new  publications.  The  List  is  arranged  alphabetically  by  subjects,  with 
annotations  and  prices.  It  may  be  obtained  free  of  charge  upon  application  to  the  Super- 
intendent of  Documents,  Government  Printing  Office,  Washington  25,  D.  C 

Laics,  regulations,  decisions  of  courts,  boards,  and  commissions  ;  Mar.  1944.     1944. 
[2] +94  p.      (Price  list  10,  34th  edition.)     t     •  Item  592 
L.  C.  card  26-26488  GP  3.9 :  10/34 

Monthli/  catalog.     United  States  Government  publications,  monthly  catalog  no. 
593;  June  1944.     1944.     viii+601-725  p.     *  Paper,  20c.  single  copy,  $2.00  a  yr. ; 
foreign  subscription,  $2.60.     •   Item  590 
L.  C.  card  4-18088  GP  3.8/1 :  944/6 

Wo7-ld  War  II.  national  defense,  post-war  planning  ;  Mar.  1944.     1944.     [2] +54  p. 
(Price  list  77,  1st  edition.)     t     •  Item  592 
L.  C.  card  44-41148  GP  3.9 :  77/1 


Note. — The  decisions  of  the  Department  of  the  Interior  including  leading  decisions  and 
important  opinions  with  regulations  and  instructions  relating  to  all  activities  of  the  Depart- 
ment are  usually  issued  in  signatures  and  published  later  in  bound  volumes.  Advance  parts 
1,  2,  and  .S  of  v.  57  have  been  issued  as  separates,  however,  as  an  economy  measure,  separates 
will  be  disiontinued  for  tl^e  war  period.  Prices  for  hound  vohimes  furnished  upon  application 
to  the  Superintendent  of  Documents,  Government  Printing  Office,  Washington  25,  D.  C. 

/«..side /rticnor,  v.  1,  no.  7;  June  1944.     [1944.]     large  4°     [.Monthly.]     J 

1 1.75 : 1/7 

Laiv  library  reporter,  v.  4,  no.  6;  June  1944.     Washington,  1944.     [2] +35-42  p.  4° 
[Processwl.]     X 
L.C.  card  42-37804  11.74:4/6 


Electricity.  Generation  and  sales  statistics,  Apr.  1944.  [1944.]  [2]  p.  oblong 
large  8",  folded  into  4°  size  +  [1]  p.  4°  [Monthly.     Processed.]     %      1 44.8  :  944/4 

•     Sent  to  Depository  Libraries 

July  1944  805 


i  Alaska.  Regulatory  announcement  9,  amdt.  1 ;  May  16, 1944.  Chicago,  111.  [1944.] 
3  p.  4°  LProcessed.  Title  50,  Wildlife,  chap.  1,  Fish  and  Wildlife  Service, 
subchap.  Q,  Alaska  commercial  fisheries,  published  by  Federal  Register  Divi- 
sion, National  Archives.]     t  I  49.24 :  9/amdt.l 

y^Fish  and  fisheric>i.  Breathing  in  fishes ;  prepared  in  Division  of  Fishery  Biology. 
Chicago,  III.,  Apr.  1944.  [2]  p.  4°  (Fishery  leaflet  55.)  [Processed.  Super- 
sedes Memorandum  1-109  issued  by  former  Fisheries  Bureau.]     $        1 49.28  :  55 

-   Fish  us  food.    Propagation  and  distribution  of  food  fishes,  calendar  year  1942; 
by  M.  C.  James,  O.  Lloyd  IMeeheun,  and  E.  J.  Douglass.     June  1944.     27  p. 
(Statistical  digest  9.)     *  Paper,  10c.     •  Item  604 
L.  C.  card  8-35107  1 49.32 :  9 

''  Fishery  products.  Cold  storage  holdings  of  fishery  products,  May  1, 1944.  [1944.] 
2  p.  4°  (Current  fishery  statistics  no.  125.)  [Processed.  Statistics  furnished 
by  War  Food  Administration,  Distribution  Oftice.]     $  149.8/2:125 

■ Landings  by  fishing  vessels  at  certain  New  England  ports,  Mar.   1944. 

[1944.]     5  p.  oblong  8°     (Current  fishery  statistics  no.  123.)      [Processed.]     t 

I  49.8/2 :  123 

^  ■ Same,  Apr.  1944.     [1944.]     6  p.  oblong  8°     (Current  fishery  statistics  no. 

126.)      [Processed.]     t  149.8/2:126 

■ Landings  bv  fishing  craft  at  New  Bedford,   Mass.,   Mar.   1944.     [1944.] 

2  p.  4°     (Current  fishery  statistics  no.  124.)      [Processed.]     $  1 49.8/2 :  124 

■ Principles  and  methods  in  canning  of  fishery  products  [with  list  of  liter- 
ature cited]  ;  by  Norman  D.  Jarvis.  1943.  vii-[-366  p.  il.  (Research  report 
7. )     *  Paper,  50c.     O  Item  610  1 49.26 :  7 

.  Otter  tra/wl  net  for  small  fishing  boats ;  by  B.  O.  Knake  and  R.  T.  Whiteleather. 
Chicago,  111.,  Feb.  1944.  12  p.  11.  4°  (Fishery  leaflet  49.)  [Processed.  From 
Fishery  bulletin  of  Puerto  Rico,  V.  9,  no.  2,  June  1943.]     t  149.28:49 

Oysters.  Planting  and  marketing  oysters  in  the  Pacific  Northwest;  by  Lynn  G. 
]\IcKee.     Chicago,  111.,  Apr.  1944.     6  p.  4°     (Fishery  leaflet  52.)      [Processed.]   t 

1 49.28 :  52 

Sauces  for  seafoods ;  prepared  in  Division  of  Fishery  Industries.  Chicago,  111., 
Apr.  1944.     4  p.  4"     (Fishery  leaflet  53.)      [Processed.]     t  149.28:53 

Vitamin  A  report,  Feb.  1944.  [1944.]  1  p.  oblong  8°  (Current  fishery  statistics 
no.  119.)      [Processed.]     }  149.8/2:119 

Wildlife  revieiv,  abstracting  service  for  wildlife  management,  issued  for  informa- 
tion of  coopera  tors,  no  40 ;  June  1944.     [1944.]     54  p.  4"     [Processed.]     $ 

I  49.17 :  40 


Note. — The  publications  of  the  United  States  Geological  Survey  consist  of  Monographs, 
Professional  papers,  Bulletins,  Water-supply  papers,  folios  of  the  Geologic  atlas  of  the 
United  States,  topographic  maps  (some  of  -which  bear  descriptive  texfj,  base  maps,  and 
other  maps  of  the  United  States  and  of  single  States.  Practically  all  of  them  are  sale 
publications.  Tlie  maps  and  folios  are  sold  by  the  Geological  Survey,  Washington  25.  D.  C. 
Orders  for  other  publications  that  are  for  sale  should  be  sent  to  the  Superintendent  of 
Documents,  Washington  25,  D.  C. 

Atlantic  Coastal  Plain.  Surface  water  supply  of  United  States,  1942 ;  pt.  1,  North 
Atlantic  slope  basins ;  prepared  under  direction  of  Glen  L.  Parker,  chief  hy- 
draulic engineer,  B.  L.  Bigwood,  A.  W.  Harrington,  O.  W.  Hartwell,  A.  H.  Hor- 
ton,  H.  B.  Kinnison,  J.  W.  Mangan,  M.  R.  Stackpole.  and  D.  S.  Wallace,  district 
engineers.  1944.  x+609  p.  1  pi.  (Water-supply  paper  951.)  [Prepared  in 
cooperation  with  Connecticut,  Maine,  Mai'yland,  Masssachusetts,  New  Hamp- 
shire, New  Jersey,  New  York,  Pennsylvania.  Rliode  Island,  Vermont,  Virginia, 
and  West  Virginia.]  *  Paper,  $1.00.  •  Item  627 
L.  C.  card  GS  10-290  1 19.13  :  951 

•    Sent  to  Depository  Libraries 

806  Government  Publications 

Geology.     Blbliogrnphy  of  North  American  geology,  192(>-39;  by  Emma  Mertins 
Thorn.     1044.     [2   pts.    in    1    v.]     ii+154G+[l]    p.     (Bulletin   937.)     *  Cloth, 
$2.50.     •  Item  (!22 
L.  C.  card  GS  9-427  1 19.3  :  937 

nnnovcr.  Pa.     Geology  of  Hanover-York  district,  Pa. ;  by  Anna  Jonas  Stose  and 
George  W.  Stose.     1944.     vii-f84  p.  il.  4  pi.  12  p.  of  pi.  2  maps,  1  is  in  pocket, 
4°     (Professional  paper  204.)     *  Paper,  $1.75.     •  Item  626 
L.  C.  card  GS44-34  1 19.16 :  204 

PMftricofion*  issued  in  May  1944;  list  435.  [1944.]  4  p.  [Monthly.]  t  •Item 
624  119.14/4:435 


Note. — The  maps  listed  below  are  sold  by  the  Geological  Survey.  Remittances  for  these 
maps  should  bo  made  by  money  order  payable  to  the  Director  of  the  Geological  Survey, 
Washington  25,  D.  C.  ISxcept  as  otherwise  indicated,  a  discount  of  40  percent  is  allowed 
on  an  order  for  maps,  or  for  maps  and  geologic  folios,  that  amounts  to  .?5.00  at  the  retail 
price.     In  ordering  give  the  name  and  scale  of  each  map  and  the  State  in  which  the  area  lies. 

Arkansas  bauxite  district,  Pulaski  and  Saline  Counties,  Ark.  [with  text],  by 
Robert  P.  Bryson  and  Mackenzie  Gordon,  jr. ;  strategic  minerals  investigations, 
preliminary  map.  Scale  1 :  48,000,  contour  interval  50  ft.  Feb.  1,  1944. 
28X37  in.  [Processed.  Map  shovring  surface  geology,  subsurface  contours 
drawn  on  post-midway  surface,  and  bauxite  mines,  compiled  by  R.  C.  Shelton 
(contours)  and  E.  B.  Parmelee  (mines)  from  data  assembled  by  M.  Gordon,  jr., 
T.  A.  Steven,  W.  E.  Benson,  J.  I.  Tracey,  jr.,  and  other  members  of  the  Geologi- 
cal Survey  bauxite  field  party,  R.  P.  Bryson,  chief  of  party.  Includes  map 
24  X  30  in.  ]     t  50c.  1 19.25  :  M  66/7/  prelim. 

District  of  Columhia.  Maryland,  Virginia,  District  of  Columbia.  Washington  and 
vicinity,  lat.  38°45'-39°05',  long  76°52'.30"-77°15'.  Scale  1:31,680.  contour 
interval  10  ft.     n.  p.  edition  of  1944.     47X42  in.     t  25c.        1 19.25 :  W  27/2/944 

Wyoming.  Geologic  map  and  sections  of  Lance  Creek  oil  and  gas  field  and 
vicinity,  Niobrara  County,  Wyo.,  geology  by  W.  B.  Kramer  and  C.  E.  Dobbin, 
assisted  by  Robert  McMillan;  [map]."  Scale  1  m.=l  in.  1943  [published 
1&44].  31X40  in.  [Processed.  The  margins  are  illustrated,  making  the  out- 
side measurements  of  this  sheet  42X50  in.]     t  50c.  119.25:015/7 

Willow  Creek  coal  area,  Lincoln  County,  Wyo.,  1944;  preliminary  geologic 

and  structure  maps  and  coal  sections  [with  text]  bv  David  A.  Andrews.    [1944.] 
40X28  in.     [Includes  maps  18X7  in.  and  18X8  in.]     t  50c. 

1 19.25 :  C  63/4/prelim. 

Topographic  quadrangle  maps 

Note. — The  Geological  Survey  makes  contoured  maps — three-dimension  topographic 
maps — which  are  designed  eventually  to  cover  the  whole  Unltrd  States,  also  Alaska,  Hawaii, 
and  Puerto  Rico.  The  individual  maps  are  projected  to  represent  quadranele  areas  rather 
than  political  divisions,  and  each  map  is  designated  by  the  name  of  some  prominent  town 
or  natural  feature  within  that  area.  The  scales  most  commonly  used  are  1  :  24,000  (1 
inch  =  2,000  feet),  1  :  31,680  (1  inch=y3  mile),  1  :  62,500  (1  inch=  about  1  mile),  and 
1:125.000  (1  inch  =  about  2  miles).  A  general  description  of  topographic  maps  and  a  list 
of  the  symbols  used  are  printed  on  the  reverse  of  each  sheet. 

About  half  of  the  continental  area  of  the  country,  excluding  Alaska,  has  been  mapped, 
every  State  being  represented.  Connecticut.  Delaware,  the  District  of  Columbia.  Hawaii, 
Mar.vland.  Massachusetts,  New  Hampshire.  New  York,  Ohio,  Rhode  Island,  and  West  Vir- 
ginia are  completely  mapped.  Maps  of  the  regular  size  are  sold  by  the  Geological  Survey 
at  10c.  each.  Except  as  otherwise  indicated,  a  discount  of  40  percent  is  allowed  on  any 
order  which  amounts  to  $5.00  at  the  retail  price.  The  discount  is  allowed  on  an  order  for 
either  maps  or  folios  alone  or  for  maps  and  fnlios  together.  In  ordering,  give  the  name 
and  scale  of  the  map  and  the  State  in  which  t'^e  area  lies. 

Alahama.  Alabama,  Mcintosh  quadrangle,  lat.  31°15'-31°30',  long.  88''-88''15'. 
Scale  1 :  62,500,  contour  interval  10  ft.     n.  p.  edition  of  1944.     17X 15  in.     1 10c. 

1 19.12:  IM  189/944 

Alabama,   Tensaw  quadrangle,   lat.   31°-31°lo',   long.   87°45'-8S°.     Scale 

1 :  62,500,  contour  interval  10  ft.      n,  p.  edition  of  1944.     17X15  in.     1 10c. 


Arizona.  Arizona,  Fisher  Hills  quadrangle,  lat.  32''15'-32°30',  long.  109''30'- 
109°45'.  Scale  1 :  62,500,  contour  interval  .')0  ft.  n.  p.  edition  of  1944.  17X15  in. 
t  10c.  1 19.12 :  2  F  539/944 

•     Sent  to  Depository  Libraries 

JuLT  1944  807 

Arizona — Continued. 

Arizona,  Oro  Blanco  quadrangle,  lat.  31°15'-31°30',  long.  111°15'-111°30'. 

Scale  1 :  62,500,  contour  interval  50  ft.     n.  p.  edition  of  1&44.     17X15  in.     [Map 
covers  only  a  portion  of  the  sheet.]     1 10c.  1 19.12 :  2  Or  6/944 

Arkansas,  Benton  quadrangle,  lat.  34°30'-34°45',  long.  92°30-92°45'.  Scale 
1 :  62,500,  contour  interval  20  ft.     n.  p.  edition  of  1944.     17X15  in.     1 10c. 

1 19.12 :  3  B  446/944 

California.  California,  Auburn  quadrangle,  lat.  38°45'-39°,  long.  121°-121°15'. 
Scale  1 :  62,500,  contour  interval  50  ft.    n.  p.  edition  of  1944.     18 X 14  in.     1 10c. 

1 19.12 :  4  Au  19/944 

California,   Flournoy   quadrangle,   lat.   39°45'-40°,    long.    122°15'-122°30'. 

Scale  1 :  62,500,  contour  interval  50  ft.     n.  p.  edition  of  1944.     18X14  in.    1 10c. 

1 19.12 :  4  F  668/944 

California,  Hernandez  Valley  quadrangle,  lat.  36°15'-36°30',  long.  120°45'- 

121°.     Scale  1 :  62,500,  contour  interval  50  ft.     n.  p.  edition  of  1944.    18x14  in. 
t  10c.  1 19.12  :  4  H  43/944 

California,  Oroville  quadrangle,  lat.  39°30'-39°45',  long.  121°30'-121°45'. 

Scale  1 :  62,500,  contour  interval  50  ft.     n.  p.  edition  of  1944.     18X14  in.     1 10c. 

1 19.12  :  4  Or  G/944 

California,  Potrero  quadrangle,  lat.  32°30'-32°45',  long.  116°30'-116°45'. 

Scale    1:62,500,    contour    interval   50  ft.   n.   p.   edition   of   1944.     17X15   in. 
[Map  covers  only  a  portion  of  the  sheet.]     f  10c.  1 19.12  :  4  P  849/944 

California,  Priest  Valley  quadrangle,  lat.  36°-36°15',  long.  120°30'-120°45'. 

Scale  1 :  62.500,  contour  interval  50  ft.      n.  p.  edition  of  1944.    17X15  in.     f  10c. 

1 19.12  :  4  P  933/944 

California,    Raymond    quadrangle,    lat.    37°-37°15',    long.    119M5'-120°. 

Scale  1 :  62,500,  contour  interval  50  ft.    n.  p.  edition  of  1944.    17X15  in.    t  10c. 

119.12:  4  R  218/2/944 

California,  Sutter  Creek  quadrangle,  lat.  38°15'-38°30',  long.  120°45'-121"'. 

Scale  1 :  62,500,  contour  interval  50  ft.     n.  p.  edition  of  1944.     18X14  in.     1 10c. 

1 19.12 :  4  Su  88/2/944 

California,   Wilbur    Springs   quadrangle,    lat.   39°-39°15',   long.    122°15'- 

122°30'.     Scale    1:62,500,    contour    int-erval    50    ft.    n.    p.    edition    of    1944. 
17X14  in.     tlOc.  1 19.12 :  4  W  641/944 

Colorado,  Ralston  Buttes  quadrangle,  lat.  39°45'-39°52'30",  long.  105°15'-105° 
22'30".  Scale  1 :  31,680,  contour  interval  50  ft.  n.  p.  edition  of  1944.  17X13 
in.     t     10c.  1 19.12:  5  R  139/944 

Florida.  Florida,  Green  Point  quadrangle,  lat.  29M5'-29°52'30",  long.  84°45'- 
84°52'30".  Scale  1 :  31,680,  contour  interval  10  ft.  n.  p.  edition  of  1944.  17X 
15  in.     t     10c.  1 19.12:  9 G  827/944 

■    Florida,    Long    Point    quadrangle,    lat.    30°-30°07'30",    long.    85°30'- 

85°37'30".     Scale  1:31,680,   contour  interval   10  ft.     n.  p.   edition   of  1944. 
17X15   in.     t     10c.  1 19.12 :  9  L  854/944 

Illinois.  Illinois,  Galva  quadrangle,  lat.  41°-41°15',  long.  90°-90°15'.  Scale 
1 :  62,500,  contour  interval  10  ft.     n.  p.  edition  of  1944.     18X13  in.     t     10c. 

1 19.12 :  12  G  139/944 

Illinois,   New   Douglas  quadrangle,   lat.   38°45'-39°,   long.   89°30'-89°45'. 

Scale  1 :  62-,500,  contour  interval  10  ft.     n.  p.  edition  of  1944.     17  X 14  in.     t    10c. 

1 19.12 :  12  N  42  d/944 

Indiana.  Indiana,  Bucktown  quadrangle,  lat.  3S°52'30"-39°,  long.  87*'15'-87° 
22'30".  Scale  1  :  24,000,  contour  interval  10  ft.  n.  p.  edition  of  1944.  23X18 
in.     t     10c.  1 19.12 :  14  B  858/944 

Indiana,  Washington  quadrangle,  lat.  38°37'30"-38°45',  long.  87°07'30"- 

87°15'.     Scale  1:24,000,  contour  interval  10  ft.    n.  p.  edition  of  1944.    23X18 
in.     t    10c.  119.12: 14  W  279/944 

•     Sent  to  Depository  Libraries 

808  Government  Publications 

Indiana — Continued. 

Indiana,  Wheatland  quadrangle,  lat.   38°37'30"-38°45',  long.   ST^IS'-ST" 

22'30".    Scale  1:24,000,  contour  interval  10  ft.     n.  p.  edition  of  1944.     23X18 
in.     t     10c.  119.12:  14  W5G/944 

Indiana-Illinois,  Frltchton  quadrangle,  lat.  38°37'30"-38°45',  long.  87°22' 

30"-87°30'.     Scale  1:24,000,  contour   interval   10  ft.     n.   p.   edition   of  1944. 
23  X 18  in.     t     10c.  1 19.12  :  14  F  918/944 

/owa-Missouri,  Seymour  quadrangle,  lat.  40°30'-40°45',  long.  93°-93°15'.  Scale 
1 :  62,500,  contour  interval  20  ft.     n.  p.  edition  of  1944.     17X13  In.     1 10c. 

1 19.12 :  If)  Se  96/944 

Louisiana.  Louisiana.  Slagle  quadrangle,  lat.  31°-31°15',  long.  93°-93°15'. 
Scale  1 :  62,500,  contour  interval  20  ft.     n.  p.  edition  of  1944.     18X15  in.     t  10c. 

1 19.12  :  18  SI  12/944 

Louisiana-TexaP,  quadrangle,  lat.  31°45'-32°,  long  93°45'-94''. 

Scale  1 :  62,500,  contour  interval  20  ft.     n.  p.  edition  of  1944.     17X15  in.     t  10c. 

1 19.12  :  18  L  828/944 

Massachusetts.  Massachusetts,  Edgartown  quadrangle,  lat.  41°20'-41°27'30", 
long.  70°27'30"-70°35'.  Scale  1:31,680,  contour  intetval  10  ft.  n.  p.  edition 
of  1&44.     17X13  in.     t     10c.  1 19.12 :  21  Ed  34/944 

Massachusetts,   Orleans  quadrangle,   lat.  41°45'-41°52'30",  long.  69°55'- 

70°02'30".     Scale  1:31,680,  contour  interval  10  ft.       n.  p.  edition  of  1944. 
17X13  in.     t     10c.  119.12 :  21  Or  5/944 

Massachusetts,    Taunton    quadrangle,    lat.    41°52'30"-42°,    Ictng.    71°-71° 

07'30".     Scale  1 :  31,680,  contour  interval  10  ft.     n.  p.  edition  of  1944.     17X13  in. 
t     10c.  1 19.12 :  21  T  193/944 

Massachusetts-New   Hampshire,   Lawrence   quadrangle,   lat.   42°37'30"- 

42°45',  long.  71°07'30"-71°15'.     Scale  1:31,680,  contour  interval  10  ft.     n.  p. 
edition  of  1944.     17  X 13  in.     t     10c.  1 19.12  :  21  L  439/944 

Mississippi,  Vancleave  quadrangle,  lat.  30°30'-30°45',  long.  88°30'-88°45'.  Scale 
1:  62,500,  contour  interval  10  ft.     n.  p.  edition  of  1944.     17X15  in.     t     10c. 

1 19.12  :  24  V  278/944 

Missouri.  Missouri,  Gerald  quadrangle,  lat.  38°15'-38°30',  long.  9in5'-91°30'. 
Scale  1 :  62,500,  contour  interval  20  ft.     n.  p.  edition  of  1944.     18X14  in.     f  10c. 

1 19.12:  25  G  311/944 

Missouri,   Humansville  quadrangle,   lat.    37°45'-37°52'30",   long.   93°30'- 

93°37'30".     Scale  1:24,000,   contour   interval   10  ft.     n.   p.   edition   of  1944. 
23X18  in.     t     10c.  119.12  :  25  H  88/944 

Missouri,  Iconium  quadrangle,  lat.  38°-38°07'30",  long.  93°30'-93°37'30". 

Scale  1 :  24,000,  contour  interval  10  ft.     n.  p.  edition  of  1944.     23X18  in.     t  10c. 

1 19.12  :  25  Ic  7/944 

Missouri,  Weaubleau  quadrangle,  lat.  37°52'30"-38°,  long.  93°30'-93°37' 

30".     Scale  1:24,000,  contour  interval  10  ft.     n.  p.  edition  of  1944.     23X18 
in.     t     10c.  1 19.12  :  25  W  378/&44 

Montana.  Montana,  Judith  Peak  quadrangle,  lat.  47°-47°15',  long.  109°-109°15'. 
Scale  1 :  62,500,  contour  interval  50  ft.     n.  p.  edition  of  1944.     18X12  in.     tlOc. 

1 19.12:  26  J  899/944 

Montana,  Lewistown  quadrangle,   lat.   47°-47°15',   long.   109°15'-109°30'. 

Scale  1 :  62,500,  contour  interval  50  ft.  n.  p.  edition  of  1944.     17X12  in.     1 10c. 

1 19.12  :  26  L  589/944 

New  York  State,  New  York,  Cleveland  quadrangle,  lat.  43°07'30"-43°15',  long. 
75''52'30"-76°.  Scale  1:31,680,  contour  interval  5  ft.  n.  p.  edition  of  1944. 
17X13  in.     tlOc.  119.12 :  32  C  599/944 

New  York,  Jewell  quadrangle,  lat.  43°07'30"-43°15',  long.  75°45'-75°52'30". 

Scale  1 :  31,680,  contour  interval  5  ft.      n.  p.  edition  of  1944.     17X18  in.     f  10c. 

1 19.12 :  32  J  549/944 

•    Sent  to  Depository  Libraries 

July  1944  809 

:^orth  Dakota,  Heart  Butte  quadrangle,  46°30'-46°45',  long.  101°45'-102°.  Scale 
1 :  62,500,  contour  interval  20  ft.      u.  p.  edition  of  1944.     18X12  in.     1 10c. 

1 19.12:  34  H  351/944 
Pennsylvania,   Canton   quadrangle,   lat.   41°30'-41°45',   long.   76°45'-77°.     Scale 
1 :  62,500,  contour  interval  20  ft.     u.  p.  edition  of  1944.     17X13  in.     f  10c. 


Rhode  Island,  Newport  quadrangle,  lat.  41°22'80"-41"'30',  long.  71°15'-71°22'30". 

Scale  1 :  31,080,  contour  interval  10  ft.     n.  p.  edition  of  1944.     17X13  in.     f  10c. 

1 10.12 :  39  N  42  zp/944 
South  Dakota,  lona  quadrangle,  lat.  43°30'-43°45',  long.  99°15'-99°30'.     Scale 
1 :  62,500,  contour  interval  20  ft.     n.  p.  edition  of  1944.     17X13  in.     f  10c. 

1 19.12:4110  6/944 
Tea?os-Louisiana,  Patroon  quadrangle,  lat.  31°30'-31°45',  long.  93°45'-94°.     Scale 
1 :  62,.500,  contour  interval  20  ft.     n.  p.  edition  of  1944.     18X15  in.     1 10c. 

1 19.12:  43  P  276/944 
Utah,  Monroe  quadrangle,  lat.  3S°30'-38°45',  long.  112°-112°15'.     Scale  1:  62,500, 
contour  interval  50  ft.     n.  p.  edition  of  1944.     18X14  in.     1 10c. 

1 19.12 :  45  M  757/944 

Virginia-West  A'irginia.  Monterey  quadrangle,  lat.  38°15'-38°30',  long.  79°30'- 

79° 45'.     Scale  1 :  62,500,  contour  interval  40  ft.     n.  p.  edition  of  1944.     17X 14  in. 

1 10c.  1 19.12  :  47  M  764/944 


Blasting.  Safety  blasting  practices  in  New  York  quarry ;  by  Norman  King  and 
Allen  D.  Look.  May  1944.  [l]+9  p.  3  p.  of  pi.  4°  (Report  of  investigations, 
R.  I.  3752.)      [Processed.]     f  128.23:3752 

Cement.  Monthly  cement  report  CP  275.  June  1,  1944.  6  leaves,  il.  f°  (Min- 
eral industry  surveys.)      [Processed.]     f  '     128.29:275 

Same,  supp.  A.     June  10,  3944.     4  p.  il.  f°     (Mineral  industry  surveys.) 

[Processed.]     t  I  28.29:  275/supp.A 

Coal.  Distribution  of  coal  shipments,  M.  C.  D.  146.  May  27,  1944.  20  p  il  f° 
[Processed.]     t  128.24:146 

Same,  M.  C.  D.  147.     June  13, 1944.     5  p.  il.  f°     [Processed.]     $     128.24:147 

Preliminary  estimates  of  production  of  bituminous  coal  and  lignite,  May 

1944.     June  6,  1944.     1  p.  4°     (Mineral  industry  surveys.)     [Monthly.     Proc- 
essed.]    t  128.64:944/5 

Preliminary  estimates  of  production  of  Pennsylvania  anthracite  and  of 

coke.   May   1944.     [1944.]     1  p.  4"     (Mineral   industry  surveys;   PCC  5-44) 
[Monthly.     Processed.]     f  128.50:944/5 

Weekly  anthracite  and  coke  report  WACR  360-WACR  363.     June  3-24, 

1944.     Each  3  p.  or  2  p.  il.  4"     (Mineral  industry  surveys.)      [Processed.]     t 

I  28.49 :  360-363 

Weekly  coal  report  W.  C.  R.  1401-W.  C.  R.  1405.     INIay  27- June  24,  1944. 

Each  2  p.  or  5  p.  il.  4°     (Mineral  industry  surveys.)      [Processed.]     f 

I  28.33 :  1401-1405 

Coal-mine  fatalities  in  Apr.  1944.     [1944.]     10-[-[3]  p.  il.  4°     (Mineral  industry 

surveys ;  CMF  154. )      [MonthlJ^     Processed.]     f  128.10/2:154 

Coke.  Monthly  coke  report,  MCR  194.  June  2,  1944.  3  p.  il.  4"  (Mineral  in- 
dustry surveys.)      [Processed.]     t  128.30:194 

Drill  hole  casifigs.  Ground-resistance  measurements  of  drill-hole  casings*  by 
F.  E.  Griffith  and  E.  J.  Gleim.  May  3944.  [l]-|-7  p.  1  pi.  4"  (Report  of  in- 
vestigations, R.  I.  3756.)      [Proce.ssed.]     t  128.23.3750 

Engines.  Possible  hazards  attending  of  engines  operated  on  butane  fuel  in 
mining  and  tunneling;  by  L.  B.  Berger  and  II.  II.  Schrenk.  May  1944.  [l]-f- 
6  p.  4°     (Information  circular,  I.  C.  7284.)      [Processed.]     f        '    128  27-7284 


Sent  to  Depository  Libraries 

810  Government  Publications 

Erplosians  iu  medium-pressure  acetylene  generators ;  by  G.  W.  Jones,  G.  S.  Scott, 
R.  E.  Kennedy,  and  W.  J.  Huff.  May  1944.  [1] +20  p.  7  p.  of  pi.  4°  (Report 
of  investigations,  R.  I.  3755.)      [Processed.]     t  128.23:3755 

Oases.  Apparatus  for  determining  minimum  energies  for  electric-spark  ignition 
(if  tlammable  gases  and  vapors ;  by  P.  G.  Guest.  May  1944.  [l]-f-l()  p.  6  p.  of 
pi.  4°     (Report  of  investigations,  R.  I.  3753.)      [Processed.]     t        128.23:3753 

GiiHoUne.  National  motor-gasoline  survey,  winter  1943-44 ;  by  O.  C.  Blade.  May 
1944.    [1]  +28  p.  1  pi  4°     (Report  of  investigations,  R.  I.  3758.)      [Processed.]   t 

I  28.23 :  3758 

Natural  gasoline  and  allied  products,  Apr.  1944.  [1944.]  [2]  p.  4°  (Min- 
eral industry  surveys;  NGR  944a-112.)     [Monthly.    Processed.]     t 

1 28.47 :  112 

Geophysical  ahstracts  116,  Jan.-Mar.  1944;  compiled  by  W.  Ayvazoglou  and  V. 
Skitsky.     May    1944.     [l]+54    p.    4°     (Information    circular,    I.    C.    7285.) 
[Processed.]     t 
L.  C.  card  GS37-206  1 28.27  :  7285 

Gold,  silver,  copper,  lead,  and  zinc  in  Texas  (mine  report)  ;  by  Chas.  W.  Hender- 
son and  R.  H.  Mote.  1944.  [2] +4  p.  [Preprint  from  Minerals  yearbook, 
1943.]     *  Paper,  5c.  1 28.37/a  :  G  563/10/943 

Metallurgy.    Electrical  devices  applied  to  metallurgical  research  ;  by  E.  V.  Potter. 
1944.     ii+30  p.  il.     (Technical  paper  661.)     *  Paper,  10c.     •  Item  646 
L.  C.  card  44-41066  I  28.7 :  661 

Mine  accidents.     Employment  and   accidents   at   nonmetallic-mineral   mines  in 

United  States  during  1942;  [prepared  by  F.  J.  Kennedy  and  L.  T.  Miller]. 

[Mar.   15,   1944.]     15  p.  4"  (Mineral  industry  surveys;   H.   S.    S.   no.  332.) 

[Processed.]     j  128.26:332 

Mining  machinery.  Permissible  mine  equipment  approved  during  1943;  by  E.  J. 
Gleim.  May  1944.  [l]+5  p.  4°  (Information  circular,  I.  C.  7283.)  [Proc- 
essed.]    t  128.27:7283 

Motor  fuel.  Forecast  of  demand  for  motor  fuel  and  crude  oil,  June  1944.  [1944.] 
3  p.  4°     (Mineral  industi-y  surveys;  MFR  108.)      [Monthly.      Processed.]      t 

1 28.41 :  108 

Petroleum.  Crude  petroleum  and  petroleum  products,  Apr.  1944.  [1944.]  11  p. 
4°     (Mineral  industry  surveys;  P  249.)      [Monthly.     Processed.]     t 

I  28.18/2 :  249 

■ Weekly  crude  oil  stock  report  554-558.     June  2-30,  1944.     Each  1  p.  4° 

(Mineral  industry  surveys.)      [Processed.]     t  128.46:534-558 

Plastics.  Inflammability  and  explosibility  of  powders  used  in  plastics  industry ; 
by  Irving  Hartmann  and  John  Nagy.  May  1944.  [l]+38  p.  10  p.  of  pi.  4° 
(Report  of  investigations,  R.  I.  3751.)     [Processed.]     t  128.23:3751 

Publications.  New  publications,  Bureau  of  Mines,  monthly  list  349;  May  1944. 
[1944.]     3  p.     t     •  Item  642  128.5/2:349 

Supplement  to  List  of  publications,  Bureau  of  Mines,  Jan.  1-Dec.  31,  1943, 

with  subject  and  author  index.     1944.     ii+30  p.     [Supplements  earlier  lists 
of  publications  issued  from  1910  to  Dec.  31,  1942.]     t     •  Item  638 

1 28.5A :  943 

Safety  fuses.  Burning  rate  of  fuse :  by  D.  Harrington  and  R.  G.  Warneke.  May 
1944.     [1]+10  p.  4°     (Information  circular,  I.  C.  7281.)     [Processed.]     t 

I  28.27 :  7281 

Safety  lamps.     Construction,  care,  and  use  of  permissible  flame  safety  lamps ;  by 
A.  B.   Hooker.      1944.      ii+18  p.   il.       (Minei's'  circular  44.)       *  Paper,   10c. 
•  Item  640 
L.  C.  card  44-41146  1 28.6 :  44 

&7o/r;  by  Oliver  Bowles  and  M.  S.  Jenisen.  1044.  [2]+9p.  il.  [Preprint  from 
Minerals  yearbook,  1943.]     *  Paper,  5e.  I  28.37/a  :  Si  14/943 

•    Sent  to  Depository  Libraries 

July  1944  811 

Smokestacks.     Dilution  of  stack  effluents  [with  bibliography]  ;  by  G.  E.  McElroy, 
C.  E.  Brown,  L.  B.  Berger,  and  H.  H.  Schrenk.    1&44.    iv+46  p.  il.     (Technical 
paper  657.)     *  Paper,  10c.     •  Item  646 
L.  C.  card  44-41065  1 28.7 :  657 


Natiotial  parks.  Statement  concerning  facilities  available  to  the  public  in  na- 
tional park  areas  during  1944  season  ;  revised  to  [May  8].  [1944.]  [l]+5  p.  4° 
[Processed.    May  8  has  been  added  with  rubber  stamp.]     t      1 29.2 :  F 11/2/944 


Deschutes  project.  Crooked  River  Crossing,  North  Unit  Main  Canal,  Deschutes 
project,  Oreg.  [United  Publishing  Co.,  Denver,  May  15,  1944.]  cover  title,  32  p. 
18  pi.  map,  4°  (Specifications  1072.)  [Schedule,  specifications,  and  drawing; 
bids  will  be  received  until  June  3,  1944.]     t    Paper,  $1.75.  I  27.8: 1072 

Earthwork  and  structures,  concrete  highway  bridge,  station  1018+21.8, 

concrete  highway  bridge  station  1295+20,  City  of  Prineville  Railway  siphon, 
station  1362+12,  and  Sherwood  Canyon  siphon,  station  1528+75,  north  unit 
main  canal,  Deschutes  project,  Oreg.  [United  Pub.  Co.,  Denver,  Colo.,  Apr. 
26,  1944.]  cover  title,  32  p.  7  pi.  map,  4"  (Specifications  1071.)  [Schedules, 
specifications,  and  drawings;  bids  will  be  received  until  June  1,  1944.] 
t    Paper,  $1.50.  1 27.8 :  1071 

Turbine,  governor,  generator,  power  transformers,  switching  equipment, 

and  control  equipment  for  3d  unit.  Cove  power  plant,  and  power  transformers, 
switching  equipment,  and  control  equipment  for  Redmond  and  Oromite  sub- 
stations, Deschutes  project,  Oreg.  [United  Publishing  Co.,  Denver,  June  13, 
1944]  cover  title,  81  + [1]  p.  8  pi.  4°  (Specifications  1074.)  [Invitation  for 
bids,  schedules,  specifications,  and  drawings.]     t    Paper,  $3.00.  I  27.8 :  1074 

Fort  Peck  project.  115-kilovolt  transmission  line  from  Fort  Peck  power  plant 
to  Glendive,  Mont.,  and  34.5-kilovolt  transmission  line  from  Frazer  to  Wolf 
Point,  Mont.,  Fort  Peck  project,  Mont.  [Bradford-Robinson  Ptg.  Co.,  Denver, 
June  17,  1944.]  cover  title,  29  p.  51  pi.  map,  4°  (Specifications  1073.)  [Sched- 
ules, specifications,  and  drawings;  bids  will  be  received  until  July  15,  1944.] 
t    Paper,  $2.00.  '  1 27.8 :  1073 


Coal.  Distribution  of  coal  shipments. — Preliminary  estimates  of  production  of 
bituminous  coal  and  lignite. — Weekly  coal  report.  See  Mines  Bureau,  Coal, 
p.  809. 


NoTB. — The  bound  volumes  of  the  decisions,  usually  known  as  Interstate  Commerre  Com- 
mission reports,  Interstate  Commerce  Commission  reports — Motor  carrier  cases,  and  Inter- 
state roninierce  Commission  leports — Valuation  reports,  are  sold  by  the  Superintendent  of 
Documents,  Government  Printing  Office,  Washington  25,  D.  C,  at  various  prices,  depending 
upon  the  .size  of  the  volume.  Separate  di'cisions  or  opinions  are  sold  on  subscription,  price 
I1..50  per  volume;  foreign  subscription,  $2.00;  single  copies,  usually  5c.  In  ordering  a 
volume,  be  sure  to  specify  the  series  and  whether  Finance  or  other  tnan  Finance  decisions 
are  desired.  Entries  for  the  separate  decisions  are  grouped  below  under  center  heads  fol- 
lowing other  Interstate  Commerce  Commission  publications. 

Brotherhood  of  Locomotive  Firemen  &  Knginemen.  No.  8728,  in  Court  of  Appeals, 
District  of  Columbia,  Brotherhood  of  Locomotive  Firemen  &  Enginemen  et  al.  v. 
Interstate  Commerce  Commission;  brief  for  appellee.  [1944.]  cover  title, 
ii+42  p.      t  IC  1.13/1 :  B  795 

CarHcrs.  Civil  action  no.  285,  in  district  court  for  eastern  district  of  Virginia, 
Richmond  division,  American  Trucking  Associations,  Inc.  [et  al.]  v.  United 
States  and  Interstate  Commerce  Commission ;  brief  for  Interstate  Commerce 
Commission.     [1944.]     cover  title,  ii +44  p.     X  IC  1.13/1 :  Am  35/8 

•    Sent  to  Depository  Libraries 

gl2  Government  Publications 

Carriers — Continued. 

. Revenue  and  tratlic  of  carriers  by  water,  4th  quarter  1043.     [1944.]     4p 

oblong  large  8°  (Statement  Q-650,  QWS.)  [Processed.  Subject  to  revision.]  t 
L.  C.  card  A  42-3364  IC  1  wat.ll :  943/4 

• Revenue  and  trafBc  of  carriers  by  water,  [calendar]  year  1943.     [1944.] 

4  p.  oblong  large  8"  (Statement  Q-GSO,  QWS.)  [Processed.  Subject  to  re- 
vision.]    t  IC  1  wat.ll :  943/5 

• Supplement  47  to  List  3  of  corporate  names  of  common  carriers  by  rail 

(including  express),  water  or  pipe  line  (including  names  of  their  receivers  or 
trustees,  if  any),  tiling  tariffs,  concurrences,  or  powers  of  attorney  with  Inter- 
state Commerce  Commission  and  compiled  from  its  records,  compiled  Feb.  1, 
1&44;  prepared  by  Section  of  Tariffs,  Bureau  of  Traffic.  [1944.]  [l]-fl3  p.  4" 
[Processed.  Cancels  Supplement  46.  Supplements  38  and  47  contain  all 
changes.]     t  IC  1.15  :  3/supp.47 

Supplement  48  to  List  3  of  corporate  names  of  common  carriers  by  rail 

(including  express),  water  or  pipe  line  (including  names  of  their  receivers  or 
trustees,  if  any),  filing  tariffs,  concurrences,  or  powers  of  attorney  with  Inter- 
state Commerce  Commission  and  compiled  from  its  records,  compiled  May  1, 
1944;  prepared  by  Section  of  Tariffs,  Bureau  of  Traffic.  [1944.]  [1]+14  p.  4" 
[Processed.  Cancels  Supplement  47.  Supplements  38  and  48  contain  all 
changes.]     t  IC  1.15  :  3/supp.48 

Decisions.     See,  below,  center  heads  beginning  Decisions. 

Finance  decisions.     See,  below,  center  head  Decisions  (Finance). 

Freight.  Preliminary  summary  of  freight  commodity  statistics  of  class  1  steam 
railways  in  United  States,  calendar  year  1943.  [1944.]  5  p.  oblong  large  8° 
(Statement  4419;  Transport  Economics  and  Statistics  Bureau.)  [Subject  to 
revision.]     t     •  Item  704  IC  1  ste.26 :  943/13 

Freight  forwarders.  Revenues,  expenses  and  statistics  of  freight  forwarders, 
4th  quarter  and  [calendar]  year  1943.  [1944.]  2  p.  t"  (Statement  Q-950, 
QFF.)     [Processed.     Subject  to  revision.]     t  IC  1.19 :  943/4 

Fuel  and  power  for  locomotives  and  rail  motor  cars  of  class  1  steam  railways  in 
United  States  (class  1  switching  and  terminal  companies  included),  Mar.  1944. 
[1944.]     2  p.  oblong  large  S°     (Statement  M-230,  OS-E;  Transport  Economics 
and  Statistics  Bureau.)     [Monthly.     Subject  to  revision.]     t     •  Item  706 
L.  C.  card  A  36-784  IC  1  ste.30 :  W4/3 

Motor  carrier  decisions.     See,  below,  center  head  Decisions  (Motor  carrier). 

Motor  carrier  finance  decisions.  See,  below,  center  head  Decisions  (Motor  carrier 

Motor  carriers.     Revenues,  expenses,  other  income,  and  statistics  of  class  1  motor 
carriers  of  passengers;  4th  quarter  1943.     [1944.]     2  p.  oblong  large  8"     (State- 
ment Q-750,  BRE:  Transport  Economics  and  Statistics  Bureau.)     [Subject  to 
revision.]     t     •  Item  693 
L.  C.  card  A  39-871  IC  1  mot.l2 :  ^3/4 

Revenues,  expenses,  other  income,  and  statistics  of  class  1  motor  carriers 

of  passengers,  [calendar]  year  1943.  [1944.]  6  p.  oblong  large  8°  (Statement 
Q-750,  BRE:  Transport  Economics  and  Statistics  Bureau.)  [Subject  to 
revision.]    t    •  Item  693  IC  1  mot.l2 :  943/5 

Revenues,  expenses,  other  income  and  statistics  of  class  1  motor  carriers 

of  property;  4th  quarter  1943.  [1944.]  2  p.  oblong  large  8"  (Statement 
Q-800;  Transport  Economics  and  Statistics  Bureau.)      [Subject  to  revision.]     t 

•  Item  694 

L.  C.  card  A  39-1053  IC  1  mot.l3 :  943/4 

• Revenues,  expenses,  other  income,  and  statistics  of  class  1  motor  carriers  of 

property,  calendar  year  1943.  [1944.]  2  p.  oblong  large  8°  (Statement  Q-800 ; 
Transport    Economics    and    Statistics    Bureau.)     [Subject    to    revision.]      t 

•  Item  694  IC  1  mot.13 :  ^3/5 

Opinions.     See,  below,  center  heads  beginning  Decisions. 
•    Sent  to  Depository  Libraries 

July  1944  813 

Pipe  lines.  Transportation  revenue  and  traffic  of  large  oil  pipe  line  companies, 
carriers  having  annual  operating  revenues  of  more  than  $.JO0,0O0;  1st  quarter 
1944.  [1944.]  1  p.  f  (Statement  Q-GOO,  QPS.)  [Processed.  Subject  to 
revision.]     t  IC  1  pip.7  :  944/1 

Railroad  accidents.  In  matter  of  making  accident  investigation  reports  under 
locomotive  inspection  act  of  Feb.  17,  1911,  as  amended :  Atchison,  Topeka  & 
Santa  Fe  Railway,  accident  near  Mendon,  Mo.,  Apr.  21,  1944,  caused  by  failure 
of  lubricator  .steam  pipe.     [1944.]     4  p.  4°     [Processed.]     t      IC  1  acci.5  :  M  523 

• Same :  New  York  Central  System,  accident,  Ashtabula,  Ohio,  Mar.  13,  1944, 

caused  by  failure  of  locomotive  reversing  gear.     [1944.]    4  p.  4°    [Processed.]    t 

IC  1  acci.5  :  As  37/2 

Same:  Seaboard  Air  Line  Railway,  accident  (boiler  explosion),  Catawba, 

S.  C,  Apr.  27,  1944,  caused  by  overheating  of  crown  sheet  due  to  low  water. 
[1944.]     10  p.   4°     [Processed.]     t  IC  1  acci.5 :  C  281 

— — -  Investigation  2789 :  Cleveland,  Cincinnati,  Chicago  &  St.  Louis  Railway 
Company,  report  in  re  accident.  Deer  Creek,  Ohio,  Apr.  7,  1944.  [1944.]  6  p. 
il.  4°     [Processed.]     t  IC  1  acci.5 :  D  36/2 

Investigation  2790:  St.  Louis  Southwestern  Railway  Company,  report  in  re 

accident  near  Kent,  Ark.,  Apr.  8,  1944.     [1944.]     8  p.  il.  4°     [Processed.]     t 

IC  1  acci.5  :  K  413/3 

Investigation  2791 :  Chesapeake  and  Ohio  Railway  Company,  report  in  re 

accident,  Presque  Isle  Yard,  Toledo,  Ohio,  Apr.  11,  1944.  [1944.]  6  p.  il.  4° 
[Processed.]     t  IC  1  acci.5 :  T  575/2 

Investigation  2792 :  Wabash  Railroad  Company,  report  in  re  accident  near 

Gallatin,  Mo.,  Apr.  11,  1944.     [1944.]     8  p.  il  4"     [Processed.]     t 

IC  1  acci.5 :  G  135 

Investigation  2795:  Pennsylvania  Railroad  Company,  report  in  re  accident 

near  Ardara,  Pa.,  May  1,  1944.     [1944.]     8  p.  il  4°     [Processed.]     t 

IC  1  acci.5 :  Ar  28 

Rail-highway  grade-crossing  accidents,  year  ended  Dec.  31, 1943.  Washing- 
ton, D.  C.  May  1944.     [2] +31  p.  4°     (Statement  442L)      [Processed.]     $ 

L.  C.  card  A  38-1029  IC  1  acci.8 :  943 

Summary  of  accidents  reported  by  steam  railways,  Jan.  1944.     1944.     1  p. 

oblong  large  8°  (Statement  M-400;  Transport  Economics  and  Statistics  Bu- 
i-eau.)     [Monthly.    Subject  to  revision.]    t    •  Item  716 

L.  C.  card  A  27-80  IC  1  ste.31 :  944/1 

Railroads.  56th  annual  report  of  statistics  of  railways  in  United  States,  year 
ended  Deo.  31,  1942,  including  also  selected  data  relating  to  other  common 
carriers  (except  motor  carriers  and  freight  forwarders)  subject  to  interstate 
commerce  act  for  [calendar]  year  1942  [and  abstract  of  reports  of  individual 
steam  railways]  ;  prepared  by  Bureau  of  Transport  Economics  and  Statistics. 
1944.  xi+227-f301-582  p.  il.  4"  [Page  numbers  228-300  have  been  purposely 
omitted.]  *  Cloth,  $1.75  •  Item  70L  - 
L.  C.  card  9-14679  IC  1  ste.l :  942 

P'reight  train   performance  of  class  1  steam  railways   in   United   States 

(.switching  and  terininal  companies  not  included).  Mar.  1944.  [1944.]  2  p. 
oblong  large  8"  (Statement  M-211,  OS-A;  Economics  and  Statistics 
Bureau.)     [Monthly.     Subject  to  revision!]     t     •  Item  705 

L.  C.  card  A  36-575  IC  1  ste.35 :  944/3 

Same,  Apr.  1944.     [1944.]     2  p.  oblong  large  8°     (Statement  M-211,  OS-A; 

Transport  Economics  and  Statistics  Bureau.)  [Monthly.  Subject  to  re- 
vision.]    t     •  Item  705  IC  1  ste.35  :  944/4 

Motive  power  and  car  equipment  of  class  1    steam   railways  in   United 

States  (class  1  switching  and  terminal  companies  included),  Mar.  1944.  [1944.] 
2  p.  oblong  large  8°  (Statement  M-240,  OS-F ;  Transport  Economics  and  Sta- 
tistics Bureau.)     [Monthly.     Subject  to  revision.]     t     •  Item  709 

L.  C.  card  A  36-576  IC  1  ste.36 :  944/3 

•     Sent  to  Depository  Libraries 
598159— 44— No.  594 7 

814  Government  Publications 

Railroads — Continued. 

Same,  Apr.  1944.     2  p.  oblong  8°     (Statement  M-240,  OS-F;  Transport 

Economics    and     Statistics    Bureau.)     I  Monthly.     Subject    to    revision.]     t 

•  Item  7U})  IC  1  ste.36  :  944/4 

Operating  revenues  and  operating  expenses  of  class  1  steam  railways  in 

tlie  United  States  (switching  and  terminal  companies  not  included),  Mar.  1944. 
[1944.]  2  p.  oblong  large  8"  (Statement  M-lOO;  Transport  Economics  and 
Statistics  Bureau.)      [Monthly.     Subject  to  revision.]     t     •  Item  710 

L.  C.  card  A  33-1300  IC  1  ste.l9 :  944/3 

Same,  Apr.  1944.     [1944.]     2  p.  oblong  large  8°     (Statement  M-lOO;  Trans- 
port Economics  and  Statistics  Bui'eau. )      [Monthly.     Subject  to  revision.]     t 

•  Item  710  IC  1  ste.lO :  944/4 

Operating  revenues  and  operating  expenses,  selected  items  for  large  steam 

railways,  Apr.  1944.  [1944.]  2  p.  oblong  large  8°  (Statement  M-150;  Trans- 
port Economics  and  Statistics  Bureau.)      [Montlily.     Subject  to  revision.]     t 

•  Item  711 

L.  C.  card  A  29-378  IC  1  ste.20 :  944/4 

Operating  statistics  of  large  steam  railways,  selected  items  for  Mar.  lf>44, 

compared  with  Mar.  1943;  Mar.  1944.  [1944.]  2  p.  oblong  large  8°  (State- 
ment M-200;  Transport  Economics  and  Statistics  Bureau.)  [Monthly.  Sub- 
ject to  revision.]     t     •  Item  712 

L.  C.  card  A  29-380  IC  1  ste.22 :  944/3 

■    Passenger  traffic  statistics    (other  than  commutation)    of  class  1  steam 

railways  in  United  States  (switching  and  terminal  companies  not  included), 
Feb.    1944.     [1944.]     2   p.   oblong   large   8°     (Statement   M-250.)     [Monthly. 
Processed.     Subject  to  revision.]     t 
L.  C.  card  A  38-1273  IC  1  ste.40 :  944/2 

Passenger  train  performance  of  class  1  steam  railways  in  United  States 

(switching  and  terminal  companies  not  included),  Apr.  1944.  [1944.]  4  p. 
oblong  large  8°  ( Statement  M-213,  OS-B  ;  Transport  Economics  and  Statistics 
Bui-eau.)      [Monthly.     Subject  to  revision.]     t     •  Item  713 

L.  C.  card  A  36-577  IC  lste.37 :  944/4 

• Revenue   traffic   statistics   of  class   1   steam   railways   in   United   States 

(switching  and  terminal  companies  not  included).  Mar.  1944.     [1944.]     2  p. 
oblong  large  8°     (Statement  M-220,  OS-D ;  Transport  Economics  and  Statis- 
tics Bureau.)     [Monthly.     Subject  to  revision.]     t     •  Item  714 
L.  C.  card  A  29-381  IC  1  ste.24 :  944/3 

Selected  income   and  balance-sheet  items  of  class  1  steam  railways  in 

United  States  (switching  and  terminal  companies  not  included)  [and  Selected 
income  items  by  regions  and  districts,  class  1  steam  railways],  Mar.  1944. 
[1944.]  2  p.  il.  oblong  large  8°  (Statement  M-125 ;  Transport  Economics  and 
Statistics  Bureau.)      [Monthly.     Subject  to  revision.]     t     •  Item  715 

L.  C.  card  A  32-1785  IC  1  ste.34 :  944/3 

• Summary  tables  of  56th  annual  report  on  statistics  of  railways  in  United 

States,  year  ended  Dec.  31,  1942,  including  also  selected  data  relating  to  other 
carriers  (except  motor  carriers  and  freight  forwarders)  subject  to  interstate 
commerce  act  for  [calendar]  year  1942;  prepared  by  Bureau  of  Transport 
Economics  and  Statistics.     1944.     xi-|-227  p.  il.  4°     *  Paper,  50c. 

IC  1  ste.l/a :  942 

Tons  of  revenue  freight  originated  and  tons  terminated  in  carloads  by 

classes  of  commodities  and  by  geographic  areas,  class  1  steam  railways,  [cal- 
endar] year  1943.  [1944.]  13  p.  oblong  large  S"  (Statement  M-550,  SCS; 
Transport    Economics    and    Statistics    Bureau.)     [Subject    to    revision.]     t 

•  Item  717 

L.  C.  card  A40-2952  IC  1  ste.42 :  943/13 

Yard  service  performance  of  class  1  steam  railways  in  T'liited  States  (class 

1  switching  and  terminal  companies  included).  Mar.  1944.  1944.  1  p.  oblong 
large  8°  (Statement  M-215,  OS-C;  Transport  Economics  and  Statistics  Bu- 
reau.)     [Monthly.     Subject  to  revision.]     t     •  Item  719 

L.  C.  card  A  36-578  IC  1  ste.38 :  944/3 

•     Sent  to  Depository  Libraries 

JUI.T  1944  815 

Railroads — Continued. 

Same,  Apr.  1944.     1944.     1  p.  oblong  large  8°     (Statement  M-215,  OS-C; 

Transport  Economics  and  Statistics  Bureau.)  [Monthly.  Subject  to  revision.] 
t     •  Item  719  IC  1  ste.SS :  1M4/4 

Railivay  employees.     Wage  statistics  of  class  1  steam  railways  in  United  States 
(switching  and  terminal  companies  not  included),  Mar.  1944.     [1944.]     4  p.  il. 
oblong  large  8°     (Statement  M-300;  Transport  Economic  and  Statistics  Bu- 
reau.)     [Monthly.     Subject  to  revision.]     f     •  Item  718 
L.  C.  card  A29-3S2  IC  1  ste.25 :  944/3 

Traffic  decisions.     See,  below,  center  head  Decisions  (Traffic). 

Transportation.    Monthly    comment   on    transportation   statistics    [Apr.    1944]. 
June  5, 1944.     14  p.  4°     [Processed.]     t 
L.  C.  card  A  42-3365  IC  1.17 :  944/4 

Valuation  decisions.     See,  below,  center  head  Decisions  {Valuatioti) . 

Water  carrier  decisions.     See,  below,  center  head  Decisions  (Water  carrier-). 

Decisions  (Finance) 

Note. — The  following;  decisions  or  opinions  issued  in  separate  form  ai-e  from  the  Inter- 
state Commerce  Commission  reports. 

Chicago,  Milwaukee,  St.  Paul  &  Pacific  Railroad.  Finance  docket  no.  10882,  Chi- 
cago, Milwaukee,  St.  Paul  &  Pacific  Railroad  Company  reorganization ;  decided 
Dec.  6,  1943.     [1944.]     p.  707-744.     (F-8639.)      [From  v.  254.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  F-8630 

New  York  Central  Railroad.  Finance  docket  no.  13914,  New  York  Central  Rail- 
road Company  abandonment;  decided  Feb.  25,  1944.  [1944.]  p.  745-766. 
(F-8640.)      [From  V.  254.]     *  Paper.  5c.  IC  1.6/la :  F-8640 

Decisions   (Afotor  carrier) 

Note. — The  following  decisions  or  opinions  issued  in  separate  form  are  from  the  Inter- 
state Commerce  Commission  reports. 

Airplane  engines.  Investigation  and  suspension  docket  no.  M-2215,  airplane 
engines  between  points  in  the  Southwest;  [decided  Mar.  20,  1944].  [1944.] 
[1] +242-246  p.     (M-6518.)      [From  Motor  carrier  cases,  v.  43.]     *' Paper,  5c. 

IC  1  mot.8/a :  M-60I8 

Freight  rates.  Investigation  and  suspension  docket  no.  M-2154,  minimum  rate 
restrictions  to,  from,  and  within  the  Southwest;  decided  Feb.  17,  1944.  [1944.] 
p.  161-172.     (M-6510.)      [From  Motor  carrier  cases,  v.  43.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1  mot.8/a  :  M-6510 

Investigation  and  suspension  docket  no.  M-2233,  Transamerican  Fi'eight 

Lines,  classes  in  central  territory;  decided  Feb.  23,  1944.  [1944.]  p.  189-199. 
(M-6513.)      [From  Motor  carrier  cases,  v.  43.]     *  Paper.  5c. 

IC  1  mot.8/a  :  M-6513 

Investigation  and  .'suspension  docket  no.  ]\I-2240,  minimum  charges  in  cen- 
tral territory;  decided  Feb.  22,  1944.  [1944.]  p.  14.V15S.  (M-650S.)  [From 
Motor  carrier  cases,  v.  43.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1  mot.8/a  :  M-aiOS 

— —  Investigation  and  suspension  docket  no.  M-2333,  increased  rates,  Hayes 
Freight  Lines;  decided  Feb.  24,  1944.  [1944.]  p.  173-185.  (M-6511.)  [From 
Motor  carrier  cases,  v.  43.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1  mot.8/a  :  ]\I-6.111 

Gay's  E.Tpress,  Inc.  No.  MC-C-276,  Gay's  Express,  Inc.,  v.  Marvin  J.  Haigis  and 
Kneeland  G.  Nichols  [doing  business  as  Tri-State  Motor  Lines]  ;  decided  Apr. 
7,  1944.  [1944.]  p.  277-282.  (M-6522.)  [From  Motor  carrier  cases,  v.  43.] 
*  Paper.  5c.  IC  1  mot.8/a  :  M-6522 

Moore  Motor  Freight  Lines.  No.  MC-17481,  Ernest  E.  Moore  [doing  business  as 
Moore  Motor  Freight  Lines]  common  carrier  application ;  decided  Jan.  29,  1944. 
[1944.]     p.  91-120.     (M-6501.)      [From  Motor  carrier  cases,  v.  43.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1  mot.8/a :  M-6501 

•    Sent  to  Depository  Libraries 

816  Government  Publications 

Paint.  No.  Mr-C-367,  Sherwin-Williams  Company  v.  Advance  Transportation 
Company  of  "Wisconsin  et  al. ;  [decided  Feb.  15,  19441.  [1944.1  [1]  +186-188  p. 
(M-6512.)      [From  Motor  carrier  cases,  v.  43.1     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1  mot.8/a  :  M-6512 

Petroleum  produets.  Investigation  and  suspension  docket  no.  M-2305,  petroleum 
products  between  Arkansas,  Kansas,  Mi-ssouri,  and  Oklahoma ;  decided  Apr.  12, 
1944.  [1944.1  p.  261-268.  (M-6520.)  [From  Motor  carrier  cases,  v.  43.1 
*  Paper,  5c.  IC  1  mot.8/a  :  M-6520 

Reliable  Van  d  Warehouse  Co.  No.  MC-43482  (sub-no.  1),  Reliable  Van  &  Ware- 
house Company,  extension  of  operations;  [decided  Jan.  22,  19441.  [1944.1 
[11+218-220  p.     (M-6516.)     [From  Motor  carrier  cases,  v.  43.1     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1  mot.8/a  :  M-6516 

Royal  Cadillac  Service,  Inc.  No.  MC-95463  (sub-no.  2),  Royal  Cadillac  Service, 
Inc.,  common  carrier  application,  new  operations ;  decided  Mar.  24,  1944. 
[1944.1  p.  247-260.  (M-6519.)  [From  Motor  carrier  cases,  v.  4.3.1  *  Paper; 
5c.  IC  1  mot.8/a  :  M-6519 

Sullivan,  Long  &  Hagerty,  Inc.  No.  MC-7316^,  Sullivan,  Long  &  Hagerty,  Inc., 
common  carrier  application;  decided  Feb.  24,  1944.  [1944.1  p.  203-217. 
(M-6515.)      [From  Motor  carrier  cases,  v.  43.1     *  Paiper,  5c. 

IC  1  mot.8/a  :  M-6515 

Teeter,  John  S.,  d  Som,  Inc.  No.  MC-104242.  John  S.  Teeter  &  Sons.  Incorporated, 
common  carrier  application;  [decided  Mar.  2.  19441.  [1944.1  [11+200-202  p. 
(M-6514.)      [From  Motor  carrier  cases,  v.  43.1     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1  mot.8/a  ;  M-6514 

Decisions  (Motor  carrier,  finance) 

Note. — The  followinff  decisions  or  opinions  issued  in  separate  form  are  from  the  Inter- 
state Commerce  Commission  reports. 

Great  Central  Transport  Corporation.  No.  MC-F-2207.  John  Bridge,  control. 
Lecrone-Benedict  Ways,  Inc..  purchase.  Great  Central  Transport  Corporation ; 
decided  Feb.  29, 1M4.  [1944.1  p.  591-594.  (MF-1394.)  [From  Motor  carrier 
cases,  v.  39.1     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1  mot.S/a  2 :  MF-1394 

Keesliin  Freight  IJnes.  Inc.  No.  IMC-F-1108,  Keeshin  Freight  Lines.  Inc.,  issuance 
of  notes?  decided  Feb.  15,  1944.  [1944.1  P-  58^590.  (MF-1393.)  [From 
Motor  carrier  cases,  v.  39.1     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1  mot.8/a  2 ;  MF-1393 

Onondaga  Freight  Corp.  No.  MC-F-2148.  Ontario  Freight  Lines  Corp.  lease, 
Onondaga  Freight  Corp.;  decided  Aug.  4,  1&43.  [1944.1  p.  607-609.  (MF- 
1397.)      [From  Motor  carrier  cases,  v.  39.1     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1  mot.8/a  2 :  MF-1397 

Pittshurgh-Wheelinp  Truck  Service.  Inc.  No.  MC-F-2312.  Samuel  Creig,  control, 
Pittsburgh-Wheeling  Truck  Service,  Inc.;  [decided  Mar.  29,  19441.  [1944.1 
[11+604-606  p.     (MF-1396.)      [From  Motor  carrier  cases,  v.  39.1     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1  mot.8/a  2 ;  MF-1396 

Rogers  Transfer  Co.  No.  I\IC-F-1864.  Charlton  Bros.  Transportation  Co..  Incor- 
porated, purchase,  John  I.  Rogers  [doing  business  as  Rogers  Transfer  Company  ; 
decided  Feb.  24,  19441.  [1944.1  [11+610-612  p.  (MF-1398.)  [From  Motor 
carrier  cases,  v.  39.1     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1  mot.8/a  2 ;  MF-1398 

Decisions  (Traffic) 

XorE. — The  followinff  decisions  or  opinions  issued  in  separate  form  are  from  the  Inter- 
state Commerce  Commission  reports. 

Airplane  engines.  Investigation  and  suspension  docket  no.  .5205,  airplane  engines 
in  official  territory;  [derided  Mar.  24,  19441.  [1944.1  [11+226-232  p. 
( [Opinion  1  24368.)      [From  v.  258.1     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  24368 

Alcohol.  Fourth  section  application  no.  20162.  alcohol  from  Texas;  decided  Mar. 
10,1944.  [1944.1  p.  271-278.  ([Opinionl  24374.)  [From  v.  25S.1  *  Paper, 
5c.  IC  1.6/la  ;  24374 

•    Sent  to  Depository  Libraries 

July  1944  817 

Asphalt.  No.  28892,  C.  B.  Mitcham  v.  Atchisou,  Topeka  and  Santa  Fe  Railway 
Company;  decided  Mar.  21,  1944.  [1944.]  p.  255-2G0.  ([Opinion]  24371.) 
[From  V.  258.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  24371 

Barrels.  No.  28918,  J.  R.  Kelley  Cooperage  Company  v.  Illinois  Central  Railroad 
Company  et  al. ;  [decided  Mar.  11,  1944].  [1944.]  [1] +202-204  p.  ([Opin- 
ion] 24363  [24365].)      [From  v.  25S.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  24365 

Bricks.  No.  28961,  Mason  City  Brick  and  Tile  Company  v.  Chicago,  Milwaukee, 
St.  Paul,  and  Pacific  Railroad  Company  (Henry  A.  Scandrett,  Walter  J.  Cum- 
mings,  and  George  I.  Haight,  trustees)  et  al. ;  [decided  Feb.  26,  1944].  [1944.] 
[1] +312-314  p.     ([Opinion]  24382.)      [From  v.  258.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  24382 

Carrots.  No.  28821,  Western  Growers  Protective  Association  v.  Aberdeen  and 
Rockfish  Railroad  Company  et  al. ;  decided  Mar.  11,  1944.  [1944.]  p.  233-247. 
( [Opinion]  24369.)      [From  v.  258.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  24369 

Cement.  No.  28755,  Colorado  Portland  Cement  Company  v.  Apache  Railway  Com- 
pany et  al.;  [decided  Mar.  16,  1944].  [1944.]  [l]+24S-254  p.  ([Opinion] 
24370.)      [From  V.  258.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  24370 

Dining-car  service.  No.  28898,  Clarence  Brown  et  al.  v.  Atlantic  Coast  Line  Rail- 
road Company ;  decided  Dec.  16, 1943.  [1944.]  p.  681-698.  ( [Opinion]  24337. ) 
[From  V.  256.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  24337 

Food  for  dogs.  No.  28899,  Gaines  Food  Company,  Incorporated,  v.  Aberdeen  & 
Rockfish  Railroad  Company  et  al.  :  decided  Mar.  17,  1944.  [1944.]  p.  291-292. 
( [Opinion]  24378. )      [From  v.  258.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  24378 

Freight  rates.  Investigation  and  suspension  docket  no.  5110,  maximum  rate 
provision,  ocean-rail  to  Southwest;  decided  Feb.  24,  1944.  [1944.]  p.  63-70. 
([Opinion]  24358.)      [From  v.  258.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la :  24358 

Furl  oil.  No.  28936,  O.  C.  Field  Gasoline  Corporation  v.  Nevada  Northern  Rail- 
way Company  et  al. ;  [decided  Apr.  8,  1944].  [1944.]  [l]+350+354p.  ([Opin- 
ion]   24387.)      [From  v.  258.]     *  Paper,   5c.  IC  1.6/la :  24387 

Oamline.  No.  28860,  Pure  Oil  Company  v.  Atlantic  Coast  Line  Railroad  Company 
et  al. ;  decided  Jan.  19,  1944.  [1944.]  p.  723-732.  ([Opinion]  24340.)  [From 
v.  256.]    *Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  24340 

Grain.  Fourth  section  application  no.  20214,  grain  and  grain  products  between 
northwestern  points ;  decided  Mar.  16,  1944.  [1944.]  p.  279-282:  ([Opinion] 
24375.)  [From  v.  258  (volume  number  is  incorrectly  given  on  p.  279  as  259.)] 
*  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  24375 

Investigation  and  suspension  docket  no.  5249,  transit  Government  grain 

at    Ohio    River;    decided    IMar.    25,    1944.     [1944.]     p.    2aj-214.     ([Opinion] 
24366.)     [From  V.  258.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  24366 

No.  28823,  Enid  Board  of  Trade  et  al.  v.  Atchison,  Topeka  &  Santa  Fe 

Railway  Company  et  al. ;  decided  Mar.  7,  1944.     [1944.]     p.  215-225.     ( [Opin- 
ion] 24367.)     [From  V.  258.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  24367 

Heating  apparatm.  Investigation  and  suspension  docket  no.  5085,  two-for-one 
rule,  heating  or  cooking  apparatus;  decided  Mar.  18,  1944.  [1944.]  p.  305-311. 
([Opinion]  24381.)      [From  v.  258.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la :  24381 

Hides.  No.  28729,  Schoen  Brothoi-s,  Inc.,  v.  Erie  Railroad  Company  (John  A. 
Iladden  and  Robert  E.  Woodruff,  trustees)  et  al.;  decided  Feb.  15,  1944. 
[1944.]     p.   161-176.      ([Opinion]    24363.)      [From  v.   258.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  24363 

Iron.  No.  28951,  M.  N.  Landay  Company  v.  Pennsylvania  Railroad  Company; 
decided  Mar.  14.  1944.  [1944.]  p.  287-290.  ([Opinion]  24377.)  [From  v. 
258.]     *  Paper,    5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  24377 

Leather.  Investigation  and  suspension  docket  no.  5262,  leather  from  Michigan 
to  Wisconsin  and  Illinois ;  decided  Mar.  8,  1944.  [1944.]  p.  283-286.  ([Opin- 
ion]   24376.)      [From   v.   258.]     *  Paper,   5c.  IC  1.6/la :  24376 

•     Sent  to  Depository  Libraries 

gl8  Government  Publications 

ivestock.     Investigation  and  suspension  docket  no.  4779,  livestock  to  and 
South ;  decided  Mar.  7,  1944.     [1944.]     p.  265-210.     ([Opinion]  24373.)     [1 
V.  258.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  1 

Meat.  Fourth  section  application  no.  19424,  fresh  meats  from  central  and  ad- 
jacent territory  to  the  East;  decided  Mar.  23,  1944.  [1944.]  p.  299-304. 
([Opinion]  24380.)      [From  v.  258.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la :  24380 

Paper.  Fourth  section  application  no.  19788.  wrapping  paper  to  Texas ;  decided 
Mar.  16,  1944.  [1944.]  p.  261-264.  ([Opinion]  24372.)  [From  v.  258.] 
•Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  24372 

Petroleum.  No.  28760.  Midland  Cooperative  Wholesale  v.  Abilene  &  Southern 
Railwav  Companv  et  al.;  decided  Feb.  24,  1944.  [1944.]  p.  75-1  OS.  ([Opin- 
ion]   24360.)      [From  v.  258.]     *  Paper,   10c.  IC  l.G/la :  24360 

No.  28789,  Minnelusa  Oil  Corporation  et  al.  v.  Continental  Pipe  Line  Com- 
pany et  al.:  decided  Feb.  8,  1944.  [1944.]  p.  41-62.  ([Opinion]  24357.) 
[From  V.  258.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  24357 

Petroleum  products.  No.  28779,  Mid-Continent  Petroleum  Corporation  v.  Louisi- 
ana &  Arkansas  Railway  Company,  [decided  Jan.  29,  1944].  [1944.]  [1]  + 
4-6  p.     ([Opinion]  24350.)      [From  v.  258.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la :  24350 

Sand.  No.  28956,  American  Radiator  &  Standard  Sanitary  Corporation  v.  Atchi- 
son, Topeka  and  Santa  Fe  Railwav  Company  et  a!. ;  decided  Feb.  26,  1944. 
[1944.]     p.  71-74.      ([Opinion]  24359.)      [From  v.  258.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1.6/la :  24359 

Steel.  No.  28873,  Andrews  Hardware  &  Metal  Company  v.  Calmar  Steamship 
Corporation  et  al. ;  decided  Feb.  26,  1944.  [1944.]  p.  293-298.  ([Opinion] 
24379.)      [From   v.   258.]     *  Paper,    5c.  IC  1.6/la :  24379 

Decisions  {Valuation) 

Note. — The  following  decisions  or  opinions  issued  in  separate  form  are  from  the  Interstate 
Commerce  Commission  valuation  reports. 

Phillips  Petroleum  Co.  Valuation  docket  no.  1271,  Phillips  Petroleum  Company, 
Gasoline  Pipe  Line  Department ;  [decided  Mar.  10,  1944.]  [1944.]  [l]-f526- 
541  p.     (B-1013.)      [From  Valuation  reports,  v.  49.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

IC  1  val.9/a  :  B-1013 

Valvoline  Oil  Co.  Valuation  docket  no.  1270,  Valvoline  Oil  Company,  Pipe  Line 
Department;  [decided  Oct.  29,  1943.]  [1944.]  [1] +498-525  p.  (B-1012.) 
[From  Valuation  reports,  v.  49.]     *  Paper,  10c.  IC  1  val.9/a :  B-1012 

Decisions  {Water  carrier) 

Note The  following  decisions  or  opinions  issued  in  separate  form  are  from  the  Inter- 
state Commerce  Commission  reports. 

Lendten.  Raymond.     No.  W-65S.  Raymond  Lendteu  contract  carrier  application; 
decided   Mar.    17,    1944.     [1944.]     p.    189-192.     (WC-200.)      [From   v.    260.] 
♦Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  WC-200 

Lykes-Coastioise  Line,  Inc.  No.  W-6,  Lykes-Coastwise  Line,  Inc.,  applications; 
decided  Feb.  12,  1944.  [1944.]  p.  201-205.  (WC-202.)  [From  v.  260.] 
♦Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la :  WC-202 

McCarthy,  T.  J.,  Steamship  Co.  No.  W-592,  T.  J.  McCarthy  Steamship  Company 
common  carrier  application;  decided  Mar.  7,  1944.  [1944.]  p.  175-184. 
(WC-198.)      [From  v.  260.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la :  WC-198 

Pere  Marquette  Raihoay.  No.  W-887,  Pere  Marquette  Railway  Company  com- 
mon carrier  application;  [decided  Feb.  23,  1944].  [1944.]  [1] +206-210  p. 
(WC-203.)      [From  v.  260.]     *  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  WC-203 

Waterman  Toicing  Co.  No.  W-574,  Waterman  Towing  Company  applications; 
decided  Mar.  16,  1944.  [1944.]  p.  185-188.  (WC-199.)  [i^om  v.  260.] 
•  Paper,  5c.  IC  1.6/la  :  WC-199 

•    Sent  to  Depository  Libraries 

July  1944  819 


Adam,  Folger.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  44230,  Folger  Adam  v.  United  States: 
defendant's  brief.     [1944.]     p  27-43.     %  J  1.80:  Ad  13/2 

Same;  defendant's  exceptions  to  commissioner's  report  and  request  for 

.special  findings.     [1944.]     p.  13-18.       t  J  1.80:  Ad  13 

Adkins  Properties.  No.  10964,  in  circuit  court  of  appeals  for  5tli  circuit,  Adkins 
Properties,  Lola  Armstrong,  trustee,  v.  commissioner  of  internal  revenue,  on 
petition  for  review  of  decision  of  Tax  Court;  brief  for  respondent.  [1944.] 
cover  title,  ii+30  p.     $  J  1.76 :  Ad  53 

American  Liberty  Pipe  Line  Co.  No.  10947,  in  circuit  court  of  appeals  for  5tli 
circuit,  American  Liberty  Pipe  Line  Company  i\  commissioner  of  internal 
revenue,  on  petition  for  review  of  decision  of  Tax  Court;  brief  for  respondent. 
[1944.]     cover  title,  ii+32  p.     t  J  1.76 :  Am  35  li/4 

American  Tobacco  Co.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  43600,  American  Tobacco  Com- 
pany V.  United  States;  defendant's  exceptions  to  report  of  commissioner. 
[1944.]     p.  65-67.     t  J1.80:Am35to 

Anf/elus  Milling  Co.  No.  l-^G,  in  circuit  court  of  appeals  for  2d  circuit,  Angelus 
Milling  Company  v.  commissioner  of  internal  revenue,  on  petition  for  review 
<if  decision  of  Tax  Court;  brief  for  respondent.  [1944.]  cover  title,  iv4-46  p. 
t  J  1.76 :  An  43 

Armstrong,  Mrs.  Murphy  8.  Nos.  280O-1,  in  circuit  court  of  appeals  for  10th 
circuit,  Murphy  Shannon  Armstrong  v.  commissioner  of  internal  revenue ; 
Gayle  Geard  Armstrong  v.  [same],  on  petitions  for  review  of  decisions  of  Tax 
Court ;  brief  for  respondent.     [1944.]     cover  title,  ii +36  p.     t       J  1.76  :Ar  58/2 

Arundel  Corporation.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  45655,  Arundel  Corporation  v. 
United  States ;  defendant's  brief.     [1944.]     p.  99-119.     t  J  1.80  :Ar  84/4 

Bntterman,  John  J.  No.  963,  in  Supreme  Court  of  United  States,  Oct.  term,  1943, 
John  J.  Batterman  v.  commissioner  of  internal  revenue,  on  petition  for  writ 
of  certiorari  to  circuit  court  of  appeals  for  6th  circuit ;  brief  for  respondent  in 
opposition.     [1944.]     cover  title,  i+11  p.      t  J  1.78  :B  322 

Baur.  Mrs.  Emma  ^f.  No.  S"r)5.  in  circuit  court  of  appeals  for  3d  circuit,  Mar- 
guerite E.  Baur,  alleged  donee  and  transferee  [of  Emma  M.  Baur],  v.  com- 
missioner of  internal  revenue,  on  petition  for  review  of  decision  of  Tax  Court ; 
brief  for  respondent.      [1944.]     cover  title,  i+17  p.     $  J  1.76 :  B  329 

Billings,  Arthur  O.  No.  215,  in  Supreme  Court  of  United  States,  Oct.  term,  1943, 
Arthur  Goodwyn  Billings  r.  Karl  Truesdell,  Army  on  writ  of  certiorari  to  cir- 
cuit court  of  appeals  for  10th  circuit;  brief  for  respondent.  [1944.]  cover 
t  i  tie,  ii  -1-43  p.     J  J  1.78  :  B  496/2 

Blount,  Edward  D.  Brief  and  appendix  for  appellee,  United  States  Court  of 
Appeals,  District  of  Columbia,  Apr.  term,  1944,  no.  8705,  Edward  DeRoulhac 
P.luniit  vs.  Ray  L.  Huff,  superintendent  of  District  of  Columbia  Reformatory, 
appeal  from  District  Court  of  United  States  for  District  of  Columbia ;  brief  for 
appellee.     [1944.]     cover  title,  i+3-f  [3]-f  23  p.     $  J  1.77  :  B  623 

Boston,  Mass.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  46089,  city  of  Boston,  for  itself  and  in  part 
for  use  and  benefit  of  National  Surety  Corporation,  and  National  Surety 
Corporation  v.  United  States;  defendant's  counterclaim.     [1944.]     p.  37-40     $ 

J  1.80 :  B  657 

Boyd,  Cam  C.  No.  2914,  in  circuit  court  of  appeals  for  10th  circuit,  Benjamin 
E.  Cook,  administrator  of  Cam  C.  Boyd,  v.  United  States,  appeal  from  district 
court  for  western  district  of  Oklahoma;  brief  for  appellee.  [1944.]  cover  title. 
i+15  p.     t  J  1.76  :B  692 

Broicm,  Mrs.  Myra  C.  No.  10948,  in  circuit  court  of  appeals  for  5th  circuit,  Myra 
C.  Brown  v.  commissioner  of  Internal  revenue,  on  petition  for  review  of 
decision  of  Tax  Court;  brief  for  respondent.     [1944.]     cover  title,  il+22  p.     t 

J  1.76 :  B  814/2 

•    Sent  to  Depository  Libraries 

820  Government  Publications 

Capitol  Greyhound  Lines.  No.  991,  in  Supreme  Court  of  United  States,  Oct.  term, 
1943,  Capilol  (ircyliouiul  Lines  and  Capilol  Greyhoniid  Lines  of  Indiana,  Inc., 
V.  National  Labor  Relations  Board,  on  petition  for  writ  of  certiorari  to  circuit 
court  of  appeals  for  the  6th  circuit ;  brief  for  National  Labor  Relations  Board. 
[1944.]     cover  title,  ii+21  p.       t  J  1.78:  C 172 

Carter,  A.  L.,  lAtmber  Co.  No.  10979,  in  circuit  court  of  appeals  for  5th  circuit, 
A.  L.  Carter  Lumber  Company,  Aubrey  L.  Carter  and  R.  D.  Randolph,  individ- 
ually, trustees,  doing  business  as  A.  L.  Carter  Lumber  Company  v.  commissioner 
of  internal  revenue,  on  petition  for  review  of  decision  of  Tax  Court ;  brief  for 
respondent.     [1944.]     cover  title,  ii+19  p.     t  J  1.7C :  C  245 

Central  States  Electric  Co.  No.  1000.  in  Supreme  Court  of  United  States,  Oct. 
term,  1943,  Central  States  Electric  Company  v.  Muscatine,  Iowa,  and  Elmer  E. 
Johnson,  for  himself  and  users  of  natural  gas  in  Greenfield,  Iowa,  et  al.,  on 
petition  for  writ  of  certiorari  to  circuit  court  of  appeals  for  7th  circuit ;  brief 
for  Federal  Power  Commission  in  opposition.     [1944.]     cover  title,  i+18  p.     t 

3  1.78 :  C  333/3 

Cherokee  Spiniting  Co.  No.  9270,  in  circuit  court  of  appeals  for  6th  circuit, 
Cherokee  Spinning  Company  v.  commissioner  of  internal  revenue,  on  petition 
for  review  of  decision  of  Processing  Tax  Board  of  Review ;  brief  for  respondent. 
[1944.]     cover  title,  iv+32  p.     t  J  1.76:0424/4 

Chicago,  III.  No.  8331,  in  circuit  court  of  appeals  for  7th  circuit,  United  States  v. 
93,673  square  feet  of  floor  space,  more  or  less,  in  Chicago,  Cook  County,  111., 
Clearing  Industrial  District,  Inc.,  General  Motors  Corporation  and  Argonaut 
Realty  Division ;  General  Motors  Corporation  v.  United  States,  appeal  from 
district  court  for  northern  district  of  Illinois,  eastern  division,  Michael  L.  Igoe, 
presiding;  brief  for  United  States.     [1943.]     cover  title,  ii+32  p.     $ 

J  1.76 :  C  432  co 

Childs,  Mrs.  Anna  D.  No.  8590,  in  circuit  court  of  appeals  for  3d  circuit,  commis- 
sioner of  internal  revenue  v.  estate  of  Anna  D.  Childs,  James  H.  Childs  [et  al.], 
executors,  on  petition  for  review  of  decision  of  Tax  Court;  brief  for  petitioner. 
[1944.]     cover  title,  iii+35+42a  p.     %  J  1.76  :C  437 

Christianson,  John  E.  No.  8534,  in  circuit  court  of  appeals  for  7th  circuit,  Milnor 
N.  Daflinrud,  general  guardian  for  John  Edward  Christianson,  incompetent,  v. 
United  States,  appeal  from  district  court  for  western  district  of  Wisconsin, 
Patrick  T.  Stone,  district  judge;  brief  of  defendant-appellee.  [1944.]  cover 
title,  i +8  p.     %  J  1.76:0  462 

Clayton,  Charles  M.  Nos.  886-887,  in  Supreme  Court  of  United  States,  Oct.  term, 
1943,  Charles  Milburn  Clayton  v.  United  States;  Thomas  Howard  StuU  v. 
[same],  on  petitions  for  writs  of  certiorari  to  circuit  court  of  appeals  for  4th 
circuit;  memorandum  for  United  States  in  opposition.  [1944.]  cover  title, 
i+5  p.     %  J  1.78:  0  579 

CUnehmore  Coal  Mining  Co.  No.  9723,  in  circuit  court  of  appeals  for  6th  circuit, 
Clinchmore  Coal  Mining  Company  v.  commissioner  of  internal  revenue,  on  peti- 
tion for  review  of  decision  of  Tax  Court ;  brief  for  respondent.  [1944.]  cover 
title,  iv+32  p.     $  J  1.76 :  O  615 

Coffman,  Roscoe  A.  No.  939,  in  Supreme  Court  of  United  States,  Oct.  term,  1943, 
Roscoe  A.  Coffman  v.  Breeze  Corporations,  Inc..  and  United  States,  appeal  from 
district  court  for  district  of  New  Jersey ;  motion  of  United  States  to  aflBrm. 
[1944.]     cover  title,  12  p.     t  J  1.78 :  0  654 

Cold  Metal  Process  Co.  Civil  no.  21910,  in  district  court  for  northern  district  of 
Ohio,  eastern  division.  United  States  v.  Cold  Metal  Process  Company  and  Abram 
P.  Steckel ;  plaintiff's  brief  opposing  defendant's  motion  under  rule  12  for  hear- 
ing in  advance  of  trial  and  for  partial  summary  judgment  for  defendents,  pur- 
suant to  rule  56.     [1944.]     cover  title,  i+16  p.     t  J  1.75:0  673/4 

Commercial  Union  A-isurance  Co.,  Ltd.  Nos.  — — ,  in  circuit  court  of  appeals  for 
2d  circuit.  Commercial  Union  Assiu'ance  Company,  Ltd.,  v.  commissioner  of 
internal  revenue,  on  petitions  for  review  of  decisions  of  Tax  Court;  brief  for 
respondent.     [1944.]     cover  title,  ii +39  p.     t  J  1.76:  0  736/2 

•    Sent  to  Depository  Libraries 

July  1944  821 

Cansumers  Union  of  V.  8.,  Inc.  Brief  for  appellee,  United  States  Court  of  Ap- 
peals, District  of  Columbia,  Apr.  term,  1944,  uo.  8704,  Consumers  Union  of  U.  S., 
Inc.,  V.  Frank  J.  Walker,  Postmaster  General,  appeal  from  District  Court  of 
United  States  for  District  of  Columbia.     [1944.]     cover  title,  i+6  p.     t 

J  1.77  :  C  76G 

Country  Garden  Market,  Inc.  No.  945,  in  Supreme  Court  of  United  States,  Oct. 
term,  1943,  Country  Garden  Market,  Inc.,  v.  Chester  Bowles,  administrator,  Office 
of  Price  Administration  et  al.,  on  petition  for  writ  of  certiorari  to  United  States 
Court  of  Appeals  for  District  of  Columbia ;  memorandum  for  respondent. 
[1944.]     cover  title,  i+8  p.     t  J  1-78 :  C  832/2 

Court  Holding  Co.  No.  10976  in  circuit  court  of  appeals  for  5th  circuit,  Court 
Holding  Company  v.  commissioner  of  internal  revenue,  on  petition  for  review 
of  decision  of  Tax  Court ;  brief  for  respondent.     [1944.]     cover  title,  ii+SS  p.     % 

J  1.76:0  835 

Cromer,  Clarence.  No.  990,  in  Supreme  Court  of  United  States,  Oct.  term,  1944 
[1943],  Clarence  Cromer  v.  United  States,  on  petition  for  writ  of  certiorari  to 
United  States  Court  of  Appeals  for  District  of  Columbia ;  brief  for  United 
States  in  opposition.     [1944.]     cover  title,  i+13  p.     %  J  1.78  :C  88 

Doll,  Francis.  No.  12773,  in  circuit  court  of  appeals  for  8th  circuit,  Francis  Doll  v. 
commissioner  of  internal  revenue,  on  petition  for  review  of  decision  of  Tax 
Court;  brief  for  respondent.     [1944.]     cover  title,  ii+15  p.     $  J  1.76:  D69 

Driscoll,  George  F.,  Co.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  45455,  George  F.  Driscoll  Com- 
pany V.  United  States ;  defendant's  brief.     [1944.]     p.  65-82.     t      J  1.80 :  D  833 

Eaton,  Julian  S.  No.  10991,  in  circuit  court  of  appeals  for  5th  circuit,  Julian  S. 
Eaton  and  Ethelynn  W.  Eaton  v.  commissioner  of  internal  revenue,  on  petition 
for  review  of  decisions  of  Tax  Court;  brief  for  respondent.  [1944.]  cover 
title,   ii+22  p.     %  J1.76:Ea84 

Emporium  Capwell  Co.  No.  934,  in  Supreme  Court  of  United  States,  Oct.  term, 
1943,  Emporium  Capwell  Company  v.  Clifford  C.  Anglim,  collector  of  internal 
revenue,  on  petition  for  writ  of  certiorari  to  circuit  court  of  appeals  for  9th 
circuit ;  brief  for  respondent  in  opposition.     [1944.]     cover  title,  i-|-15  p.     $ 

J  1.78 :  Em  75 

Engleiy  Electric  Co.,  Inc.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  46106,  Engleby  Electric  Com- 
pany, Inc.,  V.  United  States;  demurrer  [and]  brief  in  support  of  demurrer. 
[1944.]     p.  &-15.     t  Jl.S0:En35 

Eury,  Harry  B.  Brief  for  appellee.  United  States  Court  of  Appeals  for  District 
of  Columbia,  Apr.  term,  1944,  no.  8672,  Harry  B.  Eury  v.  Ray  L.  Huff,  general 
superintendent,  D.  C.  Reformatory,  appeal  from  District  Court  of  United  States 
for  District  of  Columbia.     [1944.]     cover  title,  i-f3  p.     t  J1.77:Eu75 

Express  Publishing  Co.  No.  10973,  in  circuit  court  of  appeals  for  5th  circuit, 
Express  Publishing  Company  v.  commissioner  of  internal  revenue,  on  petition 
for  review  of  decision  of  Tax  Court ;  brief  for  respondent.  [1944.]  cover  title, 
i+14  p.     t  J  1.76:  Ex  77/5 

Fra7ikliti  Peanut  Co.  No.  5238,  in  circuit  court  of  appeals  for  4th  circuit,  Franklin 
Peanut  Company  ly.  commissioner  of  internal  reveiuie,  on  petition  for  review  of 
decision  of  Tax  Court;  brief  for  respondent.     [1944.]     cover  title,  ii+59  p.     t 

J  1.76  :  F  854/2 

Gallagher  Steak  House,  Inc.  No.  1043,  in  Supreme  Court  of  United  States,  Oct. 
term,  1943,  Gallagher  Steak  House,  Inc.,  v.  Chester  Bowles,  administrator, 
Office  of  Price  Administration,  et  al.,  on  petition  for  writ  of  certiorari  to  circuit 
court  of  appeals  for  2d  circuit;  memorandum  for  respondent  in  opposition. 
[1944.]     cover  title,  4  p.     $  J  1.78  :G  135 

Gay,  Edward  J.,  Planting  d  Mfg.  Co.,  Ltd.  No.  10905,  in  circuit  court  of  appeals 
for  5th  circuit,  Edward  J.  Gay  Planting  &  Mfg.  Co.,  Ltd.,  v.  coumiissioner  of 
internal  revenue,  on  petition  for  review  of  decision  of  Tax  Court ;  brief  for 
respondent.     [1944.]     cover    title,    i-f20   p.     t  J  1.76  :G  25 


Sent  to  Depository  Libraries 

822  Government  Publications 

Geldzahler,  Max.  No.  980,  in  Supreme  Court  of  United  States,  Oct.  term,  1943, 
Max  Geklzahler  v.  United  States,  on  petition  for  writ  of  certiorari  to  circuit 
court  of  appeals  for  utb  circuit;  brief  for  United  States  in  opposition.  [1944.] 
cover  title,  i+10  p.     t  J  1.78:0  281 

Gtcse,  Willis  E.  Brief  for  appellee,  United  States  Court  of  Appeals,  District  of 
Columbia,  no.  8702,  Willis  E.  Giese  v.  United  States,  appeal  from  District  Court 
of  United  States  for  District  of  Columbia.     [1944.]     cover  title,  1+8  p.     t 

J  1.77 :  G  364 

Oillioz,  M.  E.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  44869,  M.  E.  Gillioz  v.  United  States  defend- 
ant's exceptions  to  commissioner's  report.     [1944.]     p.  33-35.     t       J  1.80  :G  416 

Goldsmith,  Clifford.  No.  107241,  in  circuit  court  of  appeals  for  2d  circuit,  Clifford 
and  Kathryn  Goldsmith  v.  conmiissioner  of  internal  revenue,  on  i)etitiou  for 
review  of  decision  of  Tax  Court;  supplemental  brief  for  respondent.  [1944.] 
cover  title,  ii+13  p.     t  J  1.76 :  G  573/2 

Good  Luck  Oil  Co.  No.  854,  in  Supreme  Court  of  United  States,  Oct.  term,  1943, 
Foy  O.  Wilemon  and  Amos  E.  Wilemon,  doing  business  under  trade  name  of 
Good  Luck  Oil  Company,  a  partnership,  v.  Chester  Bowles,  administrator, 
Office  of  Price  Administration,  et  al.,  ou  petition  for  writ  of  certiorari  to  circuit 
court  of  appeals  for  5th  circuit;  memorandum  for  respondent.  [1944.]  cover 
title,  i+12  p.     t  J  1.78 :  G  599 

Grant  Parish,  La.  No.  10975,  in  circuit  court  of  appeals  for  5th  circuit.  United 
States  V.  4,925  acres  of  land  in  Grant  Parish,  La.,  and  W.  A.  Capps,  et  al.,  tract 
no.  1041,  property  of  heirs  of  J.  R.  Shirley,  et  al.,  appeal  from  district  court 
for  western  district  of  Louisiana,  Alexandria  division;  brief  for  United  States. 
[1944.]     cover  title,  i+18  p.     t  J  1.76  :G  767/3 

Guthrie,  A.,  &  Co.,  Inc.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  45424,  A.  Guthrie  &  Co.,  Inc., 
John  Marsch,  Inc.,  Mark  C.  Walker  and  Son  Co.  v.  United  States;  defendant's 
brief.     [1944.]     p.    59-&4.     t  J  1.80  :G  984/2 

Hartford  Fire  Insurance  Co.  No.  975,  in  Supreme  Court  of  United  States,  Oct. 
term,  1943,  Hartford  Fire  Insurance  Company  v.  commissioner  of  internal 
revenue,  on  petition  for  writ  of  certiorari  to  circuit  court  of  appeals  for  2d 
circuit ;  brief  for  respondent  in  opposition.     [1944.]    cover  title,  1+6  p.    t 

J  1.78 :  H  253/5 

Eartoood-Nebel  Construction  Co.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  44587,  Harwood-Nebel 
Construction  Company  v.  United  States;  defendant's  exceptions  to  commis- 
sioner's supplementary  report.     [1944.]     p.  181-186.     +  J  1.80  :H  266/2 

Her'bert,  John  W.  No.  937,  in  Supreme  Court  of  United  States,  Oct.  term,  1943, 
estate  of  John  W.  Herbert,  Central  Hanover  Bank  and  Trust  Company,  et  al., 
executors,  v>.  commissioner  of  internal  revenue,  ou  petition  for  writ  of  cer- 
tiorari to  circuit  court  of  appeals  for  3d  circuit;  brief  for  respondent  in  op- 
position.    [1944.]     cover  title,  ii+13  p.     t  J  1.78  :H  415 

Ilofheinwr,  Reka  G.  No.  1008,  in  Supreme  Court  of  United  States,  Oct.  term,  1943, 
Reka  Goldberg  Hofheimer  v.  Ben  Gold,  as  trustee  of  South  State  Street  Build- 
ing Corporation,  debtor,  et  al.,  on  petition  for  writ  of  certiorari  to  circuit  court 
of  appeals  for  the  7th  circuit ;  brief  for  Securities  and  Exchange  Commission 
in  opposition.     [1944.]     cover  title,  ii+18  p.     t  J  1.78  :H  676 

Hopkins,  Ben  F.  No.  9566,  in  circuit  court  of  appeals  foe  6th  circuit,  Ben  F. 
Hopkins  v.  commissioner  of  internal  revenue,  on  petition  for  review  of  decision 
of  Tax  Court;  brief  for  respondent.     [1944.]     cover  title,  iv+27  p.     t 

J  1.76  :H  774 

Bouse,  H.  G.  Brief  for  United  States,  appellee  and  cross-appellant,  in  circuit 
court  of  appeals  for  10th  circuit,  no.  2809,  H.  G.  House  v.  United  States,  Leona 
Richard  Fox,  [et.  al.]  ;  no.  2810,  United  States  v.  H.  G.  House,  and  H.  G.  House 
and  li.  L.  Simpson,  executors  of  Eastman  Richard;  no.  2814,  H.  G.  House  and 
R.  L.  Simpson,  executors  of  Eastman  Richard  r.  United  Statt^,  Leona  Richard 
Fox,  [et  al.],  appeals  and  cross-appeal  from  district  court  for  eastern  dis- 
trict of  Oklahoma.    [1914.]    cover  title,  iv+81  p.    t  J  1.76 :  H  816/2 

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July  1944  823 

Hygrade  Food  Productfi  Corporation.  No.  — ,  in  circuit  court  of  appeals  for 
2d  circuit,  Hygrade  Food  Products  Corporation  v.  commissioner  of  internal 
revenue,  on  petition  for  review  of  decision  of  Tax  Court ;  brief  for  respondent. 
[1944.]     cover  title,  iii+40  p.     t  J  1.76  :H  996 

International  Standard  Electric  Corporation.  Nos.  — ,  in  circuit  court  of  ap- 
peals for  2d  circuit,  International  Standard  Electric  Corporation  v.  conmiis- 
sioner  of  internal  revenue,  on  petitions  for  review  of  decisions  of  Tax  Court; 
brief  for  respondent.     [1944.]     cover  title,  ii+26  p.     I  J  1.76:  In  85/5 

Jacobs,  Louis.  No.  926,  in  Supreme  Court  of  United  States,  Oct.  term,  1943, 
United  States,  ex  rel.  Louis  Jacobs,  v.  John  L.  Bare,  United  States  marshal 
for  eastern  district  of  Michigan,  on  petition  for  writ  of  certiorari  to  circuit 
court  of  appeals  for  the  6th  circuit ;  brief  for  United  States  in  opposition. 
[1944.]     cover  title,  i+ 12  p.    t  J  1.78:  J 153 

Johnstown  Coal  &  Coke  Company  of  New  York,  Inc.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no. 
44330,  Johnstown  Coal  &  Coke  Company  of  New  York,  Inc.,  v.  United  States; 
defendant's  brief.      [1944.]     p.  21-28.     +  J  1.80:  J  659/2 

Justice,  Carl  E.  No.  10691,  in  circuit  court  of  appeals  for  9th  circuit,  Carl  E. 
Justice  and  Beatrice  Justice  v.  United  States,  upon  appeal  from  district  court 
for  western  district  of  Washington,  northern  division ;  brief  for  United  States. 
[1944.]     cover  title,  ii+17  p.    I  J  1.76:  J  984 

Kaufmann  Department  Stores  Securities  Corporation.  Nos.  8603  and  8604,  in 
circuit  court  of  appeals  for  3d  circuit,  Kaufmann  Department  Stores  Securi- 
ties Corporation  r.  commissioner  of  internal  revenue ;  Kaufmann  Department 
Stores.  Inc..  v.  [same],  on  petitions  for  review  of  decisions  of  Tax  Court: 
brief  for  respondent.     [1944.]     cover  title,  ii+30  p.     t  J  1.76  :K  162/6 

Kuss,  Ernst.  In  Court  of  Customs  and  Patent  Appeals,  patent  appeal  no.  4903, 
in  matter  of  application  of  Ernst  Kuss  and  Hans  Hohn,  zinc  compounds;  reply 
brief  for  appellants.     [1944.]     p.  2-16,  4°     %  J  1.79  :K 968 

Latcley,  George,  d  Son  Corporation.  No.  908,  in  Supreme  Court  of  United  States, 
Oct.  term,  1943,  George  Lawley  &  Son  Corporation  v.  Charles  J.  South,  on 
petition  for  writ  of  certiorai  to  circuit  court  of  appeals  for  1st  circuit;  memo- 
randum on  behalf  of  administrator  of  Wage  and  Hour  Division,  Department 
of  Labor,  as  amicus  curiae.     [1944.]     cover  title,  11  p.    t  J  1.78  :L  425 

Ledyard,  Lewis  C,  jr.  No.  354,  in  circuit  court  of  appeals  for  2d  circuit,  com- 
missioner of  internal  revenue  v.  United  States  Trust  Company  of  New  York, 
executor,  Lewis  Cass  Ledyard,  jr.,  on  petition  for  review  of  decision  of  Tax 
Court;  reply  brief  for  commissioner.     [1944.]     cover  title,  ii-flS  p.     t 

J  1.76  :L  499/3 

Lite  Manufacturing  Co.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  45498,  Aleck  Leitman,  trading 
as  Lite  Manufacturing  Company,  v.  United  States;  defendant's  exceptions  to 
commissioner's  report  and  request  for  special  findings  of  fact.  [1944.] 
p.  47-52.     t  J  1.80  :L  712 

Lohrherg,  William  H.,  sr.  Nos.  884-885,  in  Supreme  Court  of  United  States,  Oct. 
term,  1943,  United  States,  ex  rel.  William  Henry  Lohrberg,  sr.,  v.  Claude  O. 
Nicholson,  warden  [Federal  Keforniatory,  Petersburg,  Va.],  and  Francis 
Biddle,  Attorney  General ;  United  States,  ex  rel.  Ralph  Falbo,  sr.,  v.  M.  L. 
Kennedy,  superintendent  [Federal  Reformatory,  Mill  Point,  W.  Va.],  and 
Francis  Biddle,  Attorney  General,  on  petitions  for  writs  of  certiorari  to  cir- 
cuit court  of  appeals  for  4th  circuit ;  memorandum  for  respondents  in  opposi- 
tion.    [1944.]    cover  title,  i-J-6  p.    t  J  1.78  :L 833 

Louisville  Property  Co.  Nos.  971-972,  in  Supreme  Court  of  United  States,  Oct. 
term,  1943,  National  Bank  of  Middlesboro  and  11.  C.  Williams,  successor  as- 
signee in  trust  for  benefit  of  creditors  and  stockholders  of  Louisville  Property 
Company,  intervener,  v.  United  States;  Louisville  Property  Company,  H.  C. 
Williams,  assignee,  v.  commissioner  of  internal  revenue,  on  petitions  for 
writs  of  certiorari  to  circuit  court  of  appeals  for  6th  circuit;  brief  for  United 
States  in  opposition.     [1944.]     cover  title,  i-f  16  p.     t  J  1.78 :L  93/6 

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824  Government  Publications 

lAickimj,  William  A.  Nos.  459r)(>-9ri7,  in  Court  of  Claims,  William  Alfred  Luck- 
iriR  and  Margaret  Holmes  Davis  v.  United  States;  defendant's  demurrer  and 
brief  in  support  thereof.     [1944.]     cover  title,  iv +33-106  p,    t        J  1.80  :L  964 

Lumpkin,  Mrs.  S.  W.  C.  No.  956,  in  Supreme  Court  of  United  States,  Oct.  term, 
194.'i.  Mrs.  S.  W.  C.  lAimpkin  v.  Wni.  P.  Iknvers,  collector  of  internal  revenue 
for  South  Carolina,  on  petition  for  writ  of  certiorari  to  circuit  court  of  appeals 
for  4th  circuit;  brief  for  I'espondent  in  opposition.  [1944.]  cover  title, 
ii+15  p.     t  J  1.78  :L  971 

Lynn,  Winfred  W.  No.  941,  in  Supreme  Court  of  United  States,  Oct.  term,  1943, 
Ignited  States  ex  rol.  Winfred  William  Lynn  v.  Jolin  W.  Downer,  commanding 
officer.  Camp  Upton,  New  York,  on  petition  for  writ  of  certiorari  to  circuit 
court  of  appeals  for  2d  circuit ;  memorandum  for  respondent.  [1944.]  cover 
title,  i+19  p.     t  J  1.78  :L  993 

McCloskey  d  Co.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  45649,  McCloskey  and  Company  v. 
United  States;  defendant's  exceptions  to  commissioner's  report  and  request 
for  special  findings  of  fact.     [1944.]     p.  41-53.     t  J  1.80  :M  132/9 

.McCutnhin  Drilling  Co.  No.  1091S,  in  circuit  court  of  appeals  for  5th  circuit, 
McCutchin  Drilling  Company  ;;.  commissioner  of  intei'nal  revenue,  on  i)etition  for 
review  of  decision  of  Tax  Court;  brief  for  respondent.  [1944.]  cover  title, 
ii+2Sp.     t  J  1.76 :  M  139/2 

Mason,  Silas,  Co.,  Inc.  No.  44659,  in  Court  of  Claims,  Silas  Mason  Company, 
Inc.,  Walsh  Construction  Company,  Atkinson-Kier  Company  v.  United  States ; 
defendant's  exceptions  to  commissioner's  report  and  request  for  special  find- 
ings of  fact.     [1944.]     cover  title,  iv+47&-756  p.    t  J  1.80 :  M  381/3 

Masspy.  William  B.  No.  10927,  in  circuit  court  of  appeals  for  5th  circuit,  William 
Benson  Massey  and  Ruby  Stahl  Massey  v.  commissioner  of  internal  revenue, 
and  commissioner  of  internal  revenue  v.  William  Benson  Massey  and  Ruby 
Stahl  Massey;  [same]  v.  Ruby  Stahl  Massey;  [same]  v.  William  Benson 
Massey,  on  i)etitlons  for  review  of  decisions  of  Board  of  Tax  Appeals;  brief 
for  commissioner.     1944.]     cover  title,  ii+37  p.     t  J  1.76  :M  383 

M<'ii(loui.<i,  Sara.  No.  5247,  in  circuit  court  of  appeals  for  4th  circuit,  Sara 
Meadows  and  Carlton  .T.  Taylor  v.  United  States,  appeal  from  district  court 
for  eastern  district  of  North  Carolina,  New  Bern ;  brief  for  United  States. 
[1944.]     cover  title,  iii +36  p.     t  J  1.76  :M  461/3 

Miles  Laboratories,  Inc.  No.  935,  in  Supreme  Court  of  United  States,  Oct.  term, 
1943,  Miles  Laboratories,  Inc.,  v.  Federal  Trade  Commission,  etc.,  et  al.,  on 
petition  for  writ  of  certiorari  to  United  States  Court  of  Appeals  for  District 
of  Columbia;  brief  for  respondents  in  opposition.  [1944.]  cover  title, 
ii+18  p.     I  J  1.78  :M  598 

Miller.  Anthony  P..  Inc.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  45S21,  Anthony  P.  Miller  and 
Anthony  P.  Miller,  Inc.,  v.  United  States;  defendant's  brief  and  argument. 
[1944.]     p.  95-150.     t  J  1.80  :M  612/2 

Same;  defendant's  request  for  special  findings  of  facts  and  exceptions  to 

report  of  commissioner.     [1944.]     p.  25-32.       %  J  1.80  :M  612 

Missouri  Pacific  Railroad.  No.  12826,  civil,  in  circuit  court  of  appeals  foi-  8th 
circuit.  United  States  v.  Guy  A.  Thompson,  trustee,  Missouri  Pacific  Railroad 
Company,  appeal  from  district  court  for  western  district  of  Missouri,  central 
division;  appellant's  reply  brief.     [1944.]     cover  title,  i+16  p.     t 

J  1.76  :  M  690/2 

Montgomery,  P.  O.  Nos.  10911  and  10012,  in  circuit  court  of  appeals  for  5th  cir- 
cuit, commissioner  of  internal  revenue  v.  P.  O'B.  Montgomery ;  [same]  v. 
Frances  H.  Montgomery,  on  petitions  for  review  of  decisions  of  Tax  Court; 
reply  brief  for  petitioner.     [1944.]     cover  title,  i +12  p.    t  J  1.76  :M  767/4 

Moody,  W.  L.,  Cotton  Co.  No.  10925,  in  circuit  court  of  appeals  for  5th  circuit, 
W.  L.  Moody  Cotton  Company  v.  commissioner  of  internal  revenue,  on  petition 
fur  rt'view  of  decision  of  Tax  Court ;  brief  for  respondent.  [1944.]  cover  ti*^le, 
ii+39  p.     t  J  1.76  :M  776 

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July  1944  825 

National  Homeopathic  Hospital  Association  of  District  of  Columbia.  No.  8G88, 
United  States  Court  of  Appeals,  District  of  Columbia,  National  Homeopathic 
Hospital  Association  of  District  of  Columbia,  and  Aetna  C'asualty  and  Surety 
Company  v.  Theodore  Britton,  deputy  commissioner.  District  of  Columbia  Com- 
pensation District,  U.  S.  Employees'  Compensation  ^'ommission,  appeal  from 
District  Court  of  United  States  for  District  of  Columbia ;  brief  of  appellee. 
[1944.]     cover  title,   ii+31  p.     t  J  1.77 :  N  2131io 

Neely,  Monroe  D.  Brief  on  behalf  of  appellee.  United  States  Court  of  Appeals, 
District  of  Columbia,  Apr.  term,  1944,  no  8649,  Monroe  D.  Neely  v.  United  States, 
appeal  from  District  Court  of  United  States  for  District  of  Columbia.  [1944.] 
cover  title,  i+22  p.    $  J  1.77  :  N  293 

Nelson,  George.  No.  1010,  in  Supreme  Court  of  United  States,  Oct.  term,  1943, 
George  Nelson,  Mrs.  Agnes  Nelson,  and  Mrs.  Ollie  Ilalpin  v.  United  States,  on 
petition  for  writ  of  certiorari  to  circuit  court  of  appeals  for  9th  circuit;  brief 
for  United  States  in  opposition.      [1944.]     cover  title,  i+11  p.     t 

J  1.78 :  N  333/3 

New  York  State.  No.  99G,  in  Supreme  Court  of  United  States,  Oct.  term,  1943, 
State  of  New  York  and  Saratoga  Sprini^s  Commission  and  Saratoga  Springs 
Authority  v.  United  States,  on  petition  for  writ  of  certiorari  to  circuit  court  of 
api)eals  for  2d  circuit;  brief  for  United  States  in  opposition.  [1944.]  cover 
title,  i+10  p.     $  J  1.78 :  N  42  yo/8 

O.iage  Indians.  Congressional  no.  17763,  in  Court  of  Claims,  Osage  tribe  of  Indians 
-y.  United  States ;  defendant's  brief.     [1944.]     cover  title,  i +49^62  p.     $ 

J  1.80 :  Os  1/2 

Otisd  Co.  No.  993,  in  Supreme  Court  of  United  States,  Oct.  term,  1943,  Otis  &  Co. 
V.  Securities  and  Exchange  Commission  and  United  Light  and  Power  Company, 
on  petition  for  writ  of  certiorari  to  circuit  court  of  appeals  for  3d  circuit ; 
memorandum  for  Securities  and  Exchange  Commission.  [1944.]  cover  title, 
ii+29p.     t  J1.7S:Ot4 

Pel  feet  Garment  Co.  No.  1044,  in  Supreme  Court  of  United  States,  Oct.  term, 
1943,  United  States  vs.  Herman  Rosenwasser,  an  individual  doing  business  under 
firm  name  and  style  of  Perfect  Garment  Company,  appeal  from  district  court  for 
southern  district  of  California;  statement  as  to  jurisdiction.  [1944.]  cover 
title,  11  p.     t  J  1.78  :P  416 

Pcrsful,  Rufe.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  46086,  Rufe  Persful  v.  United  States; 
denmrrer  [and]  defendant's  memorandum  brief  in  support  of  demurrer.  [1944.] 
p.  9-10.     %  J  1.80 :  P  43 

Pierce,  Mrs.  Katharine  C.  No.  19314,  in  circuit  court  of  appeals  for  2d  circuit, 
commissioner  of  internal  revenue  v.  Katharine  C.  Pierce ;  Katharine  C.  Pierce  v. 
commissioner  of  internal  revenue,  on  petition  for  review  of  decision  of  Tax 
Court;  joint  appendix.     [1944.]     cover  title,  i+52  p.  2  facsim.     % 

J  1.76  :P  611/2 

Puget  Smmd  Power  &  Light  Co.  No.  10654,  in  circuit  court  of  appeals  for  9th 
circuit.  United  States  v.  Puget  Sound  Power  and  Light  Company,  appeal  from 
district  court  for  western  district  of  Washington,  northern  division  ;  reply  brief 
for  United  States.     [1944.]     cover  title,  ii+14  p.     %  J  1.70:  I' 963/2 

Piiramid  Moving  Co.  No.  1018,  in  Supreme  Court  of  United  States,  Oct.  term, 
1943,  Pyramid  Moving  Company  v.  United  States  and  Interstate  Connnerce 
Commission,  appeal  from  district  court  for  northern  district  of  Ohio ;  motion 
to  affirm.     [1944.]     cover  title,  8  p.     t  J1.7S:P99S 

Quintana  Petroleum  Co.  No.  10898,  in  circuit  court  of  appeals  for  5th  circuit, 
Quintana  Petroleum  Company  v.  commissioner  of  internal  revenue,  on  jKitition 
for  review  of  decision  of  Board  of  Tax  Appeals;  brief  for  respondent.  [1944.] 
cover  title,  ii-f  22  p.     t  J  1.76 :  Q  45 

Raythcan  Production  Corporation.  No.  3956,  in  circuit  court  of  appeals  for  1st 
circuit,  Raytheon  Production  Corporation  v.  commissioner  of  internal  revenue, 
on  petition  for  review  of  decision  of  Tax  Court;  brief  for  respondent.  [1944.] 
cover  title,  ii+30  p.  large  8"     J  J  1.76 :  R  219 

•     Sent  to  Depository  Libraries 

826  Government  Publications 

Rcisinger,  Curt  II.  Nos.  — ,  in  circuit  court  of  appeals  for  2d  circuit,  Curt  H. 
Kcisinger  v.  comiuissiouer  of  iuternal  revenue;  Walter  Reisinger  v.  [same],  on 
petitions  for  review  of  decisions  of  Tax  Court;  brief  for  respondent.  [1944.] 
cover  title,  1+22  p.     t  J  1.76 :  R  277/2 

Roanoke  Iron  Works,  Inc.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  44178,  Roanoke  Iron  Works, 
Inc.,  V.  United  States;  defendant's  exceptions  to  findings  of  fact  and  report  of 
commissioner  and  request  for  special  findings  of  fact.     [1944.]     p.  11-12.     t 

J  1.80 :  R  531 

Rohcrts,  Mrs.  Dora.  No.  10934,  in  circuit  court  of  appeals  for  5th  circuit,  Dora 
Roberts  v.  commissioner  of  internal  revenue,  on  petition  for  review  of  decision 
of  Tax  Court ;  brief  for  respondent.     [1944.]     cover  title,  ii+22  p.     t 

J  1.76 :  R  541 

Ross  Engineering  Co.,  Inc.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  45198,  Ross  Engineering  Com- 
pany, Inc.  V.  United  States ;  defendant's  exceptions  to  commissioner's  report, 
and  request  for  amended  findings.     [1W4.]     p.  35-73.     %  J  1.80  :R  733/4 

Sala,  Laura,  countess.  No.  148,  in  circuit  court  of  appeals  for  2d  circuit,  countess 
Laura  Sala  v.  commissioner  of  internal  revenue,  on  petition  for  review  of 
decision  of  Board  of  Tax  Appeals ;  brief  for  respondent.  [1944.]  cover  title, 
i+23p.     t  J1.76:Sa31 

Schwartz,  Mrs.  Marie  E.  No.  995,  in  Supreme  Court  of  United  States,  Oct.  term, 
1943,  Marie  E.  Schwartz  v.  commissioner  of  internal  revenue,  on  petition  for  writ 
of  certiorari  to  circuit  court  of  appeals  for  9th  circuit ;  brief  for  respondent  in 
opposition.     [1944.]     cover  title,  i +10  p.     %  J1.78:Sch95 

Seatrain  Lines,  Inc.  No.  845,  in  Supreme  Court  of  United  States,  Oct.  term,  1943, 
United  States,  Interstate  Commerce  Commission,  Seatrain  Lines,  Inc.,  et  al.,  v. 
Pennsylvania  Railroad  Company,  et  al.,  appeal  from  district  court  for  district 
of  New  Jersey ;  return  to  rule  to  show  cause.     [1944.]     cover  title,  i+23  p.     $ 

J  1.78 :  Se  18/3 

Shoshone  Indians.  No.  915,  in  Supreme  Court  of  United  States,  Oct.  term,  1943, 
Northwestern  bands  of  Shoshone  Indians  v.  United  States,  on  petition  for  writ  of 
certiorari  to  Court  of  Claims;  brief  for  United  States  in  opposition.  [1944.] 
cover  title,  i+21  p.     $  J  1.78 :  N  819/6 

Simon,  B.,  Hardware  Co.  Brief  for  appellants,  United  States  Court  of  Appeals, 
District  of  Columbia,  no.  8777,  Donald  M.  Nelson,  chairman,  War  Production 
Board,  J.  A.  Krug,  program  vice-chairman  thereof,  William  J.  Logan,  director 
of  Distribution  Bureau  thereof  et  al.,  v.  B.  Simon  Hardware  Company,  a  corpo- 
ration, and  B.  Simon  Hardware  Company,  a  partnership,  appeal  from  judgment 
of  United  States  District  Court  for  District  of  Columbia.  [1J>14.]  cover  title, 
ii+25  p.     %  J  1.77:  Si  53 

Staked  Plains  Trust,  Ltd.  No.  109S0,  in  circuit  court  of  appeals  for  5th  circuit. 
Staked  Plains  Trust,  Ltd.,  v.  commissioner  of  internal  revenue,  on  petition  for 
review  of  decision  of  Tax  Court;  brief  for  respondent.  [1944.]  cover  title, 
i-f  27  p.     t  J  1.76 :  St  15 

Standard  Fruit  d  Steamship  Co.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  45267,  Standard  Fruit 
and  Steamship  Company  v.  United  States;  request  for  special  findings  of  fact 
and  exceptions  to  report  of  commissioner.     [1944.]     p.  49-60.     J 

J  1.80?  St  24/10 

Standard  Knitting  Mills,  Inc.  No.  960,  in  Supreme  Court  of  United  States,  Oct. 
term,  1943,  Standard  Knitting  Mills,  Inc.,  v.  commissioner  of  internal  revenue, 
on  petition  for  writ  of  certiorari  to  circuit  coiu't  of  appeals  for  6th  circuit ;  brief 
for  respondent  in  opposition.     [1944.]     cover  title,  i+19  p.     t 

J  1.78 :  St  2i/10 

Standard'  Rice  Co.,  Inc.  No.  944,  in  Supreme  Court  of  United  States,  Oct.  term, 
1943,  United  States,  v.  Standard  Rice  Company,  Inc.;  petition  for  writ  of 
certiorari  to  Court  of  Claims.     [1944.]     cover  title,  i-f  10  p.     t     J  1.7S:  St  24/9 

Tigertail  Quarries,  Inc.  No.  10970,  in  circuit  court  of  appeals  for  5th  circuit.  Tiger- 
tail  Quarries,  Inc.  v.  United  States,  appeal  from  district  court  for  southern  dis- 
trict of  Florida ;  brief  for  United  States.     [1944.]     cover  title,  ii+34  p.     % 

J  1.76  :T  448 

•     Sent  to  Depository  Libraries 

July  1944  827 

United  States  Alkali  Export  Associatiofi,  Inc.  Civil  no.  24-404,  in  district  court 
for  southern  district  of  New  York,  United  States  v.  United  States  Alkali  Export 
Association,  Inc.,  et  al. ;  brief  of  United  States  in  opposition  to  defendants'  brief 
in  support  of  motion  to  dismiss.     [1944.]     cover  title,  ii+70  p.     J 

J  1.75  :  Uu  35/5 

United!  States  d  Foreign  Securities  Corporation.  No.  S637,  in  circuit  court  of 
appeals  for  3d  circuit,  commissioner  of  internal  revenue  v.  United  States  & 
Foreign  Secui'ities  Corporation,  on  petition  for  review  of  decision  of  Tax  Court ; 
brief  for  petitioner.     [1944.]     cover  title,  iii +60  p.     t  J  1.76  :Un  35/6 

Transcript  of  record,  in  circuit  court  of  appeals  for  3d  circuit,  no.  8637, 

commissioner  of  internal  revenue  vs.  United  States  &  Foreign  Securities  Corpo- 
ration, on  petition  to  review  decision  of  Tax  Court;  appendix  to  respondent's 
brief.     [1944.]     cover  title,  i+81  p.  il.  3  p.  of  pi.     t  J  1.76:  Un  35/5 

United  States  Gypsum  Co.  Joint  appendix.  United  States  Court  of  Appeals,  Dis- 
trict of  Columbia,  no.  8695,  National  War  Labpr  Board  et  al.  v.  United  States 
Gypsum  Company,  appeal  from  District  Court  of  United  States  for  District  of 
Columbia.     [1944.]     cover   title,   1+96  p.     t  J1.77:Un35 

United  States  Sugar  Corporation.  No.  10937,  In  circuit  court  of  appeals  for  5th 
circuit.  United  States  Sugar  Corporation  ii.  commissioner  of  internal  revenue, 
on  i)etition  for  review  of  decision  of  Tax  Court ;  brief  for  respondent.  [1944.] 
cover  title,  ii+29  p.     $  J  1.76 :  Un  35/7 

Wallace  Corporation.  Nos.  9-27-928,  in  Supreme  Court  of  United  States,  Oct. 
terra,  1943,  AVallace  Corporation  v.  National  Labor  Relations  Board ;  Richwood 
Clothespin  &  Dish  Workers'  Union  v.  [same],  on  petitions  for  writs  of  certiorari 
to  circuit  court  of  appeals  for  4th  circuit;  brief  for  National  Labor  Relations 
Board  in  opposition.     [1944.]     cover  title,  ii+25  p.     $  J  1.7S  :  W  155/3 

Wartier's  Renou-ned  Remedies  Co.  No.  966,  in  Supreme  Court  of  United  States, 
Oct.  term,  1943,  Warner's  Renowned  Remedies  Company  v.  Federal  Trade  Com- 
mission, on  petition  for  writ  of  certiorari  to  United  States  Court  of  Appeals  for 
District  of  Columbia ;  brief  for  Fedex'al  Trade  Commission  in  opposition. 
[1944.]     cover  title,  i+7  p.     $  J  1.78 :W 248/3 

Welsbacli  Engineering  d  Management  Corporation.  No.  923,  in  Supreme  Court  of 
United  States,  Oct.  term,  1943,  Welsbacli  Engineering  and  Management  Cor- 
poration V.  commissioner  of  internal  revenue,  on  petition  for  writ  of  certiorari 
to  circuit  court  of  appeals  for  3d  circuit ;  brief  for  respondent  in  opposition. 
[1944.]     cover  title,  i+11  p.     %  J  1.78  :W  464 

Wemyss,  William  H.  No.  9724,  in  circuit  court  of  appeals  for  6th  circuit,  William 
H.  Wemyss  f.  commissioner  of  internal  revenue,  on  petition  for  review  of 
decision  of  Tax  Court;  brief  for  re.spondent.     [1944.]     cover  title,  iv+33  p.     % 

J  1.76  :  W  479 

We.<itern  Union  Telegraph  Co.  No.  933,  in  Supreme  Court  of  United  States,  Oct. 
term,  1943,  Western  Union  Telegraph  Company  v.  commissioner  of  internal 
revenue,  on  petition  for  wi'it  of  certiorari  to  circuit  court  of  appeals  for  2d 
circuit;  brief  for  respondent  in  opposition.     [1944.]     cover  title,  i+10  p.     $ 

J  1.78  :  W  525/7 

Wiegand,  Edwin  L.,  Co.  In  Court  of  Claims,  no.  45664,  Edwin  L.  Wiegand  Com- 
pany V.  United  States ;  brief  for  United  States.     [1944.]     p.  37-66.    % 

J  l.SO :  W  635 

Williams,  Fannie  E.  No.  770,  in  Supreme  Court  of  United  States,  Oct.  term,  1943, 
Fannie  E.  Williams  v.  United  States,  on  petition  for  rehearing;  memorandum 
for  United  States  in  opposition.    [1944.]    cover  title,  i+14  p.     t 

J  1.78  :W  671/2 

Winkler,  Eli.  No.  334,  in  circuit  court  of  appeals  for  2d  circuit,  Eli  and  Selma 
Winkler,  husband  and  wife,  v.  commissioner  of  internal  revenue,  on  petition  for 
review  of  decision  of  Tax  Court;  brief  for  respondent.  [1944.]  cover  title, 
iii +25  p.     t  J  1.76  :W  729 

Wisotskey,  H.  A.  No.  8599,  in  circuit  court  of  appeals  for  3d  circuit,  H.  A. 
Wisotzkey  v.  commissioner  of  internal  revenue,  on  petition  for  review  of  de- 
cision of  Tax  Court ;  brief  for  respondent.     [1944.]     cover  title,  ii+29  p.     % 

J  1.76 :  W  762 

•     Sent  to  Depository  Libraries 

828  Government  Publications 

Woodbury  Grnnite  Co.  In  Court  of  Claims  no.  44:^86,  Woodbury  Granite  Company 
V.  United  States;  defendant's  brief.     [1944.]     p.  17-80.     t  Jl.SOrWSHL' 

Worslunn  liros.  No.  44070,  in  Court  of  Claims,  Earl  S.  Worsham,  trading  as 
Worshani  Brothers,  v.  United  States;  defendant's  brief.  [1944.]  cover  title, 
1+195-225  p.     J  J  1.80 :  W  898/4 

Ylnffdn,  Annxttisio  A.  No.  940,  in  Supreme  Court  of  United  States,  Oct.  term, 
1948,  Anastasio  A.  Ylagau  v.  United  States,  on  petition  for  writ  of  certiorari 
to  Court  of  Claims;  brief  for  United  States  in  opposition.  [1944.]  cover  title, 
i+6  p.     t  J  1.78  :Y  (59 


Labor  information  bnlleiin.     Labor  information  bulletin,  May  1944;  [v.  11,  no.  5]. 
[1944.1     8  p.   4"     [Monthly.]'  *  Paper,   10c.   single  copy,  75c.   a   yr. ;  foreign 
subscription.  .$1.15.     •Item  763 
I..  C.  card  L  34-114  L  1.15  :  11/5 

Same,  June  1944;  [v.  11,  no.  6].     [1944.]     8  p.  4°     [Monthly.]      •  Item  763 

L  1.15:11/6 


ChUd  care.  Cleveland's  progi-am  of  community  service  for  care  of  children  of 
working  mothers;  by  Henry  L.  Zucker.  [1944.]  [2] +6  p.  4"  [From  The 
child,  May  1944.]     t  L  5.35/a  :  C  437/21 

Children.  The  child,  v.  8,  no.  12;  June  1944.  [1944.]  [2]-179-192p.  4° 
[Monthly.]     *  Paper.   5c,   single   copy,   50c.   a   yr. ;   foreign   subscription,   75c. 

•  Item  744 

L.  C.  card  L  3&-94  L  5.35 :  8/12 

Our  concern,  every  child.  State  and  community  planning  for  wartime  and 

post-war  security  of  children:  by  Emma  O.  Lundberg.     [1944]      [2]+ii+84p. 
(Bureau  publication  303.)     *  Paper,  15c.     •  Item  747 

L.  C.  card  L  44-91  L  5.20  :  303 

Community   health   and   welfare   expenditures    in   wartime,   1942   and   1940,   30 
urban  areas;  by  Edward  E.  Scliwartz  and  Eloise  R.  Sherman.     1944.     iv+70  p. 
il.  4°     (Bureau  publication  302.)      [Includes  list  of  reference  material  used  in 
the  report.]     *  Paper,  20c.     •  Item  747 
L.  C.  card  L  44-90  L  5.20 :  302 

Rheumatic  heart  disease.  If  child  has  heart  disease  or  rheumatic  fever ;  by  Betty 
Huse.     [1944.]     2  p.  4°     [From  The  child,  May  1944,  v.  8.]     .t      L  5.35/a :  H  351 


Human  factor  in  maximum  production,  services  of  Division  of  Labor  Standards. 
[IMav  1944.]  [8]  p.  il.  narrow  8°  ( Special  bulletin  16. )  *  Paper,  .5c.  •Item 
757  L  16.13 :  16 

Industrial  hygiene.     Protecting  plant  manpower  through  control  of  air  contami- 
nants.    [1944.]     iv+28  p.     (Special  bulletin  14.)      [Revision  of  Special  bulle- 
tin 3.]     *  Paper,  10c.     •Item  757 
L.C.  card  L  44-102  L  16.13: 14 

Le(7is7aYn-e  report  5 ;  May  8,  1944.  [1944.]  p.  49-00,  4°  [Biweekly.  Processed 
Final  issue  for  1944.  ]     t  L  16.12 :  944/5 

Publications  of  Division  of  Labor  Standards  (topical  list).  Mar.  1,  1944.  6  p.  4° 
[  Processed.  ]     t  L  16.17 :  P  96/2/944 

Safety  sub.iects.     [1944.]     cover  title,  ii-fl52  p.     (Bulletin  67.)     *  Paper,  20c. 

•  Item  753 

L.  C.  card  L  44-103  L  16.3 :  67 

•     Sent  to  Depository  Libraries 

July  1944 



Accidents.  Causes  of  ci'ane  accidents  in  shipyards;  [prepared  by  Frank  S.  Mc- 
Elroy  and  Arthur  L.  Svenson].  [1944.]  3  p.  (Serial  no.  R.  1630.)  [From 
Monthly  labor  review,  Mar.  1944.]     t  L  2.6/a  :  Sh  64/18 

Bank  employees.     Earnings   of  bank  employees,   spring  and   summer  of  1943; 
prepared  by  [Harold  R.  Hosea]  Division  of  Wage  Analysis.     1944.     ii+12  p. 
(Bulletin  774.)      [From  Monthly  labor  review,  Apr.  1944,  with  additional  data.] 
*  Paper,  5c.     •  Item  759 
L.  C.  card  L  44-98  L  2.3  :  774 

Same.     (H.  doc.  547,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.) 

3   p. 

(Serial   no.   R.    1651.)     [From 
L  2.6/a  :  B  868/11 

6  p. 

(H.  doc.  550,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.) 
Post-war  capacity  and  characteristics  of  construction  industry ; 

Building   construction    in    1943.     [1944.] 
Monthly  labor  review.  May  1944.]     t 

Canada.     Canadian   wartime   labor   relations   regulations,    1944.     [1944.] 
(Serial  no.  R.  1643.)      [From  Monthly  labor  review,  Apr.  1944.]     t 

L  2.6/a  :  L 113/50 

Collective  Mrqainincj.     Extent  of  collective  bargaining  and  union  status,  Jan. 
1944.     [1944.]     ii+9   p.    il.     (Bulletin   776.)      [From   Monthly   labor   review, 
Apr.  1944.]     *  Paper,  5e.     •  Item  759 
L.  C.  card  L  44-99  L  2.3 :  776 



prepared  by  [Alexander  C.  Findlay],  Division  of  Construction  and  Public  Em- 
ployment.    1944.     iv-)-2S  p.      (Bulletin   779.)      [From   Monthly  labor   review, 
May  1944,  with  additional  data.]     *  Paper,  10c.     •  Item  759 
L.  C.  card  L  44-100  L  2.3 :  779 

Same.     (H.  doc.  573,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.) 

Court  decisions.  Recent  decisions  of  interest  to  labor ;  [prepared  in  Office  of 
Solicitor,  Department  of  Labor.]  [1944.]  5  p.  (Serial  no.  R.  1637.)  [From 
Monthly  labor  review,  May  1944.]     t  L  2.6/a  8 :  944/3 

Dallas  County,  Tex.  Statistical  summary  of  Dallas-Fort  Worth  area,  Dallas 
and  Tarrant  Counties,  Tex.,  statistical  data  on  war  and  pre-war  employment 
and  industry  for  use  by  local  groups  formulating  plans  for  post-war  period ; 
[prepared  by  Elizabetli  Cliild.]  Jan.  1944.  cover  title,  iv+16  p.  4  pi.  map,  4° 
(Industrial  area  statistical  summary  8.)  [Processed.  Manuscript  correction 
on  p.  1.]     t  L  2.18:  8 

Employment.  Employment  and  pay  rolls,  detailed  reports,  Jan.  1944.  Mar.  11, 
1944.     20  p.  4"     [Monthly.     Processed.]     t 

L.  C.  card  L  23-234  L  2.9 :  944/1 

Note. — In  the  interest  of  economy  during  the  war,  the  monthly  publication  of  this 
pamphlet  in  printed  form  was  discontinued  with  the  issue  for  Dec  1941.  The  issues 
for  1942  were  in  press  release  form  only.  Publication  was  resumed  in  processed  form 
with  the  Jan.  1943  issue.  The  material  for  1942  and  1943  was  not  entered  in  the  Monthly 

Same,  Feb.  1944.     Apr.  12.  1944.     27  p.  4"     [Monthlv.     Processed.]     t 

L  2.9 ;  944/2 

— —     Same,  Mar.  1944.     May  11,  1944.     20  p.  4°     [Monthly.     Processed.]     t 

L  2.9 :  944/3 

Same,  Apr.  1944.     June  9,  1944.     20  p.  4°     [Monthly.     Processed.]     t 

L  2.9 :  944/4 

State,  cotuity,  and  municipal  survey,  government  employment  and  pay  rolls, 

1929-38.  [1944.]  large  8"  (SCM-89,  SCM-114,  abridged,  to  SCM-117. 
abridged.)  [Processed.  Construction  and  Public  Employment  Division  in 
cooperation  with  Work  Projects  Administration.]     t  L  2.13  :  89, 114-1 17 

89.  State  of  Pennsylvania.      [2]-f  12  p. 

114.  State  of  Minnesota.      [2]-|-5  p. 

115.  State  of  Virginia.      [2] +7  p. 
no.  State  of  Mississippi.      [2]-f  5  p. 
117.  State  of  Alabama.      [2] +6  p. 

Sent  to  Depository  Libraries 

598159— 44— No.  594- 

830  Government  Publications 

Fluorspar.     Wages  in  mining  and  milling  of  fluorspar,  Sept.  1943;  [prepared  by 
EdUh  M.  Olsen].     [1944.]     6  p.     (Serial  no.  R.  1633.)      [From  Monthly  labor 
review,  Mar.  1944.]     t 
L.  C.  card  L  44-!»2  L  2.6/a  :  F  673/2/943 

Great  Britain.     Hours  and  earnings  in   Great  Britain   and   Northern   Ireland, 

July  1943.     [1W4.]     5  p.  (Serial  no.  R.  1649.)      [From  Monthly  labor  review, 
May  1944.]     t 

L.  C.  card  h  44-104  L  2.6/a :  H  816/8 

Uoitrn  of  irork  in  manufacturing,  1914—43;   [prepared  by  Helen  Wood].     1944. 
[1]+18  p.      (Serial  no.  R.  l()3rj.)      [Prepared  in  cooperation  with  Employment 
Statistics  Division.     Froju  Monthly  labor  review,  Apr.  1944.]     t 
L.  C.  card  L  44-93  L  2.6/a  :  M  319/19/914-43 

Titstallment  hui/ing.     Installment  buying  bv  city  consumers  in  1941;  by  Reavis 
Cox.     [1944.]     [2] +22  p.  11.     (Bulletin  773.)      [Includes  Selected  list  of  BLS 
publications  on  costs,  standards,  and  planes  of  living.     From  Monthly  labor 
review,  June  1944,  with  additional  data.]     *  Paper,  10c.     •  Item 
L.  C.  card  L  44-97  L  2.3:  773 

Same.     (H.  doc.  546,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.) 

Latin  America.     Labor  conditions  in  Latin  America,  Latin  American  series  17. 
[1944.]     ii+16  p.     (Serial  no.  R.   1638.)      [ArUcles  reprinted  from  Monthly 
labor  review,  Jan.-Mar.  1944.]     t 
L.  C.  card  L  41-126  L  2.6/a  7 :  17 

McLennayi  County,  Tex.  Impact  of  the  war  on  Waco-McGregor  area,  McLennan 
County,  Tex.,  working  notebook  for  use  by  local  groups  studying  recent  economic 
developments  an(J  formulating  plans  for  post-war  period ;  [prepared  by  John  P. 
Wymer].  Jan.  1944.  cover  title,  iv+49  p.  6  pi.  2  maps,  4°  (Industrial  area 
study  14.)      [Processed.]     t  L  2.16: 14 

Mines  and  mining.  Productivity  and  imit  labor  cost  in  selected  mining  indus- 
tries, 1935-43.     May  1944.     9  p.  4°     [Processed.]     t  L  2.19 :  M  66/935-43 

Monthly  lriJ)or  review,  June  1944,  v.  58,  no.  6;  [Hugh  S.  Hanna,  editor].     [1944.] 
cover  title,  iv+1131-13.")6  p.  il.    [Certain  articles  are  reprinted  from  the  Monthly 
labor  review  and  listed  in  the  Monthly  catalog  as  they  are  issued.]     *  Paper, 
30c.  single  copy,  $3.50  a  vr. ;  foreign  .subscription,  $4.75.     •  Item  7(>4 
L.  C.  card  15-26485  L  2.6:  58/6 

Note. — The  Monthly  labor  review  is  the  medium  through  which  the  Bureau  publishes 
its  regular  monthly  reports  on  such  subjects  as  trend  of  employment  and  pay  rolls, 
hourly  and  weekly  earnings,  weekly  working  hours,  industrial  disputes,  labor  turn-over, 
wholesale  and  retail  prices,  changes  in  cost  of  living,  and  building  construction,  a.s  well 
as  information  on  collective  agreements,  indu'lrial  t'ccidpnts,  labor  legislation  and  court 
decisions  and  important  labor  developments  in  other  countries.  Under  the  present  war 
economy  regulations,  free  subscriptions  are  limited  to  those  requiring  it  for  official  pur- 
poses. 'Others  desiring  copies  may  obtain  them  from  the  Superintendent  of  Documents, 
Government  Printing  Office,  Washington  2.5,  D.  C,  at  the  prices  stated  above. 

Netherlands    Indies.     Labor    conditions    in    Netherlands  Indies;    [prepared    by 

Margaret  H.  Schoenfeld  and  M.  Mead  Smith].     1944.  [l]-f21  p.     (Serial  no. 
R.  1646.)     [From  Monthly  labor  review.  May  1944.]    f 

L.  C.  card  L  44-94  L  2.6/a  :  L 113/51 

Petroleum.     Earnings  in  southwestern  petroleum  industry,  Apr.  1943;  prepared 
in  Division  of  Wage  Analysis  [by  Joe  E.  Brown  and  C.  Wilson  Randle].    1944. 
ii+29  p.  il.      (Bulletin  762.)      [From  Monthly  labor  review,  Jan.  and  Feb. 
1944.]     *  Paper,  10c.     •  Item  759 
L.  C.  card  L  44-96  L  2.3  :  762 

Same.     (H.  doc.  884,  78tli  Cong.  2d  sess.) 

Effect  of  draft  of  men  under  26  on  petroleum  industry,    [prepared  by 

George  E.  Sadler].     [1944.]     5  p.      (Serial  no.  R.  1647.)      [From  Monthly  labor 
review,  May  1944.]     t  L  2.6/a  :  P  448/5 

Providence  County,  R.  I.  Statistical  sunmiary  of  Providence  area,  Providence 
County,  R.  I.,  statistical  data  on  war  and  pre-war  employment  and  industry 
for  use  by  local  groups  formulating  plans  for  ix)st-war  period;  [prepared  by 
Beth  H.  Fiske  and  Bettina  Conant].  Jan.1944.  cover  title,  iii+13  p.  4  pi.  4° 
XIndustrial  area  statistical  sununary  13.)      [Processed.]     t  L 2.18: 13 

•    3ent  to  Depository  Libraries 

JULY  1944  831 

Shipbuilding.     Employment  in  shipbuilding  industry,  1935-43;  [prepared  by  Ed- 
ward M.  Gordon].     [1944.]     19  p.     (Serial  no.  R.  164S.)      [From  Monthly  labor 
review,  May  1944.]     t 
L.  C.  card  L  44-95  L  2.6/a  :  Sh  64/19/935-43 

Wage  Analysifi  Division.     Recent  publications  of  Division  of  Wage  Analysis,  pre- 
pared Apr.  1944.     [1944.]     [2]+llp.  4°     [Processed.]     t        L  2.2 :  W  12/5/944 
Note. — Tlio  publications  listed  herein  embrace  all  the  wage  reports  by  the  Bureau's 
Division  of  Wage  Analysis  for  periods  from  Jan.  1941  to  date. 

Wages.    Legal  provisions  on  collection  of  unpaid  wages;   [prepared  by  Alfred 
Acee].     [1944.]     6  p.     (Serial  no.  R.  1650.)     [From  Monthly  labor  review,  May 
1944.]     t 
L.  C.  card  L  44-105  L  2.6/a  :  W  124/89 


Borella,  Joseph.  No.  — ,  in  circuit  court  of  appeals  for  2d  circuit,  Joseph  Borella 
et  al.  V.  Borden  Company,  appeal  from  district  court  for  southern  district  of  New 
York ;  brief  for  administrator  of  Wage  and  Hour  Division  as  amicus  curiae. 
[1944.]     cover  title,  ii+18  p.    I  L21.7:B&44 

Colheck,  John  N.  No.  8665,  in  Supreme  Court  of  South  Dakota,  John  N.  Colbeck 
V.  Dairyland  Creamery  Company,  appeal  from  circuit  court  for  Minnehaha 
County,  S.  Dak.,  John  T.  Medin,  presiding  judge;  brief  for  administrator  of 
Wage  and  Hour  Division  as  amicus  curiae.  [1944.]  cover  title,  iv4-54  p. 
large  8°     t  L  21.7:0  671 

Oulf  States  Taper  Corporation.  No.  10687,  in  circuit  court  of  appeals  for  5th 
circuit,  L.  Metcalfe  Walling,  administrator  of  Wage  and  Hour  Division,  v.  Gulf 
States  Paper  Corporation,  appeal  from  district  court  for  northern  district  of 
Alabama,  western  division,  John  McDutEe,  judge;  brief  on  behalf  of  adminis- 
trator of  Wage  and  Hour  Division.     [1944.]     cover  title,  11+44  p.       t 

L  21.7 :  G  951/2 

Malee,  Courtney  M.  In  Court  of  Appeals,  State  of  New  York,  Courtney  M.  Mabee 
[et  al.]  V.  White  Plains  Publishing  Company,  Inc.;  brief  on  behalf  of  ad- 
ministrator of  Wage  and  Hour  Division,  as  amicus  curiae.     [1944.]    30  p.  4°    t 

L  21.7  :  M 113/2 

Youngerman-Reynolds  Hardwood  Co.,  Inc.  Transcript  of  record,  in  circuit  court 
of  appeals  for  5th  circuit,  no.  10974,  L.  Metcalfe  Walling,  administrator  of 
Wage  and  Hour  Division,  vs.  Yovnigerman-Reynolds  Hardwood  Co.,  Inc.,  appeal 
from  district  court  for  middle  district  of  Alabama.  [1944.]  cover  title, 
i-f  124  p.     +  L21.7:Y88 


Government  contracts.  Walsh-Healy  public  contracts  act  (Public  no.  846,  74th 
Congress,  approved  June  30,  1936,  49  Stat.  2036,  U.  S.  C,  title  41,  sees.  35-45) ; 
supplement  to  Rulings  and  interpretations,  no.  2.  Jan.  24,  1944. 
[l]+vi+20p.  4°    [Processed.]    t 

L.  C.  card  L  43-224  L  18.7 :  2/supp. 

Note. — This  reprint  Is  classed  with  the  original  publication  so  that  they  may  be 
filed  together. 

Posters.  Bakery,  beverage,  and  miscellaneous  food  industries  wage  order  [on 
and  after  Mar.  20, 1944 ;  all  lettered  poster.]     [1944.]    14X 10  in.    t    L  22.8 :  B 17 

— — ■  United  States  Government  contract  notice  to  employees,  this  firm  is  en- 
gaged on  Government  contract  subject  to  provisions  of  Walsh-Healey  public 
contracts  act  and  has  agreed  to  comply  with  provisions  of  act ;  [all  lettered 
poster].     Revised  Mar.  1944.     [1944.]     25X15.9  in.     f  L  22.8 :  C  76/944 


Foundries.    Women's  employment  in  foundries,  1943 ;  by  Frances  E.  P.  Harnish. 
1944.    iii-f28  p.     (Bulletin  192-7.)     •Paper,  10c.     •  Item  777 
L.  C.  card  L  44-101  L  13.3 :  192-7 

•    Sent  to  Depository  Libraries 

832  Government  Publications 

Lahor  statuhirdfi.  Suggested  standards  for  union  contract  provisions  affecting 
women.  [Mar.  1944.]  4  p.  [Includes  list  of  publications  of  Women's  Bureau 
setting  forth  standards  recommended  for  employed  women.]     t     •  Item  779 

L  13.2 :  W  89/3 

Fuhlications  relating  to  women  in  war  industries.  [Apr.  1944.]  [4]  p.  12° 
[Processed.]    t  L  13.2 :  P 96/3 


Aequisitions.     Quarterly  journal  of  current  acquisitions,  Jan.-Mar.  1944;  v.  1, 
no.  3,    1944.    99  p.     [Supplement  to  Annual  report  of  librarian  of  Congress.] 
t     •  Item  782 
L.  C.  card  44-40782  LC  1.17 : 1/3 

Appropriations.  Supplemental  estimate,  Library  of  Congress,  fiscal  year  1945 
[for  books  for  adult  blind,  including  sound  reproduction  records  known  as 
talking  books,  and  for  maintenance  and  replacement  of  Government-owned 
talking  book  machines].  June  19,  legislative  day  May  9,  1944.  2  p.  (S.  doc. 
205,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)     t 


State  publications.     Monthly  checklist  of  State  publications,  v.  35,  no.  3;  Mar. 
1944.     [1944.]     [2] +93-135  p.  4"    *  Paper,  15c.  single  copy,  $1.50  a  yr. ;  foreign 
subscription,  $2.25.     •  Item  804 
L.  C.  card  10-8924  LC  27.7 :  35/3 


Copyright.    Catalog  of  copyright  entries,  new  series.     1944. 
L.  C.  card  6-35347 

Note. — Issued  in  4  parts :  pt.  1,  group  1,  pt.  1,  group  2,  and  pt,  1,  group  3,  pt,  2,  pt.  3 
and  pt.  4. 

Subscriptions  for  the  Catalog  of  copyright  entries  should  be  made  to  the  Superintend- 
ent of  Documents,  Washington,  D.  C,  instead  of  the  Register  of  Copyrights.  Prices 
are  as  follows:  Paper,  $10.00  a  yr.  (4  pts.  unbound),  foreign  subscription,  $13.00; 
pt.  1,  groups  1  and  2,  and  pt.  3,  eacli  $3.00  a  yr.,  foreign  subscription,  each  $3.75  ; 
pt.  1,  group  3,  pt.  2,  and  pt.  4  each  $2.00  a  yr.,  foreign  subscriptions,  pt.  1,  group  3, 
$2.25,  pt.  2,  $2.30,  pt.  4,  $2.20  ;  single  numbers,  50c. ;  annual  indexes,  each,  for  complete 
calendar  year,  $2.00. 

pt.  1,  group  1.     Books,  including  list  of  renewals,  v.  41,  no.  1.    iii+1-22  p.     [Monthly.] 
•  Item  794  LC  3.6/1  :  41/1-1 

Same,    v.   41,    no.    2.      iii-f  23-39p.      [Monthly.]       •  Item    794 

LC  3.6/1  :  41/1-2 

pt.  1,  group  2.     Pamphlets,  leaflets,   contributions  to  newspapers  or  periodicals,   etc., 

lectures,   sermons,  addresses  for  oral  delivery,  maps,   v.  41,   no.  2. 

iii-f- 57-107  p  :      [Monthly.]      •  Item  794  LC  3.6/1  :  41/2-2 

pt.  1,  group  3.     Dramatic   compositions,    motion   pictures,    including   list   of   renewals, 

V.    17,   no.   2.     iii  +  13-26   p.      [Monthly.]       •  Item    796 

LC  3.6/1 :  17/3-2 
pt.  3.  Musical    compositions,     including    list    of    renewals,     v.    39,     no.     1. 

iv-f-1-95  p.     [Monthly.]      •  Item  798  LC  3.6/3  :  39/1 

pt.  4.  Works  of  art,  reproductions  of  a  work  of  art,  drawings  or  plastic  works 

of  a  scientific  or  technical  character,  photographs,  prints  and 
pictorial  illustrations,  including  prints  and  labels  used  for  articles 
of  merchandise,  including  list  of  renewals,  v.  39,  no.  2.  iii+27— 48  p. 
[Monthly.]      •  Item   799  LC  3.6/4  :  39/2 


Employees  suggestion  system,  administrative  order  to  all  employees  of  Maritime 
Commission  and  War  Shipping  Administration.  [1944.]  [6]  p.  narrow  8° 
[Seals  of  both  Maritime  Commission  and  War  Shipping  Administration  appear 
on  p.  1.]     t     •  Item  824  MC  1.6:  Em  7 

Victory  fleet.  Victory  fleet,  digest  of  production  news  with  suggestion  bulletins, 
June  4-26, 1944  ;  V.  2,  no.  49-52.  [1944.]  Each  4  p.  il.  4°  [Weekly.  Processed. 
Number  50  Is  accompanied  by  an  excerpt  from  New  York  times,  June.  10,  1944, 
1  p.  f°,  entitled  Heroes.]     f  (limited  distribution).  MC  1.24 :  2/4^52 

•    Sent  to  Depository  Libraries 

July  1944  833 

Victory  fleet — Continued. 

Same,  index,  V.  2,  July  5, 1943-June  26, 1944.     [1944.]     4  p.  4°      [Processed.] 

t  (limited  distribution) .  MC  1.24 :  2/1-52/ind. 

Welding  instructions  for  use  by  welding  supervisors,  leaderman,  etc.,  of  all  crafts 
concerned  with  shipyard  welding.     3d  edition,  revised  Apr.  1944.     1944.     vi4-46 
p.  il.     *  Paper,  10c.     •  Item  824 
L.  C.  card  44-41145  MC  1.6 :  W  45/944 


'Nozzles.  Comparative  results  of  tests  on  several  types  of  nozzles  [with  list  of 
references],  by  M.  S.  Kisenko;  [translation  by  S.  Reiss  from  Report  478  of] 
Central  Aero-Hydrodynamical  Institute  [Moscow,  1940].  Washington,  June 
1944.  cover  title,  33  leaves,  11  p.  of  pi.  4°  (Technical  memorandum  1066.) 
[  Processed.  ]     t  Y  3.N  21/5 :  8/1066 

Piston  ritigs.  Researches  on  piston  ring  [with  list  of  references],  by  Keikiti 
Ebihara  ;  [from  31st  rep.  of  Okochi  Res.  Lab.]  Scientific  papers  of  Institute  of 
Physical  and  Chemical  Research  [Tokyo],  v.  10,  no.  182,  Feb.  25,  1929.  Wash- 
ington, Feb.  1944.  cover  title,  l-36a +37-60  p.  il.  27  pi.  4"  (Technical  mem- 
orandums 1057. )     [Processed.]     t  Y  3.N  21/5 :  8/1057 


Accessions.     National  Archives  accessions,  Jan.  l-Mar.  31,  1944,  no.  17 ;  accessions 
1500-45.     [1944.]     7  p.     [Quarterly.     Processed.     Supplements  Guide  to  mate- 
rial in  National  Archives,  1940.]     t 
L.  C.  card  40-28989  AE  1.7 :  17 


Note. — The  archivist  of  the  United  States  acting  through  this  division  established  by 
him  under  the  provisions  of  the  Federal  register  act  (49  Stat.  500.  as  amended  ;  44  U.  S.  C, 
and  supp.  301  et  seq.),  is  charged  with  the  custody  and,  together  with  the  Public  Printer, 
with  the  prompt  and  uniform  printing  and  distribution  of  the  documents  required  or 
authorized  to  be  published  under  sec.  5  of  this  act.  Such  documents  required  or  authorized 
to  be  so  published  are  printed  and  distributed  forthwith  by  the  Government  Printing  Office 
in  a  serial  publication  designated  the  Federal  register.  The  daily  issues  of  the  Federal 
register  are.  in  effect  daily  supplements  to  the  Code  of  Federal  regulations,  and  regulatory 
documents  published  therein  follow  the  Code  arrangement. 

Code  of  Federal  regulations.  Cumulative  supplement  to  Code  of  Federal  regula- 
tions of  United  States,  containing  codification  of  documents  of  general  appli- 
cability and  legal  effect  issued  by  Federal  agencies  and  filed  with  Division  of 
Federal  Register  during  the  period  June  2,  1938-June  1.  1943,  including  Presi- 
dential Proclamations,  Executive  orders,  and  other  Presidential  documents  in 
full  text,  with  ancillaries  and  index:  [book  5,  pt.  1]  ;  Title  26,  chap.  1  (pts. 
2-178).  1^4.  x+ 5873-7243  p.  *  Cloth,  $3.00.  •  Item  886 
L.  C.  card  39^29399  AE  2.10 :  938-43/bk.5,  pt.l 

Note. — This  supplement  should  be  used  not  only  in  conjunction  with  the  1st  edition 
of  the  Code  of  Federal  regulations,  but  also  in  conjunction  with  supplements  issued 
subsequent  to  June  1,  1943,  and  with  the  daily  issues  of  the  Federal  register. 

Same :  [book  5.  pt.  2] ;  Title  26,  chap.  1  (pts.  179-472) ,  chap.  2  and  3,  Title  27. 

1944.     x-f  7245-8466a  p.  il.     *  Cloth,  $3.00.     •  Item  S3fi 

AE  2.10  :  938-43/bk.  5,  pt.  2 

Note. — This  supplement  should  be  used  not  only  in  conjunction  with  the  1st  edition  of 
the  Code  of  Federal  regulations,  but  also  in  conjunction  with  supplements  issued  subse- 
quent to  June  1,  1943,  and  with  the  daily  issues  of  the  Federal  register. 

Federal  register.  Federal  register,  v.  9,  no.  10{>-130;  June  1-30,  1944.  [1944.] 
p.  594.5-7289,  4°  [Daily  except  Sunday,  Monday,  and  day  following  a  legal 

L.  C.  card  3&-26246  .  AE  2.7 : 9/109-130 

NOTK. — The  Federal  register  publishes  (1)  all  Presidential  Proclamations;  and  all  Ex- 
ecutive orders,  except  such  as  have  no  general  apidicability  or  legal  effect  or  are  effective 
only  against  FedVral  agencies  or  persons  in  their  capacity  as  officers,  agents  or  em- 
ployees thereof  ;  it  also  contains  all  Executive  orders  establishing,  amending  or  revoking 

•     Sent  to  Depository  Libraries 

334  Government  Publications 

Federal  register — Continued. 

civil  service  rules,  niul  all  Executive  orders  containlnK  a  direction  for  publication  thereof  ; 
('>)  such  documents  or  classes  of  documents  as  the  President  shall  determine  from  time 
to  time  have  general  applicaljility  and  lei.'al  effect  :  and  (3)  such  documents  or  classes 
of  documents  as  niav  l)e  required  so  to  be  published  by  act  of  the  Congress.  From 
Mar  14,  1936,  throu/ih  June  30,  1944,  one  hundred  and  ninety  six  (190)  agencies  have 
submitted  documents  for  publication  in  the  Federal  register.  Suitable  indexes  are  issued 
monthly,  quarterly,  and  annually.  The  liound  volumes  of  the  Federal  refcister  were  dis- 
continued on  June  3.  1938,  and  have  been  replaced  by  the  annual  supplements  to  the 
Code  of  Federal  rcRulations.  .^     ^  „      , 

The  Federal  register  is  sold  by  the  Superintendent  of  Documents  on  the  following 
terms  :  Slnjrle  copy,  IHc,  minimum  (price  varies  in  proportion  to  size)  ;  $1.50  per  month  ; 
$15  00  per  year.  Subscriptions  are  payal)le  in  advance.  Send  remittances  to  the  Super- 
intendent of  Documents,  Government  Printing  Office,  Washington  25,  D.  C. 

Same,  v.  9,  nos.  87-108,  index,  May  11)44.     [1944.]     28  p.  4° 

AE  2.7 :  9/87-108/ind. 


Housing.    Abstracts  of  selected  material  on  postwar  housing  and  urban  develop- 
ment, group  6,  May  1944.     [1944.]     [2]-|-22  p.  4°     [Processed.     Some  of  these 
pages  are  issued  as  leaves.]     t 
L.  C.  card  44-i0447  NHA  1.2 :  P  84/groiip  6 

War  housing,  hovp  it  is  used,  how  it  will  be  disposed  of.     May  1944.     4  p.  4° 

t     •  Item  461  NHA  1.2  :  W 19/5 


Federal  home  loan  hank  act,  as  amended,  home  owners'  loan  act  of  1933,  as 
amended,  and  act  providing  for  insurance  of  savings  and  loan  accounts,  as 
amended,  Jan.  1,  1944.    1944,    iv-t-59  p.    *  Paper,  10c.    •  Item  456. 
L.  C.  card  44-^1144  NHA  3.5 :  H  75/944 

Federal  home  loan  hank  review,  Washington,  D.  C,  May  1944 ;  v.  10,  no.  8.  [1944.] 
[1]  +204-230  p.  il.  4°  {Monthly.]  *  Paper,  10c.  single  copy,  $1.00  a  yr. ;  foreign 
subscription.  $1.60.     •  Item  454 

L.  C.  card  34-28163  NHA  3.8  :  10/8 

Note. — The  Federal  home  loan  bank  review  is  the  Administration's  medium  of  com- 
munication with  member  institutions  of  the  Federal  home  loan  bank  system  and  is  the 
only  official  organ  or  periodical  publication  of  the  Administration.  The  Review  will  be 
sent  to  all  member  institutions  without  charge.  Others  desiring  copies  may  obtain  them 
from  the  Superintendent  of  Documents,  Government  Printing  Office,  Washington  25,  D.  C., 
at  the  prices  stated  above. 


Addresses.  Postwar  building  and  mortgage  problems,  speech  of  Abner  H.  Fergu- 
son, commissioner,  Federal  Housing  Administration,  before  New  York  State 
League  of  Ravings  and  Loan  Associations  Conference,  New  York,  .Tune  22, 
1944.     [1944.]     6  p.  4°     [Processed.]     t  NnA2.7:FaS/2 

Report.  10th  annual  report  of  Federal  Housing  Administration,  year  ending 
Dec.  31,  1943.  [1944.]  vi  leaves-f  29  p.+  [47]  leaves,  3  pi.  4°  [Processed.]  t 
L.  C.  card  35-26124  NHA  2.1 :  943 


Note. — ^The  bound  volumes  of  decisions  and  orders  are  sold  by  the  Superintendent  of 
Documents,  Government  Printing  Office,  Washington  25,  D.  C,  at  various  prices,  depending 
upon  the  size  of  the  volume. 

Botany  Worsted  Mills.  Civil  action  no.  23224,  in  District  Court  of  United  States 
for  District  of  Columbia,  Botany  Worsted  Mills  v.  William  H.  Davis,  et  al. 
[members  of  National  War  Labor  Board] ;  brief  for  National  Labor  Relations 
Board,  amicus  curiae.     [1944.]     cover  title,  iv+36  p.     $  L  R  1.9 :  B  657/6 

Draper  Corporation.  No.  5239.  in  circuit  court  of  appeals  for  4th  circuit,  National 
Labor  Relations  Board  r.  Draper  Corporation,  on  petition  for  enforcement  of 
order  of  National  Labor  Relations  Board ;  brief  for  National  Labor  Relations 
Board.     [1944.]     cover  title,  11+28  p.     t  LR1.9:D791 

•    Sent  to  Depository  Libraries 

July  1944  835 

Eagle-Picher  Mining  d  Smelting  Co.  No.  460,  iu  circuit  court  of  appeals  for  8th 
circuit,  Eagle-Picher  Mining  and  Smelting  Company  and  Eagle-Picher  Lead 
Company  v.  National  Labor  Relations  Board,  on  motion  of  National  Labor 
Relations  Board  for  judgment  of  its  petition  to  vacate  portions  of  decree  and 
remand;  petition  of  National  Labor  Relations  Board  for  rehearing.  [1944.] 
cover  title,  10  p.     t  LR  l-> :  Ea  36/10 

Pairchild  Engine  &  Airplane  Corporation.  No.  5033,  in  circuit  court  of  appeals 
for  4th  circuit,  National  Labor  Relations  Board  v.  Fairchild  Engine  and  Air- 
plane Corporation,  on  i>etitiou  for  enforcement  of  order  of  National  Labor  Re- 
lations Board ;  brief  for  Board  in  support  of  application  for  enforcement  of  re- 
instatement and  back-pay  provisions.     [1944.]     cover  title,  i+16  p.     t 

LR  1.9  :F  16/3 

Same,  Appendix  to  petitioner's  brief,     [1944.]     cover  title,  i  +  37  p.     t 

LR  1.9  :F  16/4 

Holtville  Ice  <£  Cold  Storage  Co.  No.  10695,  in  circuit  court  of  appeals  for  9th 
circuit.  National  Labor  Relations  Board  v.  Holtville  Ice  and  Cold  Storage  Com- 
pany, Associated  Farmers  of  Imperial  County,  and  Hugh  T.  Osborne,  on  petition 
for  enforcement  of  order  of  National  Labor  Relations  Board ;  brief  for  National 
Labor  Relations  Board.     [1944.]     cover  title,  ii-|-35  p.     t  LR1.9:H744 

Hudson,  J.  L.,  Co.  No.  9768,  in  circuit  court  of  appeals  for  6th  circuit,  National 
Labor  Relations  Board  v.  J.  L.  Hudson  Company,  on  petition  for  enforcement 
of  order  of  National  Liibor  Relations  Board  ;  brief  for  National  Labor  Relations 
Board.    [1944.]     cover  title,  iv  +  17  p.     t  LR  1.9  :H  868/2 

Ideal  Leather  Hovelty  Co.  In  circuit  court  of  appeals  for  2d  circuit,  National 
Labor  Relations  Board  v.  Morris  Seifer  and  Yetta  Seifer,  individually  and  as 
copartnei's  doing  business  as  Ideal  Leather  Novelty  Co. ;  i)etition  for  enforce- 
ment of  order  of  National  Labor  Relations  Board.     [1944.]     cover  title,  6  p.    t 

LR  1.9:  Id  2 

Irving  Air  Chute  Co.,  Inc.  No.  9687,  in  circuit  court  of" appeals  for  6th  circuit; 
National  Labor  Relations  Board  v.  Irving  Air  Chute  Co.,  Inc.,  on  petition  for 
enforcement  of  order  of  National  Labor  Relations  Board ;  brief  for  National 
Labor  Relations  Board.     [1944.]     cover  title,  iv+27  p.     %  LR1.9:Ir8 

Landis  Tool  Co.  No.  8614,  in  circuit  court  of  appeals  for  3d  circuit.  National 
Labor  Relations  Board  i'.  Landis  Tool  Company,  respondent.  Independent  As- 
sociated Workers  of  Franklin  County,  Pennsylvania,  intervenor-respondent, 
on  petition  for  enforcement  of  order  of  National  Labor  Relations  Board ;  reply 
brief  for  National  Labor  Relations  Board.     [1944.]     cover  title,  6  p.     t 

LR  1.9 :  L  235/3 

Le  Toiirneau  Company  of  Georgia.  No.  10954,  in  circuit  court  of  appeals  for' 
5th  circuit,  Le  Tourneau  Company  of  Georgia  v.  National  Labor  Relations 
Board,  on  petition  to  review^  and  on  request  for  enforcement  of  order  of  Na- 
tional Labor  Relations  Board ;  brief  for  National  Labor  Relations  Board. 
[1944.]     cover  title,  iii  -f  25  p.     t  LR1.9:L569 

Same,  Appendix  to  respondent's  brief     [1944.]     cover  title,  i  +  48  p.     t 

LR  1.9 :  L  569/2 

Lumber  d  Sawmill  Workers  Union.  No.  — ,  United  States  Court  of  Appeals, 
District  of  Columbia,  Harry  A.  Millis,  individually  and  as  chairman  and  mem- 
ber of  National  Labor  Relations  Board,  Gerard  D.  Reilly,  individually  and 
as  member  of  National  Labor  Relations  Board,  and  John  M.  Houston,  indi- 
vidually and  as  member  of  National  Labor  Relations  Board,  v.  Inland  Empire 
District  Council,  Lumber  and  Sawmill  Workers  Union,  Lewiston,  Idaho  [et 
al.]  ;  petition  for  allowance  of  special  appeal  in  civil  action  no.  23547  and  motion 
to  reverse.     [1944.]     cover  title,  iii  +  39  p.     t  LR1.9:L97 

Ohio  Public  Service  Co.  No.  9664,  in  circuit  court  of  appeals  for  6th  circuit, 
Ohio  Public  Service  Company  v.  National  Labor  Relations  Board,  on  petition 
for  review  and  on  request  for  enforcement  of  order  of  National  Labor  Relations 
Board;  brief  for  National  Labor  Relations  Board.  [1&44.]  cover  title. 
v-f27  p.     %  LR  1.9:  Oh  3/8 

•     Sent  to  Depository  Libraries 

g36  Government  Publications 

Peyton  Packing  Co.  No.  10960,  in  circuit  court  of  appeals  for  5th  circuit,  Na- 
tional Labor  Relations  Board  v.  I'ej'ton  Packiuf?  Co.,  on  petition  for  enforce- 
ment of  order  of  National  Labor  Ilelations  Hoard;  brief  for  National  Labor 
Relations  Board.     [1944.]     cover  title,  iii+30  p.     |  LR  1.9 :  P  468 

Reliance  Mamifacturini/  Co.  No.  7580,  in  circuit  court  of  appeals  for  7th  cir- 
cuit, Reliance  Manufacturing  Company  v.  National  Labor  Relations  Board, 
on  petition  for  rule  to  show  cause,  for  adjudication  in  contempt,  and  for  other 
relief;  brief  for  National  Labor  Relations  Board  In  support  of  motion  for 
judgment.  [1944.]     cover  title,  ii  -f  27  p.     t  LR  1.9  :R  279/4 

Same;  reply  brief  for  National  Labor  Relations  Board.     [1944.]     cover 

title,  ii  +  13  p.     t  LR  1.9 :  R  279/5 

Sandy  Hill  Iron  d  Brass  Works.  In  circuit  court  of  appeals  for  2d  circuit.  Na- 
tional Labor  Relations  Board  v.  Sandy  Hill  Iron  &  Brass  Works  on  petition 
for  enforcement  of  order  of  National  Labor  Relations  Board  ;  brief  for  National 
Labor  Relations  Board.     [1944.]     cover  title,  ii +13  p.     |  LR  1.9  :Sa  57/2 

Schiveitzcr,  Peter  J.,  Inc.  Brief  for  National  Labor  Relations  Board,  United 
States  Court  of  Appeals,  District  of  Columbia,  no.  8698,  Peter  J.  Schweitzer, 
Inc.,  V.  National  Labor  Relations  Board,  on  petition  to  review  and  on  request 
for  enforcement  of  order  of  National  Labor  Relations  Board.  [1944.]  cover 
title,  ii  -f  24  p.     t  LR  1-9  :  Sch  97 

Sewell  Hats,  Inc.  No.  10^2,  in  circuit  court  of  appeals  for  5th  circuit,  Sewrfl 
Hats,  Inc.,  v.  National  Labor  Relations  Board,  on  petition  to  review  and  on 
request  for  enforcement  of  order  of  National  Labor  Relations  Board ;  brief 
for   National   Labor  Relations   Board.     [1944.]     cover   title,    ii    -f   25   p.     t 

LR  1.9 :  Se  89 

Same,  Appendix  to  respondent's  brief.     [1944.]     cover  title,  ii  +  190  p.    t 

LR  1.9  :Se  89/2 

Standard  Oil  Co.  No.  9603,  in  circuit  court  of  appeals  for  6th  circuit,  National 
Labor  Relations  Board  v.  Standard  Oil  Company,  an  Ohio  corporation,  Sohio 
Pipe  Line  Corporation,  and  Latonia  Refining  Corporation,  on  i)etition  for  en- 
forcement of  order  of  National  Labor  Relations  Board ;  petition  of  National 
Labor  Relations  Board  for  rehearing.     [1944.]     cover  title,  8  p.     t 

LR  1.9 :  St  24/10 


Awards  8748-8900,  1st  division  National  Railroad  Adjustment  Board,  Chicago, 
•ill.,  V.  57.     Suburban  Printers  &  Publishers,  Inc.,  La  Grange,  111.  [1944.]      [1]  + 
876  p.  il.     t    National  Railroad  Adjustment  Board,  Chicago,  111.   (price  upon 

L.  C.  card  36-26211  RA  1.7 :  57 

Note. — The  1st  division  has  Jurisdiction  over  disputes  involving  train-and-yard-service 
employees  of  carriers ;  that  is,  engineers,  firemen,  hostlers,  and  outside  hostler  helpers, 
conductors,   trainmen,  and  yard-service  employees. 


Claims  for  damages  incident  to  operation  of  vessels  of  Navy,  estimate  of  appro- 
priation to  pay  claims.  June  19,  legislative  day  May  9, 1944.  7  p.  (S.  doc.  214, 
78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)     t 

Insurance.  [Manual  of  instructions  for  purchase  and  administration  of  insurance 
on  Navy  Department  contracts.]  [1943.]  iii-iv-f  124  p.  4°  [Issued  in  loose-leaf 
form.  Supersedes  PM  circular  letters  330,  to  the  extent  that  instructions  con- 
tained in  this  Manual  vary  from  those  of  such  circular  letters.].     *  Paper,  35c. 

N  1.19 :  In  7/3 

Luics  relating  chiefly  to  Navy,  Navy  Department,  Marine  Corps,  and  Coast  Guard, 
passed  at  1st  session.  78th  Congress,  1943.     1944.     viii-|-394  p.     t 
L.  C.  card  44-41143  N  1.7 :  943 

•    Sent  to  Depository  Libraries 

July  1944  ,        837 

Posters.  "A  bridge  of  ships  is  the  short  line  to  Tokyo",  Chester  W.  Nimitz,  get 
'em  out  for  your  Navy!  official  Navy  poster.  1044.  20X28  in.  (Industrial 
Incentive  Division. )     t  N  1.81 :  G  33 

Ground  all  electric  tools  for  safety,  to  avoid  electric  shock  attach  ground 

first ;  safety  poster.     1944.     22X17  in.     t  N  1.31/2:  El  2 

"Landing  craft  are  the  pack  mules  of  our  amphibious  supply  lines",  W.  B. 

Young,  get  'em  into  tlie  tight!  official  Navy  poster.     1944.     20X28  in.      (Indus- 
trial Incentive  Division.)     t  N  1.31  :G  33/2 

Lift  with  your  legs,  not  with  your  back ;  safety  poster.     1944.     22X17  in.    t 

N  1.31/2  :L  62 

Take  care  of  your  safety  shoes ;  safety  poster.     1944.    22.1X17  in.     t 

N  1.31/2 :  Sh  7 

"Troops  are  only  good  when  put  ashore,  it's  our  job  to  put  them  there 

and  we  will",  R.  K.  Turner,  deliver  for  D  Day!  official  Navy  poster.     1944. 
28X20  in.     (Industrial  Incentive  Division.)     t  N  1.31 :  D  37 

"The  war  has  now  reached  the  stage  of  continuous  amphibious  offensives", 

Alan   G.   Kirk,   deliver   for   D   Day!    official   Navy   poster.     1944.     20X28   in. 
( Industrial  Incentive  Division. )     t  N  1.31 :  D  37/2 

"We  will  have  to  fight  our  way  ashore  .  .  .",  Ernest  J.  King,  you're  building 

victory  here  today!  official  Navy  poster.     1944.     28.5X40  in.     (Industrial  In- 
centive Division.)     t  N  1.31  :V  66/3 

Tyrrell,  Robert.  Damages  incident  to  operation  of  vessels  of  Coast  Guard,  esti- 
mate of  appropriation  to  pay  claim  [of  Robert  Tyrrell].  June  19,  legislative 
day  May  9, 1944.     2  p.     ( S.  doc.  216,  7Sth  Cong.  2d  sess. )     t 


Paint  stripping  and  cleaning  operations,  compounds  for  aircraft  uses;  [poster]. 
Jan.  1,  1944.     30X24  in.     [Supersedes  previous  issue.]     f         N  28.16/2  :  P  16/944 


Coast  Guard  bulletin,  v.  2,  no.  24 ;  June  1944.     [1944.]     p.  285-298.     [Monthly.]     t 
•  Item  1061 
L.  C.  card  39-29105  N  24.11 :  2/24 

Explosives  or  other  dangerous  articles  [on  board  vessels,  regulations  governing 
transportation,  storage,  stowage,  or  use  of  explosives  or  other  dangerous  arti- 
cles or  substances,  and  combustible  liquids  on  board  vessels,  Apr.  9,  1941], 
amendment  control  sheet  [amendments,  June  2,  1942-Sept.  1,  1943].  [1943.] 
[99]  p.    4°    [Issued  in  loose-leaf  form.]     *  Paper,  35c.     •  Item  268 

C  25.6/3  :  Ex  7/amdt.3 
Note. — This  3d  .set  of  amendments  is  classed  under  the  Marine  Inspection  and  Navi- 
gation Bureau  so  that  it  may  be  filed  with  the  publication  which  it  amends. 

Merchant  Marine  Council.  Proceedings  of  INIercliant  Marine  Council,  v.  1,  no.  5; 
May  1944.     [1944.]     p.  97-112,  il.  4"     [Monthly.]     t     •  Item  1063 

N  24.32 : 1/5 

Court-martial  ord'ers,  year  ending  Dec.  31,  1941  [index].  1944.  iv+57  p.  12° 
[Issued  with  perforations.    Court-martial  orders  issued  by  Navy  Department.]   % 

N  1.14 :  941/ind. 

Women's  Reserve.  Ain't  Sis  and  I  salty !  Marine  Corps  Women's  Reserve,  n.p. 
[MCPB,  Feb.  1,  1944].     [4]  p.  il.  narrow  16°     t  N  9.2  :M  33/10 


Manual  of  Medical  Department,  Navy.     [Edition  of  1944.]     1944.     vi-f  [888]  p.  il. 
[Issued  in  loose-leaf  form.     Supersedes  prior  editions.]     J     •  Item  877 
L.  C.  card  44-41044  N  10.5/1 :  944 

•    Sent  to  Depository  Libraries 

838  Government  Publications 

Nat-al  mcdicnl  hullcfin.     United  States  naval  medical  bulletin,  v.  42,  no.  6;  June 
1W4.     1044.     vi  +  1233-1476    p.    11.     (Publications    Division.)      [Monthly.     In- 
cludes Index  to  United  States  naval  medical  bulletin,  v.  42.]     *  Paper,  35c. 
single  copy,  $4.(tO  a  yr. ;  foreign  subscription,  $5.00.     •  Item  880 
L.  C.  card  8-35005  N  10.11/1 :  42/6 

Posters.  Now,  what  was  I  supposed  to  remember?  [poster]  VP-8.  1944. 
22.6X17  in.  [Illustrator,  Woodcock.  Prepared  in  cooperation  with  Naval 
Medical  School,  National  Naval  Medical  Center,  Bethesda   Md.]     J 

N  10.17 :  V  55/no.8 

Please  be  careful ;  [poster]  VP-7.  1944.  23X17.1  in.  [Illustrator,  Wood- 
cock.]    t  N  10.17  :  V  55/no.7 



Note. — The  charts,  sailing  directions,  and  light  lists  of  the  Hydrographic  OflBce,  for  the 
duration  of  the  war,  will  be  sold  only  liy  the  Hydrographic  Office,  Navy  Department,  Wash- 
ington, D.  C.  and  the  Hydrographic  Distributing  Offices  located  in  the  principal  seaports 
of  the  United  States.  Certain  standard  manuals  of  the  Hydrographic  Office  are  sold  bv 
agents  at  the  principal  American  seaports  and  lake  ports,  and  are  also  available  through 
the  Superintendent  of  Documents,  Government  Printing  Office,  Washington  25,  D.  C,  at 
list  price.  Copies  of  list  of  palilications,  weekly  Hydrographic  bulletins,  and  Notices  to 
mariners  are  supplied  free  only  to  those  having  definite  need  therefor,  on  application  to  the 
Hydrographic  Office.  Navy  Denartment,  Washington.  D.  C.  and  at  the  branch  Hydrographic 
Offices  in  Boston,  New  York,  Philadelphia,  Baltimore,  Norfolk,  Savannah,  New  Orleans,  Gal- 
veston, San  Francisco,  San  Pedro,  Calif..  San  Juan.  P.  R.,  Captain  of  the  Port,  Panama 
Canal,  Portland  (Oreg.),  Seattle,  Honolulu,  T.  H.,  Chicago,  Cleveland,  Buffalo,  Sault  Ste. 
Marie,  and  Duluth. 

Hydrographic  bulletin,  no.  285^-59;  June  3-24,  1944.  [1944.]  Each  1  p.  f 
[Weekly.]     t  N  6.3  :  2856-2859 

Notice  to  mnriners,  no.  23-26;  June  3-24,  1944.  [1944.]  [xii] +667-805+ [svi] 
leaves.     [Weekly.]     t  N  6.11 :  944/23-26 


Pilot  charts.  Pilot  chart  of  Central  American  waters,  June  1044;  no.  85(X). 
Scale  1°  long.  =0.7  in.  Washington.  D.  C,  May  16,  1044.  23X35  in.  [Monthly. 
Certain  portions  of  the  data  are  furnished  bv  the  Weather  Bureau.]     1 10c. 

N  6.24:  944/6 
Notb. — Contains  on  reverse :  Stream  drift  chart  of  the  world.  July,  drawn  from  all 
observations  for  the  month  received  by  the  Hydrographic  Office  to  and  including  1934. 

Same,  July  1944;  no.  3500.     Scale  1°  long.=0.7  in.     Washington,  D.  C. 

June  19.  1944.     23X35  in.     [Monthly.     Certain  portions  of  the  data  are  fur- 
nished by  the  Weather  Bureau.]     t     10c.  N  6.24:  944/7 

Note. — Contains  on  reverse :  Refraction  and  mirage,  edition  no.  2  ;  by  Willis  Edwin 

Pilot  chart  of  Indian  Ocean,  July  1944;  no.  2603.     Scale  1°  long.=0.2  in. 

Washington,  D.  C,  May  16,  1944.     22.5X31  in.     [Monthly.     Certain  portions 
of  the  data  are  furnished  by  the  Weather  Bureau.]     f  10c.  N  6.17:  044/7 

Note. — Contains  on  reverse :  Monthly  moonlight  diagrams,  Aug.  1944. 

Same.  Aug.  1944;  no.  2603.     Scale  1°  long.=0.2  in.     Washington,  D.  C, 

June  19,  lfM4.     22X31  in.     [Monthly.     Certain  portions  of  the  data  are  fur- 
nished by  the  Weather  Bureau.]     tlOc.  N  6.17:  944/8 

Note. — Contains  on  reverse :  Monthly  moonlight  diagrams,  Sept.  1944. 

Pilot   chart   of  north   Atlantic   Ocean,   June,   1944;   no.    1400.     Scale   1° 

long.  =0.27  in.    Washington,  D.  C,  May  16,  1944.    23X38  in.     [Monthly.     Cer- 
tain portions  of  the  data  are  furnished  by  the  Weather  Bureau.]     1 10c 

L.  C.  card  14-16339  N  6.15/1 :  9U/6 

Note. — Contains  on  reverse:  Monthly  moonlight  diagrams,  July  1944. 

Same,  July  1944;  no,  1400.     Scale  1°  long.=0.27  in.     Washington,  D.  C, 

June  19,  1944.     23X38  in.     [Monthly.     Certain  portions  of  the  data  are  fur- 
nished by  the  Weather  Bureau.]     1 10c.  N  6.15/1 :  944/7 

Note. — Contains  on   reverse  :   Monthly  moonlight   diagrams,   Aug.   1944. 

•    Sent  to  Depository  Libraries 

July  1944  839 

I'ilot  charts — Continued. 

Pilot  chart  of  north  Pacific  Ocean,  June  1944 ;  no.  1401.    Scale  1°  long.  =0.2 

in.     Washington,  D.  C,  Apr.  17,  1944.     24X35  in.     [Monthly.    Certain  portions 
of  the  data  are  furnished  by  the  Weather  Bureau.]     1 10c.  N  6.16:  944/6 

Note. — Contains  on  reverse  :  Maximum  sea  surface  temperatures. 

Same,  July  1944;  no.  1401.     Scale  1"  long.=0.2  in.     Washington,  D.  C, 

May  16,  1944.     24X35  in.     [Monthly.     Certain  portions  of  the  data  are  fur- 
nished by  the  Weather  Bureau.]     f  10c.  N  6.16:  944/7 

Note. — Contains  on  reverse :  Annular  eclipse  of  July  -!0,  1944 ;  by  J.  F.  Hellweg. 

Same,  Aug.  1944;  no.  1401.     Scale  1°   long.=0.2  in.     Washington,  D.  C, 

June  19,  1944.     24X35  in.     [Monthly.     Certain  portions  of  the  data  are  fur- 
nished by  the  Weather  Bureau.]     1 10c.  N  6.1G :  944/8 

Note. — Contains  on  reverse:  Ti'opical  cyclones  of  the  eastern  north  Pacific  Ocean;  by 
Willis  Edwin  Hurd. 


Information  bulletin.  Bureau  of  Naval  Personnel  information  bulletin,  June 
1944;  [no.  327].  [1944.]  cover  title,  72  p.  il.  4°  [Monthly.  Text  and  other 
illustrations  on  p.  2-4  of  cover.]     t  N  17.27:  327 

Jobs.     What  kind  of  job  can  I  get  in  Navy?    n.  p.  [1944].     [2] +20+ [4]  p.  il.     t 

N  17.2 :  J  57/944 

Lookout  manual.  [1943.]  cover  title,  48  p.  il.  small  4°  ([Training  Aids.]) 
[Text  on  p.  2-4  of  cover.]     t  N  17.16/1 :  L  87/943 

Xaval  Academy,  Annapolis.     Regulations  governing  admission  of  candidates  into 
Naval  Academy  as  midshipmen  and  Sample  examination  papers,  June  1944. 
1944.     iv+74  p.     t     •  Item  888 
L.  C.  card  7-320G9  N  12.7  :  944 

Naval  personnel.  Personal  affairs  of  naval  personnel  and  aid  for  their  dependents, 
supp.  1,  Apr.  1944.     1944.     [2]  +6  p.     *  Paper,  5c.     •  Item  905 

N  17.2 :  P  43/943/supp.  1 

Schools  &  rates  for  Navy  women.  [1944.]  cover  title,  20  p.  il.  4°  [Other  illus- 
trations on  p.  2  and  3  of  cover.]     *  Paper,  10c.     •  Item  905      N  17.2 :  Sch  6/3 


Naval  firepower,  June  1944;  [v.  1,  no.  9].  [1944.]  16  p.  il.  large  4°  [Monthly. 
For  men  and  women  of  naval  ordnance.]     $     •  N  18.12: 1/9 


Blowers.    Instructions  for   operation   and   maintenance   of   blowers ;   chap.   53 
[Bureau  of  Ships  manual].     1944.     [1]+16  p.  il.  1  pi.     *  Paper,  10c. 
L.  C.  card  44-41142  N  29.1 3 :  53/944 

Posters.  Why  help  gremlins?  square  corners  and  gremlins  play,  round  corners, 
they  stay  away;    [poster].     May  1,   1944.     28X20  in.     t  N  29.15:0  86 


Oovernment  supplies.     Navy  Deptirtment  specification :  Aluminum,  plates,  sheets, 

and  strips;  May  1,  1944.     [1944.]     10  p.  il.  12°     (47A2e.)      [Supersedes  47A2d, 

Sept.  1,  1930.]     t  N  20.6/2 :  47  A  2e 

Note. — This  and  the  following  specifications  are  issued  with  perforations  for  Insertion 

in  loose-leaf  binders. 

Same:  Aluminum-alloy  (Al-3)  (aluminum-manganese),  plates,  sheets  (flat 

and  coiled),  and  strips:  May  1,  1944.     [1944.]     11  p.  il.  12"     (47A4d.)      [Super- 
sedes 47A4c,  June  1,  1934.]     t  N  20.6/2  :  47A4d 

Same:  Bicycles,  men's;  May  1,  1944.  1944.  1  p.  12"  (8Blc.)  [Super- 
sedes 8Blb,  June  1,  1943.]     t  N  20.6/2 :  8  B  Ic 

•    Sent  to  Depository  Libraries 

^40  Government  Publications 

Oovenwicnt  supplies — Continued. 

Same:  Boxes,  spare-part,  electrical  and  mechanical  (shipboard  use)  ;  Apr. 

1,  1944.     [1944.]     12  p.  il.  12°     (42B9b.)     [Supersedes  42B9a,  Nov.  1,  1940.]     t 

N  20.6/2 :  42  B  9b 

Same:    Brushes,    lettering;    May    1,    1944.     [1944.]     3    p.    12°     (38B28c.) 

[Supersedes  38B28b,  Feb.  1,  1935.]     t  N  20.6/2  :  38  B  28c 

Same :  Caps,  attachment-plug,  separable,  for  connection  to  flexible  electrical 

conductors  ;  May  1, 1944.     [1944.]     5  p.  il.  12°     (17Cl5b.)     [Supersedes  17C15a, 
Oct.  1,  1942.]     t  N  20.6/2  :  17  C  15b 

Same :    Carbon-tetraohloride,    technical ;    May    1,    1944.     1944.     1    p.    12° 

( 51C34a. )      [  Supersedes  01C34,  Feb.  1,  1943.  ]     t  N  20.6/2 :  51  C  34a 

Same:  Coils,  ignition,  high-tension  (for  motorboat  engines)  ;  May  1,  1944. 

1944.     1  p.  12°     (17C14b.)     t  N  20.6/2 :  17  C  14b 

Same:  Colanders;  Apr.  1,  1944.     [1944.]     4  p.  il.  12°     (64C8a.)     [Super- 
sedes 64C8,  Oct.  1,  1928.]     t  N  20.6/2 :  64  C  8a 

Same :  Compound,  antifreeze ;  May  1,  1944.     [1944.]     8  p.  il.  12°     (51C39.) 

t  N  20.6/2:510  39 

Same  :  Cutters,  gage-glass :  May  1,  1944.     1944.     1  p.  12°     (41C5d.)     t 

N  20.6/2 :  41 C  5d 

Same:  Disodium-phosphate,  anhydrous;  May  1,  1944.     [1944.]     4  p.  12° 

( 51D12. )     t  N  20.6/2 :  51  D  12 

Same :  Dressing,  leather,  belt ;  May  1, 1944.     [1944.]     5  p.  12°     (52D10. )     t 

N  20.6/2 :  52  D  10 

Same:  Drills,  upright,  motor-driven,  21-inch  (shipboard  use)  ;  May  1,  1944. 

[1944.]     2  p.  12°     (40D4d.)      [Supersedes  40D4c,  Nov.  1,  1943.]     t 

N  20.6/2 :  40  D  4d 

— —     Same:  Drills,  upright,  motor-driven,  28-inch  (shipboard  use)  ;  May  1,  1944. 
[1944.]     2  p.  12°     (40D5e.)     [Supersedes  40D5d,  Nov.  1,  1943.]     t 

N  20.6/2 :  40  D  5e 

Same :  Fans,  electric,  bracket  (shipboard  use)  ;  May  1, 1944.     1944.     1  p.  12" 

( 17F6h. )     t  N  20.6/2 :  17  F  6h 

Same:   Fans,  electric,  refrigerator-space    (shipboard  use);  May  1,   1944. 

[1944.]     2  p.  12°     (17F13b.)     t  N  20.6/2  :  17  F  13b 

Same:  Fans,  electric,  ventilating,  portable;  May  1,  1944.     1944.     1  p.  12° 

( 17F9d. )     t  N  20.6/2  :  17  F  9d 

Same:  Faucets,  compression  and  self-closing  types  (shipboard  use)  ;  May 

1,1944.     [1944.]     2  p.  12°     (45F9c.)     t  N  20.6/2 :  45  F  9c 

Same :  Fiber,  insulating,  gray ;  May  1,  1944.     1944.     1  p.  12°     (17F5d.)     t 

N  20.6/2 :  17  F  5d 

Same:    Hats,    protective;    Apr.    1,    1944.     [1944.]     7    p.    12°     (37Hlla.) 

[Supersedes  37H11,  Nov.  1,  1940.]     t  N  20.6/2 :  37  H  11a 

Same :  Heaters,  electric,  disk-type ;  May  1,  1944.     1944.     1  p.  12°     (17Hle.) 

t  N  20.6/2: 17  Hie 

Same:   Helmets,  blast,   telephone    (shipboard  use);   May  1.   1944.     1944. 

1  p.  12"     ( 17H6a. )     t  N  20.6/2 :  17  H  6a 

Same :   Hoists,   electric,   motor-operated ;   May   1,   1944.     1944.     1   p.    12° 

(40H7d.)     t  N  20.6/2:  40  H7d 

Same:  Hoists,  pneumatic,  motor,  geared;  May  1,  1944.     1944.     1  p.  12° 

( 40H8a. )     t  N  20.6/2  :  40  H  8a 

Same:  Hose,  fire-extinguisher  (portable,  15-ponnd,  carbon-dioxide);  Apr. 

1,  1944.     [1944.]     8  p.  il.  12°     (58Hla.)     [Supersedes  58H1,  June  1,  1938.1   t 

N  20.6/2 :  58  Hla 

•     Sent  to  Depository  Libraries 

July  1944  841 

Oovernment  supplies — Coutinued. 

Same:  Insulating-material,  electrical,  liquid,  quick-drying;  May  1,  1944. 

[1944.]     2  p.  12°     (17-I-16C.)      [Supersedes  17-I-16b,  Nov.   1,  1943.]     t 

N  20.6/2 :  17-I-16c 

Same:  Iron,  wrought  (refined),  bars;  May  1,  1944.  [1944.]     6  p.  12"     (46- 

I-7c.)      [Supersedes  46-I-7b,    Sept.   1,   1939.]     t  N  20.6/2 :  4&-I-7c 

Same:  Irons,  flat,  electric;  May  1,  1944.     [1944.]     4  p.  12°     (17-I-7d.) 

[Supersedes  17-I-7c,  Nov.   1,  1943.]     t  N  20.6/2 :  17-I-7d 

Same :  Ladles,  galley ;  May  1,  1944.     [1944.]     3  p.  12°      (64L2a.)      [Snixr- 

sedes  64L2,  Apr.  1,  1929.]     t  N  20.6/2 :  64L2a 

Same :  Lanterns,  electric,  automatic,  floating ;  May  1,  1944.    1944.    1  p.  12° 

( 17Llla. )     t  N  20.6/2 :  17Llla 

Same:  Lathes,  cabinet,  precision,  motor-driven   (shipboard  use)  ;  May  1, 

1944.     [1944.J     2  p.  12°     (40L2b.)     [Supersedes  40L2a,  Nov.  1,  1943.]     t 

N  20.6/2  :40L2b 

Same:  Lathes,  engine,  motor-driven,  medium-heavy-duty,  14-incli  (ship- 
board use)  ;  June  1,  1944.  [1944.]  2  p.  12"  (40  Llg.)  (Supersedes  40Llf, 
Nov.  1, 1943.]  t  N  20.6 :  40  Llg 

Same:  Lathes,  engine,  motor-driven,  medium-heavy-duty,  16-inch  (.ship- 
board use);  May  1,  1944.  [1944.]  2  p.  12°  (4UL3d.)  [Supersedes  40L3c, 
Nov.   1,   1943.]     t  N  20.6/2 :  40  L3d 

Same:  Lights,  electric,  signaling,  portable,  multi-purpose  (shipboard  use)  ; 

May  1,  1944.     1944.     1  p.  12°     (17L15a.)     t  N  20.6/2 :  17  L15a 

Same:  Machines,  boring,  drilling,  and  milling,  horizontal,  motor-driven, 

4-inch  spindle    (shipboard  use)  ;  May  1,   1944.      [1944.]     2  p.   12°      (40M5c.) 
[Supersedes  40M5b,  Nov.  1,  1943. J     t  N  20.6/2 :  40  M5c 

■ Same:  Machines,  cylinder-boring,  portable,  motor-driven  (.shipboard  use)  ; 

May  1,  1944.    [1944.]    2  p.  12°     (40M7c.)     [Supersedes  40M7b,  Nov.  1,  1943.]     t 

N  20.6/2 :  40  M7c 

Same:    Machines,    milling    (universal),    motor-driven    (shipboard    use); 

June  1, 1944.      [1944.]     2  p.  12°  (40M6d.)      [Supersedes  40M6c,  Nov.  1, 1943]     f 

N  20.6/2  :  40  M6d 

Same:  Oil,  linseed,  alkali-refined;  May  1,  1944.     [1944.]     4  p.  12°     (52- 

0-17.)     t  .  N  20.6/2 :  52-0-17 

Same:  Pans,  dish;  May  1,  1944.  [1944.]  4  p.  il.  12°  (&4PSb.)  [Super- 
sedes (^iPSa,  Apr.  1,  1932.  ]      j  N  20.6/2  :  64  P8b 

Same :  Pipe,  lead,  lining,  for  iron  pipe  and  steel  tubing ;  May  1,  1944. 

[1944.]     4  p.  12°     (44P3e.)     [Supersedes  44P3d,  Apr.  1,  1941.]     f 

N  20.6/2 :  44  P3e 

Same  :  Platters,  steel ;  Apr.  1,  1944.  [1944.]  3  p.  11.  12°  (()3P2a.)  [Super- 
sedes 63P2,  Apr.  1,  1929.]     t  N  20.6/2  :  63  P2a 

Same:  Plugs,  heat-exchanger-tube  (phenolic-material,  laminated)  ;  May  1, 

1944.     [1944.]     7  p.  11.  12°     (45P3.)     t  N  20.6/2 :  45  P3 

Same :  Pumps,  centrifugal,  for  shipboard  use ;  May  1,  1944.    1944.    1  p.  12° 

(llPob.)     t  N  20.6/2:  11  P5b 

Same:  Pumps,  portable,  air-turbine-driven;   May  1,  1944.     [1944.]     2  p. 

12°     (llPSb.)      [Supersedes  llPSa,  Aug.  1,  1938.]     t  N 20.6/2 :  11  P8b 

Same:   Pumps,   portable,   submersible,   with   alternating-current   motors; 

May  1,  1944.    1944.    1  p.  12°     (llPlOb.)     [Supersedes  llPlOa,  Oct.  1,  1940].     t 

N  20.6/2:  11  PlOb 

Same:   Razors,   straight,   safety   type;   May   1,   1944.     [1944.]     6   p.   12° 

(29RL)     t  N  20.6/2:  29  Rl 

Same:  Resin,  alkyd,  solution;  May  1,  1944.     [1944.]     8  p.  12°  (52R13.)     f 

N  20.6/2  :  52  R13 

•    Sent  to  Depository  Libraries 


Ooiemment  supplies — Continued. 

Same :  Soap,  powdered,  hand,  with  vegetable  abrasive ;  May  1,  1944.   [1044.] 

3  p.  12"     (51S37.)     t  N  20.6/2 :  51  S37 

Same:  Spotlights  incandescent,  power-boat;  May  1,  1944.     1944.    1  p.  12" 

( 17S14b. )     t  N  20.6/2  :  17  S14b 

Same;  Spread.s,  bed,  cotton;  May  1,  1944.   [1944.]     6  p.  il.  12°     (27S3b.) 

[Supersedes  27S3a,  Nov.  1,   1930.]     t  N  20.6/2 :  27  S3b 

Same:    Steel,  forgings  for  welding;  May  1,  1944.      [1944.]     7  p.  il.   I2f 

(46S29C.)      [Supersedes  46S29b,  Sept.  1,  1939.]     t  N  20.6/2 :  46  S29c 

Same:  Steel,  rolled,  heat-treated,  bars  (for  shafting)  ;  May  1,  1944.  [1944.] 

5  p.  12"     (46S43.)     t  N  20.0/2 :  46  S43 

Same:  Tableware,  glass,  officers'  mess-gear;  June  1,  1944.     [1944.]     11  p. 

11.    12"     (63T9d.)     [Supersedes  63T9C,  Feb.  2,  1942.]     t  N  20.6/2 :  63T9d 

• Same:  Testing-sets,  electric,  Wheatstone-bridge  type;  May  1.  1944.    1944. 

1  p.  12"     (17T17C.)     t  N  20.6/2:   17  T17c 

Same:    Thermometers,    distant-reading,    indicating-dial;    May    1,    1944. 

[1944.]     12-  p.  il.  12"     (18T13b.)     [Supersedes  18T13a,  Apr.  1,  1936.]     t 

N  20.6/2  :  18  T13b 

Same:  Titanium-barium,  pigment;  May  1,  1944.     [1944.]     7  p.  12"     (52T4f.) 

[Supersedes  52T4d,  June  1,  1939  and  52T4e,  Apr.  1,  1940].     t 

N  20.6/2 :  52T4f 

Same :  Toluidine-red-toner,  dry ;  June  1,  1944.     [1944.]     4  p.  12°     (52T6b.) 

[Supersedes  52T6a,   June   1,   1932.]     t  N  20.6/2  :  52  T  6b 

Same:  Torches,  blow,  alcohol  and  gasoline;  May  1,  1944.    1944.     1  p.  12° 

( 41T4h. )     t  N  20.6/2 :  41  T  4h 

Same:   Torches,   oil,   portable,   suction;   Apr.   1,   1944.    [1944.]     6  p.   12" 

(41T22b.)      [Supersedes  41T22a,  Oct.  1.  1934.]     j  N  20.6/2 :  41  T  22b 

Same :  Toweling,  cotton ;  May  1,  1944.  1944.  1  p.  12"  (27T20b.)  [Super- 
sedes 27T20a,  Oct.  1,  1943.]     t  N  20.6/2 :27  T  20b 

• Same :  Tubes- boiler,  seamless ;  June  1,  1944.     [1944.]     6  p.  12"     (44T3f.) 

[  Supersedes  44T3e,  Sept.  1, 1938.  ]     t  N  20.6/2 :  44  T  3f 

Same :  Tubes,  glass,  Y-shaped ;  May  1, 1944.    [1944.]    4  p.  12"    (57T41.)     f 

N  20.0/2 :  57  T  41 

Same:  Tureens;  May  1,  1944.     [1944.]    4  p.  il.  12°     (63T7b.)     [Supersedes 

63T7a,  Oct.  1,  1934.]     t  N  20.6/2 :  63  T  7b 

• Same:  Valves,  escape,  air-regulating,  for  Navy  standard  diving  helmets; 

June  1,  1944.     [1944.]     4  p.  12°     (23V2.)     t  N  20.6/2 :23  V  2 

■ Same :  Varnish,  asphalt ;  May  1,  1944.  1944.  1  p.  12"  (52Vlf).  [Super- 
sedes 52Vle,  Apr.  2,  1934.]     t  N  20.6/2  :  52  V  If 

Same:  Water-closets  (shipboard  use)  ;  May  1,  1944.     [1944.]     14  p.  il.  12° 

(30Wlg.)     [Supersedes  30Wlb,  Dec.  1,  1933  and  SOWlf,  Jan.  2.  1941.]     t 


Mnnnal.  Change  37,  Bureau  of  Supplies  and  Accounts  manual;  May  1,  1944. 
n  p.  [1944].  iii  p.  [Accompanied  by  reprints  of  certain  pages  (with  changes) 
to  be  inserted  in  the  Manual.]     %  N  20.13:  Su  7/2/929/ch.37 

2Javal  crpcnditures,  1943.     1944.     iv-f  55  p.  4°     t     •  Item  917 

L.  C.  card  11-20038  N  20.21 :  1M3 

Prices.  Navy  price  list  of  clothing  and  small  stores,  effective  July  1,  1944.  1944. 
4  p.  [Issued  with  perforations.  Prices  contained  herein  are  effective  after 
close  of  business  June  30,  1944,  and  supersede  current  price  list  effective 
July  1,  1943.]     t  N  20.2  :  C  62/944 

Travel  itistnietions.  Change  16,  U.  S.  Navy  travel  instructions;  May  1,  1^4. 
[1944.]  i  p.  [Accompanied  by  reprints  of  certain  pages  (with  changes)  to  be 
inserted  in  U.  S.  Navy  travel  instructions,  1936.]     t     N  20.13 :  T69/2/936/ch. 16 

•    Sent  to  Depository  Libraries 


July  1944  843 


bulletin.  Bulletin  of  Pan  American  Sanitary  Bureau,  v.  23,  no.  2 ;  Feb.  1944. 
n.  p.  [r.>44].  cover  title,  [2] +97-192  p.  il.  [Monthly.  Articles  appear  in 
Spanish,  Portuguese,  French,  and  occasionally  in  English.]     t     PAS  1.3:  23/2 

■ Same,  v.  23,  no.  3;  Mar.  1944.     n.  p.  [1944].     cover  title,  [2] +193-288  p.  il. 

[Monthlv.     Articles  appear  in  Spanish,  Portuguese,  French,  and  occasionally 
in  English.]     f  PAS  1.3:  23/3 

Vital  stalistics.  Monthly  report,  biostatistics,  epidemiology,  no.  1 ;  Mar.  1944. 
[1944.]     15  p.  4°     [Processed.     Spanish  and  English.]     $  PAS  1.8 : 1 

Note. — Tbis  publication  replaces  the  tables  on  i>estilcntial  diseases  which  were  pub- 
lished in  the  Pan  American  Sanitary  Bureau  bulletin  uutil  its  Mar.  1944  issue. 

■ Same,  no.  2;  Apr.  1944.     [1944.]     16  p.  map,  4°     [Processed.     Spanish  and 

English.]     t  PAS  1.8:  2 

Same,  no.  3;  May  1944.     [1944.]     15  p.  map,  4°     [Processed.     Spanish  and 

English.]     t  PAS  1.8:  3 


Note.— The  Pan  American  Union  sells  its  own  illustrated  monthly  Bulletin,  booklets,  and 
other  publications,  at  prices  ranging  from  5c.  to  $2.00.  The  price  of  any  edition  of  the 
Bulletin  is  15c.  a  single  copy,  the  English  edition  is  $1.50  a  year,  the  Spanish  edition  $1.00 
a  year,  the  I'ortuguese  edition  $1.00  a  year;  there  is  an  additional  charge  of  75c.  a  year 
on  each  edition  for  countries  outside  the  Pan  American  Union.  Address  the  Pan  American 
Union,  Washington,  D.  C. 

Books.     Pan  American  book  shelf,  v.  7,  no.  5;  May  1944.     Washington,  D.  C, 
1944.     viii+111-124  p.  4"     [Monthly.     Processed.]     t  Paper,  $1.00  a  yr. 
L.  C.  card  39-26457  PA  1.47  :  7/5 

Same,  V.  7,  no.  6 ;  June  1944.     Washington,  D.  C,  1944.     vii+125-148  p.  4" 

[Monthly.     Processed.]     f  Paper,  $1.00  a  yr.  PA  1.47  :  7/6 

Btilletin  {English  edition).     Bulletin  of  Pan  American  Union,  June  1944;  [v.  78, 
no.  0].     [1944.]     cover  title,   [4] +301-360  p.  il.     [Monthly.]     For  price,  see 
note  above  under  center  head.     •  Item  922 
L.  C.  card  8-30967  PA  1.6 :  e78/6 

Same.     (H.  doc.  438,  pt.  6,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.) 

( rortugucse  edition).     Boletim  da  Uniao  Panamericana,  junho  1944 ;  [v.  46, 

no.   6].     1944.*     cover  title,    [4] +233-283  p.   il.     [Monthly.]      For  price,  see 
note  above  under  center  head. 

L.  C.  card  11-27014  PA  1.6 :  p  46/6 

(Spanish  edition).     Boletin  de  la  Union  Panamericana,  junio  1944;  [v.  78, 

no.  6].      [1944.     cover  title,    [4] +293-352  p.   il.      [Monthly.]      For  price,  see 
note  above  under  center  head. 

L.  C.  card  12-12555  PA  l.G :  s  78/6 

Commercial  Pan  America.  Commercial  Pan  America,  monthly  review  of  com- 
merce and  finance,  Mar.-Apr.  1944 ;  v.  13,  nos.  3  and  4.  1944.  cover  title, 
[4] +43-86  leaves,  4°  [Processed.  Tvfo  numbers  issued  as  one  publication. 
Title  is :  Progress  of  industi'y,  transportation,  and  commerce  in  Central  Amer- 
ica.] t  I^aper,  10c.  per  mo.,  $1.00  a  yr.  (either  English  or  Spanish  edition)  ; 
foreign  subscription,  $1.25. 
L.  C.  card  PA3S-8  PA  1 .45 :  e  13/3,4 

Same,   Spanish.     1944.     cover  title,    [3] +53-105  leaves,  4°     [Processed.] 

PA  1.45 :  s  13/3,4 

Pan  American  Highway.  El  camino  a  la  belleza  [la  Carretera  Panamericana]  ; 
por  William  Vogt.  [1944.]  [2] +233-242  p.  il.  [Reproducido  del  Boletin  de 
la  Union  Panamericana,  mayo  de  1944.]     t  1*^'^  1.6/a  :  C  146 

Panorama,  record  of  inter-American  cultural  events,  no.  24;  May  1944.     [1944.] 
cover  title,  [1]+31  leaves,  4°     [Processed.]     t 
L.  C.  card  4^38393  I'A  1.53 :  a4 

•    Sent  to  Depository  Libraries 


844  Government  Publications 


Postal  hullftin,  v.  65,  no.  18724-732;  June  2-30,  1944.     [1944.]     various  paging,  f 
[Published  Tuesday  and  Friday,  except  legal  holidays.]     ♦Paper,  5c.  single 
copy,  $1.00  a  yr. 
L.  C.  card  &-5810  P  1.3 :  65 

Postal  guide.  United  States  ofBcial  postal  guide;  Monthly  supplement  to  pts.  1 
and  2,  nth  series,  v.  4,  no.  11;  May  1944.  [1944.]  [3] +65+ [2 J  p.  [Includes 
Changes  35  and  36  affecting  United  States  official  postal  guide  for  1943,  pt.  1 ; 
also  Amendments  (Inserts  222-224)  to  Postal  laws  and  regulations  of  United 
States,  edition  of  1940.  Part  of  the  pages  are  printed  on  one  side  only.]  *  Paper 
(2;^  numbers  Aug.  1943- June  1945) ,  $1.75.     •  Item  929  P  1.10/1 :  943/11 


Mail  rotites.  Schedule  of  mail  routes,  no.  319,  June  13,  1944,  1st  division.  Rail- 
way Mail  Service,  comprising  Maine,  New  Hampshire,  Vermont,  Massachusetts, 
Rhode  Island,  and  Connecticut.  Boston,  Mass.,  P.  O.  [June  13,  1944].  140  p. 
narrow  8"     +  P  10.12/1 :  319 

■ Schedule  of  mail  routes,  no.  547,  May  7,  1944,  3d  division,  Railway  Mail 

Service,  comprising  District  of  Columbia,  Maryland,  North  Carolina,  Virginia, 
and  West  Virginia  (except  peninsula  of  Maryland  and  Virginia).  [1944.] 
189+ [1]  p.  narrow  8°     t  P  10.12/3  :&47 

■ Schedule  of  mail  routes,  no.  605,  June  13,  1944,  4th  division,  Railway  Mail 

Service,  comprising  Alabama,  Florida,  Georgia,  South  Carolina,  Tennessee. 
Puerto  Rico  and  Virgin  Islands.  Darby  Printing  Co.,  Atlanta,  Ga.  [June  13. 
1944.]     112  p.  narrow  8°    t  P  10.12/4:  605 

Schedule  of  mail  routes,  no.  540,  May  20,  1944,  5th  division.  Railway  Mail 

Service,  comprising  Ohio,  Indiana,  and  Kentucky.  Roessler  Bros.,  Inc.,  Cin- 
cinnati, O.,  May  20,  1944.    160  p.  narrow  8°    J  P  10.12/5 :  540 

Schedule  of  mail  routes,  no.  546,  Mar.  3,  1944,  7th  division,  Railway  Mail 

Service,  comprising  Kansas  and  Missouri.  Wellington  Printing  Co.,  St.  Louis, 
Mo.  [Mar.  3,  1944].     132  p.  narrow  8°     I  P  10.12/7:  546 

Schedule  of  mail  routes,  no.  547,  June  7,  1944,  7th  division.  Railway  Mail 

Service,  comprising  Kansas  and  Missouri.  Wellington  Printing  Co.,  St.  Louis, 
Mo.   [June  7,  1^4].     132  p.  narrow  8°     t  P  10.12/7: 547 

•    Schedule  of  mail  routes,  no.  329,  June  12,  1944,  11th  division.  Railway 

Mail  Service,  comprising  New  Mexico,  Oklahoma,  and  Texas.  Babcock  Print- 
ing Co.,  Fort  Worth,  Tex.    [June  12,  1944].     144+ [1]  p.  narrow  8"     t 

P  10.12/11 :  329 

Schedule  of  mail  routes,  no.  160,  May  29,  1944,  13th  division  Railway  Mail 

Service,  comprising  Alaska,  Idaho,  Montana,  Oregon  and  Washington.  [Seattle 
P.  O.,  May  29,  1944.]     120  p.  narrow  8°     +  P  10.12/13 :  160 

Schedule  of  mail  routes,  no.  188,  May  26,  1944,  14th  division,  Railway  Mail 

Service,  comprising  Nebraska,  Colorado,  and  Wyoming.  Burkley  Printing  Co., 
Omaha  [May  26,  1M4].     112  p.  narrow  8°    I  P  10.12/14 :  188 


Note The  Division  of  Topography  has  on  file  maps  showing  all  roads  used  by  the 

rural  tree  relivery  mail  service.  Rural  delivery  routes  are  shown  in  detail  on  county 
or  local  maps  which,  with  a  few  exceptions,  are  drawn  to  the  scale  of  1 :  62,500  or 
1  •  63  :^60  (1  mile  to  the  inch).  Maps  of  more  than  1,600  counties  in  the  United  States 
have  been  prepared  bv  the  Post  Office  Department  and  blue-line  prints,  made  from  nega- 
tives on  file  are  sold  "for  50  cents  per  copy.  Each  county  map  shows  in  addition  to  the 
roads  traveled  by  rural  carriers,  all  post  offices  within  the  county  at  the  time  the  negative 
was  made  and  all  other  roads,  houses,  schools,  and  churches  known  at  the  time  the  map 
was  originally  drawn,  together  with  an  outline  of  the  drainage.  A  list  of  the  county  maps 
on  file  will  be  furnished  upon  application  to  the  Superintendent,  Division  of  Finance,  Post 
Office  Department,  Washington,  D.  C.  Rural  delivery  routes  emanating  from  post  offices 
in  counties  for  which  county  maps  have  not  been  drawn  are  shown  on  local  maps.  Blue- 
nrint  copies  of  such  maps  are  sold  at  25  cents  each.  Orders  for  all  postal  maps  should  be 
accompanied  by  money  order  and  addressed  to  the  Superintendent,  Division  of  Finance,  Post 
Office  Department,  Washington,  D.  C.  Rural  delivery  maps  should  not  be  confused  with  the 
State  post  route  maps  which  are  listed  in  the  Monthly  catalog  for  Jan.  1944,  page  79. 

•     Sent  to  Depository  Libraries 

July  1944  845 


Note. — The  functions  and  duties  of  the  Kxceutivc  Odice  of  the  President  were  established 
by  Executive  order  of  Sept.  (S,  193;).  Tlie  iiriiicipal  divisions  at  present  are  as  follows  :  The 
White  House  Ofiice,  the  Bureau  of  the  Budj^et,  the  Liasiou  Office  for  Personnel  Management, 
thrt  Office  of  Emergency  Management,  and  the  Committee  for  Congested  Production  Areas. 

For  information  relating  to  the  issuance  of  Executive  orders  and  Proclamations  of  the 
President  see,  below,  note  under  Ea-ccutivc  orders. 

Clothing  allowances.  Amendment  of  Executive  order  9356,  June  24,  1943,  pre- 
scribing regulations  governing  furnishing  of  clothing  in  kind  or  payment  of 
cash  allowancos  in  lieu  thereof  to  enlisted  personnel  of  Navy,  Coast  Guard, 
Naval  Reserve  and  Coast  Guard  Reserve.  June  8,  1944.  (Executive  order 
9447.)  [Not  issued  separately.  Appeared  in  Federal  register,  v.  9,  no.  116, 
Juue  10,  1944,  p.  6293-94.] 

D-Day  prayer.     The  President's  D-Day  prayer.     June  6,  1944.     2  p.  narrow  f° 
[Processed.]     I 
L.  C.  card  44-41138  Pr  32.2  :  D  1 

Dickcrson,  Eugene  E.  Executive  order,  waiving  provisions  of  Executive  order 
of  Jan.  17,  1873,  as  to  Eugene  E.  Dickerson,  postmaster  at  Warmsprings,  Mont. 
May  15,  1944.     1  p.  4°     (No.  9442.)     t  The  National  Archives.     •  Item  943 

Pr  32.5 :  9442 

Eason,  Mrs.  Bessie  L.  Bessie  Eason,  message  returning  without  approval  bill 
(H.  R.  3537)  for  relief  of  Bessie  Eason.  June  7,  1944.  2  p.  (H.  doc.  646, 
78th  Gong.  2d  sess.)     t 

E.recutivc  orders. 

Note. — The  Federal  register  act  (49  Stat.  500  as  amended  ;  44  U.  S.  C,  and  supp.  SOI 
et  seq.)  provides  in  sec.  5  as  follows:  There  shall  be  publi.shed  in  the  Federal  register  all 
Presidential  Proclamations  and  Executive  orders,  except  such  as  have  no  general  appli- 
cability and  lei^al  effect  or  are  effective  only  against  Federal  agencies  or  persons  in  their 
capacity  as  officers,  agents,  or  employees  thereof. 

The  Executive  orders  and  Pi-oclamations  published  in  the  Federal  register  will  not 
be  issued  separately,  but  title  entries  for  such  Executive  orders  and  Proclamations,  with 
reference  to  the  Federal  register,  apjiear  above  and  below. 

The  distribution  of  Executive  orders  and  Proclamations  was  transf-^rred,  beginning 
Mar.  12,  lOXG,  from  the  Department  of  State  to  the  Division  of  the  Federal  Register, 
National  Archives.  Free  distribution  will  be  only  to  appropriate  agencies  of  the  Gov- 
ernment. The  Federal  register  will  be  sold  by  the  Superintendent  of  Documents,  Govern- 
ment Printing  OflBce,  Washington  25,  D.  C,  on  a  subscription  basis  of  $1.50  per  month  of 
$15.00  per  year. 

Foreign  serviee.  Authorizing  Secretary  of  State  to  prescribe  regulations  and 
issue  orders  and  instructions  relating  to  Foreign  service  of  United  States.  June 
26,  1944.  (Executive  order  94.'^2. )  [Not  issued  separately.  Appeared  in  Fed- 
eral register,  v.  9,  no.  129,  June  29,  1944,  p.  7183.] 

Foreign  service  regnlatiovs.  Amending  Foreign  service  regulations  of  United 
States  [sec.  1-3  (b)  (1)  and  sec.  1-5  (a)]  June  20,  1944,  (Executive  order 
94.10.)  [Not  issued  separately.  Appeared  in  Federal  register,  v.  9,  no.  124, 
June  22,  1044,  p.  6905.] 

Amending  regulations  concerning  Foreign  service  pay  adjustment  [pre- 
scribing regulations  governing  payment  of  los.'^es  sustained  by  officers,  enlisted 
men,  and  employees  of  United  States  in  foreign  countries  on  account  of  appre- 
ciation of  currencies  in  their  relation  to  American  dollar].  June  15, 
1044.  (Executive  order  9449.)  [Not  issued  separately.  Appeared  in  Federal 
register,  v.  9,  no.  121,  June  17,  1944,  p.  66(57.] 

Government  offtrials  and  cmplmjees.  Revoking  par.  2  of  Executive  order  9243, 
Sept.  12,  1042,  entitled  Providing  for  transfer  and  release  of  Federal  personnel. 
June  20,  1944.  (Executive  order  9451.)  [Not  issued  separately.  Appeared 
in  Federal  register,  v.  9,  no.  124,  June  22,  1944,  p.  6905.] 

International  Labor  Conference.     26th   Conference  of  International   Labor  Or- 
ganization, message  transmitting  recommendations  of  26th  Conference  of  In- 
ternationi'l   Labor   Organization.     May  29,   1944.     14   p.     (H.    doc.   621,   78th 
Cong.  2d  sess. )     ♦  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  44-41139 

•     Sent  to  Depository  Libraries 

598159 — 44— No.  594 9 

846  Government  Publications  ^ 

National  Farm-Safety  M'rek,  1944,  proclamation  [designating  week  commencing 
July  23,  1944,  as  National  Farm-Safety  Week].  June  16,  1944.  (Proclama- 
tion 2615.)  [Nut  issued  separately.  Appeared  in  Federal  register,  v.  9,  no. 
122,  June  20,  1944,  p.  6799.] 


Note. — For  infonnation  concerning  the  issuance  of  Executive  orders  and  Proclamations, 
see  above,  note  under  the  subhead  Executive  orders. 

PuhUc  property.  Surplus  Government  property  and  materials,  comnaunication 
transmitting,  pursuant  to  resolution,  report  concerning  surplus  Government- 
property  and  materials  no  longer  needed  for  war  purposes.  June  15,  legislative 
day  May  9,  1944.     9  p.     (S.  doc.  203,  7Sth  Cong.  2d  sess.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Refugf:cs.  Caring  for  refugees  in  United  States,  message  notifying  Congress  that 
arrangements  have  been  made  to  care  for  approximately  1,000  refugees  in 
United  States.  June  12,  1944.  3  p.  <H.  doc.  G56,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)  [The 
War  Refugee  Board  is  charged  with  over-all  responsibility  for  this  project.] 
*  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  44-41140 

Tax  returns.  Inspection  of  income,  excess-profits,  and  capital  stock  tax  returns 
by  Select  Committee  to  Investigate  Federal  Communications  Commission,  House 
of  Representatives.  June  8.  1944.  (Executive  order  9448.)  [Not  issued  sep- 
arately.   Appeared  in  Federal  register,  v.  9,  no.  117,  June  13,  1944,  p.  6387.] 

Travieso,  Martin.  Executive  order,  designating  Martin  Travieso,  chief  justice 
of  Supreme  Court  of  Puerto  Rico,  as  acting  judge  of  district  court  of  United 
States  for  Puerto  Rico  to  act  in  case  of  United  States  v.  Julio  Trinidad  Geigel. 
May  29,  1944.     1  p.  4°     (No.  9445.)     t  The  National  Archives.     •  Item  943 

Pr  32.5 :  9445 

Veterans'  Administration.  Regulations  governing  allowance  of  travel  expenses 
of  clain)ants  and  beneficiaries  of  Veterans'  Administration  and  of  their  attend- 
ants. June  8,  1944.  (Executive  order  9446.)  [Not  issued  separately.  Ap- 
peared in  Federal  register,  v.  9,  no.  116,  June  10,  1944,  p.  6293.  Supersedes 
Executive  order  8454  of  June  26,  1940.] 


Civil  Aeronautics  Administration.  Proposed  provision  pertaining  to  appropria- 
tion for  Office  of  Administrator  of  Civil  Aeronautics,  Department  of  Commerce 
[fiscal  year  1945,  to  enable  Civil  Aeronautics  Administration  to  continue  opera- 
ing  certain  airport  traffic  control  towers].  June  1,  1944.  2  p.  (H.  doc.  631, 
78th  Cong.  2d  sess. )     t 

Civil  Service  Commission.  Supplemental  estimates.  Civil  Service  Commission, 
fiscal  years  1944  and  1945.  June  19,  legislative  day  May  9,  1944.  2  p.  ( S.  doc. 
218,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)      t 

Claims  for  damages  to  privately  owned  property,  estimates  of  appropriations 
[.submitted  by  the  several  executive  departments  and  independent  offices]  to 
pay  claims.  June  19,  legislative  day  May  9,  1944.  19  p.  (S.  doc.  208,  78th 
Cong.  2d  sess. )     t 

District  of  Columbia.  Supplemental  estimates,  District  of  Columbia,  fiscal  year 
1945.  June  7,  legislative  day  May  9,  1944.  3  p.  (S.  doc.  200,  78th  Cong.  2d 
sess. )     t 

Economic  Stahilization  Office.  Estimate  of  appropriation  for  OflBce  of  Economic 
Stabilization,  fiscal  year  1945.  June  1,  1944.  6  p.  (H.  doc.  633,  78th  Cong. 
2d  sess. )     t 

Engineer  Corps,  Army.  Improvement  of  Withlacoochee  River,  Fla.,  draft  of 
proposed  provision  pertaining  to  existing  appropriation  for  War  Department 
for  rivers  and  harbors  [under  Corps  of  Engineers].  June  19,  legislative  day 
May  9, 1944.    3  p.     ( S.  doc.  219,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)     f 

Supplemental  estimate  of  appropriation  for  War  Department,  fiscal  year 

1944.  to  remain  available  until  expended  for  emergency  flood-control  work 
[under  Corps  of  Engineers].  June  1,  1944.  2  p.  (H.  doc.  632,  78th  Cong.  2d 
3ess. )     t 

•     Sent  to  Depository  Libraries 

July  1944  847 

rreedmeii's  Hospifal.  Supplemental  estimate  of  appropriation  for  Federal  Se- 
curity Agency,  fiscal  year  IMi  [for  Freedmen's  Hospital].  June  3,  1944.  2  p. 
(H.  doc.  639,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)     t 

Interior  Department.  Supplemental  and  deficiency  estimates  of  appropriations 
for  Interior  Department,  [fiscal  year]  15>45  and  prior  fiscal  years.  June  3, 
1944.    3  p.     (H.  doc.  (538,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)     t 

National  defense.  Proposed  provision  pertaining  to  existing  appropriation  of 
emergency  fund  for  the  President.  June  7,  1944.  2  p.  (H.  doc.  653,  78th 
Cong.  2d  sess.)     t 

Ordnance  Bureau.  Drafts  of  proposed  provisions  affecting  naval  appropriations, 
fiscal  years  1942  and  1945  [for  Bureau  of  Ordnance  and  for  Bureau  of  Aero- 
nautics].   June  7,  1944.    2  p.     (H.  doc.  654,  78th  Cong.  2d     t 

Post  Office  Department.  Supplemental  estimates  of  appropriations.  Post  Office 
Department,  fiscal  year  1944.  June  19,"  legislative  day  May  9,  1944.  2  p.  (S. 
doc.  221,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)     t 

Price  Administration  Office.  Estimate  of  appropriation  for  Office  of  Price  Ad- 
ministration, fiscal  year  1945.  June  1,  1944.  12  p.  (H.  doc.  634,  78th  Cong. 
2d  sess.)     t 

St.  Elizabeth's  Hospital.  Amendment  to  Inidget  for  St.  Elizal)eth's  Hospital, 
Federal  Security  Agency,  fiscal  year  1945.  June  7,  legislative  day  May  9,  1944. 
2  p.     ( S.  doc.  201,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)     f 

Selective  Service  System.  Supplemental  estimate.  Selective  Service  System,  fis- 
cal year  1945  ]for  gathering  medical  and  social  history  information  on  regis- 
trants]. June  5,  legislative  day  May  9,  1944.  2  p.  (S.  doc.  199,  78th  Cong. 
2d  sess.)     t 

Social  Security  Board.  Supplemental  estimate  for  Federal  Security  Agency 
[fiscal  year  1945,  for  Social  Security  Board]  for  grants  to  States  for  old-age 
assistance,  grants  to  States  for  aid  to  dependent  children,  grants  to  States  for 
aid  to  the  blind,  and  grants  to  States  for  unemployment  compensation  admin- 
istration.   June  14,  1944.    2  p.     (H.  doc.  659,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)     t 

Veterans'  Administration,  draft  of  proposed  provision  relating  to  existing  ap- 
propriations for  Veterans'  Administration,  fiscal  year  1944  [to  increase  present 
limitation  on  travel].  June  19,  legislative  day  May  9,  1944.  2  p.  (S.  doc.  206, 
78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)     t 



Note. — Under  the  provisions  of  Executive  order  9095,  dated  Mar.  11.  1942,  tho  Office  of 
Alien  Property  Custodian  was  established  in  the  Office  for  Emergency  Management  of  the 
Executive  Office  of  the  Pre.sident. 

Bibliof/raphy  on  enemy  property  control  in  United  States,  1917-43;  [prepared 
by  Howard  Hazen  Wilson].  [1944.]  viii  -f  74  leaves,  4°  [Processed.]  t 
L.  C.  card  44-41136  Pr  32.5702 :  P  94/917-43 


Defense  coordinator  in  industrial  plants:  pt.  3,  Sabotage  and  preventive  meas- 
ures [with  list  of  selected  references].     Dec.  1943  [published  1944].     [2]  +12  p. 
4"     t     •  Item  959 
L.  C.  card  44-40679  Pr  32.4406:  D  36/pt.3 

Youth.     Volunteers  for  youth  recreation  programs,  suggestions  for  joint  recruiting 
and  training  [with  list  of  re;ferences].     Mar.  1944.     iii-|-28  p.     [Prepared  in 
cooperation  with  church  groups,  group  work  and  r(X'reation  agencies  and  Fed- 
eral agencies  concerned  with  youth.]     *  Paper,  Iflc.     •  Item  9.19 
L.  C.  card  44-41112  Pr  32.4406 :  Y  8 

•     Sent  to  Depository  Libraries 

848  Government  Publications 


Em  (juarda.  Em  giiarda  para  a  dofesa  das  Americas,  ano  3,  n.  7.  [Business 
Publishers  International  Corporation,  Nova  York,  11M4.]  cover  title,  40  p.  11.  f° 
[Monthly.     Other  illustrations  on  p.  2-4  of  cover.]     %  Pr  32.4608 :  p  3/7 

Same,  ano  3,  n.  8.     [Business  Publishers  International  Corporation,  Nova 

York,  1944.]     cover  title,  40  p.  il.  f°     [Monthly.     Other  illustrations  on  p.  2-4 
of  cover.]     1  Pr  32.4G08 :  p  3/8 

En  garde.  En  garde  pour  la  defense  des  Am^riques  [v.  1,  no.  3].  [Business  Pub- 
lishers International  Corporation,  New  York,  N.  Y.,  1943]  cover  title,  40  p.  11.  f 
[Other  illustrations  on  p.  2-4  of  cover.]     J  Pr  32.4G08 :  f  1/3 

Same,  [v.  1,  no.  4].     [Business  Publi.shers  International  Corporation,  New 

York,  N.  Y.,  1943.]     cover  title,  40  p.  il.  f°     [Other  illustrations  on  p.  2-4  of 
cover.]     t  Pr  32.4G08 :  f  1/4 

Same,  [v.  1,  no.  5].     [Business  Publishei-s  International  Corporation.  New 

York,  N.  Y.,  1943.]     cover  title,  40  p.  11.  f°     [Other  illustrations  on  p.  2-4  of 
cover.  ]     t  Pr  32.4G08 :  f  l/o 

Same,  [v.  1,  no.  6].     [Business  Publishers  International  Corporation,  New 

York,  N.  Y.,  1943.]     cover  title,  40  p.  il.  f     [Other  illustrations  on  p.  2-4  of 
cover.]     %  Pr  32.4G0S :  f  1/6 

En  guardia  para  la  defensa  de  las  Americas,  alio  3,  no.  9.  [Business  Publishers 
International  Corp.,  Nueva  York,  N.  Y.,  1944.]  cover  title,  40  p.  il.  f°  [Monthly. 
Other  illustrations  on  p.  2-4  of  cover.]     %  Pr  32.4608 :  s  3/9 

Medical  entomology  [with  list  of  study  references].  [1944.]  12  p.  4°  [Proc- 
essed.]    X  Pr  32,4602 :  En  8 

Posters.     Bombardeos   Nazis;    [poster].     [1944.]     14.8X10.2   in.     t 

Pr  32.4607  :B  63 


Note. — The  Office  of  Economic  Stabilization  was  established  in  the  Office  for  Emergency 
Management  by  Executive  order  9250  of  Oct.  3,  1942. 

Posters.  For  victory,  and  my  personal  post  war  world,  I'm  following  the  7-key 
plan  to  hold  prices  down;  [poster].  [1944.]  28.2X20.1  in.  t  War  Information 
Office.  Pr  32.6007  :  P  93/4 

I'm  out  to  lick  runaway  prices,  let's  all  follow  the  7-key  plan  to  hold  prices 

down;  [poster].     [1944.]     22.5X16.1  in.     t  War  Information  Office. 

Pr  32.6007  :  P  93/3 

We'll  take  care  of  the  Rising  Sun,  you  take  care  of  rising  prices;  [poster]. 

[1944.]     22.7X16.2  in.     t  War  Information  Office.  Pr  32.6007 :  P  93/2 

You  can  lick  runaway  prices,  you  hold  the  7  keys  to  hold  down  prices ; 

[poster].     [1944.]     22.6X16.2  in.     f  War  Information  Office.      Pr  32.G007  :  P  93 


Export  bulletin.  Current  export  bulletin  167-174;  June  2-29,  1944.  [1944.] 
various  paging,  4°  (Supplies  Bureau,  Requirements  and  Supply  Branch.) 
[Processed.]    t  Pr  32.5807 :  167-174 

Export  schedule.  Comprehensive  export  schedule  (including  general  information 
and  instructions),  no.  14.  June  .^,  1944.  195  p.  4°  (Supplies  Bureau,  Require- 
ments ami  Supplv  Branch.)  *  Paper,  20c.  single  copy,  6  issues  $1.00;  foreign 
subscription,  .^l.-W     •  Item  4.37  Pr  32.5808: 14 

Note. — Information  in  this  schedule  supersedes  that  appearing  in  previous  issues 
of  the  Comprehensive  export  schedule.  Current  controls  bulletins  1-57  and  Export  bul- 
letins 58-163  of  May  19,  1944. 

•     Sent  to  Depository  Libraries 

July  1944  849 


Anderson,  C.  W.  No.  30200,  in  Supreme  Court  of  Kansas,  C.  W.  Anderson,  vs. 
J.  F.  Carder,  Chester  Bowles,  administrator  of  Ollice  of  Price  Administration, 
interveuor-appellant,  appeal  from  district  court  of  Shawnee  County,  Ivans., 
Paul  H.  Heinz,  judge;   abstract  of  record.     [1944.]     cover  title,   i  +  H   P-     t 

Pr  32.4217  :  An  23 

Same;  brief  for  Chester  Bowles,  interveuor-appellant.  [1944.]     cover  title, 

iii+29  p.    4  Pr  32.4217  :  An  23/2 

California  Lima  Bean  Oroivers  Association.  No.  139,  in  Emergency  Court  of 
Apijeals,  California  Lima  Bean  Growers  Association  v.  Cliester  Bowles,  price 
administrator;  answer.     [1944.]     cover  title,  2  p.     t  '  Pr  32.4217 :  C  128/2 

• Same;    transcript   of  proceedings    before    price    administrator.      [1944.] 

cover  title,   i+23  p.     t  Pr  32.4217  :  C  128 

Commodities.  Supplement  to  Directory  of  commodities  and  services,  index  to 
price  regulations  and  jurisdiction  of  operating  units,  issue  3,  supp.  4,  May  15, 
1944.  [1944.]  ii+4y  p.  [All  references  to  previously  issued  supplements 
should  be  discontinued.]     Included  in  price  of  Directory.     •  Item  9<j3 

Pr  32.4206 :  C  73/943-2/supp.4 

Consumer  goods.  Manual  for  investigation  of  jobbers  of  consumer  durable  goods 
for  record  keeping  and  reporting  compliance  under  GMPR.  Feb.  10,  1944. 
[1]+13  p.  4°     [Processed.]     t  Pr  32.4206 :  R  24 

Crawford  d  Doherty  Foundry  Co.  No.  138,  in  Emergency  Court  of  Appeals, 
Crawford  &  Doherty  Foundry  Co.,  an  Oregon  corporation,  v.  Chester  Bowles, 
price  administrator  ;  answer.     [1944.]    cover  title,  4  p.     $      Pr  32.4217  :  C  859/2 

Same ;  transcript  of  proceedings  before  price  administrator.     [1944.]    cover 

title,  i+102  p.     t  Pr  32.4217  :  C  859 

Cudahy  Bros.  Co.  No.  135,  in  Emergency  Court  of  Appeals,  Cudahy  Brothers 
Co.  V.  Chester  Bowles,  price  administrator ;  transcript  of  proceedings  before 
price  administrator.     [1944.]     cover  title,  ii+344  p.  il.     t    Pr  32.4217 :  C  893/10 

Food.  OPA  food  guide  for  retailers ;  May  1944.  [1944.]  [4]  p.  4°  [Monthly.] 
t     •  Item  963.  Pr  32.4241 :  944/4 

Same,    June    1944.     [1944.]    4    p.    il.    4°       (Information    Department.) 

[Monthly.]     t     •  Item  963  Pr  32.4241 :  944/5 

Foster  d  Co.  No.  140.  in  Emergency  Court  of  Appeals,  Foster  and  Company  v. 
Chester   Bowles,  price  administrator;   answer.     [1944.]     cover   title,   3   p.     t 

Pr  32.4217 :  F  819/2 

Same  ;  transcript  of  proceedings  before  price  administrator.    [1944.]    cover 

title,  i+48  p.     t  Pr  32.4217  :  F  819 

Gallagher's  Steak  House,  Inc.  No.  — ,  in  circuit  court  of  appeals  for  2d  circuit, 
Gallagher's  Steak  House,  Inc.,  v.  Chester  Bowles,  administrator,  Oflice  of 
Price  Administration  [et  al.]  ;  brief  for  defendants-appellees.  [1944.]  cover 
title,  vii-f42  p.     I  Pr  32.4217 :  G  135 

Great   Britain.     British   wartime  price   administration,   1939-43;   by   James   S. 
Earley,  L.  Margaret  Hall,  and  Marjorie  S.  Berger.     [1944.]     cover  title,  [134] 
p.  il.  4°     [Processed.     Revision  of  British  wartime  price  administration  and 
price  movements,  issued  Feb.  4,  1942.]     f 
L.  C.  card  44-41123  Pr  32.4202  :  B  77/944 

Reims''  Riverside  Abattoir.  Nos.  102-103,  in  Emergency  Court  of  Appeals,  Ed- 
ward Heinz  et  al.  [co-partners  doing  business  as  H<'inz'  Riverside  Abattoir,  et 
al.]  V.  Chester  Bowles,  price  administrator ;  E.  Kahn's  Sons  Company  v. 
[same]  ;  supplemental  transcript  of  proceedings  b(>fore  price  administiator. 
[1944.]     cover  title,  iii-f-173  p.     t  Pr  32.4217  :  H  305/3 

Joliet  Oil  Corporation.  No.  8359,  in  circuit  court  of  appeals  for  7th  circuit, 
Joliet  Oil  Corporation  v.  Prentiss  M.  Brown,  administrator.  Office  of  Price 
Administration,  et  al.,  appeal  from  district  court  for  northern  district  of 
Illinois,  eastern  division,  William  H.  Holly,  trial  judge;  appellee's  brief. 
[1944.]    cover  title,  iii-f  45  p.    t  Pr  32.4217 :  J  681 

•    Sent  to  Depository  Libraries 

850  Government  Publications 

Kingan  <£■  Co.  No.  124,  in  Emergency  Conrt  of  Appeals,  Kingan  &  Co.,  a  New 
Jersey  corporation,  v.  Cliester  Bowles,  price  administrator;  brief  for  ad- 
ministrator.    [1944.]     cover  title,  ii +26  p.     t  Pr  32.4217 :  K  589/3 

Meat.  Manual  for  meat  retailers.  June  15, 1944.  10  p.  il.  4°  (OPA  trade  bulletin.) 
[This  trade  bulletin  covers  only  the  main  points  of  Maximum  price  regula- 
tions 336,  3r»5,  and  394  and  does  not  take  their  places.]     t     •  Item  963 

Pr  32.4244  :  M  46 

Morris,  Harry,  Service  Station.  No.  11,000,  in  circuit  court  of  appeals  for  5th 
circuit,  Chester  Bowles,  administrator.  Office  of  Price  Administration  et  al.,  v. 
Beulah  Jacobson,  joined  by  her  husband,  Robert  Jacobson,  operator  and  owner 
under  trade  name  of  Harry  Morris  Service  Station,  appeal  from  district  court 
for  northern  district  of  Texas;  transcript  of  record.  [1944.]  cover  title, 
i-f72  p.     t  Pr  32.4217 :  M  832 

Nagle,  M.  H.,  Inc.  No.  98,  in  Emergency  Court  of  Appeals,  M.  H.  Nagle,  Inc.,  v. 
Chester  Bowles,  price  administrator;  answer.  [1943.]    cover  title,  4  p.    t 

Pr  32.4217 :  N  136/4 

Same;  transcript  of  proceedings  before  price  administrator,  pt.  2.     [1943.] 

cover  title,  i-f  169  p.  il.    t  Pr  32.4217 :  N  136/3 

Pork.  Retail  price  changes  on  certain  pork  cuts,  effective  Apr.  11,  1944.  [1944.] 
2  p.  4°  (OPA  trade  bulletin.)  [This  trade  bulletin  covers  only  the  main  points 
of  Amendment  12  to  Maximiim  price  regulation  336  and  does  not  take  its 
place.  ]     t  Pr  32.4244 :  P  82 

Posters.  Cost  of  living  in  2  wars,  keep  up  the  good  work,  keep  down  living  costs ; 
[poster].  1944.  40X28.4  in.  [Illustrator,  L.  Helgiiera.  This  poster  also  issued 
in  size  28X20  in.]     t  Pr  32.4212 :  C  82/3 

Have  you  really  tried  to  save  gas  by  getting  into  a  car  club?  [poster]. 

1944.    40.1X28.5  in.    [Illustrator,  Harold  von  Schmidt.    This  poster  also  issued 
in  size  28X20  in.  and  20X14.2  in.]     t  Pr  32.4212  :  G  21 

Powers,  Liicim.  No.  127,  in  Emergency  Court  of  Appeals,  Lucius  Powers  and 
W.  E.  Urick  v.  Chester  Bowles,  price  administrator ;  brief  for  administrator. 
[1944.]    cover  title,  i+29  p.    t  Pr  32.4217 :  P  873/3 

Price  panels.  Manual  of  price  panel  operation :  Foreword ;  pt.  1,  Organization 
and  functions  of  price  panels.  Washington,  D.  C,  Mar.  20^- 1944.  [2]  -j-13  p.  4° 
[Processed. ]     t  Pr  32.4206 :  P  93/9/pt.l 

Price  regulations. 

Note. — Price  schedules  and  regulations,  amendments,  and  orders  are  issued  as  pre- 
prints or  reprints  from  the  Federal  register  and  do  not  appear  in  the  Monthly  catalog. 
The  regulations  are  compiled  and  printed  to  include,  to  date  of  publication,  all  amend- 
ments and  digests  of  supplementary  orders  thereto,  and  are  entered  in  this  catalog. 
Price  schedules  and  regulations  are  available  from  the  Printing  and  Distribution 
Branch,  Office  of  Price  Administration,  Washington  25,  D.  C,  and  requests  will  be 
filled  to  include  all  additional  amendments  issued  to  date  of  request. 

Rabkin,  Isaac.  No.  130,  in  Emergency  Court  of  Appeals,  Isaac  Rabkin  v.  Chester 
Bowles,  price  administrator;  brief  for  administrator.  [1944.]  cover  title, 
i-f  20  p.     [The  imprint  date  is  given  incorrectly  on  p.  20  as  1943.]     t 

Pr  32.4217 :  R 113/3 

Repair  of  certain  appliances  and  equipment;  issued  by  Department  of  Informa- 
tion. Jan.  I&i4.  [4]  p.  4°  (OPA  service  trades  bulletin  9.)  [This  bulletin 
contains  only  the  main  points  of  Supplementary  regulation  22  to  Maximum 
price  regulation  165,  as  amended.]     t  Pr  32.4222:  9 

Roseclale  Show  Bur.  No.  9706,  in  circuit  court  of  appeals  for  6th  district,  John 
Jatros,  individually  and  doing  business  as  Rosedale  Show  Bar  v.  Chester 
Bowles,  administrator.  Office  of  Price  Administration,  appeal  from  district 
court  for  eastern  district  of  Michigan,  southern  division ;  appellees'  brief. 
[1944.]     cover  title,  i +10  p.     t  Pr  32.4217 :  R  721 

Roth  Hotel  Co.  No.  128,  in  Emergency  Court  of  Appeals,  Roth  Hotel  Company. 
Stats  Hotel  Corporation,  and  St.  Francis  Hotel,  Inc.,  v.  Chester  Bowles,  price 
administrator;  brief  for  administrator.     [1944.]     cover  title,  i+20  p.     t 

Pr  32.4217 :  R  742/3 

•    Sent  to  Depository  Libraries 

July  1944  851 

Sims,  J.  E.  No.  5241,  in  circuit  court  of  appeals,  4th  circuit,  E.  H.  Talbert  [as 
State  director  of  Office  of  Price  Aduiiiiistration,  Columbia,  S.  C. ],  et  al.,  v. 
J.  E.  Sims,  appeal  from  district  court  for  eastern  district  of  South  Carolina ; 
brief  for  appellants.     [1944.]     cover  title,  ii +22  p.     +  Pr  32.4217 :  Si  58 

Same ;  appendix.     [1944.]     cover  title,  i  +  104  p.     %  Pr  32.4217 :  Si  58/2 

Soundview  Pulp  Co.  [No.]  29207,  in  Supreme  Court  of  State  of  Washington, 
Soundview  Pulp  Company  r.  Jatk  Taylor,  as  commissioner  of  public  lands  of 
State  of  Washington ;  State  of  Washington  on  relation  of  Coos  Bay  Pulp 
Corporation  r.  [same]  ;  Coos  Bay  Pulp  Corporation  v.  [same],  appeal  from 
superior  court  of  Thurston  County,  Wash.,  John  M.  Wilson,  judge;  supplemental 
brief  for  Office  of  Price  Administration,  amicus  curiae.  [1944.]  cover  title, 
iii+39  p.  4°     t  Pr  32.4217:  So  84 

Speichcr,  Walter  D.  No.  42G07,  in  Supreme  Court,  Michigan,  Walter  D.  Speicher 
V.  Nina  Sowell  and  William  C.  Sowell,  defendants,  and  Chester  Bowles,  admin- 
istrator, Office  of  Price  Administration,  intervening  defendant  and  appellant, 
Ona  Dunlop,  receiver  of  Liesner  Engineering  Company,  appellee,  appeal  from 
circuit  court  for  county  of  Wayne,  in  chancery;  Guy  A.  Miller,  circuit  judge; 
brief  on  appellant's  petition  for  reargument.     |1944.]     cover  title,  20  p.     t 

Pr  32.4217  :  Sp  32/2 

Subsidies.     Essential   role  of  subsidies  in   stabilization   program.     1944.     cover 
title,  iv+23  p.     *  Paper,  10c.     •  Item  963 
L.  C.  card  44-41015  Pr  32.4202 :  Su  1/^44 

Taylor,  Stanley  W.  No.  10509,  in  circuit  court  of  appeals,  9th  circuit,  Stanley 
W.  Taylor,  Isabelle  D.  Taylor,  and  Evelyn  Flynn,  v.  Chester  Bowles,  administra- 
tor, Office  of  Price  Administration ;  appellee's  brief.  [1944.]  cover  title, 
i+32  p.     t  Pr  32.4217  :  T  218/8 

Transportation  Committee  bulletin,  v.  2,  no.  5 ;  May- June  1944.  [1944.]  4  p.  il.  4° 
[Monthly.    Two  months  issued  as  one  publication.]     t     •Item  963 

Pr  32.4235 : 2/5 

Twin  Falls  County,  Idaho.  In  Supreme  Court  of  Idaho,  Twin  Falls  County, 
political  subdivision  of  Idaho,  rs.  William  C.  Hulbert,  Chester  Bowles,  adminis- 
trator of  Office  of  Price  Administration ;  brief  of  Chester  Bowles,  intervenor- 
respondent.     [1944.]     cover  title,  36  p.     t  Pr  32.4217 :  T  923 

Wells  Lanioiit  Corporation.  Nos.  112  and  129  (consolidated),  in  Emergency 
Court  of  Appeals,  Wells  Lamont  Corporation  v.  Chester  Bowles,  price  adminis- 
trator; brief  for  administrator.     [1944.]     cover  title,  ii+32  p.     t 

Pr  32.4217 :  W  462/6 

Wil.'ion  d  Co.,  Inc.  No.  143,  in  Emergency  Court  of  Appeals,  Wilson  &  Co.,  Inc.  v. 
Chester  Bowles,  price  administrator;  answer.     [1944.]     cover  title,  4  p.     t 

Pr  32.4217  :  W  099/6 

Same;    transcript    of    proceedings    before    price    administrator.     [1044.1 

cover  title,  i +56  p.     t  Pr  32.4317 :  \V  699/5 


Inrentions.  Wanted,  inventive  ideas.  [May  1944.]  S  p.  4"  [Prepared  for 
National  Inventors  Council,  Commerce  Department.]     t  Pr  32.5002 :  In  8 

Legal  divisions  of  Federal  departments  and  agencies;  [May  1,  1944].  [1944.] 
8  p.     [Processed.]     t  Pr  32.5002  :  L  52/944 

P't.^ters.  Advance  bulletin  of  new  posters,  Jan.  1944.  [1944.]  [2|  p.  il  4° 
[Monthly.     Previous  i.ssues  not  entered  in  the  Monthly  catalog.  |     t 

Pr  32.5027  :  944/ 1 

Same,  Feb.  1944.  [1944.]  [2]  p.  il.  4°     [Monthly.]     t  Pr  32.5027 :  944/2 

Same,  Mar.  1944.  [1944.]  [2|  p.  il  4"     [Monthly.]  t  Pr  32.5027 :  944/3 

Same,  Apr.  1944.  [1944.]  [2]  p.  il.  4"     [Monthly.]  t  Pr  32.5027 :  944/4 

Same,  May  1944.  [1944.]  |2]  p.  il.  4"     [Monthly.]  t  Pr  32.5027 :  944/5 

•     Sent  to  Depository  Libraries 


Government  Publications 


Job  itistruction,  sessions  outline  and  reference  material,  copy  no. ,  for  personal 

use  of ,  as  a  war  production  trainer.     1944.     cover  title,  76  p.  il.  4°     (Train- 
ing Within  Industry  Service,  Training  Bureau.)      [Text  on  p.  2  of  cover.]     t 
•  Item  I)r.4 
L.  C.  card  44-41111  Pr  32.5206 :  J  57/6 

Labor  market.  Adequacy  of  labor  supply  in  important  labor  market  areas  [list], 
Jan.  1,  1944.  [1944.]  6  p.  4°  [Monthly.  Processed.  Previous  issues  nor 
entered  in  the  Monthly  catalog.]     t  Pr  32..j2l7  :  944/1 

Same,  Feb.  1,  1944.     [1944.]     6  p.  4°     [INIouthly.     Processed.]     t 

Pr  32.5217 :  944/2 

Same,  Mar.  1944.     [1944.]     [4]  leaves,  4°     [Monthly.    Processed.]     t 

Pr  32.5217 :  944/3 
6  p. 

Same,  Apr.  1,  1944.  [1944.] 
Same,  May  1,  1944.  [1914.] 
Same,  June  1,  1944.     [1944.] 

6  p.  4° 


Processed.]     t 

Pr  32.5217 :  944/4 

Processed.]     t 

Pr  32.5217 :  944/5 

Processed.]     t 
Pr  32.5217 ; 

6  p.  4° 


Manpo^oer.     USES  local  office  activities,  Jan.  1944.     [1944.]      [l]+3+[2]  p.  4" 
[Monthly.     Processed.     Previous  issues  not  entered  in  the  Monthly  catalog  1*  ± 

Pr  32..J21S :  944/1 

Same,    with    title,    Placement    activities,    Feb.    1944.     [1944.]     4    p.    4° 

[Monthly.     Processed.]     t  Pr  32.5218 :  944/2 

Same,  Mar.  1944.     [1944.]     [4]  leaves,  4°     [Monthlv.     Processed.]     t 

Pr  32.5218 :  944/3 

Same,  Apr.   1944.     [1944.]     4  p.   4°     [Monthly.     Processed.]     t 

Pr  32.5218 :  944/4 

Manpoiver  revieic,  official  publication  of  War  Manpower  Commission,  June  1944 ; 

V.  11,  no.  6.     [1944.]    16  p.  4°     [Monthly.]     *  Paper,  10c.  single  copy,  ivl.CO  a  yr., 

foreign  subscription,  $1.40.     •  Item  544 

L.  C.  card  L35-100  Pr  32.5209 :  11/6 

Occupations.     National  Roster  of  Scientific  and  Specialized  Personnel    [mono- 
graphs].    [1944.]      [Processed.]     t 

Description  of  profession  of : 
Accounting.     4   p. 
Aeronautical    enjcineoring.     4    p. 
Agricultural  engineering.     4   p. 
Agronomy.      4   p. 
Anatomy.     2  p. 

Astronomy    (including  astrophysics).     2  p. 
Bacteriology.     4  p. 
Ceramic  engineering.     3  p. 
Chemical  engineering.     4  p. 
Chemistry.      C!  p. 
Civil  engineering.     6  p. 

Electrical  engineering.     5  p.  ' 

Entomology.     3   p. 

Forestry  including  range  management.     3  p. 
Geology.     3  p. 
Geophysics.     3  p. 
Horticulture.     3  p. 
Industrial  engineering.      3  p. 
Marine  engineering.      2  p. 
Mathematics.      2  p. 
Mecliani<-al  engineering.      7  p. 
Medical  pathology.      2  p. 
Medical  pliysiology.     2  p. 
Metallurgy,   metallurgical  engineering,   and   mineral  technology. 

correclions  on  p.  1.] 
Meteorology.     3   p. 
Mining  engineering.      5  p. 
Naval  architecture.     3  p. 
Oceanography.      1  p. 
Parasitology.     2  p. 

Petroleum  and  natural  gas  engineering.     3  p. 
Pharmacology.     2  p. 

Pr  32.5219  :  Ae  2 
Pr  32. .5219  :  Ae  8 
Pr  32.5219  :  Ag  8 

Pr  32.5219  :  Ag  8/2 
Pr  32.5219  :  An  1 
Pr  32.5219  :  As  8 
Pr3J.5L:i9  :  B  13 
Pr  32. 5219  :  C  33 
Pr  32.5219  :  C  42 

Pr  32.5219  :  C  42/2 
Pr  32.5219  :  C  49 
Pr  32.5219  :  El  2 
Pr  32.5219  :  En  8 
Pr  32.5219  :  F  76 
Pr  32.5219:  G  29 

Pr  32.5219:  G  29/2 
Pr  32.5219:  H  78 
Pr  32.5219:  In  2 
Pr  32.5219:  M  33 
Pr  32.5219  :  M  42 
Pr  32.5219  :  M  46 

Pr  32.5219  :  M  46/2 
Pr  32.5219  :  M  46/3 

5  p.  [Manuscript 
Pr  32.5219  :  M  56 
Pr  32.5219:  M  56/2 
Pr  32.5219  :  M  66 
Pr  32.5219:  N  22 
Pr  32.5219:  Go  2 
Pr  32.5219:  P  21 
Pr  32.5219:  P  44 
Pr  32.5219:  P  49 

Sent  to  Depository  Libraries 

July  1944  853 

Occupations — Continued. 

Physics.     6  p.  S''?.Hr,^^S^S 

Plant  patholosy  and  plant  physiology.     2  p.  Pr  32.5219  :  P  69 

Safety  engineering.     2  p.  i'r  32.5219  :  ba  1 


XoTE  ■ — The  Office  of  War  MobiliziUion  was  established  in  the  Office  of  Emergency 
Management  l)v  Kxeciitive  order  9347  of  May  27,  1943. 

Th('  S'.irplus  War  Property  Administration  was  established  in  the  Office  of  \>  ar 
Mobilization  under  the  provisions  of  Executive  order  9425  of  Feb.  19,   1944. 

Surplus  War  Property  Administration  regulation  1.     [1944.]     30  p.     (Surplus 
War  Property  Administration.)      *  Paper,  lOc.     ©  Item  954 
L.  C.  card  44^1110  Pr  32.5908 : 1 


Buihiiiifjs.  National  emergency  specifications  for  design  of  reinforced  concrete 
buildings,  dated  Nov.  10.  1942,  including  amendment  dated  Mar.  30,  1944. 
[1944.]      [l]+38  p.     t     •  Item  969  Pr  32.4802 :  C  74/&44 

Forms,  blanks,  etc.  Analysis  of  use  of  WPB  forms,  coverage,  methods,  and  con- 
tents, issue  no.  2.  Apr.  1944.  cover  title,  [3] +120  p.  oblong  large  8° 
[Processed.]     t  •  Pr  32.4802 :  F  76/2/no.2 

Table  1,  Analysis  of  WI'B  forms,  description  of  coverage  and  methodology 

[revised  pages.]      [1944.]     p.  15.j.  oblong  8"     [Processed.^  To  be  inserted  in 
Analysis  of  use  of  W.  P.  B.  forms,  issue  no.  1,  Dec.  1943.]     + 

Pr  32.4802  :  F  76/2/no.l/p.l55-156 

Lahor  and  manaqement  news,  ofl5cial  weekly  publication  of  War  Production 
Drive,  v.  2,  no.  29-32;  June  3-24,  1944.     [1944.]     Each  [8]  p.  il.  f"     t     • 

Pr  32.4820 :  2/29-32 

Lumber.  Selective  service  problems  in  relation  to  lumber  and  pulpwood  produc- 
tion.    [1944.]     4   p.   4°     (Forest   Products   Bureau.)     t         Pr  32.4802 :  L  97/2 

Materials.  Material  substitutions  and  supply  list,  issue  11 ;  Jan.  15, 1944.  [1944.] 
4  p  4"  (Conservation  Division.)  [Previous  issues  not  entered  in  the  Monthly 
catalog.]     t  Pr  32.4826: 11 

Same,  issue  12;  Apr.  15,  1944.  [1944.]  4  p.  4°  (Conservation  Divi- 
sion.)    t  Pr  32.4826: 12 

Products  and  priorities,  June  1944.  [1944.]  vi+lS2  p.  4°  [Monthly.]  *  Paper, 
20c  single  copy,  $2.00  a  yr.     •  Item  909  Pr  32.4813  :  944/6 

Salvage.  Home  salvage  program  for  industrial  workers.  [1944.]  [2]  p.  oblong 
large  8°,  folded  into  5+[l]  p.  4°  size.     (Salvage  Division.)     t 

Pr  32.4802 :  Sa  3/4 

Smaller  War  Plants  Corporation,  program  and  progress  report.  [1944.]  cover 
title,  vi+r)8  p.  il.  [11th  bimonthly  report,  Feb.  1-Mar.  31,  1944.  Text  on  p.  2 
of  cover.]     f     •  Item  96i)  Pr  32.4825: 11 


Monthly  review,  June  1944;  v.  5,  no.  5.  Chicago,  111.  [1944.]  cover  title,  p.  81- 
96,  il.  4°     [Processed.     Text  and  another  illustration  on  p.  2-4  of  cover.]     t 

RK  1.7/2 :  5/5 


Note. — The  decisions  or  opinions  of  the  Securities  and  Exchange  Commission  are  issued 
in  proccs.std  form  immediately  upon  tl  eir  release,  and  copies  are  distributed  by  the  Com- 
mission upon  request.     Tliey  are  published  later  in  printed  form  in  bound  volumes  only. 

Corporations.  Survey  of  American  listed  corporations,  reported  information  on 
registrants  with  Securities  and  Exchange  Commission  under  securities  act  of 

•     Sent  to  Depository  Libraries 

854  GovpaiXMENT  Publications 

VorporationK — Continued, 
inaa  and  securities  exchange  act  of  1934:  Data  on  profits  and  operations, 
m3(>-J2.      Jan.-Mar.    144.      4   pts.    [xl] +28S+297+318+314   p.      Oblong    8" 
[Processed.  ]     f 

L.  C.  card  44-40787  SE  1.2 :  C  81/5/936-42/pt.l^ 

RegiMralion  record,  securities  act  of  1933  (trust  indenture  act  of  1939)  June 
1-30,  1944.  n944.]  various  paging,  4"  [Daily  except  Sundays  and  holidays. 
Processed.!     t  SE  1.13  :  944/123-148 

Securiiies.  Otiicial  summary  of  security  transactions  and  holdings  reported  to 
Securities  and  Exchange  Commission  under  securities  exchange  act  of  1934, 
public  utility  holding  act  of  1935,  and  investment  company  act  of  1&40;  v.  10, 
no.  T5.  [1944.]  vi+68  p.  4°  [Proce.ssed.  Reports  filed  with  Commission 
Apr.  11-May  10,  1944,  and  reports  for  previous  months  not  previously  pub- 
lished.] t 
L.  C.  card  35-26732  SE  1.9 :  10/5 

Statistical  Mlletin,  May  1944;  v.  3,  no.  5.     [1944.]      [1]+15  p.  il.  4°     [Monthly. 
Processed.]     t 
L.  C.  card  43-51997  SE  1.20 :  3/5 


Selective  service,  v.  4,  no.  5;  May  1944.  [1944.]  4  p.  il.  large  4"  [Monthly  1 
t     •  Item  992  *  l  j  j 

L.  C.  card  41-50044  Y  S.Se  4 :  9/4-5 

Selective  service  manual  Notice,  packet  [of  pages  for  2d  printing,  2d  edition. 
Selective  service  manual]  no.  42;  [May  15,  1944].  [1944.]  [63]  p.  [Issued 
in  loose-leaf  form.  Packet  no.  41,  which  contains  Amendments  222  and  223, 
was  given  a  limited  distribution  to  State  headquarters,  camp  directors,  and 
Justice  Department  only.]     Included  in  price  of  Packet  no.  1.     •  Item  994  ' 

Y3.Se  4:  7/943-42 
Note. — This  packet  of  pages  for  insertion  in  the  Selective  service  manual  contains 
Amendments  22-1-234. 

Same,  no.  43  ;  [June  8,  1944].     [1944.]      [31]  p.     [Issued  in  loose-leaf  form. 

The  last  page  has  been  left  blank  to  be  used  for  memoranda.]     Included  in 
price  of  Packet  no.  1.     •  Item  994  Y  3.Se  4 :  7/943-43 

Note. — This  packet  of  pages  for  insertion  in  the  Selective  service  manual  contains 
Amendment  2:^5  and  286  and  paijes  21-L.  22-L.  and  22-La  which  have  been  reprinted 
to  show  amendment  to  sec.  9  of  Selective  training  and  service  act  of  1940,  as  amended. 
Pages  1.3-L,  14-L,  60.5-9,  608-7,  608-8,  618-3,  618-4,  and  628-5,  which  have  been  re- 
printed but  do  not  contain  nevv  material,  are  also  included  in  this  packet. 

Selective  training  and  service  act  of  1940,  as  amended.     1944.     [11+24  p.     t 
•  Item  990 
L.  C.  card  44-41124  •  Y  3.Se  4  :  5  Se  4 


Note. — In  a  recent  price  list,  the  Smithsonian  Institution  publishes  thiis  notice  :  "Appli- 
cants for  the  publications  in  this  list  are  resquostod  to  state  tlic  grounds  for  their  requests, 
as  the  Institution  is  able  to  supply  papers  only  as  an  aid  to  the  researches  or  studies  in 
which  they  are  cspccUilJy  interested.  These  papers  are  distributed  gratis,  except  where 
price  IS  given,  and  should  be  ordered  by  the  publication  numbers,  arranged  in  sequence 
The  .serial  publications  of  the  Sniitb|,sonian  Institution  are  as  follows:  1.  Smithsonian 
contributions  to  knowledge;  2.  Smithsonian  miscellaneous  collections;  3.  Smithsonian  annual 
reports.  No  setK  of  these  are  for  sale  or  distribution,  as  most  of  the  volumes  are  out  of 
print.  Sp<'Cial  publications  are  also  issued  from  time  to  time.  The  papers  i.ssued  in  the 
series  of  Contributions  to  knowledge  and'IVIiscellaneous  collections  are  not  public  documents, 
but  are  printed  in  limited  editions  at  the  exiicnse  of  the  Smitlisonian  Fund.  They  are  dis- 
tributed without  charge  to  pul)lic  libraries.  cducatioTial  rstablisbments,  and  learned  societies 
in  this  country  and  abroad;  and  are  .supplied  to  other  institutions,  and  to  individuals  at 
the  prices  indicated.  Remittances  should  be  made  payable  to  the  "Smithsonian  Institution." 
A  discount  of  20  percent  is  allowed  to  book  dealers.     The  Smithsonian  report  volumes  and 

•     Sent  to  Depository  Libraries 

July  1944  855 

the  papers  reprinted  in  separate  form  therefrom  are  distributed  gratuitouxly  by  the  Insti- 
tion  to  libraries  and  individuals  througliout  the  woi'ld.  Very  few  of  the  Report  volumes 
are  now  available  at  the  Institution,  but  some  of  those  of  which  the  Smithsonian  edition 
is  exhausted  can  be  purchased  from  tb,e  Superintendent  of  Documents.  Government  Printing 
Office,  Washington  25.  D.  C.  The  Institution  maintains  mailing  lists  of  public  libraries  and 
other  educational  establishments,  but  no  {icncrul  mniliiig-Iist  of  individuals.  A  library 
making  application  to  l)e  listed  for  Smithsonian  publications  should  state  the  number  of 
publications  which  it  contains  and  the  date  of  its  establishment,  and  have  the  endorsement 
of  a  Member  of  Congress. 

The  only  Smithsonian  publications  that  are  regularly  issued  as  public  documents  are  the 
annual  report  volumes.  The  publications  in  the  other  series  have  free  transmission  by 
mail,  and,  therefore,  are  included  in  the  Monthly  catalog. 

French  Indocliina.     Peoples  of  French  Indochina  [with  selected  bibliography] ; 
by  Olov  R.  T.  Janse.     Washington,  June  12,  1944  [Lord  Baltimore  Press,  Balti- 
more, Md.].     iv-f28  p.  1  pi.  24  p.  of  pi.  map,     (Publication  3768;  War  back- 
ground studies  no.  19. )     f 
L.  C.  card  44-41029  SI  1.14  :  19 


Report.     Annual  report  of  American  Historical  Association,  1942 :  v.  2,  Letters 
from    Berlin    Embassy    1871-74,    1880-85;    edited    by    Paul    Knaplund.     1944. 
[1]  +428  p.     *  Cloth,  $1.25.     •  Item  1002 
L.  C.  card  44-40955  SI  4.1 :  942/v.2 

■ Same.     (H.  doc.  12  [v.  2],  78th  Cong.  1st  sess.) 


Note. — All  publications  of  the  Department  (except  laws,  treaties,  and  translations)  have 
since  Oct.  1,  1929,  been  numbered  consecutively  in  the  order  in  which  they  were  sent  to  press. 
Publications  of  a  similar  character  are  brought  within  well-defined  series,  and  each  series 
publication  bears  a  series  number  in  addition  to  its  publication  number.  The  diplomatic 
correspondence  of  the  United  States  is  pulilished  in  the  volumes  entitled  Foreign  relations 
of  the  United  States.  Laws  are  first  published  in  slip  form  in  separate  series  (public  and 
private)  and  are  numbered  withdn  eath  series  in  the  order  in  which  they  become  law ; 
they  are  later  published  in  bound  form  in  the  United  States  Statutes  at  large.  Treaties 
are  Issued  in  a  separate  series  and  are  numbered  in  the  order  in  which  they  are  pro- 
claimed. Treaties  are  also  published  in  the  compilation  Treaties  and  other  international 
acts  of  the  United  States  of  America,  which  contains  literal  copies  of  the  documents, 
followed  by  notes  of  a  textual  and  procedural  character.  Spanish,  Portuguese,  and  French 
translations  prepared  by  the  Department's  Central  Translating  Office,  have  th^ir  own  pub- 
lication numbers  running  consecutively  from  1.  The  Department  of  State  Bulletin  published 
weekly  and  indexed  semiannually  as  of  the  dates  of  the  last  issues  in  .June  and  December, 
contains  the  texts  of  the  daily  mimeographed  press  releases,  information  regarding  treaties, 
and  other  material  on  the  Department's  work.  The  Bulletin  contains  each  quarter  a 
complete  list  of  the  Department's  publications  for  the  preceding  quarter. 

The  list  below  fre(iuently  includes  cei-tain  relevant  publications  issued  by  other  agencies 
of  the  Government  under  rt-quisition  of  the  Department  of  State  and  certain  relevant  con- 
gressional documents. 

For  information  concerning  Executive  orders  and  Proclamations  of  the  President,  for- 
merly published  by  the  State  Department,  but  beginning  with  Mar.  12,  19.36,  distributed 
by  the  Federal  Register  Division,  see  National  Archives,  Federal  Register  Division,  Federal 

Addresses.  Bases  da  politlca  exterior  dos  Estados  Unidos.  declaracao  feita  em 
21  de  margo  de  1944  pelo  Cordell  Hull,  Secretnrio  de  Estado  dos  Estado.s  Unidos 
da  America,  Washington,  D.  C.  [1944.]  5  p.  narrow  8°  ( [Tradugao  de 
Repartigao  Central  de  Tradu<;oes;  Publicac;ao  TC-182.])     f     •  Item  1029 

S  10.7 :  182 

Ctiltural-cooperation  program  of  Drpartnient  of  State,  address  by  G.  How- 
land  Shaw,  Assistant  Secretary  of  State,  at  Loyola  University  Forum,  New 
Orleans,  La.,  May  8,  1944.  1944.  [2]-|-14  p.  narrow  8°  ([Publication  2130.]) 
*  Paper,  5c.     •  Item  1019 

L.  C.  card  44-41125  S  1.2  :  C  89 

La  politica  exterior  de  los  Estados  Unidos  de  America,  discnrso  del  Cordell 

Hull,  Secretario  de  Estado  de  los  Estados  Unidos,  AVashington,  D.  C,  9  de  abril 
de  1944.  [1944.]  18  p.  narrow  8°  ( [Traduccion  de  la  Oficina  Central  de 
Traduccitmes;  Publicacioii  TC-lSl.])     t     •  Item  1029  8  16.7:181 

•     Sent  to  Depository  Libraries 


Addresses — Continued. 

A  politica  oxfcrior  dos  Estados  Unidos  da  America,  discnrso  do  Cordell 

Hull,  Secretririo  do  Esfado  dos  Estados  Unidos,  Washington,  D.  C,  9  de  abril 
do  1944.  [1944.1  17  p.  narrow  8°  ( [Tradu^ao  da  Repartigao  Central  de 
TraduQiles;  Publicacao  TC-1S8.])     t     •  Item  1029  816.7:183 

Alaska  Ilighiraii.     Flight  strips  along  Alaska  Highway,  agreement  between  United 
States  and  Canada,  effected  by  exchange  of  notes;  signed  Ottawa  Aug.  26  and 
Sept.  10.  1942.     1944.     [2] +2  p.     (Executive  agreement  series  381;    [Publi- 
cation 2112.].)     *  Paper,  ;jc.     •  Item  1037 
L.  C.  card  44-41126  8  9.8:381 

Haines-Champagne  section  of  Alaska  Highway,  agreement  between  United 

States  and  Canada,  effected  by  exchange  of  notes ;  signed  Ottawa  Nov.  28  and 
Dec.  7,  1942.  1944.  [2] +2  p.  (Executive  agreement  series  382;  [Publication 
2123].)     *  Paper,  .^.c.     •  Item  1037 

L.  C.  card  44-41127  8  9.8 :  382 

Sontliern  terminus  of  Alaska  Highway,  agreement  between  United  States 

and  Canada,  effected  by  exchange  of  notes ;  signed  Ottawa  May  4  and  9,  1942. 
1944.     [2] +2    p.     (Executive    agreement    series    380;     [Publication    2122].) 

*  Paper,  5c.     •  Item  1037 

L.  C.  card  44-4112<S  8  9.8 :  380 

Blocked  7intio)ials.  Proclaimed  list  of  certain  blocked  nationals,  cumulative  supp. 
3,  June  2,  1944.  containing  additions,  amendments,  and  deletions  made  since 
revision  7  of  Mar.  23,  1944.  1944.  [3] +36  p.  ( [Publication  2132.] )  f  • 
L.  C.  card  44-40801  8  1.2 :  N  21/944/supp.3 

Brazil.  Health  and  sanitation  program,  agreement  between  United  States  and 
Brazil,  effected  by  exchange  of  notes ;  signed  Wasliington  Mar.  14.  1942.  1944. 
[2] +3  p.  (Executive  agreement  series  372;  [Publication  2063].)  [The  1st 
print  of  this  publication,  with  signature  mark  93870—44.  which  was  entered 
in  the  Monthly  catalog  for  Apr.  1944.  p.  433,  has  been  replaced  by  this  cor- 
rected print  witli  .signature  mark  585607-44.]  *  Paper,  5c.  •  Item  1037 
L.  C.  card  44— 10729  8  9.8 :  372 

Health  and  sanitation  program,   agreement  between  United   States  and 

Brazil;  signed  Rio  de  Janeiro  July  17.  1942.  1944.  [2] +8  p.  (Executive 
agreement  series  373 ;  [Publication  2115].)  [English  and  Portuguese.]  ♦Pa- 
per, 5c.     •  Item  1037 

L.  C.  card  44-41129  8  9.8 :  373 

Health  and  sanitation  program,   agi-eement  between   United   States  and 

Brazil;  signed  Rio  de  Janeiro  Feb.  10,  1943.  1944.  [2]+7p.  (Executive 
agreement    series    374;     [Publication    2116].)       [English    and    Portuguese.] 

*  Paper,  5c.     •  Item  1037. 

L.  C.  card  44-41130  8  9.8:374 

Health  and  sanitation  program,  agreement  between   United   States  and 

Brazil,  signed  Rio  de  Janeiro  Nov.  25.  1943,  effective  Jan.  1,  1944;  and  ex- 
changes of  notes,  signed  Nov.  9  and  25,  1943.  1944.  [2] +17  p.  (Executive 
agreement  series  375;  [Publication  2119].)     *  Pai>ei%  10c.     •  Item  1037 

L.  C.  card  44-41131  S  9.8 :  375 

Bulletin.  Department  of  State  bulletin,  June  3-24,  1944;  v.  10,  no.  258-261. 
[1944.]      [2] +509-596  p.  4»     (Publication  2139,  2144,  2145,  2147.)      [Weekly.] 

*  Paper,  10c.  single  copy,  $2.75  a  yr. ;  foreign  subscription,  $4.50.  •  Item  1()14 
L.  C.  card  39-26945.  8  1.3  :  10/258-261 

Canada.  Canol  project,  agreement  between  United  States  and  Canada,  effected 
by  exchange  of  notes ;  signed  Ottawa  June  27  and  29.  1942.  effective  June  29. 
1942.1944.     [2] +3  p.     (Executive  agreement  series  386 ;  [Publication  2126].) 

*  Paper,  5c.     •  Item  1037 

L.  C.  card  44-41132  8  9.8:386 

Canol   project  exploratory  wells,  agreement  between  United   States  and 

Canada,  effected  by  exchanges  of  notes;  signed  Ottawa  Dec.  28,  1942,  and  Jan. 
13.  1943.  1944.  [2] +2  p.  (Executive  agreement  series  388;  [Publication 
21331.)     *PaiK>r.  5c.     •  Item  1037 

L.  C.   card  44-41133  8  9.8:388 

•    Sent  to  Depository  Libraries 

JUI.T  1944  857 

Canada — Continued. 

Cauol  project  pipeline,  agreement  between  United   States  and  Canada, 

elfoctt'd  by  exchanges  of  notes;  signed  Ottawa  Aug.  14  and  15,  1942.  1944. 
[2] +2  p.  (Executive  agreement  series  387;  [Publication  2127].)  *  Paper,  5c. 
•  Itom  1037. 

L.  C.  card  44-41134  S 9.8:  387 

Importation  privileges  for  government  officials  and  employees,  agreement 

between  United  States  and  Canada,  effected  by  exchanges  of  notes;  signed 
Ottawa  July  21,  Oct.  29,  and  Nov.  9,  1942.  1944.  [2] +3  p.  (Executive  agree- 
ment series  383;  [Publication  2124]".)     *  Paper,  5c.     •  Item  1037 

L.  C.  card  44-41135  S  9.8  :  383 

Contagious  diseases.  Mol^stias  contagiosas,  por  A.  M.  Stimson ;  traducjao  em 
Portugues  da  Publicagao  geral  numero  30  do  Servigo  de  Sai'ide  I'ublica. 
[Reprint  with  changes]  1944.  iv+124  p.  8  p.  of  pi.  ([Publicagao  2  da  Repar- 
tigao  Central  de  Tradugues.  J )  [For  the  English  edition  of  Miscellaneous  pub- 
lication 30  of  Public  Health  Service,  see  the  Monthly  catalog  for  Oct.  1939,  p. 
1513.]      ■      •  Item  1029  .  S  16.7 :  2/1-2 

Diplomatic  list,  June  1944.    [1944.]      cover  title,  ii+121  p.  24°      ([Publication 
2138.])     [Monthly.    Text  on  p.  2  of  cover.]     *  Paper,  10c.  single  copy,  $1.00  a 
yr. ;  foreign  subscription,  $1.25.     •  Item  1015 
L.  C.  card  10-16292  S  1.8 :  944/6 

Education.  La  educacion  en  los  Estados  Unidos  de  America.  1944.  vi-f52-|-[l] 
p.  il.  4°  (Traduccion  de  la  Oficina  Central  de  Traduccioues ;  Publication 
TC-179.)     t     •  Item  1029  816.7:179 

Foreign  service.  Certain  officers  and  employees  of  foreign  service  of  United 
States,  report  from  Secretary  of  State  with  reference  to  enactment  of  legis- 
lation for  relief  of  certain  officers  and  employees  of  foreign  service  of  United 
States  [who  have  sustained  losses  by  reason  of  war  conditions].  May  29,  1944. 
22  p.    (H.  doc.  622,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)     *  Paper,  10c. 

Foreign  service  list   (abridged),  Apr.  1,  1944.     1944.     iv-|-60  p.     ([Publication 
2121.])     *  Papei",  2()c  single  copy,  50c.  a  yr. ;  foreign  subscription  05c.     •  Item- 
L.  G.  card  10-16369  S  1.7  :  944/abr.ed.-l 

Note. — In  the  interest  of  economy  the  Foreign  service  list  will  be  issued  in  complete 
form  us  of  Jan.  1  and  in  abridged  form  as  of  Apr.  1,  July  1,  and  Oct.  1. 

Personnel  program  of  Department   of   State,   principles  and   policies.      [1944.] 
[2]  +8  p.  narrow  8°  ( [Publication  2129.] )     *  Paper,  5c.     •  Item  1019 
L.  C.  card  44-41122  S  1.2  :  P  43 

Treaties  in  force,  list  of  treaties  and  other  international  acts  of  United  States 
in  force  on  Dec.  31,  1941.  1944.  viii+275  p.  ([Publication  2103.])  [This 
publication  constitutes  a  revision  and  takes  the  place  of  Publication  430,  List 
of  treaties  and  other  international  acts  of  United  States  in  force  Dec.  31,  1932, 
which  was  issued  by  State  Department  in  1933  as  a  supplement  to  Treaty  in- 
formation bulletin  39,  Dec.  1932.  The  present  revision  covers  the  period  from 
Dec.  31, 1932  to  Dec.  31, 1941.]  *  Paper,  40c.  •  Item  1019 
L.  C.  card  44-41105  S  9.2  :  T  71/12/941 


Harmon,  C.  C.  Transcript  of  record,  Supreme  Court  of  United  States,  Oct.  term, 
1943,  no.  741,  commissioner  of  internal  revenue  vs.  C.  C.  Harmon,  on  writ  of 
certiorari  to  circuit  court  of  appeals  for  10th  circuit.  [1944.]  cover  title, 
ii-f  83  p.     %  Ju  6.7  :  H  228/2 

[Journal]   June  5  and  12,  1944.     [1944.]     leaves  233-245.     t  Ju  6.5: 943 

Opinions.  [Cases  adjudged  in  Supreme  Court  of  United  States  at  Oct.  term, 
1943.]     [Issued  spearately.]     t  Clerk  of  Court. 

9.  State   of  Kansas   vs.    Missouri,    bill    in    equity;   May   8,    1944.     n.    p.    [1944]. 

15  p.      [This  case  is  designated  as  No.  9,  original.]  .Tu  (!.S/la  :  K  1.'{;!/10 

33.  Northwest    Airlines,    Inc.,    vs.    Minnesota,    on    writ    of   certiorari    to  Supreme 

Court  of  Minnesota  ;  May  15,  1944.      n.  p.  [1944].     27  p.     Ju  C.S/la  :  N  819/6 

•    Sent  to  Depository  Libraries 

858  Government  Publications 

Opinions — Continued. 

130-133.  Bessie  P.  Douglas  r».  commisaioncr  of  intfrnal  revenue;  [same]  vs.  [same]; 
estate  of  Charles  II.  Kobinsou,  Northwestern  National  Bank  and  Trust 
Company  of  Minneapolis,  et  al.,  etc,  vs.  [same];  Bernice  B.  Dalrymple  vs. 
[.same],  on  writs  of  certiorari  to  circuit  court  of  appeals  for  8th  circuit; 
May  15,  1944.     n.  p.    [1944].     10  +  4  p.  Ju  6.8/la  :  D  745/3 

193.  Samuel  Feldman  vs.  United  States,  on  writ  of  certiorari  to  circuit  court  of 
appeals  for  2d  circuit ;  May  2!»,  l'.>44.     n.  p.  [1944.]      13  p.      Ju  G.8/la  :  F  ;^33 

217.  Wilma  E.  Addison  et  al.  vs.  Holly  Hill  Fruit  Products,  Inc  ,  on  writ  of  certiorari 
to  circuit  court  of  appeals  for  Hth  circuit;  June  5, '  1944.  n.  p.  [1944.] 
12  +  2  +  14   p.  Ju  6.8/la  :  Ad  26 

226.  Polish  National  Alliance  of  United  States  of  North  America  vs.  National  Labor 
Relations  Board,  on  writ  of  certiorari  to  circuit  court  of  appeals  for  7th 
circuit;  June  ;">,  1944.     n.  p.   [1944].     8  p.  Ju  6.8/la  :  P  759/2 

252.  J.  Howell  Flournoy,  sheriff  and  ex-ofticio  tax  collector,  V8  Samuel  G.  Wiener, 
William  li.  Wiener,  and  Jacques  L.  Wiener,  appeal  from  Supreme  Court  of 
Louisiana;  Feb.  28,  1944.     n.  p.      [1944.]      16  p.  Ju  6.8/la :  W  636/2 

291.  Union  Brokerage  Company  rs  Norman  G.  Jensen  and  Curtis  M.  Kime,  on  writ 
of  certiorari  to  Supreme  Court  of  Minnesota;  May  8,  1944.  n.  p.  [1944]. 
8  p.  Ju  6.8/la  :  Un  33/6 

311.  Murray  K.  McLeod,  commissioner  of  revenues  of  Arkansas,  vs.  J.  E.  Dilworth 
Company  and  Keichnian-Crosby  Company,  on  writ  of  certiorari  to  Supreme 
Court  of  Arkansas;  May  15,  1944.  n.  p.  [1944].  7  p.  Ju  6.8/la  :  Ar  4k/10 
311,441,355.  Murray  B.  MtLeod,  commissioner  of  revenue  of  Arkansas  vs.  J.  E.  Dilworth 
Company  and  Reichman-Crosby  Company,  on  writ  of  certiorari  to  Supreme 
Court  of  Arkansas ;  General  Trading  Company,  a  corporation  doing  business 
as  Minneapolis  Iron  Store  vs.  State  Tax  Commission  of  Iowa,  on  writ  of 
certiorari  to  Supreme  Court  of  Iowa  ;  International  Harvester  Company  and 
International  Harvester  Company  of  America  vs.  Department  of  Treasury  of 
Indiana  et  al.,  on  appeal  from  Supreme  Court  of  Indiana  ;  May  15.  1944 
n.   p.    [1944].     12   p.  Ju  6.8/la  :  Ar  4  k/11 

317.  Crites,  Incorporated,  vs.  Prudential  Insurance  Company  of  America,  Richard 
Simkins  and  George  Florence,  on  writ  of  certiorari  to  circuit  court  of  appeals 
for  6th  circuit;  May  22,  1944.     n.  p.    [1944].     9  p.  Ju  6.8/la  :  C  869 

349.  Carlos  M.  DeCastro  v.i.  Board  of  Commissioners  of  San  Juan,  on  certiorari  to 
circuit  court  of  appeals  for  1st  circuit;  May  29,  1944.     n.  p.   [19441.     11  p 

Ju  6.8/la  :  D  355 

354.  United   States   vs.    South-Eastern    Underwriters   Association    et    al.,    on    appeal 

from  district  court  for  northern  district  of  Georgia ;  June  5,  1944.  n.  p. 
[1944].     22  +  16+ [1] +9   p.  Ju  6.8/la  :  S  o  87/3 

355.  International    Harvester    Company    and    International    Harvester    Company    of 

America  i'«.  Department  of  Treasury  of  Indiana,  M.  Clifford  Townsend, 
Joseph  M.  Robertson,  et  al.,  etc.,  appeal  from  Supreme  Court  of  Indiana; 
May    15,    1944.     n.    p.    [1944].     7    p.  Ju  6.8/la :  In  85/14 

392.  Universal  Oil  I'roducts  Company  vs.  Globe  Oil  &»Refining  Company,  on  writ 
of  certiorari  to  circuit  court  of  appeals  for  7th  circuit ;  Mav  29.  1944. 
n.  p.    [1944].     12  p.  Ju  6.8/la  :  Un  38 

398.  Hazel-Atlas  Glass  Company  vs.  Hartford-Empire  Company,  on  writ  of  certiorari 
to  circuit  court  of  appeals  for  3d  circuit;  May  15,  1944.     n.  p.  [1944].     24  p. 

Ju  6.8/la  :  H  337 

423.  Shawkee  Manufacturing  Company  [et  al.]  vs.  Hartford-Empire  Company,  on 
writ  of  certiorari  to  circuit  court  of  appeals  for  3d  circuit :  Mav  15,  1944. 
n.  p.  [1944].     3  p.  Ju  6.8/la  :Sh  28 

433.  W.  D.  Lyons  vs.  Oklahoma,  on  writ  of  certiorari  to  criminal  court  of  appeals 
of   Oklahoma;    June    5.    1944.     n.    p     [1944].     8    p.  Ju  6.8/la  :  L  995/2 

441.  General  Trading  Company,  corporation  doing  business  as  Minneapolis  Iron 
Store  vs.  State  Tax  Commission  of  Iowa,  on  writ  of  certiorari  to  Supreme 
Court  of  Iowa  ;  May  15.  1944.      n.  p.   [1944].     4  p.  Ju  6.8/la  :  M  666/13 

453.  United  States  and  interstate  Commerce  Commission  vs.  Wabash  Railroad 
Company,  Illinois  Central  Railroad  Company  and  Illinois  Terminal  Railroad 
Company,  on  petition  for  rehearing;  May  8.  1944.     n.  p.   [1944].     3  D 

.Tu  6.8/la  :W  111/4 

463.  Lee  Arenas  va.  United  States,  on  writ  of  certiorari  to  circuit  court  of  appeals 
for  9th  circuit;  May  22.  1944.      n.  p.    [1944].      11  p.  Ju  6.8/la  :  Ar  33 

497.  Mario  Mercado  e  Hi.los  vs  Elvira  Olivieri  Conimins  et  al..  on  writ  of  certiorari 
to  circuit  court  of  appeals  for  1st  circuit;  May  29.  1944.     n.  p.  [1944].     5  p 

Ju  6.8/la  :  M  .533/2 

559.  Hans  Pete  Mortensen  and  Lorraine  Mortensen  is.  United  States,  on  writ  of 
certiorari  to  circuit  court  of  appeals  for  8th  circuit;  May  15.  1944.  n.  p. 
[19441.      8    p.  Ju  6.8/la  :  M  842 

565.  Wisconsin  Gas  and  Electric  Company  vs.  United  States,  on  writ  of  certiorari 
to  circuit  court  of  appeals  for  7th  circuit :  May  29.  1944.     n    p    [19441       5  p. 

Ju  6.8/la  :W  753/12 
020-621.   International    Harvester    Company    i'.*.    Wiscoii.sin    Department    of    Taxation ; 
Minnesota    Mining   and    Manufacturing   Company   vs.    [same],    appeals   from 
Supreme  Court  of  Wisconsin;  May  29.  1944.     n.  p.   [1944].     12  p. 

Jn  6.S/1a:  In  85/15 

628.  Frank  L.  Huddleston.  M.  A.  Stewart.  Harry  B.  Mixon.  Board  of  County  Com- 
missioners of  IjeFlore  County.  Okla..  et  al..  etc  .  vs.  R.  H.  Dwyer  et  al  , 
on  writ  of  certiorari  to  circuit  court  of  appeals  for  lOfh  circuit :  M.ny  15.  1944. 
n.    p.    [1944],      4   p.  Ju  6.8/la  :  L  521/2 

034.  Kenneth  M.  Keefe  and  Wallace  D.  Bradford  vs.  Earl  L.  Clark,  drain  cormmis- 
sioner  of  Oakland  County.  Mich.,  and  Board  of  Superv'sors  of  Oakland 
f'onntv.  cltv  of  Rnval  Oik.  intervener,  on  appeal  from  Supreme  Court  of 
Michigan:    May  22,   1944.     n.  p.   [1944].     4  p.  Ju  6.8/la  :  K  242 

•     Sent  to  Depository  Libraries 

July  1944  859 

Opinions — Continued. 

648.  United  States  v's.  D.  B.  Ilellard  on  writ  of  certiorari  to  circuit  court  of  appeals 

for  10th  circuit;  May  15,  l'J44.      ii.  p.   [1944J.      5  p.  Ju  6.8/la  :  H  867/2 

716-717.   I'nited  States  vs.  Clyde  Saylor  et  al. :    [same J  vs.  Clarence  Poer  et  al  appeals 

from  district  court  for  eastern  district  of  Kentucky  ;   May  22,   1944.      n.   p 

[1944].     6  p.  Ju6.8/la:  Sa  99 

767.  Interstate  Commerce  Commission  and  Hudson  &  Manhattan  Railroad  Company 

V8.  Jersey  City,   Fred  M    Vinssn,   stabilization   director,  by  Chester  Bowles, 

price  administrator,  on  appeal  from  district  court  for  district  of  New  Jersey  ; 

May   29.    1944.     n.    p.    [1944].     17    p.  Ju  6.8/la :  H  869/2 

79.3.   L.   r.   Steuart  &  Bro..   Inc.,    r.v.  Chester  Bowles,  administrator,  Ottice  of  I'rice 

Administration,  et  al  .  on  writ  of  certiorari  to  United  States  Court  of  Appeals 

for  District  of  Columbia  ;  May  22,  1944.      n.  p.  [19441.      7  p.      Ju  G.8/la  :  St  46 
814.  Columbia  Gas  &  Electiic  Corpo-ation  vs.  American  Fuel  and  Power  Company, 

etc.,   et   al..    appeal    from   district   court    for   eastern    district   of   Kentucky ; 

May  22,   1944.     n.   p.    [1944].     5   p.  Ju  6.8/la :  C  723/8 

OflScial  reports  of  Supreme  Court,  v.  321  U.  S.,  no.  3.     Preliminary  print. 

[1944.]  cover  title,  iv  +  [l] +414-649+  viii  p.  [Cases  adjudged  in  Supreme 
Court  at  Get.  term,  1943,  (opinions,  INIar.  27,  concluded-Apr.  3,  in  part  1944, 
and  memoranda  of  other  decisions  through  May  22,  1944).  This  number  con- 
tains table  of  cases  reported  in  v.  321,  pts.  1-3.  From  United  States  reports, 
V.  321.]  *  Paper,  20c.  single  copy,  $2.00  per  term  of  court ;  foreign  subscription, 
$2.7.5.  Ju  G.S/la  :  321/3 

Standard  Rice  Co.,  Inc.  Transcript  of  record,  Supreme  Court  of  United  States, 
Oct.  term,  1943,  no.  944,  United  States  vs.  Standard  Rice  Company,  Inc.,  on 
petition  for  writ  of  certiorari  to  Court  of  Claims.     [1944.]    cover  title,  i+41  p.  $ 

Ju  6.7  :  St  24/6 

United  States  Dental  Co.  Transcript  of  record,  Supreme  Court  of  United  States, 
Oct.  term,  1943,  no.  811,  United  States  rs.  Margaret  M.  Johnscm  and  Mary  E. 
Layton,  doing  business  as  United  States  Dental  Company,  and  Voyle  Clark 
Johnson,  appeal  from  district  court  for  district  of  Delaware.  [1944.]  cover 
title,  i+19  p.     t  Ju  6.7  :  Un  35/4 


Food.     United  States  con.sumption  of  food  in  terms  of  fats,  proteins,  carbo- 
hydrates, and  calories,  1939^3.    Washington,  Feb.  1944.     cover  title,  [2] +123 
p.  il.     [Processed.     Page  123,  last  page  of  text  is  printed  on  inside  of  back 
cover.]    t 
L.   C.   card  44-41121  TC  1.2  :  F  73/939^43 

Iceland.     Trade   agreement    between    United    States    and    Iceland,    analysis    of 
agreement  and  digests  of  trade  data  with  respect  to  products  on  which  con- 
cessions   were   granted    by    United    States.      Washington,    1944.      cover    title, 
[2]+114p.  4°    [Processed.]     t 
L.  C.  card  44-41120  TC  1.14  :  Ic  2 

Rayon   industry,   selected  sections  of  preliminary   report   prepared  by   Textile 
Division.    Washington,  Apr.  1944.     cover  title,  [235]  p.     [Processed.    Text  on 
p.  2  of  cover.    The  last  page  of  text  is  printed  on  inside  of  back  cover.]     t 
L.  C.  card  44-41119  TC  1.2  :  R  21 


Note. — The  Tax  Court  reports  are  first  promulgated  in  leaflet  form,  designated  as 
"advance  sheets."  At  the  end  of  each  month,  these  advance  sheets  are  consolidated  invo 
pamphlet  form  and  published  as  "advance  parts."  Later,  the  advance  parts  are  consoli- 
dated and  issued  in  bound  volumes.  .V  list  of  memorandum  opinions  is  included  i'l  'vii-h 
volume.  Both  the  advance  sheets  and  the  advance  parts  are  sold  on  subscription  by  the 
Superintendent  of  Documents,  Government  Printing;  Office,  Washington  in,  D.  C.  '  The 
subscription  price  of  the  "advance  sheets"  is  !i;2.2.5  per  volume,  foreign  subscviptio-),  !f;2.85  ; 
sui'-'le  copies  usually  5c.  The  "advance  jiarts,"  or  monthlv  consolidations,  are  sold  as 
follows:  $1.2,5  per  volume,  foreign  subscription,  .$1.8,5  (single  copies  vary  in  price).  The 
price  of  the  bound  volume  will  be  given  upon  application. 

Buchanan,  John  R.  John  R.  Buchanan  v.  connnissioner  of  internal  revenue, 
opinion;  docket  no.  771,  promulgated  May  1.  1944.  [1944.]  3  p.  ([Opinionl 
93.)      [From  T.  C.  Reports,  V.  3.1     *  Paper,  .He.  Ju  11.7/a  :  3/93 

•     Sent  to  Depository  Libraries 

350  Government  Publications' 

Cans,  Joseph  K.  Estate  of  Josopli  K.  Cass,  by  Charles  A.  Cass  and  Annie  C. 
Woodle,  executors,  r.  commissioner  of  internal  revenue,  opinion  ;  docket  no. 
640.  pronuilsated  Apr.  4,  1944.  [1914.]  3  p.  dOpiaion]  71.)  [From  T.  C. 
Reports,  V.  3.]     *  Paper,  5c.  Ju  11.7/a  :  3/71 

Chapman,  Robert  F.  Robert  F.  Chapman  v.  commissioner  of  internal  reveime, 
findings  of  fact  [and  opinion]  :  docket  no.  364,  pronuilgated  May  3,  1944, 
[1944.]     r»  p.     ([Opinion]  94.)     [From  T.  C.  Reports,  v.  3.]     *  Paper,  He. 

Ju  11.7/a :  3/94 

Decisions.  Reports,  v.'3,  no.  3.  [1944.]  v+ 396-552  p.  [Contains  decisions  pro- 
mulgated Mar.  1-31,  1944.]  *  Paper,  20c.  single  copy,  $1.25  a  vol. ;  foreign 
subscription,  $1.85.  Ju  11.7/a2 :  3/3 

Note. — This  "adv.ince  part"  or  "eon  solid  a  tod  issue''  contains  a  month's  dt-cisions  and 
is  issued  in  addition  to  the  separate  opinions  or  "a<lvance  sheets."  Larer.  bound 
voliinies,  containing  table  of  contents  and  inde.\,  will  be  issued,  the  price  of  these 
beiuK  jjiveu  at  the  time  of  publication. 

Same,  v.  3,  no.  4.     [1944.]    v+552-696  p.     [Contains  decision.^  promulgated 

Apr.  1-30,  1944.]  Ju  11.7/a2  :  3/4 

Drixcnll,  J.  Orcgory.  J.  Gregory  Driscoll  and  Mildred  W.  Driscoll  v.  commis- 
sioner of  iuternnl  revenue;  Mildred  W.  Driscoll  v.  [same),  findings  of  fact 
[and  opinion]  ;  docket  nos.  2242-43,  promulgated  Mar.  20,  1944.  [1944.]  4  p. 
([Opinion]  62.)      [From  T.  C.  Reports,  v.  3.]     *  Paper,  5c.       Ju  11.7/a :  3/62 

F.  H.  E.  on  Company  (a  dissolved  corporation),  v.  commissioner  of  internal 
revenue;  Fleming-Kinibell  Corporation  v.  [same,  findings  of  faiH  and  opinion]  ; 
docket  nos.  111575,  548,  promulgated  Jan.  13,  1944.  [1944.]  21  p.  ([Opinion] 
3. )     [From  T.  C.  Reports,  v.  3.]     *  Paper,  5c.  Ju  11.7/a  :  3/3- 

Gaylord,  (Jeorge  S.  George  S.  Gaylord  v.  commissioner  of  Internal  revenue ; 
Gevirnde  H.  Gayloi-d  v.  [same,  findings  of  fact  and  opinions]  :  docket  nos. 
109]"8,  109273.  promulgated  Feb.  IS,  1944.  [1944.]  16  p.  ( [Opinion  |  34.) 
[From  T.  C.  Reports,  v.  3.]     *  Paper,  5c.  Ju  11.7/a  :  3/34 

Holmes,  Harry.  Estate  of  Harry  Holmes,  Lucy  B.  Holmes,  independent  executrix, 
r.  comniiss'oner  of  internal  revenue,  opinion  ;  docket  no.  2943,  promulgated 
Apr.  5,  1944.  [1944.]"  9  p.  ([Opinion]  74.)  [From  T.  C  Reports,  v.  3.] 
*  Paper,  5c.  Ju  11.7/a  :  3/74 

Koppers  Company  v.  commissioner  of  internal  revenue  [opinion]  ;  docket  no. 
110247,  promulgated  Jan.  19,  1944.  [1944.]  13  p.  ( [Opinion]  7.)  [From  T.  C. 
Reports,  v.  3.]     *  Paper,  5c.  Ju  11.7/a  :  3/7 

Leveen,  William,  Corporation.  William  Leveen  Corporation  v.  commissioner  of 
internal  revenue,  opinion;  docket  no.  550,  promulgated  Apr.  7,  1944.  [1944.] 
4  p.     ([Opinion]  77.)     [From  T.  C.  Reports,  v.  3.]    *  Paper,  5c.     Ju  11.7/a :  3/77 

Lowry,  0.  William.  O.  AVilliam  Lowry  v.  commissioner  of  internal  revenue; 
(  hirles  R.  Sligh,  jr.,  r.  [same,  findings  of  fact  and  opinion]  ;  docket  nos. 
112691-692,  promnkated  May  8.  1944.  [1944.]  16  p.  ( [Opinion]  97.)  [From 
T.  C.  Reports,  v.  3.]     *  Paper,  5c.  Ju  11.7/a  :  3/97 

Macaulny,  Mrs.  Genevieve  B.  Estate  of  Genevieve  Brady  Macaulay,  Nathan 
L.  Miller  and  Lawrence  Cavanagh,  as  sole  surviving  and  sole  acting  executors, 
V.  commissioner  of  internal  revenue  [findings  of  fact  and  opinion]  ;  docket  no. 
109617,  promulgated  Feb.  24,  1944.  [1944.]  8  p.  ([Opinion]  43.)  [From  T.  C. 
Reports,  V.  3.]     *  Paper,  5c.  Ju  11.7/a  :  3/43 

McEnancy,  Edwin  J.  Edwin  J.  McEnaney  and  Agnes  McEnaney  v.  commis- 
sioner of  internal  revenue  [findings  of  fact  and  opinion]  ;  docket  nos.  112754, 
2038,  promulgated  Api-.  3.  1944.  [1944.]  11  p.  ([Opinion]  70.)  [From  T.  C. 
Reports,  V.  3.]     *  Paper,  5c.  Ju  11.7/a  :  3/70 

Norie,J.  L.  J.  L.  Norie  v.  commissioner  of  internal  revenue;  Coast  Carton  Com- 
pany V.  [snme],  findings  of  fact  [and  opinion]  ;  docket  nos.  1813,  2049,  pro- 
mulgated \pr.  27,  1944.  [1944.]  11  p.  ([Opinion]  89.)  [From  T.  C.  Reports, 
V.  3.]     *  Paper,  5c.  Ju  11.7/a  :  3/89 

•     Sent  to  Depository  Libraries 

July  1944  861 

Scliurer,  Hurry  F.  Harry  F.  Schurer  v.  commissioner  of  internal  revenue,  find- 
ings or  fact  [and  opinion]  ;  docket  no.  2168,  promulgated  Mar.  30,  1944.  [1944.] 
4  1).     ( [Opinion]  68.)     [From  T.  C.  Reports,  v.  3.]     *  Paper,  5e.    Ju  11.7/a  :  3/68 

Slough,  Frank  M.  Frank  M.  Slough  and  Josephine  C.  Slough,  husband  and  wife, 
V.  commissioner  of  internal  revenue;  J.  Helen  Slough  Juergens  v.  [same], 
opinion ;  docket  nos.  2562-63,  promulgated  Apr.  4,  1944.  [1944.]  6  p. 
( [Opinion]  73.)     [From  T.  C.  Reports,  v.  3.]     *  Paper,  Oc.  Ju  11.7/a  :  3/73 

Smith,  LutlH  r  E.  Luther  Ely  Smith  v.  commissicmer  of  internal  revenue  [find- 
ings of  fact  and  opinion]  ;  docket  no.  109631,  promulgated  May  1,  1944.  [1944.] 
10  p.      ([Opinion]   92.)      [From  T.  C.  Reports,  v.   3.]      *  Paper,  5c. 

Ju  11.7/a :  3/92 

Southeastern  Buihlhig  Corporation  v.  commissioner  of  internal  revenue,  findings 
of  fact  [and  opinion]  ;  docket  no.  109218,  promulgated  Feb.  29,  1944.  [1944.] 
10  p.    ( [Opinion]  47.)     [From  T.  C.  Reports,  v.  3.]    *  Paper,  5c      Ju  11.7/a  :  3/47 

Verifine  Dairy  Products  Corporation  of  Sheboygan,  Inc.,  v.  commissioner  of  in- 
ternal revenue  [fi  idiiigs  of  fact  and  opinion]  ;  docket  no.  108460,  promulgated 
Feb.  15,  1944.  [1914.]  11  p.  ([Opinion]  32.)  [From  T.  C.  Reports,  v.  3.] 
♦Paper,  5c.  Ju  11.7/a :  3/32 

Weil,  Joseph.  Joseph  Weil  v.  commissioner  of  internal  revenue,  findings  of  fact 
[and  opinion]  :  docket  nos.  666,  1126,  promulgated  Apr.  6,  1944.  [1944.]  6  p. 
([Opinion]  75.)      [From  T.  C.  Reports,  v.  3.]     *  Paper,  5c.         Ju  11.7/a :  3/75 


Addresses.  Farm  and  home  frozen  food  cabinets  [paper  prepared  by  Loran  N. 
Baker,  Agricultural  Engineering  Development  Division,  Commerce  Department, 
Tennessee  Valley  Authority,  and  presented  at  frozen  food  locker  short  course, 
Apr.  24,  1944,  at  College  of  Agriculture  and  Home  Economics,  University  of 
Kentucky,  Lexington,  Ky.].     [Apr.  22,  1944.]     14  p.  4°     [Processed.]     t 


Electricity  sales  statistics,  monthly  report  110;  Apr.  1944.  [1944.]  [3]  p.  il  4° 
[Processed.     Issued  with  perforations.]     t  Y  3.T  25  :  13/110 

Malaria.  Implications  of  importation  of  malaria  by  personnel  of  armed  forces 
[with  list  of  references;  by]  Robert  Briggs  Watson.  [1944.]  7  p.  4°  [Proc- 
essed. Presented  at  1944  meeting  of  Tennessee  State  Medical  Association, 
Nashville,  Tenn.,  from  Health  and  Safety  Department,  Tennessee  Valley  Au- 
thority, and  Division  of  Preventive  Medicine,  University  of  Tennessee  College 
of  Medicine,  Memphis.] .     t  Y  3.T  25  :  2  M  29/4 

Precipitation  in  Tennessee  River  basin,  Apr.  1944.     [1944.]      [2] +64- [13]  p.  il.  4° 
[Monthly.     Processed.],     t 
L.  C.  card  38-32755  Y  3.T  25 :  14/944-4 

Transportation  development  and  other  programs  of  Tennessee  Valley  Authority, 
C.  T.  Barker,  chief  of  River  Transportation  Division,  TVA  (discussion  with 
E.  S.  M.  W.  T.  war  training  class  In  public  utilities,  Vanderbilt  University, 
Nashville,  Tenn.,  Apr.  20,  1944).     [1944.]     11  p.  1  pi.  map,  4"     [Processed.]     t 

Y  3.T  25 :  2  T  68 



Carriers.    Federal  regulatory  restrictions  upon  motor  and  water  carriers.  Tetter 

from  Board  of  Investigation  and  Research  transmitting  summary  of  report 

on    Federal    regulatory    restrictions   upttn    motor    and   water    carriers.     1944. 

v+26  p.     (H.  doc.  637,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)      *  Paper,  10c. 

L.  C.  card  44-41069 
Relative  economy  and  fitness  of  carriers,  preliminary  report  of  Board  of 

Investigation  and  Research  on  relative  economy  and  fitness  of  carriers.     1944. 

v+30  p.     (H.  doc.  595,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)     *  Paper,  10c. 

L.  C.  card  44-41037 

•     Sent  to  Depository  Libraries 

598159— 44— No.  594 10 

862  Government  Publications 


Aitkcn  Tug  rf  Bdrgc  Co.  Certain  claim  allowed  by  General  Accounting  Office 
[covering  judgment  rendered  by  district  court  for  westei-n  district  of  Washing- 
ton in  favor  of  James  Aitken,  jr.,  and  Sterling  C.  Aitken,  doing  business  under 
firm  name  of  Aitken  Tug  &  Barge  Co.].  June  9,  legislative  day  May  9,  1944 
2  p.     (S.  doc.  213,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)     f 

Cldhns.  Claims  allowed  by  General  Accounting  Office.  May  18,  1944.  37  p. 
(H.  doc.  610,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)     *  Paper,  10c. 

Clsiims  allowed  by  General  Accounting  Office.     June  19,  legislative  day 

May  9,  1944.     16  p.     ( S.  doc.  209,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess. )     t 

Judgments  I'endered  by  Court  of  Claims.     June  19,  legislative  day  May  9, 

1944.     4  p.      (S.  doc.  210,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)     f 

L.  C.  card  9-6546 

Fhuince.     Bulletin  of  Treasury  Department,  analysis  of  receipts  and  expenditures, 
comiwsition  of  public  debt,  prices  and  yields  of  Government  securities,  other 
treasury  statistics,    May    1944.     [1944.]     cover    title,    l3]+A4+87    p.    il.    4° 
[Monthly.     Processed.]     t 
L.  C.  card  39-26387  T  1.3 :  944/5 

Daily  statement  of  Treasury,  compiled  from  latest  proved  reports  from 

Treasury  offices  and  depositories,  June  1-30,  1944.     [1944.]     various  paging, 
narrow  f°     [Daily  except  Sundays  and  holidays.]     t 

L.  C.  card  15-3308  T  1.5 :  944 

Harlem  Trucking  Co.  Record  of  judgment  rendered  against  the  Government  by 
District  Courts.  June  19,  legislative  day  May  9,  1944.  3  p.  (S.  doc.  211, 
78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)  [This  judgment  was  rendered  by  district  court  for 
southern  district  of  New  York  in  favor  of  Frank  Lamantia,  doing  business  as 
Harlem  Trucking  Co.]     t 

International  monetary  fund.    Joint  statement  by  experts  on  establishment  of 
international  monetary  fund  of  United  and  Associated  Nations,  Apr.  21,  1944. 
[1944.]     iii+8  p.     t     •  Item  1057 
L.  C.  card  44-41071  T  1.2 :  In  8/8 

Small,  Hattie  F.  Judgment  rendered  by  District  Court  of  United  States  for  Dis- 
trict of  Columbia,  proposed  provision  relating  to  judgment  rendered  by  District 
Court  of  United  States  for  District  of  Columbia  [in  favor  of  Hattie  F.  Small], 
with  estimate  of  indefinite  appropriation  to  pay  interest.  June  19,  legislative 
day  May  9,  1944.     4  p.      (S.  doc.  220,  7Sth  Cong.  2d  sess.)     t 

Treasury  decisions  under  customs,  certain  internal  revenue,  narcotic,  and  other, 
laws,  including  decisions  of  Customs  Court  and  Court  of  Customs  and  Patent 
Appeals,  V.  79,  no.  49-53 ;  June  1-29,  1944.     [1944.]     various  paging.     [Weekly.] 
*  Paper,  10c.  single  copv,  $3.00  a  yr. ;  foreign  subscription,  $4.70. 
L.  C.  card  10-30490  T  1.11/2 :  79/49-53 



Paper  money.  Monthly  statement,  paper  currency  of  each  denomination  out- 
standing May  31,  1944.     [1944.]     1  p.  oblong  12"     t     •  Item  1094 

T  63.307:  944/5 


Posters.  Stop  them  with  bonds  thru  pay  roll  savings;  [poster].  1944. 
28X21.9  in.     [Illustrator,  Ardis  Hughes.]     t  T  1.35  :P  29/3 

•    Sent  to  Depository  Libraries 

July  1944  863 


Internal  revenue  bulletin,  1&44,  no.  11  and  12;  June  12  and  26,  l!)44.  1944. 
v+86  p.  and  vi+109  p.  [Seminionthlj-.  Include  Rulings  11740-776.]  •  Item 

L.  C.  card  22-26051  T  22.23/1 :  944/11,12 

Note. — The  Internal  revenue  bulletin  .service  for  1044  will  of  semimonthly 
bulletins  and  an  annual  cumulative  bulletin.  The  semimonthly  bulletins  will  contain  the 
rulings  and  decisions  to  be  ma<le  public  and  all  Treasuiy  Department  decisions  (known 
as  Treasury  decisions)  pertaining  to  internal  revenue  matters.  The  annual  cumulative 
bulletin  will  contain  all  rulings  and  decisions  (including  Treasury  decisions)  published 
during  the  previous  12  months.  The  complete  bulletin  service  may  be  obtained  on  a 
subscription  basis,  from  the  Superintendent  of  Documents,  Government  I'rintiug  Office 
Washington  25,  D.  C,  10c.  single  coi)y,  $2.50  a  yr.  ;  foreign  subscription  $3.75. 

Manufacturers'  excise  taxes,  Regulations  46  (1040  edition)  amended  to  conform 
to  revenue  act  of  1943.  [1944.]  7  p.  (T.  D.  5348.)  [Code  of  Federal  regu- 
lations of  United  States,  title  26,  Internal  revenue,  chap.  1,  subchap.  C,  pt.  316, 
Taxes  on  sales  by  manufacturer.  From  Internal  revenue  bulletin,  1944,  IMar.  25! 
1944,  no.  6.]     t  T  22.23/la  :  Ex  25 


Gorcniment  supplies.  General  schedule  of  supplies:  Books  under  class  35  Dec 
1,  1943-Nov.  30,  1944.     [1944.]     5  p.  4°     [Processed.]     X  T  58.8 :  35/943-44 

Same:  class  7,  Fuel  oil  and  kerosene,  region  5,  tank-wagon  and  drum  de- 
liveries, July  1,  1943-June  30,  1944.     [1944.]     10  p.  4°     [Processed.]     % 

T  58.8 :  7/943-44 

Same :  classes  7  and  14,  Fuel  oil  and  kerosene,  region  4,  tank-car,  transport- 
truck,  and  marine  deliveries,  June  1,  1944-May  31,  1945.  [1944.]  6  p.  4" 
[Processed.]     $  T  58.8 :  7,14/944-45 

Same:    class  102,   Telephone  service,  July   1,   1944-June  30,    1945.     1944. 

11  p.  -l"     X  T  58.8 :  102/944-45 


Note. — In  the  list  below,  some  of  the  Amendments,  dated  after  Oct.  10,  193.3  are  for 
specifications  issued  by  the  Federal  Standard  Stock  Catalog  Board  (now  Federal  Standard 
Stock  Catalog  Division)  while  it  was  under  the  Budget  Bureau,  ami  for  these,  the  old 
classification  T  51.7/8  :  is  retained  in  order  that  they  may  be  filed  with  the  publications 
to  which  they  belong.  The  following  publications  are  issued  with  perforations  for  insertion 
in    binders.      •  Item    1116 

Gavernmcnt  supplies.  Federal  standard  stock  catalog:  scv.  4,  pt.  5,  Federal 
specification  for  aluminum-alloy  (AL-Ol)  (aluminnm-magnesium-si'licon-cop- 
per-chromium),  bars,  rods,  shapes,  and  wire;  Apr.  19,  1944.  [1944.]  11  p  12" 
( gQ-A-325. )     *  Paper,  5c.  T  58.10/3 :  QQ-A-325 

Same:  sec.  4,  pt.  5,  Federal  specification  for  aprons,  surgeons'   (synthetic 

rubber  and  resin  coated)  ;  May  2,  1944.  [1944.]  0  p.  12"  (ZZ-A-611a.) 
[Supersedes  Fed.  spec.  Z2:-A-611.  May  27,  1930  and  Emergency  alternate  Fed 
spec.  E-ZZ-A-611,  Mar.  11,  194:^,.]     *  Paper,  5c.  T  58.10/3 :  ZZ-A-611a 

Same :  sec.  4,  pt.  5,  Federal  si)ecification  for  brushes,  glue,  round,  amdt  2  • 

Mar.  30,  1M4.  [1944.]  3  p.  12"  (H-B-301  [amdt.  2].)  [Supersedes  Amend- 
ment 1,  May  23,  1841,  and  Emergency  alternate  E-H-B-301,  Feb.  17,  1942  ]     t 

T  51.7/8 :  H-B-301/amdt.2 

Same:  sec.  4,  pt.  5,  Federal  specification  for  bunting,  cotton,  mercerized 

amdt.  5;  Apr.  7,  1944.  [1944.]  4  p.  12°  (CCC-B-791a  [amdt.  5].)  [Super- 
sedes Amendment  4,  July  7,  1941.]     t  T  58.10/3 :  CCC-B-791a/anidt.5 

Same:  sec.  4,  pt.  5,  Federal  specification  for  cans,  waste  (oily),  amdt    1- 

Apr.  19,  1944.     [1944.]     2  p.  12"     (KR-r-114  [amdt.  1].)     t 

T  58.10/3 :  RR-C-114/amdt.l 

Same:  sec.  4,  pt.  5,  Federal  specification  for  denim,  shrunk;  Mar.  30,  1944. 

[1944.]  4  p.  12°  (CCC-D-181.)  [Supersedes  Fed.  specs.  C0C-D-151a!  Aug 
19,  1936,  and  CCC-D-161,  Mar.  31,  1931.]     *  Pap(>r,  5c.       T  58.10/3  :  CCC-D-181 

•     Sent  to  Depository  Libraries 

864  Government  Publications 

Oovenitnent  supplies — Continued. 

• Same :  sec.  4,  pt.  5,  Federal  specification  for  denim,  unshrunk ;  Mar.  30,  1944. 

[1944.]     4  p.  12"     (CCC-D-186.)      [Supersedes  Fed.  specs.  CCC-D-lfjlJa,  Feb. 

6,  1936  and  CCC-D-171,  Mar.  3,  1931.]     *  Paper  5c.  T  58.10/3  :  CCC-D-ISS 

• Same :  sec.  4,  pt.  5,  Federal  specifications  for  drills,  breast,  amdt.  1 ;  May  2, 

1944.  1944.  1  p.  12°  (GGG-D-651  [amdt.  1].)  [Supersedes  Euiergeucy  al- 
ternate Fed.  spec.  E-GGG-D-651,  Apr.  17,  1943.]     t 

T  58.10/3 :  GGG-D-651/amdt.l 

Same:  sec.  4,  pt.  5,  Federal  specification  for  gaskets,  rubber  (natural  or 

synthetic),  molded,  sheet,  and  strip;  May  2,  1944.  [1944.]  6  p.  12°  (HH-G- 
15Ca.)  [Supersedes  Fed.  spec.  HH-G-156,  Mar.  19,  1938,  and  Emergency 
alternate  E-HH-G-15G,  Aug.  7,  1941.]     *  Paper,  5c.  T  58.10/3 :  HH-G-15tia 

Same :  sec.  4,  pt.  5,  Federal  specification  for  metals,  general  specification 

for  inspection  of,  amdt.  1;  Apr.  19,  1944.  [1944.]  3  p.  12°  (QQ-M-151a 
[amdt.  1].)     t  T  58.10/3  :QQ-M-151a/amdt.l 

Same:  sec.  4,  pt.  5,  Federal  specification  for  mops,  cotton,  amdt.  1;  May  2, 

1944.  [1944.]  2  p.  12°  (T-M-5Gla  [amdt.  1].)  [Supersedes  Emergency 
alternate  Fed.  spec.  E-T-M-561a,  Sept.  9,  1942.]     t 

T  58.10/3 :  T-M-561a/amdt.l 

Same :  sec.  4,  pt.  5,  Federal  specification  for  packing,  diaphragm ;  May  2, 

1944.  [1944.]  4  p.  12°  (HH-P-61c.)  [Supersedes  Fed.  spec.  HH-P-61b, 
Sept.  6,  1940.]     *  Paper,  5c.  T  58.10/3  :  HII-P-61c 

Same:  sec.  4,  pt.  5,  Federal  specification  for  packing,  hydraulic;  Mar.  24, 

1944.  [1944.]  3  p.  12°  (HH-P-112a.)  [Supersedes  Fed.  spec.  HH-P-112, 
Dec.  17,  1936.]     *  Paper,  5c.  T  58.10/3  :  HII-P-112a 

Same :  sec.  4,  pt.  5,  Federal  specification  for  paper,  filtering ;  Apr.  7,  1944. 

[1944.]     7  p.  12°     (UU-P-236).     *  Paper,  5c.  T  58.10/3 :  UU-P-236 

Same :  sec.  4,  pt.  5,  Federal  specification  for  paste,  ofl5ce  and  photomount- 

ing ;  paste-brushes  and  spi-eaders  ;  Apr.  19,  1944.  [1944.]  8  p.  12"  (N-P-lOlc.) 
[Supersedes  Fed.  si)ec.  N-P-lOlb,  Oct.  14,  1937,  and  Emergency  alternate  Fed. 
spec.  E-N-P-lOlb,  Feb.  27,  1942.]     *  Paper,  5c.  T  58.10/3 :  N-P-lOlc 

Same :  sec.  4,  pt.  5,  Federal  specification  for  plastic,  liglit-diflusing  for  light- 
ing fixtures;  May  2,  1944.     [1944.]     4  p.  12°     (Lr-P-384.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

T  58.10/3 :  L^P-384 

Same :  sec.  4,  pt.  5,  Fedei-al  specification  for  pliers  aud  nippers,  amdt.  1 ; 

Apr.  7,  1944.     [1944.]     3  p.  12°     (GGG-P-471  [amdt.  1].)     t 

T  58.10/3 :  GGG-P-471/amdt.l 

Same:  sec.  4,  pt.  5,  Federal  specification  for  receptacles  (convenience  out- 
lets), attachment  plugs,  current-taps,  and  connectors,  amdt.  4;  Apr.  19,  1944. 
[1944.]  3  p.  12°  (W-R-151  [amdt.  4].)  [Supersedes  Amendment  3,  July  30, 
1943.]     t  T  58.10/3  :  W-R-151/amdt.4 

Same :  sec.  4,  pt.  5,  Federal  specification  for  sheeting,  rubber,  amdt.  1 ; 

Apr.  7,  1944.  [1944.]  3  p.  12°  (ZZ-S-311a  [amdt.  1].)  [Supersedes  Emer- 
gency alternate  Fed.  spec.  E-ZZ-S-311a,  June  5,  1943.]     t 

T5S.10/3 :  ZZ-S-311a/amdt.l 

Same :  sec.  4,  pt.  5,  Federal  specification  for  sponges,  cellulose-type,  amdt. 

2 ;  Apr.  19,  1944.  1944.  1  p.  12°  (Lr-S-626  [amdt.  2].)  [Supersedes  Amend- 
ment 1,  Apr.  12,  1943.]     t  T  58.10/3  :  L-S-62G/amdt.2 

Same :  sec.  4,  pt.  5,  Federal  specification  for  sutures,  surgical,  silk  and 

nylon;  May  2,  1944.     [1W4.]     8  p.  12°     (GG-S-816.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

T  58.10/3 :  GG-S-816 

Same :  sec.  4,  pt.  5,  Federal  specification  for  T-squares,  plastic,  wood,  and 

wood-and-plastic ;  Apr.  7,  1944.  [1944.]  6  p.  12°  (GG-T-711b.)  [Supersedes 
Fed.  spec.  GG-T-711a,  July  24,  1940.]     *  Paper,  5c.  T  58.10/3 :  GG-T-711b 

Same:  .sec.  4,  pt.  5,  Federal  specification  for  titanium-dioxide,  dry  (paint- 
pigment)  ;  May  2,  1944.     [1944.]     11  p.  12°     (TT-T-425.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

T  58.10/3 :  TT-T-425 

•    Sent  to  Depository  Libraries 

July  1944  865 

Government  supplies— Conimx\e(\. 

Same:  sec.  4.  pt.  5,  Federal  specification  for  toliiidine-red-toner,  di-y  (paint- 
pigment)  ;  Apr.  19,  1944.     [1944.]     5  p.  12°     (TT-T-562.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

T  58.10/3;  TT-T-562 

Same :  sec.  4,  pt.  5,  Federal  specification  for  triangles,  plastic,  transparent ; 

Apr.  7,  1944.     [1944.]     4  p.  12°     (GG-T-671a.)      [Supersedes  Fed.  spec.  GG-T- 
671,  Sept.  4,  1934.]     *  Paper,  5c.  T  58.10/3  :  GG-T-671a 

■ Same :  sec.  4,  pt.  5,  Federal  specifications  for  turnbuckles,  amdt.  1 ;  Mar. 

30,1944.     [1944.]     4  p.  il.  12°     (FF-T-791  [amdt.  1].)     t 

T  58.10/3 :  FF-T-791/amdt.l 

Same :  sec.  4,  pt.  5,  Federal  specification  for  turners,  cake,  amdt.  1 ;  Mar. 

30,1944.     [1944.]     2  p.  12°     (RR-T-806  [amdt.  1].)     t 

T  58.10/3 :  KR-T-806/amdt.l 

Supplement  27-29  to  Index  of  Federal  specifications  revised  Dec.  1,  1943; 

June  r>-2(;,  1044.     [1944.]     Each  1  p.  4°     [Processed.]     f 

T  58.10/3 :  ind./943-2/supp.27-29 


Bonds  of  United  States.     Prices  and  yields  of  public  marketable  securities  issued. 
bv  United  States  Government  and  by  Federal  agencies.  May  1944.     [1944.] 
7  p.  f°     [Monthly.]     t     •  Item  1120  T  62.7 :  944/5 


Minute  man.  v.  3,  no.  20  and  21 ;  June  1  and  15,  1944.  [1944.]  16  p.  and  24  p.  il. 
4°     [Semimonthly.]     $     •  T  66.7 : 3/20,21 

Posters.  Back  'em  up,  buy  extra  bonds;  official  Treasury  poster.  1944.  28X20 
in.      [Illustrator,  Boris  Cbaliapin.]     f  T  66.8  :B  64/16 

Back  'em  up!  buy  extra  bonds!  official  Treasury  poster.     1944.     29X20 

■     in.     f  T  06.8  :B  64/15 

Back  the  attack!  buy  more  bonds;  oflicial  Treasury  poster.     1944.     28.4 X 

20  in.     t  T  66.8 :  B  64/14 

Buy  your  bonds  here,  back  the  attack!  [poster].     1944.     28X20  in.     t 

T  66.8 :  B  64/12 

Extra  war  bonds,  5th  war  loan;  official  Treasury  poster.     1944.     20X14.2 

in.     [Illustrator,  Atherton.]     t  T  66.8 :  W  19/6 

■  Fight  by  his  side !  buy  extra  bonds  at  banks,  post  offices,  and  other  author- 
ized agencies;   [poster].     1944.     2  sheets,  56.4X42.1  in.  nnd  28.6x42.1  in.     t 

T  66.8  :  B  64/13/sh.l,2 

Fire  away !  buy  extra  bonds;  [poster].    1914.    40.2X28.5  in.     [Illustrator, 

Schreil)er.     In   memory,    U.    S.    S.   Dorado.     Tliis   poster   also    issued   in    size 
28  X  20  in.  ]     f  T  66.8 :  B  64/10 

War  loan  securities.  Fifth  war  loan  securities,  June  12- July  8,  1944.  [1044.] 
16  p.  narrow  8°     t     •  T  66.2  :  W  10/6 

War  savings  bonds.  Backing  the  attack  between  drives!  war  bond  copy  guide 
for  advertisers  and  agencies,  effective  Mar.  1,  1944.  [1944.]  [4]  p.  il.  nar- 
row 8°     t  T  6(5.2  :  B  64/8 

Community  theatre  war  bond  promotion,  put  your  theatre  behind  the  fight 

for  freedom  with  a  war  bond  premiere.     [1944.]     12  p.  il.  4°     [Prepaivd  for 
national  community  theatre  war  bond  promotion.]     %  T  66.2  :T  34/2 

5th  war  loan,  June  12-July  8,  1044,  descriptive  folder.      [1044.]      2  p.  il. 

oblong  12°,  folded   into  narrow  12°  size.      [At  head  of  title:    Fight  by  his 
side.]     t  T  66.2  :W  19/7 

Fire  away  !  buy  extra  bonds;  [post  card].  [1944.]  oblong  48°  [Illustra- 
tor, Schreiber.     In  memory,  U.  S.  S.  Dorado.]     f  T  66.2  :B  64/9 

•    Sent  to  Depository  Libraries 

866  Government  Publications 

War  savings  bonds — Continued. 

How  it  has  been  done,  sales  manual  for  payroll  chairmen  and  Treasury 

representatives.     [Revised  edition.]     [1944.]     t       T  6G.6 :  Sa  3/2/944 

Sal(*  manual,   volunteer  workers  5th  war  loan,   June  12-July  8,   1944. 

[1944.]     32  p.   11.  narrow  12°     [The  last  page  is  left  blank  to  be  used  for 
notes.]     t  T  G<>.«i :  Sa  3/944 

[Tliis  is  your  doing,  let's  all  keep  backing  the  attack !    circular  letter  to 

all  retailers  regarding  r»th  war  loan  drive.]      [1944.]      [G]  p.  il.  4°     t     • 

T  66.2  :  B  64/.^. 

Why?  and  how  much?    [1944.]     [5]  p.  il.  oblong  48°     [Concerns  purchase 

of  war  bonds  by  farmers.]     f     •  T  66.2  :B  64/6 


Decisions.     Administrator's  decision,  Veterans  Admini.«tration,  no  564 ;  June  7, 
1944.     [1944.]     4  p.  4°     [Processed.]     %  VA  1.8: 564 


Army  regulations. 

Note. — Army  regulations  are  administrative  regulations  for  the  military  service  and 
are  issued  in  pamphlet  form  for  insertion  in  loose-leaf  binders.      •  Item  1129 
15-5.  Adjutant   General's   Department :   General   provisions.    Changes   2  ;   May   11, 

1944.      [1944.]      2  p.      [Supersedes  AR  15-5,  Changes  1,  Aug.  10.  1942.1 

•  Paper.  5c.  W  1.6  :  15-5/4/ ch.2 
35-120.     Finance  Department :  Disbursing  officers  and  public  funds,  general,  Changes 

2  ;  June  13.  1944.     1944.     1  p.      [Supersedes  AR  3.5-120,  Changes  1.  Mar. 

25,  1944.]      *  Paper,  5c.  W  1.6  :  35-120/7/ch.2 

35-150.     Same  :  Advances  of  public  funds  under  subsistence  expense  act  of  1926  ;  May 

22.     1944.      [1944.]      4    p.      [Supersedes    AR    35-150,    June    23.    1942.] 

*  Paper,   5c.  W  1.6  :  3-5-150/5 
35—1320.   Same  :   General  provisions  relating  to   pav   of  military   personnel  ;   Mav   24. 

1944.  [1944.]  8  p.  [Supersedes  AR  35-1320.  June  23.  1942.  including 
Changes  1-3,  Sept.  11,  1942-Jan.  21,  1944,  and  par.  1-3,  Circular  244. 
1942.]      *  Paper,   5c.  W  1.6  :  3.5-1320/.") 

35-1495.  Same :  Additional  pav  for  parachute  dutv,  officers,  warrant  officers,  and 
enlisted  men;- Mav  17,  1944.  [1944.]  2  p.  [Supersedes  AR  35-149.">. 
Aug.    22.    1942,    including    Changes    1-3,    Nov.    1,    1943-Mar.    14.    1944.1 

•  Paper,  5c.  ^  W  1.6  :  35-1495/2 
35-1760.   Same  :  Pay  of  retired  commissioned  and  warrant  officers.  Changes  5  ;  May  18, 

1944.      [1944.]      2   p.      [Supersedes  AR   35-1760,   Changes   3   and   4.   Deo. 

2  and  8.  1943.]      *  Paper.  5c.  W  1.6  :  3.5-1760/7/ch  5 

35—2440.   Same  :  Deductions  for  maintenance  of  United  States  Soldiers'  Home,   rental 

deductions  for  dependents,  and  stoppages  against  nav  of  enlisted  personnel. 

rhanges    7:    June    8.    1944.      [1944.]      2    p.      [Supersedes    AR    3.5-2440. 

Changes  1.  Nov.  14.  1942.  Chansres  3  and  4,  Feb.  26  and  Mar.  9.  1943.  and 

Changes  6,  July  30,   1943.]      •  Paper,   5c.  W  1.6  :  3.5-2440/6/ch.7 

35-2600.   Same:    Soldiers'    deposits;    June   8.    1944.      [1944.]      4    p.      [Supersedes   AR 

35-2600,  July  20,  1943,  including  Changes  1,  Sept,  29,  1943.]      *  Paper.  5c. 

W1.6:  3.5-2600/6 
35-3020.   Same  ;  Pay  of  superintendent  and  other  officials  at  Militarv  Academy  ;  May 

IS.    1944.      [1944.]      2    p.      [Supersedes    AR    3.5-3020,    Mar.    14.    1941.] 

*  Paper,  5c.  W  1.6  :  3.5-3020/4 
35-4880.   Same:  Official  routes  and  distances.  Changes  2  ;  June  12,  1944.     1944.     1  p. 

[Supersedes  AR  35-4880,  Changes  1,  Oct.  11,  1943.1      *  Paper,  5c. 

W  1.6  :  3.5^880/2/ch.2 
35—5020.   Same  :    Vouchers  for   travel    of   militarv   personnel   and    civilian    volunteers. 

Changes    2;     June    2      1944.      [1944.]      4     p.      [Supersedes    AR    35-5020. 

Chances  1,  Oct.  26.  1943.]      *  Paper.  .5c.  W  1.6  :  3.5-5020/6/ch.2 

35-5320.   Same  :  Reimbursement  for  transportation  of  dependents.  Chances  1  ;  Mav  18, 

1944.      [1944.]      2  p.      [Supersedes  sec.  3.  Circular  81.  1944.]      *  Paper,  5c. 

W  1.6:  3.5-5320 /7/ch.l 
35-6040.   Same  :  Payments  under  contracts,  formal  and  informal.  Changes  2 ;  Mav  13, 

1944.      [1944.]      2  p.      [Supersedes  AR  35-6040,  Chances  1,  Apr.  27.  1944.1 

•Paper.  5c.  W  1.6  :  35-6040/5/ch.2 

35-6200.   San^e  :    Prompt   payment   of   bills   and   accounts.    Changes   2  ;    June   3,    1944. 

1944.      1     p.      [Supersedes    AR    35-6200,     Changes    1.     Julv     29.     1943.1 

♦Paper.  5c.  W  1.6  :  35-6200/2 /ch.2 

3.5-6620.   Same:    Expendable    pronertv.    Chances    9;    Mav    20,    1944.      [1944.]      2    n. 

[Supersedes  AR  3.5-6620.  Changes  6-8,  Feb.  l-Mar.  18   1944.1      *  Paper.  5c. 

W1.6:  35-6620/6/ch.9 
40-505.      Medical    Department  :    Afedical    attendance,    ceneral    provisions.    Changes    7  : 

June  2,  1944.      [1944.]      3  p.      [Supersedes  AR  40-505.  Chances  1  and  2. 

Mar.  2  and  May  5.  1943.  Changes  6,  Feb.  4.  1944  and  sec.  3.  Circular  .SS7. 

1942.]      *  Paper,   .5c.  W  1.6  :  40-505/4/ch.7 

•     Sent  to  Depository  Libraries 

July  1944 


Army  regulations — Continued. 

40-590.  Same  :  Administration  of  hospitals,  general  provisions,  Changes  20  ;  June  12, 
1944  [1944.]  2  p.  [Supersedes  AR  40-590,  Changes  9,  May  21,  1943, 
Changes  14,  Sept.  27,  1943,  and  sec.  3,  Ci^'^"!"'*  ^ 70^1044. ^]^_*^Paper,^^ 5c. 

40-1080.  Same  :  Current  statistical  health  reports,  tables,  and  charts,  Changes  2  ;  June 
9  1944  [1944.1  7  p.  [Supersedes  par.  14b  and  16,  Circular  43,  1944.] 
♦Paper.  5c.  i  v       ^      ^  ^  W  1.6  :  40-1080/4/ch.2 

55-75  Transportation  Corps:  War  Department  ports;  June  1,  1944.  [1944.]  2  p. 
[Supersedes  AK  55-75,  Dec.  11,  1943.]      *  Paper,  5c.  W  1.6  :  55-75/4 

55-105.  Same  :  Transportation  by  commercial  means,  general.  Changes  13  ;  May  22, 
1944  [1944.]  2  p.  [Supersedes  AR  55-105,  Changes  2  and  6,  Apr.  6 
and  Aug.  20,  1943.]      *  Paper,  5c.  W  1.6  :  55-105/ch.l3 

55-155.  Same :  Transportation  of  public  property  (except  animals)  and  remains. 
Changes  7;   May  26,   1944.      [1944.]      2   p.      *  Paper,   5c.      „    ^^   ^^^,  ^^ 

W  1.6  :  55-1 55 /ch.  i 
100-63.       Corps  of  Engineers  :  Real  estate,  disposal.  Changes  2  ;  June  2,  1944.      [1944.] 

2  p.      [Supersedes  AR  100-63,   Changes  1,   July   12,   1943.]      *  Paper,   oc. 

•       W  1.6  :  100-63/ch.2 
100-64.       Same  :  Real  estate,  claims  for  rent,  damage,  and  other  payments  ;  May  22, 
1944.      [1944.]      2  p.      [Supersedes  AR  100-64,   Sept.  29,   1942,   including 
Changes  1,  Mar.  1,  1943.]      *  Paper,  5c.  W  1.6  :  100-64/2 

105-20.  Signal  Corps:  Fixed  signal  communication  system  and  facilities;  May  12. 
1944.  [1944.]  7  p.  [Supersedes  AR  105-20,  May  23,  1942,  including 
Changes  1  and  2,  Oct.  9,  1942  and  Mar.  15,  1943.]      *  Paper,  5c. 

W  1.6:  105-20/8 

105-30.       Same  :  Commercial  telephone,   telegraph,   and  electric  time  service,  general, 

Changes  1;  June  12,   1944.     1944.     1   p.     *  Paper,   5c.  ..„,-,  ^  , 

W1.6:  105-30/5/ch.l 
105-255.     Same :   Photography,    Changes   1  ;   May   25,    1944.     1944.      1    p.      *  Paper,    5c 

W  1.6 :  105-25o/3/ch.l 

210-50.       Posts,  camps,  and  stations  :  Nonappropriated  funds,  effective  July  1.  1944  : 

June   1,    1944.      [1944.]      24    p.      [Supersedes   AR   210-50,   Dec.   29,    1942. 

including  Changes  1  and  2.  Feb.  5  and  Mar.  13,  1943,  Changes  5,  July  14. 

1943.  Changes  8-10,  Oct.  4-Nov.  18.  1943,  Changes  13,  Mar.  31,  1944.  and 
sec.  8.  Circular  125.  1944.]      *  Paper,  5c.  W  1.6  :  210-50/6 

210-60.  Same:  Post  messes.  Changes  4;  June  1.  1944.  1944.  1  p.  [Supersedes 
AR  210-60,  Changes  3,  Dec.  24,  1943,  and  sec.  4,  Circular  24,  1944.] 
*  Paper    5c  W  1.6  :  210-60/2/ch.4 

210-65.  Same  :  Army  exchanges,  effective  July  1.  1944  ;  June  1,  1944.  [1944.]  28  p. 
[Supersedes  AR  210-65,  Mar.  19,  1943,  including  Changes  1-6,  June  17. 
1943-Mar.  16,  1944.]      *  Paper,  5c.  W  1.6  :  210-65/5 

210-70.  Same :  Service  clubs  and  libraries  eflfective  July  1.  1944 ;  June  1,  1944. 
[1944.]      8  p.      [Supersedes  AR  850-80,  Aug.  26,  1942,  including  Changes 

3  and  4,  Apr.   3  and  Mav  21,   1943,  and  Changes  6  and  7.  Dec.   8,   1943. 
and  Apr.  24,  1944.]      •  Paper,  i^c.  W  1.6  :  210-70/5 

210-390.  Same:  Motion  Picture  Service,  Changes  10;  June  1,  1944.  [1944.]  3  p. 
[Supersedes  AR  210-390,  Changes  1,  Aug.  26,  1942.  and  Changes  5  and  6, 
Apr.  13  and  June  10.  1943.]      ♦Paper,  5c.  W  1.6  :  210-390/5/ch.lO 

250-5.  Bands :  General  provisions.  Changes  2  :  June  1.  1944.     1944.     1  p.      [Super- 

sedes AR  250-5,  Changes  1,  Mar.  1,  1933.]      'Paper,  5c. 

Wl.O:  250-5/ch.2 

310-50.  Militarv  publications:  Orders,  bulletins,  circulars,  and  memoranda,  Changes 
8;  May  .30,  1944.  [1944.]  3  p.  [Supersedes  AR  310-50,  Changes  1-3, 
Oct.  14-Nov.  23.  1942,  Changes  5-7,  May  11,  1943-Feb.  1.  1944.  and  sec.  4. 
Circular  61.  1944.]      *  Paper,  5c.  W  1.6  :  310-50/5/ch.S 

345-75.  Militarv  records  :  Soldier's  dejiosit  book  and  report  of  soldiers'  deposits  ;  June 
8.  1944.  [1944.]  4  p.  [Supersedes  AR  34.5-75,  July  23,  1932,  including 
Changes  1  and  2,  Dec.  29,  1942  and  Jan.  21,  1943.]      *  Paper,  5c. 

W  1.6:  34.5-75/4 

345-415.  Same:  Daily  sick  report.  Changes  5  ;  May  22.  1944.  [1944.]  2  p.  [Super- 
sedes AR  345^15,  Changes  4,  Oct.  26,  1943,  and  par.  2,  sec.  6.  Circular 
321,1943.]      *  Paper,   5c.  W  1.6  :  34,^.-41 5/5/ch. 5 

600-68.  Personnel :  Good  conduct  medal,  Changes  1 ;  May  26.  1944.  1944.  1  p. 
♦Paper,   5c.  'W  1.6:  fiOO-fi8/2/ch.l 

600-500.  Same:  Care  and  disposition  of  insane;  May  25,  1944.  [1944.]  8  p. 
[Sunersedes  AR  600-500.  Aug.  7.  1942,  including  Changes  1-4,  Nov.  25. 
1942-July  30,   1943.]      ♦  Paper.   5c.  W  1.6  :  600-500/4 

605-10.        Commissioned  officers  :  Officers  appointed  in  Army  of  United  States  ;  May  26, 

1944.  [1944.]      8   p.      [Supersedes  AR   605-10,  Dec.   30,   1942,   including 
Chances  4-11.  Mar.  6-Oct.  19,  1943.]      ♦  Paper,  5c.  W  1.6  :  60.5-10/7 

615-5.  Enlisted  men  :  Appointment  and  reduction  of  noncommissioned  officers  and 

privates,  1st  class.  Changes  2:  Mav  10,   1944.      1944.      1   p.      [Supersedes 
AR  615-5,  Chances  1,  Mar.  30,  1944.]     ♦  Paper,  5c.         W  1.6  :  615-5/4/ch.2 

615-40.  Same:  Clothing  and  equipage.  Changes  7;  May  23,  1944.  [1944.]  2  p. 
♦Paper,   5c.  W  1.6  :61.5-40/6/ch.7 

615-300.  Same  :  Absence  without  leave  and  desertion,  Changes  1  ;  May  18.  1944.  1944. 
1  p.      ♦  Paper.  .5c.  W  1.6  :  615-300/8/ch.l 

615-360.  Same  :  Discharge,  release  from  active  duty  ;  May  25,  1944.  [1944.]  43-|- [3] 
p.  [Three  paces  are  left  blank  to  be  used  for  memoranda.  Supersedes 
AR  615-360.  Nov.  26.  1942.  includinc  Changes  4  and  5.  Apr.  16  and  30. 
1943.  Chnnges  7.  Jnne  8,  1943,  Chances  9-11,  June  19-Sept.  20.  194.S. 
Changes  13  and  14,  Oct  2  and  Nov.  2.  1943.  Changes  16-19.  Dec.  15,  194.3-Mar. 
17,  1944,  and  various  sections  of  certain   circulars.]      ♦Paper.   lOc. 

W  1.6  : 615-300/6 

•     Sent  to  Depository  Libraries 

868  Government  Publications 

Armi/  regulations — Continued. 

700-10.  Supplies  :  storage  and  issue,  ChanKes  3  ;  June  9,  1944.  1944.  1  p.  [Super- 
sedes AR  700-10,  Changes  1  and  2,  Mar.  18  and  Sept.  28,  194.3.]  *  Paper, 
5c.  W  1.6  :  700-10/3/ch.3 

BuUctin  9;  June  6,  1944.     [1944.]     4  p.     [Issued  with  perforations.]     % 

W 1.3 :  944/9 

CircuJnr  2ir>-261.  June  1-2G.  1944.  [1944.]  various  paging.  [Issued  with  per- 
forations.    NumlKT  227  is  a  corrected  copy.]     J  W  1.4/2:  944/215-2G1 

Claims  for  damages  to  or  loss  or  destruction  of  property  or  personal  injury  or 
death,  estimate  of  appropriation  to  pay  claims.  June  19,  legislative  day  May  9. 
1944.     9  p.     (S.  doc.  215,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)     t 

Field  manuals.  Basic  field  manual :  Conventional  signs,  military  symbols,  and 
abbreviations,  Changes  1;  Apr.  21,  1944.  [1944.]  2  p.  16"  (FM  21-.'?0 
[changes]  1. )     *  Paper,  5c.  W  1.33 :  21-30/3/cb.l 

Note. — Field  ninnunls  conKist  of  a  series  of  pamphlets  containing  traininir  and  refer- 
ence data  and  instructions  relative  to  the  tactics  and  technique  involved  in  the  cniploj'- 
ment  of  the  arms  and  services  of  the  Army.      •  Item  1130 

Same:   List  of  publications  for  training,  Changes  3;  May  1,  1944.     [1944.] 

179  p.  1G°     (FM  21-(J  [changes]  3.)     *  Paper,  20c.  W  1.33  :  21-C>/8/ch.3 

■ Same,  Changes  4 ;  June  1, 1944.    [1944.]    90  p.  16°    (FM  21-6  [changes  4].) 

*  Paper,  15c.  W  1.33  :  21-G/S/ch.4 

Same :  List  of  training  films,  film  strips,  and  film  bulletins,  Changes  3;  May 

2,1944.     [1944.]    21  p.  16°     (FM  21-7  [changes]  3.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

W  1.33 :  21--7/2/ch.3 

Same,  Changes  4;  May  25,  1944.     [1944.]     21  p.  16°  (FM  21-7  [changes] 

4. )     *  Pai^er,  5c.  W  1.33  :  21-7/2/ch.4 

Same,  Changes  5;  May  1,  1944.     [1944.]     16  p.  16°     (FM  21-7  [changes] 

5. )      *  Paper,  i5c  W  1.33  :  21-7/2/ch.5 

Same :  Watermanship ;  Apr.  25,  1944.    1944.    [4]-f  151  +  [5]  p.  il.  12°     (FM     ] 

21-22.)      [The  5  pages  are  left  blank  to  be  used  for  notes.]     *  Paper,  Inc. 

W  1.33 :  21-22 

Engineer  field  manual :  Engineer  troops,  Changes  2  ;  May  10,  1944.     [1944.] 

13  p.  il.  16°     (FM  5-5  [changes]  2.)     *  Paper,  5c.  W  1.33  :  5-5/2/ch.2 

Same  :  Operations  of  engineer  field  units,  Changes  3  ;  June  2,  1944.     [1944.]     1G°     (FM  5-6  [changes]  3.)     *  Paper,  5c.  W  1.33 :  5-G/ch.3 

Field  manual :  Field  artillery,  tactics  and  technique  of  division  artillery  and 

higher  artillery  echelons;  May  24,  1944.     1944.     iii+84  p.  il.  16°     (FM  6-100.) 

[This  manual,  together  with  FM  6-20  and  FM  6-101  (wlien  publislied)  super- 
sedes FM  6-20,  Tactics  and  techniques,  July  10,  1940,  including  Changes  1, 
Jan.  2,  1941.]     *  Paper,  15c  W  1.33  :  6-100 

General  orders  36-52 ;  May  1-June  22,  1944.  [1944.]  various  paging.  [Issued 
with  perforations.]     %  W  1.46  :  36-52 

Identification  cai'ds.  Preparation  of  identification  cards,  May  15,  1944.  [1944.] 
[2]     (Pamphlet  20-9.)     t     •  Item  1131  W  1.43 :  20-9 

Military  Academy,  West  Point.  Information  relative  to  appointment  and  ad- 
mission of  cadets  to  Military  Academy,  West  Point,  N.  Y.  [edition  1944], 
Changes  1 ;  Mar.  28,  1944.     [1944.]     2  p.     t     •  Item  1177.      W  12.9  :  944/ch.l 

Military  information.  [Safeguarding  military  information]  [1944.]  cover  title, 
[IQ]  p.  il.  small  4°  (Pamphlet  20-10.)  [Text  and  another  illustration  on 
p.  2  and  3  of  cover.]     +     •  Item  1131  W  1.43:  20-10 

Mobilization  regulations,     t 

Note. — The  Mobilization  regulations  are  issued  in  pamphlet  form  for  insertion  in 
loose-leaf  binders.      •  Item  1134. 

1-9.  Standards  of  physical  evaminatlon  during  mobilization  ;  Apr.  19.   1944.      [1944.] 

62  p.      [Supersedes  MR  1-9,  Oct.   15,   1942.   including  Cnanges  1   and  2,   Jan. 

22  and  Feb.  23.  1943.  and  sec.  1,  Circular  137.  1943.]  W  1.29  :l-9/5 

Same,    supplement,    with   titje,    Physical   profile   serial;    May   22,    1944.      [1944.] 

8  p.   il.  W  1.29  :  1-9/5/supp. . 

•    Sent  to  Depository  Libraries 

July  1944  869 

Mobilization  regulations — Continued. 

3-1.  Organization  and  training,  Changes  7:  June   13,   1944.      [1944.]      2  p.      [Super- 
sedes Changes  2-4,  Oct.  1,  iy42-Jan.  28,  1943,  and  changes  6.  Sept.  16.  1943.] 

W  1.29  :3-l/2/ch.7 

Puhlications.     Lists  of  War  Department  publications,  Army  regulations,  Blank 
forms,  Tables  of  orsanizatioii  and  equipment,  Tables  of  basic  allowances  and 
allowances  and  Index  to  General  orders,  Bulletins,  and  numbered  Circulars, 
issued  during  Apr.  1944.     1944.     iii+31  p.     $ 
L.  C.  card  43-50742  W  1.41 :  944/4 

■ Same,  issued  during  May  1944.     1944.     iii+25  p.     t  W  1.41 :  944/5 

Safety  rules,  Military  Railway  Service,  Army;  Apr.  10,  1944.    1944.     cover  title, 
22  p.  16°     (Pamphlet  55-1.)     t     •Item  1131  W  1.43 :  55-1 

Tables  of  alloivances.     [Issued  witli  perforations.]     t 

Note. — Tables  of  allowances  prescribe  the  authorized  allowances  of  equipment  for  units 
and  individuals  at  special  installations. 

20.  Equipment  for  posts,  camps,  and  stations  ;  Apr.  5.  1944.  [1944]  35  p.  [Super- 
sedes T/A  20,  xMar.  10,  1943,  including  Changes  1,  June  26,  1943,  except  as 
qualified  by  par.  :i.  sec.  1]  W  1.28  :  20/3 

20-2.  Equipment  for  trainins  purposes;  Apr.  11,  1944.  [1944.]  44  p.  [Supersedes 
T/A  20,  Mar.  10,  1943,  including  Changes  1,  June  26,  1948,  so  far  as  they 
concern  allowancos  for  training  purposes,  except  those  items  and  allowances 
authorized  for  issue  to  Army  Air  Forces.]  W  1.28  :  20-2 

Tables  of  equipment,     t 

Note. — The  Tables  of  equipment  are  issued  in  pamphlet  form  for  insertion  in  loose- 
leaf  binders.  The  tables  in  Ibis  series  are  numoered  to  correspond  to  the  Table  of 
organization  series  on  wliich  they  are  based. 

1-487S.  Army  Air  Forces:  Airdrome  squadron    (special),  Changes  3;  May  16.   1944. 
lt)44.     1  p.  W  1.26  :  l-487S/ch.3 

8-550.      General  hospital.  Changes  2  ;  May  16,  1944.     [1944.]     4  p. 

W1.26  :  8-550/2/ch.2 
8-760.      Veterinary  station  hospital,  communications  zone.  Changes  1  ;  Apr.  26,  1944. 
[1944.1      2   p.  W  1.26  :  8-760/ch.l 

11-247.      Signal  company,  wing.  Change  4;  May  18,  1944.      [1944.]     6  p. 

W  1.26  :  ll-247/ch.4 

Tables  of  organisation-     t 

Note. — The  Tables  of  organization  are  issued  in  pamphlet  form  for  insertion  in  loose- 
leaf  binders. 

1-500-1.  Army    Air    I<"orces :    Headquarters    and    headquarters    squadron,    tactical    air 
command.  Changes  2;  Apr.  28,  1944.     1944.     1  p.        W  1.25  :  l-500-l/ch.2 
5-226.       Fleadquarters  and  lieaf'qua iters  and  service  company,  airborne  engineer  bat- 
talion. Changes  2  ;  May  24,  1944.     1944.     1  p.  W  1.25  :  5-226/ch.2 
7-51.          Glider  infantry  regiment.  Changes  3;  May  24,   1944.     1944.     1   p. 

W  1.25  :  7-51/ch.3 
7-52.  Headquarters  and  headquarters  company,  glider  infantry  regiment.  Changes 

1;  Feb.  24.   1914.      [1944.]      2  p.  W  1.25 :  7-52/eh.l 

8-550.       General  hospital.  Changes  4;  May  16,  1944.      [1944.]      2  p. 

W  1.25 :  8-550/ch.4 

Tables  of  organization  and  equipment.     % 

Note. — Tables  of  organization  and  equipment  are  issued  in  pamphlet  form  for  insertion 
in  loose-leaf  binders.     They  replace  the  Tables  of  organization  and  Tables  of  equipment 
heretofore  issutd  separately,  and  show  the  organization  and  equipment  for  the  type  of  unit 
indicated  by  the  title. 
1-100-1.         Army  Air  Forces  :  Headquarters  and  headquarters  squadron,  bomber  com- 
mand. Changes  2  ;  Apr.  2S.  ]944.      [1944]      2  p.         W  1.44  :  l-lOO-l/ch.2 
l-lOO-lS-2.  Same  :  Headquarters  and  headquarters  squadron,  bomber  command,  special ; 
Apr.    25,    1944.      [1944.1      19    p.      [Supersedes    advance    copy    of    T/0 
l-lOO-lS-2,  Feb.  15,   1943.]  W  1.44  :  1-1001  S-2 

1-160-1.  Same:   Headquarters  and  headquarters  squadron,  bombardment  wing,  very 

heavy:  June  6.  1944.      [1944.]      14  p.  W  1.44  :  1-160-1 

1-180-lS.       Same:     Headquarters,    combat     bombardment    wiug.     heavy    or    medium, 
Changes  1  ;  May  0.  1944.     1944.     1  p.  W  1.44  :  1-180-lS/ch.l 

1-277S.  Same;  Reconnaissance  squadron,  heavy,  special;  Apr.  24,  1944.      [1944.] 

20  p.  \V  1.44  :  1-277S 

1-312.  Same:  Heaquarters,  troop  carrier  group.  Changes  2;  Mav  1.  1944.      [1944.] 

7  p.  W  1.44  :  l-312/ch.2 

1-317.  Same  :  Troop  carrier  squadron  ;  May  12,  1944.    [1944.]    26  p.     [Supersedes 

T/O  &  E   1-317,  Aug.   16,   1943,   including  Changes  1-3,   Oct.  23,   1943- 
Jan.  19,  li)44.]  W  1.44  :  1-317/2 

1-392S.  Same  :  Headquaiters,  combat  cargo  group  (special)  ;  May  27,  1944.      [1944.] 

11  p.  VV1.44:1-.{92S 

1-397S.  Army  Air  Corps  :  Combat  cargo  squadron  (special)  ;  May  27,  1944.      (1914.1 

14   p.  W  1.44  :  1-397S 

1-407.  Army  Air  Forces:  Depot  unit.  Army;  May  A,  1944.      [1944.]      12  p. 

W  1.44  :  1-407 

•    Sent  to  Depository  Libraries 


Government  Publications 

Tables  of  onjdnUation  and  ccjuiiJinent — Continued. 

1-412.  Same :  Headquarters  and  headquarters  squadron,  service  group.  Changes  3  ; 

May  19,  1041.      11944.]      3  p.  W  1.44  :  l-412/ch.3 

1-469S.  Same:  Air  base  communication  detachment,  special.  Changes  2;  May  13, 

1944.      [1944.]      3  p.  W  1.44  :  l-4G9S/ch.2 

1-470.  Same:   Air   cargo   resunplv   organization;   May   23,   1944.      [1944.]      14   p. 

[Supersedes  T/D  1   l.SOO,  Mar.  7.  1944.]  W  1.44  :  1-470 

1-497S.  Same:    Station    complement    squadron,    .-special;    Apr.    23,    1944.      [1944.] 

12  p.      [Supersedes  advance  copy  of  T/0  1-497S,  May  11,  1943,  including 

advance  copy  of  Changes  1  and  2,  June  1,  1943  and  July  15,  1943.] 

W  1.44  :  1-497S 
1-547.  Same  :  Tactical   air  communication   squadron.   Changes  3  ;   Apr.  28.    1944. 

1944.     In.  W  1.44  :  l-547/ch.3 

1-852.  Same  :  Headquarters  and  lieadquarters  squadron,  air  depot  group,  Changes 

2;  May  23,  1944.      [1944.]      4  p.  W  1.44  :  l-852/ch.2 

1-952.  Same  :  Headquarters,  radio  security  detachment  and  radio  security  section  ; 

May  10,  1944.      [1944.]      12  p.      [Supersedes  T/0  &  E  11-297,  July  7, 

1943,  including  Chianges  1-3,  Aug.  27,   1943-Mar.   14,   1944.] 

W  1.44  : 1-952 

1-978S.  Same:    Liai.son    squadron,   commando    (special);    May   27,    1944.      [1944.] 

12  p.  W  1.44  :  1-978S 

2-22.  Headquarters  and  headquarters  troop,  cavalry  group,  mechanized.  Changes 

2  ;  Apr.  25,  1944.     [  1044.  ]     6  p.  W  1.44  :  2-22/ch.2 
3-87.                Chemical  base  proce.ssiiig  company ;  May  17,  1944.      [1944.]     8  p.      [Super- 
sedes T/0  3-87,  Apr.   27.  1943,  including  Changes  1  and  2.  July  G  and 
Aug.  3,  1943,  and  T/E  .3-87,  Apr.  27.  1943.1  W  1 .44  :  3-87 

3-267.  Chemical  smoke  generator  company  ;  May  4,  1944.     [1944.]     14  p.     [Super- 

sedes T/O  &  E  3-267,  Julv  6.  1943.]  W  1.44  :  3-267/2 

4-29.  Coast  artillery  transport  detachment;  May  9,  1944.      [1944.]      5  p. 

W  1.44  :  4-29 
4-68.  Coast  artillery  battery,   searchlight,  harbor  defense.   Changes   1  ;   May  24, 

1944.  1944.      1   p.  W  1.44  :  4-68/ch.l 
4-69.                Coast  artillery  battery,  mine,  harbor  defense,   Changes  1  :   May   24.   1944. 

1944.     1  p.  W  1.44  :  4-69/ch.l 

4-77.  Coast  artillery  batterv,  antimotor  torpedo  boat,  harbor  defense  :  Apr.  11, 

1944.      [1944.]      8  p.  W  1.44 : 4-77 

5-88.  Engineer  dump  truck  companv  :  May  9,  1944.     [1944.]     8  p.     [Supersedes 

T/0  &  E  5-88,  May  17,  1943,  including  Changes  1,  Dec.  10.  1943.] 

W  1.44  :  5-88/2 
5-95S.  Engineer  camouflage  battalion,   special,   23d  headquarters,   special   troops ; 

Apr.    4.    1944.      [1044]      8    p.  W  1.44 : 5-95S 

Same,  Changes  1 ;  Apr.  27.  1944.     1944.     1  p.  W  1.44  :  5-95S/ch.l 

5-188.  Engineer  base  survey  company,  engineer  base  topographic  battalion.  Changes 

1  ;  May  19.  1944.      [1944.]      4  p.  W  1.44  :  5-lS8/ch.l 

5-415.  Engineer  aviation  battalion;  Mav  15.  1944.      [1944.]      10  p.      [Supersedes 

T/O  5-415,  Apr.  1.  1942,  including  Changes  1-5,  July  31.  1942-Oct.  23, 

1943.]  W  1.44:  5-415 

5-416.  Headquarters   and    headquarters   and   service   company,    engineer   aviation 

battalion  :    May    15.    1044.       [1944.]      23    p.       [Supersedes    T/O    5-416, 

Apr.  1,  1942,  including  Changes  1-3,  July  31,  1942,  to  Oct.  23.  1943.] 

W  1.44:  5-416 
5-417.  Engineer  aviation  company  ;  May  15,  1944.     [1944.]     15  p.     [Supersedes 

T/0  5-417.  Apr.  1,  1942,  including  Changes  1  and  2,  Aug.  1.  1942.  and 

June  15.  1943.]  W  1.44  :  5-417 

6-50-1.  Headquarters  and  headquarters  battery,  motorized,  corps  artillery.  Change 

3  ;  May  12,  1944.     [1944.]     4  p.  W  1.44  :  6-50-l/ch.3 
6-76.                Headqua^'ters  and  headquarters  battery,  field  artillery  observation  battalion. 

Changes  2;  Mav  19,  1044.     [1944.]     3  p.  W  1.44  :  6-76/ch.2 

6-77.  Field   artillery   observation   battery.    Changes   2;   May   19.    1944.      fl944.] 

3  p.  W  144:  6-77 /ch.2 

6-125.  Field  artillery  battalion,  motorized,  155-mm  gun,  self-pronelled.  Changes  2  ; 

May  5.  1944.      [1944.]      2  p.  W  1.44  :  6-125/ch.2 

6-127.  Field  artillerv  battery,  motorized,  155-min  gun,  self-propelled.  Changes  2: 

May  5,  1944.      [1944.]      4  p.  W  1.44  :  6-127/ch.2 

6-129.  Service    batterv,    nioiorized.    ne'd    artillerv    battalion,    155-mm    gun.    self- 

propelled.  Changes  2  ;  May  5.  1044.      [1944.]      3  p.        W  1.44  :  6-129/ch  2 

6-.337.  Field  artillerv  battery,  motorized.  15."'>-mm  howitzer,  or  4.5-inch  gun,  trac- 

tor drawn."    Changes  3  ;  May  25,  1044.     1944.     1  p.     W  1.44  :  6-337/ch.3 

6-339.  Service  battery,   motorized,  field   artillery  battalion.    I.'i5-mm   howitzer,   or 

4.5-inch  gun,  tractor-drawn.   Changes  1;  Dt>c.   17,   1943.      [1944]     4  p. 

Same,  Changes  2  ;  Apr.  7,  1944.      [1944.]     4  p.  W  1.44  :  r)-330/ch.2 

6-357.  Field  artillerv  batterv.  motorized,  155-mm  gun,  tractor-drawn.  Changes  2  ; 

May  IS.  1944.      [1044.]      8  p.  W  1.44  :  6-3.57 /rh. 2 

6-367.  Field  artillery  battery.  8-inch  howitzer,  motorized,  tractor-drawn.  Changes  3  ; 

May  18.  1944.      [1014.]      8  p.  W  1.44  :  6-367/ch.  3 

6-395.  Field    artillery'    battalion,    motorized.    240-mm    howitzer,    or    8-inch    gun, 

tractor-drawn.    Changes   3 ;    May    IS,    1944.      1944.        1    p.  ,     ,  „ 

W1.44  :6-395/ch.3 

6-387.  Field  artillery  battery,  motorized.  240-mm  howitzer,  or  8-inch  gun,  tractor- 

drawn.  Changes  3  ;  May  18.  1944.      [1944.]      4  p.         W  1.44  :6-397/ch.3 

7-1  Headquarters,  infantry  division.  Changes  3;  May  24,  1944.     1944.     1  p..  „ 

W  1.44;7-l/ch.3 

7-2.  Headquarters  company,  infantry  division.  Changes  4  ;  May  25.  1044.     1944 

1  p  W1.44:7-2/ch.  4 

•    Sent  to  Depository  Libraries 

July  1944 



8-450  (RS 





















(janization  and  equipment — Continued. 

Infantry  cannon  company,  Changes  1;  May  19.  1944.      [1944.]      2  p. 

W  1.44  :  7-14/2/ch.l 

Infantry  cannon  company,  105-mm.  howitzer,  self-propelled.  Changes  1  ; 
May  19,  1944.      [1944.  J      2  p.  W  1.44  :  7-14S/ch.l 

Medical  sanitary  company;  May  1'^.  1944.  [1944.]  10  p.  [Supersedes 
T/0  &  B  8-117,  June  23,  1943,  including  Changes  1  and  2.  Sept.  21  and 
Oct.   30,   1943.]  W  1.44:8-117/2 

Medical  base  depot  company,  Changes  2 ;  May  3,  1944.     1944.     1  p. 

W  1.44  :  8-187/2 /ch  .2 

).  Medical   dispensary,   aviation    (RS),    Changes   1;    Apr.    27,    1944.      [1944.] 

3  p.  W  1.44  :  8-450  (RS)/ch.l 

Medical  Department  service  organization;  Apr.  23.  1944.  [1944.]  52  p. 
[Supersedes  T/0  &  E  8-500,  July  26,  1943,  inclmMiig  Changes  1-3,  Nov. 
19,  1943-Jan.  25,  1944;  T/0  &  E  8-600-1.  Au;;.  12,  1943.  including 
Changes  1,  Nov.  4,  1943  ;  T/O  &  E  8-610,  .Tune  6,  1943,  including  Changes 
1-3,  Sept.  7,  1943-Mar.  24  1944  ;  T/0  &  E  8-611,  Aug.  25,  1943,  including 
Changes  1-3,  Nov.  3,  1943-Mar.  24.  1944;  T/O  8-125.  Aug.  11,  1942, 
including  Changes  1,  Jan.  26,  1943;  T/0  8-126,  Aug.  11.  1942;  T/O 
8-127,  Aug.  11,  1942;  T/0  8-540,  Apr.  1,  1942,  including  Changes  1, 
Oct.  5,  1942;  T/0  8-571,  Julv  13,  1942;  T/O  8-650,  Apr.  1,  1942:  T/0 
8-697,  Apr.  30,  1942.  including  Changes  1,  Oct.  26.  1942;  T/E  8-540, 
Dec.  5,  1942  ;  T/E  8-571.  Nov.  25,  1942  ;  T/E  S-650.  Nov.  14.  1942  ; 
T/E  8-697,  Nov.  21,  1942  ;  T/D  8-1017,  Aug.  9,  1943  ;  T/I)  8-1027, 
Aug.  9,  1943  ;  and  also  Special  lists  of  equipment  for  malaria  control 
and  survey  units,  Dec.  11,  1943.]  W  1.44  :  8-500/2 

Medical  hospital  t^hip  platoon,  separate,  Changes  3  ;  May  31.  1944.  1944. 
1  p.  W  1.44  :  8-534/ch.3 

Veterinary  general  hospital.  Changes  3  ;  Apr.  26,  1944.      [1944.]      2  p. 

W  1.44  : 8-750/ch.3 

Veterinary  convalescent  hospital.  Changes  1  ;  Apr.  26,  1944.     1944.     1  p. 

W  1.44  :  8-790/ch.l 

Ordnance  medium  automotive  maintenance  company  ;  May  19,  1944.  [1944.] 
10  p.  [Supersedes  T/0  9-127,  Mar.  24,  1943,  and  T/E  9-127,  Mar.  24. 
1943.]  W  1.44:  9-127 

Ordnance  tire  repair  company  :  May  17,  1944.  [1944.]  8  p.  [Supersedes 
T/O  &  E  9-347,  Oct.  11,  1943.]  W  1.44  :  9-347/2 

Ordnance  motor  vehicle  assembly  company  (portable)  ;  May  17,  1944. 
[1944.]  8  p.  [Supersedes  T/0  9-348,  Mar.  23,  1943,  and  T/E  9-348, 
Mar.  23.  1943.]  W  1.44  :  9-348 

Headquarters  and  headquarters  detachment,  quartermaster  battalion,  mo- 
bile;  May  3.  1944.  [^1944.]  11  p.  [Imprint  date  incorrectly  given  on 
p.  11  as  1943.  Supersedes  T/0  &  E  10-56.  Aug.  8,  1943.  including 
Changes  1  and  2,  Dec.  18.  1943  and  Feb.  23,  1944.]  W  1.44  :  10-56/2 

Quartermaster  sales  company,  mobile,  Changes  1;  May  18,  1944.  [1944.] 
7  p.  W  1.44  :  ia-157/ch.l 

Quartermaster  refrigeration  company,  fixed,  Changes  1  ;  .'^pr.  26,  1944. 
[1944.]      6   p.  W  1.44  :  10-217/ch.l 

Quartermaster  fumigation  and  bath  company  (mobile).  Changes  2:  May  7, 
1944.      [1944.]      4  p.  W  1.44  :  l0-257/2/ch.2 

Quartermaster  headquarters  and  headquarters  company,  engineer  special 
brigade.  Changes  1  ;  May  9,  1944.      [1944.]      5  p.        W  1.44  :  10-276S/ch-l 

Signal  pigeon  company.  Changes  1;  May  4,  1944.  [1944.]  8  p.  (Super- 
sedes sec.  2,  T/0  &  E  11-39,  Sept.  6,  1943.]  W  1.44  :  11-39/ch.l 

Signal  heavy  construction  battalion  ;  Apr.  25.  1944.  [1944.]  8  p.  [Su- 
persedes T/0  11-225,  July  1,  1942,  including  Changes  1,  Oct.  13.  1943, 
and  T/E  11-225,  Mar.  12,  1943.  including  Changes  1-4,  July  13-Sept. 
27,  1943.]  W  1.44:  11-65 

Signal  information  and  monitoring  company  ;  May  10,  1944.     [1944.]     12  p. 

W  1.44  :  11-87S 

Signal  operation  battalion;  May  19.  1944.  [1944.]  8  p.  [Supersedes 
T/0  11-95,  Apr.   1,   1942,  including  Changes   1,  Aug.   29,   1942.] 

W  1.44: 11-95 

Headquarters  and  headquarters  detachment,  signal  operation  battalion  ; 
May   19,   1944      [1944.]      8  p.      [Supersedes  T/O  11-96,  Apr.   1,   1942.] 

W  1.44:  11-96 

Signal  operation  company,  signal  oprration  battalion  ;  May  19,  1944.  [1944.] 
16  p.      [Supersedes  T/O  11-97  ;  Apr.  1,  1942.]  W  1.44  :  11-97 

Signal  repair  company;  Mav  ?2.  1944.  [1944.]  12  p.  [Supersedes  T/0 
11-127.  Apr.  1,  1942  and  T/E  11-127,  Mar.  26,  1943.]        W  1.44  :  11-127 

Joint  assault  signal  company.  Change  3  ;  Apr.  28,  1944.      [1944.]      2  p. 

W1.44  :  ll~147S/ch.3 
May  26.  1944.      [1944.1      8  p. 

W1.44  :  11-357 

Dec.    11,    1943.      [1944.]      55    p. 


Headquarters,   armored  division.   Changes  3 ;  May  25,   1944.     1944.     1   p. 

Wl  44:  17-l/cb,.3 

Headquarters  company,  armored  division.  Changes  4 :  May  IS,  1944. 
[1944]      2  p.  W  1.44  :  17-2/ch.4 

Amphibian  tractor  battalion  ;   Apr.  29,   1944.      [1944.]      8  p. 

W  144:  17-125 

Headquarters  and  headquarters  and  service  company,  ampfnbian  tractor 
battalion  ;  Apr.  29.  1944.      [1944.]      12  p.  W  1.44  :  17-126 

Signal  radio  maintenance  unit,  aviation  ; 
Signal   service   organization.   Changes   3 

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Governmp:nt  Publications 

Tables  of  Of 

















ganUration  and  equipment — Continued. 
Amphibian  tractor  company  ;  Apr.  29,   1944. 

[1944.]      10 

„      ,  W  1.44  :  17-127 

Headquarters  and  headquarters  company,  tanlc  destroyer  uroiip,  Changes  2  ; 

Apr.  26,   1944.      11944.]      6  p.  W  1.44  :  18-10-l/2/ch.2 

Tank  destroyer  battalion,  self-propelled,  Changes  1 ;  Mav  12    1044.     1944. 

1    p.  'tV  1.44  :  18-25/ch.l 

Headquarters   and    headquarters   company    tank    destroyer    battalion,    srlf- 

propelled.  Changes  1  ;  May  12,  1944.  [1944.]  ;?  p.  W  1.44  :  18-26/ch.l 
Tank    destroyer    gun    company,     taik-destroyer    battalion,    self-propelled, 

Changes  1 ;  May  12,  1944.      [1944.]      2  p.  W  1.44  :  18-:i7/ch.l 

Reconnaissance'  company,   lank  destroyer  battalion,  self-propelled.  Changes 

1  :  May  12.  1944.      [1944]      2  p.  W  1.44  :  18-28/ch.l 

Military  police  service  orranization  ;  Apr.  22.  1944.  [1944.]  26  p.  [Su- 
persedes T/0  &  E  19-500-T,  Oct.  25.  1943.]  W  1.44  :19-500 
Antiaircraft   artillery   autoni.itic  w-apons   battery,   mobile;    .Apr.   22.    1944. 

[1944.]      12  p.     CSupersedes  T/0  &  E  44-27,  Sept.  30,   1943,  including 

Changes  1  and  2.  Oct.  .SO  and  Nov.  26.  1943.]  W  1.44  :  44-27/2 

Antiaircr.'ift  artillery  automatic  weapons  battery,  self-propelled.  C^anges  1  ; 

May  25,  1944.     1944.     1  p.  W  1.44  :  44-77/2/ch.l 

Antiaircraft  artillery   gun  l)attalion.  semimobile :   Anr.  26.   1944.      [1944.] 

8  p.     [Supersedes  T/O  &  E  44-115,  Nov.  16,  1943,  including  Changes  1, 

Feb.   3.    1944.]  W  1.44  :  44-115/2 

Headquarters  and  headquarters  batterv.  antiaircraft  artillery  gun  battalion, 

semimobile;    Apr.    26,    1944.      [1944.]      15    p.       [Supersedes   T/0    &    E 

44-110,  Nov.  16,  1943,  including  Changes  1  and  2,  Feb.  3  and  8.  1944.1 

W  1.44  :  44-116/3 
Antiaircraft   artillery    giin    battery,    semimobile;    Apr.    26.    1944.      [1944.] 

13  p.  [Suprr^^edes  T'O  &  K  44-117  Nov.  16.  1943  1  W  1  -14  :  44-117/2 
Antiaircraft  artillery  searchlight  battalion  ;  May  23,  1944.      [1944.]     10  p. 

[SuDersedes  T/0  &  E  44-135.  D -c.  28,  1943.]  W  1.44  :  44-135/2 

Headquarters  and   headquartei's  battery,  antiaircraft  artillery  searrhligbt 

battalion:  Mav  23,  1944.      [1944.]      12  p.      [Supersedes  T/0  &  E  44-136, 

Dec.   28.   1943]  W  1.^4  :  44-136/2 

Antiaircraft  artillery  searchlight  battery;  May  2.3,   1944.      [1944.!     22  p. 

[Supersedes  T/0  &  E  44-138,  Dec.  28,  1943,   including  Changes  1,  Apr. 

4.    1944.]  W  1.44:  44-138/2 

Antiaircraft  nrtillerv  machine-gun  batterv,  separate,  airborne.   Chance  1  ; 

May  6,   1944.      [1944.]      4   p.  W  1.44 :  44-217/ch.l 

Antiaircraft  a'tillerv  automatic  weapons  battal'on,  air-transportable;  May 

9,  1944.      [1944.]"    8  p.      [Supersedes  T/0  &  E  44-22.-S.  Nnv  24.  1943.] 

Headquarters   and    headquarters  battery,   antiaircraft   artillerv    automatic 

weapons   battalion,    air-transportable:    Mav    9,    1944.       [1944.]       12    p. 

[Supersedes  T/0  &  E  44-226S.  Nov.  24.  1943.]  W  1.44  :  44-226S/2 

Antiaircraft  artillerv  automatic  weapons  battery,  air-transpoi-tahle  :  Mnv  9, 

1944.      [1944.]      10  p.      [Supersedes  T/0  &  E  44-227S    Nov.   24.  1913] 

W  1.44  :44-227S/2 
Antiaircraft  balloon  battery,  VLA,  Changes  3;  May  17.  1944.     1944.     1  p. 

W1.44  :44-3-:'7 /ch.3 
Transportation  Corps:  Ampbibian  truck  companv  :  Mav  22.  1944.      [1944.] 

10  p.      [Supersedes  T/0  5^-^7.  Apr.  29.  1943.  and  T/E  55-37.  Apr.  29, 

1943.  and  Special  list  of  equipment  publishid  prior  to  date  bereon  so  far 

as  issue  of  equipment  to  this  unit  is  concerned.]  W1.44:55-.37 

Same:    Headquarters   and    headnuarters    company,    mnjor   po'-t    (oversea). 

Changes  1  ;  May  3,  1944.      [1944.]      2  p.  W  1  44  :  55-119-1 /ch.l 

Same:  Headquarters  and  headnuarters  company,  medium   port    (over-ea)  ; 

May   13.   1944.       [1944]       16  p.  W  1 .44 :  55-120-1 

Same:   Headquarters   and   headquarters  company,   railwav   g'an'i    division. 

Changes  1:  Anr.  27.  1944.     1944.     1  p.  W  1.44  :  .^.5-202 'cb.l 

Same:  Headquarters  and  headquarters  companv.  military  railway  service; 

Mav  4.  1944.      [1944]     12  p      [Supersedes  T/0  55-302.    \pr.'  10    T943. 

and  T/E  55-302,  Apr.  10,  1943]  W  1.44  :  55-302 

Technical  nwnvnls.  Technical  manual :  Accounting  for  Government  property 
furnished  under  fixed  price  contracts;  June  1,  1944.  1944.  iv+20  p.  4° 
(TM   14-911.)     *  Paper,   10c.  W  1.3.^  :  14-911 

NoTK. — Technical  manuals  consist  of  a  series  of  pamphlets  supplementing  the  Field 
manuals  covering  subjects,  the  separate  treatment  of  which  is  considered  essential  to 
a  fuller  accomplishment  of  the  training  prescribed  in  the  Field  manual  series.  The 
scope  of  this  series  includes  pamphlets  describing  materiel  and  containing  instructions 
for  the  operation,  care,  maintenance  and  handling  thereof;  guidebooks  for  instructors  and 
specialists;  reference  books;  and  the  like.     •  Item  1137. 

Same:  Administrative  audit  procedures  for  cost-plus-a-flxed-fee  supply  con- 
tracts. Changes  1 ;  May  1, 1944.  [1944.]  [1]  +31-32+66-67  p.  4°  (TM  14-1000 
[changes]  1.)    Included  in  price  of  manual.  W  1.35: 14-1000/ch.l 

Same :    Agent   finance   oflUcers,    Changes   1 ; 

(TM  14-505  [changes]  1.)     *  Paper,  5c. 

Apr.    17,    1944.     1944.     1    p. 
W  1.35 :  14-505/ch.l 

—     Same :  Armv  supply  procedure,  pt. 
2  p.  4°     (TM  38-205,  pt.  1  [changes]  1. ) 

1,  Changes  1;  Apr.  19,  1944.     [1944.] 
♦  Paper,  5c.      W  1.35 :  38-205/pt.l/ch.l 

•     Sent  to  Depository  Libraries 

July  1944  §73 

Technical  manuals — Continued. 

Same:  pt.  3,  Stock  control  for  oversea  commands;  May  15,  1944     1944 

ii+20p.  11.4°     (TM  38-205,  pt.  3.)      *  Paper,  10c.  W  1.35 :  38-205/pt.3 

Same :  Carpentry,  Changes  1 ;  May  20,  1944.     [1944.]     10  p.  11.     (TM  5-226 

[changes]  1.)     *  Paper,  5c.  W  1.35  :  5-22G/ch.l 

Same :  Finance  service  in  mobile  field  units,  Changes  1 ;  May  2  1944     1944 

Ip.  4"     (TM  14-506  [changes]  1.)     [Issued  in  loose-leaf  form.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

W  1.35 :  14-506/cii.l 

Same:  Fire  protection  by  troop  organizations  in  theaters  of  operations 

[with  list  of  references]  ;  Mar.  23,  1944.     1944.     [3] +184  p.  11      (TM  5-315  ) 

*  Paper,  30c.  W  1.35  :  5-315 

Same :  Hydrogen  generator  ML-303  TM  ;  June  15,  1944.     1944      lv+8  n  il 

( TM  11-2413. )      *  Paper,  10c.  W  1.35 :  11-1^413 

Same:  Installation  of  radio  and  interphone  equipment  in  light  tank  M3\3 

Changes  1;  Slay  10,  19-14.     [1944.]     [4]  p.  il.  4°     (TM  11-2700  [changes]  1  )' 

Paper,  5c.  W  1.35  :  11-2700/ch.l 

Same:  Model  disbursement  and  collection  vouchers,  Changes  1-  May  19 

1C44.  1944.  1  p.  4°  (TM  14-507  [changes]  1.)  [Issued  in  loose-leaf  form  ] 
^''iPe^   5c.  W  1.35  :  14-507/ch.l 

Same:  Officers'  pay  and  allowances:  Dec.  1,  1943.     1944      [4]-f83  p    4° 

(TM  14-501.)      [Supersedes  TM  14-250,  Mar.  1,  1943.]     *  Paper,  25c. 

W  1.35 :  14-501 

Same,  Changes  1;  May  3,  1944.     [1944.]      [l]+15-15a+16-16a  p  4°     (TM 

14-501  [changes]  1.)     ♦  Paper,  5c.  W  1.35 :  14-501/ch.l 

Same:  Rectifier  RA-37;  June  21,  1944.     1944.     iv+20  p  11      (TM  11-955  ) 

*  Paper,  10c.  W  1.35: 11-955 

Same:  War  Department  fiscal  code;  Jan.  1,  1944.     1944.     [6] +276  p    4° 

(TM  14-700.)  [Issued  in  loose-leaf  form.  No.  distribution  to  depository 
libraries  by  Documents  Oflice  for  this  manual  or  Changes  1  listed  below 
Super.sedes  War  Department  fiscal  code,  July  1,  1943,  and  revisions  throush 
Dec.  31,  1943.]     %  W  1.35: 14-700 

-—  Same,  Changes  1 :  May  5,  1944.  [1944.]  [74]  p.  4°  (TM  14-700  [changes] 
1. )      [Issued  ni  loose-leaf  form.]     t  W  1.35 :  14-700/cb.l 

Troop  movements.  POR,  preparation  for  oversea  movements  of  individual  replace- 
ments;  May  15  1944.  [1944.]  cover  title,  ii-iv+10  p.  11.  4°  ( Pamphlet  29-2  ) 
i?"?oIfl^^\'^^"^  °^  ^^^-  ^'  ^^^^'  iJicluding  Changes  1  and  2,  Jan.  3  and  Feb 
^3,1944.]     I  W  1.43:  29-2 


Air  force,  official  service  journal  of  Army  Air  Forces,  June  1944;  [v  27  no  61 
[Air  Force  Editorial  Office,  New  York,  N.  Y.,  1944.]  cover  title  64  p  il 
[Monthly.     Text  and  other  illustrations  on  p.  2-4  of  cover.]     $•    wio8.7:27/6 

Government  supplies.     U.  S.  Army  specifications. 

Note.— In  the  list  below,  some  of  the  Amenilnu-nts  and  Notice.s  are  for  snecifications 
Momhi^'^nn'ti?""*"'  *^,"'"i^  *'r,;'™*'  ^h*'"  *'"»'-*'^«  t"r  the  specifications  appealed  in  ?hl 
offil^  '^  ^'U?.'^!  ,'^"^'^.''  t^«  Adjutant  General's  Department,  and  for  these  the  old  clas^ 
whfch  they^eionl'    '"  ''  '''^'°'"  '"^  ''"^''  '^''^  ^^^^  "^^^  ^'  ^'"1  with  the  publfcations  to 

-iF'-,  ^■^.■^^"'"•^'  specification:  Belt,  gunners  safety,  type  A^   (ball  turret) 
'?S'^^I  ^o^,*"/  ^^' ^'^"'-     [Wright  Field,  Dayton,  Ohio,  May  18,  1944.]     Ip   12° 
(No.  94-3139  [amdt.  1].)     f  W  3.48/1 :  94-3139/amdt.l 

— -  Same:  Camera,  aircraft,  type  K-17B,  amdt.  7;  Apr.  15,  1944.  [Wright 
Field,  Dayton,  Ohio,  Apr.  26,  1944.]  5  p.  il.  120  (No.  75-94-B  [amdt.  TL) 
[Supersedes  and  include.s  Amendment  6.  Mar.  4,  1944.]     f 

W  3.48/1 :  75-94-B/amdt.7 

-— -  Same:  Camera,  gun,  type  AN-N6  (35  mm.  lens,  16  mm.,  24  volts,  D.  C.)  ; 
"rP^fi«\^  re  ^^^ ^''^^t  Field,  Daytou,  Ohio,  Apr.  26,  1944.]  17  p.  il.  12°  (No. 
'^o66.)      [Supersedes  No.  31353,  Jan.  19,  1944.]     f  W  1.49: 75-366 

•    Sent  to  Depository  Libraries 

874  Government  Publications 

Oovemment  supplies — Continued. 

Same:  Container,  message  type  A-8  (illuminated)  ;  Apr.  24,  1944.    [Wright 

Field,  Dayton,  Oiiio,  May  3,  1944.]     8  p.  il.  12°     (No.  94-40451.)      [Supersedes 
No.  40431,  Jan.  9,  1943.]     t  W  1.49  :  94-40451 

Same:   Control,  vertical   gyro    (for  tyi)e  A-5  aircraft  automatic  pilot), 

amdt.  1;  Apr.  22,  1944.     [Wright  Field,  Dayton,  Ohio,  Apr.  20,  1944.]     2  p.  12° 
(No.  94-27359   [amdt.  1].)     t  W  3.48/1 :  94-27359/amdt.l 

Same:  Easel,  photographic  retouching  (8  by  10  negative)  ;  Apr.  8,  1944. 

[Wright  Field,  Dayton,  Ohio,  Apr.  2(5,  1944.]     4  p.  12°     (No.  75-368.)     [Super- 
sedes No.  31035-A,  July  29,  1936.]     t  W  1.49:  75-368 

Same:  Filters,  photographic  (for  ground  cameras)  ;  Apr.  7,  1944.     [Wright 

Field,  Dayton,  Ohio,  Apr.  15,  1944.]     7  p.  il.  12°     (No.  75-367.)     [Supersedes 
No.  31340,  Oct.  4,   1943.]     t  W  1.49:  75-367 

Same:  Gage,  (aircraft)  suction  (1%  inch  round  dial)  type  F-1,  notice  1; 

Mar.  29,  1944.     [Wright  Field,  Dayton,  Ohio,  Apr.  22.  1944.]     1  p.  12°     (No. 
94-27730-A   [notice  1].)     t  W  3.48/1 :  94-27739-A/notice  1 

Same;  Gage,  fuel  pressure,  type  C-14B  (remote  indicating-autosyn)  (air- 
craft, 26  volts,  400  cycles)  ;  Apr.  15,  1944.  [Wright  Field,  Dayton,  Ohio,  Apr. 
21,  1944.]  9  p.  il.  12°  (No.  94-27935-D.)  [Supersedes  No.  94-27935-C,  July 
9,  1943  (date  is  incorrectly  given  as  July  9,  1944).]     t        W  1.49 :  94-27935-D 

Same :  Glass,  selected  plate  (photographic),  amdt.  1 ;  May  8,  1944.    [Wright 

Field,  Davton,  Ohio,  May  9,  1944.]    1  p.    12°     (No.  75-357  [amdt.  1].)     t 


Same :  Glove,  mechanic's  winter,  type  D-3 ;  Apr.  29,  1944.     [Wright  Field. 

Dayton,  Ohio,  May  10,  1944.]     3  p.  12°     (No.  94-3154.)     [Supersedes  No.  3154. 
Sept.  13.  1943.]     t  W  1.49:  94-3154 

Same:  Indicator,  airspeed,  type  F-IA  (aircraft)  ;  Apr.  14,  1944.     [Wright 

Field,  Davton,  Ohio,  1944.]     9  p.  12°      (No.   94-27916-B.)      [Supersedes  No. 
94-27916-A.    May   1,   1942.]     t  AV  1.49 :  94-27916-B 

Same:  Indicator,  fuel  mixture  (aircraft)   general  specification  for;  Apr. 

11,  1944.     [Wright  Field,  Dayton,  Ohio,  1944.]     10  p.  12°     (No.  94-27844-D.) 
[Sul>ei-sedes  No.  94-27844-C,  Sept.  17,  1942.]     t  W  1.49 :  94-27844-D 

— ■ —  Same:  Indicator,  pilot  director  (for  type  A-5  aircraft  automatic  pilot), 
amdt.  1;  Apr.  26,  1944.  [Wright  Field,  Dayton,  Ohio,  1944.]  2  p.  il  12°  (No. 
94-27365  [amdt.  1].)     t  W  3.48A  :  94-27365/amdt.l 

Same:  Indicator,  sight  line  level,  type  A-2;  Apr.  11,  1944.     [Wright  Field, 

Dayton,  Oliio,  1944.]    5  p.  il.  12°     (No.  93-24688-A.)     [Supersedes  No.  93-24688, 
June  21.  1041.]     t  W  1.49  :  93-24688^A 

Same:  In.sert,  knit  woolen  (for  tyjoe  D-3  glove)  ;  Apr.  29,  1944.     [Wright 

Field,  Davton,  Ohio,  ^ay  10,  1944.]    6  p.  12°     (No.  94-3190.)     [Supersedes  No. 
3100,  Aug.  19,  1943.]     t  W  1.49:  94-319!) 

Same :  Installation  of  lighting  in  aircraft,  general  specification  for ;  Apr. 

11.  1944.     [Wright  Field,  Dayton,  Ohio,  1944.]     19  p.  il.  12°     (No.  94-32265-C.) 
[Supersedes  No.  94-32205-B,  Aug.  10,  1942.]     t  W  1.49 :94-32265-C 

Same:  Instruments,  remote  indicating-autosyn,  (aircraft)  general  speci- 
fication for;  Apr.  11,  1044.  [Wright  Field,  Dayton,  Ohio,  Apr.  21,  1944.]  15 
p.  il.  12°     (No.  94-27864-C.)      [Supersedes  No.  94-27864-B,  July  12,  1943.]     i 

W  1.49  :  94-27864-( ' 

Same:   Jacket,  winter  flying,  tyjie  B-9   (quilted  lining);  Apr.  29,  1044. 

[Wright  Field,  Davton.  Ohio.  May  10,   1944.]     12  p.    il.  12"     (No.  94-31."iH.) 
[Supersedes  No.  3156,  Aug.  6,  1943.]     f  W  1.49 :  94-315;! 

• Same:   Kit,   photographic  copying   and   enlarging,    type   P-1    (airborne). 

amdt.  1 ;  Apr.  28.  1944.     [Wright  Field,  Davton,  Ohio,  Mav  5,  1944.]     7  p.  il.  12^' 
(No.  75-358  [amdt.  1].)     t  W  1.49:  75-3,58/anKlt.l 

Same:  Kit,  photographic  darkroom,  type  U-1    (portable  by  air)  ;  Apr.  10 

1944.     [Wright  Field.  Dayton.  Ohio,  Apr.  21,  1944.]     4  p.  12°     (No.  75-369.) 
[Supersedes  No.  40066,  Sept.  8,  1943.]     t  W  1.49:  75-369 

Sent  to  Depository  Libraries 


July  1944  gy^ 

Goveniment  supplies — Continued. 

"TTv  Same:  Lamp  assembly,  cockpit,  type  C-4A  (24  volts  D.  C.)  •  Apr  18  1»44 

A\  right  Field,  Dayton,  Ohio,  Apr.  26.  1!>14.]     13  p.  il.  12"     (No   94-'3*Sic  > 

[Supersedes  No.  n4-322<>4-B,  July  24,  1942.]     f  W  1  4!) :  g^St-C 

'Ttvt  ?''!^^J..L;Y»1> ''^sembly,  cockpit,  type  C-7A  (12  volts  D.  C)  ;  Apr.  18  1944 

Wright  Field,  Dayton,  Ohio,  Apr.  2fi,  1£«4.]     13  p.  il    12°     (No    94:3'nQr; 

[Supersedes  No.  32396,  Aug.  8,  1942.]     f  P    u.  i-     w  l^ioT^t^Oe 

-—-    Same:    Lamp  assembly,  flashlight,  type  A-OB    (penlight)-  Mav  2    1944 

Wright  Field,  Dayton,  Ohio,  May  5,  19-M  ]     8  p.  il    12"     (No    <>4-32378  R  ^ 

[Supersedes  No.  &4-32378^A,  Feb.  1,  1943.]     f  '  W  1  49':  glf^fJ^B 

~~^  ^^^}^l-  Y^\  photographic    (40-inch,    F/r,.6    telephoto)  ;    Apr.    18     1944 

Wright   Field,   Dayton,    Ohio,    Apr.   26,   1944.]     4   pil     12"     (No    75-3^1' 

[Supersedes  No.  31285,  Jan.  30.  1943.]     f  W  1  49 :  7r;-370 

— -     Same:  Motor,  electric,  24  volt,  D.  C.   (tow  target  windlass,  a>  pound-feet 
torque),  amdt.  1 :  M^^y  10  1944.     [Wright  Field,  Dayton.  Ohio.  May  12   1944 
2p.  12»     (No.  94-32417   [amdt.  1].)      t  W  1.49 :  94-32417/amdt.l 

~T^  ^T}^^-  ^.f"^^''  di^'ect-positive  sensitized  (dry  processing)  ;  Mar  30  1944 
[Wright  Field,  Dayton,  Ohio,  Apr.  15,  1944.]  7  p.  12"  (No  19^67  )  fSuner' 
sedes  No.  31099-A,  Feb.  2.5,  1943.]     t  W  1.49: 19-27 

— —  Same :  Pilot,  aircraft  automatic,  type  A-5,  amdt.  1  •  Anr  ''1  1944  r  WH^^hf 
Field,  Dayton,  Ohio,  Apr.  25,  1944.]     i  ^  12"     (No  91^27329 "[a mdt^l]  )     f 

W  3.48/1 :  94-27329/amdt.l 

~l^nv^'?Tqit/^^w  ^^f^/^,!.^  rT.^""'  .*^P^  ^-^^^  (engine-driven,  250O  watts)  ; 
^.Iclk  ■^^■*-  f Wright  Field,  Dayton,  Ohio,  May  10,  1944  1  17  n  12"  rNn 
W-32381-A.)      [Supersedes  No.  ^323.81,  Apr.  1.  iW]     t     W  1  49 f 9^-32381  A 

Same:   Pump,   hydraulic  oil   fixed  displacement    (engine-driven-aircraft) 

general  |Peo>fications  for ;  Apr. ^,1944      [Wright  Field,  ifayton,  Ohio  May  3 

lolti     -     ^'  ^         95-284.04-A.)      [Supersedes  No.  95-28454,  Apr    lo! 

"*•  J      '  W  1.49 :  9f^28454-A 

-    Saine:  Rack,  amplifier  (for  type  A-5  aircraft  automatic  pilot)    qmdt    1  • 

famdf  ll'^-^    ^""^"^'^  ^'''''^  ^^^*^"'  ^^*«'  l^^-l     ^  P    12"'^  (No.  11^73^6 
^^°'''^-  ^J-^      '  W 3.48/1 :94-273G0/amdt.l 

~7iv  ?l?'i^-^,T?.^^?''  *^P^  ^"^  aircraft  automatic  pilot),  amdt.  1 ;  May  2  1944 
[Wright  Field,  Dayton,  Ohio,  May  3,  1&44.]     3  p.  12"     (No.  ^27361    [amdt 

^•^      '  W  3.48/1 :94-27361/amdt.i 

— -     Same:  Shell   leather  (for  type  D-3  glove)  ;  Apr.  29,  1«M4.     [Wright  Field 

?i9rSen?i3'l^iY/';'^'-^     6  p.  il.  12"     (No.  94-319L)      [ Super! elrNo.' 
oA.^1.  cepu.  xd,  itwrf.j     t  W  1.49:  94-3191 

~7^.  ^^^f:  ^'^'^*'  P^^*^  ^'"'  tyP^  -'^-ll;  Apr.  12.  1944.     [Wright  Field   Divtnn 

?ti\^^-^     3P12°     (No.  93-24758-A.)^    [Supersedes  No.  91-^7^',  jSne  3! 

^     ^  W  1.49 :  93-24758-A 

~7^  .S'!™*L-.  Solenoid,  type  G-9  (aircraft.  24  volts,  D.  C),  amdt  1  •  Apr  '>6  1»44 

[Wright  Field,  Dayton,  Ohi«,  1944.]     2  p.  12"     (No.  93-247o5l-B  [mndt.  1 '].)     f 

W  1.49 :  93~2470(3-B/amdt.l 

— -     Same:    Tachometer,    electric,    type    E-lOA    (remote    indicatine-autosvn^ 

aircraft,  26  volts,  400  cycles)  ;  Apr.  14,  1!M4.     [Wriglit  M    D-  vton    Oh io 

tr.  ^'iStV    .^  P-  "•  ''"      ^^«-  '•>^27972-B.)      [Suix^iLdJs  L    ;r279S: 

Aug.  .;.  1.J4CS.J     t  W1.49:94-27972-B 

~¥av^ri'cm'^'''^w"lT'v-'/V'^t?"''^"  (aircraft)  general  specification  for; 
oZ^iA-.^-  /J^^'Sht  Field.  Dayton.  Ohio,  May  12,  1944.]  9  p.  12"  (No 
94-27141-J.)      [Supersedes  No.  94-27141-1.  Apr.  9,  1<.>43.]     t 


~7^  Same :  Thcrniometer,  type  C-l^B  (aircraft,  din'ct  reading)  ;  Mav  3   1944 

Wright  Field,  Dayton,  Ohio,  May  5,  1944.]     10  p.  il.  12"     ( No    94-27328-B  ) 

[Supersedes  No.  94-27328-A,  Dec.  4,1942.]     t  W  1  49^  94-2732£b 

9    Sent  to  Depository  Libraries 

gyg  Government  Publications 

Oovcniment  supplies — Continued. 

Same :  Trailer,  airdrome  utility,  type  F-2,  amdt.  2 ;  Apr.  13, 1944.     [Wright 

Field,  Dayton,  Oliio,  1944.]  .3  p.  12°  (No.  91-86  [amdt.  2].)  [Supersedes  and 
includes  Amendment  1,  Feb.  21,  1944.]     t  W  1.49  :  yi-86/amdt.2 

Same:  Ilnit,  filter,  pbotograptiic  (ground  camera),  amdt.  1;  Apr.  14,  1944. 

[Wright  Field,  Dayton,  Ohio,  1944.]     2  p.  12°     (No.  7.>2S1  [amdt.  H.)     t 

W  3.48/1 :  75-281/amdt.l 


Cut-hacks.  Adjustment  of  production  cut-backs,  n.  p.  [1944.]  [39]  p.  il.  oblong 
48''     I  W  109.2  :  P  94 

Manpower  utilization   report  on   worlc  simplification.     May  1944.     cover   title, 
iT+53  p.  il.  4°     (Control  Division.)     t 
L.  .C.  card  44-41118  W  109.6 :  M  31 

Supply  catalogs.  Army  Service  Forces  catalog :  Ordnance  supply  catalog.  [Pub- 
lications Department,  Raritan  Arsenal,  1944.]  [Processed.  Issued  with 
perforations.]     t 

>jQ.pj; — jn  xhe  lists  below,  some  of  the  Changes  are  for  the  Standard  nomenclature 
lists  when  they  were  issued  by  the  Ordnance  Department  before  the  establishment  of 
the  Army  Service  Forces,  catalog,  and  for  these,  the  old  classification  W  34.23 :  is 
retained  in  order  that  they  may  be  filed  with  the  publications  to  which  they  belong. 

Ord.  5  SNL. 

H-1  Standard  hardware;  June  1,  1944.  107  p.  il.  (Standard  nomenclature  list 
II-l.)  [Supersedes  SNL  H-1,  Mar.  26,  1942  and  Changes  1  and  2,  June  22, 
1943  and  Apr.  3,   1944.]  W  109.14  :  Ord  5  H-1 

H-2  Miscellaneous  hardware,  Changes  3;  Apr.  3,  1944.  13  p.  (Standard  nomen- 
clature list  H-2,  changes  3.)      [Supersedes  Changes  2,  Aug.  14,  1943.] 

W  34.23  :  H-2/2/ch.3 

J-2  Cutting,  boring  and  tweezer  tools;  Apr.  1,  1944.  183  p.  il.  (Standard  nom- 
enclature li.'it  J-2.  [Supersedes  SNL  J-2,  Jan.  13,  1938.  and  Changes  2, 
Mar.  24,   1943.]  W  109.14  :  Ord  5  J-2 

J-4  Punch,  drift,  fastening  and  scraping  tools,  Changes  2  ;  Feb.  4,  1944.  2  p. 
(Standard  nomenclature  list  J-4,  changes  2.)  [Supersedes  Changes  1,  Sept. 
20,  1943.]  W  34.23  :  .T-4/2/943/ch.2 

J-5  Lifting  holding  and  forming  tools ;  Mar.  2,  1944.  21  p.  (Standard  nomen- 
clature list  J-5.)      [Supersedes  SNL  J-5,  Mar.  8,  1938.] 

W  109.14  :  Ord  5  J-5 

J-9  Measuring  and  testing  instruments.  Changes  1 ;  Apr.  5,  1944.  2  p.  (Standard 
nomenclature  list  J-9,  changes  1.)  W  34.23  :  J-9/ch.l 

K-1  Cleaning,  preserving  and  lubricating  materials,  recoil  fluids,  special  oils,  and 
miscellaneous  related  items;  Mar.  27,  1944.  49  p.  (Standard  nomenclature 
list  K-1.)  [Supersedes  SNL  K-1,  Nov.  1,  1942,  and  Changes  4,  June  16, 
1943.]  W  109.14  :  Ord  5K-1 

M-1  Electrical  apparatus  units  and  parts,  Changes  2  ;  May  8.  1944.  [2]  p.  (Stand- 
ard nomenclature  list  M-1,  changes  2.)  [Supersedes  Changes  1,  Dec.  8, 
194.3.]  W  109.14:  Ord  5  M-l/ch.2 

N-10  Ammunition  surveillance,  testing  and  Inspection  equipment  and  supplies  ;  May 
5  1944.  l.T  p.  (Standard  nomenclature  list  N-10.)  [Supersedes  SNL 
N-10,  Nov.  26,  1942.]  W  109.14  :  Ord  5  N-10 

Ord  0  Stoclc  list. 

Stock  list  of  items  (cross-reference  of  tools,  equipment  and  supplies,  ordnance  section. 

Federal    standard    stock    catalog)    sec.    A-P,  R-W,    Y-Z ;    Mar.    4.    1944.     various 

paging.      [For  information  only.)  W  109.14  :  Or  1  o/2/spc'A.etc. 

Same,  sec.  A,  Changes  1  ;  May  12,  1944.     8  p.  W  109.14  :  Ord  5/2/sec.A/ch.l 

Same,  sec.  E,  Changes  1  ;  May  12,  1944.     3  p.  W  109.14  :  Ord  r)/2/sec.E/ch.l 

Same.  sec.  F,  Changes  1  :  May  12,  1944.     C  p.  W  109.14  :  Ord  5/2/sec.F/ch.l 

Same,  sec.  U,  Changes  1  ;  May  12,  1944.     2  p.  W  109.14  :  Ord  5/2/sec.U/ch.l 

Ord  6  SXL.  Tools,  maintenance,  for  repair. 

B-20.  Small  and  hand  arms,  and  pyrotechnic  projectors.  Changes  1  ;  Mar.  1,  1944. 
2    p.      (Standard    nomenclature   list    B-20,    changes    1.) 

W  109.14  :  Ord  6  B-20/ch.l 
F-21.  Kit,  repair,  optical,  for  field  artillery.  Changes  2  ;  May  1-'>,  1944.     1  p.      (Stand- 
ard nomenclature  list  F-21,  changes  2.)  W.34.23  :  F-21/2/ch.2 
N-18    Tool-set,  armorers',  tank  destro.ver  battalion.  Changes  1  ;  May  4,   1944.     2  p. 
(Standard  nomenclature  list  N-18.  changes  1.)      W  109.14  :  Ord  0  N-lS/ch.l 
N-19.  Tool-sets,    motor   transport.   Changes   2;    Jan.   24,   1944.     2   p.      (Standard   no- 
menclature list  N-19,  changes  2.)      [Supersedes  Cli.-inges  1.  Dec.  31.   194.S.] 

W  34.23  :  N-19/2/94.^.-2/ch.2 
Same.   Changes  3:   Feb.  25,   1944.     4  p.      (Standard   nomenclature  list   N-19. 
changes   3.)      [Supersedes   Changes  2,   Jan.   24.    1944.] 

''>^»       '      I      1  b         ,  ^  g^^^  _  N-19/2/943-2/ch.3 

Same,   Changes  4;  Apr.   22,   1944.     4  p.      (Standard   nomenclature  list   N-19, 
changes  4.)      [Supersedes  Changes  3,  Feb.  25.  ^944.]^^  ^  N-19/2/943-2/ch.4 

•    Sent  to  Depository  Ubraries 

July  1944  877 

Supply  catalogs— Continued. 

Same,  Changes  5;  May  10,  1944.  4  p.  (Standard  nomenclature  list,  N-19, 
changes  5.)      [Supersedes  Changes  4,  Apr.  22,  1944.] 

W  109.14  :  Ord  6  N-19/ch.5 

N— 20.  Tool-set,  armorers',  field  artillery  battalion,  Changes  1  ;  May  4,  1944.  2  p. 
(Standard  nomenclature  list  N-20,  changes  1.)        W  109.14  :  Ord  6  N-20/ch.l 

X-21.  Ordnance  maintenance  sets.  Changes  3;  May  15,  1944.  7  p.  (Standard 
nomenclature  list  N-21,  changes  3.)      [Supersedes  Changes  2,  Apr.  22,  1944.1 

W  109.14  :  Ord  6  N-21/ch.3 

N— 23.  Tool-set,  unit  equipment,  special  for  posts,  camps  and  stations,  Changes  2  ; 
May  S,  1944.  2  p.  (Standard  nomenclature  list  N-23,  changes  2.)  [Super- 
sedes Changes  1,  Jan.  10,  1944.]  W  109.14  :  Ord  6  N-23/943-2/ch.2 

Ord  7  SNL.  Organizational  spare  parts  and  equipment. 

A-37.  Gun,  machine,  cal.  .50,  Browning,  M2,  watercooled,  flexible,  and  mounts  ;  Feb. 
23,  1944.  27  p.  il.  (Standard  nomenclature  list  A-37.)  [Supersedes 
SNL  A— 37,  organizational  spare  parts  and  equipment,  Nov.  17,  1943.] 

W  109.14  :  Ord  7  A-37 
A-55.     Mount,  combination  gun,  M24  and  M24A1  ;  Jan.  15,  1944.     7  p.  il.      (Standard 
nomenclature  list  A— 55,   sec.   9.)      [Supersedes   SNL  A— 55,   sec.  9,   organi- 
zational spare  parts  and  equipment,  Sept.  22,  1943.] 

\V  1(19.14  :  Ord  7  A-Ho/secit 
Mount,  flexible  bow  gun   (D67194)  ;  Dec.  23,  1943.     4  p.      (Standard  nomen- 
clature  list  A-55,   sec.   41.)  W  109.14  :  Ord  7  A-55/8ec.41 
Mount,  machine  gun,  cal.  .30,  M48  :    Jan.  14,  1944.     6  p.  il.      (Standard  no- 
menclature list  A-55,  sec.  32.)      [Supersedes  SNL  A-55,  sec.  32,  organiza- 
tional spare  parts  and  equipment,  Oct.  15,  1943.] 

W  109.14  :  Ord  7  A-55/sec.32 
Mount,  machine  gun,  twin,  cal.   .50,  T52  ;  Dec.   28,   1943.     4  p.      (Standard 
nomenclature   list   A-55,    sec.   26.)  W  109.14  :  Ord  7  A-55/sec.26 

A-59.  Gun,  machine,  cal.  .50,  Browning,  M2,  heavy  barrel,  turret  type ;  Feb.  15,  1944. 
17  p.  il.  (Standard  nomenclature  list  A-59.)  [Supersedes  SNL  A-59, 
organizational  spare  parts  and  equipment,  Sept.  23,  1943,  and  Changes  1, 
Nov.   16,   1943.]  W  109.14  :  Ord  7  A-59 

B-4.       Rifle,  U.  S.,  cal.  .30,  M1917  ;  May  2,  1944.     14  p.  il.      (Standard  nomenclature 
list  B-4.)      [Supersedes   SNL  B-4,   organizational   spare   parts  and   equip- 
ment, Feb.  17,  1944.]  W  109.14  :  Ord  7  B-4/2 
Same,   Changes  1;   June  2,   1944.     2   p.      (Standard   nomenclature   list   B-4, 
changes  1.)                                                                     W  109.14  :  Ord  7  B-4/2/ch.l 
B-6.       Pistol,   automatic,  cal.   .45,   M1911  and  M1911A1  ;  May   18,   1944.     12  p.   il. 
(Standard  nomenclature  list  B-6).      [Supersedes  SNL  B-6,  organizational 
spare  parts  and  equipment,  Feb.  18,  1944.]                  W  109.14  :  Ord  7  B-6/2 
B-17.     Rifle,  U.  S.,  cal.  .22,  M1922,  Ml  and  M2  ;  May  7,  1944.  .  8  p.  il.      (Standard 
nomenclature    list    B-17.)      [Supersedes    SNL    B-17,    organizational    spare 
parts  and  equipment,  Dec.  31,  1943.]                           W  109.14  :  Ord  7  B-17/2 
B-25.     Rifles,   cal.   .22    (commercial).   Changes   1;   May   12,   1944.     2   p.      (Standard 
nomenclature  list,  B-25,  changes  1.)                        W  109.14  :  Ord  7  B-25/ch.l 
D-33.     Gun,  8-in.,  Ml,  and  carriage,  gun,  8-in.,  M2  ;  Feb.  22,  1944.     31  p.  il.      (Stand- 
ard nomenclature  list  D-33.)      [Supersedes  SNL  D-33,  organizational  spare 
parts  and  equipment,  July  29,  1943,  and  Changes  2,  Oct.  9,  1943.] 

W  109.14  :  Ord  7  D^33 
F-39.     Finder,  range,  80-cm  base,  M1918;  Feb.  27,  1944.      (Standard  nomen- 
clature list  F-39.)      [Supersedes  SNL  F-39,  Apr.  20,  1934,  p.  10-16,  cover- 
ing equipment  and   that  part   of  Changes  1,   Oct.    6,    1941,   pertaining  to 
equipment.]  W  109.14  :  Ord  7  F-39 

G-102.  Carrier,  81-mm  mortar,  half-track,  M21  ;  Jan.  15,  1944.  25  p.  il.  (Standard 
nomenclature  list  G-102,  v.  15.)  [Supersedes  G-102,  v.  15,  organizational 
spare  parts  and  equipment,  Oct.  15,  1943.]  W  109.14  :  Ord  7  G-102/v.lO 

G-103.  Tank,  light,  M.3A3  ;  Feb.  2,  1944.  35  p.  il.  (Standard  nomenclature  list 
G-103,  V.  7.)  [Supersedes  SNL  G-103,  v.  7,  organizational  spare  parts 
and  equipment,  Dec.  2,  1943,  and  Changes  1,  Jan.  2,  1944.] 

W  109.14  :  Ord  7  G-103/V.7 
G-104.  Tank,   medium.   M3  ;   Jan.   7,   1944.     47  p.   il.      (Standard   nomenclature  list 
G-104,  V.  1.)      [Supersedes  SNL  G-104,  v.  1,  organizational  spare  parts  and 
equipment,  July  30,  1943,  and  Changes  4,  Nov.  22,  1943.] 

W  109.14  :  Ord  7  G-104/v.l 
Tank,  medium,  M3A1,  tank,  medium,  M3A2  ;  Dec.  22,  1943.      (Stand- 
ard   nomenclature    list    G-104,    v.    12.)      [Supersedes    SNL    G-104,    v.    12, 
organizational  spare  parts  and  equipment,  July  30,  1943,  and  Changes  3, 
Nov.  22,  1943.]  W  109.14  :  Ord  7  G-104/V.12 

Tank,  medium,  M3A3  ;  Feb.  5,  1944.  32  p.  il.  (Standard  nomenclature  list 
G-104,  V.  5.)  [Supersedes  SNL  G-104,  v.  5,  organizational  spare  parts 
and  equipment,  July  26,  1943,  and  Changes  2,  Oct.  20,  1943.] 

W  109.14  :  Ord  7  G-104/V.5 
Tank,  medium,  M3A4  ;  Feb.  6,  1944.     34  p.  11.      (Standard  nomenclature  list 
G-104.  V.  3.)      [Supersedes  SNL  G-104,  v.  3,  organizational  spare  parts  and 
equipment,  July  26,   1943.  and  Changes  1,  Aug.   19,    1943.] 

W  109.14  :  Ord  7  G-104/V.3 
Tank,  medium,  M3A5  ;  Feb.  5,  1944.     32  p.  II.      (Standard  nomenclature  list 
G-104,  V.  10.)      [Supersedes  SNL  G-104,  v.  10,  organizational  spare  parts 
and  equipment,  July  26,  1943,  and  Changes  2,  Oct.  20,  1943.] 

W  109.14  :  Ord  7  G-104/v.lO 

•     Sent  to  Depository  Libraries 

598159 — 44 — No.  594 11 


Supply  catalogs — Contimiod. 

G-116.  Truck,  wreckiiif;,  heavy,  Ml  (series  2)  (Ward  La  France)  ;  Dec.  16,  194S. 
30  p  n.  (Standard  nomenclature  list  G-116,  v.  2.)  ^  [Supersedes  SNL 
G-116  V.  2,  oriiauizational  spare  parts  and  equipment,  Sept.  10,  1943,  and 
ChanKes  1,  Oct    16,  1943.]  W  109.14  :  Ord  7  G-116/V.2 

c;-138  Truck  2V2-ton,  6X6,  small  arms  repair,  M7  and  M7A1  (Signal  Corps)  ;  Mar. 
±ac.  ^^  'i944.  31  p.  ii.  (Standard  nomenclature  list  G-138,  v.  2.)  [Super- 
sedes SNL  G-138,  V.  2,  organizational  spare  parts  and  equipment,  Jan.  10, 
1943!  and  Changes  3,  Mar.  2.  1944.]  W  109.14  :  (5rd  7  G-138/V.2 

0-1 30  Truck  2y.-ton,  6X6  automotive  repair,  MS  and  M8A1  (load  A)  :  Mar.  18, 
1944  (Standard  nomenclature  list  G-139,  V.  1.)  [Supersedes 
SNL  G-139,  V.  1,  organizational  spare  parts  and  equipment,  Aug.  24,  1943.] 

W  109.14  :  Ord  7  G— lo9/v.l 

S.ime     Chances    1:    May    16,    1944.      [2]    p.      (Standard    nomenclature    list 

G-i39,v!    changes  1.)  '   W  109.14  :  Ord  7  G-139/v.l/ch.l 

fi-144  Truck  2V.-ton.  0X6,  spare  parts,  M14  (load  A),  Changes  3;  Feb  23,  1944. 
L>  I),  ("standard  nomenclature  list  G-144,  v.  1,  changes  3  )  [ Supf-rsedes 
Changes  2.  Doc.  2.3,  1943.]  W  34.23  :  G"144/2/v.l/orgn/943/ch.3 

G-149  Truck  2y.-ton  6X6,  electrical  repair,  M18  and  M18A1,  Changes  2;  May  16, 
"  1944  '[21  n  (Standard  nomenclature  list  G-149,  changes  2.)  [Super- 
sedes Changes  1,  Dec.  25,  1943.]  W  109.14  :  Ord  7  G-149/ch.2 

G-509.  Truck,  4-ton,  6X6  (Diamond  T)  [for  certain  models]  ;  May  10,  1944.  22  p. 
il  40  (Standard  nomenclature  list  G-509.)  [Supersedes  SNL  G-509, 
organizational  spare  parts  and  equipment,  Apr.  28,  1943  and  Changes  1  and 
2,  Jan.  24  and  May  5,  1944.]  W  109.14  :  Ord  7  G-509 

Ord  8  SNL.  Higher  echelon  spare  parts  and  equipment  (addendum). 

A-5  Gun.  machine,  cal.  .30,  Browning,  M1917.  &  M1917A1  and  mounts.  Changes  1  ; 
Mar.  6,   1944.      [2]   p.      (Standard  nomenclature  ^st^A-5,cMn|e2_L^^^^^ 

A-42.  Chart,  hand  (M3A4.  M4A1..  M5A1  and  M6A1)  ;  ^^^^ /^i^^^^^  10  P;  ^■ 
(Standard  nomenclature  list  A-42.)  [Supersedes  SNL  A-42,  HESP&E, 
Addendum.  Mar.  8,  1944.]  _  .J^  ^^V  Jo  ai    .t     a  < 

A-50  Gun,  automatic,  40-mm,  Ml,  carnage,  gun,  40-mm,  M2  and  M2A1  (A.  A.), 
carriage,  gun,  twin,  20-mm,  M4  (A.  A.),  and  mount,  gun  40-mm,  Mu( air- 
borne). Changes  3  ;  Feb.  5,  1944.  5  p.  (Standard  nomenclature  list  A-oO, 
changes  3.)      [Supersedes  Changes  1  and  2,  Apr.  20,»3"/2K-5d/add  /ch.3 

Mount,  bow  gun,  cal.  .30  (D93884)  ;  Dec.  17,  1943^     4  p.'    (Standard  nomen- 
clature list  a:-55.   sec.   39.)  "^J^^J^'  ^l^  ^  ^'<%^/^^^Ia 
A-55      Mount    bow  gun,  cal.   .30,   M27    (modified)  ;  Jan.  28.   1944      6  p.      (Standard 
A  DO.     *^«"^°„^^j,°i^ture  list  A-55,'  sec.  8.)      [Supersedes  SNL  A-55    sec    8   f  ^^^.^iTs 
Tnlv    26     1943  1  W  109.14  :  Ord  8  A-oO/sec.» 

Mount,  combination  gun,  M24  and  M24A1  ;  Jan.  12  1944  16  p^  il.  (Stand- 
ard nomenclature  list  A-55,  sec.  9.)  [Supersedes  SNL  A-00,  sec.  9,  ad- 
dendum. Sept.  3,  1943  and  Changes  1.  Nov.^l'il^^V:  Ord  8  A-55/sec.9/944 

Mount,  flexible  bow  gun  (D67194)  ;  Dec.  17,  1943^,  ^P-  (Standard  nomen- 
clai-ure  list  A-55    sec    41.)  W  109.14  :  Ord  8  A-oo/sec.41 

Mount  flexible  bow' gun  (D71-97)  ;  Dec.  17,  1943^,4  p  (Standard  nomen- 
pintiirp    list    A-55     sec     36.).  W  109.14  :  Ord  8  A-5o/sec.3b 

Moin?  machine^un;  a' A.,  caL  .30  (D41488)  ;  Dec  18.  1943.  4  p.  _  (Stand- 
ard nomenclature  list  A-55,  sec.  37.)^  \V  109^4  :  Oj^  8  A-o5/sec.37 

Mount  machine  gun,  A.  A.,  cal.  .50  (D70627)  ;  Dec.  17  1943  4  p 
(Standard  nomeSclature  list  A-55,  sec.  40.)    ^W  109^4  :  Ord  8  A-o5/sec.40 

Mount  machine  gun.  A.  A..  caL  .50  (D80030)  ;  Dec.  17.  1943.  -  p. 
(Standard  nomeSclature  list  A-55.  sec.  38. )       W  109.14  :  Ord  8  A--55/8ec.38 

Mount  machine  gun.  cal.  .30  (E6160)  ;  Dec.  17,  1943.  7  p.  U.  (Standard 
nomenclature  list   A-55,    sec.   25.)  ,0  ^o^.^^H^  ^'''^■1^  ^T^f^.^^nrrt 

Mount,  machine  gun,  cal.  .30,  M48 ;  Jan.  12  1944  Op  il.(  Standard 
nomenclature  list  A-55,  sec.  32.)  [Supersedes  SNL  A-55,  sec  32  ad- 
(ipjulum    Sfnt   30    1043  1  W  109.14  :  Ord  8  A-55/sec.32 

Mount     pedeTal,    machine    gun,    cal.    .50,    M39.    M43,    and    mount,    pedestal 

machine  gun,   twin.   cal.    50.   M46 ;   Dec.   17.   1943.     26   p.   il.      (Standard 

nomenclat^ure    list  'A-5.5.    sec.    33.)  W  109  14  :  Ord  8  A-5o/sec.33 

B-4.       Rifle.  U.  S.,  cal.  .30,  M1917  ;  Apr.  20.  1944.     8  p.  il.      (Standard  nomenclature 

list  B-4.)      [Supersedes  SNL  B-4,  HESP  &  B.  a'^^^^^^^^'^if  fg^d  8^/2 

B-6.  Pistol,  automatic,  cal.  .45,  M1911  and  M1911A1  ;  Feb  26,  1944.  12  pil. 
(Standard  nomenclature  list  B-6.  [Supersedes  SNL  B-6  addenduno. 
Jan.  18.  1943.  and  Changes  1.  May  15.  1943.]  ^^^Vji\^''9i,^ 

Same  ■  Mav  15  1944.  (Standard  nomenclature  list  B-6.)  [Super- 
sedes SNL  B-6,  HESP  &  E   (addendum).  Feb.  26,  l^^j^^  ^4  .  Qrd  8  R-6/2 

B-16.  Arm  locker,  arm  rack,  arm  repair  chest,  and  pistol  cleaning  kit ;  May  9,  1944. 
12  p.  11.  (Standard  nomenclature  list  B-16.)  [Supersedes  SNL  B-16 
addendum,    Sept.    7.    1943.]  ^^^^    ^  l*^^"^,"^' ^/£^  h 

B-17  Rifle,  U.  S..  cal.  .22.  M1922.  Ml.  and  M2  ;  May  1.  1944.  H  P- jl-  (Standard 
nomenclature  list  B-17.)  [Supersedes  SNL  B-17.  adde^ndum  July  24 
194.3,  and  Changes  1.  Dec.  28.  1943.]  W  109.14  :  Ord  8  B-17 

F-36.  Watches,  recorders,  time  interval;  Mar.  6,  1944  32  p.  (Standard  nomen- 
clature list  F-36.)      [Supersedes  SNL  F-36.  a^dendum,^July^l,^194|.J^_^^ 

•     Sent  to  Depository  Libraries 

July  1944  879 

Supply  catalogs — Contiuued. 

F-194.  Clock,  message  center,  Ml  ;  May  4,  1944.  8  i>.  il.  (Standard  nomenclature 
list   F-194.)      [Supersedes   SXL   F-194,   addendum,    June   22,    1943.] 

W  109.14  :  Ord  8  F-194 

F-i'lO.  Binocular,  M3,  M6,  M8,  M9  and  M13,  Changes  1;  May  25,  1944.  [2]  p. 
(Standard    nomenclature    list    F-210,    changes    1.) 

W  109.14  :  Ord  8  F-210/2/ch.l 

F-268.  Binocular.  Mo  (British)  ;  May  22,  1944.  7  p.  (Standard  nomenclature  list 
F-268.)      [Supersedes  SNL  F-268,   addendum,   July  3,   1943.] 

W  109.14  :  Ord  8  F-268 

G-123.   V.   1.  Trailer,  Athey.  G-ton,  BT  898-1,   Trailer,   Athey,  6-toii,   BT  898-4  v.  2. 

Trailer,    Athey,    20-ton,    ET    1070-1;    Dec.    10,    1943.     16    p.      (Standard 

nomenclature  list  G-123  v.  1  and  2.)      [Supersedes  SNL  G-123,  v.  1  and  2, 

tentative  addendum,    June   11,    1942.]  W  109.14  :  Ord  8  G-123/v.l,2 

J— 5.  Lifting,  holding,  and  forming  tools;  Apr.  6,  1944.  7  p.  (Standard  nomen- 
clature  list   J-5.)  W  109.14  :  Ord  8  J-5 

J— 7.  Welding,  forging,  vulcanizing,  soldering,  and  brazing  equipment  ;  Apr.  6,  1944. 
4    p.      (Standard    nomenclature    list    J-7.)  W  109.14  :  Ord  8  J-7 

J— 9.  Measuring  and  testing  instruments;  Apr.  6,  1944.  6  p.  (Standard  nomen- 
clature  list   J-9.)  W  109.14  :  Ord  8  J-9 

J— 108.  Compressor,  air,  gasoline-engine-driven,  3-cu-ft-per-min.,  DeVilbiss  no.  UAJE 
5103,  complete,  and  compressor,  air,  gasoline-engine-driven,  3-cu-ft-per-min., 
DcViibiss  no.  UAJE  SlO-S-l,  complete:  May  4,  1944.  7  p.  (Standard 
nomenclature    list    J-108.)  W  109.14  :  Ord  8  J-108 

J-326.  Machine,  sewing,  elec,  110/220  v.,  60  c,  sgle-ph..  Singer  no.  7-31,  complete  ; 
May  4,   1944.     4  p.      (Standard  nomenclature  list  J-326.) 

W  109.14  :  Ord  8  J-326 

Ord  9  SNL.  List  of  all  parts. 

A-29.  Gun.  automatic,  37-mm,  M1A2,  carriage,  automatic  gun,  37-mm,  M3,  M3A1 
and  M3E1,  mount,  combination  gian,  M42,  and  mount,  combination  gun, 
M54,  Changes  4;  Feb.  15.  1944.  4  p.  (Standard  nomenclature  list  A-29, 
changes   [4].)      [Supersedes  Changes  3,  Aug.  7,  1943.] 

W  34.23  :  A-29/2/ch.4 
A-46.     Gun,   automatic,   37-mm.   M4  and  MIO    (aircraft)  ;  Feb.   25,   1944.     86  p.  11. 
(Standard   nomenclature  list   A-4G.)      [Supersedes   SNL   A-46,   list   of  all 
parts,    Aug.    16,    1943.]  W  109.14  :  Ord  9  A-46 

A-o5.     Mount,   combination  gun,   T55  ;   Feb    3,   1944.     34  p.   il.      (Standard  nomen- 
clature   list    A-55,    sec.    22.)  W  109.14  :  Ord  9  A-55/sec.22 
Mount,    flexible,    Iiow    gun    (D67194)  ;    Feb.    21,    1944.      7    p.    il.      (Standard 
nomenclature   list   A-55,    sec.    41.)                        W  109.14  :  Ord  9  A-55/sec.41 
Mount,    flexible,    bow    gun    (D71797)  ;    Feb.    25,    1944.     9    p.    11.      (Standard 
nomenclature  list  A-55,   sec.  36.)  W  109.14  :  Ord  9  A-55/sec.36 
Mount,  machine  gun,  A.  A.,  cal.  .50  (D60258)  and   (D94428)  ;  Dec.  20,  1043. 
12   p.   il.      (Standard   nomenclature  list  A— 55,   sec.   29.) 

W  109.14  :  Ord  9  A-55/sec.29 
Mount,    machine    gun.    A.    A.,    cal.    .50    (D70627)  :    Feb.    18,    1944.      6    p.    il. 
(Standard  nomenclature  list  A-55,  sec.  40.)      W  109.14  :  Ord  9  A-55/sec.40 
Mount,    machine   gun,    A.    A.,    cal.    .50    (D80030)  ;    Jan.    8,    1944.     11    p.    il. 
(Standard  nomenclature  list  A-55,  sec.  38.)     W  109.14  :  Ord  9  A-55/sec.38 
Mount,    machine   gun,    cal.   .30   or   cal.    .50,    M35 ;    Dec.    23,    1943.     21   p.    11. 
(Standard  nomenclature  list  A-55,  sec.  28.)      (Supersedes  SNL  A-55,  sec. 
28,  list  of  all  parts.  Mar.  2.5,   1943.]  W  109.14  :  Ord  9  A-55/sec.28 

Mount,  ring,  machine  gun,  cal.  .30,  M41,  Changes  2  ;  Jan.  24,  1944.  2  p. 
(Standard  nomenclature  list  A-55,  sec.  27,  changes  2.)  [Supersedes 
Changes   1,   Oct.   14,    1943.]  W  34.23  :  A-55/sec.27/list/943/ch.2 

Mount,  truck  pedestal,  M31  ;  Dec.  16,  1943.  12  p.  11.  (Standard  nomencla- 
ture list  A-55.  sec.  18.)  [Supersedes  SNL  A-55,  sec.  18,  list  of  all  parts. 
May  6,   1943.]  W  109.14  :  Ord  9  A-55/sec.l8 

Mounts,  small  arms,  for  motor  vehicles,  introduction  and  index;  Jan.  4,  1944. 
6  p.  (Standard  nomenclature  list  A-55,  sec.  1.)  f Supcrsede.s  SNL  A-55. 
sec.    1,    Jan.   4,    1943.]  W  109.14  :  Ord  9  A-55/sec.l 

Same.  Changes  1  ;  Feb.  8,  1944.  2  p.  (Standard  nomenclature  list  A-55, 
sec.    1,    changes    1.)  W  109.14  :  Ord  9  A-55/sec.l/ch.l 

R-21.  Rifle,  U.  S.,  cal.  .30,  Ml,  Ch.anges  2:  Jan.  21,  1044.  2  p.  (Standard  nomen- 
clature list  B-21,  changes  2.)      [Supersedes  Changes  1,  Sept.  21,  1943.] 

W  34.23  :  B-21/5/list/943/ch.2 
C-51.     Howitzer.  75-m7n,  M2  and  M3,  and  inount,  howitzer.  75-m.m,  M7.  Changes  1 ; 
May  19,  1944.     3  p.      (Standard  nomenclature  list  C-51,  changes  1.) 

W  109.14  :  Ord  9  C-51/ch.l 
C-56.     Stabilizers    (all    types).    Changes    2;    Jan.    14,    1944.     73    p.    il.      (Standard 
nomenclature    list    C-56,    changes   2.)      [Supersedes    Changes    1,    Nov.    18. 
1943.]  W  34.23  :  C-56/list/943/ch.2 

F-167.  Director,  A.  A.,  M4  (for  3-in.  and  105-mm  A.  A.  guns),  director,  A.  A.,  M7 
(for  3-in.,  90-mm  and  105-mm  A.  A.  guns),  Changes  2  ;  Jan.  27,  1944.  2  p. 
(Standard  nomenclature  list  F-167,  changes  2.)  [Supersedes  Changes  1, 
Oct.   5,   1943.]  W  34.23  :  F-167/list/ch.2 

F-194.  Clock,  message  center.  Ml  ;  Mar.  10,  1944.  39  p.  il.  (Standard  nomencla- 
ture list  F-194.)      [Supersedes  SNL  F-194,  list  of  all  narts,  Sept.  13.  1943.] 

W  109.14  :  Ord  9  F-194 
.1-261.  Attachment,    milling,   Sheldon   10-ln.   lathe.   Globe  no.   61.   complete;   May    10, 
1944.     19   p.   il.      (Standard   nomenclature   list   J-201.) 

W  109.14  :  Ord  9  J-261 

•     Sent  to  Depository  Libraries 


Government  Publications 

Supply  catalogs — Continued. 

J-340.  Shaper.  crank,  bench,  7-in.,  115  v.,  GO  c,  Sgle-Ph.,  Ammco  no.  SlOO,  complete; 
Apr.  7,   1944.     27  p.  11.      (Standard  nomenclature  "^^^^j^|^4>  q^^  g  j_340 

J-355.  Stand,  %-ln.  convertible  elec.  bench  drill  horiz..  Cincmnatl-  May  29  1944 
4  p.  11.      (Standard  nomenclature  list  J-3o5.)  W  109.14  :  Ord  9  J-3oD 

Ord  10  SNL.  Tools  and  supplies. 

N-7.       Ordnance  medium  maintenance  company;  May  23,  1944      250  p.      (Standard 

nomenclature   list    N-7,    tentative.)  W  109.14  :  Ord  10  N-7 

X-65.     Ordnance    maintenance   battalion,    armored   division:    Feb     10     1944      353   p 

(Standard    nomenclature   list    N-65.)  W  109.14  :  Ord  10  N-65 

N  97S    Ordnance    ninintenance    company,    engineer    special    brigade :    Jan.    7.    1944. 

100   p.      (Standard  nomenclature  list   N-97S,   te°*«^'j^9>i4  .  q^^  10  N-97S 
X-127.  Ordnance  medium  automotive  maintenance  company  ;  Dec.  22,   1943.     88  p. 

(Standard  nomenclature  list  N-127,  tentative.)        W  109.14  :  Ord  10  N-127 
N-187    Ordnance  evacuation  company.  Changes  1;  June  1,  1944.      [2]  p.      (Standard 

nomenclature  list  N-187,  tentative,  changes  1.)^  ^^^^^    ^^^  ^^  N-187/ch.l 

N-318  Ordnance  base  artillery  and  fire  control  maintenance  company  ;  Feb.  14,  1944. 
4  p.  (Standard  nomenclature  list  N-318,  tentative)  [Supersedes  SNL 
N-318,   tentative,   Jan.   5.    1944.]  W  109.14  :  Ord  10  N-31 8/2 

N-3''5  Ordnance  base  automotive  maintenance  battalion,  Changes  5  ;  Apr.  12,  1944. 
3  p.      (Standard  nomenclature  list   N-325,   ^^^J^l-\\  Ql^lf'^'2M]/ch.5 

Ord  11  SNL.  Ammunition  group. 

R-1.  Ammunition,  fixed  and  semifixed,  including  subcaliber,  for  pack,  light  and 
medium  field,  aircraft,  tank,  and  antitank  artillery,  including  complete  round 
data.   pt.   1,   Changes   1:   Jan.   28,    1944.      2   P^  ^S^taml^rd^nom^^^^^^^^^ 

4  p 

R-1,'  pt.   1,    changes   1.) 
Same,  Changes  2  ;  Feb.  14.  1944. 

changes  2.) 
Same,  Changes  3 

changes  3.) 
Same,  Changes  4  ;  Feb.  28,  1944.     3  p. 

changes  4.) 
Same,  Changes  5 

changes  5.) 
Same.  pt.  2;  Jan.  1,  1944.     100  p.  il. 

Feb.  21,  1944.     2  p. 

Mar.  4,  1944. 

(Standard  nomenclature  list  R-1,  pt.  1. 
W  109.14  :  Ord  11  R-l/pt.l/ch.2 
(Standard  nomenclature  list  R-1.  pt.  1. 
W  109.14  :  Ord  11  R-l/pt.l/ch.3 
(Standard  nomenclature  list  R-1,  pt.  1. 
W  109.14  :  Ord  11  R-l/pt.l/ch.4 
(Standard  nomenclature  list  R-1,  pt.  1, 
W  109.14  :  Ord  11  R-l/pt.l/ch.5 
(Standard  nomenclature  list  R-1.  pt.  2.) 
Tsuner.sedea' SNL  R-1.  pt.  2,  jGly  1 ,  1943. ]  W  109.14  :  Ord  11  R-1  /pt.2 

Same.Changos  1  ;  Feb.  10,  1944.  2  p.  (Standard  nomenclature  list  R-1.  pt-. 
changes    1.)  W  109.14  :  Ord  11  R-l/pt.2/ch.l 

Ammunition,'  trench  mortar,  including  fuzes,  propelling  charges,  and  other  com- 
ponents. Changes  4  ;  Jan.  24,  1944.  4  p.  ( [Standard  nomenclature  list  R-4, 
pt.  1.  changes  4].)      [Supersedes  Changes  l-3^0ct. ^1^3,  ^^^/'J-^  l./l||;,i., 

'Th1in^4""l1  '=  ""''•  '•  ''''■  '  '■  ^'''"''w3T.?3""R%'2';p1.lV43^^h.5- 
R-,S.  AmmunUion,    obsojete    and    nonstandard,    for    pack,    light     and    medium    field, 

aircraft,    tank,    and    antitank    artillery.    Changes    2 ;    May    20,    1944.     ^    p. 

(Standard  nomenclature  list  R-8,  Jan.  1.  1944,  c^^^^^tl  2^>.  q^^  ^  R_8/ch.2 
S-3.  Fin.  assemblies  and  miscellaneous  inert  components  for  aircraft  bombs,  pt.  1  ; 

Jan.  1,  1944.     8  p.      (Standard  nomenclature  list  S-3  [pt.  1].)      [With  bMj 

S-3,  pt.  2,  Jan.  1,  1944,  supersedes  SNL  S-3.  pts.  l^^jf-ig^-^ J^^J^^ii  |_3%t.i 

2  p 


Jan.  1,  1944. 

Same.  Changes  1 

changes   1.) 
Same,  Changes  2 

changes  2.) 
Same,  Changes  3 

changes  3.) 
Same,  Changes  4  ;  Mar.  10,  1944.     2  p. 

changes  4.) 
Same,  pt.  2;  Jan.  1.   1944.     8  p.      -,-^^-    ,„  , 
[Supersedes  SNL  S-3,  pt.  2,  July  1,  1943.] 

Jan.  25.  1944.     2  p. 
Feb.  29,  1944.     2  p. 

(Standard  nomenclature  list  S-3,  pt.  1, 

W  109.14  :  Ord  11  S-3/pt.l/ch.l 
(Standard  nomenclature  list  S-3,  pt.  1, 

W  109.14  :  Ord  11  S-3/pt.l/ch.2 
(Standard  nomenclature  list  S-3,  pt.  1, 

W  109.14  :  Ord  11  S-3/pt.l/ch.3 
(Standard  nomenclature  list  S-3,  pt.  1, 

W  109.14  :  Ord  11  S-3/pt.l/ch.4 
(Standard  nomenclature  list^S-3    [pt.  2].) 

W  109.14  :  Ord  11  S-3 /pt.2 

T-1.  Ammunition,  rifie,  carbine,  and  automatic  gu°;  Pt-  1  =  4*^"-  }•  \^*^-  t^J  ? 
(Standard  nomenclature  list  T-1  [pt.  H)  [With  SNL  T-1  pt.  2  Jan  1 
1944,  supersedes  SNL  T-1.  pt.  1,  July  1.  1943,  Changes  1  and  2  Sept  11  and 
Oct.  26,  1943.  and  SNL  T-1.  pt.  2.  July  1.  1943.]  W  109.14  :  ()rd  11  T-l/pt.l 

Same,  Changes  1;  Jan.  1,  1944.     3  p.      (Standard  nomenclature  list  T-1,  pt.  1, 

changes  1.) 
Same,  Changes  2  ; 

changes  2.) 
Same,  Changes  3  ; 

changes  3.) 
Same,  Changes  4  ; 

changes  4.) 
Same,  pt.  2  ;  Jan. 

W  109.14  :  Ord  11  T-1/pt.l/ch.l 
Feb.  2.  1944.     2  p.      (Standar^  ToTl^'ford'^n'T-l'/ptl/ch'd 
Feb.  18,  1944.     8  p.      (StandaM^nom^e^ncl^atur^e^Hs^^y  .^P^^^ 
Feb.  21,  1944.     2  p.     (Standard  n^omenclature^l,^^^^^^ 
1,  1944.     43  p.  il.      (Standard  ^on.'^%\'l''^^anhli)it.2 

[Supersedes  SNL  T-1.  pt    2,  July  1,  1943.] 

•     Sent  to  Depository  Libraries 

July  1944  881 

Supply  catalogs — Continued. 

Ord  12  SNL  OGS.  Obsolete  general  supplies. 

1-1.  Obsolete  groiij*  A  materiel,  major  items;  Jan.  28,  1944.  9  p.  (Stamlaid 
nomenclature  list  OGS  1-1.)  [Supersedes  SNL  OGS  group  1-1,  Apr..  1, 
1941  and  Changes  4,  Dec.  17,  1943.]  W  109.14  :  Ord  12-1-1 

2—1.  Obsolete  group  B  materiel,  major  items;  Dec.  23,  1943.  9  p.  (Standard  nomen- 
clature list  OGS  2-1.)      [Supersedes  SNL  OGS  group  2-1,  Apr.  1,  1941.] 

W  109.14  :  Ord  12-2-1 
Same,  Changes  1  ;  Mar.   2,   1944.     1    p.      (Standard  nomenclature   list  OGS  2-1. 
changes    1.)  W  109.14  :  Ord  12-2-1/ch.l 

3—1.  Obsolete  group  C  materiel,  major  items;  Jan.  28,  1944.  10  p.  (Standard 
nomenclature  list  OGS  3-1.)  [Supersedes  SNL  OGS  group  3-1,  Apr.  1,  1941 
and  Changes  2,  Mar.  16.  1943.]  W  109.14  :  Ord  12-.3-1 

Same,  Changes  1  ;  Apr.  5,  1944.     2  p.      (Standard  nomenclature  list  OGS  3-1, 
changes  1.)  W  109.14  :  Ord  12-3-1/ch.l 

4-1.  Obsolete  group  D  materiel,  major  items;  Jan.  28,  1944.  5  p.  (Standard  nom- 
enclature list  OGS  4-1.)  [Supersedes  SNL  OGS  group  4-1,  Apr.  1,  1941  and 
Changes  1,  Aug.  22,  1942.]  W  109.14  :  Ord  12-4-1 

Same,  Changes  1  ;  Mar.  10,  1944.     2  p.      (Standard  nomenclature  list  OGS  4-1, 
changes  1.)  W  109.14  :  Ord  12-4-1/ch.l 

Same,  Changes  2:  Apr.  4,  1944.     2  p.      (Standard  nomenclature  list  OGS  4-1, 
changes  2.)      [Supersedes  Changes  1,  Mar.  10,  1944.] 

W  109.14  :  Ord  12-4-l/ch.2 
5-1.  Obsolete  group  E  materiel,  major  items;  Jan.  28,  1944.     6  p.      (Standard  nom- 
enclature list  OGS  5-1.)      [Supersedes  SNL  OGS  group  .5-1.  Apr.  1,   1941.] 

W  109.14  :  Ord  12-5-1 
Same.   Changes  1;  Mar.   11,  1944,   2  p.      (Standard  nomenclature  list  OGS  5-1, 
changes  1.)  W  109.14  :  Ord  12-5-1/ch.l 

6-1.  Obsolete  group  F.  materiel,  major  items;  Jan.  28.  1944.  18  p.  (Standard  nom- 
enclature list  OGS  6-1.)  [Supersedes  SNL  OGS  group  6-1.  Apr.  1,  1941  and 
Changes  2,   Nov.  2,  1943.]  W  109.14  :  Ord  12-0-1 

Same,  Changes  1  ;  Mar.  23,  1944.     2  p.      (Standard  nomenclature  list  OGS  6-1, 
changes  1.)  W  109.14  :  Ord  12-0-1/ch.l 

7-1.  Obsolete  group  G  materiel,  major  items;  Jan.  28,  1944.  6  p.  (Standard  nom- 
enclature list  OGS  7-1.)  [Supersedes  SNL  OGS  group  7-1,  Apr.  26,  1943 
and    Changes   2,    Aug.    20,    1943.]  W  109.14  :  Ord  12-7-1 

Same,  Changes  1;  Feb.  10,  1944.     2  p.      (Standard  nomenclature  list  OGS  7-1, 
changes  1.)  W  109.14  :  Ord  12-7-1/ch.l 

8—1.  Obsolete  miscellaneous  items,  major  items;  Jan.  28,  1944.  12  p.  (Standard 
nomenclature  list  OGS  8-1.)  [Supersedes  SNL  OGS  group  8-1,  Apr.  1,  1941 
and  Changes  1,  Jan.  13,  1943.]  W  109.14  :  Ord  12-8-1 

Ord  13  SNL. 

M— 5.  Items  common  to  2  or  more  groups;  May  4.  1944.  41  p.  (Standard  nomen- 
clature list  M-5.)  [Supersedes  SNL  M-5,  Mar.  22,  1940,  and  Changes  1, 
Oct.  1,  1941.]  W  109.14  :  Ord  13  M-5 

Same:  Transportation  supply  catalog.  [1944.]  [Issued  with  perfora- 
tions.]    $ 


R2— 1.  Parts,  accessories  and  supplies  for  steam  locomotives,  supp.  1  ;  Jan.  17,  1944. 
cover  title,  viii-fl03  p.  4»  W  109.14  :  TC  8-R2/supp.l 


Arniy  life  and  Army  recruiting  news,  May  1944;  v.  26,  no.  5.  [Governors  Island, 
N.  Y.,  Recruiting  Publicity  Bureau,  United  States  Army,  May  1, 1944.]  18+ [2] 
p.  il.  large  8°  [Monthly.]  f  Recruiting  TiTblicitv  Bureau,  Governors  Island, 
N.  Y.  W  3.45:  26/5 

Military  HupplicH.  [Attention  of  all  officers  is  directed  to  ui-gent  necessity  for 
conservation  of  military  supplies  and  equipment.]  [1944.]  [2]  p.  il.  oblong 
f",  folded  into  4°  size.     ( [Army  cimservation  project  5-P-2.] )      t  W  3.2  :Ar  5/16 

Posters.  Army  conservation  project;  [posters].  1944.  various  sizes.  [For 
oflBcial  only,  and  distributed  onlv  within  the  armed  services.]     t 

W  3.46/7 :  68-Q-27,etc. 
68-Q-27.  There  are  times  when  a  man  can't  save  his  clothes,  but  now,  take  care  of 

your  uniforms.      fOfficlal  Signal  Corps  photo.] 
76— P-10.  Take  care  of  your  equipment,  it  makes  a  big  difference  ! 
77— Q-29.  Get  'em  fixed  in  time  .'  avoids  foot  troubles,  saves  good  shoes. 
8t-P-H.   Supplies  wasted,  supplies  saved,  take  path  that'll  lead  you  home  sooner,  buddy. 
84-E-19.  Take  it  easy!  you're  the  loser,  when  fixtures  are  broken,  drains  are  plugged, 

plumbing's  out  of  order,  faucets  leak.      [Illustrator  Elmo  White.] 
86-M-5.     Lives  depend  upon  fragile  thermometers,  stop  breakage! 
87-M— 6.     Adhesive  tape,  use  for  medical  purposes  only. 

Because    somebody     talked!     [poster.]     1944.     28X20    in.     [Illustrator, 

Wf'sley.     This  poster  also   issued   in   size  20X14.2   in.]     t  War   Information 
Office.  W  3.46/1 :  T  14/13 

•     Sent  to  Depository  Libraries 

882  Government  Publications 

Posters — Continued. 

Your  sugRt'stions  liolp  him  and  you  win  $5  to  $250,  hand  in  your  suggestions ; 

[poster].    1&44.    20x14.2  in.    J  ^  W  3.46/1 :  Su  3/3 

Women's  Army  Corps.  College  women  in  the  WAC.  n.  p.  [RPB,  June  15,  1944]. 
[2]+12-f  [2]  p.  il.     t  W  3.2  :W  84/11 

The  WAC  with  Army  Ground  Forces,     n.  p.  [RPB,  Apr.  21.  1944].     [36]  p. 

il.  oblong  12°     t  W  3.2  :  W  84/10 


Bulletin.  Bulletin  of  judge  advocate  general  of  Army,  cumulative  index  and 
tables  to  v.  1-2,  1942-43,  and  to  Supplement  1,  1941,  to  Digest  of  opinions  of 
judge  advocate  general  of  Army,  1912-40.  1944.  v+136  p.  [Issued  with  per- 
forations.]    t     •  Item  1169  W  10.3 :  v.  1,2/ind. 

Same,  [title  page,  contents,  etc.  to]  v.  2,  1943.     1944.     vi  p.     [Issued  with 

perforations.]     t     •  Item  1169  W  10.3 :  2/t.p.&  cont. 

Same,  v.  3,  no.  4;  Apr.  1944.     1944.     iii+135-178  p.     [Monthly.     Issued 

with  perforations.]     t     •  Item  1169  W  10.3: 3/4 


Armed  Forces  Institute.  It's  fun  to  learn!  [1944.]  24  p.  il.  small  4°  t 
•  Item  1174  W  44.2  :  L  47 

Geneva  Red  Cross  movement,  European  and  American  influence  on  its  develop- 
ment, a  compilation  with  notes  by  Albert  G.  Love.  Reprinted  Mar.  1944.  cover 
title,  [7] +160  p.  [Bibliography  on  p.  3  of  cover.  Reprinted  from  Array 
medical  bulletin  02,  May  1942,  special  issue.]     *  Taper,  25c.     •  Item  1174 

W  44.21/7 :  62/1-2 

Government  supplies.  Catalog  change  notice  7-1943,  for  1943  Medical  Depart- 
ment supply  catalog,  amdt.  1 ;  May  9,  1944.  [1944.]  1  p.  4°  [Processed. 
Issued  in  loose-leaf  form  for  insertion  in  supply  catalog.]     t 

W  44.26 :  943/ch.7/amdt.l 

Catalog  change  notice  9-1943,  for  1943  Medical  Department  supply  catalog : 

May  15,  1944.     [1944.]     [l]+l-10a +11-16  leaves.  4°     [Processed.     Issued  in 
loose-leaf  form  for  insertion  in  supply  catalog.]     t  W  44.26 :  943/ch.9 


Note. — The  Morale  Services  Division  was  established  Oct.  14,  1943.  It  includes  the 
informational,  educational,  and  orientation  activities  formerly  under  the  Special  Service 

Netvsmap.  Newsmap.  May  18-25  to  June  15-22  [1944],  v.  3,  no.  6-10;  prepared  by 
Army  Information  Branch,  from  public  sources  of  information.  Mav  29-June 
26,  1944.     Each  [2]  p.  il.  oblong  f°     [Weekly.]     t  Wn09.207 : 3/&-10 

• Same,  special  edition,  Jan.  13-20  to  Apr.  6-13  [1944],  v.  2,  no.  40-52;  pre- 
pared by  Army  Information  Branch,  from  public  sources  of  information.  Jan. 
31-Apr.  24,  1944.  P'ach  [2]  p.  il.  oblong  f°  [Weekly.  Replaces  Newsmap, 
supplement,  for  special  training  units.]     t  W  109.207/2  :  2/40-52 

Same,  special  edition,  Apr.  i;)-20  to  June  8-15  [1944],  v.  3,  no.  1-9 ;  prepared 

by  Army  Information  Branch,  from  public  sources  of  information.     May  1- 
June  26,  1944.     Each  [2]  p.  il.  oblong  t°     [Weekly.]     t       W  109.207/2 :  3/1-9 

Newsmap,  industrial  edition.  May  18-25  to  June  15-22  [1944],  v.  3,  no.  6-10 ; 

prepared  from  public  sources  of  information.     May  29-June  26,  1944.     Each  1 
p.  il.  oblong  f"    [Weekly.]    |  W  109.209 :  3/6-10 

New.smap,  over.seas  edition,  May  18-May  25  to  June  15-22  [1944],  v.  3,  no. 

6-10;  prepared  by  Army  Information  Branch,  from  public  sources  of  informa- 
tion.    June  ."-Julv  3.  1944.     Each  [2]  p.  il.  oblong  f"     [Weekly.]     t 

W  109.208 : 3/6-10 

•     Sent  to  Depository  Libraries 

July  1944  883 


Firing  tables.  Firing  tables  for  gun,  3-inch,  AA,  M1917A2  and  mods.  :M192oM1, 
Ml,  M2,  M3,  and  M4,  firing  sliell,  H.  E.,  M42A1,  with  fuze,  M.  T..  M43  and  mods, 
and  fuze,  P.  D.,  M48  and  mods  ;  Feb.  1944.  1944.  xxxii+75  p.  il.  2  pi.  16°  (FT 
3AA-0-3.)      [Supersedes  FT  3AA-0-2.]      ■:  W  34.34 :  3AA-0-3 

Same,  Changes  1 ;  Apr.  4,  1944.     Publications  Department,  Raritan  Arsenal 

[1944].     1  p.  12"     (FT3AA-0-3  [changes]  1.)      [Processed.]     t 

W  34.34 :  3AA-0-3/ch.l 

• Firing  tables  for  gun,  6-inch,  seacoast,  JI1900,  M1903A2,  and  M190r»A2,  firing 

shell.  II.  E.,  Mk.  2A2,  with  fuze,  P.  D.,  Mf.l  and  mods.;  Mar.  1944.  1944. 
xxi4-67  p.  il.  10°     (FT  6-F-l.)     t  W  34.34 :  6-F-l 

Firing  tables  for  gun,  8-ineh,  Ml,  firing  shell,  H.  E.,  M103,  with  fuze,  P.  D., 

M.51Al-mod.  3  and  IM.")lA2-mod.  3,  fuze,  time,  mech.,  M67  and  mods. ;  Apr.  1944. 
1944.  xxi+132-f  [1]  p.  il.  16°  (FT  S-L-2.)  [Supersedes  FT  S-L-1,  Dec.  30. 
1943,  as  amended  by  Changes  1,  Mar.  7,  1944.]     |  W  34.34 :  ,s-Lr-2 

Firing  tables  for  gun,  37-mm,  M3  and  M3A1  (anti-tank),  firing,  shot,  fixed. 

A.  P.  C,  w/tracer,  weight  1.92  LB.,  muzzle  velocity,  2600  f/s  (792.5  m/s)  ; 
Apr.  21,  1£K14.  Publications  Department,  Raritan  Arsenal  [1944].  1  p.  12" 
(FT  37-M-4,  abridged.)  [Processed.  Supersedes  FT  37-M-3  (abridged),  Jan. 
1.5,1940.]     t  W  34.34 :  37-M-4 

Firing  tables  for  gun,  o7-mm,  M1916  on  subcaliber  mounts,  gun,  subcaliber 

37-mm,  M12,  M13,  T34  and  T36,  shell,  fixed,  practice,  M63-mod.  1  (1.5S-lb.), 
fuze,  base,  practice,  M58,  muzzle  velocity,  1100  F/S;  [May  4,  1944].  [Publica- 
tions Department,  Raritan  Arsenal,  1944. ]  [2]  p.  12°  ( FT  37-BA-2,  abridged. ) 
[Supersedes  FT  37-BA-l,  abr..  Mar.  3,  1944.]     $  W  34.34  :  37-BA-2 

Firing  tables  for  gun,  37-mm,  M1916  on  subcaliber  mounts,  shell,  fixed. 

practice,  M63-mod.  1(1.5S-EB.),  fuze,  base,  practice,  M58,  muzzle  velocity,  1100 
F/S;  [Mar.  3,  1944].  [Publications  Department,  Raritan  Arsenal,  1944.] 
[2]  p.  12°     (FT  37-BA-l,  abridged.)      [Processed.]     |  W  34.34 :  37-BA-l 

Firing  tables  for  gun,  37-mm,  M1916  on  subcaliber  mounts,  shell,  fixed, 

practice,  M92  (1.21-LB.),  fuze,  P.  D.,  M74,  muzzle  velocity  1276  F/S;  [Mar.  3. 
1944).  [Publications  Department,  R.iritan  Arsenal,  1944.]  [2]  p.  12"  (FT 
37-BJ-l,  abridged.)     [Processed.]     |  W  34.34 :  37-BJ-l 

Firing  tables   for   gun,   57-mm,   Mk.   3    (British),   carriage,    gun,    57-mm, 

M1A2,  firing  cartridge,  AP-T,  M70,  cartridge,  TP-T,  M76,  muzzl.^  velocity, 
2700  F/S;  May  9,  1944.  [Publications  Department,  Raritan  Arsenal.  1944.] 
3  p.  16°     (FT  57-D-l,  abridged.)      [Processed.]     $  W  34.34 :  .-37-0-1 

Firing  tables  for  gun,  37-mm,  M6  (tank),  firing  shot,  fixed,  A.  P.  C,  M51, 

M.51B1  and  M51B2,  shot,  fixed,  A.  P.,  M74,  w/tracer,  shell,  fixed.  H.  E.,  M63. 
with  fuze,  B.  D.,  M58.  [Publications  Department,  Raritan  Arsenal]  Mar.  1944. 
[1]+21  p.  il.  16°  (FT  37-S-3.)  [Supersedes  FT  37-S-2.  Sept.  25.  1943,  and 
FT  37-Q-2,  abridged,  Aug.  11,  1942.]     J  W  34.34  :  87-S-3 

Firing  tables  for  gxm,  37-mm,  M6  (tank),  firing  shot,  fixed.  A.  P.  C..  M51, 

M51B1  and  M51B2,  shot,  fixed.  A.  P.,  M74,  w/tracer,  shell,  fixed,  H.  E.,  M63, 
Changes  1;  May  10,  1944.  Publications  Department,  Raritan  Arsenal  [1944]. 
1  p.  16°     (FT  37-S-3  [changes]   1.)     t  W  34.34 :  37-S-3/ch.l 

Firing  tables  for  gun,  90-mm,  AA,  Ml,  MlAl  and  M2.  firing  shell.  H.  E., 

M71,  with  fuze,  time,  mechanical,  M43  and  Mods.,  fuze,  P.  D.  M4S  and  Mods.. 
Feb.  lfM4.  1944.  xxxli  +  9f;  p.  il.  2  pi.  16°  (I-^r  COAA-B-3.)  [Supersedes  FT 
90AA-B-1,  Dec.  10,  1941  and  Changes  2,  Aug.  17,  1942,  also  FT  9()AA-B-2.]     J 

W  34.34  :  90  AA-B-3 

Firing  tables  for  gun,  90-mm.  AA,  Ml,  MlAl  and  M2,  firing  shell,  H.  E., 

M71,  with  fuze,  time,  mechanical,  M43  and  Mods,  and  fuze,  P.  D.,  M48  and  Mods., 
Changes  2;  Apr.  4,  1944.  [Publications  Department,  Raritan  Arsenal,  1944.] 
[2]  p.  12°  (FT90AA-B-3  [changes]  2.)  [Processed.  Supersedes  Changes  1, 
Apr.  3,  1944.]     t  W  34.34  :90  AA-B-3/ch.2 

•     Sent  to  Depository  Libraries 


Firing  tables — Continued. 

Same.    Changes   3;    Apr.    17,    1944.     [Publications   Department,    Raritan 

Arsenal,  1944.]      L8]  p.  12°     (FT  90AA-B-3  [changes]  3.)      [Processed.]     t 

W  34.34  :  90  AA-B-3/ch.3 

Firing  tables  for  gun,  90-mm,  AA,  Ml,  firing  shell,  H.  E..  M71,  with  fuze, 

P.  D.,  M48  and  Mods.,  fuze,  time,  mechanical,  1M43  and  Mods,    and  projectile, 
A.   P.  C,  MS2.  shot,  A.   P.,   M77 ;  Apr.   1944.     1944.     xx+70  p.   il.   16°     (FT 
9(V-C-3.)     [Supersedes  IH?  90-C-2.  Apr.  27,  1943,  as  amended  bv  Changes  1     i 
and  2,  Oct.  29,  1043,  and  Jan.  18.  1944.]     t  W  34.34 :  90-C-3     i 

Firing  tables  for  howitzer,  75-mm.  fill  and  MlAl,  firing  shell,  H.  E.,  M48 

and  slK'll,  H.  E..  M41A1,  with  fuze,  P.  D.,  M48  and  fuze,  25-sec.  comb,  time  and 
superquick,  U'A;  Nov.  1941.  1942  [reprint  1943].  [3]+xx+74  p.  +  [2]  folded 
p.  il.  IG"     (FT  75-1-3.)      [Changes  1,  .Jan.  2.'),  1943,  are  incorporated.]     t 

W  34.34 :  75-1-3 

■ Same,  Changes  2;  May  11, 1944.     Publications  Department,  Raritan  Arsenal 

[1944].     1  p.  16°     (FT  75-1-3  [changes]  2.)     J  W  34.34 :  75^I-3/ch.2 

Firing  tables  for  howitzer.  240-mm,  Ml,  firing  shell.  H.  E..  M114,  with  fuze, 

time,  mechanical.  M07  and  Mods.,  Changes  1;  Apr.  27.  1944.  [Publications 
Department,  Raritan  Arsenal,  1044.]  [1] +107-123  p.  12°  (FT  24(>-C-l 
[changes]  1.)      [Processed.]     t  W  34.34 :  24(M3-l/ch.l 

Ordnance  equipment  charts.  List  of  Ordnance  equipment  charts,  subject  index, 
Changes  4 ;  Jan.  1.5,  1944.     [1944.]     4  p.     $  W  34.39 :  ind./94.3/ch.4 

Ordnance   provision   system..     Ordnance   catalog    (ordnance   provision    system)  : 
Groups  C-P.     [Publications  Department,  Raritan  Arsenal,  1944.]      [Processed. 
Issued  with  perforations.]     $ 
Standard  nomenclature  lists. 

C-36.  Gun,  57-mm,  Ml,  and  carriage,  gun,  57-mm,  Ml,  MlAl,  M1A2  and  M1A3.  addendum, 
ChanKe,s   3  ;    May   5,    1944.      1    p.  W  84.23  :  C-36/add.-3/cli,.3 

D-24.  Gun.  1.55-mm,  Ml  and  MlAl,  carriage,  gun,  1.55-nim,  Ml,  and  limber,  carriage, 
heavj',  M2,  addendum,  Changes  1  ;  Feb.  24,  1944.     2  p. 

W  34.23  :  D-24/add.-2/cb.l 

F-36.  Recorders,  time  interval,  Watches,  list  of  all  parts.  C'muws  2  :  Ai)r.  29.  1944. 
24  p.  11.  W  34.23  :  F-36/list/943/ch.2 

F-149.  Instrument,  azimuth,  Al  instrument,  azimuth,  M1918,  instrument,  azimuth, 
M1918A2,  addendum.  Changes  2;  May  28,  1944.  2  p.  [ Supensedes  Changes  1. 
Sept.  1,  1943.]  W  34.23  :  F-149/2/add./ch.2 

F-207.  System,  remote  control,  M2  (for  90-mm  A.  A.  gun  mount  MlAl),  .system,  remote 
control,  M6  (for  4.7"  A.  A.  gun  mount),  system,  remote  control.  M7  (for  90-mm 
A.  A.  gun  mount  T2E1.  serial  nos.  3— 25G),  system,  remote  control,  M12  (for 
90-mm  A.  A.  gun  mount  T2,  serial  nos.  1,  2,  257  and  up),  system,  remote  control, 
M13  (for  90  mm  A.  A.  gun  mount  T3),  system,  cable.  Ml,  addendum.  Cltanges 
1 ;  May  2.3,  1944.     1  p.  W  .34.23  :  F-207 /add.-3/ch.l 

G-139.  [Truck,  2i4-ton,  6x6,  automotive  repair,  M8  and  M8A1  ]  v.  2.  Truck,  2ii-ton, 
6X6,  automotive  repair,  MS  and  M8A1,  load  B,  organizational  spare  parts 
and  e(|Uipment,  Changes  1 ;  May  16,  1944.     1  p. 

W  .34.23  :  G-139  'v.2/orgn./943-2/ch.l 

(j-509.  Truck,  4-ton,  6x6  (Diamond  T),  organizational  spare  parts  and  equipment. 
Chances  2;  Mav   5.  1944.     4  p.  W  34.23  :  G-oOO 'orgn./943-2/ch.2 

H-4.       Electrical  fittings.  Changes  1;  Apr.  3,  1944.     3  p.  W  .'{4.2:?  :  H-4/ch.l 

H-10.     Ferrous   metals.   Changes   1  ;   Apr.   5.   1944.     4   p.  W  34.23  :  H-lO/2/ch.l 

P-6.       Ammunition,  fixed,  including  subcaliber  ammunition,   for   harbor  defense,   heavy 

field,  and  railway  artillery ,~  pt.  1,  Changes  3;  Mar.  27.  1044.     2  p.      [Supersedi's 

Changes  1  and  2.  .Tan.  1  and  11,  1944.]  W  34.23  :  P-6/10/pt.l/944/cb.3 

Same.  Changes  4;  Mav  3.   1944.     3  p.  W  34.23  :  P-6/10/pt.l/944/cb.4 

Same,  Changes  5;  May  17,   1944.     2  p.  W  34.23  :  r-6  a0/pt.l/944/ch..5 

Same.  Changes  6;  Ma.v  24.   1944.     1  p.  W  34.23  :  r-fi/lO/pt.l/944/ch.G 

P-8.  Ammunition  instruction  m.nterial  for  antiaircraft,  harbor  defense,  heavy  field, 
and  railway  artillery,  including  complete  round  data,  pt.  1.  Changes  5;  May  18, 
1944.      2  p.  W  34.23  :P-8/3/pt.l/944/Ch.5 


Arkansas  River,  Kans.,  Okla.,  and  Ark.,  letter  submitting  partial  report  on  review 
of  reports  on  Arkansas  River,  Kans.,  Okla.,  and  Ark.,  main  stem,  and  Fourche 
Bayou,  Ark.  1944.  vii+184  p.  3  pi.  5  maps,  1  tab.  (H.  doc.  447,  78th  Cong. 
2d  sess. )     *  Paper,  35c. 

Chestnut  Creek,  Va.,  letter  submitting  report  on  review  of  report  on  Kanawha 
River  basin,  with  view  to  flood  control  on  Chestnut  Creek,  Va.  1944.  v+30  p. 
2  maps.     (H.  doc.  506,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)     *  Paper,  10c. 

•     Sent  to  Depository  Libraries 

July  1944  gg5 

Kaweah  River.  Kaweah  and  Tule  Rivers,  Calif.,  letter  submitting  report  on  pre- 
liminary examination  and  survey  of  Kaweah  and  Tule  Rivers,  Calif.  1944 
xvi+38  p.  map.  (H.  doc.  559,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)  [This  report  is  on  the 
survey  only.]     *  Paper,  10c. 

Lake  Worth  Inlet,  Fla.,  letter  submitting  report  on  review  of  reports  on  Lake 
Worth  Inlet.  Fla.  Apr.  7,  1944.  37  p.  2  maps.  (H.  doc.  530,  78th  Cong.  2d 
sess. )     *  Paper,  10c. 

Lytle  Creek,  San  Bernardino  County,  Calif.,  letter  submitting  interim  report  on 
preliminary  examination  and  survey  of  Santa  Ana  River  and  tributaries,  Calif., 
covering  [survey  of]  Lytle  Creek,  San  Bernardino  County,  Calif.  1944 
vii+30p.  Smaps.     (H.  doc.  534,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)     *  Paper,  10c. 

3Ialheur  River  and  tributaries,  Oreg.,  letter  submitting  report  on  preliminary 
examination  and  survey  of  Malheur  River  and  tributaries,  Oreg.  Apr.  7,  1944. 
20  p.  map.  (H.  doc.  531,  7Sth  Cong.  2d  sess.)  [This  report  is  on  the  survey 
only.]     *  Paper,  10c. 

Pajaro  River,  Calif.,  letter  submitting  report  on  preliminary  examination  and 
survey  of  Pajaro  River,  Calif.  1944.  vii+46  p.  2  maps.  (H.  doc.  505,  78th 
Cong.  2d  sess.)     [This  report  is  on  the  survey  only.]     *  Paper,  10c. 

Rough  River  and  tributaries,  Ky.,  letter  submitting  report  on  preliminary  exam- 
ination and  survey  of  Rough  River  and  its  tributaries,  Ky.  1944.  vii-f  44  p. 
2  maps.  (H.  doc.  535,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)  [This  report  is  on  the  survey 
only.]     *  Paper.  15c. 

•     Sent  to  Depository  Libraries  * 


SLP  I  2 1944 

United  States,vo?nufioi3 

Monthly  Catalog 

ISSUED     BY     THE 

Superintendent  of  Documents 

NO.  595 

AUGUST    1944 



WASHINGTON    :    I944 






Abbreviations,  Explanation iv 

Alphabetical     List    of     Grovernment 

Authors V 

General  Information 887 

Notes  of  General  Interest 890 

Corrections    for    Previous    Monthly 

Catalogs 890 

New  Classification  Numbers,  etc 891 

Congressional   Set 892 

Monthly  Catalog 893 


Amendment,  amendments amdt.,  amdts. 

Appendix app. 

Article,  articles art. 

Chapter,  chapters.. chap. 

Congress Cong. 

Department Dept. 

Document doc. 

Facsimile,  facsimiles.. facsim. 

Folio fo 

House H. 

House  bill. H.  R. 

House  concurrent  resolution H.  Con.  Res. 

House  document.. H.  doc. 

House  executive  document.. ..H.  ex.  doc. 

House  Joint  resolution H.  J.  Res. 

House  report H.  rp. 

House  resolution  (simple) H.  Res. 

Illustration,  illustrations il. 

Inch,  inches „ 

Latitude lat. 

Longitude .long. 

Mile,  miles m. 

Month mo. 

Nautical  mile naut.  m. 

No  date n.  d. 

No  place n.  p. 

Number,  numbers no.,  nos. 

Octavo 8» 

Page,  pages p. 

Part,  parts. pt.,  pt8. 

Plate,  plates pi. 

Portrait,  portraits por. 

Quarto. 4» 

Report rp. 

Saint St. 

Section,  sections sec. 

Senate,  Senate  bill 8. 

Senate  concurrent  resolution S.  Con.  Res. 

Senate  document _S.  doc. 

Senate  executive  document S.  ex.  doc. 

Senate  joint  resolution S.  J.  Res. 

Senate  report S.  rp 

Senate  resolution  (simple) S.  Res. 

Session,  sessions sess. 

Sixteenmo 16« 

Statutes  at  large. Stat.L. 

Supplement,  supplements supp.,  supps. 

Table,  tables tab 

Tax  Court. T.  C. 

Thirty-twomo.. ..32» 

Treasury.. Treas. 

Twelvemo 12« 

TweEty-fourmo.. 24« 

Versus ct.,0. 

Volume,  volumes v. 

Yard,  yards yd.,  yds. 

Year yr. 


Words  and  figures  enclosed  in  brackets  [  ]  are  given  for  information,  but  do 
not  appear  on  the  title  pages  of  the  publications  cataloged.  When  place  and 
printer  are  not  given,  it  is  to  be  understood  that  the  publication  is  printed  at 
the  United  States  Government  Printing  Office,  Washington,  D.  C;  if  processed, 
publisher  is  issuing  office.  When  size  is  not  given,  octavo  is  to  be  understood. 
Size  of  maps  is  approximate,  measurement  being  made  from  outer  edge  of  border, 
excluding  margin.  The  dates,  Including  day,  month,  and  year,  given  with  Senate 
and  House  documents  and  reports  are  the  dates  on  which  they  were  ordered  to  be 
printed.  TJsually  the  printing  promptly  follows  the  ordering,  but  various  causes 
sometimes  make  delays. 

The  word  "processed"  as  used  in  this  catalog  indicates  publications  which  are 
reproduced  by  duplicating  processes  other  than  ordinary  printing,  e.  g.,  mimeo- 
graph, multigraph,  planograph,  rotaprint,  mnjtilith.  Processed  publications  are 
not  obtainable  from  the  Superintendent  of  Documents  and  requests  for  them,  if 
they  are  available  should  be  addressed  to  the  issuing  office. 

Under  provisions  of  the  Printing  Act  of  January  12,  1895,  all  Government  publi- 
cations are  entered  in  the  Monthly  Catalog.  However,  press  releases  and  admin- 
istrative, regional,  and  confidential  publications  are  omitted. 

The  L.  C.  card  number  appended  to  some  of  the  entries  is  for  those  libraries 
ordering  printed  cards  from  the  Library  of  Congress.  The  number  at  the  ex- 
treme right  of  an  entry  indicates  the  classification  of  the  publication  in  the 
Office  of  the  Superintendent  of  Documents. 



Alphabetical  List  of  Government  Authors 


Acquisitions  Department 947 

Adjutant  General's  Department 986 

Aeronautical  Board 893 

Agricultural  Adjustment  Agency 901 

Agricultural  and  Industrial  Chemistry  Bureau 895 

Agricultural  Economics  Bureau 1 894 

Agricultural  Research  Administration _ 895 

Agriculture  and  Forestry  Committee,  Senate 919 

Agriculture  Committee,  House 916 

Agriculture  Department 893 

Alaska 934 

American  Battle  Monuments  Commission 903 

American  Small  Business,  Special  Committee  to  Study  Problems  of, 

Senate 919 

Animal  Industry  Bureau 896 

Appropriations  Committee,  Senate 919 

Army  Air  Forces 981 

Army  Service  Forces 983 

Banking  and  Currency  Committee,  House 916 

Bibliography  Division 947 

Card  Division 947 

Census  Bureau 903 

Children's  Bureau 944 

Civil  Aeronautics  Administration 905 

Civil  Aeronautics  Authority 905 

Civil  Aeronautics  Board 906 

Civil  Service  Commission 903 

Civilian  Defense  Office 958 

Coast  and  Geodetic  Survey 907 

Coast  Guard 951 

Commerce  Committee,  Senate 919 

Commerce  Department 903 

Community  War  Services  Office 923 

Comptroller  of  Currency 969 

Congress 912 

Coordinator  of  Inter- American  Affairs  Office 1 958 

Copyright  Office .      947 

Courtof  Clams *      921 

Court  of  Customs  and  Patent  Appeals 922 

Defense  Transportation  Office 958 

Distribution  Office 901 

District  of  Columbia  Committee,  Senate 919 

Documents  Office 928 

Economic  Stabilization  Office ---  958 

Education  and  Labor  Committee,  Senate 920 

Vl  Government  PublicaIions 


Education  Office 923 

Emergency  Management  Office _- 958 

Employees'  Compensation  Commission 922 

p]mployment  Security  Bureau •  927 

Engineer  Department 988 

Entomology  and  Plant  Quarantine  Bureau 896 

Executive  Agencies,  Special  Committee  to  Investigate,  House 917 

Experiment  Stations  Office 897 

Extension  Service ._ .  902 

Fair  Employment  Practice  Committee 958 

Farm  Credit  Administration 899 

Federal  Bureau  of  Investigation 943 

Federal  Communications  Commission :_  922 

Federal  Home  Loan  Bank  Administration 949 

Federal  Housing  Administration 949 

Federal  Power  Commission 922 

Federal  Register  Division 949 

Federal  Reserve  System  Board  of  Governors 922 

Federal  Security  Agency 923 

Federal  Standard  Stock  Catalog  Division 970 

Federal  Trade  Commission 927 

Federal  Works  Agency i .-   _  928 

Fiscal  Service 969 

Fish  and  Wildlife  Service 929 

Foreign  Agricultural  Relations  Office 899 

Foreign  and  Domestic  Commerce  Bureau 907 

Foreign  Economic  Administration 958 

Forest  Ser\ice 899 

Gasoline  and  Fuel-Oil  Shortages.   Special   Committee  to   Investigate, 

Senate 920 

General  Accounting  Office 928 

General  Land  Office 930 

Geographical  Names  Board 930 

Geological  Survey 930 

Government  Printing  Office 928 

House  of  Representatives 916 

Human  Nutrition  and  Home  Economics  Bureau- 897 

Hydrographic  Office 952 

Immigration  and  Naturalization  Service 943 

Indian  Affairs  Office 931 

Information  Office 900 

Insular  Affairs  Committee,  House 917 

Interdepartmental  War  Savings  Bond  Committee 969 

Interior  Department 929 

Internal  Revenue  Bureau 969 

Internal  Revenue  Taxation  Joint  Committee 918 

Interstate  Commerce  Commission 934 

Interstate  Commerce  Committee,  Senate 920 

Judge  Advocate  General's  Department 986 

Judiciary  Committee,  Senate 920 

Justice  Department -_  938 

Labor  Department 944 

Labor  Standards  Division 944 

August  1944  Vil 


Labor  Statistics  Bureau 945 

Law  Library 948 

Library  of  Congress 947 

Library  of  Department  of  Agriculture 900 

Marine  Corps 951 

Maritime  Commission 948 

Medical  Department : 986 

Medicine  and  Surgery  Bureau 951 

Merchant  Marine  and  Fisheries  Committee,  House 917 

Military  Affairs  Committee,  Senate 920 

Mines  Bureau 932 

Morale  Services  Division 987 

Motor  Carriers  Bureau .  938 

National  Academy  of  Sciences 948 

National  Advisory  Committee  for  Aeronautics 948 

National  Archives 948 

National  Bureau  of  Standards 908 

National  Defense  Program,  Special  Committee  Investigating,  Senate 921 

National  Gallery  of  Art 965 

National  Housing  Agency 949 

National  Institute  of  Health 926 

National  Labor  Relations  Board 950 

National  Museum 965 

National  Park  Service 933 

National  War  Labor  Board 958 

Naval  Academy 952 

Naval  Affairs  Committee,  House 917 

Naval  Affairs  Committee,  Senate 921 

Naval  Operations  Office 951 

Naval  Personnel  Bureau 952 

Navy  Department 951 

Ordnance  Bureau 952 

Ordnance  Department 987 

Pan  American  Sanitary  Bureau 955 

Pan  American  Union 955 

Patent  Office . 910 

Patents  Committee,  House 918 

Plant  Industry,  Soils,  and  Agricultural  Engineering  Bureau 897 

Post  Office  Department 956 

Post-War  Economic  Policy  and  Planning,  Special  Committee  on.  House.  918 

Post- War  Economic  Policy  and  Planning,  Special  Committee  on,  Senate.  921 

President  of  United  States 957 

Presidential,  Vice  Presidential,  and  Senatorial  Campaign  Expenditures, 

1944,  Special  Committee  to  Investigate,  Senate 921 

Price  Administration  Office 959 

Procurement  Division 970 

Production  Office 902 

Provost  Marshal  General's  Office 988 

Public  Assistance  Bureau 927 

PubUc  Debt  Bureau 969 

Public  Health  Service 923 

Public  Roads  Administration 928 

Publications  Division 911 

VIII  Government  Publications 


Railroad  Retirement  Board 963 

Railway  Mail  Service 956 

Reclamation  Bureau 933 

Rural  Electrification  Administration 900 

Securities  and  Exchange  Commission 963 

Selective  Service  System 964 

Senate : 918 

Ships  Bureau 952 

Smithsonian  Institution 964 

Social  Security  Board 926 

Soil  Conservation  Service 903 

Solicitor,  Labor  Department 947 

Solid  Fuels  Administration  for  War 934 

State  Department 965 

Supplies  and  Accounts  Bureau 953 

Supreme  Court 967 

Tariff  Commission 967 

Tax  Court 968 

Tennessee  Valley  Authority 968 

Territories  and  Insular  Affairs  Committee,  Senate 934 

Topography  Division 957 

Transportation  Investigation  and  Research  Board 969 

Treasury  Department 969 

Veterans  Administration 974 

Vocational  Rehabilitation  Office 927 

Wage  and  Hour  and  Public  Contracts  Divisions-  _   947 

War  Contracts  Price  Adjustment  Board 974 

War  Department 975 

War  Finance  Division 974 

War  Food  Administration 900 

War  Information  Office 961 

War  Manpower  Commission 962 

War  Production  Board 963 

War  Shipping  Administration 963 

Weather  Bureau 911 

Women's  Bureau 947 

Yards  and  Docks  Bureau 955 

General  Information 

The  Superiutendent  of  Documents,  Government  Printing  Oflice,  Washington, 
D.  C,  is  authorized  by  law  to  sell  copies  of  Government  publications  and  to  allow 
a  discount  of  25  percent  to  book  dealers  and  quantity  purchasers  on  condition 
that  the  purchasers  will  adhere  to  the  public  sales  price  set  by  the  Superintendent 
of  Documents  and  that  publications  shall  not  be  overprinted  with  any  advertising 

Publications  cannot  be  supplied  free  to  individuals  nor  forwarded  in  advance 
of  payment. 

The  sales  stock,  which  amounts  to  more  than  S  million,  includes  approximately 
65,000  different  titles.  Many  rare  books  are  included,  but  under  the  law  all  must 
be  sold  regardless  of  their  age  or  scarcity.  Many  of  the  books  have  been  In  stock 
some  time,  and  are  apt  to  be  shopworn.  In  filling  orders  the  best  copy  available 
is  sent. 


A  general  price  list  of  public  documents  is  not  available,  but  numerous  lists 
have  been  prepared  on  special  subjects  and  any  of  these  will  be  furnished  free, 
on  application,  if  the  person  interested  will  state  the  subject  or  subjects  concern- 
ing which  information  is  desired.  It  will  also  be  noted  that  cui'rent  publications 
which  are  for  sale  are  listed  in  this  catalog. 


In  addition  to  the  price  lists,  the  Documents  Office  issues  a  semimonthly  List  of 
selected  United  States  Government  publications  for  sale  by  the  Superintendent 
of  Documents.  Each  list  Is  arranged  alphabetically  by  subjects,  with  annotations 
and  prices,  and  may  be  obtained  free  upon  application  to  the  Superintendent  of 


More  than  12,000  different  bills  are  usually  introduced  during  a  session  of 
Congress,  and  there  are  additional  prints  on  many  during  the  progress  of  the  legis- 
lation. With  the  exception  of  a  very  few — such  as  revenue  bills — the  demand  is  an 
unknown  quantity  and  on  most  of  them  we  receive  no  orders,  which  makes  it 
impossible  to  print  a  sales  supply.  It  may  be  that  a  copy  could  be  obtained  from 
your  congressman. 

A  difficult  problem  is  also  presented  in  providing  a  supply  of  congi-essional 
documents  and  reports  because  there  are  usually  more  than  6,000  of  this  class 
of  publications  issued  during  a  Congress  and  only  a  few  of  them  are  called  for. 
We  will  attempt  to  print  for  sale  a  few  of  the  more  important  ones,  but  if  not 
priced  the  only  possible  source  would  be  from  your  Congressman. 


Publications  entered  in  this  catalog:  that  are  for  sale  by  the  Superintendent 
of  Documents  are  indicated  by  a  star  (♦)  preceding  the  price.  A  dagger  (t) 
indicates  that  application  should  be  made  to  the  department,  bureau,  or  division 


Government  Publications 

Issuing  the  document.  A  double  dagger  (J)  indicates  that  the  document  is 
printed  for  oflacial  use  and  is  not  obtainable.  Whenever  additional  information 
concerning  the  method  of  procuring  a  document  seems  necessary,  it  will  be  found 
under  the  name  of  the  bureau  by  which  it  was  published. 

In  ordering  a  publicatiou  from  the  Superintendent  of  Documents,  give  (if 
known)  the  name  of  the  publishing  department,  bureau  or  division,  and  the  title, 
together  with  the  classification  number  which  is  added  to  the  entry  at  the  extreme 
right;  order  the  congressional  documents  and  reports  by  the  title,  together  with 
the  document  or  report  number  and  the  Congress  and  session,  e.  g.,  H.  doc.  422, 

Do  not  use  the  L.  C.  card  number  in  ordering  a  publication. 


Remittances  for  the  documents  marked  with  a  star  (*)  should  be  made  to  the 
Superintendent  of  Documents,  U.  S.  Government  Printing  Office,  Washington  25, 
D.  C,  by  coupon,  postal  money  order,  express  order,  or  check.  Currency  may 
be  sent  at  sender's  risk.  Foreign  remittances  should  be  made  either  by  inter- 
national money  order  or  draft  on  an  American  bank. 

Foreign  money,  defaced  or  smooth  corns,  will  not  6e  accepted.  Do  not  send 
postage  stamps. 

For  the  convenience  of  the  general  public,  coupons  in  the  denomination  of  5c 
that  are  good  until  used  in  exchange  for  Government  publications  sold  by  the 
Superintendent  of  Documents  may  be  purchased  from  his  office.  Address  order 
to  Superintendent  of  Documents,  Government  Printing  Office,  Washington  25,  D.  C. 

No  charge  is  made  for  postage  on  documents  forwarded  to  points  in  United 
States  and  possessions,  or  to  Canada,  Cuba,  Mexico,  Newfoundland  (including 
Labrador),  and  certain  Central  and  South  American  countries.  To  other  coun- 
tries the  regular  rate  of  postage  is  charged,  and  remittances  must  cover  such  post- 
age.    In  computing  foreign  postage,  add  one-third  of  the  price  of  the  publication. 


The  number  given  at  the  extreme  right  of  each  entry  (except  for  congres- 
sional documents  and  reports)  is  the  classification  number  by  which  the  pub- 
lication is  arranged  in  the  Librai-y  and  in  the  sales  stock  of  the  Office  of  the 
Superintendent  of  Documents.  It  can  be  used  as  a  classification  number  by 
such  libraries  as  are  using,  for  the  departmental  publications,  the  arrangement 
of  public  documents  advocated  in  the  Check  list  of  United  States  public  docu- 
ments, 1789-1909.  In  using  this  number  as  a  classification  number  in  a  library, 
it  should  be  noted  that  the  shilling  mark  (/)  is  used  to  separate  what  would 
ordinarily  be  a  superior  or  inferior  number  (the  numbers  immediately  following 
the  line)  from  the  main  classification  number,  it  not  being  practicable  to  print 
these  numbers  as  superiors  or  inferiors  in  the  Monthly  catalog. 


Numbers  to  be  used  in  ordering  the  printed  catalog  cards  of  the  Library  of 
Congress  are  appended  to  entries  for  many  publications.  These  are  given  at 
the  left  with  "L.  C.  card"  prefixed.  Do  not  confuse  with  the  Documents  Office 
classification  number  given  at  the  right.  Orders  for  these  cards,  remittances 
in  payment  for  them,  and  requests  for  information  about  them  should  be  ad- 
dressed to  the  Card  Division,  Library  of  Congress,  not  to  the  Superintendent 
of  Documents.  Checks  or  money  orders  should  be  made  payable  to  the  Librarian 
of  Congress. 

August  1944  889 


The  Monthly  catalog  is  sold  on  subscription,  price  $2.00  a  year,  including  index  ; 
foreign  subscription  $2.60  a  year.  Back  numbers  cannot  be  supplied.  Notify 
the  Superintendent  of  Documents  of  any  change  of  address. 

An  Index  to  the  Monthly  catalog  will  be  issued  at  the  end  of  the  calendar 
year.  This  will  contain  index  entries  for  all  the  numbers  issued  from  January 
to  December,  and  can  be  boimd  with  the  numbers  as  an  index  to  the  volume. 
Persons  desiring  to  bind  the  catalog  at  the  end  of  the  year  should  be  careful 
to  retain  the  numbers  received  monthly,  as  duplicate  copies  cannot  be  supplied. 

Notes  of  General  Interest 

Fair  Employment  Practice  Committee 

The  Committee  on  Fair  Employment  Practice  was  established  in  the  Office  for 
Emergency  Management  of  the  Executive  Office  of  the  President  by  Executive 
Order  9346  of  May  27,  1943.  The  same  order  provided  for  the  termination  of  the 
Fair  Employment  Practice  Committee  established  by  Executive  Order  8802  of 
June  25,  1941,  and  the  transfer  of  all  its  records,  property,  etc.,  to  the  new 

Corrections  for  Previous  Monthly  Catalogs 

July  1944.  On  page  796,  under  subhead  "Oorman",  change  "John  H.  Gorman"  at 
beginning  of  title  to  read  "John  H  [J].  Gorman" ;  on  page  815  change  subhead 
"Raihcay  employees"  to  read  "Railroad  employees",  3d  line  of  same  entry 
change  "Economic"  to  read  "Economics",  and  transfer  the  entry  to  pay  813 
preceding  1st  enti'y  subheaded  "Railroads"  ;  on  page  878,  under  subhead  "Supply 
catalogs — Continued",  "A-42",  change  "Chart"  at  beginning  of  title  to  read 


New  Classification  Numbers 

War  Food  Administration. 

Agricultural  Adjustment  Agency. 

A  80.609:    CT Addresses.     [Proc] 

Note. — See,  for  earlier  issues,  A  55.15  :   (CT). 

Census  Bureau. 

C3..157*:   date United  States  exports  of  domestic  and  foreign 

mercliandise  to  Canada  (including  lend-lease 
exports).     [Proc] 

C  3.157":  date United   States  general  imports  from  Canada, 

excluding  strategic  and  critical  materials  and 
military  equipment.     [Proc] 
Foreign  and  Domestic  Commerce  Bureau. 

C  18.200":   CT State-local    businessmen's    organizations. 


C  18.230:  date Industry  reports:  Lumber  (monthly).     [Proc] 

C  18.231 :  date Industry  reports :  Sugar,  molasses  and  confec- 
tionery (luonthly).     [Proc] 
Weather  Bureau. 

C  30.29:  nos Research  papers.     [Proc] 

Civil  Aeronautics  Authority. 
Civil  Aeronautics  Board. 

C  31.216  :  V.  nos.  &  nos Foreign  air  news  digest  (fortnightly).     [Proc] 

Public  Health  Service. 

FS2.17°:  nos Hospital  Division  circulars,  new  series,  Oct.  1, 

1943-     [Proc] 

FS  2.46:  nos [Nursing  education]  leaflets. 

Interior  Department. 

11.77:  CT Regulations,  rules,  and  instructions. 

Note. — luchules  handbooks  and  manuals. 

General  Land  Office. 

I  21.17:  nos Information  bulletins. 

Note. — Formerly  121.17:    (date  &  nos.). 

Geographical  Names  Board. 
133.5^:   nos Decisions  (monthly).     [Proc] 

Solid  Fuels  Administration  for  War. 
151.10:  CT Posters. 

Pan  American  Union. 
PA  1.22  :  CT Commodities  of  commerce  series. 

Note. — Formerly   numbered  series,   the  current 
Issues  intentionally  unnumbered. 

PA  1.20:  CT American  nation  series. 

Note. — Formerly  numbered  series,   the  current 
issues  intentionally  unnumbered. 

PA  1.31 :  CT American  city  series. 

Note. — Formerly  numbered  series,   the  current 
Issues  intentionally  unnumbered. 

Emergency  Management  Office. 

Fair  Employment  Practice  Committee. 
Pr  32.412:   CT All  publications  issued  by  the  Committee. 

Price  Administration  Office. 

Pr32.4245:  nos Point  value  charts  (monthly). 

Pr  32.4247:   nos Materials  digest.     [Proc] 

Pr  32.4248:  nos OI'A  manual  news  letters. 

Pr  32.4248^:  nos OPA  manual  news  letters,  Rent. 


892  Government  Publications 

Emergency  Management  Office — Continued. 

Pr  32.4248':  nos OPA  manual  news  letters,  Accounting. 

Pr  32.4248*:   nos OPA  manual  news  letters,  Price. 

Voordinator  of  Inter- American  Affairs  Office. 

Pr 32.4613:  CT Strategic  index  of  the  Americas;  Publications 

compiled  from.     [Proc] 
War  Manpotccr  Commission. 

Pr  32.5220 :  unit  no.'; Employment     Office     training     programs. 

r Printed  and  processed.] 
SmitJisonian  Institution. 

S  1 1.15  :  CT Regulations,  rules,  and  instructions. 

Note. — Includes  handbooks  and  manuals. 

Tariff  Commission. 

TC1.18:  nos War    changes    in     industry     series,     reports. 


Note. — Cancel  TC  1.18 :   (CT)   sent  through  in 
Monthly  catalog  for  May  1944,  p.  474. 

Army  Service  Forces. 

Medical  Department,  Army. 

W 44.29:  v.  nos.  &  nos Army  nurse  (monthly).     [Proc] 

W  108.13  '^ :   date Index,     Army     Air     Forces     specifications 

Selective  Service  System. 

Y3.Se4:13  ^''"'*) Local  board  memoranda  (compilations). 

Tennessee  "Valley  Authority. 

Y3.T25:  6  (CT) Regulations,  rules,  and  instructions. 

Note. — Includes  handbooks  and  manuals. 

War  Contracts  Price  Adjustment  Board. 

Y3.W19":  6  (CT) Regulations,  rules,  and  Instructions. 

Note. — Includes  handbooks  and  manuals. 

Y4.P84':   CT Post-War  Economic  Policy  and  Planning,  Special 

Committee  on,  House. 

Y4.P92':   CT Presidential,   Vice  Presidential,   and   Senatorial 

Campaign  Expenditures,  1944,  Si)ecial  Commit- 
tee to  Investigate,  Senate. 

Note. — The  following  publications  have  been  discontinued :  Legislative  Refer- 
ence Service,  War  service  bulletins,  series  H  (LC  14.11 :  H-nos.)  ;  War  Production 
Board,  Salvage  news  letters  (Pr  32.4823:  nos.). 

Congressional  Set 

Note. — The  bound  volumes  of  congressional  documents  and  reiK)rts  are  not  listed 
in  the  aionthly  catalogs,  since  the  publications  contained  therein  have  been  pre- 
viously entered  separately. 

The  following  bound  volume  was  sent  to  Depository  Libraries  during  the  month 
of  July  1944 : 

House  Document No.  364,  78th  Congress,  1st  session. 

•  Item  324 

Monthly   Catalog 

NO.   595    •    AUGUST    1944 


Aeronautical  standards.  Index  of  Army-Navy  aeronautical  standards,  including 
Army-Navy  aeronautical  specifications,  drawings  and  bulletins,  issued  by  Work- 
ing Committee  of  Aeronautical  Board,  supplement,  Apr.  1,  1944.  [1944.] 
[2]+4p.  4°     [Issued  with  perforations.]     X  Y  3.Ae  8 :  7/944-2/supp. 

Same,  June  1,  1944,   supplement  to  Index  dated  May  1,   1944.     [1944.] 

[2]4-4p.  4°     [Issued  with  perforations.]     t  Y  3.Ae  8  :  7/944-3/supp. 

Same,  July  1,  1944.     [1944.]     cover  title,  47  p.  4°     [Text  on  p.  2  of  cover. 

Issued  with  perforations.    Supersedes  previous  issues  and  supplements.]     t 

Y  3.Ae  8 :  7/944-4 


Note. — Those  publications  of  the  Department  of  Agriculture  which  are  for  sale  will  be 
supplied  by  the  Superintendent  of  Documents,  Government  Printing  Office,  Washington  25, 
D.  C.  The  Department  issues  a  monthly  list  of  publications  which  will  be  mailed  to  all 
applicants,  who  can  then  select  the  available  ones  desired. 

Addresses.  Buying  war  bonds,  a  brake  on  land  boom,  address  by  Claude  R. 
Wickard,  Secretary  of  Agriculture,  on  National  Farm  and  Home  Hour,  June 
12,1944.     [1944.]    2  p.  4°     [Processed.]     t  A  1.40 :  W  63/107 

Farm  credit  looks  ahead,  address  by  Claude  R.  Wickard,   Secretary  of 

Agriculture,  at  meeting  of  district  boards  of  directors  of  Farm  Credit  Adminis- 
tration, Kansas  City,  Mo.,  June  15,  1944.     [1944.]    7  p.  4°     [Processed.]     t 

A  1.40 :  W  63/108 

Apples.  Pomological  and  cytological  study  of  russeted  sport  of  Stark  apple 
[with  list  of  literature  cited]  ;  by  C.  P.  Swanson  and  V.  R.  Gardner.  1944. 
[2]  -1-307-315  p.  il.  [From  Journal  of  agricultural  research,  Apr.  15.  1944,  v.  68. 
no.  8.]     *  Paper,  5c.  A  1.23/a  :  Ap  52/94 

Buffalo  Creek.  Survey  of  Buffalo  Creek  watershed  in  New  York,  letter  trans- 
mitting report  of  survey  of  Buffalo  Creek  watershed  in  Now  York  describing 
investigation  of  program  of  waterflow  retardation  and  soil  erosion  prevention 
in  aid  of  flood  control.  1944.  vi+43  p.  il.  2  p.  of  pi.  (H.  doc.  574,  78th  Cong., 
2d  sess. )     *  Paper,  10c. 

Journal  of  agricultural  research,  v.  69,  no.  1  and  2 ;  July  1  and  15,  1944.     [1944.] 
cover  titles,  p.  1-94,  il.  1  pi.     [Semimonthly.    Articles  appearing  in  the  Journal 
are  listed  in  the  Monthly  catalog  as  issued.]     *  Paper,  10c.  single  copy,  $2.25 
a  yr. ;  foreign  subscription,  $3.75.     •  Item  12 
L.  C.  card  Agr  13-1837  A  1.23 :  69A,  2 

Note. — This  periodical  is  issued  by  the  Agriculture  Department  in  cooperation  with  the 
Association  of  Land-Grant  Colleges  and  Universities.  As  the  edition  is  limited  it  is 
not  sent  free  to  individuals  but  only  to  libraries  of  experment  stations,  colleges,  tecb- 
nical  schools,  and  universities,  and  to  laboratories,  divisions,  offices,  and  departments 
on  whose  staffs  are  several  technically  trained  men  in  biological,  chemical  or  pbysicf.l 
sciences.  It  is  also  sent  to  such  institutions  as  make  suitable  exchanges  of  their  publica- 
tions for  those  of  the  Agriculture  Department. 

•     Sent  to  Depository  Libraries 



894  Government  Publications 

Prices.  Index  numbers  of  prices  received  and  paid  by  farmers  and  average  prices 
received  for  crops,  livestock  and  livestock  products.  1944.  12  p.  il.  4"  IFrom 
crops  and  markets,  as  revised.]     t  A  1.52/a  :  P  931/2 

Publications.  United  States  Department  of  Agriculture,  monthly  list  of  publi- 
cations.    See  entry,  below,  under  center  head  Information  Office. 

StarcJi.  Comparison  of  viscosity  and  certain  microscopical  properties  of  eome 
Kansas  starches  [with  list  of  literature  cited]  ;  by  H.  N.  Barham,  J.  A.  Wagoner, 
B.  M.  Williams,  and  G.  Nathan  Reed.  1944.  [2] +331-345  p.  [From  Journal 
of  agricultural  research,  May  1,  1944,  v.  G8,  no.  9.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

A  1.23/a  :  St  28/4 

USDA,  July  10  and  24,  1944;  [v.  3,  no.  14  and  15].     [1944.]     8  p.  and  4  p.  4" 
[Fortnightly.]     $ 
L.  C.  card  Agr  42-258  A  1.57 :  3/14,15 


Agncultural  situation,  brief  summary  of  economic  conditions,  July  1944;  v.  28, 
no.  7.     [1944.]     24  p.   il.     [Monthly.]     *  Paper,  5c.   single  copy,  50c.   a  yr. ; 
foreign  subscription,  70c.     •  Item  54 
L.  C.  card  Agr.  26-1797  A  86.15 :  28/7 

Agricultural  statistics.  Statistical  summary,  SS-19;  May  31,  1944.  [1944.]  [2] 
p.  4°     [Monthly.    Processed.]     t     A  36.151: 19 

Same,  SS-20;  June  30,  1944.  [1944.]  [2]  p.  4°  [Monthly.  Proc- 
essed.]    t  A  36.151:  20 

Apples,  grapes,  plums,  prunes,  figs,  olives,  dates,  cranberries,  utilization  of  pro- 
duction, 1942  and  1943.  July  10,  1944.  8  p.  4°  (Crop  Reporting  Board.) 
[Processed.]     t  A  36.2 :  AP  5/13/842-43 

Cotton.  Cotton  production.  July  8,  1944.  2  p.  large  8°  (Crop  Reporting 
Board.)     [Processed.]     t  A  36.30: 944/1 

Cotton    situation,    CS-91 ;    June    1944.     [1944.]     8    p.    il.    4°     [Monthly. 

Processed.]     t  A  36.40/2: 91 

Farm  production,  farm  disposition,  and  value  of  cotton  and  cottonseed 

and  related  data,  1928-42,  by  States;  [prepared  by  Henry  L.  Rasor  and  Ella 
Sue  Minor].  Washington,  D.  C,  June  1944.  cover-title,  41  p.  il.  4°  ([Crop 
Reporting  Board.] )      [Processed.    Text  on  p.  2  of  cover.]     f 

A  86.2  :  C  82/97/928-42 

Crop  production,  July  1,  1944.  [1944.]  l-26f-f 27-58  p.  il.  large  8"  (Crop  Re- 
porting Board.)      [Monthly.    Processed.]     t  A  36.29: 944/7 

Dairy  situation,  DS-155;  July  1944.  [1944.]  11  p.  il.  A"  [Monthly.  Proc- 
essed.]    t  A  36.65: 155 

Demand  and  price  situation,  June  1944.  [1944.]  15  p.  il.  4°  [Monthly.  Proc- 
essed.]    t  A  36.28:  944/6 

Farm  income.  Farm  income  situation,  FIS-53;  June  1944.  [1944.]  17  p.  il.  4° 
[Monthly.     Processed.]     t  A  36.122: 53 

Net  farm  income  and  parity  report,  1943,  and  summary  for  1910-42.  Wash- 
ington, D.  C,  July  1944.     [l]-|-29p.     4°     [Processed.]     t      A  36.2 :  In  2/9/943 

Note. — This  report  brings  to  date  income  estimates  in  mimeographed  report,   Ma- 
teilal  bearing  on  parity  prices,  published  July  1941. 

Farm  labor:  Farm  employment  lower  than  year  ago,  wage  rates  highest  of  record. 
July  14,  1944.       13  p.     il.   4°     [Processed.]     t  A  36.140 :  944/7 

Fats  and  oils  situation,  F0S-S8;  June  1944.  [1944.]  22  p.  il.  4"  [Monthly. 
Processed.]     t  A  36.97  :  88 

Feed  situation,  FDS-59;  June  1944.  [1944.]  37  p.  il.  4"  [Monthly.  Proc- 
essed]    t  A  36.117:  59 

Food.  National  food  situation,  NFS-17 ;  June  1944.  [1944.]  29  p.  il.  4° 
[Monthly.     Processed.]     t  A  36.147: 17 

•    Sent  to  Depository  Libraries 

August  1944  895 

Fruit  situation,  TFS-71;  June  1944.  [1944.]  23  p.  il.  4°  [Isssued  4  times  a 
year,  June,  August,  October,  and  January.     Processed.]     t  A  36.99:  71 

Horses.  Work  performed  and  feed  utilized  by  horses  and  mules;  by  A.  P. 
Brodell  and  R.  D.  Jennings.     Washington,  D.  C,  June  1944.     cover  title,  26  p. 

8  maps,  4°     (F.  M.  44.)      [Processed.     Text  on  p.  2  of  cover]     t        A  36.118  :  44 

LivesiocA;  and  wool  situation,  LWS-26 ;  June  1944.     [1944.]  22  p.  il.  4"     [Monthly. 

Processed.]     t  A  36.141:  26 

Marketing.     Marketing    and     transportation     situation,  MTS-21 ;     May     1944. 

[1944.]     16  p.  il.  4°     [Monthly.     Processed.]     t  A  36.143: 21 

Same,  MTS-22;  June  1944.  [1944.]  17  p.  il.  4"  [Monthly.  Proc- 
essed.]    t  A  36.143:  22 

Poultry.  Poultry  and  egg  situation,  PES-90;  June  1944.  [1944.]  15  p.  il.  4° 
[Monthly.     Processed.]     t  A  36.96: 90 

Sales  and  average  live  weight  of  farm  chickens  sold,  1936-43.     June  1944. 

9  p.  large  8"     [Processed.]     t  A  36.2 :  C  43/8/936^3 

PuUications.  Check  list  of  printed  and  processed  (nonperiodical)  publications 
issued  during  June  1944.     [1944.]     3  p.  4"     [Monthly.     Processed.]     t 

A  36.70/2 :  944/6 

Vegetables.    Commercial  truck  crop  estimate  reports.     [Processed.]     t 

A  36.101 : 

Note. — The  Agricultural  Economics  Bureau  issues  a  series  of  reports  relating  to  truck 
crops  which,  although  numbered  in  one  series  (TC  followed  hy  the  year  and  a  number  with 
a  different  group  of  hundreds  assigned  for  each  month),  consists  of  several  distinct 
groups  as  follows  :  Commercial  trucij  crops  for  fresh  marljet.  commonly  called  Truck  crop 
reports ;  Truck  crops  for  commercial  processing,  commonly  called  Canning  crop  reports ; 
Truck  crop  news;  Annual  summaries  in  December  eacli  year.  Revised  statistical  sum- 
maries are  issued  at  appropriate  intervals  covering  a  varying  period  of  years.  Printed 
summaries  of  these  reports  were  published  in  Crops  and  markets  prior  to  June  1937,  but 
these  have  been  discontinued,  A  yearly  summary  only  is  published  in  the  January 
quarterly  issue  each  year. 

Wheat  situation,  WS-81 ;  May-June  1944.  [1944.]  13  p.  il.  4°  [Bimonthly; 
Issued  monthly  during  July  and  August.     Processed.]     t  A  36.86:  81 



Dehydration.    Vegetable  and  fruit  dehydration,  manual  for  plant  operators  [with 
list  of  literature  cited].    June  1944.     cover  title,  218  p.  il.     (Agriculture  Dept. 
Miscellaneous  publication  540.)     *  Paper,  30c.     •  Item  14 
L.  C.  card  Agr  44-127  A  1.38 :  540 

Soybeans.  Processing  soybeans  for  oil  and  meal  [with  list  of  selected  references.] 
May  1944.  8  p.  4°  (AIC-45;  [Northern  Regional  Laboratory].) 
[Processed.     Supersedes  ACE-71  revised.]     f  A  77.104/2: 45 

Vegetables.  How  to  prepare  vegetables  and  fruits  for  freezing.  [May  1944.] 
[2]  p.  il.  large  4",  folded  into  narrow  8°  size.  ( [Agriculture  Dept]  AWI-100.) 
[Revision  of  AWI-63,  Preparing  home-grown  vegetables  and  fruits  for  freezing.] 
t     •  Item  11  A  1.59 :  100 

Preservation  of  vegetables  by  salting  or  brining  [with  References  to  other 

publications  on  salting  and  brining;  bv  John  L.  Etchells  and  Ivan  D.  Jones]. 
[Sept.  1943,  revised  June  1944.]  [1944.]  16  p.  il.  (Agriculture  Dept.  Farm- 
ers' bulletin  1932.)  [Prepared  in  cooperation  with  North  Carolina  Agricultural 
Experimebt  Station.]     *  Paper,  5c.     •  Item  10 

L.  C.  card  Agr  44-132  A  1.9 :  1932/2 

Wheat  flour,  potential  raw  material  for  expanded  production  of  starch  and  sirups 
[with  bibliography;  by]  G.  E.  Hilbert,  R.  J.  Dimler,  and  C.  E.  Rist.     [1944.] 

10  p.  4°  ( AIC-50 ;  Northern  Regional  Research  Laboratory.)  [Processed. 
Published  in  American  miller,  Apr.  1944.]     f  A  77.104/2  :  50 

•     Sent  to  Depository  Libraries 

602646 — 44— No.  595 2 

896  Government  Publications 


Bang's  disease.  Statement  of  indemnity  claims  and  averages  in  cooperative 
Bang's  disease  work,  May  1944.     [1944.]     1  p.    4"     [Monthly.     Processed.]     t 

A  77.211 :  944/5 

Snmmary  of  brucellosis   (Bang's  disease)   control  program  conducted  by 

Bureau  of  Animal  Industry  in  cooperation  with  the  various  States,  July  1, 
1934-May  31,  194-1.     [1944.]     1  p.  4''     [Monthly.     Processed.]     t 

A  77.213 :  944/5 

Summary  of  brucellosis   (Bang's  disease)   work  in  cooperation  with  the 

various  States,  May  1^4.     [1944.]     1  p.  oblong  8°     [Monthly.     Processed.]     t 

A  77.212 :  944/5 

Cattle.  Regulations  governing  inspection,  humane  treatment,  and  safe  transport 
of  animals  for  export  (except  to  Mexico),  effective  July  1,  1944.  May  3,  1944. 
7  p.     (B.  A.  I.  order  378.)     t     •  Item  66  A  77.218:  378 

Rules  and  regulations  of  Bureau  of  Animal  Industry.  June  1944.  [72]  p. 
[Title  9,  chap.  1,  pts.  101-122,  Code  of  Federal  regulations  of  United  States  and 
Cumulative  supplement  to  Code  of  Federal  regulations  of  United  States.] 
t     •  Item  68  A   77.206 :  An  5/944 

Service   aimminccments.     Service   and    regulatory    announcements.    May    1944; 
[no.]  445.     June  1944.     p.  29-34.     [Monthly.]      *  Paper,  5c.,  single  copy,  25c. 
a  yr. ;  foreign  subscription,  60c.     •  Item  70 
L.  C.  card  Agr  7-1658  A  77.208 :  445 

Stomaeh  tcorms.  Survival  on  grass  plots  of  eggs  and  larvae  of  stomach  worm, 
Haemonchus  contortus  [with  list  of  literature  cited]  ;  by  D.  A.  Shorb.  1944. 
[2] -1-317-324  p.  [From  Journal  of  agricultural  research,  Apr.  15,  1944,  v. 
68,  no.  8.]     *  Paper,  5c.  A  1.23/a :  St  69/2 

Tubereulosis  in  animals.  Summary  of  tuberculosis  eradictioh  in  cooperation 
with  the  various  States,  Mav  1944.  [1944.]  1  p.  oblong  8°  [Monthlv.  Proc- 
essed.]    t  A  77.216 :  944/5 

Turkeys.  Effect  of  feeding  certain  fish  products  on  odor  and  flavor  of  roasted 
turkeys.  June  1944.  8  p.  4°  (A.  H.  D.  no.  74.)  [Processed.  Prepared  in 
cooperation  with  Human  Nutrition  and  Home  Economics  Bureau.]     t 

A  77.209:  74 

Virus-Serum  Control  Division.  Activities  of  licensed  establishments  supervised 
by  Virus-Serum  Control  Division,  June  27,  1944.  [1944.]  2  p.  4°  (Notice  210, 
V.  S.  C.)      [Monthly.     Processed.]     t  A  77.217: 210 


Allotropa  'burrelli.  Biology  of  Allotropa  burrelli,  gregarious  parasite  of  Pseudo- 
coccus  comstocki ;  by  D.  W.  Clancy.  1944.  [2] -|- 159-167  p.  il.  [From  Journal 
of  agricultural  research,  Aug.  15,  1944,  v.  69,  no.  4.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

A  1.23/a  :  P  697/3 

Bees.     Productive  management  of  honeybee  colonies  in  Northern  States ;  by  C.  L. 
Farrar.     July   1944.     28  p.    il.     (Agriculture   Dept.   Circular   702.)     *  Paper, 
10c.     •  Item  7 
L.  C.  card  Agr  44-133  A  1.4/2 :  702 

Injectors.  Small  injector  for  use  in  mixing  sprays ;  by  Fred  P.  Dean.  June  1944. 
2  p.  il.  2  pi.  4"     (ET-217.)      [Processed.]     t  A  77.313: 217 

Insect  pest  survey  [bulletin,  v.  22],  special  supplement;  May  1.  1944.  [1944.] 
5p.  map,  4"     [Processed.]     t  A  77.310 :  22/sp.supp.-9 

Japanese  beetle.  Influence  of  temperature  on  effectiveness  of  lead  arsenate 
against  larvae  of  beetle  in  soil  [with  list  of  literature  cited]  ;  by 
Walter  E.  Fieniing  and  Warren  W.  Maines.  July  1944.  11  p.  10  p.  of  pi.  2  p. 
of  maps,  4°     (E-622.)      [Processed.]     t  A  77.312 :  E-622 

Pests.  Review  of  United  States  patents  relating  to  pest  control,  by  R.  C.  Roark, 
V.  17,  no.  5;  May  1944.     [1944.]     7  p.  4°     [Monthly.    Processed.]     t 

A  77.311: 17/5 

•     Sent  to  Depository  Libraries 

August  1944  897 

Serwce  announcements.  Index  to  Service  and  regulatory  announcements,  1943. 
July  1044.     2  p.     t     •  Item  86  A  77.308 :  154-157/ind. 

Service  and  regulatory  announcements,  1943 ;  with  List  of  plant  i)esls  inter- 
cepted with  imported  plants  and  plant  products  [title  page  and  contents]. 
July  1944.     ii+2p.     t     •  Item  86  A  77.308 :  154-157/t.p.&cont. 

Service  and  regulatory  announcements,  Jan.-Mar.  1944;  [no.]  158.     June 

1944.     p.  1-31.     [Quarterly.]     t     •  Item  86 

L.  C.  card  Agr  14-383  A  77.308: 158 


Experiment  station  record,  v.  91,  no.  2 ;  Aug.  1944.  [1944.]  cover  title,  p.  113- 
240.  [Monthly.  Text  and  illustration  on  p.  2-4  of  cover.]  *Paper,  15c.  single 
copy,   $1.00  per   vol.    (2   vols,   a   yr.)  ;   foreign   subscription,    $1.75   per    vol. 

•  Item  89 

L.  C.  card  Agr  9-832  A  77.408 :  91/2 

Note. — Mainly  made  up  of  abstracts  of  current  publications  on  agricultural  science 
and  home  economics,  especially  those  of  the  United  States  Department  of  .Agriculture 
and  the  State  agricultural  experiment  stations. 


Budgets  (family  and  personal).  Minimum-wage  budgets  for  women,  guide  to 
their  preparation  [with  list  of  selected  references].  June  1944.  iv+42  p. 
(Agriculture  Dept.  Miscellaneous  publication  549.)  [Revision  of  Miscellane- 
ous publication  324,  Factors  to  be  considered  in  preparing  minimum-wage 
budgets  for  women.]  *  Paper,  10c.  •  Item  14 
L.  C.  card  Agr  44-134  A  1.38 :  549 

DeUydrators.  Home-built  electric  dehydrator.  [1944.]  12  p.  il.  4°  (Agricul- 
ture Dept.     AWI-76.)      t     •  Item  11  A  1.59:  76 

Dyes  and  dyeing.  Home  dyeing  with  commercial  dyes.  [Apr.  28,  1944.]  6  p. 
11.4"     [Processed.]     t  A  77.702  :D  98 

Egg  dishes  for  any  meal.  [June  1944.]  16  p.  il.  narrow  8°  (Agriculture  Dept. 
AWI-89.)     [Supersedes  unnumbered  publication,  Egg  dishes  at  low  cost.]     t 

•  Item  11  A  1.59 :  89 

Housing.  Need  for  rural  housing;  bv  Emma  G.  Holmes  and  Grace  M.  Angle. 
Apr.  1944.     [2]+10p.  4°     [Processed.]     t  A  77.702  :R  88 

Nutrition.     Principles  of  nutrition  and  nutritive  value  of  food ;   [by  Henry  C. 
Sherman].     [June  1944.]     40  p.  il.     (Agriculture  Dept.     Miscellaneous  publi- 
cation 546. )     *  Paper,  l6e.     •  Item  14 
L.  C.  card  Agr  44-135  A  1.38 :  546 

Pickle  and  relish  recipes  [with  list  of  references].  [July  1944.]  16  p.  il.  narrow 
8°     (Agriculture  Dept.     AWI-103.)      t     •  Item  11  A  1.59: 103 

Tomatoes  on  your  table.  [July  1944.]  20  p.  il  narrow  8"  (Agriculture  Dept. 
AWI-104.)  [Includes  list  of  other  Agriculture  Department  recipe  folders.] 
t     •  Item  11  A  1.59: 104 


Beans.     Monographic  study  of  bean  diseases  and  methods  for  their  control  [with 
list  of  literature  cited]  ;  by  L.  L.  Barter  and  W.  J.  Zaumeyer.     June  1944. 
cover  title,  160  p.  il.     (Agriculture  Dept.     Technical  bulletin  868.)     *  Paper. 
25c.     •  Item  16 
L.  C.  card  Agr  44-136  A  1.36 :  868 

Beech.  Significance  of  discolorations  in  aircraft  veneers:  American  beech;  [by 
J.  R.  Hansbrough,  A.  M.  Waterman,  and  R.  L.  Krause].  Apr.  1944.  [2]-|-6  p. 
5  p.  of  1)1.  4°  (Forest  pathology  special  release  16.)  [Processed.  This  report 
is  one  of  a  series  issued  to  aid  the  Nation's  war  program.  Prepared  in  coopera- 
tion with  Forest  Products  Laboratory,  Forest  Service.]     f  A  77.516: 16 

•     Sent  to  Depository  Libraries 

398  Government  Publications 

Cabbage.  Factors  affecting  ascorbic  acid  content  of  cabbage  lines  [with  list  of 
literature  cited]  ;  by  Charles  F.  Poole,  Paul  C.  Grimball,  and  Margaret  S. 
Kanapaux.  1044.  [2] +31:5-329  p.  [From  Journal  of  agricultural  research, 
Apr.  17),  1944,  v.  68,  no.  8.]     *  Paper,  5c.  A  1.23/a  :C  111/28 

Cotton.  Effect  of  corn  barriers  on  natural  crossing  in  cotton  [with  list  of  litera- 
ture cited]  ;  by  O  .A.  Pope,  D.  M.  Simpson,  and  E.  N.  Duncan.  1944.  [2]  +347- 
Stil  p.  il.     [From  Journal  of  agricultural  research.  May  1,  1944,  v.  68,  no.  9.] 

*  Paper,  5c.  A  1.23/a  :  C  829/133 

Fences.     Farm  fences;  by  M.  A.  Kelley.     [Jan.  1940,  slightly  revised  May  1944.] 
[1944.]     [2]+00p.  il.     (Agriculture  Dept.     Farmers' bulletin  1832.)     *  Paper, 
10c.     •   Item  10 
L.  C.  card  Agr  44-137  A  1.9 :  1832/3 

Fruit.  Home  fruit  garden  in  Northeastern  and  North  Central  States.  [Aug. 
1942,  slightly  revised  June  1944.]  [1944.]  (Agriculture  Dept.  Leaflet 
227.)     *  Paper,  5c.     •  Item  13  A  1.35: 227/2 

Quayule  nursery  diseases  and  their  control ;  [prepared  by  members  of  Pathology 
Division,  Special  Guayule  Research  Project].  Beltsville,  Md.,  May  1944.  20  p. 
9  p.  of  pi.  4°     [Processed.]     t  A  77.502 :  G  93 

Hardwoods.    Diagnostic  features  of  some  discolorations  common  to  aircraft  hard- 

*   woods;    [by   Theodore   C.    Scheffer].     Mar.   8,    1944.     [l]+5  p.   4°     (Forest 

pathology  special  release  19.)      [Processed.     This  report  is  one  of  a  series  issued 

to  aid  the  Nation's  war  program.    Prepared  in  cooperation  with  Forest  Products 

Laboratory,  Forest  Service.]     %  A  77.516: 19 

Kobe,  a  superior  lespedeza ;  [by  Roland  McKee  and  Howard  L.  Hyland.]  [July 
1944.]     [2] +6     p.      11.     (Agriculture     Dept.     Leaflet     240.)     *  Paper,      5c. 

•  Item  13 

L.  C.  card  Agr  44-138  A  1.35:  240 

Onions.     Growing  transplant  onion  crop;  [by  H.  A.  Jones,  L.  R.  Hawthorn,  and 
G.   N.    Davis].     [July   1944.]     [2] +25   p.    il.     (Agriculture   Dept.    Farmers' 
bulletin  1956. )     *  Paper,  10c.     •  Item  10 
L.  C.  card  Agr  44-139  A  1.9 :  1956 

Onion  diseases  and  their  control;  [by  J.  C.  Walker].     [Nov.  1919,  revised 

June  1944.]      [1944.]      [2] +25  p.  11.     (Agriculture  Dept.     Farmers'  bulletin 
1060.)     *  Paper,  10c.     •  Item  10  A  1.9: 1060/7 

Pecans.  Changes  in  some  mineral  constituents  of  pecan  nuts  and  their  supporting 
shoots  durius  development  [with  list  of  literature  cited]  ;  by  Rulou  D.  Lewis 
and  J.  H.  Hunter.  1944.  [2] +299-306  p.  [From  Journal  of  agricultural 
research,  Apr.  15,  1944,  v.  68,  no.  8.]     *  Paper,  5c.  A  1.23/a  :  P  331/25 

Plant  disease  reporter,  v.  28,  no.  15-21;  June  1-July  15,  1944;  issued  by  Plant 
Disease  Survey,  Division  of  Mycology  and  Disease  Survey.  [1944.]  p.  495- 
695,114"     [Processed.]     f  A  77.511 :  28/15-21 

Plant  disease  surveys  in  southeastern  United  States  in  1943.  June  15,  1944. 
p.  231-302,  4"     (Plant  disease  reporter  supp.   148.)      [Processed.]     f 

A  77.512 :  148 

Strawberry  culture,  eastern  United  States;  [by  George  M.  Darrow].     [Apr.  1919, 
revised  Feb.  1941,  slightly  revised  July  1944.]     [1944.]     [2] +42  p.  il.     (Agri- 
culture Dept.     Farmers'  bulletin  1028.)     *  Paper,  10c.     •  Item  10 
L.  C.  card  Agr  44-140  A  1.9 :  1028/6 

Tishomingo  County,  Miss.  Soil  survey,  Tishomingo  County,  Miss,  [with  list  of 
literature  cited]  ;  by  A.  C.  Orvedal  and  Thomas  Fowlkes.  June  1944.  cover 
title,  104  p.  il.  map  in  pocket.  ([Soil  survey  report]  series  1937,  no.  10.) 
[Prepared  in  cooperation  with  Mississippi  Agricultural  Experiment  Station. 
Text  and  another  illustration  on  p.  2  and  4  of  cover.]  *  Paper,  55c.  •  Item  143 
L.  C.  card  Agr  44-128  A  77.514 :  937/10 

Wood.  Significance  of  air-dry  wood  in  controlling  rot  caused  by  Poria  incrassata  ; 
[by  Theodore  C.  Scheffer  and  Mae  S.  Chidester].  May  1943  [published  1944]. 
[l]+5+[l]  p.  4°  (Forest  pathology  special  release  17.)  [Processed.  This 
report  is  one  of  a  series  issued  to  aid  the  Nation's  war  program.  Prepared 
in  coopera^on  with  Forest  Products  Laboratory,  Forest  Service.  Published 
in  Southern  lumberman.  May  15,  1943.]     $  A  77.516 :  17 

•     Sent  to  Depository  Libraries 

August  1944  899 

farm  credit  administration 

Cooperatives.  Farmers'  cooperative  yardstick;  [by  S.  D.  Sanders]  [1944.] 
16  p.  il.  narrow  8°  ([Circular  17.])  [Includes  list  of  Farm  Credit  Administra- 
tion publications  on  cooperatives.]     t     •  Item  99  A  72.4: 17 

Summary  of  cases  relating  to  farmers'  cooperative  associations,  summary 

22,    June    1944;    prepared    by    Lyman    S.    Hulbert.      [1944.]       [2] +20    p.    4° 
[ Processed.  ]     t  A  72.18 :  22 

Farms.  About  that  farm  you're  going  to  buy.  Kansas  City,  Mo.,  May  1944.     (Circular  E-29.)     f  A72.4:E-29 

Meat  packing  industry.  History  of  cooperative  and  farmer  owned  meat  packing 
enterprises  in  United  States  [with  list  of  source  material]  ;  by  L.  B.  Mann. 
May  1944.    20  p.  4°     (Miscellaneous  report  72.)     [Processed.]    t  A  72.8:  72 

liews  for  farmer  cooperatives,  Aug.  1944 ;  [v.  11,  no.  5].     [1944.]    24  p.  il.  large  8° 
[Monthly.]     *  Paper,  10c.  single  copy,  $1.00  a  yr. ;  foreign  subscription,  $1.40. 
•  Item  106 
L.  C.  card  36-20027  A  72.10 :  11/5 

Sweetpotato  storage,  1943 ;  by  Milton  C.  Gay.  June  1944.  9  p.  4°  (Miscellaneous 
report  71.)     [Processed.]     t  A  72.8: 71 


Agriculture  in  the  Americas,  July  1944;  [v.  4,  no.  7].     [1944.]    cover  title,  p.  123- 
138,11.4"    [Monthly.    Text  and  another  illustration  on  p.  2-4  of  cover.]    *  iPaper, 
10c.  single  copy,  75c.  a  yr. ;  foreign  subscription,  $1.20.     •  Item  116 
L.  C.  card  Agr  41-6  A  67.15  :  4/7 

Foreign  agriculture,  review  of  foreign  farm  policy,  production,  and  trade,  v.  8, 
no.  7;  July  1944.     [1944.]     [2] +147-168  p.  4°     [Monthly.]     *  Paper,  10c.  single 
copy,  $1.00  a  yr. ;  foreign  subscription,  $1.60.     •  Item  118 
L.  C.  card  43-40327  A  67.7 :  8/7 

Foreign  crops  and  markets.  Foreign  crops  and  markets,  summary,  June  1944. 
[1944.]    p.  249-294,  4°     [Monthly.    Processed.]     t  A  67.8: 944/6 

Foreign  crops  and  markets,  v.  49,  no.  1-5 ;  July  3-31,  1944.     [1944.]  p.  1-60, 

4°    [Weekly.    Processed.]    f  A  67.8: 49/1-5 

Note. — With  this  issue.  Foreign  crops  and  markets  in  a  more  readable  and  attractive 
form  resumes  its  regular  weekly  appearance.  At  the  same  time,  the  monthly  summary 
issue,  instituted  shortly  after  Pearl  Harbor  in  place  of  the  regular  weekly  issue,  is  being 


Cedar.  American  woods:  Alaska  yellow-cedar  (Chamaecyparis  nootkatensis) 
[with  list  of  references]  ;  by  H.  S.  Betts.  June  1944.  3  p.  map,  4°  [Proc- 
essed. ]     t  A  13.31 :  C  32/4/944 

Chestnut.  American  woods:  Chestnut  (Castanea  dentata)  [with  list  of  refer- 
ences] ;  by  H.  S.  Betts.     May  1944.     9  p.  1  pi.  map,  4°     [Processed.]     $ 

A  13.31 :  C  426/944 

Directory,  Forest  Service,  Apr.  1944.     [San  Francisco,  May  1,  1944.]     cover  title, 
xxxiv+98  p.     [Annual.     For  official  use  only.]     % 
L.  C.  card  Agr  21-224  A  13.8/2 :  944 

Noble  fir.  American  woods:  Noble  fir  (Abies  nobilis)  [with  list  of  references]  ; 
by  H.  S.  Betts.     May  1944.     7  p.  map,  4°     [Processed.]     t      A  13.31 :  F  51/3/944 

Pi7ie.  Financial  aspects  of  selective  cutting  in  management  of  2d-growth  pine- 
hardwood  forests  west  of  Mississippi  River  [with  list  of  literature  cited] ;  by 
R.  R.  Reynolds,  W.  E.  Bond,  and  Burt  P.  Kirkland.  June  1944.  cover  title, 
118  p.  il.  (Agriculture  Dept.  Technical  bulletin  861.)  [Text  on  p.  2  of  cover.] 
*Paper,  20c.  •  Item  16 
L.  C.  card  Agr  44-141  A  1.36 :  861 

•    Sent  to  Depository  Libraries 

900  Government  Publications 


Clip  sheet,  no.  1357-61  ;  July  2-80,  1944.  [1944.]  Each  4  leaves,  4°  [Weekly. 
Processed.]     J     (limited  distribution).  A  21.15 :  1357-1361 

Note. — The  Clip  sheet  is  not  available  either  for  free  distribution  or  for  salei  to  the 
public.  It  Is  (listributod  only  to  profcshiioiial  writers,  newspapers,  and  publishers  inter- 
ested in  agricultural  information.     (No  subscription  list.)  . 

Cotton.  Make  the  grade  in  cotton  this  year,  .liiue  19,  1!)44.  4  p.  11.  4°  (Food 
information  series  90.)     [Processed.]     t  A  21.18: 90 

Fanu  machinery.  Foreign  shipments  of  farm  machinery.  Apr.  21,  1944.  4  p. 
4°     (Food  information  series  86.)     [Processed.]     $  A 21.18: 86 

Farmers.  Popular  publications  for  farmer  and  homemaker;  compiled  by  Eleanor 
W.  Clay.  July  1944.  iv-|-31  p.  narrow  8°  (List  no.  5;  Publications  Division.) 
t     •  Item  131 

L.  C.  card  Agr  44-131  A  21.9/8 :  5 

Note. — This  list  combines  and  takes  the  place  of  2  lists  formerly  issued  by  the 
Department,  List  no.  2,  List  of  available  Farmers'  bulletins  and  Leaflets  of  the  De- 
partment of  Agriculture,  last  issued  in  1941,  and  the  abridged  edition  of  Miscellaneous 
publication  no.  60,  List  of  available  publications  of  the  Department  of  Agriculture,  of 
which  the  last  issuance  date  was  July  1,  1943. 

Insecticides.  Farm  safety  rules  for  using  insecticides.  July  18,  1944.  4  p  4° 
(Food  information  no.  94.)     [Processed.]     t  A  21.18: 94 

Lumber.  How  farmer  gets  lumber.  July  1,  1944.  3  p.  4°  (Food  information 
no.  92.)      [Processed.]     |  A  21.18: 92 

Milkweed  floss  collection  program.  July  7,  1944.  4  p.  4°  (Food  information 
no.  93.)     [Processed.]     t  A  21.18: 93 

Pastures.  Pastures.  [1944.]  4  p.  4°  (Food  information  no.  91.)  [Proc- 
essed.]    t  A  21.18:  91 

Publications.     United  States  Department  of  Agriculture,  monthly  list  of  publi- 
cations, June  1944.     (1944.]     4  p.     t     •  Item  132 
L.  C.  card  Agr  9-1414  A  21.6/5 :  944/6 

Technical  bulletins  801-825  [title  page],  with  contents;  prepared  in  Indexing 
Section.     1944.     12  p.     (Publications  Division.)     *  Paper,   .5c.     •  Item  16 

A  1.36 :  801-825/t.p.  &  cont. 


Agriculture.     Bibliography    of    agriculture,    v.    5,    no.    1;    July    1944.     [1944.] 
[202]  p.  4°     [Monthly.]     *  Paper,  35c.  single  copy,  $3.75  a  yr. ;  foreign  sub- 
scription, $4.75.     •  Item  134 
L.  C.  card  Agr.  42-386  A  17.18 :  5/1 

hand  settlement,  list  of  references;  compiled  by  Annie  M.  Hannay.  June  1944. 
167  p.  4°     (Library  list  9.)      [Processed.]     t 

L.  C.  card  Agr  44-126  A  17.17 :  9 

Note. — This  bibliography  contains  selected  references  on  land  settlement  for  the  years 
19:38-4.'!  and  a  part  of  1944.  It  partially  supplements  the  Bibliography  on  land  settlement 
and  the  Bibliography  on  land  utilization,  issued  by  the  Department  of  Agriculture  in  1934 
and  1938,  as  Miscellaneous  publication   #172  and  ii:284,  respectively. 


Rural    electrification   news,  July   1944;    [v.   9,    no.    11].     [1944.]     24    p.    il.    4° 

[Monthly.]     *  Paper,  10c.  single  copy,  75c.  a  yr. ;  foreign  subscription,  $1.15. 
•  Item  147 

L.  C.  card  37-26406  A  68.9:  9/11 


Addresses.  It  depends  on  you  and  me,  address  by  Marvin  Jones,  war  food  admin- 
istrator, before  Massachusetts  Retail  Grocers  Association,  Boston,  Mass.,  Juno 
11,   1944.     [1944.]     4  p.   4°     [Processed.]     t  A 80.7 :M 38 

•     Sent  to  Depository  Libraries 


August  1944  901 


Addresses.  Soil  fertility  in  its  broader  implications,  lecture  delivered  before 
personnel  of  War  Food  Administration,  Washington,  D.  C,  June  9,  1944,  by 
Wm.  A.  Albrecht,  Soils  Department,  College  of  Agriculture,  Univereity  of 
Missouri.     [1944.]      [G]    p.    4°     [Processed.]     t  A  80.609:  So  3 

Post-tvar  planninQ.  Northeastern  farmers  plan  for  a  better  peace.  [1944.] 
[4]  p.  narrow  8°     [Processed.]     t  A  80.602  :P  31 


Addresses.  Dairy  farmers  and  the  war,  address  by  Lee  Marshall,  director  of 
distribution.  War  Food  Administration,  befoi-e  Dairymen's  League  Association, 
Inc.,  Syracuse,  N.  Y.,  June  15,  1944.     [1944.]     6  p.  4"     [Processed.]     t 

A  80.120 :  D  14/2 

Food  procurement  and  disposition,  address  by  Lee  Marshall,  director  of 

food  distribution.  War  Food  Administration,  before  Grocery  Manufacturers' 
Association,  June  14,  1944,  New  York  City,  N.  Y.  [1944.]  5  p.  4"  [Proc- 
essed.]    t  A  80.120  :  F  73/9 

Seeds  for  victory  and  peace,  address  by  Lee  Marshall,  director  of  distribu- 
tion. War  Food  Administration,  before  American  Seed  Trade  Association,  Chi- 
cago, June  20,  1944.     [1944.]     5  p.  4°     [Processed.]     t  A80.120:Se3 

This  problem  of  surpluses,  address  by  Lee  Marshall,  director  of  distribu- 
tion, War  Food  Administration,  before  Supermarket  Institute  Conference, 
Chicago,  111.,  June  21,  1944.     [1944.]     5  p.  4"     [Processed.]     f     A  80.12(1 :  Su  7 

Wheat,  symbol  of  victory,  address  by  Lee  Marshall,  director  of  distribution. 

War  Food  Administration,  before  field  meeting  of  Kansas  Wheat  Improvement 
Association,  Paul  Uhlmann  Farm,  near  Kansas  City,  Kans.,  June  17.  1944. 
[1944.]     4  p.  4"     [Processed.]     f  A  80.120 :  W  56 

Cold  sforar/e  report  as  of  July  1,  1944.  [1944.]  12  p.  il.  r  [Monthly.  Proc- 
essed.]    t  A  80.107  :  944/7 

Consumers'  guide,  July  1944;    [v.  10,  no.  8].     [1944.]     16  p.  il.   4°     [Monthly. 

Includes  CG  news  letter.  ]  *  Paper,  5c.  single  copy,  50c.  a  yr. ;  f oi'eign  sub- 
scription, 70c.     •  Item  48 

L.  C.  card  36-12412  A  80.108  :  10/8 

Container  notes  no.  18;  July  10,  1944.     [1944.]     2  p.  4°     [Processed.]     t 

A  80.126:  18 

Cotton.  Results  of  fiber  and  spinning  tests  of  some  cottons  grown  in  Texas  and 
Oklahoma,  crop  of  1943 ;  [prepared  in  Research  and  Testing  Division,  Cotton 
and  Fiber  Branch].     June  1944.     9  p.  4"     [Processed.]     t 

A  80.102 :  C  82/5/943 

Results  of  fiber  and  spinning  tests  of  some  cottons  grown  in  the  Southeast, 

crop  of  1943;  [prepared  in  Research  and  Testing  Division,  ('ottcm  and  Fiber 
Branch].     June  1944.     9  p.   4"     [Processed.]     t  A  80.102 :  C 82/2/943 

- — •  Weekly  cotton  market  review,  v.  25,  no.  48-52;  July  1-29,  1944.  [1»44.] 
Each  2  p.  4°     [Processed.]     t  A  80.109 :  25/48-52 

Food.     Food  con.servation  education  in  elementary  school  program  [with  list  of 
publications  on  food  conservation].     [Jinie  1944.]      [2]-j-22  p.  il.     (NFC-13.) 
[Prepared  in  cooperation  with  Education  Office.]     f     •  Item  61 
L.  C.  card  Agr  44-142  A  80.123  :  13 

Food  trade  letter  32-36;  June  3-24,  1944.     [1944.]     Each  |2]  p.  or  1  p.  il.  f° 

[Weekly.     Processed.     Number  34,  June  12,  1944,  is  a  special  edition.)     t 

A  80.125  :  32-36 

Jloncy.  Semi-monthly  honey  report,  v.  28,  no.  13  and  14;  July  1  and  15,  1944. 
[1944.]    Each  7  p.    narrow  f"    [Processed.]    t  A  80.110:  28/13,  14 

Livestock,  meats  and  wool,  market  reviews  and  statistics,  Julv  1-22,  [1944]  ;  v. 
12,  no.  27-30.     July  5-26,  1944.     p.  446-513,  4"     [Weekly.     Processed.]     f 

A  80.111:12/27-30 

•     Sent  to  Depository  Libraries 

902  Government  Publications 

Marketing  activities.  Marketing  activities,  June  1944;  [v.  7,  no.  6].  [1044.] 
19  p.  11.  4"     [Monthly.     Processed.]     t  A  80.114: 7/6 

Same,  July  1944;  [v.  7,  no.  7].  [1944.]  19  p.  11.  4"  [Monthly.  Proc- 
essed]    t  .  A8a.ll4:7/7 

Milk.  Order  regulating  handling  of  milk  in  Wichita,  Kaus.,  marketing  area, 
effective  June  1,  1944.  [1944.]  14  p.  (Order  68.)  [Title  7,  chap.  9,  Code  of 
Federal  regulations,    (Marketing  orders)   pt.  968.]     t     •  Item  159 

A  80.116:  68 

P.  and  8.  docket,  monthly  report  of  action  taken  on  cases  arising  under  packers 
and  stockyards  act,  v.  7  [6],  no.  6  [7];  July  1944.  [1944.]  3  p.  4°  [Proc- 
essed.]    t  A  80.115:  6/7 

Peanuts.  Weekly  peanut  report,  v.  26,  no.  27-30;  July  5-26,  1944.  [1944.] 
various  paging,  narrow  f°     [Processed.]     f  A  80.112  :  26/27-30 

Penicillin,  new  medical  ally.     [June  3,  1944.]     4  p.  il.  4°     [Processed.]     t 

A  80.102  :  P  37 

Sugarcane.  Determination  of  fair  and  reasonable  wage  rates  for  persons  em- 
ployed in  production  and  cultivation  of  sugarcane  in  Florida  during  calendar 
year  1944.     June  6,  1944.    1  p.     (S.  D.  193  ;  Sugar  Branch.)     t     •  Item  30 

A  80.117 :  193 

Determination  of  farming  practices  to  be  carried  out  in  connection  with 

production  of  sugarcane  during  crop  year  1944-45  in  Puerto  Rico,  pursuant  to 
sugar  act  of  1937,  as  amended  (revised).  May  25,  1944.  2  p.  (S.  D.  177, 
rev.  1;  Sugar  Branch.)     t     •  Item  30  A  80.117 :  177/2 

Tobacco  market  review,  1943-44  season,  class  2,  fire-cured,  types  21,  22,  23,  and  24. 
June  1944.     [2]+28  p.  il.  4°     [Processed.]     t  A  80.102 :  T  55/3/943-44 


Beans.  Twelve  points  in  grading  dry  edible  beans.  May  1944.  12  p.  il.  narrow 
8°     (Agriculture  Dept.    AWI-99.)     f     •  Item  11  A  1.59:99 

Extension  Service  revieic,  v.  15,  no.  7;  July  1944.     [1944.]     p.   97-112,  il.   4° 
[Monthly.]     *  Paper,  l()c.  single  copy,  75c.  a  yr. ;  foreign  subscription,  $1.15. 
•  Item  95 
L.  C.  card  Agr  30-359  A  80.307: 15/7 

Posters.  Produce  high  grade  cotton,  make  the  grade  this  year;  [poster].  1944. 
28X19.9  in.     [Illustrator,  Robert  E.  Lee.]     t  A  80.308  :C  82 


Note. — Slidefilms  covering  many  phases  of  agriculture  and  home  economics  have  been 
prepared  by  the  Extension  Service  in  cooperation  with  subject-matter  bureaus  of  the 
Agriculture  Department.     Each  slidefllm  is  accompanied  by  explanatory  lecture  notes. 

A  list  of  available  subjects  and  information  on  how  to  purchase  slidefilms  may  be 
obtained  from  the  Division  of  Extension  Information,  Extension  Service,  Department  of 
Agriculture,  Washington  25,  D.  C. 


Note. — By  authority  of  Administrator's  memorandum  27,  supp.  4,  of  the  War  Food 
Administration,  dated  Jan.  21,  1944,  the  name  of  the  Food  Production  Administration  was 
changed  to  Office  of  Production. 

By  the  same  authority  the  Soil  Conservation  Service  was  authorized  to  function  as  an 
Independent  agency  within  the  War  Food  Administration. 

The  publications  of  the  Soil  Conservation  Service  entered  below  were  ordered  prior  to 
the  change  in  status  of  the  Service.     See  also,  below,  Soil  Conservation  Service. 

Muskingum  County,  Ohio.  Physical  land  conditions  in  Muskingum  and  Guernsey 
Counties,  Ohio;  by  C.  L.  Whiteford,  A.  H.  Paschall,  and  E.  C.  Sease.  1944. 
[1]-|-61  p.  il.  2  maps  in  pocket,  large  8°  (Soil  Conservation  Service;  Physical 
land  survey  32.)  [For  upe  in  farm  conservation  planning.  Date  on  cover  is 
1943.]  *  Paper,  35c.  •  Item  150 
L.  C.  card  Agr  44-129  A  80.2012 :  32 

Polk  County,  Ga.     Physical  land  conditions  in  Polk  County,  Ga. ;  by  J.  H.  "Winsor 
and  C.  L.  Veatch.     1944.     [l]-|-55  p.  il.  large  8°     (Soil  Conservation  Service; 
Physical  land  survey  34.)     [For  use  in  farm  conservation  planning.]     *  Paper, 
20c.     •  Item  150 
L.  C.  card  Agr  44-130  A  80.2012:  34 

•     Sent  to  Depository  Libraries 

August  1944  903 

Note. — See  also,  above,  Production  Office. 

MUkiveed.     Pick  milkweed  pods,  save  a  life ;  [prepared  by  principal  horticulturist, 

Soil  Conservation  Service].     INlar.  25,  1944.     4  p.  4°     [Processed.]     t 

A  80.502  :  M  59 
Soil  conservation,  official  organ  of  Soil  Conservation  Service,  July  1944;  [v.  10, 

no.  1].     [1944.]     p.  1-16,  il.     4°     [Monthly.]     *  Paper,  10c.  single  copy,  $1.00 

a  yr. ;  foreign  subscription,  $1.50.     •  Item  152 

L.  C.  card  Agr  35-403  A  80.507 :  10/1 

Soil  conservation  districts,  state  of  organization  by  States,  approximate  acreage, 
number  of  operating  units  and  farms  in  organized  districts  [as  of  June  15, 1^4]. 
July  3,  1944.     [l]+30p.  2tab.  4"     [Monthly.     Processed.]     f      A  80.508 :  944/6 


European  War,  Wl.'f-lS.  1st  Division,  summary  of  operations  in  World  War 

[with  list  of  sources].  1944.     xi+119  p.  il.  7  maps  in  pocket.     *  Fabrikoid, 
$1.50.     •  Item  162 

L.  C.  card  44-41200  Y  3.Am  3 :  W  89/lst  Div. 


Note. — The  Commission  furnishes  individual  copies  of  most  of  its  publications  gra- 
tuitously to  those  who  apply  for  them. 

[Class  specifications  and  statements  of  allocation  standards  for  positions  subject 
to  classification  act  of  1923,  as  amended]  ;  May  1944.  [1944.]  28  p.  [Monthly. 
Issued  in  loose-leaf  form.]     *  Paper,  15c.  single  copy,  $1.50  a  yr.     •  Item  169 

CS  1.39 :  944/5 

Efficiency  rating  manual,  effective  Jan.  1, 1944 ;  amended  to  Mar.  15, 1944.     [1944.] 
iv-fl9  p.     (Form  3823  revised;  Personnel  Classification  Division,  Efficiency 
Ratings  Administration  Section.)     *  Paper,  10c.     ©Item  171 
L.  C.  card  44-41230  CS  1.7/2:  Ef  4/944-2 

Suggestion  systems,  selected  list  of  references.  May  1944.  [3] +24  p.  4" 
[Processed.]     t  CS1.2:Su3 



Canada.    United  States  exports  of  domestic  and  foreign  merchandise  to  Canada 
(including  lend-lease  exports),  calendar  year  1942.      [1944.]       [l]-f31  p.  4° 
[Processed.     Prepared   under  supervision  of  J.  Edward  Ely,  chief.   Foreign 
Trade  Division.]     t 
L.  C.  card  44-41231  C  3.157/4 :  942 

United  States  general  imports  from  Canada,  excluding  strategic  and  criti- 
cal materials  and  military  equipment,  calendar  year  1942.  [1944.]  [l]+26  p. 
4°  [Processed.  Prepared  under  supervision  of  J.  Edward  Ely,  chief.  Foreign 
Trade  Division.]     f 

L.  C.  card  44-41232  C  3.157/5 :  942 

Commerce.  Changes  in  Schedule  A,  statistical  classification  of  imports  into 
United  States  (Jan.  1,  1943  edition),  trade  agreement,  Iran  (T.  D.  51067). 
[June  26,  1944.]     6  leaves,  4°     [Processed.]     t  C  3.150:  A/943/ch.-14 

Supplement  to  Schedule  B.  Jan.  1,  1944  edition,  statistical  classification  of 

domestic  and  foreign  commodities  exported  from  United  States,  and  regula- 
tions governing  statistical  returns  of  exports  of  commodities,  pt.  2,  Numbered 
classifications  and  articles  included.  July  1944.  [2] +20  p.  4°  [Processed.] 
'  C  3.150 :  B/944/pt.  2/supp. 

Cotton.  Activity  in  cotton  spinning  industry  for  June  1944.  July  20,  1944.  1  p. 
4°     [Monthly.     Processed.     Preliminary  report]     t  C  3.53: 944/6 

•    Sent  to  Depository  Libraries 

904  Government  Publications 

Cotton — Continued. 

June  roport  of  cotton  consumed,  on  hand,  and  active  cotton  spindles.     July 

15,  1944.     oblong  32°     [Preliminary  report.     Issued  in  postal  card  form.]     t 

C  3.21 :  943-44/11 

Cottnii.'ircd  received,  crushed,  and  on  hand,  and  cottonseed  products  manufac- 
tured, shipped  out,  and  on  liniid,  for  11  months  ending  June  30,  1944  and  1943. 
.Tuly  13,  1944.  oblong  32"  [Preliminary  report.  Issued  in  postal  card  form.] 
t  C  3.149 :  943-44/n 

A7  Sulrndor,  summary  of  biostatistics,  maps  and  charts,  population,  natality  and 
mortality  statistics  [with  bibliography].     Washington,  Mar.  1944.     [1]+111  p. 
il.    4°    [Processed.    Prepared  in  cooperation  with  Coordinator  of  Inter-American 
Affairs  Office.     Some  of  these  pages  are  issued  as  leaves.]     t 
L.  C.  card  44-41233  C  3.2 :  Sa  3 

Employment.  Government  employment,  v.  5,  no.  2,  County  employment  in  1944; 
by  Inez  A.  Applebee.  Washinglon,  D.  C,  July  1944.  30  p.  il.  4°  [Processed.] 
t  C  3.140:  5/2 

Government  employment.  1st  quarter,  1944 ;  v.  5,  no.  1,  final,  Public  em- 
ployment in  Jan.  1944.  July  1944.  8  p.  il.  4°  [Processed.  Formerly  State 
and  local  government  quarterly  employment  survey.]     t  C  3.140:  5/1 

Same,  2d  quarter,  1944 ;  v.  5,  no.  3,  preliminary,  Public  employment  in  Apr. . 

1944.     June  1944.     [2]  p.  il.  4°     [Processed.]     t     j  C  3.140  :.5/3/prelim. 

Fats.  Animal  and  vegetable  fats  and  oils,  production,  consumption,  and  stocks, 
quarterly  for  calendar  years  1939-43,  and  imports  and  exports  for  calendar 
years  1939-40,  and  1st  3  quarters  of  1941.  1944.  ii+30  p.  il.  [Prepared  under 
supervision  of  Zellmer  R.  Pettet,  chief.  Agriculture  Division.]     *  Paper,  10c. 

•  Item  183 

L.  C.  card  22-26370  C  3.56 :  943 

Financial  statistics.     State  finances,  1943:  v.  2,  Topical  reports,  no.  4,  Balances 
in  State  general,  highway,  and  postwar-reserve  funds  in  1943.    Mar.  1944.    12  p. 
4°    [Processed.    Prepared  under  supervision  of  E.  R.  Gray,  chief.  Governments 
Division,  by  V.  J.  Wyckoff.]     t 
L.  C.  card  16-26796  C  3.141 :  &43/v.  2,  no.  4 

Same :  v.  3,  Statistical  compendium.    1944.    iv+63  p.  4°     [Prepared  under 

supervision  of  E.  R.  Gray,  chief.  Governments  Division.]     *  Paper,  20c. 

•  Item  197  C  3.141 :  943/v.  3 

Industri<il  and  business  statistics.  [Monthly  and  quarterly  industrial  and  busi- 
ness statistics.]     4"  or  oblong  8°     [Processed.]     t 

C  3.     ( various  arbitrary  numbers )  : 

Note. — The  Census  Bureau  collects  and  publishes  monthly  and  quarterly  current  statis- 
tics in  processed  form  for  numerous  industries  and  commodities.  Summaries  of  nwst 
of  these  statistics  are  published  later  in  Survey  of  current^  biusiness  issued  each  month 
by  the  Foreign  and  Domestic  Commerce  Bureau.  The  titles  of  these  reports  as  issued  for 
1944,  with  tne  Documents  Office  classification  number  for  each,  are  listed  below : 

Monthly  industrial  and  business  reports. 
Asphalt  and   tar  roofing  and   siding  prod-         Men's,  youths',  and  boys'  clothing  (civilian 

ucts,  Shipments  of  (C  3.100:)  and  Government)    (C3.92:) 

Boots,  shoes,  and  slippers,  other  than  rub-         Oil  burners  (C  3.93  :) 

ber  (C  3.43  :)  Paint,  varnish,  lacquer,  and  fillers  (C  3.94  :) 

Commercial  steel  castings  (C3.74:)  Plastic  paints,  coldwater  paints,  and  cal- 

Coiifectionery    and    competitive    chocolate  cimines  (C3.96:) 

products,  manufacturers' sales  (C  3. 13.T  :t  Porcelain  enameled  products,  metal  base 
Cotton  consumed,  on  hand,  and  active  cot-  only  (C3.98:) 

ton  spindles   (C3.21:)  Public  merchandise  warehousing  (C  3.102:) 

Cotton,   leather,   and  allied   garments    (ci-         Pyroxylin     coated    woven     cotton     fabrics 

vilian  and  Government)    (C3.64:)  (C  3.104:) 

Cottonseed  products  manufactured  and  on         Raw  wool  consumption   (C  3.52  :) 

hflnd  at  oil  mills  by  States  (C  3.125  :)  Red  cedar,  shingles  (C  3.119  :) 

Domestic  pumps,  water  systems,  and  wind-         Retail  sales,  independent  stores  [summary 

mills  (C  3.77.)  and  one  report  for  each  of  34  States  and 

Fats     and     oils,     animal     and     vegetable  6  cities]    (C  3.138 :) 

(C  3.123  :)  Sales  finance  companies  (C  3.151  :) 

Galvanized  range  boilers  and  tanks  for  hot         Steel  barrels  and  drums  (C  3.106 :) 

water  heaters  (C3.86:)  Ste.-l  boilers   (C  3.107  :) 

I><'ather  gloves  and  mittens   (C3.42:)  Superphosphate   (C  3.111  :) 

Malleable  Iron  castings  (C3.89:)  Underwear,    knit    cloth    and    knit    fabric 

Mechanical  stokers  (C  3.91:)  gloves   (C  3.113  :) 

•     Sent  to  Depository  Libraries 

August  1944  905 

Industrial  and  business  statistics — Continued. 

Monthly  industrial  and  business  reports — Continued 
Wheat  ground  and  wheat-milling  products         Wholesalers'  sales,  inventories,  and  credits 

(C  3.117:)  (C  3.133:) 

White    base    antifriction    bearing    metals         Wool  machinery  activity  (C  3.51  :) 

Quarterly  industrial  and  business  reports 
Blowers,  fans,  unit  heaters,  and  accessory         Warm-air   furnaces   and   winter   air-condi- 

equipment   (C  3.143:)  tioning  units  (C  3.144:) 

Fats  and  oils,  Factory  consumption  of  pri-         Wheat  and  wheat-flour  stocks  held  by  mills 
mary   animal   and   vegetable,  by  classes  (C  3.115:) 

of  products  (C  3.154  :)  Wool  and  related  fibers,  Commercial  stocks 

Lacquers,  Sales  of  (C  3.88  :)  of  (C  3.52/3  :) 

Industry.     Facts  for  industry.     4°  and  oblong  8°     [Processed.]     t  C  3.158: 

Note. — The  Facts  for  industry  series  was  established  as  the  medium  to  carry  out  the 
policy  adopted  by  the  War  Production  Board  of  releasing  significant  statistical  data  to 
industry  whenever  the  release  would  not  interfere  with  the  war  effi)rt.  Generally,  the 
series  provides  information  on  such  basic  factors  as  production,  shipments,  inventories 
and  unfilled  orders,  for  products  for  which  the  Board  has  required  reports  in  order  to 
maintain  war-time  controls.  Facts  for  industry  series  is  issued  jointly  by  the  War  Produc- 
tion Board  and  the  Bureau  of  the  Census,  and  may  be  of  two  kinds :  one-time  and 

Labor  force.  Montlily  report  on  labor  force ;  Estimates  of  labor  force,  employ- 
ment, and  unemployment  in  United  States  during  weelv  of  June  4-10,  1944.  July 
11,1944.     4  p.  4°     ( Special  surveys  ;  MRLF-no.  25. )      [Processed.]     t 

O  3.155 :  25 

Mortality  index.  Weekly  mortality  index,  deaths  in  major  cities,  July  1-29,  1944 ; 
V.  15,  no.  26-30.     July  7-Aug.  3,  1944.     Each  4  p.  il.  4"     [Processed.]     t 

C  3.41 :  15/26-30 

Prisoners  in  State  and  Federal  prisons  and  reformatories,  [calendar  year]  1941. 

1944.     iv-4-67  p.     [Prepared  by  Henry  D.  Sheldon  under  supervision  of  Leon  E. 

Truesdell,  chief,  Population  Division,   and  Hov^ard  G.   Brunsman,   assistant 

chief.]     *  Paper.  15c.     •  Item  198 

•  L.  C.  card  29-26780  C  3.2  :  P  93/4/941 

Vital  statistics.     Classification  of  terms  and  comparability  of  titles  through  5 
revisions  of  international  list  of  causes  of  death.     Washington,  1944.     110  p.  4° 
[Processed.     Prepared   under  supervision   of   Halbert  L.   Dunn,  chief,   Vital 
Statistics  Division.]     t 
L.  C.  card  44-41234  C  3.6 :  D  34/2 

Monthly  vital  statistics  bulletin,  July  8,  1944;  v.  7,  no.  5.     [1944.]     4  p. 

11.4°     [Processed.]     t  C  3.127: 7/5 



Civil  aeronautics  journal,  issued  monthly  by  Information  &  Statistics  Service,  v.  5, 
no.  7;  July  15,  1944.     [1944.]     p.  77-88,  il.  4°     *  Paper,  5c.  single  copy,  50c. 
a  yr. ;  foreign  subscription,  75c.     •  Item  219 
L.  C.  card  40-26182  C  31.118:  5/7 

Fires.    Determination  of  means  to  safeguard  aircraft  from  powerplant  fires  in 
flight,  pt.  1  [with  bibliography]  ;  by  A.  W.  Dallas  and  H.  L.  Hansberry.  Sept. 
1943.    cover    title,    iii-fl21    p.    il.    4°     (Technical    development    report    33.) 
[Processed.]     $ 
L.  C.  card  44-41235  0  31.119:33 

—  Same,  pt.  2  ;  by  George  L.  Pigman.     Oct.  1943.     cover  title,  [2] +46  p.  11.  4° 
(Technical  development  repoi-t  37.)      [Processed.]     t  0  31.110:37 

—  Same,  pt.  3;  by  H.  L.  Hansberry.     Apr.  1944.     cover  title,  [2] +34  p.  il.  4° 
(Technical  development  report  38. )     [Processed.]     $  0  31.119:38 

Goniometer.  Construction  of  goniometer  for  in  determining  candlepower 
characteristics  of  beacons,  by  F.  C.  Brecltenridge  and  T.  H.  Projector.  Feb.  1941. 
cover  title,  [1] +8  p.  il.  4°  (Technical  development  report  39.)  [Processed.]  % 
L.  0,  card  44-40934  0  31.119:39 

•    Sent  to  Depository  Libraries 

906  Government  Publications 

Tahc-off  (aircraft).  Correlation  of  aircraft  take-off  and  lauding  characteristics 
with  airport  size  [with  list  of  references]  ;  by  A.  L.  jNIorse.  Apr.  1944.  cover 
title,  [4]-fl3o  p.  il.  4°  (Technical  development  report  40.)  [Processed.]  t 
L.  C.  card  44-4123G  C  31.119 :  40 


Note. — The  opinions  in  economic  proceedings  of  the  Civil  Aeronautics  Board  are  printed 
s»'paratL'ly  bcf,'iiiuiug  with  v.  2,  and  are  "adva4ice  sheets"'  of  the  material  which  will  make 
up  l)ound  volumes  of  the  Civil  Aeronautics  Board  Reports. 

The  separate  opinions  are  obtainable  from  the  Superintendent  of  Documents,  Government 
I'rintiiig  Otflce,  Washington  25,  D.  C.,  at  a  subscription  price  of  |1.00  per  volume;  single 
copius  vary  in  price. 

Ackerman  Air  Service.  Docket  no.  71^01-E-l,  Ackerman  Air  Service  et  al., 
Alaska  air  transportation  investigation  [decided  Oct.  22,  1942;  opinion  and 
order].  [1944.]  [1] +804-897  p.  2  maps.  ([Opinion]  60.)  [From  C.  A.  B. 
Keports,  v.  3.]     *  Paper,  20c.  C  31.211/a  :  3/60 

Aircraft  accidents.  Report  of  Civil  Aeronautics  Board  on  investigation  of  acci- 
dent involving  aircraft  during  local  commercial  flight  [approximately  13  miles 
southwest  of  Alamosa  Airport,  Alamosa,  Colo.,  Feb.  22,  1944]  ;  adopted  July  3, 
1944.     [1944.]     Ip. '4°     [Processed.]     t  C  31.213  :A1 11 

Report  of  Civil  Aeronautics  Board  on  investigation  of  accident  involving 

aircraft  during  local  instruction  flight  [near  Breedlove  Commercial  Field  No.  2, 
Lubbock,  Tex.,  Oct.  29,  1943]  ;  adopted  June  23,  1944.  [1944.]  1  p.  4"  [Proc- 
essed.]    t  C  31.213  :L  961 

Report  of  Civil  Aeronautics  Board  on  investigation  of  accident  involving 

aircraft  during  local  pleasure  flight  [approximately  2  miles  south  of  Osseo, 
Minn,  (near  Robbinsdale),  Dec.  4,  1943]  ;  adopted  July  3,  1944.  [1944.]  1  p.  4" 
[Processed.  ]     t  C  31 .213 :  Os  7 

Report  of  Civil  Aeronautics  Board  on  investigation  of  accident  involving 

aircraft  during  local  pleasure  flight  [approximately  5  miles  southwest  of  Boga- 
lusa,  La.,  Mar.  10,  1944]  ;  adopted  July  7,  1944.  [1944.]  1  p.  4°  [Proc- 
essed.]    I  C  31.213  :B6§3 

Report  of  Civil  Aeronautics  Board  on  investigation  of  accident  involving 

aircraft  during  local  pleasure  flight  [Curry  Airport,  Dallas,  Tex.,  Jan.  17, 1944]  ; 
adopted  June  23,  1944.     [1944.]    1  p.  4°    [Processed.]    t  C  31.213  :  D  161/2 

Report  of  Civil  Aeronautics  Board  on  investigation  of  accident  involving 

aircraft  during  local  pleasure  flight  [Krist-Port  Airport,  Farmington,  Mich., 
Jan.  31,  1944] ;  adopted  June  23,  1944.     [1944.]     1  p.  4°     [Processed.]     t 

C  31.213  :  F  229 

Report  of  Civil  Aeronautics  Board  on  investigation  of  accident  involving 

ail-craft  during  local  pleasure  flight  [near  MacArthur  Field,  Hollywood,  Fla., 
Oct.  31,  1943]  ;  adopted  June  23,  1944.     [1944.]     1  p.  4"     [Processed.]     $ 

C  31.213  :  H  729 

Report  of  Civil  Aeronautics  Board  on  investigation  of  accident  involving 

aircraft  during  local  practice  flight  [near  Municipal  Airport,  Kansas  Citj',  Mo., 
Jan.  15,  1944]  ;  adopted  July  3,  1944.     [1944.]     1  p.  4°     [Processed.]     t 

C  31.213  :  K 13/2 

Reixtrt  of  Civil  Aeronautics  Board  on  investigation  of  accident  involving 

aircraft  during  test  flight  [near  Pan  American  Airways  base.  Dinner  Key, 
Miami,  Fla.,  Sept.  24,  1943]  adopted  July  3,  1944.  [1944.]  2  p.  4°  [Proc- 
essed.]    t  C  31.213  :M  58 

Report  of  Civil  Aeronautics  Board  on  investigation  of  accident  involving 

aircraft  in  scheduled  air  carrier  operation  [about  17  miles  southeast  of 
Chambersburg,  Pa.,  Oct.  25,  1943];  adopted  July  3,  1944.  [1944.]  3  p.  4° 
[Processed.]     t  C  31.213:0  355 

American  Airlines,  Inc.  Docket  no.  334,  American  Airlines,  Inc., .mail  rate  pro- 
ceeding [decided  Nov.  12,  1942;  opinion  and  order  on  rehearing,  reargument, 
and  reconsideration].  [1944.]  [1] +770-803  p.  ([Opinion]  59.)  [From 
C.  A.  B.  Reports,  v.  3.]     *  Paper,  5c.  C  31.211/a  :  3/59 

•    Sent  to  Depository  Libraries 

August  1944  907 

Civil  air  regulations.  Civil  air  regulations:  pt.  01,  Airworthiness  certificates,  as 
amended  to  Oct.  15,  1942.  [Reprint  1944.]  4  p.  4°  [Issued  with  perfora- 
tions.]    *  Paper,  5c.     •  Item  225  C  31.209 :  01/3-2 

■ Same :  pt.  13,  Aircraft  engine  airworthiness,  effective  Aug.  1,  1941.  [Re- 
print 1944.]     4  p.  4°     [Issued  with  perforations.]     *  Paper,  5c.     •  Item  225 

C  31.1^09 :  13/1-2 

• Civil  air  regulations  amendments.     [Processed.]         t  C  31.209: 

Note. — Amendments  to  Civil  air  regulations,  beginning  with  Oct.  15,  1941,  are  issued 
in  a  new  form,  and  are  numbered  so  that  no  amendment  will  affect  more  than  one  part 
of  the  Regulations.  These  amendments  or  digests  of  them  will  he  published  in  the  monthly 
Civil  aeronautics  journal.  Separate  entries  of  these  amendments  are  not  listed  in  the 
Monthly  catalog. 

Eastern  Air  Lines,  Inc.  Docket  no.  335,  Eastern  Air  Lines,  Inc.,  mail  rate  pro- 
ceeding, decided  Oct.  19,  1942;  [opinion  and  order.]  [1944.]  p.  733-709. 
([Opinion]  58.)      [From  C.  A.  B.  Reports,  v.  3.]     *  Paper,  10c. 

C  31.211/a :  3/58 

Foreign  air  news  digest.  Foreign  air  news  digest,  v.  2,  no.  22-37 ;  Jan.  3-July  31, 
1944.  [1944.]  various  paging,  4°  [Fortnightly.  Processed.  Numbers  29-37 
carry  continuous  paging  81-171.  Previous  issues  not  entered  in  the  Monthly 
catalog.]     t  0  31.216:2/22-37 

. Same,  index,  v.  2,  issues  no.  22-28;  Jan.  13  [3]-Mar.  27,  1944.     [1944.] 

[1]+1G  p.  4°     [Processed.     Prepared  with  assistance  of  Air  Transport  Divi- 
sion of  Foreign  Economic  Administration.]     t  C  31.216 :  2/22-2S/ind. 

Fan  American  Airways,  Inc.  Docket  no.  10-401  (E)-l,  Pacific  Alaska  Airways, 
Inc.  (now  Pan  American  Airways,  Inc.),  certificate  of  public  convenience  and 
necessity  [decided  Oct.  22,  1942 ;  opinion  and  order.]  [1944.]  [1]  +902-912  p. 
([Opinion]  61.)      [From  C.  A.  B.  Reports,  v.  3.]     *  Paper,  5c.     C  31.211/a  :  3/61 


Coast  pilots.  Supplement  to  United  States  coast  pilot,  Alaska :  pt.  1,  Dixon  En- 
trance to  Yakutat  Bay,  9th  (1943)  edition;  June  3,  1944.  [1944.]  5  leaves. 
( Serial  654-1. )     t     •  Item  238  C  4.7/2  :  943/supp.-l 

Hydrograpliic  manual;  by  K.  T.  Adams.     Revised   (1942)   edition.     1942   [pub- 
lished 1944].     xvi  +  940  p.  il.     14  pi.  map,  large  8°     (Special  publication  143.) 
[Includes  list  of  Coast  and  Geodetic  Survey  publications  of  interest  in  connec- 
tion with  this  manual.]     *  Cloth,  $2.75.     •  Item  233 
L.  C.  card  44-41237  C  4.19 :  143/3 

Seismological  bulletin,  MSI-110;  Oct.  1942.  Washington,  D.  C,  1944.  cover  title, 
IS  p.  f     [Monthly.     Processed,  with  printed  cover.]     $  0  4.36:110 


Bolivia.  United  States  trade  with  Bolivia  in  1942.  June  1944.  [2]-h4  p.  il.  4° 
[  Processed.  ]     t  C  18.204 :  B63/942 

Business.     Survey  of  current  business,  July  1944;  [v.  24,  no.  7].     [1944.]     cover 
title,  20+S36  p.  il.  4"     [Monthly.     Text  on  p.  2-4  of  cover.]     *Paper,  15c.  single 
copv,  $1.75  a  yr. ;  foreign  subscription,  $2.50.     •  Item  257 
L.  C.  card  21-26819  C  18.35 :  24/7 

Same,  weekly  supplement,  July  6-27,  1944.     [1944.]     Each   [2]   p.  il.  4° 

[Processed.]     t  C  18.36 :  944/27-30 

Businessmen's  organizations.  Georgia,  State-local  businessmen's  organizations; 
by  C.  J.  Judkins  and  H.  E.  Wells.     Jan.  1944.      ii-(-8  p.  4°     [Processed.]     t 

C  18.200/2 :  G  29 

Indiana,   State-local  businessmen's  organizations;  by  C  J.  Judkins  and 

H.  E.  Wells.     June  1944.     ii-fl2  p.  4°     [Processed.]     t  C  18.200/2 :  In  2 

Kansas,  State-local  businessmen's  organizations ;  by  C.  J.  Judkins  and  H.  E. 

Wells.     May  1944.     [2]  -^8  p.  4°     [Processed.]     t  C  18.200/2 :  K 13 

•     Sent  to  Depository  Libraries  » 

9()g  Government  Publications 

liusincssnrcn's  organisations — Continued.  ^    t    t   ^,  •  i 
Kcntuokv    State-local  businessmen's  organizations;  by  C.  J.  Judkins  and 

H.  E.  Wells.  ■  May  1944.    ii+8  p.  4"     [Processed.]     t  C  18.200/2 :  K  41 
Louisiana,  State-local  businessmen's  organizations;  by  C  J.  Judkins  and 

H.E.Wells.     JuneliW4.     [2]+7p.  4°     [Processed.]     t  C  18.200/2 :  L  93 
Maine     State-local   businessmen's   organizations;    by   C    J.    Judkins   and 

H.E.  Wells.     May  1944.     ii+6p.4°     [Processed.]     t  C  18.200/2 :  M  28 
Mississippi,  State-local  businessmen's  organizations;  by  C.  J.  Judkins  and 

H.E.Wells.     June  1944.     ii+6  p.  4"     [Processed.]     t  C  18.200/2 :  M  69  i 
Montana  and  Wyoming.  State-local  businessmen's  organizations;  by  C.  -1. 

Judkins  and  H.  E.  Wells.     June  1944.     [2]+8p.  4°     [Processed.]     t 

C  18.200/2 :  M  « (> 

Oregon    and    Idaho,    State-local   businessmen's   organizations;    by   C   J. 

Judkins  and  H.  E.  Wells.     May  1944.      [2]-f  8-f  |2]  p.  4°     [Processed.]     t 

C  18.200/2 :  Or  3 

Utah  and  Nevada,  State-local  businessmen's  organizations ;  by  C.  J.  Judkins 

and  H.  E.  W^ells.     June  1944.     [2]-f6+[2]  p.  4°     [Processed.]     t 

C  18.200/2 :  Ut  1 

Domestic  cotnmerce,  v.  32,  no.  7;  July  1944.  [1944.]  32  p.  il.  4°  [Monthly.] 
♦Paper,  10c.  single  copy,  $1.00  a  yr. ;  foreign  subscription,  $1.40.     •  Item  251 

C  18.32 :  32/7  . 

Dominican  RcpuUic.  United  States  trade  with  Dominican  Republic  in  1942.  July 
1944.     l2]-f5p.  il.  4°     [Processed.]     t  C  18.204 :  D  71/942 

Foreign  commerce  weekly,  v.  16.  no.  1-5 :  July  1-29,  1944.     [1944.]     various  pag- 
ing, il.  4°     *Paper,  10c.  single  copy,  $4.50  a  yr. ;  foreign  subscription,  $7.90. 
•  Item  251 
L.  C.  card  40-29231  C  18.5A :  16/1-5 

Industry  survey,  manufacturers'  inventories,  shipments,  incoming  business,  un- 
filled orders.  May  1944.  [1944.]  4+ [4]  p.  il.  4°  [Monthly.  Processed.]  t 
L.  C.  card  41-51038  C  18.224 :  944/5 

Urunvoy.  United  States  trade  with  Uruguay  in  1942.  June  1944.  [2]-f  5  p.  il. 
4°     [Proces.sed.]     t  C  18.204 :  Ur  8/942 

Wood  pulp.  Industry  report,  pulp  and  paper,  July  1944:  Pulp  and  paper  series, 
pt  1  •  prepared  bv  Pulp  and  Paper  Unit  in  cooperation  with  War  Production 
Board,  Forest  Products  Bureau.  [1944.]  32  p.  il.  4°  [Monthly.  Proc- 
essed.]    t  018.229:944/7 


Acid  potassium  phthalate.  Method  for  determination  of  pH  of  0.05-molal  solu- 
tions of  acid  potassium  phthalate  with  or  without  potassium  chloride  [with 
list  of  references]  ;  bv  Walter  J.  Hamer  and  S.  F.  Acree.  [1944.]  p.  215-227. 
il.  (Research  paper  RP15S6.)  [From  Journal  of  research  of  National  Bureau 
of  Standards,  May  1944,  v.  32.]     *  Paper,  5c.  C  13.22/a  :  1586 

Blankets.  Study  of  properties  of  household  blankets:  by  Herbert  F.  Schiefer, 
Hazel  Tharp  Stevens,  Pauline  Beery  Mack,  and  Paul  M.  Boyland.  [1944.] 
p.  261-284,  il.  1  pi.  (Research  paper  RP1589.)  [From  Journal  of  research 
of  National  Bureau  of  Standards,  June  1944,  v.  32.]     *  Paper,  5c. 

C  13.22/a :  1589 

Fabrics.  Thermal  properties  of  moist  fabrics  [with  list  of  references] ;  by 
Charles  W^  Hock.  Arnold  M.  Sookne.  and  Milton  Harris.  [1944.]  p.  229-252, 
il.  4  p.  of  pi.  (Research  paper  RP1587.)  [From  Journal  of  research  of  Na- 
tional Bureau  of  Standards,  May  1944,  v.  32.]     *  Paper,  5c.  C  13.22/a :  1587 

Frequency  (radio).  Methods  of  using  standard  frequencies  broadcast  by  radio 
[with  list  of  references].  May  16,  1944.  cover  tUle,  30  p.  il.  3  pi  4°  (Letter 
circular  LC-751.)      [Processed.     Supersedes  LC-73.]     t  013.16:751 

•     Sent  to  Depository  Libraries 

August  1944  909 

Hydrocarhons.  Method  for  determining  individual  liydrocarbons  in  mixtures  of 
liydrocarbons  by  measurement  of  freezing  points  [with  list  of  references]  ;  by 
Anton  J.  Streiffand  Frederick  D.  Rossini.  [1944.]  p.  185-195,  il.  (Research 
paper  RP1584.)  [From  Journal  of  research  of  National  Bureau  of  Standards, 
May  1944,  v.  32.]     *  Paper,  5c.  C  13.22/a  :  1584 

Theoretical   analysis   of  certain    time-temperature   freezing   and   melting 

curves  as  applied  to  hydrocarbons  [with  list  of  references]  ;  by  William  J. 
Taylor  and  Frederick  D.  Rossini.  [1944.]  p.  197-213,  il.  (Research  paper 
RPly85.)  [From  Journal  of  research  of  National  Bureau  of  Standards,  May 
1944,  V.  32.]     *  Paper,  5c.  C  13.22/a  :  1585 

Journal  of  research.  Journal  of  research  of  National  Bureau  of  Standards,  v.  32, 
no.  5;  May  1944.  1944.  ii+ [1] +185-252  p.  il.  [Monthly.  Includes  Research 
papers  1584-87.  Individual  papers  are  issued  separately  and  are  listed  in  the 
Monthly  catalog  as  they  appear.]  *  Paper,  30c,  single  copy,  $3.50  a  yr. ;  foreign 
subscription,  $4.50  •  Item  278 
L.  O.  card  44-41207—41210  C  13.22 :  32/5 

■     Same,  v.  32,  no.  6;  June  1944.     1944.     ii+253-330  p.  il.  1  pi.     [Monthly. 

Includes  Research  papers  1588-91  and  index  to  v.  32.  Individual  papers  are 
issued  separately   and   are   listed   in   the  Monthly   catalog   as   they   appear.] 

•  Item  278 

L.  C.  card  41-41211—41214  C  13.22  :  32/6 

Laminar  floiv  at  interface  of  2  liquids  [with  list  of  references]  ;  by  Garbis  H. 
Keulegan.  [1944.]  p.  303-327,  il.  (Research  paper  RP1591.)  [From  Jour- 
nal of  research  of  National  Bureau  of  Standards,  June  1944,  v.  32.]  *  Paper, 
10c. -(incorrectly  given  in  publication  as  5c.).  C  13.22/a  :  1591 

Mathematical  tahles.  Table  of  coefficients  for  inverse  interpolation  with  advanc- 
ing differences;  by  Herbert  E.  Salzer.  n.  p.  [1944].  cover  title,  p.  75-102. 
( [MT  29.] )  [Reprinted  from  Journal  of  mathematics  and  physics,  v.  23,  no.  2, 
May  1944.]     j  Paper,  25c.  C  13.30 :  29 

Mineral  wool,  blankets,  blocks,  insulating  cement,  and  pipe  insulation  for  heated 
industrial  equipment,  recorded  voluntary  standard  of  the  trade.  1944.  ii-|- 
29  p.  (Commercial  standard  CS117-44.)  [Effective  date  for  new  production 
from  May  25,  1^4.}     *  Paper,  10c.     •  Item  274  013.20: 117 

Paper  Section.  News  bulletin  of  Paper  Section,  Apr.-May  1944.  [1944.]  3  p.  4" 
[Bimonthly.     Processed.]     f  013.28:944/3 

Polishes  [with  list  of  references].  May  31,  1944.  21  p.  4°  (Letter  circular 
LO  753.)     [Processed.     Supersedes  LO  275.]     f  013.10:753 

Purification  of  substances  by  slow  fractional  freezing;  [by]  Fi-ank  W.  Schwab 
and  Edward  Wichers.  [1944.]  p.  253-259,  il.  (Research  paper  RP1588.) 
[From  Journal  of  research  of  National  Bureau  of  Standards,  June  1944,  v.  32.  J 

*  Paper,  5c.  O  13.22/a  :  1588 

Silver.  Marking  of  jewelry  and  novelties  of  silver,  recorded  voluntary  standard 
of  the  trade.  1944.  ii+9  p.  (Oommercial  standard  CS118-44.)  [Elfective  date 
for  new  production  from  Aug.  15,  1944.]     *  Paim;  5c.     •  Item  274.    0  13.20 :  118 

Simplified  practice  recommendations  [publications  of  National  Bureau  of  Stand- 
ards], alphabetical  list;  revised  to  June  1,  1944.  [1944.]  6  p.  4"  (Letter 
circular  LC-750.)      [Processed.     Supersedes  LC-733.]     f  013.16:750 

Sweeping  compou7ids  (also  known  as  floor  sweep  and  dust  down)  [with  list  of 
references].  June  2,  1944.  2  p.  4°  (Letter  circular  LO  754.)  [Processed. 
Supersedes  LO  340.]     t  013.16:754 

Sifstem  soda-Ume-silica-water.  Studies  of  portions  of  quaternary  system  soda- 
lime-silica-water  at  25°  0  [with  list  of  references]  ;  by  George  L.  Kaloysek. 
[1944.]  p.  285-302,  il.  (Research  paper  RP159U.)  [From  Journal  of  research 
of  National  Bureau  of  Standards,  June  1944,  v.  32.]  *  Paper,  10c.  (incorrectly 
given  in  publication  as  5c.)  0  13.22/a  :  1590 

Technical  tiews  bulletin  of  National  Bureau  of  Standards,  July  1944;  no.  327. 

[1944.]  p.  49-56.  [Monthly.]  *  Paper,  5c.  single  copy,  50c.  a  yr. ;  foreign 
subscription,  70c.     •  Item  281 

L.  0.  card  25-26527  O  13.13 :  327 

•     Sent  to  Depository  Libraries 

910  Government  Publications 

Textiles,  testing  and  reporting,  recorded  voluntary  standard  of  the  trade.  4th 
edition.  11)44.  ii-}-45  p.  (Comercial  standard  CS59-44.)  [Effective  as  basis 
for  testing  and  reporting  from  Feb.  20,  1944.  Supersedes  CS59-41.]  *  Paper, 
10c.     •  Item  274  C  13.20 :  59/4 


Note. — The  Patent  Office  publishes  Specifications  and  drawings  of  patents  in  single  copies. 
Those  are  not  euunierated  in  this  catalogue,  but  may  be  obtained  for  10c.  each  at  the  Patent 
Office  when  identified  by  patent  number.  The  Office  also  issues  coupon  orders  in  packages 
of  'M  at  $:i.00  per  packagt,  or  in  books  containing  100  coupons  at  $10.00  per  book.  These 
coupons  are  good  until  usod  but  are  to  bo  used  only  for  order.s  sent  to  the  Patent  Office.  For 
schedule  of  office  fees,  address  Chief  Clerk,  Patent  Office,  Washington,  D.  C. 

Careiv,  Herman.  In  Court  of  Customs  and  Patents  Appeals,  patent  appeal  no. 
5010,  in  re  Herman  Carevp,  improvements  in  paper  containers;  brief  for  com- 
missioner of  patents.     [1944.]     cover  title,  7  p.  4"    +  C  21.10  :C  187 

Decisions.  [Decisions  in  patent  and  trade-mark  cases,  etc.]  July  4-25,  1944. 
[1944.]  various  paging,  large  8°  [Issue  of  July  25,  1944  includes  Bulletin  of 
decisions  of  Patent  Office  on  trade-marks  rendered  during  June  1944.  From 
Official  gazette,  v.  564,  no.  1-4.]  *  Paper,  5c.  single  copy,  $1.00  a  yr. ;  foreign 
subscription,  $2.00. 
L.  C.  card  23-7315  -  C  21.5/a  2 :  564/1-4 

Decisions  of  commissioner  of  patents  and  of  United  States  courts  in  patent 

and  trade-mark  and  copyright  cases  ;  compiled  from  v.  546-557  of  Official  gazette 
of  Patent  Office  during  1943.    1944.    xx-|-894  p.  11.    *  Cloth,- $1.50.    •  Item  287 

C  21.6 :  943 

Same.     (H.  doc.  537,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.) 

Ethyl  Gasoline  Corporation.  Brief  for  appellee.  United  States  Court  of  Appeals, 
District  of  Columbia,  appeal  no.  8760.  Ethyl  Gasoline  Corporation  v.  Conway 
P.  Coe,  commissioner  of  patents,  appeal  from  judgment  of  District  Court  of 
United  States  for  District  of  Columbia.    [1944.]    cover  title,  i-fie  p.  4°    t 

C  21.10 :  Et  39/2 

Kokatnur,  Vaman  R.  In  Court  of  Customs  and  Patent  Appeals,  patent  appeal 
no.  4896,  in  re  Vaman  R.  Kokatnur,  process  of  removing  water  from  solutions ; 
brief  for  commissioner  of  patents.     [1944.]    cover  title,  12  p.  4°    t 

C  21.10 :  K  829/6 

In  Court  of  Customs  and  Patent  Appeals,  patent  appeal  no.  4899,  in  re 

Vaman  R.  Kokatnur  and  Oliver  S.  Plantinga,  compounding  lubricating  oils ; 
brief  for  commissioner  of  patents.     [1944.]     cover  title,  6  p.  4°    t 

C  21.10  :K  829/4 

In  Court  of  Customs  and  Patent  Appeals,  patent  appeal  no.  4900,  in  re 

Vaman  R.  Kokatnur,  anhydrous  caustic  alkalis  and  method  of  preparing  same ; 
brief  for  commissioner  of  patents.     [1944.]    cover  title,  6  p.  4°    t 

•     C  21.10 :  K  829/5 

Kulm,  Clarence  W.  In  Court  of  Customs  and  Patent  Appeals,  patent  appeal  no. 
5007,  in  re  Clarence  W.  Kuhn  and  Edwin  W.  Seeger,  thermal  responsive  unit ; 
brief  for  commissioner  of  patents.    [1944.]    cover  title,  8  p.  4°    t 

C  21.10 :  K  955 

McKaughan,  Richard  E.  In  Court  of  Customs  and  Patent  Appeals,  patent  appeal 
no.  4999,  in  re  Richard  E.  McKaughan,  freight-carrying  aircraft ;  brief  for 
commissioner  of  patents.    [1944.]    cover  title,  6  p.  4°    $  C  21.10 :  M  192 

Official  gazette.     Official  gazelte  of  Patent  Office,  containing  patents,  trade-marks, 
and  designs,  issued  July  4-25,  1944;  v.  564,  no.  1-4.     [1944.]     cover  titles, 
696-f  [cxiv]  p.  il.  large  8°     [Weekly.]     *  Paper,  35c.  single  copy,  $16.00  a  yr. ; 
foreign  subscription,  $25.00.     •  Item  290 
L.  C.  card  4-18256  C  21.5 :  564/1-4 

Note. — Contains  the  patents,  trade-marks  and  desicrns  issued  each  week,  with  indexes; 
also  decisions  of  the  commissioner  of  patents  and  of  the  United  State  courts  in  patent 
cases.  In  the  last  weekly  issue  of  each  month  there  is  included  in  the  Official  gazette  a 
section  entitled  Hulletin  of  decisions  of  Patent  Office  on  trade-marks. 

The  annual  index  of  patents  will  hereafter  he  published  in  2  parts,  one  on  Patents,  price 
$2.00.  and  the  other  on  Trade-marks,  price  75c.  These  indexes  are  not  included  in  the 
regular  subscription  price  for  the  Official  gazette  given  above,  but  will  be  sent  to  those 
yearly  subscribers  who  remit  $18.75 ;  foreign  subscription  for  the  same,  $28.75. 

•     Sent  to  Depository  Libraries 

August  1944  911 

Official  gazette — Continued. 

Same,  weekly  index,  with  title.  List  of  trade-mark  applicants  published  for 

opposition  [etc.,  July  4-25,  1944].  [1944.]  various  paging,  kirge  8°  [From 
Official  gazette,  v.  564,  no.  1-4.]     t  Paper,  5c.  single  copy,  $2.00  a  yr. 

C  21.5/a  4 :  564/1^ 

Same  [title  page,  contents,  etc.,  to]  v.  563 ;  June  1944.     1944.    2  leaves,  large 

8°  *Paper,  5c.  single  copy,  included  in  price  of  Official  gazette  for  subscribers. 
•  Item  290  C  21.5 :  563/t.p.&  cont. 

Patents.  Classification  of  patents  issued  July  4-25,  1944.  [1944.]  Each  2  p. 
large  8°  [Weekly.  From  Official  gazette,  v.  564,  no.  1-4.]  t  Paper,  5c.  single 
copy,  $2.50  a  yr.  C  21.5/a  1 :  564/1-4 

[Manual  of  classification  of  patents,  1940]  design  classes.     [1944.]     [1]  + 

13  p.  oblong  24°  [Issued  in  loose-leaf  form  for  insertion  in  Manual.]  Included 
in  price  of  Manual.     •  Item  2S9  C  21.12 :  940/design  classes 

Same  [substitute  title  page  and  other  pages  containing  corrections.]     1944. 

[2]  p.,  p.  7-10,  48-44b,  45-46,  129-129a,  251-252b,  253-253f,  254,  oblong  24° 
[Issued  in  loose-leaf  form  for  insertion  in  Manual.]  Included  in  price  of 
Manual.     •  Item  2S9.  C  21.12 :  940/t.p./rev.,etc. 

Potts,  Ralph  H.  In  Court  of  Customs  and  Patent  Appeals,  patent  appeal  no. 
5017,  in  re  Ralph  H.  Potts,  process  of  preparing  nitriles ;  brief  for  commissioner 
of  patents.     [1944.]     cover  title,  7  p.  4°     $  C  21.10  :P  859 

Stokes,  F.  J.,.  Machine  Co.     Brief  for  appellee.  United  States  Court  of  Appeals, 
District  of  Columbia,  appeal  no.  8715,  F.  J.  Stokes  Machine  Company  v.  Conway 
P.  Coe,  commissioner  of  patents,  appeal  from  judgement  of  District  Court  of 
•     United  States  for  District  of  Columbia.     [1944.]     cover  title,  i-f-10  p.  4"     J 

C  21.10 :  St  67 

Trade-marks  [etc.,  from]  Official  gazette,  July  4-25,  1944.  [1944.]  various  pag- 
ing, il.  large  8"  [Weekly.  From  Official  gazette,  v.  504,  no.  1-4.]  *Paper,  lOc. 
single  copy,  $5.00  a  yr. ;  foreign  subscription,  $7.00.  C  21.5/a  3 :  564/1-4 

United  States  Rubber  Co.  Brief  for  appellee.  United  States  Court  of  Appeals, 
District  of  Columbia,  appeal  no.  8710,  United  States  Rubber  Company  v.  Con- 
way P.  Coe,  commissioner  of  patents,  appeal  from  judgment  of  District  Court 
of  United  States  for  District  of  Columbia.     [1944.]     cover  title,  i+12  p.  4"     $ 

C  21.10  :Un  35 

Commerce  Departmait.  List  of  available  publications  of  Department  of  Com- 
merce; compiled  and  indexed  by  Thelma  C.  Ager  and  Franklin  L.  Thatcher. 
[Edition  of]  Jan.  1944.     1944.     v-f202  p.     f     •  Item  297 

L.  C.  card  14-30281  C  10.5  :  944 


Atmospheric  pressure.  Note  on  advective  pressure  changes ;  by  Robert  D.  Elliott. 
1944.     p.  89,  4°     [From  Monthly  weather  review,  Apr.  1944,  v.  72]     t 

C  30.14/a  :  P  926/2 

Climatologicnl  data.  Climatological  data,  Hawaii  section,  v.  40,  no.  3;  Mar.  1944. 
[Hawaiian  Printing  Co.,  Ltd.,  May  2,  1944.]  p.  13-18,  4"  [Monthly.]  *Paper, 
5c.  single  copy,  25c.  a  yr.  O  30.19 :  40/3 

Same,  v.  40,  no.  4 ;  Apr.  1944.     [Hawaiian  Printing  Co.,  Ltd.,  June  1,  1944.] 

p.  19-24,  4°     [Monthly.]  C  30.19:  40/4 

'  Cot^.  Weekly  corn  and  wheat  weather  bulletin,  no.  13-16,  series  1944  ;  July  4-25, 
1944.  [(^hicago  P.O.  July  5-26,  1944.]  Each  [2]  p.  f°  *  Paper,  30c.  per  season 
(April-September).  0  30.7:944/13-16 

Cotton.  Weekly  cotton  weather  bulletin,  no.  12-16,  series  1944 ;  June  27- July  25, 
1944.  [Weather  Bureau  Office,  New  Orleans,  La.,  1944.]  Each  [2]  p.  il.  oblong 
8",  folded  into  8°  size.     *  Paper,  30c.  per  season  (April-October). 

G  30.9 :  944/12-16 
•    Sent  to  Depository  Libraries 

60264G — 44— No.  505 3 

912  Government  Publications 

Meteorology.  Annual  meteorological  summary  for  Washington,  D.  C,  [calendar] 
years  1941,  1942,  and  1943.     1944.     [2]  p.  4°    t     •  Item  298 

C  30.16 :  D  63/insert 

Annual  nu'toorological  summary,  with  comparative  data,  [calendar  year] 

1943,  Me(lf(»rd,  Oreg. ;  compiled  by  William  J.  Hutchison.     1944.     8  p.  narrow 
8°     t     •  Item  298  O  30.16 :  Or  3/943 

Monthly  meteorological  summary,  Washington,  D.   C,  June  1944.     n.  p. 

[WB,  July  8,  1&44].     [2]     p.  f°     t  0  30.10:944/6 

Monthly  weather  review,  Apr.  1944;  v.  72,  no.  4.  [July  1,  1944.]  cover  title,  p. 
89-109,  15  p.  of  maps,  large  4°  (W.  B.  no.  1414.)  [Certain  special  articles  are 
reprinted  from  the  Monthly  weather  review  and  listed  in  the  Monthly  catalog 
as  they  are  issued.]  *  Paper,  20c.  single  copy,  $2.00  a  yr. ;  foreign  subscription, 
$2.75.     •  Item  303 

L.  C.  card  Agr  9-990  C  30.14 :  72/4 

Note. — The  Monthly  weather  review  publishes  monthly  meteorological  and  climate- 
logical  data  for  the  United  States  and  adjacent  ret?ions,  and  brief  contri1)utions,  princi- 
pally to  synoptic  meteorology  and  applied  meteorology. 

Sunshine.  Sunshine  tables:  pt.  1, 'Latitudes  20°  to  30°  north;  by  C.  F.  Marvin. 
Edition  1905,  reprinted  1944.     23  p.     (W.  B.  no.  805  [pt.  IJ.)     t     9  Item  301 

C  30.2 :  Su  7/pt.l 

Same :  pt.  2,  Latitudes  30°  to  40°  north ;  by  C.  F.  Marvin.     Edition  1905, 

reprinted  1944.     23  p.     (W.  B.  no.  805  [pt.  2].)     t     •  Item  301 

C  30.2 :  Su  7/pt.2 

Same:  pt.  3,  Latitudes  40°  to  50°  north;  by  C.  F.  Marvin.     Edition  1905, 

reprinted  1944.     23  p.     (W.  B.  no.  805  [pt.  3].)     t     •  Item  301 

C  30.2 :  Su  7/pt.3 

Weather.     Weekly  weather  and  crop  bulletin,  July  4-25,  1944;  no.  27-30,  series 

1944.  n.  p.  [1944].     Each  4  p.  il.  4°     *  Paper,  50c.  a  yr. 

L.  C.  card  Agr  24-260  C  30.11 :  944/27-30 

Weather  forecasts.  Some  notes  on  forecasting  for  Atlanta  and  Miami  districts 
(North  and  South  Carolina,  Georgia,  and  Florida)  ;  by  Grady  Norton.  Wash- 
ington, Feb.  1944.  cover  title,  [2] +30  p.  (Research  paper  15.)  [Proc- 
essed.]    t  0  30.29:15 


Congressional  record.  Congressional  record,  proceedings  and  debates  of  78tli 
Congress,  1st  session,  v.  89,  pt.  7  and  8;  Oct.  21-Dec.  21,  1943.  [Permanent 
edition.]  1943.  [3] -f  8609-11005  p.  4°  *  Cloth,  pts.  7  and  8  each  $2.50 
•  Item  305 

L.  0.  card  12-36438  X  845-846 :  78/1 

Note. — In  this  permanent  bound  edition,  the  paging  differs  from  that  of  the  daily 
numbers,  the  text  being  revised,  rearranged,  and  printed  without  break.  The  bound 
volumes  of  the  Record  are  sold  by  the  Superintendent  of  Documents. 

Same,  appendix,  v.  89,  pt.  9-12 ;  Jan.  6-Dec.  21,  1943.     [Permanent  edition.] 

1943.     Al-A5700+[5]  p.  4°     *  Cloth,  pts.  9-12,  each  $2.50.     •  Item  305 

X  847-850 :  78/1 

Congressional  record  index,  proceedings  and  debates  of  78th  Congress,  2d 

session,  v.  90,  nos.  114-119;  June  19-23,  1944.     [1944.]     no.  12;  63  p.  4°     [In- 
cludes History  of  bills  and  resolutions.]  X/a.78/2 :  90/114-119/ind. 

Note. — The  Congressional  record  containing  the  proceedings  and  debates  of  Congress 
Is  issued  daily  when  Congress  is  in  session,  and  indexes  thereto  are  published  fort- 

The  Record  is  sold  by  the  Superintendent  of  Documents  on  the  following  terms : 
Single  copy,  3  cents,  if  not  more  than  24  pages,  and  1  cent  more  for  each  additional  8 
pages;  per  month,  $1.50,  foreign  subscription,  $2.75.  Subscriptions  are  payable  in  ad- 
vance. Prices  for  the  bound  volumes  of  the  Record,  78th  Congress,  1st  session,  and  prior 
Congresses,  will  be  furnished  on  application.  Send  remittances  to  the  Superintendent 
of  Documents,  Government  Printing  Office,  Washington  25,  D.  C. 

Directory.     78th  Congress,  2d  session,  beginning  Jan.  10,  1944,  ofl5cial  congres- 
sional directory;  [compiled  by  R.  E.  De  Sear].     2d  edition,  corrected  to  June 
2.  1944.     1944.     xx+917  p.  il.  1  pi.     *  Cloth,  $1.25.     •  Item  307 
L.  C.  card  6-35330  Y  4.P  93/1 : 1/78-2-2 

•     Sent  to  Depository  Libraries 

August  1944  913 


Note. — The  Federal  laws  are  first  published  separately  and  in  this  form  are  known  as 
"slip  laws."  Later,  these  laws  are  compiled,  edited,  indexed,  and  published  in  the  volumes 
of  the  Statutes  at  large. 

The  "slip  law"  bears  the  chapter  number  and  the  session  of  Congress  during  which  the 
law  was  enacted,  but  this  information  does  not  appear  in  the  entries  listed  below. 

Private  law  308-347,  78th  Congress. 

Note. — The  Division  of  Research  and  Publication,  State  Department,  receives  a  small 
supply  of  the  private  laws  which  it  distributes  free  upon  application. 

Allen,  Ouy  F.     H.  R.  3G61,  act  for  relief  of  G.  P.  Allen,  and  for  other  purposes.      [Ap- 
proved June  27,  1944.]      2  p.      (Private  law  313.) 
Anderson,  Mrs.  Kay  B.     II.  R.  1045,  act  for  relief  of  Mrs.  R.  D.  Robinson   [now  Mrs. 
John  K.  Anderson  (Kay  Bayne  Anderson)].     Approved  June  30,  1944.     1  p.      (Private 
law  328.) 
Bantin,  Howard   C.     H.  R.  3724,  act  for  relief  of  Mr.  and  Mrs.   Howard  C.  Bantin. 

Approved  June  28.  1944.     1  p.      (Private  law  325.) 
Baptiste,  Frank.     H.   R.   2788,   act  for  relief  of  Frank  Baptiste.     Approved  June   30, 

1944.     1  p.      (Private  law  338.) 
Boland,  Broadus.     II.  R.  1755,  act  for  relief  of  Broadus  D.  Boland  and  W.  E.  Boland. 

Approved  June  30,  1944.       1  p.      (Private  law  332.) 
Bub!/,  John.     H.  R.  2855  net  for  relief  of  estate  of  John  Buby.     Approved  June  28,  1944. 

1  p.      (Private  law  321.) 
Campbell,  Paul  M.      H.  R.  1220,  act  for  relief  of  legal  guardian  of  Paul  M.  Campbell. 

Approved  June  26.  1944.      1   p.      (Private  law  .^09.) 
Clapp,  Ruth  L.     H.  R.  3137,  act  for  relief  of  Ruth  L.  Clapp.     Approved  June  30,   1944. 

1  p.      (Private  law  340.) 
Cothron,  Mrs.  Maris  N.      H.  R.  3390,  act  for  relief  of  Mavis  Norrine  Cothron  and  legal 
guardian  of  Norma  Lee  Cothron,  Florence  Janet  Cothron,  and  Nina  Faye  Cothron. 
Approved  June  30,  1944.      1  p.      (Private  law  342.) 
Courcil,  Louis.     H.  R.  248,  act  for  relief  of  Louis  Courcil.     Approved  June  30,  1944. 

1  p.      (Private  law  327.) 
De  Blanc,  Mrs.  Ccsaire.     S.  1593,  act  for  relief  of  heirs  and  assigns  of  widow  Cesaire 

De  Blanc.      Approved  June  30,  1944.      1  p.      (Private  law  347.) 
Delisle,  Mrs.  Eva  M.     H.   R.   3102,  act  for  relief  of  Mrs.   Eva  M.   Delisle    [mother  of 

Arthur  A.  Fanion].      Approved  June  26,  1944.      1  p.      (Private  law  312.) 
Ekvall,MaeA.     H.  R.  3649,  act  for  relief  of  Mae  Ekvall.     Approved  June  30,  1944.     1  p. 

(Private  law  343.) 
Feller,  L.  M.,  Co.     H.  R.  4528,  act  for  relief  of  L.  M.  Feller  Company  and  Wendell  C. 

Graus.     Approved  June  30,  1944.     1  p.      (Private  law  345.) 
Frakes,  Mrs.   Mary  E.     H.   R.   3126,   act   for   relief  of   Mary   Ellen   Frakes,   widow   of 

Joseph  A.  Frakes.      Approved  June  30,  1944.      1  p.      (Private  law  339.) 
Godwin,  Mrs.  Molly.     H.  R.  3586,  act  for  relief  of  Mrs.  John  Andrew  Godwin   [Molly 

Godwin].     Approved  June  28,  1944.     1  p.      (Private  law  324.) 
Hale,  Clarence  P.,  jr.     H.   R.  2405,  act  for  relief  of  Clarence  P.   Hale,  jr.     Approved 

June  30,  1944.      1  p.      (Private  law  335.) 
Hampton,  Mrs.  Mildred  B.     H.  R.   1412,  act   for  relief  of  Mildred   B.  Hampton.     Ap- 
proved June  30,  1944.     1  p.      (Private  law  330.) 
Harris,  Marvin  H.     H.  R.  3737,  act  for  relief  of  M.  H.  Harris.     Approved  June  28,  1944. 

1   p.      (Private  law  326). 
Held,  Edward  E.     H.  R.  2625,  act  for  relief  of  Edward  E.  Held  and  Mary  Jane  Held. 

Approved  June  30,  1944.      1  p.      (Private  law  337.) 
Holcomb,  Eugene.     S.  1588,  act  for  relief  of  legal  guardian  of  Eugene  Holcomb.     Ap- 
proved June  26,  1944.     1  p.      (Private  law  311.) 
James,  Orville  W.     H.  R.  2303,  act  for  relief  of  O.  W.  James.     Approved  June  26,  1944. 

1  p.      (Private  law  310.) 
Lankton,  J.  Fletcher,  &  Ziegele,  John  N.     H.  R.  4707,  act  for  relief  of  J.  Fletcher  Lankton 

and  John  N.  Ziegele  [firm].      Approved  .Tune  30,  1944.      1  p.      (Private  Law  346.) 
Lewis.  Delores.     H.  R.  1313,  act  for  relief  of  Delores  Lewis.    Approved  June  28,  1944.    1  p. 

(Private  law  316.) 
Long,  Mrs.  Elizabeth  P.     H.  R.  2151,  act  for  relief  of  Elizabeth  Powers  Long.     Approved 

June  28.  1944.     1  p.     (Private  law  317.) 
McKay,  Charles  M.     II.  R.  544,  act  for  relief  of  C.  M.  McKay.     Approved  June  28,  1944. 

1  p.      (Private  law  314.) 
McLaughlin.  Mrs.  Iva.     Ii.  R.  2333,  art  foi"  relief  of  Mrs.  Samuel  M.  McLaughlin    [Iva 

McLaughlin].     Approved  June  30,  1944.     1  p.     (Private  law  334.) 
Mullins.  Mrs.  Oertrude.     H.  R.  2472,  act  for  relief  of  estate  of  Gertrude  Mullins.    Approved 

June  30,  1944.     1  p.     (Private  law  336.) 
O'Connell,  John  M.     H.  R.  2530.  act  for  relief  of  John  M.  OConnell.     Approved  .Tune  28, 

1944.     1  p.     (Private  law  319J 
Pokluda.  Mrs.  Vola  S.     II.  R.  272,  act  for  relief  of  Mrs.  Vola  Stroud  Pokluda,  Jesse  M. 
Knowles,  and  estate  of  Lee  Stroud.    Approved  .Tune  26,  1944.     1  p.     (Private  law  308.) 
Polak,  Edward.     H.  R.  3301.  act  for  relief  of  legal  guardian  of  Edward  Polak.     Approved 

June  28,  1944.     1  p.     (Private  law  323.) 
Postal  Telegraph -Cable  On.      II.  R.  3324.  act  for  relief  of  Postal  Telegraph-Cable  Company. 

Approved  June  30,  1944.     1  p.     (Private  law  341.) 
Schultz,  Harry.     H.  R.  3977,  act  for  relief  of  Harry  Schultz.     Approved  June  30,  1944. 

1  p.     (Private  law  344.) 
Simpson,  Mrs.  Alia  L.     II.  R.  2006.  act  for  relief  of  Mrs.  Hagar  Simpson  [Alta  Lee  Simp- 
son], and  Mrs.  Nat  Price,  jr.  [Mary  Mae  Price].    Approved  June  30,  1944.    1  p.     (Pri- 
vate law  333.) 
Smith,  H.  H.     H.  R.  3098,  act  for  relief  of  H.  H.  Smith.    Approved  June  28,  1944.     1  p. 

(Private  law  322.) 
Stewart,  Eddie  T.     H.  R.  1411,  act  for  relief  of  Eddie  T.  Stewart.    Approved  June  30,  1944. 
1  p.      (Private  law  329.) 

•     Sent  to  Depository  Libraries 

914  Government  Publications 

Private  law  308-347,  78th  Congress— Continued. 

Taulbcr.  Jamcn  T.     II.  K.  1497,  act  for  relief  of  estate  of  J.  T  .Taulbce,  and  Mrs.  Bertie 

Lelia  Parker  [formerly  Mrs.  J.  T.  Taulbee].    Approved  June  30,  1944.     1  p.     (Private 

law  ^^1.) 
Tim  menu  nil.  Afrs.  Lillian  IV.     II.  R.  2769,  act  for  relief  of  Mrs.  Lillian  W.  Timmerman, 

mother  of  Ann  Tiiumerman.     Approved  June  28,  1944.     1  p.      (Private  law  320.) 
Turpel,  David  B.     H.  R.  1046,  act  for  relief  of  David  B.  Turpel.    Approved  June  28,  1944. 

1  p.     (Private  law  Slf).) 
'WhaU'V,  P.  AtKllcy.     II.  R.  2511,  act  for  relief  of  P.  Audloy  Whaley.     Approved  June  28, 

1944.  1  p.     (Private  law  318.) 

Public  law  351-417,  7Sth  Congress. 

Note. — Public  laws  in  slip  form  in  the  first  prints  may  be  obtained  from  the  Super- 
intendent of  Documents.  Washington  25,  D.  C,  at  a  subscription  price  of  $3.00  a  session, 
foreign  subscription,  $4.25  ;  single  copies  are  usually  5c. ;  no.  3C5,  State  Department, 
no.  367,  Aoriculture  Department,  no.  369,  Interior  Department,  and  no.  410,  Public 
Health  Service,  which  see  below,  are  10c.      ^  Item  1035 

Admiralty.  S.  1173,  act  to  provide  for  staying  judicial  proceedings  against  United 
States  in  time  of  war,  on  claims  for  damages  caused  by  vessels  of  Navy,  or  for  tow- 
age or  salvage  services  to  such  vessels,  when  Secretary  of  Navy  certifies  that  prose- 
cution of  such  proceedings  would  endanger  security  of  naval  operations  or  interfere 
therewith,  and  to  authorize  settlement  and  payment  of  sucli  claims.  [Approved 
July  3,  1944.]  4  p.  (Public  law  417.) 
Agriculture  Department.  H.  R.  4443,  act  making  appropriations  for  Department  of 
Agriculture,  fiscal  year  1945.  [Approved  June  28.  1944.]  42  p.  (Public  law  367.) 
Air  pilots.     S.  1432,  act  to  extend  civilian  pilot  training  act  of  1939.     Approved  June 

30.  1944.     1  p.      (Public  law  391.) 
Appropriations.     H.  R.  4414,  act  making  appropriations  for  legislative  branch  and  for 
the  judiciary,   fiscal   year   1945.      [Approved  June  26,   1944.]      28   p.      (Public   law 

H.  R.  5040,  act  making  appropriations  to  supply  deficiencies  in  appropriations 

for  fiscal  year  1944  and  prior  fiscal  years,  to  provide  supplemental  appropriations 
for  fiscal  years  1944  and  1945,  and  for  other  purposes.  [Approved  June  28,  1944.] 
29  p.      (Public  law  375.) 

Boy  Scouts  of  Atnerica.  H.  R.  4659,  to  authorize  Soil  Conservation  Service  to  lend 
certain  equipment  [to  Steuben  Area  Council  of  Boy  Scouts  of  America].  Approved 
June  26,  1944.     1  p.      (Public  law  355.) 

Chaplains.  H.  R.  3604,  act  authorizing  appointment  of  chief  of  chaplains  to  tempo- 
rary rank  of  major  general.     Approved  June  28.  1944.      1  p.      (Public  law  362.) 

Civil  service  pensions.  H.  R.  1475,  act  to  amend  further  civil  service  retirement  act,  as 
amended  [so  as  to  authorize  waiver  of  recovery  of  annuity  payments  made  to  re- 
employed annuitants  in  certain  cases].  Approved  June  26,  1944.  1  p.  (Public 
law  351.)  [H.  R.  1475,  as  it  became  law,  contains  a  section  relative  to  deductions 
from  salaries  of  Senate  employees  for  retirement  fund.] 

H.  R.  4292.  act  to  amend  sec.  12  (b)  of  act  of  May  29,  1930,  as  amended  [so  as 

to  eliminate  payment  of  interest  on  refund  claims  covering  service  of  1  year  or  less]. 
Approved  June  28,  1944.     1  p.      (Public  l.iw  366.) 

H.   R.   4320.   act   relating  to   computation   of   interest  on   contributions  to  civil 

service  retirement  fund  returned  to  employees  upon  their  separation  from  service. 
Approved  June  26,  1944.     1  p.      (Public  law  353.) 

Coconut  oil.  H.  R.  4837.  act  to  extend  for  additional  2  years  suspension  in  part  of 
processing  tax  on  coconut  oil,  and  to  correct  typographical  error  in  individual  in- 
come tax  act  of  194^.     Approved  June  30,  1944.     1   p.      (Public  law  390.) 

Commerce.  S.  1826.  act  to  amend  sec.  6  of  act  of  July  2.  1940  (54  Stat.  7i4),  relat- 
ing to  exportation  of  certain  commodities,  and  to  continue  said  act  in  effect  [with 
Foreign  Economic  Administration  charged  with  duty  of  export  control].  Approved 
July  1.  1944.      1  p.      (Public  law  397.) 

Courts  martial  and  courts  of  inquiry.  H.  R.  3241,  act  to  implement  Jurisdiction  of  serv- 
ice courts  of  friendly  foreign  forces  within  United  States.  [Approved  June  30,  1944.] 
2  p.      (Public  law  384.) 

District  of  Columbia.  H.  R.  4861.  act  making  appropriations  for  government  of  Dis- 
trict of  Columbia  and  other  activities  chargeable  in  whole  or  in  part  against  revenues 
of  such  District,  fiscal  year  1945.  [Approved  June  28,  1944.]  27  p.  (Public  law 

Engravinq  and  Printinn  Bureau.  H.  R.  3891,  act  to  provide  night  differential  for  cer- 
tain emnlovees  [in  Bureau  of  Engraving  and  Printing].  Approved  Julv  1,  1944. 
1  p.      (Public  law  394.) 

Filipino  Rehabilitation  Commission.  S.  J.  Res.  94,  joint  resolution  to  amend  sec.  13 
of  Philippine  independence  act,  as  amended,  establishing  Filipino  Rehablitation  Com- 
mission, defining  its  powers  and  duties,  and  for  other  purposes.  [Approved  June  29, 
1944.]       2  p.      (Public  law  381.) 

Foreign  Economic  Administration.  H.  R.  4937.  act  making  appropriations  for  defense 
aid  (lend-lease),  for  participation  by  United  States  in  work  of  United  Nations  Relief 
and  Rehabilitation  Administration,  and  for  Foreign  Economic  Administration,  fiscal 
year  1945.      [Approved  June  30.  1944.1      5  p.      (Public  law  382.) 

Franking  privilege.  H.  R.  4033,  net  relating  to  use  of  penalty  mail  privilege.  [Ap- 
proved June  28,  1044.]      2  p.      (Public  law  364.) 

Government  contracts.  S.  1718.  act  to  provide  for  settlement  of  claims  arising  from 
terminated  war  contracts.  [Approved  July  1.  1944.]  25  p.  (Public  law  395.) 
[S.  1718  establishes  the  Office  of  Contract  Settlement  and  creates  a  Contract  Settle- 
ment Advisory  Board.] 

Ooverninetit  offices.  IT.  R.  4070.  act  making  appropriations  for  Executive  Oflfice  and 
sundry  independent  executive  bureaus,   boards,   commissions,  and  offices,   fiscal  year 

1945.  [Approved  June  27,  1944.]      30  p.      (Public  law  358.) 

— • —  H.  R.  4879,  act  making  appropriations  for  war  agencies,  fiscal  year  1945.  [Ap- 
proved June  28,  1944.]     15  p.     (Public  law  372.) 

•     Sent  to  Depository  Libraries 

August  1944  915 

Public  law  351-417,  78th  Congress — Continued. 

Harpers  Ferry  National  Monument.  H.  li.  3024,  act  to  provide  for  establishment  of 
Harpers  Ferry  National  Monument.  Approved  June  30,  1944.  1  p.  (Public  law 

Home  guards.  S.  1157,  act  to  amend  sec.  61  of  national  defense  act  of  June  3,  1916, 
as  amended,  for  purpose  of  providing  such  training  of  State  and  Territorial  military 
forces  as  is  deemed  necessary  to  enable  them  to  execute  their  internal  security  re- 
sponsibilities within  their  respective  States  and  Territories.  [Approved  June  26, 
1U44.J      2  p.      (Public  law  356.) 

Housing.  H.  K.  702,  act  to  permit  prepayment  of  purchase  price  of  certain  housing 
sold  to  individuals  by  Kesettlement  Administration  of  Farm  Security  Administration. 
Approved  July  1,  1944.     1  p.      (Public  law  401.)      • 

H.  R.  472S,  act  to  amend  act  to  expedite  provision  of  housing  in  connection  with 

national  defense,  as  amended.     Approved  July  1,  1944.     1  p.      (Public  law  411.) 

Interest.  H.  R.  4102,  act  to  e.xteud  for  one  additional  year  reduced  rate  of  interest  on 
Land  Bank  Commissiouer  loans.     Approved  June  30,  1944.     1  p.      (Public  law  387.) 

Interior  Department.  H.  R.  4679,  act  making  appropriations  for  Department  of  In- 
terior, liscal  year  1945.      [Approved  June  28,  1944. J      51  p.      (Public  law  369.) 

S.  1232,  act  to  provide  equitable  compensation  for  useful  suggestions  or  inven- 
tions by  personnel  of  Department  of  Interior.  Approved  June  26,  1944.  1  p. 
(Public  law  357.) 

Interstate  agreements.  H.  J.  Res.  138,  joint  resolution  granting  consent  of  Congress 
to  agreement  between  New  York  and  Rhode  Island  and  Providence  Plantations  con- 
cerning settlement  of  boundary  line  between  said  States.  [Approved  July  1,  1944.] 
2  p.      (Public  law  399.) 

Isonipecaine.  H.  R.  4881,  act  to  amend  internal  revenue  code,  narcotic  drugs  import 
and  export  act,  as  amended,  and  tariff  act  of  1930,  as  amended,  to  classify  new 
synthetic  drug   [isonipecaine].      [Approved  July  1,  1944.]      2  p.      (Public  law  414.) 

Labor  Department.  H.  R.  4899,  act  making  appropriations  for  Department  of  Labor, 
Federal  Security  Agency,  and  related  independent  agencies,  fiscal  year  1945.  [Ap- 
proved June  28,  1944. J      29  p.      (Public  law  373.) 

Los  Angeles  County,  Calif.  H.  R.  905,  act  to  release  all  right,  title,  and  interest  of 
United  States  in  certain  land  constituting  portion  of  tract  of  land  [comprising  Ross 
Field  , Arcadia,  Calif.],  conditionally  granted  to  county  of  Los  Angeles,  Calif.,  under 
act  of  Mar.  24,  1933,  as  amended.     Approved  July  1,  1944.     1  p.      (Public  law  402.) 

Maritie  Band.  H.  R.  4825,  act  to  authorize  attendance  of  Marine  Baud  at  national 
encampment  of  Grand  Army  of  the  Republic  to  be  held  at  Des  Moines,  Iowa,  Sept. 
10-14,  1944.     Approved  June  30,  1944.     1  p.      (Public  law  389.) 

Military  Academy,  West  Point.  S.  1669,  act  to  clarify  law  relative  to  allowances  for 
mileage  of  graduates  of  Military  Academy  and  transportation  of  their  dependents  on 
assignment  to  their  1st  duty  station  and  to  mileage  allowance  of  persons  entering 
Military  Academy  as  cadets.      [Approved  June  27,  1944.]      2  p.      (Public  law  360.) 

Mississippi  River.  H.  R.  4803,  act  to  extend  times  for  commencing  and  completing  con- 
struction of  bridge  across  Mississippi  River  at  or  near  Mempliis,  Tenu.  [by  Memphis 
and  Arkansas  Bridge  Commission].      Approved  July  1,  1944.      1  p.      (Public  law  412.) 

Missouri  River.  H.  R.  4041,  act  to  amend  act  relating  to  construction  and  maintenance 
of  bridge  across  Missouri  River  at  or  near  Nebraska  City,  Nebr.  [so  as  to  provide  for 
operation  of  bridge  free  of  tolls  by  Nebraska  City,  Nebr.].  Approved  July  1,  1944. 
1  p.      (Public  law  404.) 

Mortgage  insurance.  S.  1947,  act  to  amend  national  housing  act,  as  amended  [relative 
to  war  housing  insurance].      Approved  June  30,  1944.      1  p.      (Public  law  392.) 

Nationalism  and  nationality.  H.  R.  4103,  act  to  provide  for  loss  of  United  States  na- 
tionality under  certain  circumstances.  Approved  July  1,  1944.  1  p.  (Public  law 

Naval  supplies.  S.  784,  act  to  amend  that  part  of  act  of  June  24,  1910  (36  Stat.  619), 
relating  to  disposition  of  prohts  from  sales  of  ships'  stores  [so  as  to  permit  of  expen- 
diture of  profits  for  welfare  of  oflicers  as  well  as  of  enlisted  personnel].  Approved 
July  1,  1944.      1  p.      (Public  law  396.) 

Opium.  H.  J.  Res.  241,  joint  resolution  requesting  the  President  to  urge  upon  Govern- 
ments of  those  countries  where  cultivation  of  poppy  plant  exists,  necessity  of  immedi- 
ately limiting  production  of  opium  to  amount  required  for  strictly  medicinal  and 
scientific  purposes.      [Approved  July  1,  1944.]      2  p.      (Public  law  400.) 

Panama  Canal.  H.  R.  3646,  act  to  amend  sec.  42  of  title  7  of  Canal  Zone  code  [so  as 
to  increase  terms  of  office  of  district  attorney  and  marshal  in  Canal  Zone].  Approved 
July  1,  1944.     1  p.      (Public  law  403.) 

Pay,  Army.  H.  R.  4405,  act  to  amend  act  approved  Mar.  7,  1942  (56  Stat.  143) 
[missing  persons  act],  as  amended,  so  as  to  more  specifically  provide  for  pay,  allot- 
ments, and  administration  pertaining  to  war  casualties.  [Approved  July  1,  1944.] 
4   p.      (Public   law   408.) 

H.  R.  4466,  act  to  amend  sec.  18  of  pay  readjustment  act  of  1942  to  provide  addi- 
tional pay  lor  personnel  [of  Army  or  Navy]  who  are  required  to  participate  in 
regular  and  frequent  glider  flights.      Approved  July  1,  1944.     1  p.      (Public  law  409.) 

S.   1973,  act  to   provide  additional  pay  for  enlisted   men  of  Army  assigned   to 

infantry  who  are  awarded  expert  infantryman  badge  or  combat  infantryman  badge. 
Approved  June  30,  1944.      1  p.      (Public  law  393.) 

Pay,  Navy.  S.  1894,  act  to  provide  for  transportation  to  their  homes  of  persons  dis- 
charged from  naval  service  because  of  under  age  at  time  of  enlistment.  Approved 
July  1,  1944.      1  p.      (Public  law  398.) 

Philippine  Islands.  S.  J.  Res.  93,  joint  resolution  declaring  policy  of  Congress  with  re- 
spect to  independence  of  Philippine  Islands.  [Approved  June  29,  1944.]  2  p.  (Public 
law  380.) 

Plantations.  S.  1634,  act  to  provide  for  management  and  operation  of  naval  plantations 
outside  continental  United  States.     Approved  June  28,  1944.     1  p.     (Public  law  377.) 

Portland,  Oreg.  H.  R.  4623,  act  to  authorize  use  of  space  in  old  post-olhce  building  in 
Portland,  Oreg.,  by  Oregon  for  its  use  as  museum  for  relics  from  battleship  Oregon, 
with  all  other  historical  documents,  objects,  and  relics  of  Oregon  and  Old  Oregon 
Country  held  by  State  for  public  display.  Approved  June  30,  1944.  1  p.  (Public 
law  388.) 

•     Sent  to  Depository  Libraries 


Public  law  3r)l— 117,  78th  Congress — Continued. 

Post  Office  Dcpaitment.  H.  R.  3870,  act  to  amend  sec.  214  of  act  of  Feb.  28.  1925  [so  as 
to  facilitate  adininlstration  of  co.^t-ascertainnicnt  studie.s  and  simplify  accounting  in 
Post  Office  Department].     Approved  .Tune  "JS,  1944.     1  p.     (Public  law  36."?.) 

Post  offices.  II.  II.  4517,  act  to  remove  restrictions  on  establishing  post-office  branches 
and  stations.    Approved  June  28,  1944.     1  p.      (Public  law  368.) 

Postal  notes.     II.  R.  4087,  act  relating  to  issuance  of  postal  notes.     Approved  June  28, 

1944.  1  p.      (Public  law  370.) 

Postal  service.  H.  R.  4215.  act  to  extend  to  custodial-service  employees  of  Post  Office 
Department  certain  beneflts  applicable  to  postal  employees.  [Approved  July  1,  1944.] 
2  p.      (Public  law  406.) 

Prices.  S.  1704,  act  to  amend  emergency  price  control  act  of  1942,  as  amended,  and 
stabilization  act  of  Oct.  2,  1942,  as  amended.  [Approved  June  30,  1944.]  13  p. 
(Public  law  383.) 

Prizes  (international  law).  II.  R.  4348,  act  to  amend  act  to  facilitate  disposition  of 
prizes  captured  by  United  States  during  present  war.  Approved  July  1,  1944.  1  p. 
(Public  law  407.) 

Public  HealtJi  Service.  H.  R.  4624,  act  to  consolidate  and  revise  laws  relating  to  Public 
Health  Service.     [Approved  July  1,  1944.]     42  p.     (Public  law  410.) 

Railroad  Retirement  Board.  H.  J.  Res.  277,  joint  resolution  extending  period  for  acquisi- 
tion by  Railroad  Retirement  Board  of  data  needed  in  carrying  out  provisions  of  railroad 
retirement  acts.     Approved  June  28.  1944.     1  p.      (Public  law  876.) 

Requisitions  (militari/).  S.  1748,  act  to  amend  act  to  authorize  President  of  United 
States  to  requisition  property  required  for  defense  of  United  States,  approved  Oct.  16, 
1941.  as  amended,  to  continue  it  in  effect.  Approved  June  28,  1944.  1  p.  (Public 
law  378.) 

S.  1749,  act  to  amend  sec.  8  of  act  to  authorize  the  President  to  requisition  articles 

and  materials  for  of  United  States,  approved  Oct.  10,  1940,  as  amended,  to  continue 
it  in  effect.     Approved  June  28,  1944.      1  p.      (Public  law  379.) 

Sitla,  Alaska.  H.  R.  340,  act  to  authorize  Legislature  of  Alaska  to  grant  and  convey 
lands  to  Sitka,  Alaska,  for  street  purposes.  Approved  June  28,  1944.  1  p.  (Pub- 
lic law  361.) 

Soldiers.  H.  R.  4115,  act  to  give  honorably  discharged  veterans,  their  widows,  and 
wives  of  disabled  veterans,  who  themselves  are  not  qualified,  preference  in  employ- 
ment where  Federal  funds  are  disbursed.  [Approved  June  27,  1944.]  5  p.  (Pub- 
lic law  359.) 

State  Department.  H.  R.  4204,  act  making  appropriations  for  Departments  of  State, 
Justice,  and  Commerce,  fiscal  year  1945.  [Approved  June  28,  1944.]  33  p.  (Pub- 
lic law  365.) 

Taxation.  H.  R.  4733.  act  to  amend  sec.  514  of  soldiers'  and  sailors'  relief  act  [so  as 
to  relieve  persons  in  service  from  liability  of  double  personal  property  taxes.] 
Approved  July  3.  1944.     1  p.      (Public  law  415.) 

H.    R.    4935.    act    to    provide  for   study    of   multiple   taxation    of   air   commerce 

[by  Civil  Aeronautics  Board].     Approved  July  3,  1944.     1  p.     (Public  law  416.) 

Vincennes,  Ind.     H.   R.   3306,   act  to  authorize  conveyance  of  Harrison   Park  in   Vin- 

cennes  to  Vincennes  University.     Approved  June  30,  1944.     1  p.      (Public  law  385.) 
Virgin  Islands.     H.  R.  4810,  act  to  extend  provisions  of  selective  training  and  service 

act  of  1940,  as  amended,  to  Virgin  Islands.     Approved  July  1,  1944.     1  p.      (Public 

law  413.) 
War  Demrtment.     H.   R.  4183,  act  making  appropriations,   fiscal  vear  1945,  for  civil 

functions  administered  by  War  Department.     [Approved  June  26,  1944.]      8  p.     (Public 

law  352.) 

H.   R.  4967.  act  making  appropriations  for  military  establishment,    fiscal  vear 

1945.  [Approved  June  28,  1944.]     27  p.     (Public  law  374.) 


Cal^tulars  of  House  of  Representatives  and  history  of  legislation,  78th  Congress, 
2d  session,  Aug.  1,  1944 ;  no.  113.  1944.  1S4  p.  large  8°  [Daily  when  House  of 
Representatives  is  in  session.]     t  Y  1.2 : 1/78-2-113 

Disabled  American  Veterans.  SSd  national  report,  Disabled  American  Veter- 
ans, 1943.  1944.  ix-f396  p.  2  p.  of  por.  (H.  doc.  476,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.) 
*  Paper,  55c. 

Veterans  of  Foreign  Wars  of  United  States.  Proceedings  of  44th  national  en- 
campment of  Veterans  of  Foreign  Wars  of  United  States,  New  York  City,  N.  Y., 
Sept.  28-30,  194S.  1944.  x-f  218  p.  2  p.  of  por.  (H.  doc.  522,  78th  Cong..  2d 
sess. )     *  Paper,  30c. 


Calendars.  Legislative  calendar,  78th  Congress,  July  10,  1944;  no.  6.  1944. 
54  p.  4"     t  Y  4.Ag  8/1 :  78/6 


Mortgage  insurance.  To  amend  national  housing  act,  hearings,  78th  Congress,  2d 
session,  on  H.  R.  4S49,  to  amend  national  housing  act,  as  amended  [relative  to 
war  housing  insurance],  June  22,  1944.  1944.  ii-fl4  p.  *  Paper,  5c.  •  Item 
340  T      i'  i'    . 

L.  C.  card  44-41168  Y  4.B22/1 :  H81/11 

•     Sent  to  Depository  Libraries 

August  1944  917 

Public  property.  To  amend  Reconstruction  Finance  Corporation  act  by  adding 
new  title  thereto,  hearings,  78th  Congress,  2d  session,  on  H.  R.  4420  (super- 
seding H.  R.  3873),  to  amend  Reconstruction  Finance  Corporation  act  by 
adding  new  title  thereto  rehitiiig  to  sale  or  other  disposition  of  surplus  property 

.    of  United  States,  Jan.  17,  18,  19,  20,  21,  Feb.  14,  16,  and  Mar.  22,  1944.     1944. 
V.  1,  iv+1-321  p.     [The  hearing  of  Mar.  20,  1944,  is  included.     H.  R.  4420  estab- 
lishes a  Surplus  Property  Board.]     *  Paper,  35  c.     •  Item  340 
L.  C.  card  44-41081  Y  4.B  22/1 :  R  24/9/v.  1 


Oovenwient  offices.     To  investigate  executive  agencies,  hearings,  78th  Congress, 
1st  and  2d  sessions,  pursuant  to  H.  Res.  102,  June  30,  1943-Mar.  16,  1944.     1944. 
pt.  2.  iv+1329-2397+iii  p.     *  Paper,  $1.50.     •  Item  380 
L.  C.  card  44-41047  Y  4.Ex  3/4 :  Ex  3/pt.  2 


Puerto  Rico.  Investigation  of  political,  economic,  and  social  conditions  in  Puerto 
Rico,  hearings  before  subcommittee,  78th  Congress.  2d  session,  pursuant  to 
H.  Res.  159,  Mar.  14[-May  11],  1944.  1944.  pts.  16-18,  [vi] +1371-1680  p. 
[These  hearings  were  held  in  Washington,  D.  C]  *  Paper,  pt.  16,  20c. ;  *  pt.  17, 
15c. ;  *  pt.  18,  10c.  •  Item  355 
L.  C.  card  43-14008  Y  4.1n  7/1 :  P  96/3/pt.  16-18 

Virgin  Islands.  To  assist  in  relieving  economic  distress  in  Puerto  Rico  and 
Virgin  Islands,  hearings,  78th  Congress,  2d  session,  on  H.  R.  3777,  to  assist  in 
relieving  economic  distress  in  Virgin  Islands  by  providing  work  for  unem- 
ployed persons.  May  16  and  17,  1!)44.  1944.  pt.  4,  ii +335^417  p.  [Part  4 
relates  to  Virgin  Islands  only.  For  earlier  parts  see  pi'evious  Monthly  catalogs 
under  subhead  Puerto  Rico.]  *  Paper,  10c.  •  Item  355 
L.  C.  card  43-13920  Y  4.1n  7/1 :  P  96/2/pt.  4 


Ships.  Post-war  disposition  of  merchant  vessels,  hearings,  78th  Congress,  2d 
session,  on  H.  R.  4486,  to  provide  for  sale  of  certain  Government-owned  merchant 
vessels,     June     13-15,     1944.     1944.     pt.     2,     iii+37-182     p.     *  Paper,     2'Oc. 

•  Item  362 

L.  C.  card  44-41097  Y4.M  53  :  V  63/21/pt.2 

Ship  construction  reserve  funds,  hearings,  78th  Congress,  2d  session,  on 

H.  R.  2809,  to  amend  sec.  511  of  merchant  marine  act,  1936,  as  amended,  Feb. 
3-May  19,  1944.    1944.    iii+91  p.    *  Paper,  15c.     •  Item  362 

L.  C.  card  44-41181  ~  Y  4.M  53 :  Sh  6/29 

Ship  repair  yards,  hearings  before  subcommittee  on  production  in  ship- 
building plants,  78th  Congress,  2d  session,  pursuant  to  authority  of  H.  Res.  52, 
authorizing  investigation  of  national  defense  program  as  it  relates  to  Com- 
mittee on  Merchant  Marine  and  Fisheries,  May  25  and  20,  1944.  1944.  pt.  2, 
iii+101-241  p.     [These  hearings  were  held  in  New  York  City.]     *  Paper,  20c. 

•  Item  362 

L.  C.  card  44-6048  Y  4.M  53  :  Sh  (;/27/pt.2 

— —     Shipyard  profits,  hearings  before  subcommittee  on  shipyard  profits,  78(h 
Congress,  2d  session,  pursuant  to  authority  of  H.  Res.  52,  Mar.  22  and  23,  1944. 
1944.     iii-l-104  p.  il.     ♦  Paper,  15c.     •  Item  362 
L.  C.  card  44-41068  Y  4.M  53 :  Sh  6/28 


Admiralty.  Hearing  [78th  Congress,  2d  session],  on  S.  1173,  to  provide  for 
staying  judicial  proceedings  against  United  States  in  time  of  war,  on  claims  for 
damages  caused  by  vessels  of  Navy,  or  for  towage  or  salvage  services  to  such 
vessels,  when  Secretary  of  Navy  certifies  that  prosecution  of  such  proceedings 
would  endanger  security  of  naval  operations  or  interfere  therewith,  and  to 
authorize  settlen»ent  and  payment  of  such  claims.  [1944.]  p.  2157-77.  (No. 
238.)     *  Paper,  5c.     •  Item  365  Y  4.N'  22/la  :  ^3-44/238 

•     Sent  to  Depository  Libraries 

918  Government  Publications 

Dental  DcparUnent,  Kavii.  Hearing  [78th  Congress,  2d  session],  on  H.  R.  4216,  to 
provide  more  efficient  dental  care  for  personnel  of  Navy  [by  establishing  Dental 
Department    in   Navy].      [1944.]      p.   2193-2298.      (No.   240.)      *  Paper,   1.5c. 

•  Item  3G.5  Y  4.N  22/la  :  943^4/240 

Naval  supplies.  Hearing  [78th  Congress,  2d  session],  on  H.  R.  2025,  to  amend  that 
part  of  act  of  June  24,  1910  (3(5  Stat.  G19),  relating  to  disposition  of  profits 
from  sales  of  ships'  stores  [so  as  to  permit  of  expenditure  of  profits  for  welfare 
of  officers  as  well  as  of  enlisted  personnel].     [19.44.]     p.  2179-91.     (No.  239.) 

*  Paper,  5o.     •  Item  365  Y  4.N  22/la  :  943-44/239 

Officers,  Xarv.  Hearing  [78th  Congress,  2d  session],  on  S.  2019,  to  establish  grade 
of    fleet    admiral    of    Navy.     [1944.]     p.    2357-62.     (No.    243.)     *  Paper,    5c. 

•  Item  365  Y  4.N  22/la  :  &43-44/243 

Pay,  Nai-p.  Hearing  [78th  Congress,  2d  session],  on  H.  R.  4405,  to  amend  act 
approved  Mar.  7.  1942  (Public  law  490,  77th  Cong.),  as  amended,  so  as  to  more 
specifically  provide  for  pay,  allotments,  and  administration  pertaining  to  war 
casualties.     [1944.]     p.  2299-2343.     (No.  241.)     *  Paper,  10c.     •Item  365 

Y  4.N  22/la :  943^4/241 

Ships.  Hearing  [7Sth  Congress,  2d  session],  on  H.  R.  4991,  to  remove  restrictions 
on  transfers  of  small  craft  to  other  American  republics  in  furtherance  of  war 
effort.      [1944.]     p.    2345-55.     (No.   242.)     *  Paper,   5c.     •  Item   365 

Y  4.N  22/la :  943-44/242 

Womev's  Reserve,  Navp.  Hearing  [78th  Congress,  2d  session],  on  H.  R.  5067,  to 
amend  Naval  Reserve  act  of  19.38,  as  amended,  so  as  to  permit  foreign  service 
of  members  of  "Women's  Reserve  under  certain  conditions.  [1944.]  p.  2363-87. 
(No.  244. )     *  Paper,  10c.     •  Item  365  Y  4.N  22/la  :  943-44/244 

To  amend  Naval  Reserve  act  of  1938,  as  amended,  so  as  to  permit  foreign 

service  of  members  of  Women's  Reserve  under  certain  conditions,  H.  R.  5067, 
[introduced  by]  Mrs.  Smith ;  [letter  from  Secretary  of  Navy  to  Speaker  of 
House  of  Representatives  concerning  bill].     [1944.]     p.  2389-90.     (No.  245.) 

*  Paper,  5c.     •  Item  365  Y  4.N  22/la  :  943-^4/245 


Interior  Department.  Rewards  for  inventions,  Interior  Department  employees, 
hearings,  78th  Congress,  2d  session,  on  H.  R.  2987  and  S.  1232,  [bills]  to  provide 
equitable  compensation  for  useful  suggestions  or  inventions  by  personnel  of 
Department  of  Interior,  Apr.  27  and  May  10,  1944.  1944.  iii+47  p.  *  Paper, 
10c.  •  Item  366 
L.  C.  card  44-41166  Y  4.P  27/1 :  In  8/5 


Economic  policy.  Post-war  economic  policy  and  planning  hearings,  78th  Con- 
gress, 2d  session,  pursuant  to  H.  Res.  408,  Mar.  15-Mav  3[2],  1944.  1944. 
2d  session,  pursuant  to  H.  Res.  408,  Mar.  1,5-May  3  [2],  1944.  1944.  [pt.  1], 
ili+ 1-288  p.  [Relates  to  contract  termination  and  related  matters.]  *  Paper, 


Refunds  and  credits  of  internal  revenue  taxes,  fiscal  year  1942,  report  pursuant 
to  sec.  nOlO  (c),  internal  revenue  code.    1944.    ix-j-16  p.     (H.  doc.  660,  78th 
Cong.  2d  sess. )     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  29-26737 


Calendar  of  business,  78th  Congress,  2d  session,  Aug.  1,  1944;  no.  90.  1944. 
12  p.  large  8°    [Daily  when  Senate  is  in  session.]    t  Y  1.3 :  78-2/90 

Soldiers.  Manual  explanatory  of  privileges,  rights,  and  benefits  provided  for 
all  persons  who  are,  or  have  been,  members  of  armed  forces  of  United  States 
and  of  those  dependent  upon  them;  [submitted  by  Mr.  Bone].  1944.  v+221  p. 
(S.  doc.  152,  7Sth  Cong.  2d  sess.)  [This  is  a  revision  of  Senate  document  96, 
77th  Congress.]  *  Paper,  25c. 
L.  C.  card  44-41217 

•     Sent  to  Depository  Libraries 

August  1944  919 


Drainage  districts.  Construction  of  drainage  works  in  United  States,  hearings 
before  subcommittee,  78th  Congress,  2d  session,  on  S.  1289,  to  provide  for  im- 
proved agricultural  land  utilization  by  assisting  in  rehabilitation  and  construc- 
tion of  drainage  works  in  humid  areas  of  United  States,  June  5  and  6,  1944. 
1944,  iii+65  p.  *  Paper,  15c.  •  Item  382 
L.  C.  card  44-41180  Y  4.Ag  8/2  :  D  78/2 

Rural  Electrification  Administration.  Administration  of  rural  electrification  act, 
hearings  before  subcommittee,  78th  Congress,  2d  session,  on  S.  Res.  197,  autlior- 
izing  employment  of  assistants  and  expenditure  of  funds  in  proposed  investiga- 
tion of  administration  of  rural  electritication  act,  Feb.  28-Mar.  29,  1944.  1944. 
pt.  3,  iv-f  611-872  p.  *  Paper,  30c.  •  Item  382 
L.  C.  card  44-3040  Y  4.  Ag  8/2  :  R  8S/4/pt.  3 

School  lunch  and  milk  programs,  hearings  before  subcommittee,  7Sth  Congress, 
2d  session,  on  S.  1820  and  S.  1824,  bills  to  assist  States  to  establish  and  maintain 
school-lunch    programs,    May    2-5,    1944.      1944.      iii-|-250    p.      *  Paper,    30c. 
•  Item  382 
L.  C.  card  44-41182  Y  4.  Ag  8/2/Sch  6 


Business.     Problems  of  American  small  business,  hearings,   78th  Congress,  2d 
session,  pursuant  to  S.  Res.  66  (extending  S.  Res.  298,  76th  Congress),  to  ap- 
point special  committee  to  study  and  survey  problems  of  American  small  busi- 
ness enterprises.     1944.     pts.  36  and  37.     • 
L.  C.  card  42-12978  Y  4.Am  3/5 :  B  96/4 

pt.  36.  Businessmen's   views   on   reconversion   needs,   1.    Indianapolis,   Ind.,   May   24   and 

25,  1944.      iii-f  4391-4405  p.      *  Paper,  15c. 
pt.  37.  Same,  2,  Fort  Wayne,  Ind.,  May  26,  1944.     iii  + 4467-4531  p.     *  Paper,  15c. 


Appropriations.  Second  deficiency  appropriation  bill,  1944,  hearings  before  sub- 
committee, 78th  Congress,  2d  session,  on  H.  R.  504O,  making  appropriations  to 
supply  deficiencies  in  appropriations  for  fiscal  year  1944  and  prior  fiscal  years, 
to  provide  supplemental  appropriations  for  fiscal  years  1944  and  1945,  and  for 
other  purposes.  1944.  11+75  p.  *  Paper,  15c.  •  Item  383 
L.  C.  card  44-41072  Y  4.Ap  6/2  :  D  36/944-2 


Intracoastal  Watertvay  from  Mississippi  River  at  New  Orleans,  La.,  to  Corpus 
Christi,  Tex.  (alternate  connection  with  Mississippi  River  in  vicinity  of  Al- 
giers at  New  Orleans),  letter  from  Secretary  of  War  transmitting  to  chairman 
of  Committee  on  Commerce,  Senate,  review  [by  chief  of  engineers,  Army]  of 
report  on  Intracoastal  Waterway  from  Mississippi  River  at  or  near  New  Or- 
leans, La.,  to  Corpus  Christi,  Tex. ;  presented  by  Mr.  Overton.  1944.  iii+14 
p.  2  maps.     (S.  doc.  188,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)     *  Paper,  10c. 

Rivers.     Flood  control,  hearings  before  subcommittee,  78th  Congress,  2d  session, 
on  H.  R.  4485,  autlioriziHg  construction  of  certain  public  works  on  rivers  and 
harbors  for  flood  control.  May  29-June  15,  1944.     1944.     iv+817  p.     *  Paper, 
.$1.25.     •  Item  387 
L.  C.  card  44-41179  Y  4.C  73/2 :  F  65/15 


Sational  Capital  Housing  Authority.  Investigation  of  program  of  National  Cap- 
ital Housing  Authority,  hearings  before  subcommittee,  78th  Congress,  2d  ses- 
sion, on  S.  Res.  184,  authorizing  investigation  of  program  of  National  Capital 
Housing  Authority,  and  S.  109!),  to  amend  District  of  Columbia  alley  dwelling 
act,  as  amended,  i\Iar.  7  [-.Tune  3],  1944.  1944.  pts.  3  and  4,  [vii] +379-1251 
p.  il.  map.  *  Paper,  pt.  3,  70c. ;  *  pt.  4,  35c.  •  Item  388 
L.  C.  card  44-4413  Y  4.D  63/2 :  N  21/pt.3,4 

•     Sent  to  Depository  Libraries 

920  Government  Publications 


Public  Health  Service.     Laws  relating  to  Public  Health  Service,  hearings  before 
subcommittee,  78th  Congress,  2d  session,  on  H.  R.  4624,  to  consolidate  and 
revise  laws  relating  to  Public  Health  Service,  June  19  and  20,  1944.     1944. 
iii  +  50  p.     *  Paper,  10c.     •  Item  389 
L.  C.  card  44-41170  Y  4.Ed  8/3 :  P  96/6 

Tuherculosis.     Investigation  and  control  of  tuberculosis,  hearing  before  subcom- 
mittee, 78th  Congress,  2d  session,  on  S.  18.51,  to  establish,  for  investigation  and 
control  of  tuberculosis,  a  division  in  Public  Health  Service.     June  14,  1944. 
1944.     iii-f37  p.     *  Paper,  10c.     •  Item  389 
L.  C.  card  44-4169  Y  4.Ed  8/3 :  T  79 

Wartime  health  and  education,  hearings  before  subcommittee,  78th  Congress,  2d 
session,  on  S.  Res.  74,  authorizing  investigation  of  educational  and  physical  fit- 
ness of  civilian  population  as  related  to  national  defense,  Jan.  25-Feb.  9,  1944: 
Fixed  incomes  in  war  economy,  1.  1944.  pt.  3,  xii+1049-15424-v  p.  il.  3  pi. 
*  Paper,  6yc.  •  Item  389 
L.  C.  card  44-4801  Y  4.Ed  8/3 :  W  26/pt.  3 


Fuel  ail.  Gasoline  and  fuel-oil  shortages,  additional  report  pursuant  to  S.  Res. 
156  (77th  Congress,  extended  by  S.  Res.  28,  78th  Congress),  creating  special 
committee  to  investigate  gasoline  and  fuel-oil  shortages,  methods  of  curtail- 
ment, and  means  of  insuring  adequate  supply:  Interim  report  on  oil  and  coal; 
[submitted  by  Mr.  Maloney].  1944.  iii+32  p.  (S.  rp.  59,  pt.  3,  78th  Cong. 
2d  sess.)  [This  publication  reads  78th  Congress,  2d  session,  although  Senate, 
report  59  is  a  report  of  the  1st  session  of  the  78th  Congress.]  *  Paper,  10c. 
L.  O.  card  42-7296 


Railroads.    Abandonment  of  railroad  lines,  hearings  before  subcommittee,  78th 
Congress,  2d  session,  on  S.  1489,  to  establish  additional  standards  and  to  de- 
clare policy  of  Congress  with  respect  to  abandonment  of  railroad  lines,  May 
2-4,  11)44.     1944.     111+198  p.  11.     *  Paper,  25c.     •  Item  396 
L.  O.  card  44-41172  Y  4,In  8/3 :  R 13/65 


Income   tun:    Multiple   taxation   on   Federal   employees,    hearings   before   sub- 
committee, 78th  Congress,  2d  session,  on  H.  R.  3592,  to  amend  judicial  code  in 
respect  to  original  jurisdiction  of  District  Courts  in  certain  cases,  May  24  and 
June  1,  1944.     1944.     ill -f  93  p.     *  Paper,  15c.     •  Item  398 
L.  C.  card  44r41171  Y  4.J89/2 :  Em  7/8 


Government  contracts.  Mobilization  and  demobilization  problems,  hearings,  78th 
Congress,  2d  session,  on  S.  1730,  to  create  Office  of  Demobilization,  establish 
general  policies  for  operation  of  that  Office,  provide  for  settlement  of  claims 
arising  from  terminated  war  contracts,  provide  for  disposal  of  surplus  Gov- 
ernment property,  and  for  other  purposes,  and  S.  1893,  to  provide  for  estab- 
lishment of  Office  of  War  Mobilization  and  Adjustment,  and  for  other  purposes, 
June  9-16,  1944.  1944.  pt.  8,  iii+301-421  p.  *  Paper,  15c.  •  Item  401 
L.  C.  card  44^5506  Y  4.M59/2 :  M  71/pt.  8 

Manpower  for  war  production,  hearings,  78th  Congress,  2d  session,  on  S.  1864, 
to  amend  sec.  5  (k)  of  selective  training  and  service  act,  1940,  as  amended, 
S.  1870,  to  amend  selective  training  and  service  act  of  1940,  as  amended,  with 
respect  to  order  of  induction  by  age  groups  of  certain  men  who  have  children, 
and  for  other  purposes.  May  22-29,  1944.  1944.  pt.  3,  iii+69--156  p.  *  Paper, 
15c.  •  Item  401 
L.  C.  card  44-30505  Y  4.M  59/2 :  M  31/6/pt.  3 

•     Sent  to  Depository  Libraries 

August  1944  921 

Public  property.  Summary  of  recommendations  submitted  on  surplus  property 
legislation,  report  of  war  contracts  subconnnittee,  pursuant  to  S.  Res.  198,  to 
investigate  war  contracts,  termination  of  war  contracts,  and  related  prob- 
lems. 1944.  iii+102  p.  (Senate  subcommittee  print  no.  5,  78tb  Congress, 
2d  session.)  *  Paper,  15c. 
L.  C.  card  44^1238  Y  4.M  59/2  :  P  94/16 


National  defense.  Investigation  of  national  defense  program,  hearings,  78th 
Congress,  1st  and  2d  sessions,  pursuant  to  S.  Res.  6,  78th  Congress  (extending 
S.  Res.  71.  77th  Congress),  Sept.  22,  1943-Jan.  10,  1944.  1944.  pt.  21,  ix+8.jl.5- 
9285+xxiii  p.  il.  [Part  21  relates  to  rayon  versus  cotton  cord  for  tires,  man- 
power, reconver.sion  program.  Army  hotel  acquisition  program.]  *  Paper, 
$1.00  • 
L.  C.  card  41-14209  Y  4.N  21/6 :  D  36/pt.  21 


Naval  petroleum  reserves,  hearing,  78th  Congress,  2d  session,  on  S.  1773  (H.  R. 
4771),  to  amend  part  of  act  making  appropriations  for  naval  service,  fiscal  year 
1921,  as  amended,  relating  to  conservation,  care,  custody,  protection,  and 
operation  of  naval  petroleum  and  oil-shale  reserves.  May  25,  1944.  1944. 
iii-|-73  p.  [Relates  to  naval  petroleum  reserves  only.]  *  Paper,  15c.  •  Item  403 
L.  C.  card  44-41073  Y  4.  N  22/2  :  P  44/2 


Economic  policy.    Post-war  economic  i)0licy  and  planning,  hearings,  78th  Con- 
gress, 2d  session,  pursuant  to  S.  Res.  102.    1944.    pts.  3  and  4.     •  Item  381 
L.  C.  card  43-17526  Y  4.  P  84/7  :  P  84 

pt.  3.  Problem  of  unemployment  and  reemployment  after  war,  unemployment  compensa- 
tion. May  10-June  2,  1944.     vi-f  647-1014  p.  il.  1  tab.     *  Paper,  45c. 

pt.  4.  Housiug  and  urban  redevelopment,  June  1,  1944.  iii -|- 1015-70  p.  il.  [The  hearing.s 
in  pt.  4  were  lield  before  subcommittee  on  housiug  and  urban  retlevelopment.] 
*  Paper,  15c. 


Political  corruption.  Federal  corrupt  practices  acts  and  political  activities,  Fed- 
eral corrupt  practices  act  and  Hatch  political  activities  act,  as  amended,  with 
summary  of  their  provisions  in  reference  to  contributions  in  connection  with 
elections  and  also  statement  by  Civil  Service  Commission  of  rights  of  Govern- 
ment employees  in  connection  with  political  activities.  1944.  ii+21  p.  (S.  doc. 
222,  78th  Cong.  2d  sess.)  *  Paper,  10c. 
I..  C.  card  44-41201 


Note. — The  "opinions"  listed  below  (with  classification  number  Ju  3.9/a  :)  and  marked 
with  a  +  (for  official  use)  are  issued  in  a  very  limited  edition  ;  however,  a  few  copies  are 
available  at  the  Court  of  Claims  at  prices  which  are  determined  by  the  size  and  are  as 
follows  :  1-5  pages,  25c.  ;  6-10  pages,  .'iSc. ;  11-20  pages,  45c. ;  21  pages  and  over,  50c. 

Cook.  Glenwood  L.  Cook  v.  United  States;  special  findings  of  fact  [conclusion 
of  law,  and  opinion],  decided  June  5,  1944.    [1944.]     no.  45515,  8  p.    t 

Ju  3.9/a  :  C  771/2 

Firema7i's  Fund  Indemnity  Company  v.  United  States;  report  of  commissioner. 
[1944.]     no.  44890,  p.  9-38.     t  Jn  3.8 :  F  514 

Hardie-Tynes  Manufacturing  Company  v.  United  States;  report  of  commissioner. 
[1944.]     no.  44385,  p.  7-11.     t  Ju  3.8  :H  218/2 

HiU.  Milton  A.  Hill  v.  United  States;  report  of  commissioner.  [1944.]  no. 
45995,  p.  7-12.    J  Ju  3.8  :  H  554/2 

Hirsch.  Sandor  S.  Hirsch  and  Pernice  Contracting  Corp.  v.  United  States ;  report 
of  commissioner.    [1944.]    no.  45853,  p.  27-36.    I  Ju  3.8  :H  615/2 

•     Sent  to  Depository  Libraries 

922  Government  Publications 

Los  Angeles,  Calif.  Department  of  Water  and  Power  of  Los  Angeles,  and  Los 
Angeles,  a  municipal  corporation,  v.  United  States ;  report  of  commissioner. 
[1944.]     no.  43727,  p.  185-195.     t  Ju  3.9/a :  L  896/3 

Warm  Springs  tribe  of  Indians  of  Oregon  v.  United  States ;  report  of  commissioner. 
[1944.]     no.  M-112,  p.  421-425.    +  Ju3.8:W236 


Oil.  Customs  appeal  no.  4482,  United  States  v.  Gulf  Oil  Corporation,  transcript 
of  record  on  appeal  from  Customs  Court.     [1944.]     cover  title,  i+12  p.     t 

Ju  7.6 :  G  951 

Pipes  (for  smoking).  Customs  appeals  no.  4481,  United  States  v.  Alfred  Dunhill 
of  London,  Inc.,  transcript  of  record  on  appeal  from  Customs  Court.  [1944.] 
cover  title,  i+34  p.     t  Ju  7.6  :D  92/2 


Safety  bullet  in,  v.  8,  no.  11 ;  May  1944.  [1944.]  cover  title,  28  p.  il  4°  [Monthly. 
Text  on  p.  2  of  cover.]     f     •  Item  435 

L.  C.  card  36-26723  EC  1.9 :  8/11 

Note. — This  bulletin  issued  in  the  interest  of  accident  prevention  in  employments 
within  the  purview  of  the  workmen's  compensation  laws  administered  by  the  Employees' 
Compensation  Commission,  directs  attention  to  the  number  of  injuries  reported  to  the 
Commission  under  the  Federal  employees  compensation  act,  the  longshoremen's  and 
harbor  workers'  compensation  act,  and  the  District  of  Columbia  compensation  act,  the 
causes  of  such  injuries  and  the  possibilities  of  preventing  them  by  the  use  of  appropriate 
safety  measures. 


Rules  and  regulations,  amdt.  212  (app.  5,  pt.  1),  incorporated  Feb.  16,  1944. 
[1944.]  p.  57-62.  [Issued  with  perforations.  To  be  inserted  after  p.  55,  pt.  1, 
Eules  of  practice  and  procedure.]    t     •  Item  446  CC  1.7/  :  212 

Telegraph.  Operating  data  from  monthly  reports  of  telegraph  and  cable  carriers, 
Apr.  1944.  [1944.]  [2]  p.  11.  oblong  large  8°  [Processed.  Subject  to  revi- 
sion.]    t  CC  1.13:  944/4 

Telephone.  Operating  data  from  monthly  reports  of  large  telephone  carriers, 
Apr.  1944.  [1944.]  [2]  p.  il.  oblong  large  8°  [Processed.  Subject  to  revi- 
sion.]    t  CC  1.14:  944/4 


Electric  utilities.  Revenues  and  income  of  privately  owned  class  A  and  class  B 
electric  utilities  in  United  States,  May  1944 ;  no.  44-5C.  July  13,  1944.  [4]  p. 
11.4"     [Monthly.    Processed.]    t     Paper,  5c.  FP  1.11/5 :  44-5C 

Electricity/.  Consumption  of  fuel  for  production  of  electric  energy.  May  and 
Apr.  1944;  no.  44-5B.  June  23,  1944.  2  p.  il.  4"  [Monthly.  Processed.] 
t     Paper,  5c.  FP  1.13/3 :  44-5B 

Production  of  electric  energy  in  United  States,  May  and  Apr.  1944;  no. 

44-5A.     June  23,  1944.    4  p.  11.  4°     [Monthly.     Processed.]     t    Paper,  5c. 

FP  1.11/2 :  44-5A 


Consumer  credit;  as  amended  effective  Apr.  3,  1944.  n.  p.  [1944].  [2]-i-27+[2] 
p.  il.  (Regulation  W.)  [This  reprint  of  the  regulation  incorporates  all 
amendments  to  and  including  amdt.  11,  effective  Apr.  3,  1944.]     t 

FR 1-6 :  944AV 

•     Sent  to  Depository  Libraries 

August  1944  923 

Federal  reserve  bulletin,  June  1944;  [v.  30,  no.  6].     n.  p.  [1944].     [2J+525-G32  p. 
il.  4°     [Monthly.]     f  Paper,  20c.  single  copy,  $2.00  a  yr. ;  foreign  subscription, 
L.  C.  card  15-26318  FR  1.3/1 :  30/6 

Note. — The  Bulletin  contains  reviews  of  current  economic  developments,  special  articles 
On  monetary  ana  banking  topics,  analyses  of  credit  ccnditions,  regulations  and  rulings 
of  the  Boaid  of  Governors,  and  statistics  of  banking,  business  activity,  prices.  Treasury 
operations,  and  international  flnauce.  It  is  sent  to  member  banks  and,  upon  request,  to 
libraries  of  educational  institutions  without  charge.  Others  desiring  copies  may  obtain 
them  from  the  Board  of  Governors  of  the  Federal  Reserve  System,  Washington,  D.  C, 
at  the  prices  stated  above. 

Inter-district  collection  system.  Federal  reserve  par  list  (banks  upon  which 
checks  will  be  received  by  Federal  reserve  banks  for  collection  and  credit)  ; 
July  1944  supplement.     [1944.]     [2]  p.  4°     [Processed.]     t 

FR  1.9 :  944/supp.^6 

Member  bank  call  report  96,  condition  of  member  banks,  Apr.  13,  1944.  u.  p. 
[1944.]      [2] +15+ [1]  p.  11.  4°     t  FR  1.11:  96 



Community  information  program,  for  use  of  war  recreation  committees.  [1944.] 
[8]  p.  il.  narrow  8°     (Recreation  Division.)     t  FS  9.2:  In 3 

Recreation  bulletin,  information  for  community  defense  recreation  committees, 
published  by  Division  of  Recreation,  issue  85;  June  15,  1944.  [1944.]  4  p.  4° 
[Processed.]     t  FS9.7:85 


American  republics.     Selected  list  of  reference  books  on  the  other  Americas ; 
compiled  by  Division  of  Inter-American  Educational  Relations.     [May  1944.] 
5  p.  4°     [Processed.]     f 
L.  C.  card  E  44-46  "  FS  5.2 :  Am  3/3 

Education  for  victory,  official  biweekly  of  Office  of  Education,  v.  3,  no.  1  and  2 ; 
-  July  3  and  20,  1944.    [1944.]    Each  24  p.  il.  4"     *  Paper,  5c.  single  copy,  $1.00  a 

yr. ;  foreign  subscription,  $1.50.     •  Item  499 

L.  C.  card  E  42-155  FS  5.26 :  3/1,2 

Elementary  education  and  the  war  [list].  Revised  Mar.  1944.  [1944.]  15  p.  4° 
[Processed.]     f  FS  5.2 :  El  2/944 

Far  East.    Annotated  list  of  available  units,  courses  of  study,  and  other  curricular 
material  dealing  with  the  Far  East;  by  C.  O.  Arndt.     Revised  June  1944. 
[1944.]     14  p.  4°     [Processed.]     f 
L.  C.  card  E  44-45  FS  5.2 :  F  22/2/944-2 

Publications.  Recent  general  publications  of  Office  of  Education  [1930-43],  sup- 
plement.   June  1,1944.    [4]  p.    [Processed.]    t  FS  5.9 :  930-43/supp.-2 

Schools.     Some  effects  of  the  war  upon  public  schools,  1942-43  and  1943-44 ;  by 
Emery  M.  Foster.     1944.     13  p.  4°     (Circular  227.)      [Processed.]     t 
L.  0.  card  E  4^-196  FS  5.4 :  227 

Visual  instruction.  Material  on  use  of  visual  aids  to  instruction.  June  1944. 
2  p.  4°     [Processed.]     f  FS5.2:V82 


Bedbug,  its  habits  and  life  history  and  methods  of  control ;  by  Willard  H.  Wright. 
[1944.]     [2] +9  p.  2  p.  of  pi.     (Supplement  175  to  Public  health  reports.) 
*  Paper,  5c.     •  Item  528 
L.  C.  card  44-41190  FS  2.8 :  175 

Cadet  Nurse  Corps.  So  proudly  we  hail!  Cadet  Nurse  Corps.  [1944.]  [8]  p. 
11.32°     ([NE  leaflet  3.])     f  FS2.46:3 

•     Sent  to  Depository  Libraries 

924  Government  Publications 

Cadet  Nurse  Corps — Continued. 

U.  S.  marine  hospitals  of  Public  Health  Service  need  senior  cadets,  Cadet 

Nurse  Corps.     [1944.]     [6]  p.  il.  narrow  8°     ( [NE  leaflet  2.] )     t     •  Item  522 


Chemotherapy  of  burns  and  shock:  6,  Standardized  hemorrhage  in  mouse,  7, 
Therapy  of  experimental  hemorrhage  [with  list  of  references]  ;  by  Herbert 
Tabor.  Herman  Rabat,  and  Sanfoid  M.  Rosenthal.  [1944.]  [2] +21  p.  il. 
(Reprint  2557.)      [From  Public  health  reports,  May  19,  1944,  v.  59,  no.  20.] 

*  Paper,  5c. 

L.  C.  card  4a-51956  FS  2.7/a :  2557 

Dermatitis.     Patch  test  in  contact  dermatitis  [with  list  of  references] ;  by  Louis 
Schwartz   [and  Samuel  M.  Peck].     [1944.]     12  p.      (Reprint  2552.)      [From 
Public  health  reports,  Apr.  28,  1944,  v.  59,  no.  17.]     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  44-41279  FS  2.7/a :  2552 

Diseases.    Reportable  diseases,  diseases  and  conditions  required  to  be  reported 
in  the  several  States;  by  William  Fowler.     [1944.]     24  p.     (Reprint  2544.) 
[From  Public  health  reports,  Mar.  10,  1944,  v.  59,  no.  10.]     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  ( '.  card  44-41278  FS  2.7/a  :  2544 

Hospitals  in  public  health  panorama;  by  Warren  F.  Draper.  [1944.]  [2] +10  p. 
(Reprint  2551.)      [From  Public  health  reports,  Apr.  21,  1944,  v.  59,  no.  16.] 

*  Paper,  5c. 

L.  C.  card  42-41277  FS  2.7/a  :  2551 

Hygiene.  Industrial  hygiene  news  letter,  current  news  of  official  industrial 
hygiene  activities,  v.  4,  no.  5,  May  1944 ;  issued  monthly  by  Industrial  Hygiene 
Division.  [1944.]    14  p.  4°    [Processed.]     t         '  FS  2.45: 4/5 

Same,  v.  4,  no.  6,  June  1944 ;  issued  monthly  by  Industrial  Hygiene  Division. 

[1944.]     8+8  p.  4°     [Processed.]     $  FS  2.45: 4/6 

Leprosy.     Promin  treatment  of  leprosy,  progress  report  [with  list  of  references]  ; 
by  G.  H.  Faget,  R.  C.  Pogge,  F.  A.  Johansen,  J.  F.  Dinan,  B.  M.  Prejean,  and 
C.  a.  Eccles.     [1944.]     [2] +13  p.  2  p.  of  pi.     (Reprint  2531.)      [From  Public 
health  reports,  Nov.  26, 1943,  v.  58,  no.  48.]    *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  O.  card  44-41276  FS  2.7/a  :  2531 

Mosquitoes.  Airplane  dusting  with  paris  gi'een  for  control  of  Anopheles  quad- 
rimaculatus  Say  in  water-chestnut  covered  areas  of  Potomac  River  during  1943  ; 
by  William  C.  Murray  and  Herbert  Knutson.  [1944.]  12  p.  il.  2  p.  of  pi. 
(Reprint  2553.)      [From  Public  health  reports,  May  5,  1944,  v.  59,  no.  18.] 

*  Paper,  5c. 

L.  C.  card  44-41275  FS  2.7/a :  2553 

Nursing  practices  in  industry  [with  list  of  reference  materials] ;  by  Olive  M. 
Whitlock,  Victoria  M.  Trasko,  F.  Ruth  Kahl.  1944.  iv+70  p.  (Public  health 
bulletin  283.)      [From  Industrial  Hygiene  Division,  State  Services  Bureau.] 

*  Paper,  5c.     •  Item  526 

L.  C.  card  44-41191  FS  2.3 :  283 

Penicillin.     Therapeutic  efficacy  of  penicillin  in  relapsing  fever  infections  in  mice 
and  rats  [with  list  of  references]  ;  by  Harry  Eagle  and  Harold  J.  Maguuson. 
[1944.]      [2]  +6  p.     (Reprint  2554.)      [From  Public  health  reports,  May  5,  1944, 
V.  59,  no.  18.]     *  Paper,  5c.- 
L.  C.  card  44-41274  FS  2.7/a  :  2554 

Pneumococci.  Nomenclature  of  pn>3umococcic  types  [with  list  of  references] ; 
Study  of  cross  reactions  among  pneumococcic  types  and  their  application  to 
identification  of  types  [with  list  of  references] ;  Cross  reactions  between  sev- 
eral pneumococcic  types  and  their  significance  in  prepai'ation  of  polyvalent  anti- 
serum [with  list  of  references]  ;  by  Bernice  E.  Eddy.  [1944.]  36  p.  (Reprint 
2550.)      [From  Public  health  reports,  Apr.  7  and  14,  1944,  v.  59,  no.  14  and  15.] 

*  Paper,  5c. 

L.  C.  card  44-41273  FS  2.7/a  :  2550 

•     Sent  to  Depository  Libraries 

August  1944  925 

Polio7)}yelitis.     Care  during  recovery  period  in  paralytic  poliomyelitis,  by  Henry 

0.  Kendall  and  Florence  P.  Kendall ;  with  introduction  by  George  E.  Ben- 
nett and  Robert  W.  Johnson,  jr.  Revised  1939  [reprint  1944.]  vii-f96  p. 
il.  S  p.  of  pi.     (Rublic  health  bulletin  242.)     *  Paper,  20c.     •  Item  526 

T  27.12 :  242/2-2 
Nt)TE. — This  reprint  is  classed  with  the  original  publication  so  that  they  may  be  filed 

Posters.    Know  for  sure,  get  a  blood  test  for  syphilis;  [poster]  VD  13.     1944. 
18.3  X  14.2  in.     *  5c.  FS  2.27  :  13/2 

Make  our  men  as  fit  as  our  machines,  regular  physical  check-ups  with  blood 

tests ;  [poster]  VD  14.     1944.     18.3  X  14.2  in.     *  5c.  FS  2.27 :  14/2 

No  home  remedy  or  quack  ever  cured  syphilis  or  gonorrhea,  see  your  doctor 

or  health  officer;  [poster]  VD  7-R.  1944.  18.3X14.2  in.  [Illustrator,  Kar- 
sakov.]     *  5c.  FS  2.27  :  7-R 

Prostitution    spreads   syphilis    and    gonorrhea;    [poster]    VD    16.     1944. 

1 8.3  X  14.2  in.     *  5c.  FS  2.27  :  16/2 

[Workers'    health;    poster    WH18-WH29.]     1944.     Each    14X10    in.   or 

10X14  in.     [Illustrator,  Nydorf.]     *  5c.  each  ($1.00  per  100).        FS  2.25  :  18-29 

WH18.  Cover  up  coughs  and  sneezes,  a  bad  cold  may  be  flu  !  see  your  doctor. 
WH19.  Don't  gamble  with  appendicitis,  don't  use  a  laxative,  call  a  doctor. 
WH20.  Welding,    guard    against    explosives,    electric    shock,    burns,    gases,    powerful    arc 

WH21.  Let's  see  !  better,  longer,  easier. 
WH22.  Be  kind  to  your  stomach,   choose  food  and  drink  wisely,   if  stomach   upset  is 

violent,  see  your  doctor. 
WH23.   See  your  dentist,  to  prevent  pain  and  control  infection. 
WH24.  Wear  clean  clothes,  beat  the  skin  game,  a  shower  after  work. 
WH2o.  Know  your  score,  get  a  physical  check-up  at  lease  once  a  year. 
WH26.  Beware  of  carbon   monoxide. 

WH27.  What  you  don't  know  can  hurt  you,  get  a  blood  test  for  syphilis. 
WH28.   Night  shift,  guard  against  fatigue  by  getting  plenty  of  rest  and  good  food. 
WH29.  Correct  pick-up,  avoid  hernia. 

Public  health  englneermg  abstracts.    July  1944 ;  v.  24,  no.  7.     [1944.]     cover  title, 
32  p.  4°     [Monthly.     Text  on  p.  2  and  3  of  cover.]     t     •   Item  522 

FS  2.13 :  24/7 

Public  health  reports,  v.  59,  no.  27-30;  July  7-28,  1944.       [1944.]     [viii]-f857- 
1008-f  [7]  p.     [Weekly.    Articles  of  special  interest  are  issued  as  reprints  or  as 
.supplements  and  are  listed  in  the  Monthly  catalog  when  published.]     *  Paper, 
5c.  single  copy,  $2.50  a  yr. ;  foreign  subscription,  $4.25.     •  Item  527 
L.  C.  card  0-25167  FS  2.7  :  59/27-30 

Note. — The  Public  health  reports  is  published  primarily  for  distribution,  in  accordance 
with  the  law,  to  health  officers,  members  of  boards  or  departments  of  health,  and  other 
persons  directly  or  indirectly  engaged  in  public  health  work.  Others  desiring  the  Reports 
may  obtain  them  from  the  Superintendent  of  Documents,  Government  Printing  Office, 
Washington  25,  D.  C,  at  the  prices  stated  above.  Articles  of  special  interest  are  issued 
as  reprints  or  as  supplements,  in  which  forms  they  are  made  available  for  more  econmi- 
cal  and  general  distribution. 

Sheep.     Pathologic  changes  in  sheep  resulting  from  exposure  to  low  barometric 
pressures;   by  John  W.   Miller.     [1944.]     4  p.   2   p.   of  pi.     (Reprint  2556.) 
[From  Public  health  reports,  May  12,  1944,  v.  59,  no.  19]     *  Paper,  5c. 
L.  C.  card  44-41272  FS  2.7/a  :  2556 

Shellfish.     [Revised  list  of  shellfish  shippers  dated  Sept.  1,  1943],  supp.  19;  July 

1,  1944.  [1944.]  0  p.  4"  [Semimonthly;  monthly  duriiig  June,  July,  and 
August.     Processed.]     t  FS  2.16 :  943/supp.l9 

Triehhiosls.  Studies  on  trichinosis:  16,  Epidemiological  considerations  based 
on  examination  for  trichinae  of  5,313  diaphragms  from  189  hospitals  in  37  States 
and  District  of  Columbia  [with  list  of  references]  ;  by  Willard  H.  Wright, 
Leon  Jacobs,  and  Arthur  C.  Walton.  [1944.]  [2] +13  p.  (Reprint  2558.) 
[From  Public  healh  reports,  May  26,  1944,  v.  50,  no.  21.]  *  Paper.  5c. 
L.  C.  card  37-26797  FS  2.7/a  :  2558 

•     Sent  to  Depository  Libraries 

926  Government  Publications 

Vcnn-cal  disease  information,  v.  25,  no.  7,  July  1044;  issued  by  Public  Health 
Service  for  use  iu  its  cooperattive  work  with  State  and  local  health  (h'part- 
uients  and  physician  in  private  practice.  [1944]  [2] -f  107-227  p.  il. 
[Monthly.  Articles  of  special  interest  are  issued  as  reprints  or  supplements  and 
are  listed  in  the  Monthly  catalog  when  published.]  *  Paper,  5c.  single  copy, 
50c.  a  yr. ;  foreign  subscription,  90c.  •  Item  530 
L.  C.  card  23-26719  FS  2.9 :  25/7 

Venereal  diseases.  Directory  of  clinics  for  diagnosis  and  treatment  of  venereal 
diseases.  Revised  1944.  [1044.]  iv+^O  p.  4°  (Supplement  4  to  Venereal 
disease  information.)  [Title  on  cover  is:  1944  directory,  venereal  disease 
clinics.]     *  Paper,  15c.     •  Item  531  FS  2.10:  4/5 

Venereal  disease  and  selective  service;   [by]   Richard  H.  Eanes.     1944. 

[l]+6  p.  ( [Venereal  Diseases  Division]  ;  Reprint  214.)  [From  Venereal  dis- 
ease information,  Jan.  1944,  v.  25.]     *  Paper,  5c.  FS2.9/a:214 


Journal  of  National  Cancer  Institute.    Journal  of  National  Cancer  Institute,  v.  4, 
Aug.  1943-June  1944  [title  page,  contents,  errata  and  emendation,  and  index]. 
[1944.]     vi +601-603  p.     *  Paper,  5c.     •  Item  523 
L.  C.  card  40-29172  FS  2.31 :  4/t.p.&  ind. 

Same,  v.  4,  no.  6;  June  1944.  [1944.]  cover  title,  p.  539-600,  il.  [Bi- 
monthly. Text  on  p.  2  and  4  of  cover.]  *  Paper,  40c.  single  copy,  $2.00  a  yr. ; 
foreign  subscription,  $2.60.     •  Item  523  FS  2.31 :  4/6 


Economic  perspectives,  1943-48;  by  W.  S.  Woytinsky.  Washington,  D.  C,  Oct. 
1943.  cover  title,  [l]-f-2+[6]+176  p.  il.  4°  (Bureau  memorandum  52;  Re- 
search and  Statistics  Bureau.)      [Processed.     Text  on  p.  2  of  cover.]     $ 

FS  3.11 :  52 

Federal  aid.     Elements  of  variable-grant  formula ;  by  Paul  H.  Wueller.     Wash- 
ington, D.  C,  Nov.  1943.     [2]-f-22  p.  4°     (Bureau  memorandum  54.)      [Proc- 
Gsspd  1     i 
L.  C.  card  SS  44-12  FS  3.11 :  54 

Medical  care.     Prepayment  medical  care  organizations ;  [by]  Margaret  C.  Klem. 
Washington,  D.  C,  Nov.  1943.     [2]-f252  p.     (Bureau  memorandum  55;  Re- 
search and  Statistics  Bureau.)      [Processed.     Text  on  p.  2  of  cover.]     f 
L.  C.  card  SS  44-9  55 

Old  age  insurance.  Cost  of  living  for  aged  persons,  items,  quantities,  and  prices 
of  goods  and  services  required  by  an  aged  couple  and  by  an  aged  man  living 
alone  at  maintenance  level  in  a  northern  urban  area,  1938  and  1942  [with  list 
of  references]  ;  by  Florence  A.  Armstrong.  Washington,  D.  C,  Oct.  1943. 
v+44  p.  4"  (Bureau  memorandum  53.)  [Processed.]  t 
L.  C.  card  SS  44-11  FS  3.11 :  53 

Social  security.     Survey  of  social  security  statistics ;  by  Herman  Sturm.     Wash- 
ington, D.  C.,  Mar.  1944.     [3]+3+ii+71  p.  il.  4°     (Bureau  memorandum  56.) 
[Processed.]     % 
L.  C.  card  SS  44-10  FS  3.11 :  56 

Tabular  guide  to  social  security  statistics,  references  to  periodic  data  for 

1036-43  in  Social  Security  Board  publications.  Washington,  D.  C,  Apr.  1944. 
[8]  p.-4°  ([Bureau  memorandum  56,  supplement.])  [Proces.sed.  Series  des- 
ignation not  given  on  publication.]     t  FS  3.11 :  56/supp. 

Social  security  bulletin,  June  1944;  v.  7,  no.  6.     [1944.]     cover  title,  48  p.  il.  4° 
[Monthly.     Text  and  another  illustration  on  p.  2-4  of  cover.]     *  Paper,  20c. 
single  copy,  $2.00  a  yr. ;  foreign  subscription,  $3.75.     •  Item  539 
L.  C.  card  40-29327  FS  3.3 :  7/6 

•     Sent  to  Depository  Libraries 

August  1944  927 


Unemployment  compensation  interpretation  service:  Benefit  series,  v.  7,  no.  6; 
June  lb44.  [1944.]  cover  title,  ii+95  p.  [Montlily.  Text  on  p.  2-4  of  cover. 
Issued  with  perforations.]  *  Paper,  30c.  single  copy,  $3.50  a  yi'. ;  foreign 
subscription,  .$5.00.     •  Item  542.  FS  3.10S :  7/G 

Note. — The  Benefit  series  reports  decisions,  opinions,  and  interpretations  rendered 
by  courts.  State  attorneys  general,  unemployment  compensation  commissions,  boards  of 
review  and  by  the  appeal  tribunals,  referees  and  examiners  of  the  various  State  agencies 
that  interpret  provisions  of  State  unemployment  compensation  laws  affecting  benefit 
riglits  and  coverage  liabilities. 

The  monthly  issues  contain  decisions  and  opinions  which  establish  new  principles 
and  policies  in  each  State,  a  code,  a  digest,  an  index,  and  a  conversion  table  for  State 
numbers  and  court  cases  by  name.  The  annual  cumulative  issues  contain  a  code, 
an  index,  a  conversion  table,  a  table  of  afiirmances  and  reversals,  a  table  of  court  cases, 
and  a  digest  of  all  decisions  and  opinions  published  during  the  previous  12  months. 


Public  assistance.  Comparative  statistics  of  general  assistance  operations  of  pub- 
lic agencies  in  selected  large  cities,  Apr.  1944.  June  1, 1944.  [8]  p.  4°  [Monthly. 
Processed.]     t  FS  3.16:  944/4 

Same,  May  1944.     July  4,  1944.     [8]  p.  4°     [Monthly.     Processed.]     $ 

FS  3.16 :  944/5 

Public  assistance  [preprinted  from  Social  security  bulletin,  v.  7,  no.  6: 

June  1944.]     [1944.]     4  p.  il.  4°    f  FS  3.3/a2  :  944/4 


Handicapped.  Public  service  for  restoring  the  handicapped  to  useful  employ- 
ment, vocational  rehabilitation,  1944.  [1944.]  [2]  4-10+ [2]  p.  narrow  8°  t 
•  Item  506  FS  10.2 :  H  19/2 


Note. — The  Federal  Trade  Commission  discontinued  the  publication  of  advance  sheets  of 
its  decisions  in  printed  form  with  the  conclusion  of  volume  23.  The  Commission  will, 
however,  on  request,  in  case  of  a  specific  interest,  supply  processed  copy  of  the  full  text 
of  any  complaints,  findings  and  orders,  stipulations,  or  decisions  in  court  cases  to  which 
the  Commission  is  a  party,  whicli  are  published  later  in  printed  form  in  the  bound  volumes 
and  sold  by  the  Superintendent  of  Documents,  Government  Printing  Office,  Wasliington 
25,  D.  C. 

Addresses.  Remarks  of  Robert  E.  Freer,  chairhian  of  Federal  Trade  Commission, 
opening  trade  practice  conference  for  gas-fired  water  heater  industry,  Chicago, 
111.,  May  10,  1944.     [1944.]     [l]+3  p.     [Processed.]     j  FT  114 :F 87/52 

Atlantic  Packing  Co.  No.  8466,  in  circuit  court  of  appeals  for  3d  circuit,  Samuel 
Perloff  [et  al.],  individuals  and  copartners,  trading  as  Atlantic  Packing  Com- 
pany and  Atlantic  Packing  Company,  Distributors'  v.  Federal  Trade  Commis- 
sion, on  petition  to  review  order  of  Federal  Trade  Commission ;  brief  for  re- 
spondent.    [1944.]     cover  title,  v-f21  p.     $  FT  1.5:  At  63 

Modern  Marketing  Service,  Inc.  No.  8483,  in  circuit  court  of  appeals  for  7th  cir- 
cuit, Modern  Marketing  Service,  Inc.  [et  al.]  v.  Federal  Trade  Commission, 
on  joint  and  several  petition  to  review  and  set  aside  order  of  Federal  Trade 
Commission;-  cross  petition  by  Federal  Trade  Commission.  [1044.]  cover 
title,  3  p.    t  FT  1.5  :  M  72 

Bed  d  White  Corporation.  No.  8484,  in  circuit  court  of  appeals  for  7th  circuit, 
Red  and  White  Corporation  ct  al.]  v.  Federal  Trade  Commission,  on  joint 
and  several  petition  to  review  and  set  aside  order  of  Federal  Trade  Commis- 
sion;  cross  petition  by  Federal  Trade  Commission.     [1944.]    cover  title,  3  p.    t 

FT  1.5  :R  245 
Todd,  J.  E.,  Inc.    Brief  for  respondent,  United  States  Court  of  Appeals,  District 
of  Columbia,  no.  8608,  J.  E.  Todd,  Inc.  v.  Federal  Trade  Conunission,  on  peti- 
tion  to   review   order   of   Federal   Trade   Commission.      [1944.]      cover   title, 
iii+13  p.     t  FT  1.5  :T  566 

•     Sent  to  Depository  Libraries 
602646—44 — No.  595 4 

928  Government  Publications 

Work.    Monthly  summary  of  work  for  June  1944.     [1944.]     8  p.     [Processed.]     t 

FT  1.15 :  944/f; 



Highways,  current  literature,  v.  23,  no.  21-25,  May  24-June  21,  1944 ;  compiled  by 
library  staff  of  Public  Roads  Administration.  [1944.]  various  paging,  4° 
[Weekly.    Processed.]     t  FW  2.8 :  23/21-25 


Decisions  of  comptroller  general,  v.  23,  May  1944 ;  Lindsay  C.  Warren,  comptroller 
general,  Frank  L.  Yates,  assistant  comptroller  general.  1944:  [1] +823-911  p. 
[Monthl.v.]  *  Paper,  15c,  single  copy,  $1.50  a  yr. ;  foreign  subscription,  $2.00. 
L.  C.  card  22-24145  GA  1.5/a  :  23/11 

General  regulations.  General  regulations  no.  86,  revised,  supp.  1 ;  June  6,  1944. 
[1944.]     1  p.  4°     [Processed.]     t  GA  1.6 :  S6/2/supp.l 

Same  no.  96,  supp.  4  ;  July  6,  1944.     [1944.]     1  p.  4°     [Processed.]     t 

GA  1.6 :  96/SUPP.4 


Materials.  Abstract  of  contracts  for  material,  etc.,  for  public  printing  and  bind- 
ing for  term  of  6  months  beginning  July  1,  1944.     1944.    32  p.  4°     ± 

GP  1.2 :  M  41/2/944-2 


Fish  and  unldlifc;  Apr.  1944.     1944.     [2]-f26  p.     (Price  list  21,  32d  edition.)     t 
•  Item  592 
L.  C.  card  26-26235  GP  3.9 :  21/32 

Foods  and  cooking,  canning,  cold  storage,  home  economics;  Apr.  1044.     1944. 
20  p.     (Price  list  11,  36th  edition.)     t     •  Item  592 
L.  C.  card  26-26496  .  ,  GP  3.9 :  11/36 

Government  pxihlications.  List  of  selected  United  States  Government  publications, 
July  1  and  15,  1{>44.  [1944.]  Each  8  p.  (1944-13  and  1944-14.)  [Semi- 
monthly.]    t     •  Item  593. 

L.  C.  card  28-26554  GP  3.17 :  944/13, 14 

Note. — This  List  is  an  advertising  list  of  United  States  Government  publications  for 
sale  by  the  Superintendent  ot  Documents.  Its  purpose  is  to  keep  interested  persons 
informed  as  to  new  publications.  The  List  is  arranged  alphabetically  by  subjects,  with 
annotations  and  prices.  It  may  be  obtained  free  of  charge  upon  'application  to  the 
Superintendent  of  Documents,  Government  Printing  Ofllce,  Washington  25,  D.  C. 

Monthly  catalog.     United  States  Government  publications,  monthly  catalog,  no 
594;  July  1944.     1944.     ix+727-885  p.     *  Paper,  20c.  single  copy,  $2.00  a  yr. ; 
foreign  subscription,  $2.60.     •  Item  590 
L.  C.  card  4-18088  GP  3.8/1 :  944/7 

Radio  communication.     List  of  radio  publications  [for  sale  by  superintendent  of 
documents].     Revised  June  1944.     [1944.]     4  p.     t     •  Item  588 
L.  C.  card  25-26634  GP  3.2 :  R  11/5/944 

Transportation,  railroad  and  shipping  problems,  postal  service,  communications. 
Coast  Guard,  and  Panama  Canal;  Apr.  1944.     1944.     [2]-f82  p.     (Price  list 
25,  32d  edition.)     f     •  Item  592 
L.  C.  card  26-26255  GP  3.9 :  25/32 

•     Sent  to  Depository  Libraries 

August  1944  929 


Note. — The  decisions  of  the  Department  of  the  Interior  including  leading  decisions  and 
important  opinions  with  regulations  and  instructions  relating  to  all  activities  of  the  Depart- 
ment are  usually  issued  in  signatures  and  published  later  in  bouud  volumes.  Advance  parts 
1,  2,  and  .3  of  v.  57  have  been  issued  as  separates,  liowever,  as  an  economy  measure,  separates 
will  be  discontinued  for  the  war  period.  Prices  for  bound  volumes  furnished  upon  application 
to  the  Superintendent  of  Documents,  Government  Printing  Office,  Washington  25,  D.  C. 

Inside  Interior,  v.  1,  uo.  8 ;  July  1944.  [1944.]  4  p.  il.  large  4°  [Monthly.  Service 
edition.]     t  11.75:1/8 

Law  library  reporter,  v.  4,  no.  7  ;  July  1944.  Washington,  1944.  [2]  +43-52  p.  4° 
[Processed.]     % 

L.  C.  card  42-37804  1 1.74  :  4/7 

Note. — Publication  of  the  Law  library  reporter  will  be  suspended  during  August. 


Alaska.  Regulatory  announcement  9,  amdt.  2  ;  June  7, 1944.  Chicago,  111.  [1944.] 
2  p.  4°  [Processed.  Title  50,  Wildlife,  chap.  1,  Fish  and  Wildlife  Service, 
subchap.  Q,  Alaska  commercial  fisheries,  published  by  Federal  Register  Division, 
National  Archives.]     t  I  49.24 :  9/amdt.  2 

"  Fish  and  fisheries.    Fish  distribution  boat ;  by  Roy  D.  Noble,  C.  H.  Bennett.    Chi- 
cago, 111.,  Apr.  1944.     4  p.  il.  4°     (Fishery  leaflet  56.)      [Processed.]     t 

1 49.28 :  56 

Scaler  boosts  fish  production ;  by  L.  V.  Burton.     [1944.]     p.  68-69,  11.  4" 

( [Fishery  leaflet  54.] )      [Processed.     Reprinted  from  Food   industries,  Jan. 
1944.]     t  149.28:54 

"^  Some  of  the  more  important  publications  on  diseases  and  parasites  of  fishes ; 

[prepared  in  Division  of  Fishery  Biology].     Chicago,  111.,  Apr.  1944.     2  p.  4° 
(Fishery  leaflet  58.)      [Processed.]     t  149.28:58 

Fishery  products.  Cold  storage  holdings  of  fishery  products,  June  1, 1944.  [1944.] 
2  p.  4°  (Current  fishery  statistics  no.  130.)  [Processed.  Statistics  furnished 
by  War  Food  Administration,  Distribution  Office.]     t  149.8/2:130 

Landings  by  fishing  craft  at  New  Bedford,  Mass.,  1943.     [1944.]     4  p.  4" 

(Current  fishery  statistics  no.  129.)      [Processed.]     $  149.8/2:129 

—  Same,  Apr.  1944.  [1944.]  2  p.  4°  (Current  fishery  statistics  no.  128.) 
[Processed.]     t  149.8/2:128 

y^  Furs.  Annual  fur  catch  of  United  States  ;  prepared  in  Fur  Resources,  Division  of 
Wildlife  Research.  Chicago,  111.,  July  1944.  21  p.  4°  (Wildlife  leafiet  253.) 
[Processed.]     -t  149.13:253 

*  Garfish.  Capture  and  marketing  of  garfish  (with  special  reference  to  those  of 
Louisiana)  and  recipes  for  their  preparation;  prepared  in  Division  of  Fishery 
Industries.  Chicago,  111.,  June  1944.  6  p.  4°  (Fishery  leafiet  61.) 
[Processed.]     $  149.28:61 

^  V  Magpies.  Local  control  of  mag-pies  through  destroying  nests  and  roosts  and 
through  trapping;  by  E.  R.  Kalmbach.  Chicago,  111.,  Apr.  1944.  4  p.  il.  4° 
( Wildlife  leaflet  2.12. )      [Processed.  ]     t  1 49.13  :  252 

Menhaden  oil.    Body  oil  from  menhaden  (Brevoortia  tyrannus)  :  A,  Low  tempera- 
ture crystallization  of  glycerides,  B,  Some  of  the  18  and  20  carbon  atom  acids 
[with  list  of  literature  cited  ;  by]  W.  H.  Baldwin  and  L.  E.  Parks.    Chicago,  111., 
June  1944.     [4]  p.  4°     (Fishery  leaflet  63.)     [Proces.sed.    Reprinted  from  Oil  & 
i     .     soap,  June  1943,  v.  20,  no.  6.]     ±  149.28:63 


Pigeons.  Control  of  vagrant  domestic  pigeons;  prepared  in  Economic  Wildlife 
Investigations,  Division  of  Wildlife  Research.  Chicago,  111.,  May  1944.  4  p.  4" 
(Wildlife  leaflet  2.")4.)      [Processed.]     +  149.13:254 

^  Rabbit  mantire.  Value  and  use  of  rabbit  manure ;  by  George  S.  Templeton.  Chi- 
cago, 111.,  May  1944.  4  p.  4°  (Wildlife  leaflet  255.)  [Processed.  Supersedes 
Wildlife  leaflet  216,  issued  Apr.  1942.]     t  149.13:255 

•     Sent  to  Depository  Libraries 

930  Government  Publications 

Salmon.  Mild  curing,  pickling,  dry  salting,  and  smoking  salmon ;  by  Norman  D. 
Jarvis.  June  1944.  13  p.  4°  (Fishery  leaflet  GO.)  [Processed.  Supersedes 
Meiiioranduiu  S-348,  issued  by  former  Fisheries  Bureau.]     +  149.28:60 

Vitamin  A.  Vitamin  A  report.  Mar.  1944.  [1944.]  2  p.  oblong  8"  (Current  fish- 
ery statistics  no.  122.)     [Processed.]     t  I  49.8/2 :  122 

Same,  Apr.  1944.     [1944.]     2  p.  oblong  8°     (Current  fishery  statistics  no. 

127.)     [Processed.]     t  149.8/2:127 


Alaska,  information  relative  to  disposal  and  leasing  of  public  lands  in  Alaska 
[with  bibliography].    1944.    (Information  bulletin  2.)     t    •Item 
L.  C.  card  44-^1239  1 21.17 :  2 


Mariana  Islands.     Geographical  names  in  Mariana  Islands,  decisions  rendered 
Feb.  1944.     [1944.]     [l]+25p.     [Processed.]     t 
L.  O.  card  44-41240  1 33.6 :  M  33 


Note. — The  publications  of  the  United  States  Geological  Survey  consist  of  Monographs, 
Professional  papers,  Bulletins  SVater-supply  papers,  folios  of  the  Geologic  atlas  of  the 
United  States,  topographic  maps  (some  of  which  bear  descriptive  text),  base  maps,  and 
other  maps  of  the  United  States  and  of  single  States.  Practically  all  of  them  are  sale 
publications.  The  maps  and  folios  are  sold  by  the  Geological  Survey  Washington  25.